Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Dirt Bag Leaders +26: (Unedited): 10 Aug 2024:

Dirt bag leaders who know not their dishonor or the extent of the evil which resides within their hearts will sacrifice their country and all of it's civilian population to save himself/herself. 
The dirt bag leaders who thinks he/she is being forced to make bad decisions is self deceiving themselves for when presented with sacrificing himself/herself or sacrificing their own people and nation. They always choose to save themselves. 
Dirt bag leaders who have had a history moral turpitude has already become the slaves of those who hold the source and evidence of their evil delights. 
It is those who control the dirt bag leaders of the world who are in authority over everything. They are the puppet masters who physically control the leaders and control the minds and actions of the commoners. 
Actual real men who gave away their honor and then realized it shall uphold the purity of what they used to be with great shriveling tears while faced with the lonely darkness of their wretched soul. Cold hard truths shall be realized as required honorable actions become necessary.
Faced with the fragility of their fractured masculinity. Real men who were once was, see the brokenness of who they once were despite the chiseled and skilled man in the mirror. They suddenly know mirrors lie just as the reflected awards seen on uniforms reminds of failures instead of courage. 
For you, Those of you who have partook in the delights of the fresh new young ones. There may not be anything good for you left and there may not be any forgiveness either. You only have this moment and no guarantee for the next as their young bodies were drained and bodies harvested up to be sold as any other product. For you only reasoned unimaginable torment forever.
This is not just for those who partake and who have partook. This is for all of those who also were a part of the incredibly offensively evil process. 
NOTE: I cannot/will not write this vision down. "Elixir". Not positive. 
NOTE: It is my hope that the men who once were and who protect you all-all at once become self realized human beings in the same moment of time and quickly kill each one of you so that you can start your reasoned unimaginable torment forever as soon as FoxTrot possible. 
So as I write about these wicked evil doing leaders I get horrendous visions of ...(No comment). They are no longer human. They does not mean all. 
Fortunately, your own cowardice and delusions of being untouchable shall prevent you from suicide. Bullets shall find your center of mass and brain pan. 
The falling dead fill the clean holes all with known faces and names to be buried as their names become a part of the new list in which not to name your children forever. 
The good people of the world see you and know not your enslavement. But, they see the chaotic duality of your decisions and actions. The peoples resolve shall fracture your delusional pride as you take your last breath in absolute disbelief. 
You wicked evil doers shall not believe that you will all soon be executed without formality. In that time you shall not even believe that you have been lied and deceived. But, you shall barely see the smoke as you fall dead into a hole which shall be labeled evil lies here. 
The end of the wicked evil doers and the dirt bag leaders of the world shall suffer a similar fate as which had befallen the fallen angels. You shall be chained down and great rocks shall cover the whole of you in darkness forever never to be found or known. 
Those superior god like beings who you actually know have all continually lied to you. For the amazing and wonderful world they promised is all a lie as the actual world you shall be gifted will be one of forever reasoned torment in a fiery prison. 
The spirit of the fallen 22 shall inhabit 22 human leaders who control the world. From them shall begin the final fall of humanity into extinction. 
Inhabitation is an of use event and so as long as the human is of use so shall inhabitation shall be continued until a better human is found. 
NOTE: Even though the human victims can be seen as being victimized. Even though the humans were lied and deceived. It is the humans who opened themselves up to be violently taken over by the god like fallen angels. The human hosts were already wicked evil doers and maybe even beyond redemption before the deceptive invite was offered. Only God knows. 
Note: This is not about all human hosts or demonically possessed persons. 
Loving moms will bring a good light into the eyes of their children who have seen much darkness. Resolute fathers will properly steer their misguided children back on their true honorable heading. In this, children will refuse unrighteous wrongful orders. Even in the face of firing/sacking. 
It is better to stand in the light of purposeful righteous honor than it is to become a darkened evil soul who dispense fear, threats and terror. 
You know you can be once again. You can once again be that hero to your people and to your nation. Even though your leaders are now easily seen as traitors to your hallowed documents or to the memory of your monarchy. 
It took the cleansing blood of the righteous lamb of God to save those who needed to be saved. In the face of corruption and of treason. Sometimes it becomes time to clean house which has become full of wicked evil doers. 
You men and women of great honor won't be called by great leaders to do the things which must be done. Fore, your leaders have become corrupted diseased blights on what was once your great nation and now they seek to murder and imprison all souls. Hold onto your great ancient documents and mend your great flag. Reject and Forbid any order which destroys either even if you have to brighten the flag with your shed blood. 
Watch out for and question people in suits of authority and uniforms of command who bring chaos, disunity, insolence and isolation under the guise of rights, freedoms and peace for all. Their intention is no rights, no freedoms and no peace. Their planned result shall be suffering, death and destruction.
The idiocy and shortsightedness of existing leaders see not that it is the people who who make their positions valid. What is the point of ruling over a deserted and destroyed island with no people? 
Added on 21 Aug 2024:
When a leader prophesy about what has been happening to California will happen to the rest of the United States. You should believe him. 
Added on 23 Aug 2024: 
Just as the Catholic leaders shall be sacrificed upon their own alters so to shall the leaders of the world along with their entire families shall be killed by those whom they helped and supported.
The foolishness of the leaders of the world who have negotiated with those who have been raised from birth to hate kill and destroy you all by any means necessary shall end a joyous celebratory bloodbath by their wicked and evil perspective.
The wicked evildoers who only know a deep and profound hate for all of you shall break all promises, lie, cheat and steal in order for their own beloved prophets final outcome to be manifest. Which is the end of you all.
You foolish leaders of the world cannot negotiate with any group of people who want to destroy and kill you all. Especially, when they all have been taught from birth to be able to freely martyr themselves by murdering as many as possible and then receiving the ultimate glory from god.
Note: Any digital content which you hold as important. You had start printing everything and then properly storing them all away. This includes all of your digital pictures. This includes all letters and emails. This includes actually purchasing your favorite books in paper form.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Beautifuly Evil Is Physically Here Now: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2022:

Updated on 23 Oct 2022:Twice:
You must guard your thoughts, your emotions and your desires.
If you want to substitute the word aliens for angels or beings. Then you can.
Even the desires which is not psychologically typical for you may not be your own desires. You know your own typical sins. You know what sins of the spirit, the body, the mind, the heart you choose to cater to. But, now there is a new sign. This is a new evidence of being in the presence of a fallen one. The fallen ones are irredeemable and they desire for all of humanity to become extinct. Even to erase the memory that humanity had ever existed. Some of you who read my writings are fully vested in them. To them you are only a tool and there is no love for you. There is no caring, no mercy, no compassion for you at all. All you are to them is something which can be used and managed. That is all. All of the fallen and irredeemable beings just want to continue their lies, half truths, deceptions and to tell you everything that you want to hear just so that you do your part in bringing forth the eventual extinction of humanity.
There are now beautifully handsome physical beings among humanity who can immediately cause you to desire them(sin). So even if you do not desire them by your own common psychology. They can cause you to immediately desire them(sin). This is a key in your own understanding. Especially if you know your not gay or a lesbian. Then you suddenly desire that person who you would never be attracted to. Let alone to need and want to fulfill the intense desire that they have projected into your own mind and heart. Know that you are not the origin of that desire. It is they who are causing you to desire them. It is a simple method on how they control you by their own definition. Which is completely alien to any human being. 
These evil physical beings now walk with humanity and they as of yet are not revealing themselves. But, you need to know that prophetically they will kill 1/3 of humanity. You need to know that humanity is completely defenseless and helpless to any of their spiritual and mental powers. If one Angel of the Lord can kill 185,000 battle hardened troops in one night. Then, can these evil physical beings do something similar? Maybe?, maybe not?. I think they are less than the lower level angels of God or Nephilim. You need to know this. Angels can shut down any human just as easily as you can turn off a light. It might even be easier for them than it is for you to flip a light switch. I do not know.
Good Angels can even mess with your memory. They can add or delete memories. From my experience. The good Angels mess with your memory for your own personal safety and protection. They can even implant thoughts into your brain which can change your current intentions into something else. They usually do this to get you to simply go elsewhere or out of their way with no harm to you. Just the question that you pose to yourself. Why did I go over here as you realize that you were talking to ---- and now they are gone or just completely invisible to your physical perceptions and awareness. No harm no foul. Right? But, they may allow you to just remember just enough to barely realize something or absolutely nothing at all. This seems to be for your protection and your sanity. 
The evil angels do not seem to care for any aspect of your well being. For if they can cause you to sin and to choose to sin. Then they have their victory over you and over God. Jesus clarified the law and actually made it worse for humans. In the law you must atone for your sins through the tradition of animal sacrifice and the covering of your sins with an innocent and perfect lamb or other animals. You must also have an acceptable priest as which God defines it who must perfectly conduct the traditions. This process only covers your sins. But, with Jesus, now all you have to do is think a sin and you have done it. All you have to do is having sinful desires about anything sinful in order to be in sin. You no longer have to actually do the sin. The evil angels or evil beings know this better than you or I. These evil beings do not truly care about you. Even though they have rewarded you many times for your own conduct and through your own natural gifts. Your interactions with them is only damaging you for their own benefit and their own desires. Their desires is the elimination of humanity and to cause God to declare His faults, His flaws, His mistake, His errors, His false Judgements and His failures.
These evil beings do not care if their presence causes you any harm whatsoever. They do not care if your memory of them is fully intact. They do not care if you become one of the knowing. However they will care if you happily walk down Christian lane or if you can actually find one two churches which were not admonished by God. Which are the churches of ancient Philadelphia and Smyrna. You have to know what those traits are and you just cannot go to a church with either of those two names. 
The point of this writing is this. These beings are far more handsomely beautiful than any so called perfect human model. They can make you aware of them or walk among humans without any human knowing of their presence. They can either have physical mass or no mass at all. The new key is in your sin. So if your thinking about business and then you suddenly see one of them and you suddenly desire them. Then that human looking person may not be human at all. 
Added on 23 Oct 2022: Morning:
Think about how these evil beings are thinking. "They cause you to desire them". For some reason they need for you to think of them as desirable for their own selfish purposes. There is psychology to this. Also, these beings are far more superior to any human. So, can their desires for humans be compared to a human desire for apes, dogs, worms? or what is less than a worm? Or are these evil beings far more superior to humanity than humanity is superior to apes or any other animal? How disgusting is that? What they can do to any human is forms of rape. Spiritual rape, mental rape, emotional rape, physical rape.
They want all of humanity to become extinct.
They want the memory of humanity to disappear.
They want to cause the being(God) who is extremely far superior to them to admit failure and who they went to war against and who they lost to rather quickly and easily.
They want select humans to pleasure them or to bring them pleasure as they individually define it. What is a word which is worse than a slave? While at the same time they have no need or want for knowing what you think or feel or care about or desire. For all that you think you are must be under their complete control. Then when they are done with you. You become worse than trash. Think about your own thoughts and emotional connections to trash. I know that sounds stupid. Because why are your thoughts about trash important and how do you even have any kind of emotional connection to trash? Exactly, but in order to fully understand how the evil beings think and care about you is actually worse than how you think and feel about basic trash. AND, No there is no idea of recycling or reusing. This is because you can be easily replaced. For they will take any human they want. Yes, "TAKE".
The return of the nephilim can mean the return of the giants. But, the nephilim does not have to be tall at all. They can appear just like any other human being. Except have some very distinct and striking qualities to them. Actually, they can even be below average in height to other humans as well. I have seen a shorter than me possible nephilim human with zero body fat do world record lifting in a gym and denied assistance from very large and powerful looking humans. He did his world record workouts like they were regular workouts while wearing a superman shirt and not sweating or seemingly not exerting himself too much. Yea, That happened. That was about 5 years ago. 
Added on 23 Oct 2022: Evening: 
I've written this before. How these beings use their psychic gifts or powers is not like how humans use their understanding of psychic gifts or powers. A human must have years of training and conditioning. All of that effort doesn't show anything in the realm of Jedi powers. The things which are typically shown by humans is marginal and unpredictable at best. Now the angels whether they are of God or one of the fallen ones can modify the human capacity to use such psychic gifts or powers. Even then they are not compared to what any of the angels can do by their own intelligent intentions. There will also be a physical and mental price to pay in overall health to the human who has been modified to use psychic gifts or powers.
Here is a comparison. The angles can intentionally and intelligently use their own natural psychic gifts or powers just like how you must focus and concentrate in breathing, seeing, hearing or work any of your organs in your own human body. Think about it. In other words the human does not need to focus and always think about keeping their heart beating and their lungs breathing. This is the comparison. For them and depending on which class of angel they are. They may have these psychic powers in which they can naturally use them just like how we use any of our internal organs within the human body. Some angel classes may have many psychic powers that they each can naturally use in an intelligent and intentional manner. 
It is they who are most like the Jedi and Sith with all of their powers. All of humanity is absolutely helpless and defenseless in compared to them.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Powerful Delusion Poured: +1: (Unedited): 24 June 2018:

From satan we all experience lying wonders, deceptions and permission for all manner of unrighteousness. While from God we all have revelation poured upon us powerful delusions in which is a gift for His sheep of unshaken minds, hearts and spirits. From this powerful delusion those who are truly in the family of their Heavenly Father. Will clearly see the wicked wolves and goats pretending to be something they are not.
Do not be fooled. By the words of a possible wolf or goat saying that Jesus would have flown in a million dollar airplane to spread the Word. Jesus is already the Word of God. The Word is already represented by all of the Heavens. Jesus choose to ride on a donkey which has never been ridden before. I suggest you give that a try. Jesus could walk on water. Jesus could disappear and then appear elsewhere. Jesus had unknown numbers of angels at His calling. So why would Jesus need anything from any human creation? It is like a human trying to build a temple good enough or even adequate enough for God. Look that up in the Holy Bible.
How many people in the Holy Bible failed God, tried to fool God, tried to negotiate with God, Tried to get God to promise a thing? Go and look it up in the Holy Bible. Let me know when you find anyone who made zero mistakes, crimes, poor choices or sins.
The thing about pastors, preachers and theologians. They are no better than anyone else. They make mistakes and succumb to a variety of sins as we all do. When our church leaders make errors, mistakes and sin. We are supposed to love them and not their errors or sins. We are also supposed to forgive them as well. Then we all should learn that even though they each are in positions of great responsibility. They are all just human beings. Just like we all are. If we or you as the church body raise up your pastor, preacher and theologian to be greater than they really are. Then your collective church sin of idol worship needs to be addressed. This goes for anyone else in church leadership. Even the church body has a responsibility to the whole church body. Your legs will never run off leaving the body behind. When danger is afoot. Your hands and arms will protect the whole body and not just themselves.
The point is it is everyone's responsibility to take care of the entire church body and actual church property. It is not about the duty of good works. All of your good works should be done in secret and flow out of you like a river of love.
People can get all caught up in putting on a good show.
Pride Seen: (Unedited): 24 June 2018:
Pride is easily seen and known by the pictures of accomplishments and assets hanging or set besides your walls. Thus, becoming your idols you show off. Proving to all who see just how great you are.
How many planes do you have on your walls? How many parchments of educational accomplishments do you own? How many medical devices are sitting in the entrance of your church? Why do you think God wanted men to go out into the world with only their cloaks?
I can tell you this. If you cannot allow someone to burn your actual documents of accomplishments. Then you have a problem. If you cannot allow a truck to take those medical devices to various medical facilities to be used by those in need. Then you have a problem. Where and how is your pride, ego, supremacy, entitlements and arrogance showcased?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Frequency of God: (Unedited): 17 June 2018:

Before you begin to read. Get your Holy Bible out. Pray first. Seek the messages which are beyond these words. If your more important than me. There is no need to mention me or acknowledge me in any way. Just use it to save lives.
Well, I happened to stumble upon A recent Mark Taylor interview for June 17th, I think. I do not know the person. He seems to make the prophecy rounds on many Christian shows.  I'm not able to locate it now. People can inspire you to do a thing in which you have had no plans of doing, thinking or creating. Typically, These kinds of inspirations are good things. But, if you allow yourself to take in any kind of information which is contrary to Life, Love, Kindness, Mercy, Compassion, Harmony, Peace, Honor, Respect, Friendliness, Positivity, Laws of God and all of those other good natured words. Then any inspiration from them can begin inspirations of every kind within you which shall be evil and negative in every measure.
Mark Taylor and the interviewer, began to speak in regards to frequency in prayer. But, only lightly touched upon the whole concept even to reveal an actual frequency. But, this revealed frequency will only have an impact on the physical body. The problems begin with your own blockages to the divine. These blockages begin with your games of war, harm and suffering. Taking pleasure in destroying and killing another. Even in game play mindless sin which is not real in our reality is real in our minds. Listening to worldly music also has a blocking effect as you repeatedly hear veiled and not so veiled offensive music. It is still sin when you listen and entertain sinful desires in your own mind and heart. Causing you heart to need more and more fun and exciting sinful desires. The visual media shows which show all manner of sin is looked forward by you. Which is why you wait impatiently for the next airing of new and deeper sinful desires with psychological twists and turns. The new thing now is binge watching for favorite worldly show full of satanic, demonic and fallen angel content.
Question Binge: (Unedited): 17 June 2018:
Why isn't there binge church services?
Why isn't there binge love for one another?
Why isn't there binge Holy Bible readings?
Why isn't there binge prayers?
Why isn't there binge repentance?
Why isn't there binge holiness and righteousness?
Why isn't there binge obedience to the will of God?
A very strong hint for the church. Your fixing to lose your wealth and power.
Mark Taylor Interview.
From about 19 minutes into the show to the end.
Being Frequency Transmitter: (Unedited): 17 June 2018:
The frequency transmitter of your mind and heart dictates who hears your transmitted prayers and desires. Your frequency goes directly to the God of your being. YHWH or satan?
Think about this and it was covered by Mark Taylor. You cannot pick up an AM (Amplitude modulation) station when your radio is in FM (Frequency Modulation). To take it a step further. You will not hear a radio station on 90 Mhz FM when you're tuned to 95 Mhz FM.This means you are not in tune with God.  Just as when your close to the correct FM station. You may not receive a clear and intelligent signal. This means your getting close to God but your still to distracted by many things.  When you are to far away from the transmitter source you may hear multiple stations talking about two different things or all you may get is static. This means you are deeply in sin and far away from God by your own choosing and decisions.
Are you getting it.
Silent Meditation Receiver: (Unedited): 17 June 2018:
Your frequency of your mind and heart dictates who shall send transmitted messages to your silent meditation receiver? Who will it be YHWH or one of the fallen and unforgiven angels?
This means if the receiver of your mind and heart is set to the world and to satan. Then all of the brain and heart conditioning information you shall receive will be from many many sources of satan and the unforgiven fallen angels. You have to be completely in tune and to hold onto the exact frequency with YHWH in order to receive his intelligent and heartfelt impressions. In other words you won't hear with your ears or mind or heart. You will just know and understand a new thing with the associated wisdoms without ever being taught. But, How?
The Holy Bible tells you everything you need to know.
Find yourself a Bible believing church. Where the percentage of non paid workers is high. Ask how to become a Christian. Make a free choice from your own free will. All without any threats, fears, intimidations.
Be continuously repentant of every sin daily.
Go and sin no more on purpose. Every second of every day.
Keep your transmitter of prayer to YHWH always on the correct and true frequency.
Keep your receiver of meditation to YHWH always on the correct and true frequency.
The Purple words below.
Personal Note: I'm a deeply flawed human being. I sin daily, many times daily. I'm repentant. What I'm allowed to write is what I'm supposed to write. To the best of my uneducated ability. You the reader must know that I fail in doing what I write many many times daily. The word frequency just pounds into my brain. I have to write so that I can be free of it.
The message is what is important and not the writing style. I'm nobody of importance. So seek me not, only seek YHWH.
Yes, I'm guilty of binge watching of worldly shows.
Yes, I'm guilty of watching Marvel shows.
Yes, I'm guilty of watching the UFC.
I have stopped playing games of war and murder. Yes, I'm responsible of murdering many millions of fictitious peoples in mindless wars of no reason.  Except for entertainment. Think about that comment being happily and pridefully entertained by dominating and murdering peoples in the land of pixels. I guess that is a quote.
Thank Mr. mark taylor for inspiring me to write.
Murdering Pixel People: (Unedited): 17 June 2018:
I was happily and pridefully entertained by dominating and murdering peoples in the universe of Pixels.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Home Humanity: (Edited) 09-12 June 2018:

Personal Notes in note form:
The word "home" has been repeated many times to me this last few weeks. Is there a message?
Where is the home of your heart? Where is the home of your spirit? Where is the home of your mind? Where is the home of your body? Where is the home of your family? Where is the home of your ancestors? Do you still consider any of them your home? Even if you wanted to consider them home are you permitted to?
For me it is very disturbing to watch the younger generation exercising their new parental authority and selling off and giving away their ancestral rights to ancient lands. All for a bowl of soup. Those new adults in their new responsibilities and they see no importance in their own family history. All they do is sell sell sell, even the historical war relics of their ancestors' heroism.
I see the burdens in those still living ancient ones who have been cast aside in the present but in actuality have been forgotten a long time ago. Maybe, it is all repayment for when those now helpless ancestors chose their careers over their own flesh and blood children, and the grandparents chose a far away retirement and just gave up on the lives of their own grandchildren, so much so that to the grandchildren their grandparents are just strangers with no life memory to hold onto the importance of the past heritages.
So much have I seen and witnessed of the elders and disabled family members who have been forgotten by their own blood kin or just neglected. It becomes their own sin and my pain for those elder and disabled souls who confide in me. For in their moment of being forgotten, we both share in our collective history of abandonment.
I watch my children grow into their adulthoods and I see their hardships which can be directly tied to my own hardships and my own failures, even the failures in which there is no compassion, mercy or forgiveness. It is they who pay for my sins and woes. Most humans know how to answer correctly but in their own real answer there is only neglectful inaction which originates from their own comfort level.
I have seen how it is supposed to be. How family and home is supposed to work. How a family and a home is supposed to be that welcoming warm place of sanctuary and refuge. Where a son and a daughter will be joyfully welcomed when out in the stormy cold of the cruel world. So how can a wayward prodigal son return home when home is a nothing of an unwelcoming place? I've been thirsty in the desert. I've been cold and alone with only the howls of the coyotes flaming my fears. I've been scared of the dark while sleeping in my camphor tree. I've walked upon the dark snake in the night and fear the fake lights of man. I've been starved and have eaten like a happy dog feasting on his great prize from the trash cans. I've swum in the stream of the moccasin as he was drawn into my wake. I've run away only to realize that no one would care if I ever returned or even question why I never came home when I did (8 years old). How many times should I have died? Yet, I type off photons upon your screen. Can you feel the dark dwell of the abyss that I have drawn you into? That dark tube leads to a geometric shape. But, I know if I continue to drag you down with me we each may lose ourselves from reality, because the deeper we go the more strange it becomes as well as all of the realities. The reality of my life was supposed to be with two whom I have met. But they have been swayed by the world as their families become lost into the gravitational grasp of family name extinction and then extinction of totality. All you have to do is drag your leg furthest away from the gravitational tug and you will be free. Just by looking up and over into the calm, you will be there. Even if you dwell within your own depressive state, all you have to do is decide not to dwell in it. Just thinking about the beauty which surrounds you can be enough to cause you not to dwell in your own negativity. Then realize that the beauty around you has always been and will always be regardless of how you feel or what you think.
Maybe turning past 50, I see what my children have lost out on. The lessons and lives of elder and ancestral family members. We have none. The lessons from aunts, uncles and cousins to teach the lessons of what makes this one family unique by their outward actions and inward thinking.
How many of you would love to actually have an ancient home in which you could teach and acquaint your children and grandchildren with? For me it is a burden to know that I cannot teach my children where the home of their family is as there is none.
Being the end of the line means that I cannot be a part of their new beginning, like a Moses who was not allowed to enter into the promised land because of his sin. But, the children of the slaves did as their parents who departed Egypt and who could not shake themselves from their slavish ways and had to die in the wilderness and they did.
Home and ancient home I have none. Name and ancient name I have none. Yet, I'm tied to Germany and Scotland in some unaccepted way. Even though my DNA may just contradict them both or agree with them. I know not. Yet I'm not bound by either and neither holds any claim on me. Stripped from all and all that remains is the nakedness of my spirit. Even to the point all that remains in the physical is the intertwined base of my core humanity. All I am is a chemical and mathematical representation of that which God had desired to exist in this singular moment in time according to my limited awareness. Even my thoughts are without any mass. My emotions are without substance and my spirit cannot be proven in science. This is who I am and nothing more. I am of the dirt and can only look up to the maggots and worms as they all are completely obedient to the will of God without any debate or negotiation. Even all other animals and plants all know who and what they are. They all know their individual function and purpose. In their own way and understanding of time they all worship God with all that they are. Why can't humanity do the same, or I for that matter?
The home of my person is with my wife. The home of my spirit is with the Heavenly Father. Without my wife I am alone. Without the Heavenly Father I am nothing.
Yes, I have children and my comments are not intended to exclude them in any way. I love my children and am very proud of all of them.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Edith Righteous Judgement: +2: (Unedited): 05 June 2018:

While Lot's wife was walking away from the sins of the world. That which was still within her heart was deserving of righteous judgement.
Sodomite Edith: (Unedited): 07 June 2018:
Edith/Ado was chosen to be saved from the righteous judgement coming to Sodom. An unknown sin was found in her heart and as she turned to looked she was instantly convicted as one of sodomites. For she was once saved and then she was not.
Note: It is suspected that the name of Edith or Ado is the name of Lots wife. I use the name to personalize the quote. I almost feel like you can substitute you name in its place. The best way I can phrase it.
Luke 17:32 "Remember Lots wife."
Yes, read the whole chapter and figure out way Jesus would say that. If you teach prophecy. You should include this or in the coming of the Lord many souls may become like Lot's wife. Also remember that what will Jesus be like upon his return? A loveable fluffy wuffy? No an angry lion. It will not be a good idea to negotiate or whine like those in the Holy Bible had done. Ever try to negotiate with an angry lion? How do you think it will go for you?
I suppose you also must consider Moses and Aaron. Both were chosen and both endured righteous judgement for sinning against God.
It is not enough to just leave sins behind you or to even leave the sins of the world and become a self isolated cave person. If the sin is still in your hearts and in your mind, Then you are at risk right now of becoming like Edith or Lots wife. Once saved always saved is a truth. Unless you only spoke the words and those words entered not into your heart and mind. Only God will judge you and no human can. Human beings can assume in error or correctly whether or not you're a Christian. This can and will always be seen in your abundance or absence of love, mercy, compassion for every other person. The landlord who gives much to the church but causes their own tennants to suffer much.The salesmen who causes/manipulates the buyer to buy a thing which they do not need or want. The service technician who fixes things which does not need fixing. Any and all of your current secret sins. Because nothing is secret to the Lord and God of righteous judgements. If that is who you want to face. Then it is your choice and that choice will be seen in your actions rooted from the outpouring of love from within you.
Even if you have been in church for sixty years or one week. Go to your Bible believing church and repent of your sins and then intend to sin no more. Become holy and righteous which is only accepted by your Heaven Father. If your a pastor or theologian or Priest or preacher seek solitude in your time of repentance. Seek out other pastors in confidence. If you cannot break the binds of sin in your life. Then with what honor and self respect you have left. You must step down. At least you won't become public news like the others before you who have been caught in sin and crime. The search term are "Pastor in jail" "Pastor caught in sin" "Pastor stealing" "Pastor child abuse" Be sure to include your state and time frame. The search terms go on forever. It is to hard on me to look up sinful pastors any more.
Initial Sin repentance: (Unedited): 07 June 2018:
Repenting of a sin while planning to sin the same sin again is not repentance. Repenting once is only for those who have never sinned after their initial repentance. 
This is like the professed Christian who is a car salesman who always hides the problems with the cars he sells. Then lies about not knowing when a severe problem is discovered by the new owner. Yet, the church loves his tithes and keeps quiet about his business practises. The non Christians see what church he goes to and thus his reputation becomes the church. Swallow on that. how many more dishonorable business owners and managers go to your church. The reputation of the people who go to your church do have an effect on the reputation of your church.
Protection Until Sin: (Unedited): 07 June 2018:
In Prophecy you cannot forget Lot's wife. For even she was under prophetic protection until she sinned and instantly suffered righteous judgement.
Lot's Wife was selected to depart from Sodom and Gomorrah. So she was to be a saved person. Think about this so was Moses and Aaron were also chosen and then denied because of their own sins. Who else in the Holy Bible was chosen and then denied in some way?
Do not get me wrong. I'm not being disrespectful to anyone who has been in the knowing presence of Angels. We must respect that. Just as we must respect those who have been in the knowing presence of God and in direct knowing communication with God.
The bottom line is it doesn't matter what her one sin was or her many sins were. God exercised his righteous judgement upon her in that moment.
So if Lot's wife was under Prophetic protection with direct contact with angels and then Jesus mentioned Lot's wife in relation to future prophecy. What does that say for each believer? The purple words below get more real now don't they. But, there is a catch. You cannot do those purple words with a foundation of fear. Your foundation to accomplish the purple words must be from LOVE.
Be sure to become a member of your Bible believing church in your community and consult with the pastor.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

You mean this Bible thing is real!?!: (Unedited): 07 April 2018:

Usually when I write like this. It is for you the reader to backup all of these words through the Holy Bible and use them as you see the necessity of them. Before you read. Pray and meditate before you read this. I do my best to put forth the message. The church age may end in less than 40 years. If you use content or the interesting way it leads you to the message. There is no need to mention me or acknowledge me in any way. Just got quotes.  
The Christian denominations and churches of the USA and western Europe must get away from the lies and deceptions of worldly teachings today. Instead begin to focus on the actual evidence to prove that this Bible thing is real. Really real. Even many of you pastors who have been teaching for decades may not even really believe. Because, if you actually believed this Bible thing was real. Would you begin to control your actual real sins of your own actions, mind and heart? Or are you just waiting to get caught in your adulterous affairs? stealing funds? buying/selling drugs, abusing kids and etc.? Justice is coming for you and the whole world will know of your crimes and sins. Those real bad characters, actors and fakers will not even read this or know this. Those who see this and heed this are the ones who may decide to change or have been given the opportunity to change. For those who continually sin and have no guilt may be the ones who already have been judged and thus prevented from any change. Just like the Pharaoh in the days of Moses.
The Thomas Affair
We live in a time where all of humanity is bombarded in lies and deceptions. From the lies and deceptions of the races of humanity to aliens/angels in the heavens. Just think about it. We have made heroes out of super beings and some of those so called super beings have mythology. These beings and their powers may have been real. Just go and read the book of Enoch which was once a part of the Holy Bible until it was removed. These fallen angels came here pretending to be gods. They took advantage of human beings in a variety of ways. They did many other genetic altering things to many creatures including humanity. Yet, today the number one movie cult is the Marvel Universe. What heroes and villains are made up in the Marvel Universe. Remember in the end of days it will be like in the days of Noah. In the days of Noah it was common knowledge to know of the angels in a factual manor. It was common knowledge to know of the children of the gods. It was common knowledge to be a first hand witness to genetic manipulations of different species. Even everything named in space is based on the fallen angels who went by different names. Think about real bad people do they not hide their true identities and put out false names? Although the marvel Universe is entertaining to watch it is a distraction to what we really need to focus on in life. Because, even in your own made up fantasy's can you sin. Even in the video games you play you can still murder and enjoy it as you celebrate your victories of conquests.
Think about the TV shows that we watch. The shows about lawyers, crimes and investigations have been popular for many decades now. All of these shows train up the mind to seek evidence in order to prove something which is real to believe. Do you remember the statement from an investigative detective who often said "Only the facts Ma'am" ? We have had decades of this belief system. While at the same time our children learn in schools and in everyday life that the Holy Bible is a made up work of fiction. Our children learn that nothing in the Holy Bible is real. It is easy for children to believe teachers, instructors and professors as when they become of age to learn the truth in regards to santa, easter bunny, tooth fairy and etc. Your own children learn just how deeply you have lied to them. So when an educated person whom they respect tells them the Holy Bible is a false hood. Your children believe them and leave the belief system you raised them in. 
Ye pastors, theologians and religious teachers. Teach the evidence of the Holy Bible every week. Prove to your people and to yourself that this Bible thing is very real. Here is your warning. Once you and your people have that leap of faith into the very real idea that this Bible thing is real. Yours and their lives will be altered forever. Remember what was said to Thomas. But, maybe for our modern era of thinking. The teaching of hard minded people through a Thomas principle is necessary for people to become saved. But, then again the devil and the rest of the fallen angels know the facts and how the Holy Bible is real. So why do you think the entire Christian faith is under attack worldwide? So prove it - prove it all. I would highly suggest beginning with or not with Ron Wyatt and his discovery of Noah Ark as well as other things. How often has God used the insignificant person and unqualified person to tell a story? Think about that. Look for all archeology which originated with the Holy Bible. It doesn't stop here.
You then must teach how to flee from all sin. This includes those sins of the heart and mind. Yes, I know the psychologists all say and believe that it is impossible to control the thoughts in your own mind. Well, They are all wrong and what they say is a falsehood.
You must teach meaningful and purposeful repentance. In all aspects of life. 
You must teach how to become holy and righteous in all aspects of your life. This includes no longer causing harm to others. No longer taking purposeful advantage of any soul for any reason. 
If your a professed Christian and you cause harm in any way. You may not be a Christian. If you act, pretend and put on a show behind a podium and on stage you may not be a Christian. If your church has less than 10% of the congregation doing actual works based on their own out flow of love for one another. You and your church may in fact be all about you. After all, who is the star of the show? You or (Jesus Christ) Yeshua? Think about it. I'm not attacking you unless I am. I just want you to be aware that if you have gotten yourself caught up in the entertainment trap. It is one thing if you got yourself all caught up. It happens to everyone for any reason. It is all another if your an unbeliever or unfaithful and your putting on the show because your show is all about you. 
Added on 22 May 2018: 
Argument Lost: (Unedited): 22 May 2018:
Christians have lost the argument against a foe they did not want. A foe who feels they have no need to bring any evidence while at the same time forcing the Christian to bring all manner of evidence and then denying it all.  
Christian Solidification: (Unedited): 22 May 2018: 
As a result of the undesired foe's continuous rejection and denial of Christian evidence will become a complete solidification of faith within the entire Christian community.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, March 5, 2018

Lots Wife Once Saved: (Unedited): 02 March 2018:

As long as it takes for you (Christian) to change the channel or the radio (music) in the privacy of your car, office, cell phone or computer. It is the same amount of time it took Lots wife (Edith or Ado) to become rejected and judged after being saved. For in that moment of being once saved you may become like Lots wife in those moments when your heart and mind desires the ways of the world.
Back Down Quickly: (Unedited): 02 March 2018:
Lost the original quote and then found it:
Just as quickly as you can change the channel or frequency back down to the worldly transmissions. You just as quickly become like Lots wife Edith or Ado.
Once you have been saved then you are saved. That is until you reject the requirements of being saved. Which is developing your heart, mind, speech and actions into becoming righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only.
The time is coming and may already be here. When God will destroy the world or just your sinful nation. The order in which these things will occur have already been prophesied in the Holy Bible. In which have all been assumed by the limited understanding of humanity. Just before the destruction shall occur. God will save His elect. Then the saved elect must freely decide to remain or flee. Those elect shall be saved but they each must abide by the rules or they each shall become like Lots wife. Those who look back at what they loved about the world or look back to see the loved ones left behind. For many shall reject or not able to listen as the world has a hold upon them even though they may pray and read the Holy Bible daily. Go and test for yourself how long it takes to simply look back.
The coffins of the dead are meant for those who remain alive to remember. Those leaders of all men who have made their deep underground bunkers for themselves and their families through the legal theft of their brethren. These secreted places shall become their own unknown coffins of extinction. All of which shall be consumed by fire. Never to be recognized by anyone, anywhere or any time.
Be very concerned with the state of your church, religion and denomination. If any of them do not teach sin, righteousness and holiness. If any of them have brought into their holy places sin. Then leave it now and do not look back. Even if that church has been your church home for many decades or even many generations. It is that church which has already left God and you. It is that fallen church which desires to drag you down into the acceptance and celebration of any kind of sin.
For instance: This is very offensive. Watch the acceptance and celebration of sin in the place of holiness. This is not Methodist bashing. Although the Methodist church is becoming a very good example of a fallen denomination and church. But, so to many others.
Note the age of the videos. The two selected is just a sample.
(Christian) also is for any religious person who is supposed to abide by a code holiness, righteousness.
I use copy and paste for your safety and security. No hidden or transposed characters.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Unexpected Victor: (unedited): 02 Oct 2017:

Revolutions are often won by the expected loser/ By revolting against your own mind, body and heart. Will you then have the probability of becoming an unexpected victor.
Revolt against your own negativity.
Revolt against your own ignorance.
Revolt against your own foolishness.
Revolt against your own apathy.
Revolt against your own weakness.
Revolt against your own falsehoods and self lies.
Revolt against your own irreverence.
You have already lived all of these years and your set in your ways. Well are you happy? Do you love life? Do you even like who you are? Do you pray for God to change you?
Have you found yourself alone. Because the only thing which comes off of your tongue is negativity or everything which is wrong. Never ever speaking or doing anything in regards to love, mercy, compassion or even kindness. Your enemy has never been outside of you. Your enemy is from within. So you must revolt against what you have become and what you are today. Especially if you do not like who you are. Then Revolt against yourself.
NOTE: This is not implying that you should cause any harm to yourself. This is for you to become a better you in love, peace, harmony and life. This is about how and when you decide to become positive, educated, wise, loving/caring, strong, truthful, reverent with yourself first. Then when you can become these few good things and more not listed. Then you can then begin to become a fully good human being to the rest of the world.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.