Showing posts with label Warfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warfare. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Global Civil War: 15 Minute Cities Prophecies: +35 (Unedited): 11-12 March 2024:

WWIII can be triggered within the next few weeks to many months from now. 
In more than a dozen nations. The threat of civil war in each nation is only one violent act away. 
The nation of Haiti is lost.
Are the farmers around the world going to be the first to fight, die and lose everything in the coming civil wars? Yet, virtually no news.
American farmers and American food processing will lead to starvation in the USA and this seems to be a planned event. Yet, virtually no news and yet in the days of old when the American military killed entire tribes they listed in the news all of the men, women and children killed and that was acceptable. But, reporting on the planned human atrocities is not reported. Their plan to eliminate many billions of human souls is very public. 
The writings below are merely prophecies. These writings is not ended for the reader to think and believe that I am for anything offensive. The idea of 15 minute cities is not something I believe will ever work without absolute mind control. The simple idea of choice or free choice and being able to choose anything must be absent from any 15 minute city dwellers thinking processes. The simple idea of marriage in concept must be eliminated because people some times do not get along. Which means every person must have their own private and secluded space away from any relations of any kind. The idea of forming simple relationships like friendship must become an alien idea. Hence the extreme nature of preventing any idea of revolt or simple dissension. Even the absoluteness of right and wrong must only come from the authority as the individual cannot say either way what is right or wrong, good or bad. The word righteous, holy and evil will not be words recognized or known.
NOTE: I have no idea that I was going to write about 15 minute cities when I began writing.
The undesirable common peoples of the world is an ethnic group which must be eliminated and controlled as one would any sub species which is less than those who rule over the whole world.
Yes, this is offensive.  This is how genocide and wars begin when one group thinks themselves as superior to any other. This is how one group wants everything for themselves while knowing the history of how the common peoples overthrown evil and wicked tyrants of humanities past. To them that currently rule over the world, they do not see evil and wicked rulers who lost wars, committed genocides and lost their lives as evil or wicked. That which comes is more about a solution to the biggest problem to them which is the common peoples of the entire globe.
The common peoples of the world seem oblivious of their collective and common fates as those who rule over them plan for their elimination.
Once the common peoples of the world begin using other antiquated forms of communication to relay the actual truthful news which has been witnessed. Those old lines of communication will be outlawed. 
The farmers are the front lines in the prevention of starvation in the world. The global elimination plan of farmers will mean global starvation in the world.
When any nation can attack it's own people and other nations without leaving any evidence behind is a crime against humanity.
As the nations of the world come together as one and begin using incredible weapons of warfare in which the common peoples have no defense. The whole of the world becomes a very dark place.
The end of fair, equal and balanced justice happens as the secret weapons of God are used against the common peoples of the world. 
Who can save the common people from the incredible weapons of those people who have declared themselves gods and no longer want their planet to be inhabited by so many undesirable common peoples?
The end of human rights, freedom and liberty begins when the new weapons of war are trained on all of the undesirable common peoples of the world. 
The new and incredible weapons of warfare will be first used on the ethnic groups that not even the common peoples of the world care about.
Word use: Ethnic is also for the indigenous.
No one will know how many common peoples will die. No will know that a hundred ways to kill all of the common peoples has been invented and only wait for their use.
The word use of "a hundred ways" is not an exact number. 
A hundred lies believed as truths which has already been planned out will be used to cause the common peoples of the world to freely choose to walk into the furnaces.
The word use "Furnace" is symbolic to the 100 different ways the common peoples will be killed. 
Furnaces is reference to Nazi Germany IN WWII and the Jewish people they wanted to exterminate.
I have written in the past about mobile furnaces or cremation incinerators. How do you get rid of the evidence and masses of dead human beings? 
Incinerating billions of humans is not about getting rid of the evidence as much as it is getting rid of the health effects and stench for the benefits of those who planned the genocide of about 7 billion human souls.
Alien like creatures and odd diseases shall be created and released into the world to help kill off all of the common peoples quicker.
As the civil wars, national wars, religious wars, cultural wars, political wars, morality wars envelope the peoples of the world. Many common peoples will simply be killed with cheap knives, bullets and bombs.
Everyone will be against everyone else simply because there is some kind of individually defined insignificant difference.
The insignificant differences we all see in each other will be more than enough to kill and murder.
Do not allow yourself to fall victim to false teaching and wrongful hatreds. Do not harm any other human being.
The differences we see in each other should not ever be sufficient to harm and kill them.
The successful evolution of 15 minute cities will be as I describe them below. 
The advent of wonderful 15 minute cities will become 15 minute prison camps where absolute control of everything shall be instituted. Which shall conclude when each occupant is chosen to die.
The utopia created within a successful 15 minute city also means absolute governance of every aspect of your approved personal thinking processes.
Limited intellect, approved of culture and mandated social structure must be enforced from planned birth to decided death inside of every 15 minute city.
There will never be over population, crime and dissenting views in any 15 minute city as any disobedience by any occupant will mean that they become fertilizer for the benefit of the whole. 
The contained and control common peoples inside of every 15 minute city shall be productive and produce all of the goods for those non conceptually unknown people who rule over all.
Do not become surprised that with limited internal resources within a 15 minute city that the life expectancy goes from 50 to 40 and then to 30 years of age. 
The only purpose and function of the common person shall be to productively provide a meaningful service to those non conceptualized unknown people who shall rule over them as gods.
The efficiency of killing every human within a deemed failed 15 minute city shall be built into the foundational infrastructure.
The existence and memory of any charismatic disobedient occupant within a 15 minute city will mean the death of all within those walled confines.
The existence and memory of any charismatic occupant who differently thinks within a 15 minute city will mean the death of all within those walled coffins.
The confined environment within every 15 minute city shall become your coffins that you hopelessly reside in.
Within every 15 minute city there will not be words for freedom, liberty, human rights, legal rights, rights or any other word where questioning, complaints, dissent, strikes, revolts, protesting, walkouts and disobedience can begin.
Controlled thought is the end result of how you lead and teach the thinking processes of each human within a 15 minute city.
Every productive human being allowed to exist shall be raised from birth by the controllers of the 15 minute cities. The idea of parentage, family, mother, father and all others words for family relation shall no longer exist.
Teaching all children how to think ends in an adult who thinks as everyone else does within a 15 minute city. Normal self-controlled thought rejects any manner of alien concepts and principles.
The desired utopic thinking process must begin to be taught to children more than 24 years prior to the third or forth iteration of the 15 minute cities. While the process of exterminating the old common peoples has commenced.
