Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2024

Preferred Citizens Prophecy +27: (Unedited): 17-18 March 2024:

These writings is not something that I believe in. This is prophecy of those things which are being planned right now or have already been implemented. Without any discussion or agreement or vote with the common peoples of the world. This is a growing global happening. Do you really think after all of these farmers protests that the farmers will be allowed to continue on with the equipment that they have? Once the farmers are appeased with lies and deceptions and they go off to return to their own normal lives. This is when they will be attacked individually by government police forces for crimes against their nation. Farmers will become traitors and then the undesirable citizens will be starved to death as the new preferred citizens shall be fed and taken care of. But, none of that will be revealed in the news.  
These series of quotes are just awful. But, does reveal what wicked and evil minded people do and plan for you. You need to think about the absoluteness of selfishness, supremacy, entitlements and arrogance. When it is those who have taken all power and authority for themselves they begin to believe they are gods and it is everyone's duty to serve their every need and want. When anyone starts to believe they own everything and everyone. This is when severe problems happen for the common peoples. In which in the end they lose everything and die. The common people will own nothing and be happy as they eat fun bugs and happy worms. Do you the reader even know world history? OR all of the common peoples rise up especially when their numbers is vastly superior and kill all of the family and followers who rules over them all in graphic brutal fashion. 
The united rulers of the world have exercised their global unified voice once already and began the COVID hysteria over an engineered flu virus that they all most likely had a hand in it's creation inside of Wuhan China.  Yea, all of this seemingly truthful information is now coming out into the light of day and no legal action is taking place. Which means no justice for the common person.
Think about all of the migrations into every other nation. This is all a planned act to create chaos in each nation among the common peoples. This to was a planned decision to do against their own common peoples.
The rulers of each nation must have their own select preferred citizens. There will also be some kind of instituted social hierarchy. The value of any preferred person will be their rank within the yet to be established social hierarchy structure. Once you are ranked that is where you and your family will be forever or until you die or until one family members breaks the rules and then you all die.
The terms Preferred citizen and undesirable persons as written will probably not be their official terms in the near future. When and if these things do manifest in which they already are now. It is just the terms which are lagging behind. 
Please remember the quotes are of importance not my attempt at trying to understand them. The quotes appear to be prophecy and some quotes are already going on. So the little words below each quote are not of importance as your understanding may be more accurate than mine. I do try to do my best. 
Preferred citizens will be seen as excluded from the rule of law or above the law.
In American we see that now and has been a thing for the last thirty years or so. The new preferred citizens are those called migrants in which in reality they are illegal people. Do you remember the cop who got beat up. The illegals arrested and then released with them giving the media the middle fingers as they were flown without ID by the federal government to California for free. Lets see you get on a plane without ID. Lets see you beat up a cop and not be charged with a crime. 
Those subhuman groups which are not preferred citizens shall feel the brute force of every aspect of the rule of law which will be heavily administered beyond the authors intended writing.
There will be algorithms which will predict the value of any human being. The highest of values is when the algorithm predicts you're a preferred citizen.
Vision: I see many different algorithms in use for multiple of purposes as related in the classification of people. In which they will be used to efficiently govern all of the masses. These shall not be questioned or you could be reclassified into something less than you are classified as now.
The difference between an undesired human and a preferred citizen will be displayed on the official algorithm.
Absolute identification of all persons shall be instantly known. 
Preferred citizens will have every afforded medical care, education, freedom, liberty and comfort in accordance to their declared ranking. 
In accordance to your families classification and ranking. You will be given all that is determined to be afforded to your rank. You shall not be raised up but you can be easily demoted to undesired for any offense like questioning. 
Undesired citizens will have no governmental support, no rights, no freedoms, no education and will be seen as a blight unto the nation and world.
Undesired citizens will be seen as a class of dirty subhuman creatures in which all decisions must be made on their behalf. Governments will be seen as compassionate and merciful even as they are secretly culled.
Preferred citizens shall be protected from all hardships even those hardships which originate within their own delusion.
Any person who believes they are someone or something they are not is delusional. It doesn't matter if they have the legal right to believe a lie or not. But, in today's modern age a person can believe themselves to be anything they want and they are considered good, heroic as they become the preferred citizen and you who have what was once thought of to be good reason, ethical, honorable, honest, moral are now the bad people. Even wicked and evil. Now you do not have the right to make anyone feel guilty with your Jewish, Christianity or Islamic values/rules, laws. Your becoming the bad people or have become the bad people. You already know this in regards to the insanity the entire modern world has embraced.
