Showing posts with label Earth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earth. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Bright Light Dream/General Dream: (Unedited): 28-29 April 2024:

 I was in a car with a family member on some day. We were close to the airport or a military base. We were driving along a perimeter fence. When I was made to look up, from the passenger seat and I saw an incredibly bright light(explosion) up in the sky. I could see the spherical like shock wave coming out from the center along with a smaller bright sprite light which is traveling along with the shock wave. There was no sound, no increase in air pressure and no EMP. I just knew all of the cars on the road were about to go dead and they did not. I just knew that I should now be blind and I wasn't. I then focused my attention on getting home. Traffic was very heavy and I did not think anyone saw what I did. This bright light only lasted for a few seconds and if you did not look at it when it was happening you would not know. Such is what would happen when nuclear detonations happen outside of Earth's atmosphere. I then began to notice many wedge shaped UAV's as which was not known by me in this awaken time but I was not startled seeing them in the dream. Almost as if they were common or commonly known by me in the time of the dream. These wedge shaped UAV's seemed to be of the surveillance kind as they were very smooth on the surface with no protrusions. My family member and I made it to the stand still on an on ramp. All  traffic was stopped. Everyone seemed obedient and just waiting on the traffic to move and no one seemed panicked or dangerous to others. END of dream.
Possible location is central Florida. But, this is where I am now and not be where I could be then. 
Possible time frame on the day: Early morning hours as the lighting may indicate sun low and behind me like a dawn. Standard work day for a professional person which is not me.
Possible Vehicle: old, boxy: Yes, That is just a hint. 
All vehicle stopped: Possible early morning traffic issues in cities.  
I think the UAV's become a common appearance. This could denote time frame.
Bright Stars: The detonation of a nuclear device outside of the earth's atmosphere would appear like a short lived star in the day time or night time. The time duration of this short lived star would indicate size of a nuclear explosion. The longer the time frame the larger the yield. It would absolutely be silent with no felt affects.
While the detonation appeared to be over the airfield. It was not. You gotta do that line of sight math thing with angles and other logic stuff.  Being purposefully vague. You either know or don't. 
Can be related to family member stuff. 
Can this dream also mean that the USA becomes a surveillance state just like what other nation states have become. Along with their new preferred citizens and their now old and historical non preferred citizens.
Added on 29 April 2024:
Last night dream of a non identified Brigadier general with fast flying sparrows who turn into crashing soldiers into the trees. I even caught two in my hands before they turned into men. It was almost funny after the fact once no one was injured. Abbeyville, OH. was mentioned. 
So: NO. 
An unincorporated town in Ohio. A recruitment center in the county. But, those are everywhere. A big barbecue place. What is your point? Really, how is Ohio known for good Barbecue?
The point is mute actually. The American nation was once a godly nation as much as it ever was. But, now the politicians have made laws favoring sin and forcing those who are actually honorable to do more than tolerate vile sins. Politicians now believe themselves to be excluded from the law which is far worse than being above the law. Once the people of any nation believe that actual justice has ended then that nation ends. Now the nations of the world which had degrees of freedom are now favoring dictatorships using fear as a weapon. When each individual person begins to know within themselves the truth of their status. Everything which was once good ends. So Mr. Brigadier General. You should retire. Gather your family together into a safe place that you make for them all. Live out the rest of your life in peace knowing that you have done your best giving them an opportunity to survive through the coming global ordeal in which up to or more than 7 billion human souls will perish. Oh Yea, The purple words below and actually becoming a Christian if that is even possible for you and your loved ones. I do think that God is going to lock souls into place unable to change from the evil they are to good. You know like the Pharaoh in Egypt(Moses Story).  When and if that happens is only my guess.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

08 April 2024 Thru 02 Oct 2024 +15: (unedited): 13-14 March 2024:

NOTE: No Quotes. Which means what I write and think is still not as important as the quotes. When I write like is  it is highly advised to pray before you read. But, then again you should pray before you read, listen or do anything. Have you Bibles at the ready and verify all things. I do my best and I'm not perfect and I make errors. My understanding of things can and could be greatly flawed and most likely is. Do remember that those who were looking for the Christ were expecting a great military leader/savior and what did they end up with? So what we lowly and insufficient humans can understand of what God is going to do or not going to do is woefully inadequate. 
These posts are not for new Christians. It is not my intention to bring a spirit of fear or to give you the desire to only save your own skin in any of my writings. It is important to understand that the ten commandments is the law of God as well as the hundreds of other rules that we are all supposed to live by. The ten commandments is not only about being completely obedient to all of the laws in which you should be obedient to. I think God wants all of us to freely choose to be both compliant and obedient simply because they are all the right things to do and we all should have a heart felt and spirit led desire to want to do the right things in our lives. It is really that simple and when you have a truthful desire to love one another your not going to desire to cause and harm or suffer to anyone. There you have it. 
The comments below are designed to be vague. It is you who should have a good understanding of the Holy Bible and of prophecy. You should also have a basic understanding of stars, geology and the placement of cities. This is the greatest confluence of signs I have ever seen and the signs are basically for a perverse generation. I may? or may not? include some links to offer some of you readers the basics of what is seen and not the intention of the Message of what the Holy Bible is putting forth. 
How does early humanity place cities in the past for use by God in some possible prophetic event a hundred or more years in the future? Think about it as you choose to do your own factual research in this matter. Bare in mind I could be very much in error and hope that I am wrong. But, I do not think so. Also a further note. This is only a discovery and not originated by me or through me. It all seems right to me which is bad for America. But, all for the glory of God even in our own destruction should we all glory and praise God as Habakkuk had done. Would Habakkuk had been declared or labeled a traitor for worship and praising God and his countries demise? Think about it.
Well this is very scary and spooky. I have just completed a cursory study of the 08 April solar eclipse. I'm spooked about it. I have been keeping up with all of the end of the world events for the last many decades and this is not my first rodeo. After all, I knew that I knew that all of humanity was going to nuke themselves into radioactive oblivion back in the early to mid 1980's. I just knew it and said to myself any day now were all gonna die. That was then and this is now. After all of those decades of research and studying through 3 or 4 it's the end of the world as we know it events per year. I would call a friend and tell him "yep, we missed another one, yet again". It's a running joke. But this time seems different. 
I know that a large number of people read my writings especially those who refused to be tracked. Kind of like right now hundreds of my writings are being read or downloaded and yet no one can be tracked. Weird??? This happens often. If you do use any of my content then there is no need to mention or acknowledge me. I'm not that important. I'm not the kind of person who is accepted or wanted outside of my home/immediate family in which I do not even have one of those owned shelters.
So on 08 April 2024 we are to have a solar eclipse and it crosses over the USA. In the Holy Bible it does tell us all about the signs in the heavens and signs on the Earth. In which there are up to or more a dozen sign and symbol confluences as well as the inclusion of many Biblical stories. Which are used in some prophetic manner. This is up to you to discover and to act upon in some meaningful way that is between you and God. Do not miss it. Pray before you do, read or see anything. Then ascertain if other peoples understanding is truthful and acceptable prior to you agreeing with anything. Yes, actually use your Bible to prove the validity of everything and anything spoken, read or written.
Like I have written above I've already been through a dozen or so dated and timed events. Even though I know that the date and time shall not be known. Says it in the Holy Bible and yet people continue to bring forth dates. Here is the interesting thing. There isn't really a known date, Just a range of dates like between 08 April 2024 thru 02 Oct 2024: The 02 Oct eclipse will only be seen by Easter Island out in the Pacific Ocean. So the date ranges can be basically in error for the USA or Mystery Babylon or New Jer"U(SA"lem) or which ever was the original intended name of this nation. I bet you were never taught that. What was the original intended name of this land and nation before the involvement of England, France and Spain.
The point here is this. What is your relationship to The Christ? because, if this event of multitudes of signs and symbols is true and real. Will you be one of the ones left behind because you were only a Christian for a hour and a half per Sunday, per week or were you just a social show off Christian up to maybe 4.4 times per month if the weather was good or a sports event was not showing. Because, I think here in the USA if the rapture does come for Americans it will and could be proven as a non event as people just move away from churches and just go somewhere else. The global rapture of HIS Bride becomes a non event inside of the USA. Can it be? What if the people leaving the church prophecy was based on a rapture event in which only a few missing and gone could be proven otherwise? Think about it. 
Are you or are you not a child of your Heavenly Father or will you hear those words in Judgement "... I never knew you ..." I'm not a judge and neither are you. You or I are not even worthy to judge ourselves let alone anyone else. How many life long professing Christians will be left behind? How many pastors and church leaders will be left behind? Will I even be left behind? and I know I'm not even worthy to think my own thoughts or feel my own feelings without divine assistance and judgement.
If there is going to be a rapture. We all are going to start seeing very weird things in the heavens, the sky and on this planet. His children will be removed from danger. Just as any good father will protect and remove his precious bride and children in any dangerous situation. The precious bride and children often times know of the danger and then are hastily and maybe rudely removed from the threat.
More than a dozen nations on this planet is in a threat of a civil war. The world is in threat of a global war. There are 114 nations in some kind of conflict right now. 
If this whole thing is actually real. All of humanity is going to start seeing some very weird things. This will be important to understand. 
What does this all mean right now? You had better be sure of your actual faith because the last time the world was destroyed only 8 chosen adults were save and single pairs of animals. Which means no human children were saved, no pretty puppies, no cute kittens, and no beautiful bunnies. Who are you? and who am I for that matter to know that we each are worthy of being saved? How is it that we are even worthy to judge our own selves and declare ourselves as worthy to be saved prior to any next end of the world event? The act of judgement is only for God alone and we are not gods. We can not and could not save ourselves which is why Jesus had to come. Jesus is the only one who was and is worthy. Even today.
So you have to get right with Jesus, God and the holy Spirit. It doesn't matter if you have many PHD's or been working in important Christian positions for many decades. Your works is and never has been a guarantee of your salvation. God will either be your judge or your Heavenly Father. It will be up to you to choose to be either one. Your acceptance by your own lying and deceiving tongue may convince every other human being but it will not with God. God cannot be deceived by your tongue, your works as He sees and knows all that is within your heart, mind and spirit. Your own truth is your own delusion. 
