Showing posts with label Denomination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denomination. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

08 April 2024 Thru 02 Oct 2024 +15: (unedited): 13-14 March 2024:

NOTE: No Quotes. Which means what I write and think is still not as important as the quotes. When I write like is  it is highly advised to pray before you read. But, then again you should pray before you read, listen or do anything. Have you Bibles at the ready and verify all things. I do my best and I'm not perfect and I make errors. My understanding of things can and could be greatly flawed and most likely is. Do remember that those who were looking for the Christ were expecting a great military leader/savior and what did they end up with? So what we lowly and insufficient humans can understand of what God is going to do or not going to do is woefully inadequate. 
These posts are not for new Christians. It is not my intention to bring a spirit of fear or to give you the desire to only save your own skin in any of my writings. It is important to understand that the ten commandments is the law of God as well as the hundreds of other rules that we are all supposed to live by. The ten commandments is not only about being completely obedient to all of the laws in which you should be obedient to. I think God wants all of us to freely choose to be both compliant and obedient simply because they are all the right things to do and we all should have a heart felt and spirit led desire to want to do the right things in our lives. It is really that simple and when you have a truthful desire to love one another your not going to desire to cause and harm or suffer to anyone. There you have it. 
The comments below are designed to be vague. It is you who should have a good understanding of the Holy Bible and of prophecy. You should also have a basic understanding of stars, geology and the placement of cities. This is the greatest confluence of signs I have ever seen and the signs are basically for a perverse generation. I may? or may not? include some links to offer some of you readers the basics of what is seen and not the intention of the Message of what the Holy Bible is putting forth. 
How does early humanity place cities in the past for use by God in some possible prophetic event a hundred or more years in the future? Think about it as you choose to do your own factual research in this matter. Bare in mind I could be very much in error and hope that I am wrong. But, I do not think so. Also a further note. This is only a discovery and not originated by me or through me. It all seems right to me which is bad for America. But, all for the glory of God even in our own destruction should we all glory and praise God as Habakkuk had done. Would Habakkuk had been declared or labeled a traitor for worship and praising God and his countries demise? Think about it.
Well this is very scary and spooky. I have just completed a cursory study of the 08 April solar eclipse. I'm spooked about it. I have been keeping up with all of the end of the world events for the last many decades and this is not my first rodeo. After all, I knew that I knew that all of humanity was going to nuke themselves into radioactive oblivion back in the early to mid 1980's. I just knew it and said to myself any day now were all gonna die. That was then and this is now. After all of those decades of research and studying through 3 or 4 it's the end of the world as we know it events per year. I would call a friend and tell him "yep, we missed another one, yet again". It's a running joke. But this time seems different. 
I know that a large number of people read my writings especially those who refused to be tracked. Kind of like right now hundreds of my writings are being read or downloaded and yet no one can be tracked. Weird??? This happens often. If you do use any of my content then there is no need to mention or acknowledge me. I'm not that important. I'm not the kind of person who is accepted or wanted outside of my home/immediate family in which I do not even have one of those owned shelters.
So on 08 April 2024 we are to have a solar eclipse and it crosses over the USA. In the Holy Bible it does tell us all about the signs in the heavens and signs on the Earth. In which there are up to or more a dozen sign and symbol confluences as well as the inclusion of many Biblical stories. Which are used in some prophetic manner. This is up to you to discover and to act upon in some meaningful way that is between you and God. Do not miss it. Pray before you do, read or see anything. Then ascertain if other peoples understanding is truthful and acceptable prior to you agreeing with anything. Yes, actually use your Bible to prove the validity of everything and anything spoken, read or written.
Like I have written above I've already been through a dozen or so dated and timed events. Even though I know that the date and time shall not be known. Says it in the Holy Bible and yet people continue to bring forth dates. Here is the interesting thing. There isn't really a known date, Just a range of dates like between 08 April 2024 thru 02 Oct 2024: The 02 Oct eclipse will only be seen by Easter Island out in the Pacific Ocean. So the date ranges can be basically in error for the USA or Mystery Babylon or New Jer"U(SA"lem) or which ever was the original intended name of this nation. I bet you were never taught that. What was the original intended name of this land and nation before the involvement of England, France and Spain.
The point here is this. What is your relationship to The Christ? because, if this event of multitudes of signs and symbols is true and real. Will you be one of the ones left behind because you were only a Christian for a hour and a half per Sunday, per week or were you just a social show off Christian up to maybe 4.4 times per month if the weather was good or a sports event was not showing. Because, I think here in the USA if the rapture does come for Americans it will and could be proven as a non event as people just move away from churches and just go somewhere else. The global rapture of HIS Bride becomes a non event inside of the USA. Can it be? What if the people leaving the church prophecy was based on a rapture event in which only a few missing and gone could be proven otherwise? Think about it. 
Are you or are you not a child of your Heavenly Father or will you hear those words in Judgement "... I never knew you ..." I'm not a judge and neither are you. You or I are not even worthy to judge ourselves let alone anyone else. How many life long professing Christians will be left behind? How many pastors and church leaders will be left behind? Will I even be left behind? and I know I'm not even worthy to think my own thoughts or feel my own feelings without divine assistance and judgement.
If there is going to be a rapture. We all are going to start seeing very weird things in the heavens, the sky and on this planet. His children will be removed from danger. Just as any good father will protect and remove his precious bride and children in any dangerous situation. The precious bride and children often times know of the danger and then are hastily and maybe rudely removed from the threat.
More than a dozen nations on this planet is in a threat of a civil war. The world is in threat of a global war. There are 114 nations in some kind of conflict right now. 
If this whole thing is actually real. All of humanity is going to start seeing some very weird things. This will be important to understand. 