Prior to any planned emergency event. The preferred citizens shall be protected and provided for as everyone else will be allowed to suffer and die.
A planned emergency event will be for the elimination of a percentage of the bad undesirable citizens all the while all manner of government effort to save the new preferred citizens will be ordered. The old regular citizens will be made to suffer and die especially if they disagree or are disobedient in any way with the ruling body. 
Even if a planned emergency event happens all blame shall go to an outsider who has already been pointing out all of their lies for decades. 
The ultimate and capable bad guy leader will be blamed. The government controlled mainstream media will have already told you who the bad guy is even on the left leaning Fox News. Then as the war machine is reignited with yet another lie. The actual good men who unknowingly have become the undesirable citizens will be Benghazi-ed in some unknown way. Maybe, send their men off to war without bullets, missiles or air support. Maybe, no food or clean water either. Then as many thousands of your men die in harms way for the ideals of a flag which has been dead and buried for a long time. That will be thousands of strong capable men who will never become a threat to your evil and wicked rule. While your loyal and delusional followers cannot even be permitted to serve in the military. Because of this one thing. Your nation will become full of your own loyal voters.
Even if a planned emergency event kills up to or more than 90% of your civilian population. Preserving your identified ranked preferred citizens shall be a priority. 
Death through organized and planned chaos. Sure some of your own people will die but many more of those who agree with you shall die. The government during a planned emergency event shall only feed their own supporting people first. This has been seen in other nations during their time of need. In which some countries would remove all labeling to the products and put on their own labeling to ensure that their own preferred population was fed by them. While all of the other non preferred peoples were left to suffer and maybe die. This is what humanity has been historically doing to each other. This is nothing new except it is efficiently modernized.  
In any democracy of delusion a free election system must be created where all control, power and authority is in the hands of the already elected. Regardless of laws already written.
In any democracy of delusion where the elected wants perpetuity they must continually cause the untimely death of those who perpetually vote against them. Even if that means 60-90% of the civilian population must die.
One of the best methods of increasing your own personal vote counts is to bring in substantial new voters to keep you in your elected office. Even though they may never actually vote at all. You can have other people vote on their behalf. Another method is to kill off all of those people who would vote against you and against any of your comrades. I guess the big question is this. How can you kill off up to or more than 30-50% of the civilian population who will always disagree with you? That is without offending anyone?
Law enforcement personnel who become preferred citizens at each level will be given the better lives far above and beyond what is available to each of them right now.
Safe regions to live, nice homes, nice cop neighbors, nice cars, nice stuff, nice life out in public, education for their kids, nice equally ranked wives, and etc. 
Added on 19 March 2024: Published on 30 Jan 2023:
Published on 03 June 2023:
Preferred citizens who are law enforcement personnel will be able to brutally beat the undesirable people knowing full well that those injuries sustained may become a death sentence as there will be no option for medical care. 
Vision: I see a street cop come up to an obvious undesirable person and verbally give commands in which disobedience may have been the result or was the response time to slow. No matter the cop breaks bones and causes other internal injuries which would lead to possible death as the undesirable person has no options for any kind of medical care. 
Added on 19 March 2024: UK Praying woman again. Published on 26 Oct 2023:
Published on 30 Jan 2024:
Published 19 April 2024:  
Undesirable people can be brutally beaten to death by law enforcement personnel for just being disobedient to any instruction or command. 
The images for this one is similar to the beatings and brutally that the government showed to their most defenseless people during COVID around the world. Remember when German police brutalized the elderly people for just sitting. Remember when a school resource officer strangled a kid and then dragged him out like some unwanted rag doll. The mother arrested in her home in front of her children for saying something negative about the government. Plus all of the other images of brutality shown to the masses in order to cause psychological obedience among all other peoples.  
Just as it was commonly reported in the USA where the military killed indigenous women, children and men in newspapers so to shall it be reported and accepted when undesirable people are killed. 
The numbers and status of killed undesirable people will be reported in the news as some kind of good riddance reporting. For the betterment of society.