A true genuine and devout Christian is always ready for what may come. Christians are being tortured and dying right now. They each will not know of a rapture except when they go to sleep in the midst of their incredible pain and suffering. They each shall awaken in the presence of their Heavenly Father in which they will hear those wonderful and welcoming words.
Is the USA mystery Babylon? In the last two decades I have thought it was. But, as of right now I'm now more certain than before. I could be wrong but with the history of these new signs. I think I'm correct that the USA is mystery Babylon in prophecy. Which means we Americans will be destroyed and become no more. When will our destruction happen? In 2024? prior to this coming up election season? Or do we still have to wait to the years closer to 2044ish? 
Today and right now is our time of Jonah and the signs are very evident. Is the USA Nineveh? As related to the signs I believe yes. So we have our time frame to genuinely repent. If we do not then we all will be destroyed, suffer and die. The story about Nineveh and Jonah was only a reprieve. Because, later on Nineveh was destroyed and buried to one day become Mosul Iraq. So the Jonah signs to the USA is only a possible reprieve even if we all repent. Are we the Americans coming into that season of repentance or else?
Nineveh had Jonah as their unlikely prophet of coming doom in which they reasoned and forgot about him within about 100 years or less. Jonah hated Nineveh. So who will be the prophet of God who will hate America very much to come her and be America's Jonah? Will God send a Jonah to America or has America gone to far in their evil ways and simply will become destroyed as Babylon had?
Are we Americans like the Egyptians and the Pharaoh in which this nation of these people will do bad things to the Christians and then who will be our Moses type of person or will our Moses be the Holy Spirit as we are led out of captivity via a rapture like event. Did not God save His people through Moses. Did not fearful things happen and they had to exercise great faith in the presence of the column of fire and smoke. Will God harden the hearts of the American politicians and the American people? Will the American soldier, federal agents, deputies, police officers become hardened to such a degree that they will only follow orders and execute those whom they are ordered to execute? Without any regard to what is actually right or wrong? Morally right or wrong? As each one becomes pure murderous human apathetic machines.
The video links is basically hours and hours of study and yes bring your Holy Bible and fear not pausing while you study what they each say. Yes, do read the whole chapter and not just the Holy Bible verse offered. Because, there are places where it is implied or states to RUN and HIDE. Maybe one place. It is advised that before you do anything. You should pray earnestly. This is not about the spirit of fear.
Added on 14 March 2024: Special Warning: You need to fully understand that if the USA or ?Mystery Babylon? curses Israel or comes against Israel in any sort of negative fashion. Then God will do the same unto the USA except magnified. Read in the Bible those stories where any leader went against the instructions or rules or laws of God and the curse which came back unto that nation the people paid the price. 
The Biden administration has provided material and financial support to the enemies of Israel. The Biden administration has provided intelligence and military planning to the enemies of Israel. The Biden administration has just been caught undermining the leader of Israel. The USA has brought sanctions against Israel. If the American Government continues to actively go against Israel. Then God will go against His own Blessed nation in all of the ways that the USA has gone against Israel except magnified. Because, of the evil and wickedness of your own leaders it shall be "We The people ..." who shall suffer the most. Which could include the end of your nation if the end of Israel is in the hearts and minds of your own self chosen leaders. Then as We The People suffer and die will you continue to praise and worship God as He disciplines all sinful acts? Can you genuinely be like Habakkuk?
So the magnified curses which may return to America will be related to the military, financial, political interference or weakness, failed materials, failed military planning, End of the Blessed nation. Plus all other curses in which I know nothing about at this time.
Will these great brave men become Benghazi-ed. Because of what the Biden administration is doing and has done against Israel?
If this curse does not return back onto the USA in which I hope it does not. Will it be too soon or is God biding His time. Pun Intended. 
Added on 18 March 2024: 
There is a dead city/town named Rapture, In. What would that mean?
Rapture Harmony Parish, Indiana. All it appears to be is farm land with some churches scattered about. 
Added on 23 March 2024:
Added on 27 March 2024: Nothing written
Added on 03 April 2024: 
The countdown has begun. The coming of your death and rebirth comes forth. Just as the darkness of sleep and death overtakes you. Somehow the new bright day awakens new beginnings and continuations.
Do not allow the darkness of each and every death historically manifest into a shadow which has great gravity and weight upon your daily self.
With every darkness and with every sleep put to death all of the bad and sad parts of you.
With every darkness and with every sleep, murder all of the wicked, evil and perverse parts of yourself.
With every darkness and with every sleep ascertain all of your mistakes and failures. Learn and attain wisdom, knowledge and understanding from each one. 
Continue each new wonderful day with joy and hope. Do not bring any of the bad and sad of the elusive and shadowy past into each coming new bright and hopeful day.
Have not any fear or anxiety because of any signs from God. For you who are one of His beloved children who has obeyed your Heavenly Father out of the love for Him. 
All of the signs of God are for those who still have the ability to truly repent. Those signs are their last opportunity prior to judgement.
In those last days there shall be strange sheep owned by others who pretend to be owned by the One Heavenly Father. In which He will declare to each one ... I never knew you ...
The unrepentant blessed nation which was once a Christian nation has forgotten and strayed from "The Way". Modern day Christians shall be put to death in similar ways as the ancient Christians and apostles.
Be thankful for all of your suffering and death because as you go to sleep for the last time you shall awaken in Glory in the bosom of your Heavenly Father. Know that you are and have been worthy for all that you have had to endure unto the end.
As "We The People" who are all of the once blessed nation begin to become more and more insane in their wicked, evil and perverse ways. The whole of the American nation shall end. Those nations which have aligned with America shall also suffer greatly. 
Signs are for the wicked and perverse generations. Even though those signs have very solid scientific understandings. All heavenly signs are still messages of either blessings or prophetic warnings to all of humanity. 
Any nation which has dealings with a cursed nation must cut all ties with that once blessed nation and all of your people must repent of all of their sins. While at the same time you must disallow all sin to remain in your nation.
It is better for an unknown poor nation to become poorer than it is to accept the darkness and death of sin from the nation which once was the blessed nation and the light unto all of the world. 
There is still time for nations which have gotten deathly drunk from the wine of the nation which once was the light unto all of the world. There is still time to sober up. There is still time to repent and to get back onto the holy and righteous path.
19 May 2024: Well, it is day 41 after the Jonah eclipse and the USA is still here. I'm making an assumption of course with only one piece of evidence which is the internet and the second piece of evidence is if you can read this(Humor). I have been looking for signs at 3, 7, 12 days after and have not really see anything. God is like that, God can show you things, tell you things and we lowly humans are so dumb and unaware that we still have to be directed to see them. Remember a donkey knew more than Balaam. The Jews were looking for their next great war leader. I myself even asked for a sign and still had to be directed to know what and how to see. In which all I came back with was just how not smart I am. Then what does the Holy Bible say about asking for signs? Go forth and seek that one. I even wrote it down in here somewhere. I think it is over there at about 6 or 7 years. 
The USA Has Chosen War. 
Will The USA Press The Red Button This Time?
Are The American Leaders Foolish, Unwise And Self Serving? 
Here is a comment on the news. Before the USA goes to war they pre-position all of their needed supplies, troops and war machines into the expected theater of warfare. The USA always does this ahead of time and this time has not not told the American people. Do you remember one of the eclipse signs was directly over the cities of Salem and other peace meaning cities? Go and look that up. The USA has once again chosen war and not peace. I only found this out a few days ago. The USA military is actively engaged in searching for enemies off of the Atlantic seaboard. So when the USA is at war with Russia it was not done suddenly. When and if China does decide to face the USA along with Russia. The US has 350,000 troops and supplies in and around Asia. Yes, those places are being supplied and built up.
Do Not have a spirit of fear. My words are only directing preparation like Joseph. Sometimes you can only mitigate the effects of a coming emergency event. Hope and pray that a rapture comes sooner than later, if at all. My words are for you to prepare that there will not be a rapture and if there is then do not miss it. I do know people who have already walked away from God. They typically walk away because of human people and not God.
What does this mean for you American civilian. Better be sure your right with God. Even if you have been in the church for decades. I think there are allot of pretenders in church. Especially, if you take business cards to church to hand out just in case someone asks. Especially, if you serve the church, pastor first and not God. Did you know you can serve the church and not God? You had better prepare for war as well in a way as determined by you. Think about water, food, medicine, power, fuel, communication/internet shortages are just flat turned off forever.
Do you have your own super secret hand pumped water well?
Have you removed all of your ornamental trees, plants and bushes and replaced them with food bearing? Trees can be a resource of goods. 
Have you started learning ancient skill set which are now called preindustrial skill sets? Think about the purest Amish, Mennonites and the indigenous tribes. 
Read my answers here:
I think the next window is 02 Oct 2024: But, I could be wrong and probably am, especially when some reporting on how Russia or the USA/NATO wants their own grand Spring Offensive.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

WWIII May Not Be What YouThink +36: (Unedited): 27-29 Feb 2024:

 The great worldly rebellion in which the common peoples of the world go to war against their own worldly leaders. 
A great war where the common peoples of the world begin to fight and die against all of those who are in authority. Men, women and children stand firm as they each fight and die. 
Who would ever think that in the future that WWIII was started by globally united farmers, fishermen and freight haulers. All because the world leaders want to end them as they begin to depopulate the globe of common peoples.
The farmers, fishermen and freight haulers all know that without their efforts huge masses of common peoples will suffer, starve and die.
The big three which benefit all of humanity the most are the farmers, fishermen and truck drivers of the entire world. The global leaders of the world know this and this is why they have been making laws against them all.
The purposeful plan of the worlds leaders to depopulate the earth is public and the actions that they take is why the farmers, fishermen and freight haulers have taken their stand.
To stand and face your enemy or to hide as you watch your own family suffer and die because of their decision to depopulate the Earth of you. How will you decide? Choose now! Do nothing or something. Either way you very well may perish. 
What if WWIII is not what we all have been told what it would be? What if WWIII is the common peoples of the world against all of the force of power held by the leaders of the entire globe? 
You must be aware, You must realize, You must understand that a post human world will be absent of you and your family. All planned by those who have declared all authority over you and yours. 
Do not be afraid and fear not. Go forth in the holiness and righteousness of Christ. Though you may lose the whole world. You will wake in the Glory of God.
For the righteous and holy warrior of God. There is no losing anything. Because, no matter what happens you shall be with the Lord your Heavenly Father.
You who always mindlessly and heartlessly follow orders shall also become awaken in those last moments when you have just been Benghazied by your own beloved and trusted chain of command.
The actions taken in regards to Benghazi was only the beginning to this new type of decision to be made. Because in the end all you really are is just a common person who you have been made to go to war against.
This is also for all of you men and women of genuine honor who hold onto their badges of police officers, Sheriffs Deputies, FBI, and other agencies around the world. Do not give your good heart and good conscious away. 
Once AI machines of war are made and put into use by the leaders of the world against all of the undesired common peoples. All shall be lost on this planet and the full extinction process has become a certainty for all of humanity.
The leaders of the world already know that they cannot trust any human. But, they will trust the coming AI robots which will replace you and your family. No longer will you be deceived into thinking that you were ever important to any of them.
Added on 29 Feb 2024:
Great realization shall come to the worlds leaders and to the common peoples of the world when the censored global news media outlets cannot control the truthful and non propagandized information getting to the common peoples. 
When the global leaders, news media corporations and the social media outlets of the world cannot control the narrative and the truth which comes forth to all of humanity. They have lost because the people will realize and know the truth and the planned murderous deceit they all express.
Evolution of police action against the farmers, fishermen and truck drivers will become more and more pronounced. To the degree that police violence will be used against the protestors. 
06 March 2024: Happening now in Poland. This is only a beginning. 
New vision: A method of disabling all vehicles by the government will be mandated.
The leaders of the world will ban the ownership of large vehicles and farm equipment all because of the current farmers, fishermen and truck driver protests.
Newly defined preferred citizens will be put into positions where the newly unaccepted citizens have protested or supported protestors. 
Before the governments of the world can commit any atrocity against their own civilian population a complete technology blackout and turnoff must happen prior to the governmental ordered violent act.
Note 01: Just as the governments of the world can send every electronic device an important message, can they also turn them all off and keep them off.
Note 02: If the common peoples of the world are using technology to subvert the official messages then all of those devices must be turned off in some way so that the leaders of the world can conduct their evil and wicked deeds without the people becoming aware or ready. So all modern day technology must be remotely turned off. If the governments do not have this capability then they must create a criminal use narrative in order for the new capability to become either ignored or accepted by the common people.
Note 03: Ham radio and the use of any transceivers may also become illegal to use as they are no longer broadly used by common peoples.
Note 04: Opposing views which is counter to the governmental or worldly narrative shall also be quietly removed along with those persons who speak out and against the government. 
Added on 07 March 2024: Before any nation conducts any atrocity against their own people. All technology must be turned off with a simple flip of the switch. The farmers protests all over Europe is a good example why this will need to be done. 
Step 1: Preloaded software update at the ready for all technology devices. This includes all vehicles like farm equipment, trucks and cars of any kind.
Step 2: A single switch to turn off or shutdown. For specified amount of time, hours, days, weeks or months, maybe even years. 
Step 3: The restart with new automatic firmware updates. Which cannot be prevented by the end user. All history's, audio, videos and pictures will be automatically deleted without awareness from the end user.
Since the vile corporations actually rule the evil and wicked governments of the world. All necessary firmware packages can be created and put at the ready for use by all governments when the time becomes necessary. Then the governments will disallow the use of antiquated vehicles and deem them as unsafe. Then when the farmers of any nation begins to protest with their tractors. All of the tractors shall be specifically turned off. If the truck drivers go on protest. Then all of the trucks shall be turned off. 
Then obedient soldiers or police officers can go forth and arrest everyone involved individually even at their own homes can entire families be arrested, found guilty, lose their lands and homes or just executed. Then those whom the government considers as their favorite or preferred citizens can then be given to use those lands and home so as long as they are obedient and keep their mouths shut. All of this can be done when the Governments and corporations have absolute control over all new modern day technologies. Thus, all atrocities conducted which include the death, erasure and disappearance of entire families and towns can be done without any awareness by any outsiders.
The escalation from civilian confrontations to a war footing shall be done by the governments of the world.
American police officers are taught to deescalate every situation. But, it will be their chain of command which will on purpose escalate any civilian uprising simply because of their pride and ego.
Can you imagine the evil wickedness of leaders who are willing to kill civilians simply because they have become frustrated by your evil and wicked deeds. Then ordering the police to kill you if necessary. 
Civilians all over the world have become confused and upset with your evil and wicked plans. Out of their frustrations they are peacefully demonstrating and crying out for you to end your foolishness.
Corporate leaders will have their victories over the common peoples of the world. Those purely corrupted politicians and their families will be killed. 
Traitorous and treasonous politicians think themselves above all. How things shall change when they and their families are killed like wild rabid dogs and diseased rats that they are.
