Tuesday, January 28, 2020

God Knows What You Evil Doers are Doing, Prophecy: (Unedited): 28 Jan 2020

The prophecies and actions of God are not rushed nor can any being manipulate God. So what is beginning to happen in 2020 in your signs that God will take action even before you think you evil doers can steal an election and a nation. Through everyone of your evil deeds many will perish to the point that no one will be able to count them all.
The Holy Spirit fills and covers the entire Earth. Nothing has happened or can happen without the Holy Spirit knowing. Nothing can or will be planned that the Holy Spirit does not already know in the present or the future. The Holy Spirit does not operate in possibility or probability. The Holy Spirit operates in certainty in all things. The fallen angels have lost the war and yet they still pretend to be gods. You evil doers accept their gifts without even realizing that they want all of humanity to end. So when you build the angelic technologies. Those devices have specific unacknowledged actions. Which can harm the planet that I have made for you. These gods or beings are not benefiting humanity or even you.
God will take action and it shall be against the evil doers. For MY children who are caught in any wake. They shall be with ME as soon as they fall asleep. For you evil doers as you fall asleep you shall wake to a torment which cannot be quenched and you shall maintain your reason and sanity. The end  of you shall not come as forever shall be extended for your punishment. For you have chosen all manner of evil over what is clean, righteous, holy and good.
Do not try to leave the Earth system. For in your secrets all is known to ME. If you do try to leave the Earth system. You all will die in your own secrets. Only to fully awaken in forever torment of your divine and righteous punishment.
For MY children. Repent, repent, repent. Remain clean or become clean once again. Stay on the difficult path of righteousness and holiness. Bring the Holy Bible into the fullest and most aware parts of your mind, heart, body and spirit. Cease not praying. Do not be worried or troubled. For if your a son or daughter of The heavenly Father and you fall asleep. Know that it is assured that you will awaken in the presence of your Heavenly Father. So fear not your earthly fate.
(my note: If your gods cannot leave this planet how is it that you can or will be allowed to leave? Michael is waiting with his forces and God is already present. If these gods are so powerful why do they need you to build for them?).