The life of a declared undesirable person will be much harder than an indigenous person and this will be because the undesirable person does not know how to live and survive without the government and society.
The indigenous peoples have or used to have the skill sets necessary to survive without any government intervention or civilized society. The people who are declared to be undesirable will be cast out unless they take the obvious undesirable marks. There will be those who are just killed and then incinerated into fertilizer. 
Those humans who uphold any religious ideal of what is right or wrong or what is righteous and holy shall not become a preferred citizen. 
This is about Christianity and Islam as well as any other religion which does not agree or contradicts with the governments beliefs systems. 
The old American style of racism will be instituted to those obedient undesirable persons in which they will be allowed to shop and eat foods so as long as they maintain their visible marks.
Vision: I am seeing multiple time lines in this one. WWII and the Jewish people. Pre Dr. Martin Luther King era and the planned genocide of the indigenous tribes. 
The undesirable person who is visibly marked can walk the streets so as long as they do not become an impediment to the preferred citizen in any way. 
Vision: I see a undesirable person walking slowly, humbly and defeated. I would suppose she had an offensive odor and the preferred person got in her way and began saying offensive things. The police showed up and calmed down the preferred person and then the cops beat the undesirable person and she hobbled off to die alone. She would be later discovered and taken to an incinerator. 
The illusion of democracy is crucially important to be put forth by the worlds governing body to the masses of common peoples in which they want to eliminate about 90%.
The truth can often times be found in the absence of information. Especially, if that information is being withheld from you.
During the initial stages of creating the preferred replacement citizens in secret. Those old undesirable citizens will begin to lose their corporate jobs.
Watch how corporations fire all of their regular natural citizens in favor of illegal peoples. They watch how all of the regular natural citizens continue to spend their hard earned monies on those corporations who have fired non criminal peoples in favor of criminals who illegally crossed the border. This is not solely about the USA.
The new preferred replacement citizens will be given everything to make the best start in life as possible. While the now old undesirable citizens will pay for everything and lose everything.
Did you know it is a crime in many states and many counties to be homeless? Did you know it is also a crime in many counties and cities where you will become a criminal if you help a homeless person out of the love, mercy and compassion of your heart?
If your religious in any way and believe in the ideals of the Christian, Jewish and Islamic religions. Then you will become one of the undesired citizens. When you become that you will be unable to remain employed because you cannot even tolerate anything LGBTQ+. To do so will mean you are in perpetual sin.
The new preferred citizens will live in nice homes and drive relatively new high quality cars all the while making minimum wage.
How else does illegal peoples obtain minimum wage janitorial jobs while driving a BMW? How are illegal people buying homes and substantial property while having minimum wage jobs? I have seen this where illegal peoples live on county or state lines. Have multiple identities. Have illegal or unlicensed businesses. Own multiple homes. Share children with other relatives and then go to government offices and receive food money cards, cash cards, housing, medical care for each county or for multiple states and all for free. I have seen where one family owned a home under one name and then section 8 their home and then lease it to themselves under a different name. Sounds confusing but I know a wife who has three or more food stamp cards and has been using them for as long as I have known them. 
The new preferred citizens will operate all manner of standard illegal businesses while being protected by the government and not paying any taxes that the old undesirable citizens must pay.
How many illegal peoples are just showing up on sides of streets or high trafficked street corners to sell their foods and drinks? All without any training, education, insurance, licenses or certifications.
The new preferred citizens will be able to sell cars under one of their assumed names that the legal old undesirable citizens who are not licensed to sell cannot even gain entry to any vehicle auctions.
Think about this for a moment. There are many millions of illegal peoples inside of the USA and they are able to obtain vehicles and then sell them to regular buyers. What kind of impact against the used car market will that be when many millions of illegal peoples illegally do business selling cars without any licenses, addresses, insurance or pay any taxes? Let alone anybody knowing who they actually are.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Population Replacement Prophecy+12: (Unedited): 13 Dec 2023:

:The Modern Government Belief System:
Wicked and evil governmental bodies should not care about the disposition of their populations.
Wicked and evil government should only care about the size of their controlled population and that populations ability to continually bring to the governmental bodies resources. 
Wicked and evil government should only care about it's own population just as the ants do and once an ant is no longer useful and productive then the ant dies.