Before the deaths of evil and wicked politicians can happen billions of common peoples must first die. Then comes the extinction of the human species.
The great evil human with great power will lead all of humanity into extinction. Even his human host will perish. He is lying to all of his followers in which they will make the Earth a better place without humans.
The followers of the great evil one all think the depopulation of humanity will greatly benefit their life experience in a Earth that they each will get to participate in. The truth is all of humanity will become extinct.
The deceived followers will think that they screwed up once the extinction process begins for all of humanity and it cannot be stopped. Those logical deceived ones will never realize that was the plan all along.
The deceived ones who know that they have screwed up and caused the extinction process for all of humanity. They will know that their god will save them all and then does not as their gods human host dies as well.
When any governmental entity limits or prevents your access to water, food, medical care and education while limiting or preventing your God given liberties and freedoms. Those governmental entities are evil and wicked.
Added on 23-24 March 2024: 
Black Swan Events are like BOOB's except for those who are in the know,who have trained and planned for the Black Swan Event or BOOB's.
Black Swan Events are known planned events.
The essence of a surprise attack is a black swan event.
The delusional and foolish people who knows their enemies wants them to die and yet they still ignore the visible events which leads up to a black swan event will witness their own final fate.
The point of this is this. Someone knows and most likely allot of people know. Just because you do not know only means you're not important enough to know. Which means if you are only a common civilian then you will be strongly urged to believe the propaganda narrative which is put out to the unimportant masses. When you hear only news about any kind of Black Swan Event only in concept form. There is a reason why the government controlled media wants you to know the concept ahead of time just in case. You need to be aware that any Black Swan event can either be against you by an enemy force outside of your boundaries or an enemy force inside of your boundaries.
BOOB= Bolt Out Of Blue is a military term. 
Added on 27 June 2024: Troop Movements: 
You will only hear about this locally or if you study individual military websites. 
Every season and every year the US military have many war games. The US Military moves a large amount of military equipment via rail/train. So when you see allot of cancellations of war games or their is zero communications about no war games taking place and yet the US Military is moving allot of assets to the East and west. This will fundamentally mean war is being planned.  When the heavy military equipment is being parked on the coasts waiting to board ships and planes. This is how you will know and then it will only be an assumption. When you discover your military friends have quietly disappeared on vacations or holidays and realize they made no actual plans. This to might be a sign. Especially, when the wife and kids are still at home. But, if the grand parents are in some kind of isolated or low population town. Then may be another sign for you.  If they just disappear and their home is for sale. either you were not much of a friend or your military friend is protecting his family from a non-communicated threat to civilians. There will be other such signs that you most perceive which is out of the ordinary.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Secret One Prophecy+8: (Unedited): 30 Jan 2024:

The prophetic one is already known is already here, has already been here and was already here all along.
Those who hold the real worldly power, authority and wealth on this planet already know who he is. They are not talking and not revealing. Even the demonic forces are !NOT! revealing anything to their own human agents. But, what are the wealthy doing at this time in the prophetic time line? They are building their safe places in the holes of the earth and mountains. While knowing the coming truths as they try to do everything possible so that they each may survive while sacrificing the rest of humanity in some small hope that they will be sparred. In which they will not. This is because those fallen ones want for all of humanity to become extinguished and to die and to become extinct. Even the memory of humanity shall be excised from all physical memory. They believe they will make God do this to His own creation. They believe they will make God admit His failure.
This includes all of their special agents and special people whom they have gifted much worldly rewards and entitlements.
The prolonged planned torture, suffering and death of their special agents and special people shall be relished like an awaited great meal.
You special agents who have been thinking and believing that you have been in control of any of the demonic beings or fallen angels who have been revealing all manner of things to you. You think you are care for, loved and cherished. All each of you are is just a strong enduring bad taste in their mouths. In which they must cleanse themselves of your existence. What brings each of them joy is how they are going to torment, torture and kill you for as long as possible. They each will find great joy in your continued suffering and misery. For them it is like a human baking a wonderful cake. You must do everything exactly right, use all of the perfect ingredients, set the oven temperature correctly and then wait patiently. You get all of the pots, pans and dishes washed, dried and put away. Then once out of the oven you must wait for the cake to naturally cool itself. Then as you cut into that first slice. You start to feel that expectant joy of your sweet rewards. This for the demons is what it shall be like when they see their own special agents continuously tortured and killed. Yes, they know they you do truly love and care about each of them. This is what makes your torture and suffer so amazingly sweet to each of them. This is their level of hatred for every human being. Who to the demonic must all cease being.
The rise of all things chaotic is his evidence of his artistic work. From his orchestrated chaos will come death and destruction on a global scale.
To his eyes and ears watching all of humanity tear itself apart shall bring him great joy. The smell of fresh blood and rotting human corpses shall bring him great excitement as he desires to splash all of that odor all over himself like some expensive perfume. 
The more things which becomes chaotic it is you who should refuse to participate in anything which goes against the foundational principles of Love, Peace, Harmony and Life.
He is a master of fomenting distrust, anger, hatred just like a great wine maker knows how to ferment his lovely wines.