What does this all mean right now? You had better be sure of your actual faith because the last time the world was destroyed only 8 chosen adults were save and single pairs of animals. Which means no human children were saved, no pretty puppies, no cute kittens, and no beautiful bunnies. Who are you? and who am I for that matter to know that we each are worthy of being saved? How is it that we are even worthy to judge our own selves and declare ourselves as worthy to be saved prior to any next end of the world event? The act of judgement is only for God alone and we are not gods. We can not and could not save ourselves which is why Jesus had to come. Jesus is the only one who was and is worthy. Even today.
So you have to get right with Jesus, God and the holy Spirit. It doesn't matter if you have many PHD's or been working in important Christian positions for many decades. Your works is and never has been a guarantee of your salvation. God will either be your judge or your Heavenly Father. It will be up to you to choose to be either one. Your acceptance by your own lying and deceiving tongue may convince every other human being but it will not with God. God cannot be deceived by your tongue, your works as He sees and knows all that is within your heart, mind and spirit. Your own truth is your own delusion. 
A true genuine and devout Christian is always ready for what may come. Christians are being tortured and dying right now. They each will not know of a rapture except when they go to sleep in the midst of their incredible pain and suffering. They each shall awaken in the presence of their Heavenly Father in which they will hear those wonderful and welcoming words.
Is the USA mystery Babylon? In the last two decades I have thought it was. But, as of right now I'm now more certain than before. I could be wrong but with the history of these new signs. I think I'm correct that the USA is mystery Babylon in prophecy. Which means we Americans will be destroyed and become no more. When will our destruction happen? In 2024? prior to this coming up election season? Or do we still have to wait to the years closer to 2044ish? 
Today and right now is our time of Jonah and the signs are very evident. Is the USA Nineveh? As related to the signs I believe yes. So we have our time frame to genuinely repent. If we do not then we all will be destroyed, suffer and die. The story about Nineveh and Jonah was only a reprieve. Because, later on Nineveh was destroyed and buried to one day become Mosul Iraq. So the Jonah signs to the USA is only a possible reprieve even if we all repent. Are we the Americans coming into that season of repentance or else?
Nineveh had Jonah as their unlikely prophet of coming doom in which they reasoned and forgot about him within about 100 years or less. Jonah hated Nineveh. So who will be the prophet of God who will hate America very much to come her and be America's Jonah? Will God send a Jonah to America or has America gone to far in their evil ways and simply will become destroyed as Babylon had?
Are we Americans like the Egyptians and the Pharaoh in which this nation of these people will do bad things to the Christians and then who will be our Moses type of person or will our Moses be the Holy Spirit as we are led out of captivity via a rapture like event. Did not God save His people through Moses. Did not fearful things happen and they had to exercise great faith in the presence of the column of fire and smoke. Will God harden the hearts of the American politicians and the American people? Will the American soldier, federal agents, deputies, police officers become hardened to such a degree that they will only follow orders and execute those whom they are ordered to execute? Without any regard to what is actually right or wrong? Morally right or wrong? As each one becomes pure murderous human apathetic machines.
The video links is basically hours and hours of study and yes bring your Holy Bible and fear not pausing while you study what they each say. Yes, do read the whole chapter and not just the Holy Bible verse offered. Because, there are places where it is implied or states to RUN and HIDE. Maybe one place. It is advised that before you do anything. You should pray earnestly. This is not about the spirit of fear.
Added on 14 March 2024: Special Warning: You need to fully understand that if the USA or ?Mystery Babylon? curses Israel or comes against Israel in any sort of negative fashion. Then God will do the same unto the USA except magnified. Read in the Bible those stories where any leader went against the instructions or rules or laws of God and the curse which came back unto that nation the people paid the price. 
The Biden administration has provided material and financial support to the enemies of Israel. The Biden administration has provided intelligence and military planning to the enemies of Israel. The Biden administration has just been caught undermining the leader of Israel. The USA has brought sanctions against Israel. If the American Government continues to actively go against Israel. Then God will go against His own Blessed nation in all of the ways that the USA has gone against Israel except magnified. Because, of the evil and wickedness of your own leaders it shall be "We The people ..." who shall suffer the most. Which could include the end of your nation if the end of Israel is in the hearts and minds of your own self chosen leaders. Then as We The People suffer and die will you continue to praise and worship God as He disciplines all sinful acts? Can you genuinely be like Habakkuk?
So the magnified curses which may return to America will be related to the military, financial, political interference or weakness, failed materials, failed military planning, End of the Blessed nation. Plus all other curses in which I know nothing about at this time.
Will these great brave men become Benghazi-ed. Because of what the Biden administration is doing and has done against Israel?
If this curse does not return back onto the USA in which I hope it does not. Will it be too soon or is God biding His time. Pun Intended. 
Added on 18 March 2024: 
There is a dead city/town named Rapture, In. What would that mean?
Rapture Harmony Parish, Indiana. All it appears to be is farm land with some churches scattered about. 
Added on 23 March 2024:
Added on 27 March 2024: Nothing written
Added on 03 April 2024: 
The countdown has begun. The coming of your death and rebirth comes forth. Just as the darkness of sleep and death overtakes you. Somehow the new bright day awakens new beginnings and continuations.
Do not allow the darkness of each and every death historically manifest into a shadow which has great gravity and weight upon your daily self.
With every darkness and with every sleep put to death all of the bad and sad parts of you.
With every darkness and with every sleep, murder all of the wicked, evil and perverse parts of yourself.
With every darkness and with every sleep ascertain all of your mistakes and failures. Learn and attain wisdom, knowledge and understanding from each one. 