Every modern day government must control the size of their perspective populations especially as technology continually advances thus reducing the need for a larger number of humans. 
The process of population replacement can begin at any time and without any need or desire to communicate with the already existing undesired population who is already in existence. 
Seamless population replacement also means overall population reduction and an immediate increase of the useful quantity of desired resources. 
Seamless taxpayer replacement can be evident as duplication of tax payer identification numbers occur to each of the undesired person inside of the population. Then once duplication of taxpayer ID numbers has been achieved. The original number holder is no longer needed.
In the modern classified world there are many ways to kill large numbers of your populations without the destruction of high valued infrastructure.
Population replacements and population limits greatly limits the probabilities and possibilities of any manner of protest or revolt.
Once population replacement and limits have been achieved then the transition of the government into an amalgam of dictatorship, communism and socialism can be instituted as defined by those who shall hold all of the power and authority. 
Absolute control over an individuals thinking process, their daily communications access, their limited education level, their intelligence ceiling, their physical size must be mandated so that each controlled person does not question anything or ever has a new idea.
Can prophecy be prophecy in that which is communicated is actually occurring in the moment of communication? or is it simple revelation?
Once the wicked and evil governmental entities realize that their original populations are no longer of value or of use. Their replacement can be instituted and then the original undesired population can be eliminated in a manageable manner. 
My own thinking processes is that they have won which is because of the ice cream they eat in celebration. Even though the finality has not yet occurred. It will soon enough. As they begin to kill off their own self defined undesirable populations they will then begin to terminate the population who have done everything to promote in any way possible the part of the agenda they believe in. This is because stupid free thinking people cannot be trusted in anything and must be eliminated once their usefulness has been fully realized. Just as anyone who has any memory of what freedom, human rights and liberties actually mean must also be eliminated. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Justice As One Of The First And Last Signs +15: (Unedited): 05 April 2023:

 There seems to be a meaning to Trumps actions even if he is completely unaware. 
Just as a trumpet can relay a variety of different songs and messages. So to it seems that Donald Trump is relaying spiritual messages in his song. Even though he knows it not. 
When Donald Trump was elected as President of the USA. His message refined down to only one word was this. It was one of "Revelation". Because, President Donald Trump revealed to the whole word just how corrupt the government of the USA actually was. 
Last night The former President Donald Trump had a new message for the American people. It was one of justice within the USA. How justice was split in two or how that there are two kinds of justice in America. Which basically means there isn't really any justice in the USA. What happens to Donald Trump in this next year will be an indication to every American who keeps up with Christian spiritual things. Will the USA be destroyed by those evil doers who are within? Will the actual American Christians actually run for every political office at every level and retake what was their country? Will the American Christians actually only vote for those who actually have a history inside of the church? Only time will tell. If the American Christians do not take actual action for the restoration of their nation. Then it will all be taken from them and the Christians will become criminalized just as all of the LGBT people had been over time.
Their Christian nation will be theirs no more as the United States of America disappears into the history books of forever if even remembered at all. Which also means that the United States of America will have a new name in which will be difficult for the English speakers to pronounce. Just as this land was once called Turtle Island and then North America. So to will the names of all things change. 
So what happens now that the trumpet has sounded with this different message? Reveille, Assembly and taps is just a few well known bugle/trumpet sounds which sends a message to all who can hear. 
As the tattered and worn American flag is silently pulled down for the last time taps will play in the forlorn hearts and minds of those who had sworn everything and yet had done nothing. 
As the flag of the United States is no longer honored or respected it too will be mindlessly tossed into the fire without a single thought for what it once represented.
The idea of the United States of America will be lost and forgotten to the whole of the world. The conceptual end of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness shall be burned out of the hearts and minds who uphold those righteous ideals. 
Those heroic souls who hold onto the ideals of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness shall be brutally put asunder and cast into the fire. 
Those who pull down what is to be known as the flag of the former United States of America will do so in victorious celebration. While the on lookers who have sworn their oaths of allegiance thousands of times before. Will stand by in silence while knowing they could have done something and never did anything. 
Only the very few who sworn their oaths those many thousands of times will actually go forth and do what is needed to be done and yet they will be brutally destroyed along with their own families. They will be remembered as the lunatic fringe and yet no one will know who they were. Deserving of death as it would have been too expensive to go through the process of justice. 
