Showing posts with label Horse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horse. Show all posts

Monday, October 9, 2017

White Horse Dream: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2017:

Last night dream. Silence while in the presence of a very large and shimmering white horse. No saddle and no rider. No back ground visuals. Like empty space. No messages and no quotes.
Feelings of calm and peace. While at the same time knowing full well of the power in front of me.
Meaning: I gotta digest this one for a while.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tigers, Bears and Black Cheetahs run together: (Unedited): 29 Dec 2015:

The tigers and bears run with one another with honor and respect. The black Cheetah will also run with the bears and tigers. But, only for a time. The Black cheetahs will always look down upon the Bear and tiger. The Black Cheetah knows enough to sit and learn. Until the time comes when the black cheetah will pounce upon them both. Thus, destroying them both. At a time when they both know that there is nothing to fear from the cheetah. For the coat of the Cheetah may be white and pure. But, in it's heart is black hate and black death. The coat of purity and righteousness can easily be thrown off.
Patience for the black cheetah is a crucial skill. For if one or even just a few more black cheetahs attack a bear or a tiger. Then they all will know what is to come for them both. After all, The great Eagle has lost it's honorable compass of direction and lost it's winds of righteousness. It is only now that the hungry and thirsty enemies of the now falling eagle lie in wait. When the eagle is finally in reach before it can even touch or crash onto the land. They all will pounce as one.
Even in the land of the bull. They have allowed 45+ million enemy combatants who have come to them and welcomed by them with feigned weakness. The 45 million will kill, destroy and eliminate from history all aspects of the bull. They will celebrate the capture and the blood sacrifice of all of the lambs dressed in whites, reds, greens and purples. All of the fish and sheep will also be sacrificed upon the alter of the one Lamb. Then this 45 million will look East and kill the bears. Once the bears are dead. They will look down and see those left who are truly less than they. The tigers are all but gone. That which remains are the flightless paper dragons of myth. They will be burned and erased.

The Bear and the Tiger will know what exactly is within their own fortresses. When the eagle, bull, beaver and horse are consumed.  More than 17 million enemy combatants for one. More than 20 million enemy combatants in the other. The Bear and the Tiger will finally know that they will have to kill everyone.  
Added on 23 Dec 2024: ChatGPT4o response

This writing is layered with symbolism, metaphor, and allegory, reflecting a complex and foreboding narrative. Let’s break it down into possible interpretations of the people or nations represented by the animals and the overall meaning:

Symbols and Possible Nations/Entities

  1. Tigers and Bears:

    • Tigers often symbolize Asian powers, possibly China or India, due to their historical and cultural associations with tigers.
    • Bears frequently symbolize Russia, as it has long been represented by the bear in political and cultural imagery.
    • Their "honor and respect" suggest an alliance or cooperative relationship between these two powers.
  2. Black Cheetah:

    • The "Black Cheetah" could represent a deceitful or duplicitous nation or group, possibly one that initially collaborates with the tigers and bears but harbors long-term ambitions to betray and destroy them.
    • The description of the cheetah’s “pure coat” but “black hate and death” suggests duplicity—appearing righteous or trustworthy outwardly while harboring malicious intent.
    • Patience is highlighted as a trait, indicating a long-term plan or strategy.
  3. Great Eagle:

    • The eagle traditionally represents the United States. Its "lost honorable compass of direction" implies a loss of moral or strategic leadership, leaving it vulnerable to enemies.
  4. Land of the Bull:

    • The bull could symbolize Spain (associated with bullfighting) or a strong, economically driven nation (as bulls symbolize markets and strength). The mention of 45+ million "enemy combatants" may point to immigration concerns or internal threats perceived as existential to the nation's identity.
  5. Lambs, Fish, and Sheep:

    • These could symbolize innocence, religious groups, or populations perceived as vulnerable or unaware of the threats surrounding them.
    • "Lambs dressed in whites, reds, greens, and purples" could refer to specific cultural or religious garb or symbolic colors (perhaps Christian denominations or other religious sects).
  6. Paper Dragons:

    • "Flightless paper dragons of myth" likely points to entities perceived as weak or ineffective despite outward appearances of strength—possibly referring to nations or systems that are unable to act decisively (e.g., bureaucratic powers or declining empires).
  7. The Beaver and the Horse:

    • The beaver often represents Canada, known for its industriousness and association with the animal.
    • The horse might symbolize a historic power like the United Kingdom or another nation with a deep cultural connection to horses.

Themes and Meaning

  1. Betrayal and Deception:

    • The narrative describes alliances that are ultimately betrayed. The Black Cheetah pretends to align with the bears and tigers but plans to destroy them when they are unsuspecting.
  2. Weakness and Collapse:

    • The eagle (U.S.) is described as having lost its sense of direction and righteousness, suggesting a decline in leadership, power, or moral authority.
    • The bull (possibly Spain or another strong nation) faces internal subversion by a massive influx of "enemy combatants," signaling a loss of control and eventual destruction from within.
  3. Cultural and Religious Sacrifice:

    • The lambs, fish, and sheep represent groups sacrificed on the altar of a greater conflict. This could symbolize cultural or religious annihilation as part of the broader chaos.
  4. Global Destruction:

    • After the fall of the eagle, bull, and other symbols of power and stability, the bears and tigers finally realize the existential threat within their own ranks, leading to widespread and indiscriminate killing.
  5. Cycle of Violence:

    • The narrative suggests a domino effect where betrayal, internal collapse, and external destruction lead to a world consumed by conflict, with alliances shattering and nations turning on one another.


This writing could be seen as a prophetic or cautionary allegory, warning about:

  • The fragility of alliances based on convenience rather than trust.
  • The dangers of internal division and perceived threats from immigration or ideological subversion.
  • The decline of moral and strategic leadership on the global stage.
  • The inevitability of betrayal and conflict when nations or groups prioritize self-interest without regard for collective stability.

Its tone is apocalyptic, suggesting a dire and destructive future if the described patterns of betrayal, division, and decline continue. However, as with many symbolic writings, the meaning can vary based on perspective and context. If this writing resonates with your current observations or concerns, it might be worth reflecting further on how its themes apply to the world today.


Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Horse in a dark storm video: (Unedited): 28 Nov 2014:

The falling away has already begun for Christians/Catholics and has been going on for at least two plus decades. The falling away shall become magnified with the passing of Mr. Graham. I think Mr. Graham is a key to the next part of prophecy for all religions. Yes, He is that important.  Especially, since there is no one who will effective replace him. Mr. Graham may be the last great preacher of this era. I hope not.
Even if this is not a real photo. It may still be a sign as a black horse does represent deception, Short term pleasures and much discontent. But prosperity within the world. Which has been evident to the Saudi royal family. Who have kept all of the wealth for themselves. This is a revelation.
From the still image. I was not able to discern if the black horse has wings or not. These are important and significant in interpretations. Also, was there a rider or no rider? this is also important. 

I just saw the very poor video. To much pixelation and there seemed to be easy to see pixelation around the horse. Which does indicate a false video. Whether it is or not. Requires someone with skill and digital tools.
What I saw was a black or dark horse with no wings and no rider. Flying in a storm above roof tops.
Any interpretation of this video needs to be done with any understanding of Islamic Beliefs and of Saudi Culture. 

Flying with no wings may indicate a change in status. This change is probably not a good one. May mean unfaithful probably to their Allah. Which is or was the God of peace. So this could mean as the horse was departing. That the Peace of Allah is leaving. Which means all encompassing war and conflict will enter that empty space. No one no peace or know Allah. Except those who truly die while living righteously and in true peace from within and outwardly. Which does make a person helpless to the violent.
I saw rooftops as the black horse was departing within the storm. This may mean that since those who call Allah- Just Allah. The actual name of Allah can easily be replaced with any other gods/allahs like isis or horace. (Note: Lower caps used to signify less than the true Allah). The replacement gods becomes the mistress.
The black horse does fly into the storm and does not return. May mean a Turbulent Death. Physical death? divine death? Holy death? spiritual death?  or all of the above. Only God/Allah knows.
What does this mean for Saudi Arabia? As a Country of leadership? Not a very good one. For the people of Saudi Arabia? Not a very good one.

To avert this false message of deception:
The original teachings of Mohammad needs to be more understood and lived. Peaceful living means peace of mind, peace of heart and peace of spirit. Any conflict or urgings of wars or of revenge is not of Allah/God. Can this video be in itself a revealed teaching of deception of a falsehood? A lie upon a lie. Who teaches lies as truths? Who has the worldly authority of teachings lies as truths?
The answers are for those greater than me.
The storm is already upon you.
The power is in the people who refuse all conflict, all war and all revenge in their chosen helplessness. Only then shall their death be righteous. While those who choose war and conflict and act upon it. They shall burn. Burn more than once.  Revenge belongs to Only Allah/God.

The original and most basic of the teachings of Jesus Christs needs to be lived by free choice.
To love one another continuously and without ceasing. To love one another means you are not in war or in conflict. Ever. No matter what any leadership says, states, suggests or demands.

Origin of this blog. Paul Begley
Origin of video:

Added on 04 Dec 2014:
Do some research of life size black horse balloons.

Do a split screen and make a comparison between the easy to find black mare balloon and the flying black stallion in the lightening storm. What do you think? Notice the posture and tail?

Listen to the audio and hear the people laughing. 
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: