Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Natural Gas: (Unedited): 17-18 Jan 2022:

No prophetic content. No quotes. Only questions, news and possible outcomes. 
So I was taught a long time ago. Natural gas is one of the most clean energy products humans use. It is probably more clean and with less waste than nuclear energy or batteries of any kind. So why would the governments of the world want to ban this one clean energy source? 
Why am I writing is because I saw a bumper sticker. "Make Earth Green again. 

So what does that actually mean. How far are the governmental authorities going to go in this green effort? The end of modern day transportation as in all of it. From electric batteries to all combustion engine driven vehicles of any kind. Will that mean horses and working cattle become more valuable than a high performance vehicle of today? But, if every family began to have their own farms and the land to feed those very large animals. Would not the natural methane heat the globe faster than natural gas? Can you imagine horse congestion on the road ways? But, asphalt and concrete harms horses hooves. So roads and highways will have to disappear. Can you imagine 300 million horses and 400 million beasts of burden in the USA alone? 
But, the dangers of oil, coal and nuclear power plants like Fukushima, Japan and the damage they cause. So all of those will have to be outlawed to the entire human population of the Earth. Power plants of all kinds are being decommissioned without new ones to replace them. So this is not prophecy. If there is steady growth in the human thirst for more and more power. More power plants will have to be built or more instability and the loss of regular power is coming for all human beings. Think about the Chinese or worse the North Koreans. 
The world was the greenest before humans learned about fire. So does that mean ban all fire making anything? (humor)Those smokers will be further criminalized, professionally, socially excluded from any smoking activities. What about charcoal, propane and other forms of gas grills? What about any other kind of fire like camp fires, fire places, wood burning stoves and ovens, candles, oil lamps, gas lamps, trash fires, burning leaves and etc. Will all of these burning activities become outlawed? Burning any carbon wood product puts a lot of smoke into the air. Although the Tonga volcano eruption may put more smoke into the air than all of humanity has even had knowledge on how to make fire. So, how far green do you want to go? 
What about the stories where humans will think meat consumption is a treat? Without meat, humans will become physically smaller and weaker. Really. This will occur with the next humans born and not in generations down the road. What about the consumption of fish. How is fish going to feed all of the 7.9 billion people on this planet right now. The fish populations in the oceans are depleted. Tonga volcano probably killed billions of fish. There is no way to feed humanity if meat is banned or outlawed. How will you cope and take care of your family, your church and your community? How many edible antique, heirloom edible trees, bushes and plants have all of you planted. Especially, knowing that it can take 5-7 years for first fruits and then another year or two for full fruiting. This will be after much pruning and much care. When and if you begin planting. Be sure to think about being as close as possible to year around harvesting every month or so. 
Everyone who reads this should really consider a life off grid. Learning the necessary functional skills of living a thriving lifestyle like humanity did in the 1800's. 1700's, 1600's and etc. Off grid living is not really fun if you are used to the very modern way of living in America, Western Europe, Japan, South Korea and other very modern nations. Off grid living can be very problematic in different weather situations, seasons and climate changes. If you really want to go green in the world. Then a world with any artificial electric lighting will not be in your future. 
Well this is problematic. All news is about how bad natural gas is and how it is worse than you think. This new news only goes back as far as 2019. That is as far as I went.
The news which says that natural gas is good only comes from energy providers. So what does this all mean? You have to do your own research into the actual data and not paid one sided opinionated parrot talk. You have to know the difference. 
Added on 27 Jan 2022:
While the above news states that natural gas is bad. The news below has a promise that the USA will deliver Natural gas to Western Europe. Guess what? You can't deliver natural gas if Americans are using it all. So. could this be a possible explanation to the new ongoing propaganda for Americans.