The end of justice is both the last sign and the first sign. The sign which signals the end of that which was good and the first sign which signals the beginning of that which is evil. This is more than just believing that good is bad and bad is good. 
It is still not too late for all of humanity to save the USA. Once the USA falls it will be the end of all freedoms, liberties, legal rights and human rights on this planet.
The religious concepts of sin becomes a lawful right as the concepts of holiness and righteousness becomes criminalized actions in thought and deed.
Those who uphold the teachings of actual goodness, holiness and righteousness shall earn the right to be abused, tortured and murdered. 
The creation of chaos in your own local world which was created by those who made those decisions for the benefits of the criminally minded. It's purpose is to cause the population to be more concerned about other people than it is to be concerned about those who made the laws and judge the laws which cause the chaos in your own local world.
Chaos is used to as a cloak to hide the actual goings on of the evil doers who hold office of leadership. 
As the non doing good people continue to do nothing. The chaos and uncertainty in all of your lives will only become more and more unbearable until, you have lost everything and you wonder just how your own children and grandchildren have become evil doers who believe themselves to be the good ones. 
Not even the meaningful origins of your own *nation shall remain intact. All of it will be destroyed and remade into the image of the greatest evil doer who has yet to be revealed. 
Note: *nation. Means every nation on this planet. Not just the USA, GB, Canada, European Union. 
If Donald Trump is convicted in a court of law. You the civilian will not know if the truth of justice is real or not. If the end result of the USA happens. You will know for certainty that there is no justice within the USA. As Justice ends so to your own national identity in entirety. 
Could Trump be the last trumpet/sign for what is to remain the USA?
The bugle or trumpet call is an efficient method of communicating intent. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

End Of A Nation Prophecy +29: (Unedited): 07 March 2023:

 The more a nation created by God openly and outwardly worships the demonic as their gods. The more that nation will suffer and end as Israel had in the past.
Once a nation celebrates in their own personal lives the absolute freedom to sin in the light of public viewing, acceptance and with the backing of laws. That nation will end with much violence, suffering and death. 
One clear sign of a failing modern nation is when the freedom to disagree with any nationally accepted belief system is absolutely censored and erased. While the ability to sin, to pursue all manner of sexual immorality continues on with the excuse of the governments inability to exert control. The truth is, one is not accepted while the other is accepted by the authority. 
Like Lot, his wife and family were chosen to be saved as they separated themselves from the world in which they lived in. Be warned the preference of being in the presence of sin while not participating in the sin is still sin. Sin within your own mind and heart. A time is coming and may already be here that as long as you remain in the sinful places. You will have to endure the judgements and consequences which will come.
Those who plan and implement their plans to escape the sins of the modern world. Will save themselves. Those who choose to remain with that sin will surely be judged and die. 
Those unbelievers and evil doers who heed the words of prophecy and flee in order to save themselves. May in fact save themselves from a single act of judgement. But, they still will not have the protections and safety from God and His chosen angels. As each one of the unbelieving heathens shall still perish and be judged in their own self defined safe space. 
The evil doers can run and hide from the coming of judgement. They all will be found. The only way to save yourself from final judgement is to simply believe and accept the good graces from God. Then to reject and flee from all sins. Then to pursue all manner or holiness and righteousness. 
Entire denominations and churches have already been rejecting all of the power of God, the grace from God, The Holy Spirit and the Cleansing blood of Christ. While their own unbelieving worshipers happily praise their denominational and church leadership. Be warned not a stone will remain in the glory of those empty filled denominations and churches as they all will be destroyed. To the absolute disbelief of their unbelieving followers. 
Do not the devout believers in false gods and religious practices become very upset as their entire belief system is utterly destroyed. God knows your mind and heart. God can see the truth behind your own self created delusions, imaginations and lies. All of the falsehoods that you believe as truths and all of the truths you believe as falsehoods shall be completely destroyed with your own destruction.
Billions of humans will die in a very short period of time. The evil doing humans will rejoice and celebrate in their victories over that which is good, righteous and holy. This in when they all will know that their judgement, death and destruction has instantly come for them all. Just as it has times before in the past.
All of the martyrs shall suffer and die. But, they shall already have been saved with the cleansing blood of Christ. For their rewards are in the Heavens. While the rewards of the world systems must remain on and in the Earth. 
Criminal Christians will be forced to flee out into the wilderness. Christians will be chased and corralled. Martyrdom shall be their reward. 
Those devout Christians who have already prepared the way in the wilderness will have a better time of all that which will come. But, becoming a martyr may still be their fate as they aid and abet as many Christians as they can.
The select chosen and meek of all of the faithful shall be saved and protected. They shall be completely surrounded. Their capture, torture and murder is assured. Then they shall disappear and walk silently through the evil doers who hunt them down. 
The chosen faithfully meek shall be able in their own silence and disappearance shall convict the hearts of the evil doers who hunt them down. To the degree that the evil doers become believers and become killed by who was once their own beloved brethren. 
Entire teams of evil doers shall be killed by their own leaders for simply witnessing and believe in the God who protects and saves His own. 
The heart and mind changing power of witnessed miracles shall be evident. To the degree that the evil doing leadership will just kill everyone of his own who were unfortunate enough to just witness the miracle. Regardless if they have become a convert or not. 
The hunters, soldiers and warriors who witness the miracles from God. Shall know of their fate for simply witnessing as they may have already killed their own brethren who simply witnessed. For they will choose to become a protective guard of the blessed meek who has already been given the whole of the Earth. 
The protective guard will intimately know their fate as they will go forth as long as they are allowed, knowing that they each must die in their new found faith. For they are not meek and cannot remain on the Earth.
The reward of the lonely protective guard is martyrdom. Yes, the protective guard shall be alone as they cannot associate with any of the meek. Not even in friendly greeting. For if one of the young meek were to simply desire to become like a warrior of God just like him. Than that young meek soul and the family may lose their Earthly inheritance.
People may pay the price of admission to demonically worship during the half time show. God knows who is there for the game or for the show. Woe to the nation when the half time show becomes a 24/7 entertainment event. 
Woe to the nation and people who continues to participate in a demonically led nation.
Woe to the nation and people who are one of the believing faithful by word of mouth alone. For their individual faith will be one of rejection and judgement and surprise to hear those words from God ...I never knew you... .
Woe to the nation and people who choose to be of the world while in the world. There shall be a cost to absolute freedom. The freedom to cause all manner of suffering, torment and death. For their price to be paid shall be everlasting torment. In which there will be no escape. 
Woe to the nation and people who choose to prefer a life of sin over a life or holiness and righteous. For you shall be spat out like an offensive and foul thing. To be utterly destroyed and forgotten. 
In the twinkling of the eye all of your greatness, power, might, authority, influence and wealth shall be over taken with impossible ease. All that you have shall be given away as a slave to the world you shall become. The world shall have no mercy or compassion for the fate which you brought unto yourself. 
The least of the nations shall be the ones which causes the great evil giant to fall hard into death and forgotten disappearance. With one great stone the giant shall fall into a rising fireball. For the greatest of the nations have not even become aware that they are the personified evil in which sin comes forth out of. As the great and might giant falls a greater evil shall rise up.
Note: *the word may replaced with shall. 
The end of any great and evil nation may come with wicked celebration. It matters not if that great and evil nation was once created and blessed by God. For it is the people who define what their nation has become and because of the peoples wickedness shall come the curse of fire and brimstone. For it is the people who curses themselves.
You who are still holy and righteous in the eyes of God. You must choose very soon to disassociate with the worldly systems or become like Lots wife.  For Lots wife was saved and then she became a pillar of salt. In that single moment in her time her sin overtook her.
Added on 03 April 2023: Did some minor corrections, editing.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Subtle Balloons Everyday +13: (Unedited): 07-09 Feb 2023:

 Americans remain oblivious to their own delicate state.
Americans foolishly joke and mock the unknown intentions of their enemies.
Americans shall easily forget what could have happened at any time. 
Americans will not even know or be concerned about the balloon their own nation has up spying on them.
While the American government has continually sent their own balloons into every other nation. The American citizen will not even be aware and if they are they will not even question it. 
Their blind arrogance and their delusions of thinking they are safe and secure. Their delusions of thinking they are the strongest and most powerful people in the world. They do not know it all can end in seconds.
The civilians are not even aware of just how much hatred there is in the world for them as it is their own elected government which has fomented it all over the last many decades. For the world has had enough and the time for the end of American will be watched and ignored. The profit takers will rush in an kill anyone who gets in the way. 
The greatest people in the world shall become non peoples of the world in a single day. All with zero human rights, legal protections and national identities. In the years to come they all shall be forgotten as shall be their beliefs. 
It is not commonly known by Americans that their way of life can end in seconds. The Americans do not commonly know that nuclear EMP weapons can be delivered by balloons or any other NBC related device or devices.  
The Americans citizen do not know that if only one nuclear EMP were to strike around Kansas City that up to 90% of all humans in the continental US would be dead within the first year. The biggest reason why up to 90% of all people will be dead in the first year. Is because the typical American just can't believe this will happen or it is a truth. Which means when and if any kind of nuclear event will happen. Parents get to watch their own children die, get to watch the grand parents die and then become forced to bury them all with basic shovels. What basic preparations have you made? How have you become responsible for yourself, your family, your friends, your church and your community if this modern world ends and does not come back for many decades? How can you survive during the very first year when electricity, water, food and medical care are no longer available? What about the second or third years?
The symbols of balloons should be researched. 
Americans of wisdom. Remember it was just a decade ago when you trusted your government, election process, FBI, CDC, Walmart, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Big Corporations, DOD, Police, The medical professionals, The psychological professionals and etc. This is the shaking of your land. This is the shaking of your world. This is because each of you have not lived righteous. This is because each of you have dishonored everything. This is because each of you rejoice in death and destruction even if it is a harmless spy balloon and what games do you even play where you don't love one another? and you wonder why, in confusion as no answers are presented.
This is because you are both the source and conclusion in what you experience in life today and tomorrow. What you have done and what you didn't do has led you to today.
The selfish evil things that you do as you withheld all manner of kindness, civility, mercy and compassion. You wonder why the world is as it is. The world is your fault. 
The young ones who have witnessed and learned your deeds always thirst to become better than you and they will. This is how humanity evolves or devolves. Just as you have learned from your own previous elder generation. You have perpetuated unto today.
The evil in which you mindlessly perpetuate will bring you additional misery and sorrow tomorrow. So all that you experience in your life is all your fault.  
Any man of honor and truth will not associate in any dishonorable or deceptive thing. Just as a genuine heroic person will not associate with any aspect of evil deed.
You are either just a player in the game or the solution as you stop playing the game. Yes, Stop playing the game is a solution. 
The purple words below. 
Yes, I know what this means. Your a big government man and for you to just stop or quit may not be in your DNA, skill set, tool box or psychology. Any person who is associated with evil deeds is not honorable, good or righteous. Even if your a government man you must quit. Even if your a military man with any nation. If you want peace then stop making conflict and war. Walk away, this is prophecy as you beat your swords into plowshares. This prophecy is pointed right at you as the civilians do not make war only warriors make war and your a warrior. So, this one prophecy is for you, the warriors of the world. 
This just popped in. 09 Feb 2023 at 0634 hrs. 
Think about this you evil doing scientists as you create your own little part for that AI robot coming. Do you really think these creations will not be used against you. Especially, once they can self replicate and self evolve in accordance to it's own direction and will.
Why the "Subtle Balloons Everyday" title. This is because they have always been there. It matters not whose balloons as the American balloons routinely fly over other nation states with or without permission. With or without your awareness. So, why is it suddenly that the media wants you to be aware of a harmless spy balloon from China when every nation spies on each other even friendly nations with other friendly nations. So why is this important now? Did you even watch the copy and paste videos I added. How old are some of them?  
Left Leaning:
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, December 20, 2021

Prophetic Question And More: (Unedited): 16-20 Dec 2021:

 As prophesied:
Question: What is holding back the rise of the first world government?
Answer: Nothing.
Step by step process. 
The first world ruler is already in power and is already exercising his authority. 
Experimental stage:
A variety of nations are conducting various degrees of human population control. Australia returns to prison island. Germany bully's citizens. Other European nations exercise lesser controls. The USA seems to be failing in human controls, probably because of inherent state rights and the sense of self defined freedom of each American individual. China is developing technological and permission controls. The media propaganda failures and success which seem to be along political ideologies. In those nations where there is no freedom there are food and water controls, the continuous threat of death to an individual, family or town. These are what I'm seeing in accordance to my own limited observational stand point.