Continue each new wonderful day with joy and hope. Do not bring any of the bad and sad of the elusive and shadowy past into each coming new bright and hopeful day.
Have not any fear or anxiety because of any signs from God. For you who are one of His beloved children who has obeyed your Heavenly Father out of the love for Him. 
All of the signs of God are for those who still have the ability to truly repent. Those signs are their last opportunity prior to judgement.
In those last days there shall be strange sheep owned by others who pretend to be owned by the One Heavenly Father. In which He will declare to each one ... I never knew you ...
The unrepentant blessed nation which was once a Christian nation has forgotten and strayed from "The Way". Modern day Christians shall be put to death in similar ways as the ancient Christians and apostles.
Be thankful for all of your suffering and death because as you go to sleep for the last time you shall awaken in Glory in the bosom of your Heavenly Father. Know that you are and have been worthy for all that you have had to endure unto the end.
As "We The People" who are all of the once blessed nation begin to become more and more insane in their wicked, evil and perverse ways. The whole of the American nation shall end. Those nations which have aligned with America shall also suffer greatly. 
Signs are for the wicked and perverse generations. Even though those signs have very solid scientific understandings. All heavenly signs are still messages of either blessings or prophetic warnings to all of humanity. 
Any nation which has dealings with a cursed nation must cut all ties with that once blessed nation and all of your people must repent of all of their sins. While at the same time you must disallow all sin to remain in your nation.
It is better for an unknown poor nation to become poorer than it is to accept the darkness and death of sin from the nation which once was the blessed nation and the light unto all of the world. 
There is still time for nations which have gotten deathly drunk from the wine of the nation which once was the light unto all of the world. There is still time to sober up. There is still time to repent and to get back onto the holy and righteous path.
19 May 2024: Well, it is day 41 after the Jonah eclipse and the USA is still here. I'm making an assumption of course with only one piece of evidence which is the internet and the second piece of evidence is if you can read this(Humor). I have been looking for signs at 3, 7, 12 days after and have not really see anything. God is like that, God can show you things, tell you things and we lowly humans are so dumb and unaware that we still have to be directed to see them. Remember a donkey knew more than Balaam. The Jews were looking for their next great war leader. I myself even asked for a sign and still had to be directed to know what and how to see. In which all I came back with was just how not smart I am. Then what does the Holy Bible say about asking for signs? Go forth and seek that one. I even wrote it down in here somewhere. I think it is over there at about 6 or 7 years. 
The USA Has Chosen War. 
Will The USA Press The Red Button This Time?
Are The American Leaders Foolish, Unwise And Self Serving? 
Here is a comment on the news. Before the USA goes to war they pre-position all of their needed supplies, troops and war machines into the expected theater of warfare. The USA always does this ahead of time and this time has not not told the American people. Do you remember one of the eclipse signs was directly over the cities of Salem and other peace meaning cities? Go and look that up. The USA has once again chosen war and not peace. I only found this out a few days ago. The USA military is actively engaged in searching for enemies off of the Atlantic seaboard. So when the USA is at war with Russia it was not done suddenly. When and if China does decide to face the USA along with Russia. The US has 350,000 troops and supplies in and around Asia. Yes, those places are being supplied and built up.
Do Not have a spirit of fear. My words are only directing preparation like Joseph. Sometimes you can only mitigate the effects of a coming emergency event. Hope and pray that a rapture comes sooner than later, if at all. My words are for you to prepare that there will not be a rapture and if there is then do not miss it. I do know people who have already walked away from God. They typically walk away because of human people and not God.
What does this mean for you American civilian. Better be sure your right with God. Even if you have been in the church for decades. I think there are allot of pretenders in church. Especially, if you take business cards to church to hand out just in case someone asks. Especially, if you serve the church, pastor first and not God. Did you know you can serve the church and not God? You had better prepare for war as well in a way as determined by you. Think about water, food, medicine, power, fuel, communication/internet shortages are just flat turned off forever.
Do you have your own super secret hand pumped water well?
Have you removed all of your ornamental trees, plants and bushes and replaced them with food bearing? Trees can be a resource of goods. 
Have you started learning ancient skill set which are now called preindustrial skill sets? Think about the purest Amish, Mennonites and the indigenous tribes. 
Read my answers here:
I think the next window is 02 Oct 2024: But, I could be wrong and probably am, especially when some reporting on how Russia or the USA/NATO wants their own grand Spring Offensive.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

More Than One Deadline Approaches:

 This is primarily for the American Christians. I was just reminded about the logic and reason as associated with mathematical statistics. So, I'm struggling and not really wanting to write these things below. While knowing that humanity or America may actually be in the negative and undesirable of certainty as defined my own deeply flawed brain. So here it is from obedience. 
I also, know and understand if the Christians won't even read their Bibles, pray or actually live Christians lives more than 1 day a week. Then how are Christians going to do anything else? The Christians will continue to be pushed out of society, culture, out of the work place, out of the mindset. The Christians will lose everything which will also include their own freedom, liberties and rights. Christians will even lose their right to personhood. Christians will go to jail for simply being Christians. Christians will be hunted and killed and no law enforcement agency will desire to investigate those killings which will not make any news source. But, every crime done by any Christian/pastor will be televised for weeks at a time. This is what is coming for Christians In America. 
Yes, The underground church in Canada is a birthing sign. It will only get worse from here. 
The evil doers have won, but. I'm writing this. They think themselves as the good guys and you as the enemy evil doer who must be eliminated. There will be an evolution of their thinking processes.
Denominations and independent churches must come together locally. Put forth one single candidate that will represent Christianity. Then come together in one unified voice. 
How to verify vote counts per voting area? Then having one hundred percent Christian turnout before and after the election. Quietly and peacefully force all electorates, officials to see and know the truth. What happens before must also have every voter making continuous digital communication to each elected official personally. These activities must happen and must happen today, not sooner and not later. All Christians must begin all manner of digital communications with every elected official on a daily, weekly, monthly and even for each specific mentioning news event. These things must happen right now. 
Christians must come to terms that this world has left them behind and do not want any Christian communication, acknowledgement, participation or involvement. 
All Christian mass gatherings must be silent and everyone cleans up after themselves and each other. All must be polite. 
The organization of any mass gatherings can be for a single day with one group of people and then replaced with a new group of people. 
Deadline dates can change without your knowledge.
Added on 07 June 2021: 
The days of plenty are waxing thin. 
This one little statement, you know to be true and yet you speak of it to no one. Yet, each church is not prepared to even care for a handful of people, let alone the many thousands who will come to each church begging for help and assistance. What have you done to become an empty building devoid of any love, mercy and compassion? Maybe, this/you are a reason why the Lord returns like an angry lion. Maybe this/you are a reason why the coming of the Lord is a great and terrible day. For the many of you have hidden away inside of your empty buildings siphoning away the wealth for your own selfish purposes. Then sending those desperate church members and needy strangers to other entities for help and assistance. Then feeling good that you have done your godly part. 
You cannot feed the hungry if you have not food. You cannot store up food if you have not grown it. You can not replenish or expand the process if you have done nothing. For the wise prepares and are prepared. The foolish depends on the wise virgins. Get it. 
Where is your new seed? Where is your stored up foods? Where are your crops? Where is your new wine skins? Where is your extra oil?  The days of plenty are waxing thin. How do you love one another? Is it really loving one another when you send a needy person to another church, food bank or government entity? Go and sin no more. 
The great and terrible/dreadful day of the the Lord comes ...
Yet, you do not even describe the words terrible or dreadful. Why? Why does the Lord coming be a dreadful or terrible day? Why can't the coming of the Lord be a great and wonderful day? 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The New Foreigners Prophecy: (Unedited) 25 April 2021:

I met an ole Cuban, Well he is only 5 years older than me. But, he was kind and he made it to America is a very trying way. But, he made it and he is free. I said to him that I was glad that he is in the USA now. The property of his house looks rough from a distance. But, when you look closer. You see natural medicines, Mangos, Papayas, Avocados. Just what can be easily seen across his fence line. Recently I met a Puerto Rican and his back yard has become a farm. He was nice as well. There is a point to this and how God leads me to witness things. You the individual devout Christian  may go forth and make contact with those churches which only cater to specific people groups. Go and teach your skill sets and learn from them their skill sets. All in the name of Christ. You should do this along with your church. But, if your church will not support you. Then seek out a different church which has many different kinds of people groups. Remember, only the church of Smyrna and the church of Philadelphia were not scolded by God.  These churches suffered and yet they pleased God even in their suffering. While all of the other churches fell away from God. So look for the church which most resembles Smyrna and Philadelphia. Yes, even if you have life long friends and generational friends. Yes, even if you and your family have went to only one church for generation's. Don't just get up and quit. Do much praying, fasting. Try to work within your fallen denomination and church to effect holy and righteous change. God will prepare a way for you. 
 Every Christian Denomination and every nondenominational church must go forth and embrace each other. Every Christian must be able to go forth to love and support one another. Every Christian must go forth and teach their own skill sets. This is where things get very important. The people from their old worlds who have come to the USA for liberty and freedom. 
If the churches and denominations or if your church and denomination refuse to mingle with other churches and denominations in the name of Jesus. Then you have the answer to your question which you may not even have posed yet. Any church and denomination who seems to desperately want to keep you inside of the church where you do not have to do anything else but cut a check for your tithe is in the wrong. 
The prophets are beginning to speak their prophecies. They may not even know why or understand. But, they all know that severe hardships are coming. People are going to starve to death. People are going to die because their medications and medical care will be unavailable. People are going to die because of exposure to the element's. People are going to die of thirst and old diseases which are not typically seen in the modern world. 
So all of you need to tell everyone else that they must begin to start planting food crops as which I have written before. Did you know it can take 5-7 years for a natural organic and wild tree to bear fruit or nuts. This alone could be a time frame of things to come. Unless the election of Trump to the presidency was a time marker as well. For the next Shemitah is in 2022 and the next American elections is on 08 Nov 2022. Which means if the Democrats who are not gain a super majority of the house and then senate. While holding the Presidents chair. They can effectively change the whole of the USA into a new nation as defined by them and not you. If what Trumps does say was true and all of the reporting and all of the things seen on the election of Biden/Harris are true. Then any election thereafter will not matter. They will just put on a show for their audience. Like watching a WWE professional match where all of the drama is scripted. 
Just as the foot does not compete against the eye and the hand does not compete against the spleen. So to must everyone work together for the benefit of the whole body of Christ. 
You must be able to understand the purpose of prophecies. A prophecy can have many parts. The natural events which cannot be altered and the events which are based on human decision which can be prevented. The natural events can be mitigated as which was told in the Biblical story of Joseph and the Pharaoh of Egypt. Seven years of plenty and then seven years of a great famine. They prepared as so you must and you must tell everyone and motivate everyone to prepare. Time is short.
Just as God will send a prophet to one specific people group. So to will God send the many prophets to all of His children everywhere. They will speak the same basic words and may even add others. But, they will say there is coming a food shortage or something similar and they will not conflict. 
But, beware of those who watch the prophets and say the horrible things to come and God will protect you by sending "ME" money. Do not be swayed for they are the children of satan.