Just as a great wine maker desires for each partaker to enjoy his labors of love. So to does the great tormentor desire for each human everywhere to suffer and die within the chaos he patiently creates for all of humanity.
The great artistic tormentor is using the earth as his wondrous canvas that will become an offensive molten ball of fire by God Himself.
The great artistic tormentor shall use humanity to paint all manner of death and destruction all over the face of the earth just as easily as a simple human painter uses brushes and paints all over his little canvas.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Classified Christian Prophecy+13: (Unedited): 28 Jan 2024:

Key Christian prophecies which can be or is under human control shall be classified. These crucial events on the Christian prophetic timeline shall not be known by average Christians who are not under demonic control. 
So which Christian prophetic events are directly under human control or seemingly under human control? Which human related events or persons can be hidden and kept secret?
There shall even be those professing Christian leaders who are under demonic control who also do not know what is happening or what is going on. These are just the useful demonically controlled idiots who are fully vested in their own selfish apathy of worldly accumulation.
Every Christian group, organization, denomination and person shall be known by their fruits and by their absence of any fruit. Fore even unwise Christians will find comfort under a barren tree which still offers cool shade. 
Remember the barren fig tree that Jesus walked by and what happened to it. That fig tree was most likely pleasant to look at and comfortable to sit under. Go and look up that whole story in the Holy Bible. Not just that one Bible Verse.
Christian groups, organizations, denominations and people shall joyfully boast of their groups, organizations, denominations and leaders who have accumulated much worldly accomplishments while not even being aware of the absence of genuine Biblical fruits.
Remember only two churches were not admonished by God and they were the church of Smyrna and Philadelphia. Are you, your group, your organization, your denomination, your church, your people most like the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia? If not? then what do you have to do to be one of the non admonished by God? 
The evil wicked beings who have power over this Earth. Know the Christian prophetic time line better than the Christians know. Which is why they make great effort to keep the key prophecies under their control secret. 
Those who profess being Christians and who are in positions of authority and control already know who the human evil one is and they do effort to continue to steer the actual Christians in directions away from actual occurring biblical prophecies.
Professing Christians who are not and who are in positions of Christian power and control. Shall all be sacrificed by the human evil one all without their awareness, permission or desire. 
I've written about this before. 
Except they will plead their case. They will beg for mercy. They we declare that they were promised great rewards and not even realized that those things have already been given. Each of their deaths shall be public and horrific in order to display the absolute weakness of the Christian and Jewish God. 
Added On 10 April 2024: Written on 06 April 2024:
The peaceful feelings which can be felt by people in many religions may be more about emptiness than actual peace.
This does include many Christian denominations and independent churches. The quiet peace which you feel may in fact be a nothingness or a no presence of God. 
Just because a religious center has much shiny and flashy things does not mean that place is full of God or a god. 
A religious center can be fully of shiny and flashy human constructs and yet feel empty or falsely identified as peaceful. 
The shiny, flashy and beautiful things in many religions are all of human constructs and do have a profound psychological importance to each person.
Added on 11 April 2024: Written on 10 April 2024:
When you belong to a religion which is profoundly against the system's of the world. Do not expect any gracious worldly rewards. 
When you belong to a religion which is aligned to the systems of the world. You can expect all of the rewards, acceptance and tolerance the world has to offer. 
The early followers of Jesus Christ had no worldly rewards except for imprisonment, torture and death.
Sometimes the things that we do have - Have no real value in the worldly systems. They are only valued by God in which there may not be any worldly financial reward.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Crossing The Line Prophecy+19: (Unedited): 25 Oct 2023:

Out of order. Check the dates. Earlier dates may not be related. It is the quotes which are important and not the comments or notes.
 "We The People" have crossed the line. There will be no recourse for those who are unaware or who are aware and have done nothing.
*Not even for the writer of these quotes or any other professing good religious person. 
For the rewards we all should have sought out in secret are in the Heavens and not here on Earth.
It is and it has been both wings of the same evil bird who has ended all that your life is and was for "We The People". 
Even the indigenous will come to realize that life was better with "We The People" than it is without. For their celebration of the prophetic demise of "We The People" shall be short lived.
The enemies of "We The People" Have all been elected into office and have entered into your lands and are already hiding within your own communities. Smiling and being neighborly.
The enemies of "We The People" are all waiting for their orders to proceed with the "Great American Tet Offensive". "We the people" shall not survive this event.
Note: I've written about this many years ago and what has just occurred in Israel is only but a sample which will include the USA but also many if not all European nations. Those who are to blame is not the enemy who will do and conduct many offensive atrocities against all of you. The blame, plan and implementation is on those whom you trusted. 
Will the timing be evolving or simultaneous?
In the first days of the Great American Tet Offensive. The weapons used against all of the American civilians will be the weapons of their own creation. 
Note: The American civilians will not have enough bullets, water, food, physical fitness, martial arts training, and collective military styled training. There will be an order to stay in your homes and when the enemy combatants come by it will be for them like a turkey shoot. In which they will torture and kill as they have already historically done to the Jews and other Christians in the Middle East.  
The enemies of "We The People" have been escorted into your homeland, been given financing, homes, jobs, food, medical care, arms and training. All by your own government. Similarly like what they have done for the enemies of Israel but not in scope. 
Note: Think about this. Hundreds of thousands of terrorists attacks inside of the USA alone. How many in one day? or is that just one day? or the first day? 
The providing of financing, materials and training for the enemies of Israel by "We The People" is only a test of proof of concept.
NOTE: "WE The People" have provided these things and was publicly documented prior to 2010. 
Any nations or peoples which curses Israel so to will those curses come back similarly unto you magnified. 
Note: Paraphrase. This biblical as it also says that those who bless Israel so to shall you also be blessed.
Current vision. I see sand bags inside of homes. I see defensive positions inside of homes. I see no people inside of those homes where defensive positions were created. I do not see damage inside of those fortified homes. Some form of deception used to get the people to come outside. I see other homes burned down. I see other homes destroyed. 
In the days after the Great American Tet Offensive. It will be the government who comes after those Americans whom they deem as their enemies. They will disappear and be killed. Who are the threats to Socialism, Marxism, Communism? Who are anti God? Who are anti-sin? 
The greatest of threats shall be those who have decided to go it alone and it is they who shall die alone. As they fortify their own homes a missile will fly 200 miles and kill all who are inside. This will be done more than ten thousand times and no one will know. 
The more than ten thousand American civilian homes which will be destroyed by American missiles will be added to the success rate of the Great American Tet Offensive. This will be a good time for the evil doers to eliminate all of those who are in favor of the American Constitution, Bill of Rights and every other freedom loving American ideal. 
The enemies of "We The People" will be victorious.
09 Oct 2023: 
The time has come where a certain group of people will have absolute freedom as the laws of God and of man no longer apply.
The commoners will live their lives under the full weight of all laws. While all judgements applied regardless of truth will be administered to each commoner as an example to everyone who witnesses. 
The lives lived by the royals, specials, elites, powerful, rich, famous, political, shall not be known by any commoner. If any commoner were to discover, witness or hear a rumor of any crime or sin committed by any special people. Then all of those commoners or base humans will disappear. 
Those who are above the law shall evolve into those people who are excluded from the laws of man and of God. 
The Time has come in this modern world. Where any offending people group as recognized by the special elites can be erased without any evidence. 
The erasure and alteration of human history was and is a crucial governance tool by the special elites of old, of this new generation and of the next generation to come.
Note: To the degree that all of human history which is taught shall be entirely fabrications.
10 Oct 2023:
Woes comes for "We The People" as what has made the free people great is liquidated, minimized and neutralized. 
26 Oct 2023: 
The USA has crossed the line to the degree that in order to effect change a military action is always used. Even that which may come to the USA will also require a military action by American military forces which is illegal. The elected officials will pass laws which will enable the government to use military force on it's own citizens. While believing that they can lie and lie and lie. The media will also support their lies and tell those lies over and over and over again. 
Who are the enemies of the state? Christians, Christian conservatives, non religious conservatives, non religious helpless good citizens, all former military personnel, and all lone lonely loners. It is each of you who will suddenly become the hated criminals and guess what? You have already been gently told that by several government agencies through the news media sources. 
The Federal government of the USA has been allowing many millions of single war fighting aged men into this country and then transporting them to all locations inside of the USA. They are being financially funded, given places to live, given medical/dental care, food. Think about it how can someone who is working a minimum wage job be able to buy a relatively new car. I've even seen non English speaking people drive a BMW to work. I have known non English speaking people purposely move to cities close to county lines so that they can double dip the benefits. I have known of Latinos with multiple food stamp cards in their wallets, own homes and own businesses. Yet, they still get all that they can from the American government without question. But, if you the traditional American tries to go and receive any kind of aid. Your treated like a lying criminal trying to get something that your undeserving of. 
The American government has crossed the line. This is most likely more spiritual than physically actual. But, one of the last signs before a nation falls is the absence of justice. Once the idea of justice is no longer evident by God. That nation will end as it has done in the past with other nations. In the case of this nation which is the blessed nation(USA) of God it will go the same way as which God has done to His own Blessed people Israel. They brutally end with only a few surviving being scattered into the winds. In the case of "We The People" all decisions made by the representing few are decisions made by the whole in agreement. So when the end comes for the blessed people it will come for them all. Even for the Christians who are seen as righteous and holy by their Heavenly Father. For even in their own individual deaths they will be in glory. No matter how much torture they know prior to their death for to follow the Messiah to the cross can mean much torture received just as the Messiah had received prior to Him being nailed upon the cross and then pierced in the side. So the suffering of Christians may be substantial to "We The People" in equality to those Christians who are and have suffered much in the Middle East and in many parts of the world. When death comes for the actual Christian so to does glory. Be warned there are many professing Christians and their percentage may be far greater than anyone knows in which they will hear those words from God their Judge, ...I Never Knew You... . 
You should not fear your own countrymen as they come to torture you, imprison you and kill you. Your only concern should only be becoming and being a good son or daughter in the eyes of your Heavenly Father alone. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.