Sunday, January 6, 2019

Distractions Deceptions Delusions: (Unedited): 05-06 Jan 2019:

We are surrounded by worldly distractions, demonic deceptions and Godly Delusions. Yet only one is a gift for the children of God.
Those professing Christians who are under the strong delusion of God. They will not know nor will they even be aware that those things in which they believe or are teaching is a sin. They will even rebuke and deny their accuser and relate the accuser as the devil. For the real Children of God will hear and be obedient to the directives from the Holy Spirit. This is when they will either disappear or become a conduit of miracles. In which the pastors, preachers and theologians of sin will downplay and direct all miracles as is through them or from them.
Whether it be a sin of omission or insertion. For if they speak of sins from those places of Holiness. They will answer for each and everyone more worse than what Moses answered for. For every person they lead away with their sin tolerance and accepting of sins. They will answer for every lost soul. Just as Sodom and Gomorrah are lost in the stench of fiery sulfur.
Omissions, insertions and additions of sins from the Holy places. for once saved always saved may not be what you think it is. Because how can you explain Adam and Eve they were once saved. How can you explain satan and the rest of the fallen angels for they all were once saved. How can you explain Lot's wife. For she was saved and then she wasn't. How do you explain Israel being saved from Egypt. For they were all saved and then they all died in the desert but a couple of people. Even Moses was not allowed into the promised land for his sin. How many times was Israel disciplined for their many repeated sins? and yet they remained the favorite of God.
Heavens Free Ticket: (Unedited) : 05 Jan 2019:
Yet, most Christians think that once saved, always saved is their personal free ticket into Heaven as they continue to sin daily, take advantage of people and live like they are just like the condemned. When you live like a condemned sinner then your are the condemned sinner. It does not matter what is expressed by your mouth or how you have been a leader in the denomination or the church for your entire adult life.
Real Godly Children: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2019:
For those who are clean, holy and righteous will be the ones who will be able to know the deceptions, distractions and delusions which comes for all people. These true and real children of God may not be who you think they are supposed to be.
So who are they and where are they? How will people know them or become them? To become one? You must be clean from the blood. Clean of mind, body, heart and spirit.You must reject all sins. You must flee from all sins. You must pursue righteousness and holiness. In which only God recognizes and accepts only. All without pride, ego, supremacy, arrogance or entitlements. All of this must be founded in Love. You will have time to pray and meditate much. You will have time to consume the Holy Bible as a person who is in love, who is passionately hungry. You will be obedient to the will and commands of God. Not because you have but because you love to and want to and yes you know you have to.
Bible verses are absent on purpose. It is up to you to do your Due Diligence in the Holy Bible.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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