Showing posts with label Catholics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholics. Show all posts

Friday, March 24, 2023

Cusp Of Christianity: (Unedited): 24 March 2023:

The cusp of Christianity is emerging from the fog of times progression. Soon Christians will have to decide to be of the world while living in the world. If the Christians cannot then they will not. But, the Christians who do, may not have ever been. 
Devout Christians will in the reality of the world will be pushed out of all aspects of modern day society. Which will include the denial of utilities and services. Which will include medical care and every kind of EMS. But, this short list is not the entirety. 
The world will have their accepted Christians. The worlds accepted Christians will embrace all manner of sin and decadence. Even to the degree that the expansion of what has already been seen where persons of deep and profound sin will stand in the holy places and become easily seen and applauded by the body. 
Devout Christians must become out of sight and out of mind. This is because the true Christians have refused to take part in the leadership of their nation at every level. This is because they have allowed the offensive social engineering of their own children through the public educational process. Devout Christians will see their own children walk away, absolutely reject Christianity and walk away. 
The disappearance of the actual devout Christians will mean the celebrated death of all that is actually good in the world. Leaving a voided absence to be fully occupied by all that is evil, wrong, bad, abusive and murderous. 
Christians must begin to live their lives free from all debt. Christians must live their lives within like minded communities. Christians cannot allow sin to be in their presence, in their homes, in their church and in their communities. Christian survival will be one of out of sight and out of the mind of the worldly ways. 
There will be no justice for the devout Christian who is abused, tortured and murdered. The worldly police and worldly military's of the world will kill you* all and it will be done in secret. There will not even be any evidence that you ever existed. 
You* Means all that which is good, pure, just, reasonable and innocent.
This is the intent of all that which is evil in the world. 
That which is pure, innocent and beautiful must be wholly ravaged, destroyed and burned.
That which is holy and righteous must be wholly ravaged, destroyed and burned. Which includes the entirety of their historical existence and memory***.
This is the final goal of the evil doers of the world. Regardless if they are in agreement or are aware. This also includes the absolute destruction of every Christian, Catholic, Islamic and Jewish holy place and document. Anything and everything which teaches anything good must be destroyed and burned. This is the intention of that which are the evil doers. 
Note** This also includes the indigenous tribes. 
Memory*** Any tool of the evil doers who hold onto the memory of their evil deeds against that which is good. They to shall also be killed, their family, their friends and they all shall be erased.
It is not enough to simply reject all that is good. It is not enough to simply choose good over evil. It s not enough to believe good is evil and evil is good. All that which is good in it's entirety must be absolutely murdered, destroyed and burned. This is the intent of all evil doers. Even if the evil doers are not fully committed or unaware in this point in time.
The full corruption of the FBI already seems very apparent. The corruption of the IRS and the ATF is coming into full swing. The corruption of the entire justice department is becoming more and more evident. These and many other agencies will be used against all devout Christians. These federal agencies will be able to manufacture all manner of evidence to be used against you in courts of law. AI will be able to manufacture your exact likeness and your exact words to the point that what is real and what is fake is indiscernible. 
You federal agents who still knows the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. Once your ordered to go after actual good people and that you physically know that they are not criminals or bad. If you continue on doing evil and bad things against them. You are in fact an evil doer after your own good thinking processes. You have made evil and bad choices in the name of career advancement and retirement. Which means you are willing to evil deeds for money. Even you federal agents will begin to see that fewer and fewer good agents exist. You may even try to hide yourself from the awareness of others. But, in the end and in-spite of being a good and honorable person. You will have to decide that you will just need to go find other work and a different life absent of the Federal Government.
.Vision time, I think. I see..deleted. Federal agents. Not bad or violent against agents.
You need to understand this. One of the very last things to happen to Israel every time they were destroyed was the loss of justice. Once justice ends so to the nation of God. The cusps of change is already apparent. What is one of the spiritual meanings of the black bird or Crow? Change? 
Christians have refused to be the leaders of their nation. Christians have refused to only vote for their fellow Christians. Christians have refused to be responsible for their nation. So Christians will become refused by their own nation. Christians will become criminalized by their own nation. Christians will be declared as insane by law and no longer having the legal rights of person hood or self decision. Christians will become rejected from all aspects of a modern day society. Christians will no longer enjoy any manner of freedom or liberty. Christians will lose. Those who are of the world will win. They will glorify in their power, authority and strength over all that is actually good in the world while never understanding that it is they who have become the most evil of all tools.  
These are just some of the things which may lead up to Armageddon.  I tell you the truth Armageddon has already begun with the ongoing rejection, death and destruction of good ideas and good belief systems. With the confusion of good is bad and bad is good. Think about it. War is not just physical, it is mental/emotional, it is intellectual and spiritual. What does the Holy Bible say about principalities and powers? 
Think about it as more and more humans believe their own self created delusions as truths. As humans believe more and more truths as lies and more and more lies as truths. This is also evidence of Armageddon at play prior to the prophetic ending. The end game of evil is the extinction of all humanity. In which all of humanity is the enemy of the evil ones. Which means even though you as a human work for, has committed to the evil ones. You to, human, once your usefulness has concluded shall be killed, murdered by that which you have sworn your allegiance. For you are human and you must end. This is the intention of the evil ones. Your just a useful mindless and stupid tool for them to use against your own human family. 
Even the humans at the highest and most secret levels of governmental existence. You are all just a useful tool for their plans against all of humanity. Which does include all of you. Even though you may even be fully committed and fully trusting of the actual evil ones who are pretending to be the good ones who only have the best interest of humanity at heart. Know this that when you are no longer needed. You will be killed very quickly. Fore your very human existence is offensive, undeserving and vile to them all. 
This might be a very basic assumption. In order for the evil ones to be happy. All of humanity must become extinct. It is also very important for the the evil ones to know that it is they who is orchestrating the extinction of humanity by using humans against each other dimensionally. This is how they wage war. Unlike human warfare which has began and evolved because of them.  
You the reader needs to know. I'm not the first to say the words I do. I'm just saying the time for you to make the most profound decisions of your life is imminent.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