Note: Then my writing switched to this. I do not know why.
Quote Form:
The children of the first world government will know that it is OK to conduct violence against their own parents, the religious and the elderly.
The children of the first world government will know that it is OK to conduct immediate violent actions against all of those who are seen or known to have been disobedient or non compliant to the new order.
The children of the first world government will choose the government way without ever choosing and as a result the new world children will not hold any connection or importance to their own parents or even to their own children. 
Added on 20 Dec 2021: 
After writing about the children. I immediately thought about Piggy Back Mind Control writing many years ago. You must realize how easy it is now to program the mind. If you do not. Then I suggest you do your own research. Watch out for people telling you without any data to back up claims. Mind control or brain washing goes all the way back to the early days of movie watching and how one movie theater used subliminal actions to increase sales of popcorn and coke. Now that most so called first world peoples have internet and content streaming at 4K. Maybe, the next iteration will enable mind entrainment piggy back signals which will train people how to think, what to think and how to act. 
When I started writing about the children it was a surprise and troubling. How would children be caused to be completely involved with the emerging one world government? While at the same time being caused not to have any real love or degree of importance to parents or family. This would be one method. Most likely one method of many. 
Eventually, any use of any digital media source will involve some sort of mind entrainment. 
Read this at your convenience: 
Added on 20 Dec 2021: Prophecy Of The Children: 
Wow! completely forgotten. Oh Yea.

Post Birth Abortions: Or coined a different and more agreeable terminology. 

Within, the later half of the first and second generation of the children in the new first world government. The children will be tested for weaknesses and those found with defects will be quietly and discretely euthanized. This will happen first from one to two years after birth and then at 5 years old and then at ten years old. This will be for any disability or learning issue. This will be for eyesight issues and hearing problems. This will not be a choice but phrased in a way for the betterment of society.
Those adults who were allowed to live and have certain genetic defects will be made to no longer be able to have children. This will be both male and female. This will not be a choice.
Those who have become disabled or have been caused some degree of less functionality will be euthanized. Because why would any right thinking person desire to become or be a cause of hardship, suffering, concern for their family or their society. Because, it will become a sense of selfish greed to become a hardship to the world. In the future, the disabled will disappear from the world in a new world where everyone is strong and healthy. How is that so bad? No really, ask yourself that question and answer it. 
In the future retirement will mean death celebration. In the future any age related disability onset will mean death. In the future there will be no Hospice or nursing homes or housing for adults with lesser disabilities. This is because these people will not exist. 
What about the gifted people who seem to always have had much suffering through their lives before they come to terms with their respective gifts. The gifted people will be made to think themselves as disabled or less than and that the best choice for society is for them to die. Think about that Mr. and Miss psychic person. Think about that empath's. I tell you the truth a young person with a high IQ can be made to think of themselves as stupid and being unable to learn. What will be his/her fate in adulthood? Think about that especially in the light of the other belief systems which are contrary to a natural state of individual identity. 
Added content on 22 Dec 2021:
This is what you need to consider. I do not suggest that you read books like the "book of satan" or any other book which is offensive. You need to know this, that all of the actions of this world can be summed up in the very first verse. To build a world, it must be strong like steel and concrete. People must also be strong. Thus, which people are exactly celebrated in the world? Those who have found their strength or who are strong. Thus, who are weak must die. Think about that when you read what I've written the other day. As you begin to see more and more weak and sick disappear from the world. Know that the modern world you see today is of a satanic one. Especially when you see all of the steel and concrete. You also need to know that if you are in any disagreement with the satanic world. You are it's mortal enemy. It will not matter what you individually want to think or believe. Because, you believe in your own religion which is different than satanists - you must die. There will be no mercy or compassion for these are signs of weakness. Think about that when you see men in authority, the police, the military violently throw down old men and old women who are quietly disobedient or just to slow to respond. For these men who use brutal force are under the employ of satan. It matters not the words they speak. It only matters of their action or their presence of such actions. All they have to be is present and following orders in their own silent acquiescence. 
"THE BOOK OF SATAN, I, 1. In this arid wilderness of steel and stone I raise up my voice that you may hear. To the East and to the West I beckon. To the North and to the South I show a sign proclaiming: Death to the weakling, wealth to the strong!"
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books