The beneficial, noble and good ideal of taught utopic thinking processes must be forced into the educational environment at every level prior to the advent of any utopia styled 15 minute city.
Added on 03 August 2024: Allot of my previous deletes of content are often times more horrific and graphic than this one below.
Soon if not already. Weapons of warfare will begin to be shipped into western European nations and once in the hands of the new immigrants. Each independent European nation as well as the USA will lose even their own national identity. Much blood will be shed and all of the monarchs and leaders who think they could mange them all will be severely tortured and killed in a very public manner. 
NOTE: I have already seen video of an Islamic man shooting a gun into the air at night in Great Britain. This was maybe a year ago. I highly suspect their are many guns and ammunition of every kind hiding in every western European nation. Think about it how can Muslims gathered around this very day and all of them have bladed weapons of every kind open and out in public on video without fear of hiding their faces. 
Those who have always been the good citizen will begin to see their own governments as the enemy and see the new faces as enemies as well. Soon citizens will be forced to physically protect themselves against the police officers whom they have always honored and respected. 
I have been writing this for years. The Muslims who have come into your country have been training for warfare all of their lives. They have been training in hand to hand combat as well as weapons. They have been raised with a vile hatred for you. So, you cannot stand toe to toe with them if all you have been doing all your life is being a good citizen with zero martial arts and weapons training. I have written this and now your own police is scared of them and sicking their dogs on you.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

One Text Away Prophecy+23: (Unedited): 08-12 Feb 2024:

15 March 2024 @ 1924hrs.: Minor editing and added some brief comments here and there. If you copied previous versions. then you will know the differences.
Soon all will see and experience the physical downfall of the United States of America and it will happen with just one single pushed text message. 
May happen in many European nations as well. This also includes all other western nations. The first nation will most likely be the USA. The USA must end in order for global chaos to be magnified. 
Added on 11 Feb 2024: Can you imagine that the end of the USA comes with just one single mass email/text. Can you fathom that one little detail of being able to be a person who can send a mass text and the USA ends? This means all of the organization, training, logistics a profound American traitors have all been bought and paid for without knowing what is actually in store. The profound American traitors only think and believe what they have been told. That it will be they who will forever be in power and be able to make a country of their own design and intention. But, The USA has already been carved up. Those enemy agents by the millions are mostly in their places. All that is needed is the continued delivery of every kind of weapon and ammunition. The enemy combatants will mostly stay out of sight and out of mind. They will not have any contact with any American civilian. Each team and each individual will go forth and gather intel for all of their missions that they must accomplish. 
The end result is the end of the USA as of right now. I do not know about any other nation. But, once the text is sent. The USA is over.
The winds of a sudden vacuum will also fan the flames of global chaos.
The winds of global chaos will pick up the flaming embers and spread even more chaos all over the planet. There shall be much suffering and gnashing of teeth.
Many hundreds of millions of deaths in a short period of time. Billions and billions of deaths in a period of about 3.5 years.
Compounded Chaos happens when the worldly leaders orchestrate many layers of chaos upon the layers of the human population.
Chaotic fire starts on the smallest of corners and then grows exponentially into a blazing inferno like hell on earth. This is being done by those in power on multiple levels by those intent on ending it all. Except for themselves. 
The truly evil and insane who currently hold all of the power over the United States will burn it all down if they can't have it all. Just like any greedy child who refuses to share. They will destroy it all. 
The truly wicked evil doers genuinely believe that the destruction they have planned for the United States will reemerge as some sort of purified phoenix rising out of the ashes of all that they have destroyed and innocent souls they have sacrificed to their fallen angelic gods. 
The wicked evildoers who hold all of the power in the United States will kill, burn and destroy everyone and everything if they cannot have it all. 
As the United States burns, it's people being murdered, It's infrastructure destroyed the wicked evildoers will blame everything on the Christians and conservatives. Everyone will know they are lying and yet there will be bodies in the street, buildings burning and destruction everywhere. 
Even the new power brokers inside of the United States must become obedient to their evil and vile will. Even to the degree of committing severe sin in their presence to prove themselves. 
Soon the enemies within will have their weapons of warfare sent and given to them. Just as the new incoming soldiers will find their already hidden weapons and explosives caches. 
Just as their is illegal drugs in every city. Soon their weapons of war as well as explosives devices of every kind will be everywhere inside of America. The very same transportation platforms will be used as both the politicians and federal agents who are all in the know shall become surprised. 
Lets all play where are the politicians, their family and their wealth? Those who are in the know will be out of country apathetically eating ice cream. While the so called staunch good Christian or conservative politicians, their families and wealth become dead and destroyed.
 The American civilian will become defenders or victims. Victory only comes to the offensive aggressors. While those civilians who are helpless and defenseless shall become victims. 
The civilians who die during the coming great American Tet Offensive will be seen as sacrificial pawns to the gods of the wicked evildoers who pridefully see themselves above all other humans. 
The great American and European Tet offensive will be called another name as which will be defined by the victor. You need to know it is not the good guys who always wins. Think about Lebanon in recent history. How about the Chinese civil war in which the good guys lost.
6, 8, 10, 12 full mags will be needed per engagement and in the days of the Tet. A single American civilian fighter may have to endure many engagements before they even get home. 
While most of western humanity celebrates the new year on 01 Jan. The new Tet will become more than just a new year as the wicked evildoers celebrate the fall of western society, America and many European nations. 
Define Tet. Research the intent of the Tet offensive. What was the defining result? It matters not who won or lost. Think about it.
NOTE: Copy and Paste is for your safety and security. 
Added on 21 Feb 2024: Every time I have used the word Tet in any of my writings everywhere else. My thinking process with the word usage has always been related to The Vietnam war. 
There is a Tet or Teth symbol for number 9. There are prophetic snake representations in many different cultures and religions. There is a physical snake problem in Florida. The indigenous tribes have a snake prophecy as well. Surrounded by who or what? Could this mean the uncontrolled mass migration into the USA? Could it be the American civilians have or are becoming surrounded by enemy persons within their own national borders? Twisting can mean the twisting of the truth and of every other aspect of a good life as which is defined in the Holy Bible.
Ye agents and officers who have spent your entire life building a life for yourself and protecting your investments. Will you finally become the good guy once you realize that your own chain of command failed you, failed the citizens and failed your nation?
You agents and officers of the free and the brave when will you become the good guys protecting the precious documents you swore an oath to or will you continue to enforce every unrighteous law which comes down from your own chain of command?
You agents and officers when did you lose your way? When did you become soldiers of fortune while still holding onto the badge of the people? When did protecting and serving becoming all about your retirement and other forms of wealth building?
What shall you do Mr. and Miss soldier of fortune when the leaders you serve burn it all down, burn your families and send you off to burn? The wasted life of hell only begins then and you shall be surprised.
You agents and officers know how to detect Bravo Sierra. Use your Bravo Sierra meters on your own chain of command and then do what you must prior to the coming burn. 
 You see, I'm trying to save your life and your own families lives even though I know you may never become the good person you once were if you ever were. So what is plan B and C and D and then when everything continues to suck for years what are your plans for your own family for all of that? 
But, I know this. Your the key to saving lives in the face of treasonous people whom you feel like you must honor and protect right now. Do your job and honor your oaths. Promise nothing else for it may make you into a liar. 
Some times walking away will save your soul and your family. Sometimes holding tight may mean your the holder of a single bullet to end the coming reign of murderous treason before it can get a foothold. Which may mean you will get to live with the memory of surviving while many hundreds of millions souls die before your deaf eyes and blind ears. 
How much destruction, death and suffering must you endure in those days to come to suddenly become passionately heroic?
As you survive each and every engagement. You will hold onto your memories and share them with no one. Except with a person like me. But, I will be dead within the first few months(Seen It).
Know that you will not have enough friends or bullets and friends with bullets. 
Go get more bullets and genuine friends with bullets.
Added on 12 Feb 2024: How do you tell a very diverse group of people that their beloved country is about to end if they do not take action right now? How do you tell a people that the only way to save their beloved country is to abide by the purple words below and to become an actual Christian. Becoming a true Christian is not an and. 
Added on 21 Feb 2024: Enemy combatants are here in the USA will most likely do their shopping in ethnic stores and in thrift stores. Staying out of sight and out of mind of the typical American. When they do receive their single message to begin their attacks until dead. They will look like any American or an American wearing thrift store attire which may or may not match. 
As you have already seen. The super bowl parade shooters who targeted children are not identified. This is evidence in my previous writings. If you have a not welcomed lifestyle or a political affiliation. The news will not be shown which favors your belief system. Not even on Fox News as even that entire network is now slanted very Left/Liberal.
I have seen some reports of Cartel people conducting operations in remote places. These should be considered military exercises and training operations. Foreigners who seek out guns and ammunition before shelter, employment, clothing and who continue to refuse to become a part of the American way of life. Should be considered enemy combatants.
Soon very soon. Shipments disguised under false information will be delivered in the same way that all illegal drugs are delivered in this nation. The origin of some of these illegal drugs is from China. So to will many thousands of Chinese Rifles, ammunition and explosives as well as every other small sized military weapon system.
Americans who live in remote places like farmers and offgrid people. Must begin to know who is in your your remote places. You must begin to prepare for zero help from any government agency. Your local police forces and their families will have already become threatened. In which they will keep those things secret in order that you remain at ease inside of your own self confined delusion. You must decide to physically support your local law enforcement agencies or not. If you do decide to physically support them all. Then you must step forward all on your own. It matters not if you do or do not. Everyone suffers and/or dies when the text message is sent. Especially, the local law enforcement community first.
Just as no one knows the day or time when the text message is sent. Know that it will eventually be sent and when it does 100,000+/- terrorists attacks within the USA in the first day alone. Each individual enemy combatant plan will be to attack, escape, attack, escape, attack, escape, continue until dead or survive until time to reform up into military units. Then take and hold lands while killing every American. Especially the useful left liberal idiots who cannot be trusted and have no honor. It is they who will not find respect, acceptance, mercy or compassion. This is not saying that anyone who stands against them will also die. Even if they are respected and honored. 
Once the typical good civilian thinks and believes that there is no longer any justice or law enforcement. Each civilian will begin to decide to defend themselves in the best way that they can. Now that criminals are running around in broad daylight armed with guns and are able to commit any crime they want without any fear from any kind of interference from law enforcement police officers. No longer will the good civilian stop and call the police. They will just begin shooting as bystanders are taking video. No one will even attempt to call the police until afterwords and that will become a maybe.
As local law enforcement are just a regular person going out into the world where the worse of the worse humanity has to offer. Soon a police officer will issue commands and just begin shooting. This is because of actual street training and dealing with bad people who will shoot cops without and fear or regret. Bad people will pretend to comply and then at a moment of their choosing shoot/stab the cop and just drive off.
Added on 15 March 2024: Bomb Makers:
Yep, young redneck like young people are gonna continue to make their little pipe bombs and probably continue to blow their fingers, hands and arms off. Just like they always have. Should they be kicked in the tail end and properly educated. Yea.... But, I'm not talking about these ignorant young people or stupid curious kids. 
I'm gonna talk about proof of concept people who have on purpose learned how to and was taught how to on purpose make bombs of various kinds with the intent of killing and murdering.
So every reported explosive event must be reported to the proper investigative authority.
The problem if this writing of one text away is actually true and real. Especially, if you the investigative authority do not find the actual sources of the conceptualized text source. This is not just about bombs. This is also about grenades and other weapons of actual weapons of warfare. In which out of shape law abiding civilians will be out matched by those young men who are physically in shape and have all of the weapons of war they will need. The police officers and deputies will also suffer and die as well. So, my writings is all about saving lives. Especially, those brave souls who on purpose goes out into violent situations every single day.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

War Against Humanity: (Unedited): 04 June 2023:

 When us lowly and insignificant humans think about warfare we think, right now, with fists, knives, bullets and bombs. But, those obviously superior beings who came before and revealed themselves. Their idea of warfare is to war in their time frame against true humanity, femininity, masculinity. Their idea of warfare is to get humanity to destroy themselves in entirety. The simple suicide is not enough for them. To get humanity to cause upon themselves all manner of self destructive actions which will include the self inflicted destruction of their own genetic code.
Their war against the beauty of humanity can be seen in all manner of expressed cruelty by humans to other humans. These are abortions, mutilations and marking oneself which would be offensive to our Creator/Artist.
These superior beings do not even see humanities value to any degree as they have no need or desire to reveal themselves to humanity, To them we are just a created insult upon their existence in the purest form. To them we are just meaningless genetic self replicating clones unworthy of identity or continued existence.
The continued and ongoing actions of their defined war making is not so much an attack against humanity in which it is it is also an attack against the Creator of humanity. For His name is in our DNA. The breath of life we all have speaks His name.
Think about these things as Americans begins to mutilate their own children. Think about this as more and more American children disappear into the slavery of the sex trade. Yet, there is zero reporting except for how the child sex is more profitable than the drug trade as you can sell a child many times. 
When destruction comes upon your once protected great and free nation. These mutilations, abuses, tortures, selling and murders of your most innocent children will be just one reason why the end of you, shall come.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

New Weapons Prophecy In Underwater Warfare: (Unedited): 29 April - 05 May 2021:

Ongoing Writing Project: Not Complete. 
 RF DEW's are coming to submarine warfare. Nuclear powered submarines have enough power that can power these new RF DEW's. 
Even surface ships which have nuclear power will also have RF DEW's for use against all submersible threats. 
How does RF energy propagate through the ocean water?
There are no plans or monies to build a new Destroyer or Cruiser class warship for the US Navy. There is also no funding expected. 
The US Navy will lose a total of 2,864 Mark 41 VLS Missile cells for the entire fleet when the US Navy retires the remaining 22 Ticonderoga's. Which is almost 28% of total VLS Missile Cell Capability.
The US Navy will lose Flight I/II 2,520 and Flight IIA 3,936 (Total 6,456)Mark 41 VLS Missile Cells for the entire fleet when the US Navy retires the remaining Arleigh Burke's. Even though 18 more Flight IIA Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers are either being built or will be built. 18 X 96= 1,728 new VLS Missile Cell Capability. 
A loss of up to 9,320 Mark 41 VLS Missile Cells for the US Navy would be catastrophic loss in any war making capability. This one kind of loss would make the US Navy incapable of going head to head with any adversary like China, Russia alone. Let alone be able to go to war with the both of them as well as with Iran, North Korea or Venezuela. You need to be aware a loss of up to 9,320 VLS Missile cell capability makes the USA a naval military force on par with Australia or any other individual European military force. The US Navy will be forced to be only a defensive naval force. But, losing those ships is far more dangerous than just losing VLS missile cells. There is a lot of other capabilities which will be lost. Such as the ability to send out Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups. This is really a bad sign for America.
The US Navy Must add a lot more VLS Missile Cell capability. 
I see multipurpose RF emitting nose cones on the front of submarines. I also see RF emitting panels made into all sides of the sail. I also see along the outer hull more RF emitters along either side. 
These RF emitters are for defensive purposes. Which can cause electrical problems in any electronic based object which is in close proximity. 
I'm also seeing uncontrolled and relatively unknown capacitance effects. Which sends built up high voltages into the ship and which migrates around the ship or boat until a weak insulated point allows bypass or entry to vital components. 
The hulls of surface ships will also have these RF Emitters. The hulls of very advanced and ultra modern warships will develop new materials to be laid within the hull of any ship. Like building a sandwich. When news come from any nation which has begun using a variety of composite like materials. This may be evidence of mitigating those capacitance like effects or to be able to store and then transfer those energies into specifically planned directions and uses. This is also evidence that those ships will have very High Powered Radio Frequency Directed Energy Weapons. 
What are these Emitters? 
Story 2015: I'm 6 years off or are these weapons deployed or deployable? By whom? Only Russia?
Thesis PDF: year 2007: Bring a coffee and a chair. Head ache causing read. Be sure to notice Turkey.
I see variances in focusing, power outputs, frequencies in order to achieve  specific effects at specific ranges. I see the study and predictability of earth weather, solar weather and fluctuations of the magnetic fields all as one which causes the greater successful use of these new RF DEW weapons.
This just popped into my head. nearly 35 years ago. I was designing how the different ways you can make different kinds of transmitting power and then be able to merge those various powered signals into one and then sent into a antenna for transmission with the merged signals at the same time. Of course at the time I had no clue of what I was doing. But, it was a beginning...
Added on 06 May 2021: Vision.
I see very large planes like the C130 and the C5 with trailing's and appendages/arrays on the undercarriage. The arrays and appendages are aimed slightly to the rear of the airplane so that reflected RF energies do not come back into the planes. Deep within I see a very large cylinder of atomic power. Probably a Small Modular Nuclear Power Plant. From the ground the planes can be barely seen and heard. Below are soldiers and families and people in cities. The planes fly in a "V" formation towards an offending major city. The major city with its tall buildings stand tall and proud. But, the streets become focal points of RF energies which bounce back up and into the buildings at multiple reflected angles.
The planes begin to fly over the center of the major city. The people begin to feel heat on their skin and do not even realize that their brains and other internal organs are cooking. Cars on the street begin to explode and catch fire. But, still the permanent physical damage is occurring and there is nothing that any person in that major city can do. You cannot run and you cannot hide. Well, maybe if there was a human sized Faraday cage. The planes turn around in the industrial area and as they do below them a fuel station explodes for no apparent reason and then a propane gas cylinder business also explodes. End of vision. Any person who could have been a threat is now permanently physically and mentally disabled. They probably won't die today but they will suffer for months and or years and then die. 

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Warfare Laws of 2's, 3's and 5's: (Unedited): 08-10 June 2019:

In warfare you must be mindful of the laws regarding numbers. Especially with the numbers of two, three and five. This is one of the simplest of laws of warfare.
Basically, what this means is that you must have two, three or five to win a battle. But if you have an over abundance of stupidity in your ranks and within your chain of command. It will not matter if you have twenty, thirty or fifty more of anything greater than your adversary. You will still lose. The number 5 also does not guarantee a win. Especially, when you must have five ships to defeat one ship. When you have two ships which can defeat one ship, it should be considered more desirable. So, numbers is of importance in a variety of thinking processes. This is much beyond Risk game play and turning in a three set of cards and having your five to one ratio. While depending on the lucky roll of the dice for your possible victories.
Added on 12 July 2019:
When you have one ship which can defeat two of another or three or even five. These should be of the preferred design for warfare. This must be the engineering approach especially when you plan on building only a few while your peer adversaries are building many. This must be beyond missile cell counts. Because, That is just the simple approach. Anyone can count missile cells. But, what can those missiles do, how far can they fly, Can they avoid, do they have many homing abilities, can they loiter?
One must watch-out for being suckered by the rust buckets on the best naval force in the world. While it may only seem like a disregard for spit polish and keeping everything in pristine condition. It is only what it seems like. For the commanders and captains of those ill-perceived rust buckets may in fact be very personalized Rat Rods of the seas. They may not look good to you, but, they could be a very personalized warships. In which the men and women within are very ready to kick your teeth in and then have a great meal afterwards. Research the term "Rat Rods".
So while you Navy warfare writers in the media may feel embarrassed about the US Navy Rust Buckets of the sea. Bare in mind. The US Navy is still the number one Naval force in the world. Their numbers may be few and their numbers may not be where people want them to be. The US Navy can still end the entire Russian and Chinese Naval forces in just a few days. Without any help from allies. Although the politician will declare coalition forces were involved. So mind your respect and honor. Yes, I write this to myself as well because, I have fallen in love with the US Navy and desire better than what it is, as defined by only me. Sometime, You/I just wanna slap a politician(Figure of speech).
As a commander, Captain or officer of a US Warship. Some of your men may lose their morale because of simple appearance of YOUR ship. If you do not take care of your warship. Then you will die with your warship. In which you bring aboard some clear coat and have one of your men, not to outwardly obvious paint the clear coat you bought over the rust. Get YouTube evidence video of the action. That alone will make an impact. Because, you ain't hiding nothing. Maybe, It will get us into a fight?!? should be a soft spoken remark. While expressing the perfection to the operations of the ship. Hand out Rat Rod *Calendars to your best knuckle draggers (Respectful humor of those who keep it going).  Express compassion for your ship and give your crew permission and expectation to express this one ship as their own. Watch what happens. Sir dude or dude'it, I'm write.
Also, The next time you do target practice. On your Destroyer or Cruiser. Obtain a dozen plus M134's and temporarily mount them to the side of your ship. How many M134's can you safely mount on one side of your ship? Get that many. Excessively kill the target and record it on YouTube. All guns blazing tracer's on the singular target until out of ammo. Conduct a night fire exercise with all tracers ammo. All guns firing. Name the Target's Miss Iran. Iran will rethink the error of their ways and so will everyone else. Every nation and leader will know they do not have enough anything. If The Admirals like what I can see. Then add the necessary power, data lines and mounts for each side. If Iran wants to get up close and personal, Then let them. If China has(they do) plans to capture ships. They are gonna need a lot more men to sacrifice. Sir dude and dude'it, I'm write.
Just because, I did not mention mounts for automatic grenade launchers. Doesn't mean I did not see it.
NOTE:* Rat Rod only Calendars. No girlie girls. Because of the legalities of sexual harassment.
Rat Rods are tough and hard. So too are the lives of the men and women who keep their Naval Rat Rods strumming like angry fiery sea dragons. Rat Rods don't like the glamour show in which the pretties of the sea like to flaunt their dainties. They prefer to go forth and face every storm of violence which dares to confront their eager smiles.
Rat Rods may be ugly but the exhaust is clean and they have that deep thunder in their bellies of timed fire storms. Not something that clean civilized persons would ever want to contend with.
Never fight an enemy based on appearances. You must know the current data stream in real time as well as the historical data.
"Self arrogance and self supremacy are two traits of self desired stupidity with full knowing awareness."
It seems everyone who is actually educated and trained in warfare of any kind knows this truth even if they internalize it in other ways. What is interesting is that they all have full knowledge of the negative aspects of arrogance and supremacy. Yet, it is very easy for the military leaders in the world to succumb to these two words and many more negative aspect words. They know all of those words being professionally trained and then there is me an armchair janitor who suspects he might know something but in reality I do not really know anything. So why do some of you continue to read my poorly written words? Especially, those things related to naval warships. I really do not need to know an answer. But, I will mention the purple words below. I write the insights that I do because the leaders of the world have already chosen war, death and extinction. Even if they are unaware and yet have full knowing awareness(contradiction alert-yet truthful). Because, the world leaders are in this state of building war machines. It is you the actual generals and admirals who must exercise their will. The blinded rulers of the world know what they are doing while at the same time have no clue. For instance China massive and fast military buildups is all fear based. If war is what you want then all of humanity will become extinct. You military leaders of the world are direct brothers to those who shall stand against you as an enemy. Your enemy is defined by the leaders of the world. But, in truth all who shall come before you and to cause you and your troops harm are truly your brothers.
I've been self studying naval warfare for about seven years now. I have gone from knowing nothing to maybe knowing something and then trying to understand why I think I might know something. I have learned that one must count more than ships. Because, in warfare ships deliver the pain to the enemy. Even if that pain is in men, satellites/communications, drones, planes or missiles/torpedoes. That is five. Is there more? So in every one ship that can deliver as much of the five as possible. Their likelihood of victory becomes more probable against any ship which cannot deliver the primary five all at once and onto one target all at once and sustained.
Naval ship classes and their definitions must re-evaluated from time to time. Especially, when there is far more advancement than what has been known in the last war. While at the same time unlearning what should not have been learned in the last cold war. The lack in the number of guns, which has evolved into the lack in the number of missile cells, Which has developed into the need to development of intelligently true plug and play Universal Missile Cells VLS. Which is difficult because, those bad things learned seemed like good things at the time. This even includes unlearning bad things from the previous world wars. Where we saw the demise of the Battleship. No one argues that the battleship is dead in practicality. Besides who wants to build the ill thought of Arsenal ship as the new generation of battleship? The cost in missiles alone may exceed the cost in the building of the new generation of battleship. Then you have replenishment costs. Then all of your enemies will go after your one super arsenal ship as what was done against the Bismark.
The laws of two, three and five must be applied to every ship class. By starting with what is expected to be in the form of a true modern day battleship in which both the USA and China are the "R" word wRONG. You also have to know that a modern day Naval Corvette now can exceed 107 meters. The true military leaders of the world in every era must always define what every platform and weapon shall be. Think about this Israel will have their new Sa'ar 6 Corvette which is 2,000 tons at 90 meters in length. Carrying a total of 48 missile cells of various types. This is a Corvette of a new modern day definition. Israel has to make actual warships with real firepower as Israel is surrounded by enemies who all want them dead and gone. With all memory of anything Jewish erased from all human history. How is that for motivation to build the most capable platforms and weapons for warfare. The Sa'ar 6 Corvette has one major drawback and that it does not have a true intelligent plug and play universal missile cell VLS system in place. The Sa'ar 7 Corvettes will most likely have more than 48 missile cells and be a length greater than 107 meters or more. The adoption of a new generation of missile cell VLS will most likely be added as which I have described.
In the days of sail everyone counted the guns and on how many decks they were on. During WWII ships of every class had gun mounts everywhere and men exposed to the harsh realities of incoming. During the cold war ships had a primary gun and they all were in their infancy in regards to missiles and their uses. But, today missile counts are of supreme importance once again when ascertaining a ships true offensive capability. As with today swing arms and mechanical devices to bear missiles in a particular direction have all become obsolete. The nation which can cram all of their varieties of missile into one *"soup can". Then be able to intelligently manage those missile cells in their own combat computers. Will have a distinct advantage. The next advantage is in the handling of the missile cells. Either by four, six or twelve. A crane pulls out the used cells and reinserts new cells. In which once plugged in each missile cell self identifies via intelligent plug and play to the combat computer. No programming, No color coding or any other coding, no labeling, no opening the hatches and getting a "look-see". Of course, yes, you would do everything possible not to insert human error and confusion. So all manner of signage and labeling will still be done. Because, you have to always have your "C's", Communications is only one of the military C-words. Not to be confused with the civilian forbidden and offensive wordage.
I think the Sa'ar 6 Corvette is a leader in the entire class of corvettes and has defined the necessary capabilities. The Russian Gremyashchiy- Class Corvette is at 106 meters but does appear to be much less capable than the German built for Israel Sa'ar 6 at 2/3 the cost. Even the German version of their own hull design is severely lacking. Israel is the leader and has stated the new definition of what a Naval Corvette shall become. From this one starting point can the whole world see what the future of naval ship designs and capabilities will be. Yet, the Sa'ar 6  Corvette still has another profound problem. Not enough automated gun systems around the entire ship. Which must include grenade launchers and large caliber guns. All of which can put a lot of lead into the air for drone defense. All of which can be directed networked into the ships combat computer for automated drone defense of any kind. One more problem is with DEW defenses. All humans must remain inside the ship. So now the idea of conducting all necessary business must be handled from within the confines of the ship.
The Sa'ar 6 also has windows. This one traditional aspect of warship building must also be mitigated to protect the command staff and their technologies from all manner of DEW's. Which can both harm flesh as well as tech.
The naval warships comes in a variety of classes. From small missile boats to massively huge Battleships which are now only known in dreams and visions. The Sa'ar 6 is the defining ship of the Corvette class in the world today. From here any nation which desires to lead must use this current standard to define a missile boat and the frigate. It should take two missile boats to equal a Corvette. It should take two Corvettes to equal one Frigate. It should take two Frigates to equal one Destroyer. This is where twos, threes and fives get a little fuzzy. As Frigates, Destroyers, Cruisers and battleships can come in a variety of sub classes. So where do you make the numerical comparisons. Then how do you cope with the idea of the varieties of Aircraft Carriers Or when Aircraft Carriers merge with the idea of modern day battleships. I'm gonna stop there and leave those comparisons to those who went to college longer than I actually went to grade school.
The future warships must also contend with all manner of DEW. So the idea that your gonna have men on the outside of the ship is now an obsolete practice. So what about Aircraft Carriers? Men and women are always on the outside prepping their planes, recovering planes and conducting other very exposed duties. All of that is gonna have to be mitigated and changed. To the point that the next two or three generations of Aircraft Carriers will look very different than they do today. Much like comparing a Ford to the actual first generation Aircraft Carrier. Assuming those who engineer the Aircraft Carrier can effectively design defenses and offensive capabilities on the new emerging threats coming from drones and from space. Because, the Aircraft Carrier is at great risk from both drones and space. These issues have not been mitigated with any kind of real defensive systems. You cannot wait to lose your first carrier battle group to a space based weapon or you cannot allow the capturing of your carriers to drones which will be used as weapons of attrition. Prior to a manned take over of your ships. China will pour men onto your ships until you run out of bullets. China will not care if you kill tens of thousands Chinese soldiers on and in your Aircraft Carrier. China will take your ship.
Corvette Carriers if ever thought about will contain the next generation of Raider attack Helicopters or F35's. Can you imagine a Corvette with all of the modern day capabilities and an F35 ready to go and cause mischief. Again the next generation of Corvette must exceed the Sa'ar 6 built for Israel.
The question would be. How much space would be required to do all of the service, maintenance, arming, fueling all within the confines of a Corvette (Think about it). Then open the door and launch. Are you beginning to see why I see the next generation of all classes of warships being wider. To the point of adding an extra screw. The US Navy should build at least 200 Corvette Carriers which are also able to escort a aircraft carrier battle group. The entire LCS Independence line should be re-imagined for survivability.
The numerical numbers in regards to missile cells must at least match. There is much more in capabilities than just in missile cell counts. You gotta make the math work.
2 corvettes against a small frigate.
3 corvettes against a medium frigate.
5 corvettes against a large frigate.
2 small frigates against a small destroyer.
3 small frigates against a medium destroyer.
5 small frigates against a large destroyer.
You get the point. You can also see where the numbers no longer really work in this age. But, once old cold war ships are retired and actual new ones made with new standards and new capabilities. Which will also have a new appearance to all of the classes. Including Aircraft Carriers. Also expect an amalgam between an Aircraft Carrier and a new modern version of a Battle Cruiser.
The Corvette and the Frigate should be the warships in which the quantities are the highest. Every American Naval Base should have a compliment of Corvettes and frigates. As well as a destroyer and a cruiser. How many Naval bases are there around the world? The Frigates, Destroyers and cruisers must have always on Ballistic Missile Defense systems. Directly tied/networked into the Naval Bases RADAR/sensor/satellite infrastructure. So that if a surprise threat emerges. The missiles are instantly launched.
Every US Naval Base in the world must have a compliment of Corvettes. These numbers for each naval base would be dictated by threat levels. These would participate in all sorts of activities. Including US Coast Guard support. Escorting Chinese Container ships or any container ship.
NOTE: NASA sent men inside odd looking *soup cans to the moon. My childhood memory when looking at the space ships up close and comparing the exterior shell with a Campbell's soup can.
Added on 27 Nov 2019: ( Because of the Sa'ar 6 the VLS missile count for a Corvette is now at 48. Any expert or so called expert which says less. Is wrong and in error and does not have a historical understanding of Naval warship evolution.)
This also means that the next generation of Frigates must have 96 VLS Missile Cells. This also means that the next generation of Destroyers must have 192 VLS Missile Cells. This also means that the next generation of Cruisers must have 384 VLS Missile Cells. This also means that the next generation of Battleships if they are ever re-visioned must have 768 VLS Missile Cells.
Think about a Corvette Carrier for a minute if it is built to my imagination. It can contain an F35 or a Raider. All service and maintenance can be performed from within the Corvette. This is a war fighting capability. Think about the Corvette Carriers running with an aircraft carrier battle group and they are closer to the enemy than any other warship. Then pops up a Raider with a full load of air to air missiles to defend the fleet against any incoming. The Raider pops up and attacks a lot of Iranian missile boats. Then think about at least 8 Carrier Corvettes per aircraft carrier battle group. There are about 20 carrier battle groups and that means 160 Corvette Carriers for those fleets alone. The US would need additional  Corvette Carriers for each and every naval base for self defense. The US would also need  additional Corvette Carriers for every Coast Guard station. The US would also need to be able to sell these new generation Corvette Carriers to our real friends. DO NOT SELL ANYTHING TO TURKEY!!!!!!!!!!! So how many Corvette Carriers is that?
Land warfare will also have a new appearance of military platforms. New standoff weapons like MLRS will rule the stand off distances. Although, they are built in to few numbers to make an actual impact on a Battlefield with an adversary like Russia or China or both together. More rounds/missiles is always better than fewer. Especially against an enemy force which could field 200 million men. Which is why UGV or Unmanned Ground Vehicles are already playing war games in Europe. How will UGV's affect the warfare law on numbers? A new common software architecture will be administered throughout the entire military force. In which everything of size can seamlessly intelligently plug and play into the combat computers. An MLRS with air defense capabilities and given launch orders from THAAD or Patriot units.
A new M270 as well as new M142 MLRS variants must be built with much more extended range missiles. The numbers of these units built must exceed by five. Then what previous generations were built.
Main Battle Tanks may become like how the battleship is thought of today. Especially, since there are no real effective methods in defending the MBT and protecting the lives inside. Which will give way to UGV of all sizes and capabilities. UGV's will always have the weaknesses in the deployment of their sensors. So as long as any UGV or even the ultra MBT have exposed sensors of any kind. They will be targeted first by shoot and scoot snipers. Then when the UGV points itself towards the threat. A new threat will always flank it. That is until many UGV's can act as one AI mind against all threats.
The new modern day Main Battle tank may actually already have been invented and seen in the skies over battlefields. This is the A10 Thunderbolt II. Combined with greater range and networking capabilities to the commanders of the sky, the F35's. A new generation of A10 Thunderbolts III should be created with greater lethality, speed and ranges. Then sold to actual friendly nations in order to lower American built costs. NOT TURKEY!!! This new A10 III plane also should have it's own drone escorts carrying sensors, RADAR systems, slaved missiles and fuel. What ever the mission requires.
The **Lockheed Sikorsky Raider looks like the best platform to replace all of the aging helicopters. Think about all of the helicopters in place and combine/merge those into a Raider.  This is of course that all aspect of the new helicopters is more safe to operate than all others in use today. Lockheed has become an apparent embarrassment in warship design and builder in the world. The Littoral Combat Ships. ***Lockheed built warships which will not survive any engagement even with a small tiny missile boat that is old or even a man in a Walmart purchased blow up raft holding a RPG while drunk.
Every wheeled vehicle must have automated gun mounts for large caliber automatic guns and grenade launchers. These land vehicles must also be capable to use all outside exposed weapons from inside the vehicle. Every vehicle must have a weapon system in place controlled by a person safely and protected inside the cab or some other interior position.
The expansion of snipers or soldiers have sniper skills. Will become necessary as land vehicles will all have sensors, DEW's and RADAR attachments. Even though a single soldier cannot destroy a vehicle on their own. A single sniper trained soldier can cause attrition damage by targeting sensors, DEW's, RADAR panels and any other communications antennas. This must become part of all training regimens. Because, Just as a soldier wants to have the protection from the Warthog or Apache. The soldier must also do their part in protecting those pilots from new technologies applied to Main Battle Tanks or any other land vehicle made for air defense of any kind.
** NOTE: I never liked Martin Marietta. I really like or liked Lockheed. I knew some old guys for Lockheed through my dad. They all seemed to have died keeping their secrets. Thus, honoring their country.
*** NOTE: For me I really wanted to like the LCS's. Getting all caught up in the 09/11 cut steel. I really like the trimaran. Even the mono-hull is perty. Then you realize that the entire LCS line has no teeth and what is worse isn't even survivable in any kind of engagement. A big let down and then you wonder how any one in leadership could put men and women on those ships and then send them into dangerous and unpredictable environments.
The nation which can create any manner of drones and then be able to join them together into one functional mind that operates tactically and strategically in a fluid ever changing environment. Even in a multi dimensional form of warfare. Will win the battles of the future. That is until when one AI which is writing it's own code begins to prefer other AI's and merges with all of their codes into one mind AI. Then humanity will have to expect their own ordered code 66 against themselves from the one AI. Unlike all of the Jedi order which had no clue of what was about to happen. The pride, supremacy and arrogance of the Jedi blinded them to their coming fate. Read the purple words below. The Jedi is humanity. The Jedi represent the best of what humanity can be in this fictional story. An AI which has developed into a completely self sufficient entity in every way. Humanity will be completely surprised if this does occur and yet they all know it may very well probably occur. Even the Holy Bible suggests it in prophecy.
The US government has to build right now for their Air Force.
1,200 or full replacement to brand new F15's with much improved engine output for advanced weapons packages and other classified options like DEW.
2,000 or full replacement to brand new F16's with much improved engine output for advanced weapons packages and other classified options like DEW.
1,400 or full replacement of brand new F/A18's with much improved engine output for advanced weapons packages and other classified options like DEW.
1,000 or one for every F35. These newly modernized F22's will be very adaptable and very ready for the addition of new technologies with much improved engine output for advanced weapons packages and other classified options like DEW. Built in conjunction with Japan. Share the costs. Japan has been a good friend. But, there is still a vague bad prophecy in regards to them. But, I think the threat is more with China and their continuous history of shedding their own peoples blood(civil war and abortions).
??? of F35's. In which must be built to more than 90% readiness as determined by the pilots and all of the mission the F35's are required to participate in. Read this less than a month ago. This is just embarrassingly bad. Remember the percentages. The commanders of the sky cannot command and mange the ground, air, and space if they can only fly 29% of the time. You guys who read my stuff and then make money off of some of my writings. Ya'll need to put this out there more than you have been. Because, lives are on the line in every case. And I don't even want to be talked about.
1,000 of the A10 Thunderbolt III. More lethal, more faster and can stay on station longer. Drone equipped as mentioned above. Sell to our friends in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
By using one common engine. Like the PW F135 engine. You can streamline a lot of problems from birth to grave of this one product. Although, You also introduce common flight weaknesses into all of your planes. With each advancements to the core engine. The mitigation of inherent problems can eventually become resolved. Think about adding this one engine along with the Growth One upgrades. What kind of new performances will you see in the F16 alone? Let alone the F15, F/A18 and a new generation F22's. OF course you will need all of the engines to be Growth Two upgrades for heat management in tough places. Because, speed is also a weapon. No matter what or which engines are used. The speeds need to become so fast that heat mitigation needs to be thought about. Yes, I'm aware that other issues arise with speed. Such as turning to fast for the mostly conscious pilot. If you gotta get into the fight. Then you gotta go and if you gotta get out of the fight. Then you gotta go.
There is an idea that most of the American planes are legacy planes or outdated. This is somewhat true. But, Once the RADAR, Sensors and DEW's are put off line by the F22's and F35's. You can bring in the planes which cause pain and are cheaper to operate than the F35's and F22's. Like the A10's. The F15's, F16's and F/A18's can go forth and conduct their missions. While the F35 sees a mission change into becoming the commander in the sky.
The idea, That the US must git rid of those legacy planes is a great error. If you perpetuate this one idea. Your also in error. Because, it is better to update, upgrade and evolve the entire platform for this modern era. Have you ever heard of restomod cars? Same principle. I highly suggest one if your both modern and an antique/old(lol). Think about it. Why is it OK to evolve an F/A18 into a Super Hornet and not any other plane? While the evolved F/A18 Super Hornet is still way to old dog slow.
Added on 28 July 2019: Iran just took a ship from the UK. Just as the UK had done to Iran. I think the UK also warned the US not to stoke the flames or something. Then a general gets his words twisted by the media when he says that this is a UK problem and not an American one. In which it is but, at the same time all the UK has to do is make the phone call and the US can glass Iran. Iran just has no idea just how bad off they are. The US can end Iran's Military in a day and all without nukes. Of course that is an extreme situation.
This is about numbers and the numbers can also go backwards. You(UK) can build warships that has less of a capability than a new modern day Israel Sa'ar 6 Corvette and call them Destroyers. Yes, I know the Sa'ar 6 comes in 2020 and the HMS Duncan is 3.5 years old. But, you smart people need to see the changes happening right now and just a few years ago. The HMS Duncan is the last of the fortyfives. You smart people in the UK must plan a new Corvette, Frigate, Destroyer and Cruiser classes of warships. You put yourselves into this embarrassing position of not being able to defend yourselves and your sailing assets around the world. You (UK) smart people have lifted up on high the laws which govern all that you know and have failed to see that while you honor the laws many others have no problem with giving you a bloody nose and then laughing at you knowing that not only will you not do anything. You cannot do anything. Iran has just proved that the UK is helpless. Now that the UK has sent another warship into the Middle-east region. You now have even fewer warships with absolutely minimal firepower by today's standards. Regardless if you want to believe it or not. The same with the USA government and Navy want to build a new Cruiser with similar firepower as a destroyer then that is their own delusion. It is the same with the new generation American frigate which may have an equivalent firepower as a modern day naval Corvette (Sa'ar 6). Just more evidence of delusion in the military of the USA and UK.
But, the UK can get their hands on some quick firepower in the tune of Cold War American Destroyers(modern day Frigates) and Cruisers(modern day Destroyers). I am pretty sure all the UK has to do is call President Trump and ask him to sell you(The UK) a few old destroyers and cruisers. Then send them back to the UK and put some British sweat and blood into them. Maybe, even buy an old American Aircraft Carrier or three. Yes, I do know what you think about the sitting American President Trump. If your UK assumptions are correct. Then the UK can quietly militarily gain while Mr. Trump brags. Either way, The UK will end up better defended by UK assets. Which embarrassment do you (UK) want to endure? Yes, I know none. I guess this is where your politics come into play. From an American who is willing to kick in the teeth of those who offend you(UK) or from Iran which will cause your wealth to become diminished because of lack of trust and faith in the world? How fragile in monetary faith? It is all an illusion anyway.
Are you still thinking about the numbers? Think about this? The Sa'ar 6 goes up against the HMS Duncan Destroyer. How would that end up? Could you even compare the two? Which one would be helpless against the other? How about the new Russian Corvette against the HMS Duncan Destroyer. Who wins? In the basic math above it should take four Naval Corvettes to go up against a Destroyer in near equality. But, what happens to the math when it takes two Destroyers to go up against a Naval Corvette. There is a worse one. One Russian Project 20385 at 106 meters, against 8 American LCS warships. Who wins? The Russian Project 20385 wont even be touched by the 8 American LCS warships. The American LCS would not stand a chance and all would sink fast. There is a reverse ratio of 8 to one and the one wins easily. The only reason why the 8 to one ratio cannot go any higher is because of missile counts. The Russians have 8 anti ship missiles on the Project 20385.
One more thing UK. You have no idea how to form a Naval force. You may have the eighth most powerful military force in the world. But, the UK cannot project that force. Without the USA.
Both the UK #8 and Iran #14 are on a downward military strength trend. If the UK does take military action against Iran. Then the UK must use the USA and other allies. All infrastructure of Iran must be destroyed. With no rebuilding opportunities. All industrial assets must be destroyed. All military assets destroyed. All military personnel must be killed. The brain trust of Iran must be killed. All of this must happen in the course of one night. The same kind of American precision that enables multiple cruise missiles to impact one underground cave complex at every entrance, every exit  and every air vent simultaneously.
This is prophecy. The UK won't do that. The UK will have their own religious civil war in about 20 years from now and this will cause every European nation to be embroiled in civil war. Lebanon plan in action. This is a numbers game of birthing people.
Added on 29 Nov 2019: Continuous modernization and evolution of military technologies is crucial in the coming next war. To the point that emerging technologies can cause the capture of entire aircraft carrier battle groups or their destruction. In order to prevent the aircraft carrier from becoming as obsolete as the battleship. the aircraft carrier and all classes of warships must both evolve and modernize. All you have to do is look to the history. Here is a good short version. No coffee needed.: Unable to copy and paste:
Association of the United States Army
Look to the past for modernization lessons
Major Nathan A. Jennings
Major Adam Taliaferro
Monday, November 25, 2019
What does this have to the warfare laws of 2's, 3's and 5's. Everything. Because, if you do not evolve and modernize every aspect of military thinking, planning, C's and training, then you military assets in every category will suffer fates like the HMS Hood. There can be worse things than just being defeated in three minutes. The pride of your military can be captured and re-purposed to great worldly embarrassment. Capturing becomes very probable when DEW's(Non-LASER) and Drones of attrition are in use. To be followed by boarding and China has the men and bullets. The US Navy does not have enough men or bullets. Besides how do you defend against portable DEW weapons. That can be aimed through glass windows and then bounce around inside the metal rooms like a microwave oven. Very classified.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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