Sunday, April 7, 2013

Destiny Walkers: (Unedited): 07 April 2013:

A destiny manifests in your life without your permission or certain expectancy. May cause those unbelieving loved ones to walk away from you. C.J.MacKechnie

You have spent your life  or have only just begun your life in search for that specific purpose and meaning to life. Only to find out that the narrow mindedness of your own being cannot even fathom the true and real nature of your destiny to come or even the choices which will be thrust upon you.
You could spend a dozen or more years of life living the mundane, meaningless and purposeless existence. Only to be placed in some position where an extreme phenomenon must happen to evolve attitudes, minds, spirits and lives. This extreme new mission will cause those whom you love to become jealous over the sudden importance of your new found purpose. These unbelievers whom you may love with all of your heart may cause you strife in your life. So much so that you may have to choose your unbelieving loved ones or your mission. This is a truth. These missions which suddenly manifest may be from God. It matters not if you believe in God or not. The importance of this sudden mission may even change the bleak probable outlook for your city, state, nation or even world.
Could you or would you give-up the love of your life or your family, If it meant that you could cause possible effective change for the whole world in the future? Could you do so without self serving pride or ego?
Could you or would you be satisfied if the mission was only temporary? Would you be saddened if you had to do a certain thing. Which would harm a feeling, while at the same time ensuring authority?
Could you become a destiny walker? One who walks into someone else life to boost, assure, aid, assist and maybe even protect if necessary. Then be able to walk away when their footing is strong and certain. When their bravery and courage is just more then budding. Can you just quietly walk away just like a father who teaches a child to ride a bike to let go and follow beside no more? Now it is up to them.
If the father always holds on and runs beside their child. The child never becomes certain or brave. The same is with a butterfly. If you free the butterfly. The butterfly will never fly.

Become a wise destiny walker. Know when to leave. Constant and continuous prayer and meditation often reveals a certain timing. A wise destiny walker is a positive prophet of good change in action. 

Use Gifts: (Unedited): 07 April 2013:

The how and why in regards to using your spiritual gifts is not as important as your faith and belief in just using them. C.J.MacKechnie
Those intellectuals usually want to know how and why any person can use the gifts of the spirit. This is direct evidence in their lack of faith and belief. This is OK for them to ask why and how. With your compassionate heart full of love for them. You can respond in kindness. Assure them it is OK and that everything will be OK.
Being able to merge the intention and attention of your spirit, minds, heart and body into doing the miraculous. Will always seem impossible to those who are lacking in faith and belief.  Even those who appear to be the spiritual leaders may themselves be lacking in faith and belief. Their lack of miracles is not evidence of some kind of purposeful  fraud or innocent misrepresentation. They are who they are and there is a reason and purpose to their position of leadership. All to be discerned by you in a very caring and compassionate way. A person can still be a spiritual leader and not do works of the spirit. A spiritual teacher teaches information and may never express a miracle. This is OK and it should be OK for you to accept.  So as long it honors the formula. (LIFE=PEACE+LOVE+HARMONY). This is an absolute formula with unknown individual elements inside of each word. This grouping cannot be mixed with any other element which is deemed contrary. The inverse formula is (Death=War+Hate+Chaos). A person who desires to use this information for the purposes of their own greed, selfishness, will only bring about cruelty, suffering, anguish, depression and misery to others. Which is all elements of the inverse formula.
For instance. A spiritual leader who having never been involved with any thing un-explainable. May create a test for those who appear to be atypical. Such as a hidden green bag placed under some blankets. The unsuspecting test subjects may go and begin to search for the hidden green bag. Which was really hidden. Thus, The subjects may pick up on the deception. Because, that it what it is. But, this kind of deception is not a bad thing. It is similar to any other kind of teacher who puts forth any test to their students. The good teacher knows the answers but is unwilling to reveal them a head of the test. The good teacher hides the answers from their students and is a deception. Not a bad deception.
The spiritual leader who is confronted with test subjects who pass his test. May become frightened. It is important to ease the spiritual leaders mind and heart and to re-assure that it is OK and they are OK. Unless, of course they just want to quickly depart from you. Then kindly and compassionately comfort them from a distance. Once they digest and contemplate. Then they will know. That it was all OK and maybe a little cool.
NOTES: The word Minds is accurate as we can have many thoughts and many emotions occurring at one time.  The minds must be united and in absolute agreement.