A genuine prophet of God is going to say/write their words of horrifying things to come and then bring forth what you need to do to overcome these coming hardships. If there is no second half of actions as which was done by Joseph. Then they are not of God. Fore God wants His children to survive and to thrive. God does not want you to die of thirst, starvation. So go forth and prepare. Read my previous posts and see what you should do. You do not even have to send me any money or even acknowledge me in any way. Go forth and save all of the lives that you can. Cause the people to become empowered enough to plant all manner of wild/organic fruit and nut bearing trees, shrubs, vines and other plants. Do so right now. Go forth and begin to plant new plants from seedlings and them give them all away. I'm already do that with a lot of papaya seeds, peppers and beef tomatoes. But, teach people how to do it. There is an urgency here. 
Here is a concept in which you may not even be aware of. Teach people to plant a variety of plants which which will give food in a specific month of the year and then plant your permanent wild plants so that you have food every month of the year. In that way you will have foods grown fresh every month. Teach people how to recover those seeds in your region and to begin planting for their own use. 
For you wealthy people who own much land. Begin planting all manner of edible plants on all of your properties. Even on your rentals. Then do not worry about the animals or the people who take what they can. If you own a pond or a lake. Then enhance those eco-systems to the fullest in your region. So that they will be self sustaining. 
The denominations need to mandate all forms of preparations for their churches. The question on how to effectively use the land in order to sustain their peoples. Then those answers must be quickly put into action. The lessons of Joseph must begun to be taught. Think about this. Joseph was beaten up by his brothers, thrown into a hole, sold into slavery, abused and wrongly accused as a slave, put into prison and maintained his faith in God. Then once freed he did not hold grudges or seek retaliation as it became obvious he still loved his family and saved his family. No matter how badly they treated him. Joseph even saved the kingdom that he was an imprisoned slave to. Joseph acted out of love even though by our modern day understanding he owed them nothing and his family owed him everything. Yet, Joseph save them all. Out of your love for everyone which includes those who deserve it and don't deserve it. Plant your plants and remake your community into a human created pseudo Garden Of Eden. Cause your entire community to be a place of plenty for everyone. 
The time is coming. When life will become harsh and starvation becomes a reality. Where people will starve to death. If you have read and not prayed and then you do nothing. I'm sorry that you could not believe the words of a poorly educated janitor who is trying to save your life, your church and your community. Like I said, You do not even have to acknowledge me what so ever. I do not want you to acknowledge me at all. I do want you to give all glory and gratitude to only God alone. 
Think about it. Who do I write for? Why do I waste my time writing if I do not want any credit, recognition or acknowledgement? 
Something else to think about. How long does it take for fruit bearing vines like raspberries, elderberries, black berries to fully take over a sun drenched fence line? How long does it take for a fruit bearing vine of any kind to become plentiful enough to feed your family, friends and neighbors? Yes, you take on the responsibility to feed everyone because you love everyone. Which is a commandment from Christ Jesus. Jesus did not say to love yourself and to the hot place to everyone else. Jesus came to love and serve everyone. Jesus knew what his fate would be. Jesus knew that humanity would falsely accuse Him, wrongly judge Him, torture Him, hang Him on a cross, mock Him and pierce His heart. Jesus did all of what He did because He loved first. Jesus did all that He did with full knowledge of what was gonna happen. Jesus Loved one another first. This is what we all must do no matter what fate awaits. 
A community of people is more likely to transition from surviving to thriving. A person who goes it alone will most likely transition from surviving to simple existence. A person who goes it alone will most likely die alone. Of all of the Joseph like plans to be made. Plan on loving one another. Do not allow yourself to be forced to make a decision to allow other people to die because for what ever reason which seems valid.  
Go and sin no more.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.

All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Christianized People: +4: (Unedited): 23-26 Feb 2020:

26 Feb 2020:
Christianized people who believe they are sons and daughters of God. Will become victimized by the great delusion that God will send to the whole world. Christianized people will not even be aware of this as they choose to tolerate accepted sins in their own lives, in congregations, in denominations, in society, in cultures, in government and in the entire world.
Professing Christians will not be aware of their acceptance or tolerance to sinful people. Entire families, entire congregations and entire denominations will falter before God as has been prophesied in the Book of Revelation.
Humanity will choose to have the freedom to sin and demand to be absent of any guilt. These both shall become laws and more. To the point that Christians will be deemed as mentally ill and criminalized. Christians are already becoming criminals for feeding the homeless in cities within the USA. In many cities in the USA it is a crime to be homeless. What do you think will happen when actual Christians are fired from their jobs and are denied employment based on their real Christian beliefs?
23 Feb 2020:
The Christian world and the worldly world are like water and oil. The two do not mix and thus the Christianized person knows this as they play the game with two faces.
Professing Christians typically live two lives. Their church life and the worldly life. These two faced people will find themselves losing everything from the world and from God. All to the joys of satan and the fallen angels.
23 Feb 2020:
A Christianized person is a very good actor/deceiver. They know how to play the part in the Christian world and the worldly world.
The best actors and deceivers in the world are within the church. For these persons are very good at pretending to be actual real Christians and yet between Monday through Saturday you each are willing to lie, steal and commit all other manner of sins. All for money and for promotion. God knows and will not be deceived as He already knows your god is the prince of this world system and in it shall you be judged. It shall not matter how many books you have written. It shall not matter how many thousands of people were members of YOUR church.
23 Feb 2020:
A Christianized person knows the Holy Bible and knows how to say the perfect prayers. But, there is an absence of fruits and an abundance of planned and anticipated sins outside of the church.
The Christianized person will have an absence of fruits in their lives. As they each become like Pharisee's and Sadducee's combating against The Word of life in the Holy Bible. As you sit before these men and women of devout sin. You will feel good about yourself. You will feel that everything is OK. 
NOTE: I'm a deeply flawed human being and am not pointing out the speck in others eyes as my specks are more like a lumber yard. 
23 Feb 2020:
If you look for the fruits in any person. You will know whether or not that they are children of God or have been christianized.
How do you see or find the fruits of any Christian. Because, even an evil doer has their own type of fruit. It is always in the little things. The servants heart from a foundation of love or from a foundation of a mission oriented mindset? The servant of God expects and may even deny any reward. While the evil doer welcomes every worldly gift or treat. The evil doer will take for themselves as the  servant of God gives unconditionally and seemingly without exhaustion. The evil doer may need a break in order to avoid burnout. The fruits that follow the servant of God will often times be joy. While the evil doer departs knowing that they only need to help that person only once and then hold it over their heads forever. The servant of God can be seen in the water. The servant of God prepares the cool drinking water for everyone else. The servant of God makes the coffee before anyone can see them. The servant of God gets the chores done before there is a need to do the chores. And no one knows or sees or is aware. The evil doer will announce all of the deeds he or she has performed in order to be recognized, awarded and rewarded.
Think about this.
How many more fruits can you list or name? This is how you know for even a barren fruit tree or bush must be cast into the fire along with the chaff. But, Even a barren fruit tree or bush which has not given forth fruit can still bare fruit as good Water and the good Son is given to it. Sometimes just moving the barren fruit tree or bush is enough for it to begin to bare good fruits. But, once it is known that the fruit tree or bush refuses the good Water and good Son. Then it should be cast out and into the fire.
Note: It is not us lowly humans who can judge. It is God alone. It is also only God who does the casting into the fire.
Notice Date: 16 Feb 2020: I viewed this as I was assembling the first quote above dated 26 Feb 2020.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

American Bible Belt Prophecy: (Unedited): 06 March 2019:

The fall of the last Christian Denomination will also lead to the disappearance of spiritual and physical protections from the Holy Spirit. You cannot expect to bring sin into Israel and not pay for your wilful transgressions. You cannot allow sin bearers to stand in the holy places and not think that God is not going to discipline all of you. Just as God has and will discipline His beloved people. So He will do unto all of you who have participated in all aspects of sins tolerance and acceptance.
The last vestiges of genuine Christianity is in the American Bible Belt. Once the last of the great Christian Denominations fall. Great calamities will befall upon all of you. You cannot allow sin to enter your Israel. You cannot allow sin to stand in the place of holiness. Once you do and the last of the denominations have fallen. Many calamities will begin to occur. Will more die in natural calamities than what had died during the civil war? In the same time frame or in one year? Maybe that is the message from Beauregard, Al. For the fall of the great Baptist churches is upon all of you. Pray not to God for blessings, support, assistance and protections. Pray for immediate repentance.
Pray for the Methodists, Catholics, Presbyterians and other denominations. Pray for their complete and total repentance. Pray that they each return back to cleanliness, holiness and righteousness.
Pray that cleanliness, humility and ash become your repentant clothing presented to God. Let this be your chosen clothing and not forced upon you by God.
It is said that the GT Beauregard knew the war was lost and sued for surrender. Maybe this is a part of the message to the Christian Church as manifested in Beauregard Alabama.
"You had better watch out southern Christian, All will be lost when the last of the great Bible Belt churches/denominations fall."
What is the last of the great Bible Belt denominations? You already know it is the Baptists. Once they collectively decide to allow sin to enter into their Israel and then the people celebrate the sin which stands before them in applause. The end shall begin with "certainty".
Just as General Beauregard knew the war was lost before the surrender was made official. So to is the fate of all of Christianity in America. Once the southern Baptist church tolerates and accepts sin to stand in those holy places. All of America will be lost.
The Southern Baptists have tolerated sexual abuses for a very long time. This is a blood sucking tick to the entire church denomination. What can a tick leave behind? Even after it has been properly removed. Perpetual disease. Even though a human being can remove the tick. A human cannot remove the effects of the tick. Only God can do that.
President J.D. Greear of the Southern Baptist Convention: Does he support LGBTQ? Do your own Due Diligence to the pieced together video below. Because if the President of the SBC does. Then the enemy is not just within the gates. The enemy is sitting in the throne room ruling over all of the SBC.
Y'all have been repeatedly warned. Y'all have studied Prophecies. Y'all have studied what had happened to Israel when they sinned numerous times. Y'all have been judged and soon the disciplines shall come to all y'all.
Added on 07 March 2019: Most sinful states in America: Due Diligence is required:
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Distractions Deceptions Delusions: (Unedited): 05-06 Jan 2019:

We are surrounded by worldly distractions, demonic deceptions and Godly Delusions. Yet only one is a gift for the children of God.
Those professing Christians who are under the strong delusion of God. They will not know nor will they even be aware that those things in which they believe or are teaching is a sin. They will even rebuke and deny their accuser and relate the accuser as the devil. For the real Children of God will hear and be obedient to the directives from the Holy Spirit. This is when they will either disappear or become a conduit of miracles. In which the pastors, preachers and theologians of sin will downplay and direct all miracles as is through them or from them.
Whether it be a sin of omission or insertion. For if they speak of sins from those places of Holiness. They will answer for each and everyone more worse than what Moses answered for. For every person they lead away with their sin tolerance and accepting of sins. They will answer for every lost soul. Just as Sodom and Gomorrah are lost in the stench of fiery sulfur.
Omissions, insertions and additions of sins from the Holy places. for once saved always saved may not be what you think it is. Because how can you explain Adam and Eve they were once saved. How can you explain satan and the rest of the fallen angels for they all were once saved. How can you explain Lot's wife. For she was saved and then she wasn't. How do you explain Israel being saved from Egypt. For they were all saved and then they all died in the desert but a couple of people. Even Moses was not allowed into the promised land for his sin. How many times was Israel disciplined for their many repeated sins? and yet they remained the favorite of God.
Heavens Free Ticket: (Unedited) : 05 Jan 2019:
Yet, most Christians think that once saved, always saved is their personal free ticket into Heaven as they continue to sin daily, take advantage of people and live like they are just like the condemned. When you live like a condemned sinner then your are the condemned sinner. It does not matter what is expressed by your mouth or how you have been a leader in the denomination or the church for your entire adult life.
Real Godly Children: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2019:
For those who are clean, holy and righteous will be the ones who will be able to know the deceptions, distractions and delusions which comes for all people. These true and real children of God may not be who you think they are supposed to be.
So who are they and where are they? How will people know them or become them? To become one? You must be clean from the blood. Clean of mind, body, heart and spirit.You must reject all sins. You must flee from all sins. You must pursue righteousness and holiness. In which only God recognizes and accepts only. All without pride, ego, supremacy, arrogance or entitlements. All of this must be founded in Love. You will have time to pray and meditate much. You will have time to consume the Holy Bible as a person who is in love, who is passionately hungry. You will be obedient to the will and commands of God. Not because you have but because you love to and want to and yes you know you have to.
Bible verses are absent on purpose. It is up to you to do your Due Diligence in the Holy Bible.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Christian Denomination Downfall: (Unedited): 17-19 Aug 2018:

Christian Church Downfall: (Unedited): 17 Aug 2018:
The downfall of the Christian church is now evident to the righteous children of God.
Falling Christian Denominations: (Unedited): 17 Aug 2018:
The Christian denominations are falling on a regular basis to the point that it is now evident that very soon only a remnant of the true Christian churches will be censored or excluded and declared as an extreme Christian themed cult. Many of the worldly Christian leaders will speak out against these extreme new cults.
While most of the biggest Christian denominations have fallen. The final fate of the Christian religion is not yet complete. The entire christian religion is still falling and it may be beyond saving as those who are in authority very much like their wealth and retirement accounts. It is they who will continue to put on their big shows and give the people what they want. Which is good happy feelings without any negativity or guilty feelings associated with any sin. After all the truth is you are born in sin and you are of sin. So your sin(s) is a part of your natural self. So whatever your sin(s) is it is a part of your natural identity. To the point that if your any definition of any gay lifestyle(s). Then that is your natural identity. As is all of my own sins are a part of my natural identity. Given to me and passed down to me by all of my ancestors. Regardless of what I know or don't know. This does not count the new sins which I have brought into my own life and have passed to my children. Without them knowing.
 The problem with legalizing only sexual sin identity is what about those who believe they are something other than human? or a child predator? or a cannibal? or a rapist? or a bank robber? or a murderer of specific kinds/types of people? Do they also have the right to freely express themselves and their sin(s)? Especially, when it is proven that those specific sins or criminal tendencies have their own placemarks on specific areas of the Human Genome. After all those specific sins and criminal placings or markers should be easy to find as the individual DNA identity only makes up less than .1% of the total human Genome.  But, what about the other more than 99.9% of the total human DNA? It is all identical to everyone else. Which means the creation story of Adam and Eve are correct. Adam was the stabilized genetic creation and Eve was a clone. A clone which had the natural ability to procreate life with Adam. Then when sin was introduced. This created unnatural anomalies which has led humanity into de-evolution. It is evident within the Holy Bible that humanity has de-evolved. In Spite of our technological advances.
For instance: From Adam and Eve. They had direct physical and spiritual contact with God. Then by the time you get to Moses. God cannot fully reveal himself to humanity without causing harm. Humanity has continued to de-evolve from the time of Moses. To the point where the vast majority of humans cannot perceive anything spiritual and if humans do accidentally or intentionally have a spiritual event. Then that human can be harmed. When the event is out of context or subject matter.
-------New Cult Prophecy-----
19 Aug 2018:
The new **cults will have no name and the names in which they will be given shall be from outsiders.  These new cults will be investigated and hunted down by every investigative organization. To the point that each investigative organization will completely and freely share all data and personnel.
The key points to these cults will be as follows. The extreme pursuit of righteousness, holiness, cleanliness and other spiritual unknown words to me. The fleeing away from and the rejecting of all sins. This includes all mental, emotional, physical and spiritual sins. All sins - no matter what the laws, cultures, religions, traditions or societies dictates. Check the purple words below.
They will not have one set human leader. Because humans sin from time to time and for certain durations repeatedly. The Holy Spirit may decide to only communicate through the human person who is the most sinless at that particular time or for whatever the reason The Holy Spirit decides it.
All of the gifts of The Holy Spirit will seem to only manifest through these new cult groups.
These new cult groups will not have any footprint on the ***internet or in any media source. Yet word will spread about them. They will not have access to any worldly wealth. Yet, these new cults will be the greatest threat to the coming new world system. For no group or nation will be able to stand or resist it. Any who tries will be destroyed, erased and forgotten.
Yet, the word of their existence spreads. Especially, when silent/quiet/unassuming members of these cults just suddenly show up manifest a needed miracle and then they just leave as quietly as they arrived. One may speak profound words of Biblical wisdom. Which is specifically intended for those who witnessed the miracle. Just as the good angels refuse to accept any form of worship. So to will these new cult members refuse any form of gratitude and direct all of the expressed gratitude to The Holy Spirit, The Son and to God. For they are only the common use vessel and nothing more. (*For you do not thank the cup for the water). Especially, when a cult group is absolutely surrounded and can be seen from the air with all manner of technology and then they are just gone. A cult group is seen walking towards military units in peace and song. then they just vanish. An aggressive military action to kill/murder an entire cult group is conducted and nothing is found of their existence after the attack upon the cult. Yet, a cult group has disappeared in plain view of the military/police. Then one member (after discussion) suddenly appears to render actual healing aid to a very needy person. He is then taken - nothing follows as to his outcome. In which it matters not for his fate is already certain.
*(For you do not thank the cup for the water). Weird how that just popped into my mind after the third writing.
** I've written about these groups of people before. Except, this time I called them a cult. If this is important to you. Then you get to go hunt those words down. I have no idea where they are.
*** Censorship, deletion and expulsion from all digital technology is coming for any group which is contrary to the coming world system. Even all of the writings that I do will disappear. But, what I write does not matter. For remembering anything former is not of any importance as only that which is of God and from God is of importance. When you personally learn that it is necessary to actually become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. Then is when The Holy Spirit will flow through you. Then limitations may manifest as those little purple words below become huge blocks. For any man who becomes pridefully sinless shall not know God either. (Think about that one).
Christian Denomination Downfall: (Unedited): 17 Aug 2018:
The spiritual downfall of the Christian denominations will be raised up by worldly wealth and rewards.
This is already occurring.
Fallen Christian Religion: (Unedited): 19 Aug 2018:
Christian men and women who never have been shall lead the fallen Christian denominations into the new era of a worldly religion where anything goes and everything is accepted.
The new worldly religion which will overtake any ancient form of Christianity will embrace much pretending and superficial relationships. There will also be much hiding of any wrongdoing. Just as the wrong doing is very hidden even now. I cannot do this search any more it pains me. Seek crimes in the church or pastor caught.
Up to 400 priests and thousands of children in just one state (PA.). No one is talking about the other 49 states in the USA or the rest of the world. The darkness and evil within the Catholic Church is proof enough that it has fallen a long time ago and may have been the first to have fallen. Yet, the news is small. The outcry is minimal. Think about it. Pray about it. Fast about it. Maybe, this is why the Pope and others shall be sacrificed upon his own altar inside a destroyed and burning Vatican.
I use copy and paste for your safety and security. What you see is what you get.
Post Christian Age or Culture:
There is much more and this belief that the USA and Europe have become post Christian societies has become easily accepted by all parties, peoples and cultures. There is a simple reason why humanity has and continues to become a post Christian people. The religious leaders for the last 50 or so years have stopped teaching all aspects of sin. The religious leaders have also stopped teaching righteousness, holiness, godly character. The religious leaders have also stopped teaching about spiritual, mental and physical cleansings.
Greed within the entire Christian faith and the thirst to grow the church to huge capacities. To the point that the pastor no longer maintains personal relationships with his sheep. To the point that the pastor only has relationships with his biggest contributors and the rest of the people have become visiting strangers.
The church leaders no longer listen to the urgings of the holy spirit as the church leaders only desire wealth, growth and membership. Which means to do nothing which offends anyone for any reason.
This is not all the fault of the entire leadership within the entire Christian religion and all of the denominations. The people are at fault for it is the people who have chosen to abandon those pastors who teach the meat of the Holy Word within the Holy Bible. In favor of big bands and feel good party atmospheres. It is the people who have left God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. This is why the Holy Spirit is not felt, seen or heard. Just because the hair sticks up on your arms or the back of your neck is not evidence of the actual Holy Spirit. It could be a fallen angel in the midst of your church service making sure your thoughts are wicked, your heart is foul, your body is unclean and your spirit darkened. So you think it is impossible that a fallen angel can be inside of your holy church building. It most certainly can be. Especially if your church and/or denomination have allowed sin to enter. Once the church or denomination allows sin to be tolerated and accepted. All that is evil can enter through the open door of sin. Your once holy church has now become desecrated and unholy. It matters not what you think or believe. When the leaders of your church and denominations make decisions to accept sin into the church and denomination. It is the whole of the participating people who shall endure those curses from God and the curses will come.
19 Aug 2018: No title.
****As Christianity falls so to shall/has Islam.
I think both were supposed to compliment one another. One leads to the other. Which should have been from one perspective soul to another. Neither human choice or human insight would be in error. As they both lead to a purity of righteousness, holiness, cleanliness in love and peace together. Then the Catholic Church began the crusades.
**** A great sadness befalls upon me. End and publish.
Left as small.
Added on 24 Aug 2018:
This has been really tough to deal with. It is tougher to deal with than research pastoral crimes and sins. It is even harder than knowing that about 400 priests allegedly sinned against thousands of children from only one state. The fall of Christianity is evident and those who profess Christianity seem to be oblivious to it all. It seems like all the people want is feel good entertainment without any guilt or other feel bad about yourself emotions. If those entertainment churches begin to teach sin, cleanliness, righteousness and holiness. The people will go elsewhere and do.
So those who can and do endure unto their own individual endings while striving to be clean, holy and righteous. They are the true remnant and children of their own Heavenly Father. How do you decide how big a remnant is? Or is God the only one who decides how big or how many is to be the remnant? So then you must know how to become accepted by your Heavenly Father. Is not God holy and righteous in the absolute? So in order to get near or nearer to your Heavenly Father. You must become clean and remain clean. You must strive to be both holy and righteous. You must remain sinless. All of it must be built on a foundation of love and not founded on your selfish desire to save your own skin. In which God will know and judge accordingly even if you have self deceived yourself for decades of church service and mission works.

Matthew 7:21-23 English Standard Version (ESV)

I Never Knew You

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Note: I am not some holier than thou. I am still a deeply flawed human being who struggles with sin(s) daily.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books