Sunday, January 18, 2015

Was Will Exists: (Unedited): 18 Jan 2015:

Everything that is, was and will come. All exists in the here and now.
All that we know exists in the here and now. Even all that we knew and experienced. Were in the here and now in that moment of time. Just as all that we will know and experience will also be in the here and now.
Each of us are biological time machines. At least in the past. We can relive the moments in our past. Some who have even suffered great harm can somehow even become do immersed into the memory (PTSD) that they remain in that time.
Those very special people who can visualize their own futures. Can even fantasize everything they are about to create for themselves. Thus, working diligently towards their dreams and goals. Until, such a time that all of there mental efforts are manifested in a future here and now.
So what is the key to time travel. Ceaseless focus upon one intention. Until, your where you desire to be. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Effects of abuse: (Unedited): 19 Feb 2014:

The children and adults who were in the foster care system. Do, have a life of trials ahead of them. It is not so easy to escape the abuses and tortures of their past. Psychologically there can be healing, growth and evolution within each person. Thus, becoming a more profound human being than if they had been raised in a normal family. (Please do not look deeper into that comment). This type of person is rare.

A person who has been so abused and tortured by their own blood family and yet by some kind of focused determination. They become positively more than they themselves ever even thought was possible or plausible for themselves.

The old physical wounds of the past may even begin to show their ugly heads int the future present. Thus, becomes a new fight for their resolve and character. Even if the physical fight may be lost. There will still be much to learn and much to teach.

For myself. I have endured much physical trauma to my brain as a child. I have left trucking because of those lingering effects in which I could no longer manage safely. Especially when driving an 80,000 pound vehicle. So, today, I am no longer a CDL (Commercial Drivers License) holder.

An event occurred the other day in which is having an impact upon my being.


At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Corporate Cameras: (Unedited): 15 May 2014:

Note Form
How can a district, regional or corporate managers become more effective and productive?
Especially when his/her personnel, teams, stores are hundreds or even thousands of miles a part. 
This is very simple. With the advent of internet based security camera systems. Any one with permissible access can view any camera anywhere at any time. So far security cameras are used to monitor sensitive ares or avenues of egress.
There will be a new added purpose for these cameras.
A). For productivity and performance monitoring.
       A manager who has received data from a well performing team and a poor performing team. Doesn't have to drive hundreds of miles to make a evaluation or inspection of either team. The drive is an instant loss in productivity as well as additional costs of vehicle use. A manager who can sit in their office and view a series of monitors of various teams and personnel is more effective and productive.
B). For safety checks.
       The security cameras can be used by the managers of the safety departments to actually view safety related apparatus out in the field or in stores all across the world.
The names of the cameras will have to be changed into something more positive.
Such as "Performance Cameras" or "Productivity Cameras".
To aid in the acceptance of these new spy cameras. One should create awards for those who have been viewed by a manger doing something awesome.
Then as the employees become accustomed to the new camera systems in place. They should feel more comfortable over time instead of a manager looking over their shoulder.
Cameras which are set and used for specific security purposes. Must remain as such. New cameras will need to be installed in those places. Which can be rotated and have zoom functions.
Upper levels of management and security managers will need to know who, when and which cameras were used and by whom. Date, time and etc.
The use of cameras is not to become the sole form of management from any executive. There will still need to be practiced (MBWA).
Management by viewing around (MBVA).
15 May 2014 @2300Hrs
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Dark Shroud: (Unedited): Unknown Date:

The righteous knows of the darkness which surrounds. 
From the hell below. 
To the sky gods up above. 
From the left side lies of all kinds.
From the right side deceptions of every sort. 
In the front is all manor of negativity, wishful thinking and doubts.
From the rear all manner of failed memories and what could have been remembered.
The dark shroud surrounds the righteous always. Exactly the same as with any other human person except they know not and believe not.

The light of the righteous one illuminates the path they walk by faith upon.
I just found this on 2014 or page 2 of my blogger. :17-20 Sept 2014:. Incomplete and forgotten. Completed on 18 Jan 2015: 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Beyond DDOS: (Unedited): 18 Jan 2015:

What may cyber war look like in the future or is already occurring today?
I know of Anonymous and the power they wield and as I understand it. All they do is DDOS attacks. Yet, when Anonymous went after a KKK group within the USA. They were able to infiltrate into their computers and obtain much if not all personal information. Then released them all. That would be a little beyond DDOS. But, groups like the KKK and other specific racist organizations should be made aware that racism can no longer be tolerated in a modern civilized world. Especially, when the actual and factual truth is absolutely counter to their false belief system. If you have read any of my previous blogs you already know I've proven that the separation and division of the races of humanity is an absolute lie and deception. This is not about racism.
Then I read a news article of Jester Actual who is a Pro-American Hacktivest. This person would be considered a very technical hacker. A state that in ignorance of what they do. Read the stories for yourself. If you need to know more.
In the world just a few weeks ago. It had it's first global cyber war. In which I viewed it all through IPViking and other related websites.
This had just occurred to me. I am in no way a script kiddie or even a formally trained software writer.
My only experience to writing software programs via instruction Manual, was basic on a commodore 64. Back in the day.
If anyone can get into your computer system then they can change your computer system at will. If you always run your computer on the administrator setting. Then your computer will be at risk of becoming a zombie computer. Which means your computer is no longer yours and any banking or any financial transactions you do is now fully in the open. Nothing is secure or private on your computer. Well, Not your computer any more. Even though your paying the electric bill on it.
If this is old information to you White Hat, Grey Hat and Black Hat types. I'm sorry. I do not know your trade.
By denying any computer system their ability to attack. You can sneak into the receiving ports and begin to change their computers. You can in theory cause much damage to any computer. By sending new destructive drivers for all of the individual components. Then over clocking and turning off the fans. Thus, cooking the computer. Any one with a Microsoft computer already knows that they have to nuke their computers at least once a year just to maintain a fresh operating computer. So it is wise for you to nuke your computer and change every pass word any and every time you suspect any oddity on your computer system. Such as 10-50 percent computer usage when nothing is going on. Your computer turning on in the middle of the night or in the middle of the day. See any odd screen flashing.
You need to understand that the owner of the zombie computer you are paying the electric and internet service bills on. Those owners absolutely do not want you to even suspect that they are the new owners of the computers in your house or office. 
The future of cyber warfare will entail causing the destructive damage of servers and computer systems everywhere. This will include nuclear power plants and other industrial sites within the attackers sights. can you imagine wind turbines with the brakes turned off and aimed into the approaching storms. Can you imagine the dams fully opening and the computer hardware controls cooking themselves. Do you even want to think about nuclear power plants or even convention fuel power plants.  It seems all industry is computer controlled and all of that industry can be hacked beyond DDOS.
 Nuking a computer means. A term possibly originated with Leo LaPorte. That you have done a format of your entire hard drive and re-installed software and drivers from known safe and secure sources. This is the only sure fire way that you will know for certain that there is absolutely no bad stuff on your computer. There is no other known way. If your computer store repair guy tells you otherwise. THEY ARE LYING!!!
:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:
The revelation of any believed truth which has become an absolute lie and deception. Is very hard to accept. Especially, If you have lived your life under those wrong beliefs and have taught your own children those very same lie and deceptions as gospel truths. Truth can be painful.
We are all one humanity, one species and one human family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another. All created by One God. All from Adam and Eve. Then all of us saved with the family of Noah.
The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