American Bible Belt Prophecy: (Unedited): 06 March 2019:

The fall of the last Christian Denomination will also lead to the disappearance of spiritual and physical protections from the Holy Spirit. You cannot expect to bring sin into Israel and not pay for your wilful transgressions. You cannot allow sin bearers to stand in the holy places and not think that God is not going to discipline all of you. Just as God has and will discipline His beloved people. So He will do unto all of you who have participated in all aspects of sins tolerance and acceptance.
The last vestiges of genuine Christianity is in the American Bible Belt. Once the last of the great Christian Denominations fall. Great calamities will befall upon all of you. You cannot allow sin to enter your Israel. You cannot allow sin to stand in the place of holiness. Once you do and the last of the denominations have fallen. Many calamities will begin to occur. Will more die in natural calamities than what had died during the civil war? In the same time frame or in one year? Maybe that is the message from Beauregard, Al. For the fall of the great Baptist churches is upon all of you. Pray not to God for blessings, support, assistance and protections. Pray for immediate repentance.
Pray for the Methodists, Catholics, Presbyterians and other denominations. Pray for their complete and total repentance. Pray that they each return back to cleanliness, holiness and righteousness.
Pray that cleanliness, humility and ash become your repentant clothing presented to God. Let this be your chosen clothing and not forced upon you by God.
It is said that the GT Beauregard knew the war was lost and sued for surrender. Maybe this is a part of the message to the Christian Church as manifested in Beauregard Alabama.
"You had better watch out southern Christian, All will be lost when the last of the great Bible Belt churches/denominations fall."
What is the last of the great Bible Belt denominations? You already know it is the Baptists. Once they collectively decide to allow sin to enter into their Israel and then the people celebrate the sin which stands before them in applause. The end shall begin with "certainty".
Just as General Beauregard knew the war was lost before the surrender was made official. So to is the fate of all of Christianity in America. Once the southern Baptist church tolerates and accepts sin to stand in those holy places. All of America will be lost.
The Southern Baptists have tolerated sexual abuses for a very long time. This is a blood sucking tick to the entire church denomination. What can a tick leave behind? Even after it has been properly removed. Perpetual disease. Even though a human being can remove the tick. A human cannot remove the effects of the tick. Only God can do that.
President J.D. Greear of the Southern Baptist Convention: Does he support LGBTQ? Do your own Due Diligence to the pieced together video below. Because if the President of the SBC does. Then the enemy is not just within the gates. The enemy is sitting in the throne room ruling over all of the SBC.
Y'all have been repeatedly warned. Y'all have studied Prophecies. Y'all have studied what had happened to Israel when they sinned numerous times. Y'all have been judged and soon the disciplines shall come to all y'all.
Added on 07 March 2019: Most sinful states in America: Due Diligence is required:
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Horse in a dark storm video: (Unedited): 28 Nov 2014:

The falling away has already begun for Christians/Catholics and has been going on for at least two plus decades. The falling away shall become magnified with the passing of Mr. Graham. I think Mr. Graham is a key to the next part of prophecy for all religions. Yes, He is that important.  Especially, since there is no one who will effective replace him. Mr. Graham may be the last great preacher of this era. I hope not.
Even if this is not a real photo. It may still be a sign as a black horse does represent deception, Short term pleasures and much discontent. But prosperity within the world. Which has been evident to the Saudi royal family. Who have kept all of the wealth for themselves. This is a revelation.
From the still image. I was not able to discern if the black horse has wings or not. These are important and significant in interpretations. Also, was there a rider or no rider? this is also important. 

I just saw the very poor video. To much pixelation and there seemed to be easy to see pixelation around the horse. Which does indicate a false video. Whether it is or not. Requires someone with skill and digital tools.
What I saw was a black or dark horse with no wings and no rider. Flying in a storm above roof tops.
Any interpretation of this video needs to be done with any understanding of Islamic Beliefs and of Saudi Culture. 

Flying with no wings may indicate a change in status. This change is probably not a good one. May mean unfaithful probably to their Allah. Which is or was the God of peace. So this could mean as the horse was departing. That the Peace of Allah is leaving. Which means all encompassing war and conflict will enter that empty space. No one no peace or know Allah. Except those who truly die while living righteously and in true peace from within and outwardly. Which does make a person helpless to the violent.
I saw rooftops as the black horse was departing within the storm. This may mean that since those who call Allah- Just Allah. The actual name of Allah can easily be replaced with any other gods/allahs like isis or horace. (Note: Lower caps used to signify less than the true Allah). The replacement gods becomes the mistress.
The black horse does fly into the storm and does not return. May mean a Turbulent Death. Physical death? divine death? Holy death? spiritual death?  or all of the above. Only God/Allah knows.
What does this mean for Saudi Arabia? As a Country of leadership? Not a very good one. For the people of Saudi Arabia? Not a very good one.

To avert this false message of deception:
The original teachings of Mohammad needs to be more understood and lived. Peaceful living means peace of mind, peace of heart and peace of spirit. Any conflict or urgings of wars or of revenge is not of Allah/God. Can this video be in itself a revealed teaching of deception of a falsehood? A lie upon a lie. Who teaches lies as truths? Who has the worldly authority of teachings lies as truths?
The answers are for those greater than me.
The storm is already upon you.
The power is in the people who refuse all conflict, all war and all revenge in their chosen helplessness. Only then shall their death be righteous. While those who choose war and conflict and act upon it. They shall burn. Burn more than once.  Revenge belongs to Only Allah/God.

The original and most basic of the teachings of Jesus Christs needs to be lived by free choice.
To love one another continuously and without ceasing. To love one another means you are not in war or in conflict. Ever. No matter what any leadership says, states, suggests or demands.

Origin of this blog. Paul Begley
Origin of video:

Added on 04 Dec 2014:
Do some research of life size black horse balloons.

Do a split screen and make a comparison between the easy to find black mare balloon and the flying black stallion in the lightening storm. What do you think? Notice the posture and tail?

Listen to the audio and hear the people laughing. 
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: