Showing posts with label Aliens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aliens. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Ancient gods Return +15: (Unedited): 25 June 2024:

This seems a little wild. Think about it even in the Christian Holy Bible it describes the angels and fallen angels. Many of these beings are not human at all. Some may even have qualities of being human and yet they are very obviously not human. Then the fallen angels did what they did and the current state of humanity has evolved their original ideas to what they are today. Things that humanity was not supposed to know. Can you imagine that the fallen angels brought to humanity the idea of makeup and adornments. What harm is that anyway? Maybe, the makeup and adornments express a lie. Then this leads to Thou shall not lie.
The Nephilim and the fallen angels became humanities brutal gods. Then the God of everything flooded the entire earth. Yet, the ideas that they brought to humanity remain. Upon, their return they shall be more brutal than before and this is because they each know their time is short.
Although we destroy our own selves it is still the Nephilim and the fallen angels which brings haste to the extinction of humanity.
Much work must be done prior to the arrival of any great, respected or famous human person. The red carpet must be inspected, cleaned and inspected again. The red carpet must be properly rolled and then safely transported to the arrival point. 
Prior to the arrival of any revered human great respect must be prepared, planned, practiced prior to their arrival. 
An advance team which will always seem agreeable and helpful will always precede the coming of the gods. The gods advance team presence can even be permanent placement with more than one duty.
The permanently placed advance team of the gods may be seen and known by the human population as religious leaders and followers of different religions.
The continued presence of the advance team is to insure that the human cattle know how to act in accordance to the will of their returning gods. They will teach humans how to be prior to the arrival of their very powerful aliens. 
The gods of old shall once again make their actual presence known. Prior to each of theirs arrival preparations must be made for each. Those preparations for the coming of each god is solely defined by each one.
Since the gods departed, disappeared or died, humans have been continually practicing on how to honorably receive them in reverence when they return. All without even being aware of their own mindless human actions.
Humans will see their arrival with great fear, fright and trepidation. Like monsters seen in the movies they will have great intelligence's and powers and technologies.
The coming return of these great monsters will be believed to be space aliens and then forced to worship as their gods. 
The coming return of these great monsters will be believed to be space aliens and then forcing humans to worship them as their gods.
The returning alien monster's whom will be worshiped as gods have power's, Intelligence's and technologies never before conceptualized by any truly insignificant human. All humans are insignificant.
To us modern day humans we will know them initially as aliens and then know them as our gods. In human history we will have already known many as we have seen them in the stars and in movies. They are not humanities heroes. 
All of humanity will see the aliens coming. Humanity will not initially know them as fallen angels or humanities ancient gods.  They shall treat humanity as managed cattle and will force all of humanity to worship them as gods. 
The extinction of humanity becomes a certainty and this is when the true God of all humanity arrives and intervenes as we all must endure unto the end. 
You world leaders and government people of the world. You delusionally think those from elsewhere are your beneficial friends. They are merely the ones who brings deception, destruction and death to all of humanity which includes you. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Beautifuly Evil Is Physically Here Now: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2022:

Updated on 23 Oct 2022:Twice:
You must guard your thoughts, your emotions and your desires.
If you want to substitute the word aliens for angels or beings. Then you can.
Even the desires which is not psychologically typical for you may not be your own desires. You know your own typical sins. You know what sins of the spirit, the body, the mind, the heart you choose to cater to. But, now there is a new sign. This is a new evidence of being in the presence of a fallen one. The fallen ones are irredeemable and they desire for all of humanity to become extinct. Even to erase the memory that humanity had ever existed. Some of you who read my writings are fully vested in them. To them you are only a tool and there is no love for you. There is no caring, no mercy, no compassion for you at all. All you are to them is something which can be used and managed. That is all. All of the fallen and irredeemable beings just want to continue their lies, half truths, deceptions and to tell you everything that you want to hear just so that you do your part in bringing forth the eventual extinction of humanity.
There are now beautifully handsome physical beings among humanity who can immediately cause you to desire them(sin). So even if you do not desire them by your own common psychology. They can cause you to immediately desire them(sin). This is a key in your own understanding. Especially if you know your not gay or a lesbian. Then you suddenly desire that person who you would never be attracted to. Let alone to need and want to fulfill the intense desire that they have projected into your own mind and heart. Know that you are not the origin of that desire. It is they who are causing you to desire them. It is a simple method on how they control you by their own definition. Which is completely alien to any human being. 
These evil physical beings now walk with humanity and they as of yet are not revealing themselves. But, you need to know that prophetically they will kill 1/3 of humanity. You need to know that humanity is completely defenseless and helpless to any of their spiritual and mental powers. If one Angel of the Lord can kill 185,000 battle hardened troops in one night. Then, can these evil physical beings do something similar? Maybe?, maybe not?. I think they are less than the lower level angels of God or Nephilim. You need to know this. Angels can shut down any human just as easily as you can turn off a light. It might even be easier for them than it is for you to flip a light switch. I do not know.
Good Angels can even mess with your memory. They can add or delete memories. From my experience. The good Angels mess with your memory for your own personal safety and protection. They can even implant thoughts into your brain which can change your current intentions into something else. They usually do this to get you to simply go elsewhere or out of their way with no harm to you. Just the question that you pose to yourself. Why did I go over here as you realize that you were talking to ---- and now they are gone or just completely invisible to your physical perceptions and awareness. No harm no foul. Right? But, they may allow you to just remember just enough to barely realize something or absolutely nothing at all. This seems to be for your protection and your sanity. 
The evil angels do not seem to care for any aspect of your well being. For if they can cause you to sin and to choose to sin. Then they have their victory over you and over God. Jesus clarified the law and actually made it worse for humans. In the law you must atone for your sins through the tradition of animal sacrifice and the covering of your sins with an innocent and perfect lamb or other animals. You must also have an acceptable priest as which God defines it who must perfectly conduct the traditions. This process only covers your sins. But, with Jesus, now all you have to do is think a sin and you have done it. All you have to do is having sinful desires about anything sinful in order to be in sin. You no longer have to actually do the sin. The evil angels or evil beings know this better than you or I. These evil beings do not truly care about you. Even though they have rewarded you many times for your own conduct and through your own natural gifts. Your interactions with them is only damaging you for their own benefit and their own desires. Their desires is the elimination of humanity and to cause God to declare His faults, His flaws, His mistake, His errors, His false Judgements and His failures.
These evil beings do not care if their presence causes you any harm whatsoever. They do not care if your memory of them is fully intact. They do not care if you become one of the knowing. However they will care if you happily walk down Christian lane or if you can actually find one two churches which were not admonished by God. Which are the churches of ancient Philadelphia and Smyrna. You have to know what those traits are and you just cannot go to a church with either of those two names. 
The point of this writing is this. These beings are far more handsomely beautiful than any so called perfect human model. They can make you aware of them or walk among humans without any human knowing of their presence. They can either have physical mass or no mass at all. The new key is in your sin. So if your thinking about business and then you suddenly see one of them and you suddenly desire them. Then that human looking person may not be human at all. 
Added on 23 Oct 2022: Morning:
Think about how these evil beings are thinking. "They cause you to desire them". For some reason they need for you to think of them as desirable for their own selfish purposes. There is psychology to this. Also, these beings are far more superior to any human. So, can their desires for humans be compared to a human desire for apes, dogs, worms? or what is less than a worm? Or are these evil beings far more superior to humanity than humanity is superior to apes or any other animal? How disgusting is that? What they can do to any human is forms of rape. Spiritual rape, mental rape, emotional rape, physical rape.
They want all of humanity to become extinct.
They want the memory of humanity to disappear.
They want to cause the being(God) who is extremely far superior to them to admit failure and who they went to war against and who they lost to rather quickly and easily.
They want select humans to pleasure them or to bring them pleasure as they individually define it. What is a word which is worse than a slave? While at the same time they have no need or want for knowing what you think or feel or care about or desire. For all that you think you are must be under their complete control. Then when they are done with you. You become worse than trash. Think about your own thoughts and emotional connections to trash. I know that sounds stupid. Because why are your thoughts about trash important and how do you even have any kind of emotional connection to trash? Exactly, but in order to fully understand how the evil beings think and care about you is actually worse than how you think and feel about basic trash. AND, No there is no idea of recycling or reusing. This is because you can be easily replaced. For they will take any human they want. Yes, "TAKE".
The return of the nephilim can mean the return of the giants. But, the nephilim does not have to be tall at all. They can appear just like any other human being. Except have some very distinct and striking qualities to them. Actually, they can even be below average in height to other humans as well. I have seen a shorter than me possible nephilim human with zero body fat do world record lifting in a gym and denied assistance from very large and powerful looking humans. He did his world record workouts like they were regular workouts while wearing a superman shirt and not sweating or seemingly not exerting himself too much. Yea, That happened. That was about 5 years ago. 
Added on 23 Oct 2022: Evening: 
I've written this before. How these beings use their psychic gifts or powers is not like how humans use their understanding of psychic gifts or powers. A human must have years of training and conditioning. All of that effort doesn't show anything in the realm of Jedi powers. The things which are typically shown by humans is marginal and unpredictable at best. Now the angels whether they are of God or one of the fallen ones can modify the human capacity to use such psychic gifts or powers. Even then they are not compared to what any of the angels can do by their own intelligent intentions. There will also be a physical and mental price to pay in overall health to the human who has been modified to use psychic gifts or powers.
Here is a comparison. The angles can intentionally and intelligently use their own natural psychic gifts or powers just like how you must focus and concentrate in breathing, seeing, hearing or work any of your organs in your own human body. Think about it. In other words the human does not need to focus and always think about keeping their heart beating and their lungs breathing. This is the comparison. For them and depending on which class of angel they are. They may have these psychic powers in which they can naturally use them just like how we use any of our internal organs within the human body. Some angel classes may have many psychic powers that they each can naturally use in an intelligent and intentional manner. 
It is they who are most like the Jedi and Sith with all of their powers. All of humanity is absolutely helpless and defenseless in compared to them.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, June 3, 2022

Humanity Splits, Nephilim, gods Vision:+9 (Unedited): 03 June 2022:

Newer content is below and dated. As is with every other blog I write. 
I see base male and females who are are about 5 feet tall, non athletically thin. The intelligence like a person who is disabled (70-ish IQ) and yet can still have a normal life. They are not allowed to live more than 30-40 years old. They will have their own food sources. They will not have access to any meats, poultry or seafood that we all(Americans) know and can consume today if we want to. They will not have access to many vegetables, nuts and fruits. Their education level will only be given to meet the basic requirements of their profession. The bulk of their wisdom, knowledge and understanding will be lies. The only truth they will know is in relation to their jobs. They will be absolutely obedient and not question anything. They will rather die than be disobedient. They also will worship all of the greater humans and other beings as gods.
What is eaten looks and sounds disgusting to me, crickets, meal worms. Look at the psychology in the scene's. What isn't natural is taught to be natural, exciting and fun. So it's OK. Think about the different classes and class structure.
This will be how all common humans end up. In just one short generation. As the older ones die off. The younger ones will become just like those in North Korea and in every other place that lacks food and education. In education the young mind must continually learn and verbally express. If the words are not learned and expressed mental functions will be permanently stunted. Just as physical height will be stunted if good foods are not available. Just as the lack of any good food in the first six months of human life can result in the eyes not properly developing as just one example. This is not counting what happens during each trimester while the living human baby is still within the womb.
I see the gifted human beings and they are nearly 7 feet tall, very athletic in appearance. Their intelligence is also very high (160-200). They will have very long and healthy lives. They will have the freedom to eat the foods that all(Americans) have access to right now. Their educational standards will be much higher than it is today and higher than the nation with the best educational standards. The bulk of their wisdom, knowledge and understanding will in truths, how to lie, how to govern the lesser humans with psychology. These are the in between rulers of the world. They will have their own class structure, much like family tribalism, monarchy and communism combined in an officially accepted amalgam. They will treat the humanoid giants with great respect and will not know them as gods. Even though the giants want to be worshiped. Many of the gifted humans will totally love and completely devote themselves to their giants, fallen angels and aliens. The love and devotion that these gifted humans will have for those above them may not be or will be of any manner of free choice. 
The new human species will evolve and will involve all aspects of the ideas in related to trans-humanism as well as all aspects of genetic  manipulation as which has been learned and will be learned from the fallen angels. The evolution of humanity will be forced. 
Except, the loss of the misunderstood spiritual defenses created by God. That within the genetic code of every human beings is a self defense measure which prevents even the powerful fallen angels access into the human form. The modified human being will enable all manner of every kind of spirit to have easy access to the modified human form "oopsie".
Where as before all that was needed for any spirit or angel access to any human form was alcohol, drugs, medications of any mind altering kind.
The discovery of genetic cascade failure. This will happen if one base chemical which is common throughout the entire genome is altered or destroyed in some first accidental method. Because of this it is weaponized. This goes far deeper than anyone one knows. The science of instantaneous alteration. What you do to one thing all the other identical things instantly change to become like that was changed.  
I see the return of the giants/Nephilim. You know the giants who also can eat humans as indicated in ancient religious texts. These are half human and half alien or fallen angels. They will come from space. They will only deceive with lying tongues. They will be much more intelligent than the gifted humans and will have mind powers. There may even be new ones born to them. They will be very large, as the gifted humans will only be as tall as their hips. But, some will be taller and some will be shorter in a small percentage of difference. As you would see any human today. They have their own height ranges. They will do as they had done in the past and as has been written in the ancient holy texts, both accepted and questioned.
The return of the fallen angels. Many of them in their true form are very alien in appearance as which has been indicated in ancient religious texts. Many are not humanoid. But, the term angels is only used in religions and may become or already has become a dead word. They will be or can be much taller and larger as they desire. They can also appear as anything they desire. They will use this gift of theirs to ascertain what the giants and humans are doing. Their powers of the mind is also beyond any human understanding or even conceptualization of today. If they made themselves known today as in right now. They will be known as gods without question. Not a single military force can stand against one of them. Not even if all of the humans military forces of the world combined could stand against just one of them. Not even if all of humanity came together and gave up all of their racists hatreds for one another and fought against just one of them and had twenty years to build, to train and make even more humans as a singular force. The not good aliens will be seen as helpful to the humans of this planet. But, in truth they are only helpful to themselves and always have been. For even in their own self diluted reasoning they even deceive themselves into thinking they are doing good as it was written in the ancient religious texts. They will once again return as gods and will demand to be treated as such. Any perceived disobedience and second-mindedness by any human will result in the death of entire families, communities and towns. For there is ancient writing about these gods and they are and can be brutal. In every way they are greater than any human or Nephilim. 
The entire human population cannot even put up any kind of fight against just one of them, let alone dozens or even 200 or even thousands or millions or billions or whatever number of them there are.
Humanity will see only two choices. One to stand and fight, Two is to capitulate to their will. Which begins humanities split. Humanities THIRD choice will most likely be ignored, discredited or just forgotten, is to call upon the God of all in which all of them which comes have already lost badly and lost in a very short period of time as in nearly instantly. The God of the Jews of Israel. The God of the Christians. 
Humanities collective suicide. I also see this. I see that the decision has been made for the suicide of all humanity. It has been decided that this plan will remain secret and that the common people should not know. By a variety of different means these actions will occur in the correct time. All aspects of NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) weapons will be used. As well as new weapons categories which is still outside of civilian human consciousness. When used all at once in strategic locations. Humanity will die as well as all life on this planet. This planet will become unusable to any alien species. So they all will leave if this planet cannot feed and supply their selfish desires. 
Added on 08 June 2022:
How to kill the Nephilim. 
I have been thinking about this since around 03 June 2022. 
More Nephilim will be born to human women. Many of the human women will be killed right after Nephilim child birth in a variety of ways and in a variety of time. The fallen angels will not want any manner of relationship from their own children with the human mothers. This is assuming that the human women actually survive the child birth event. The Nephilim who are to be born will also be as bad as they were in Biblical times. 
Many Nephilim will also return from the stars or the second heaven by the human and Earth perspective. 
They will also be terrible once their plans are set in order. Once they have fully deceived all of humanity. But, there will also be the secrets that those who hold and have power will just easily capitulate to their will. The leaders of the world will give unto them everything.
It will be the civilians of the world who will become responsible for the killing of any Nephilim. To kill the Nephilim has and had already been accomplished before the advent of explosives and before the invention of the gun. So the killing of the Nephilim will be possible. But, the human idea of camouflage must be evolved. For instance. 
A sniper with a large caliber round has a Nephilim in his/her sights. From a very far away distance. There is a lot of mental processes to go through in order not to be discovered. 
1). Think nothing and say nothing. Let that which you are doing be with no thought. So how? 
2). Think and imagining innocent child like things in a child like manner. While you are doing the sniper methods of shooting far distances. 
3). Thinking about and imagining in child like codes. Cute kittens, beautiful bunnies and pretty puppies. Think about and imagining these and other things along with related child like emotional content. The child like joy of playing with fun non violent toys. The joy of playing with friends in a non aggressive manner(parties). During the process of taking aim, setting up the kill shot and making the kill shot with a very large caliber bullet. Your child like thinking process must carry on through your exit. Unless, You are making the sacrifice. Then take out as much as you can. While others make their safe exits. But, this may not take long at all as fire comes down from heaven and consumes everyone instantly. Like killing fleeing ants with your human finger so too will it be easy for them to kill every other fleeing human.
4). You must use very large caliber armor piercing bullets. 
5). The actions of killing a Nephilim will be and should be a permanent process. A variety of tactics and strategies can be devised which is beyond my scope of doing anything militaristic. 
6). In an opposite direction. There can be sacrificial men/women who can be devising a plan to kill the Nephilim as well as those who came with them. These will become the bait. Al they have to do is think, imagine and be emotional about killing a Nephilim and their parent. Then the Nephilim and the other more powerful aliens will come. Then if the humans are caught alive. Terrible things will be done to the humans. Even becoming a human host to a new Nephilim baby(I'm being nice).  The caught humans will be ripped apart with very powerful athletic speed, agility and may even be consumed while still alive, even in partiality. The worse parts are in the Holy Bible. 
7). Please notice that when attacking them everyone involved will be sacrificial.
8). Let's say your team is successful in executing a Nephilim. You and everyone involved cannot even engage in thinking about what had happened. You must force yourself to forget or be made to forget. You cannot even imagine the event. You cannot even celebrate the event. Because if you do any of these things you can be mentally found out and then killed. 
9). Once the Nephilim are killed. They cannot be born again. Once they are physically dead they are dead. You just have to do a very good job at killing them, almost excessively. 
NOTE: I do not ever talk about killing. Not sure why. I do know this is for a specific group of people who have already engaged and have lost much even with a mission success. Even though there may have been one or two or a few more missions already in recent human history. So how do you plan without thinking and without emotion? How do you go through the process of preparations without knowing and yet still knowing what to do?  Because to formally prepare means the Nephilim parent will know. I do not like this at all. Yet, I still write it out. Yet, the third choice as written above is not considered in this current writing. 
Flee from all sin. Reject all sin. Become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God alone. Change from your evil and sinful ways. Become a good human being as which is taught in the Holy Bible. Do not cause any harm. Do not cause any suffering. Do not even cause anyone to have any hurt, sad or bad feelings. Becoming obedient to all of the commandments from God. Not because you have to but rather because you want to and because it is the right thing to do. A good human being should want to do good things and reject all bad things. Rejecting bad, sad and sinful things also include within your own imagination and in games. The more humans who do these by their own free will without any threat, intimidation, fear or for any other selfish and profitable reason. They they who are in the second heaven may not come or will just leave. But, not likely. For as it was in the days of Noah.
Added on: 17 June 2023: 
Yes indeed the Nephilim are a threat to humans but so to are the Chimeras which will also come. 
It shall be the nephilim working with humans as intermediaries of the fallen angels who will bring forth the development of Chimeras. There shall even be millions and billions of human chimeras walking around and not know they are chimeras.
The nephilim will befriend those humans which are of service to them for that specific period of time at which point once that service is complete. The nephilim will destroy and consume all of the humans who have helped them. 
The nephilim will give no indication or warning that they will destroy and consume the humans that they have befriended. In one moment the friendships and trust is continually growing. Then the nephilim acting upon some kind of unknown signal which is even unknown to the smartest of all humans. they all in unison kill and consume their human friends. 
The human chimeras who know not what they have become will experience the worse kind of horror when their bodies and being are violently overtaken by demonic spiritual entities. The human chimeras are helpless and defenseless in totality. 
The human chimeras will become open containers for all manner of evil spiritual fulfillment.
Organized modification of human DNA for medical purposes is one method in how humans become chimeras. 
Human chimeras will easily know one another as they can easily organize with each other as if they have been friends and brothers to one another for many thousands of years. 
The point of the development of human chimeras is so that those humans will become vessels to their demonic spiritual hosts. I matters not want the human vessel wants, needs or desires. It does not even matter if your willing or even give permission. 
Just as a criminal who steals a very nice sports car may end of destroying it for no other reason because they can. The demonic spirits who take chimera human may also do the same once they are done with that human host as they seek out a new chimera human to drive around like some stolen sports car.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Babylon Planet Prophecy: (07-09 Jan 2022): (Unedited)

 Note: The reason why I put (Unedited) in all/most of my titles is because I do not have anyone to speak with about these things I write in order to arrange in some accurate manner and to test personal perceptive truth. I do not want to ever state these are my personal truths in which any personal truth can be devoid of outside logical and reasonable tests. So all of my writings are in the raw form. It is for you to ascertain the order of each puzzle piece within each puzzle piece. Do you get it. My writings are puzzles pieces within puzzle pieces. What is the puzzle piece? What does the picture look like? The picture is not a certainty but rather a probability. If you can see the human picture of probability and do not like the outcome. Then go to the purple words below and begin to change it within the confines of your own personal and professional worlds.  
Note Form: No quotes at this time: 
Coordinated Attack On Humanity:
07 Jan 2022: 
1). Minimizing or limiting natural human reproduction:
2). Reduction of the human life span.
3). Genetic limitations of intelligence and athleticism.
4). The commonality of human population controls and authorities. 
5). Absolute governance of all aspects of life from water, foods, medical care, housing and accesses. 
1). Humans cannot be allowed to procreate when ever they decide or naturally. 
2). Human beings do have physical and mental limits. So in order to ensure that there is enough to go around. Humans must have shortened life spans to about 40 years of age. 
3). Human intelligence should not exceed of about 80 IQ points. Nor shall athleticism and physical coordination be allowed to be trained up or tested. Done through genetics. 
4). Every nation which is already under the control of the emerging first one world ruler is already causing their own populations to be trained up in acquiescence's. All of humanity will become like the peoples of North Korea. Except they will learn to love and be joyful in their obedience and compliance. Humanity will be taught how to find purpose and meaning through the worshipping of the emerging of the first and only world ruler/god. 
5). Absolute governance/control of all aspects of life, From food to water to medical care, to housing and modern day accesses. Humans will not be allowed to make decisions of any kind. Even the decision of what to eat and when shall be made for all of humanity. 
 Conceptual And Organizational Attack On Humanity: 
07 Jan 2022:
1). Denial of knowledge of history, rights and freedoms. 
2). Denial wealth, comforts and ownership.
3). Denial of family ties, friends, communications, access to the world. 
4). Denial of education beyond what is necessary for your specific job.
5). Denial of any arts.
6). Denial of any aspect of reason, logic, strategy, tactics and any form of advanced thinking.
7). Denial of any form of fighting and combat.
1). Humanity will not have any conceptual idea of what human history is. Humanity will not have any conceptual idea of what rights and freedoms are. Humanity will not have any conceptualized idea of what is right or wrong, good or evil, honor or dishonor, courage or cowardice, success or failure. The American idea must be forgotten. Which means all aspects of what America is must disappear.
2). Humanity will not have any idea of what the idea of wealth and modern day comforts means. Humanity will not even have a conceptualized idea of ownership of anything. Humanity will know and not even internally question the idea of individuality and self discernment. All of humanity will know that all they are is just a worker and to work is what brings to each of them purpose and joy. 
3). Humanity will not have any conceptual idea or an importance of what or who family or friends are. Each human will become an isolated entity. To speak to any other human will be considered a great offense. The worldly access that humans know of today will not even be rationalized. The modern day machine, robotics, vehicles, rocket ships, clothing, shoes, hair styles, makeup, jewelry, pets, gaming, cell phones and computers will be seen as the magic of the god(s).
4). Denial of education. The command of the language will not be taught. The slave like slang shall be a dominant language base. The advance forms of communications will not be known and forbidden for any human to speak beyond what their job duties are. Any mathematics beyond basic adding and subtraction will be forbidden as any advanced mathematics is the foundation of any advanced forms of reason and logic, strategy and tactics, architecture and planning.  Advanced mathematics and language of any kind also leads to any creative thinking.
5). All forms of art will be forbidden. Music of any kind is also a form of mathematics. The conceptual idea of music will be seen as forms of undesired noise. That being quiet is necessary. Humans will not know of any aspect of any kind of art. Any art seen or heard of will result in death to the person or to the entire group who have seen or heard of the art work. 
6). Humanity will not understand any form of reason, logic, strategy, tactics, planning or organization. For the human only to show up on time and to exactly do as told and nothing more will be of importance. In this humans will find their joy and purpose. Like a good dog. 
7). The conceptual idea of any form of fighting and combat will not be in any human mind. The idea of taking up arms will not even be considered as something real or even possible. Games which teach any aspect of fighting, combat, strategy, tactics will not even exist. Games like checkers, chess, One, Risk and every kind of video game will not even be known. The idea of martial arts, baseball, rugby, soccer, tennis, golf, bowling, football and any other combat style game will no longer exist. For these and most other games teaches advanced thinking like planning and coordination of defenses and offenses. 
07 Jan 2022: I had a dream where I saw two groups of humans/people. One group was short and autistic in appearance. The other human group much taller, very athletic and handsome in appearance. As if I already knew that neither group of humanoids were purely genetically human as with our understanding of today or 40 years ago.
07 Jan 2022:  
The human genetic purge vision.
More than 90+% or all of genetically natural human beings will be killed/exterminated. 
 All because of their human genetic traits. Any genetic marker which has been deemed as excellent or above the newly established average in every genetic category will be enough reason to kill that particular human lineage. This will begin when the human genetic code within the entire human population cannot be permanently altered in a fast enough amount of time. Human compliance and obedience will also be factors.
Human Extinction Vision: 
07 Jan 2022: 
The extinction of humanity will happen by every means possible. It matters not if you know each one or not. When the extinction of humanity becomes a mathematical certainty. The one real and true God will manifest in a great and terrible way. Which will be beyond the scope of human understanding and conceptualization. The changes to come will be beyond imagination and time. Even to those fallen and evil entities, angels, aliens. 
08-09 Jan 2022: vision:
human god like ruler of the zoo world:
My physical attention was thwarted to the scene at hand. The emerging one world leader or god was at hand. I was off to the side and yet unable to physically witness. I was unable to look upon him and yet I still knew he was not wholly human and neither was he holy or righteous in any way. I know of the darkness within him and yet his emanating light could not hide the darkness. His genetics have been altered and he may have been fully human at one time and now he knows he is a god or god like. He knows the intentions of all men as most of the known psychic powers have been opened to him. These were all genetic alterations to his physical being. The fate of humanity shall be one of extinction as even this god man is still less than even the fallen angels who control him as they are all his gods. Even the fallen angels will still see this human as a stupid ape in comparison to them. In which the fallen ones will lead this phony human god like creature as you would any zoo animal. Hear the great lion roar and know that an empty cleaned cage is awaiting this great human god like king. 
09 Jan 2022:
Spiritually Opened UP Humans:
Through genetic manipulation and all unknowing of any human being. The spiritual human defenses built into each human being by God himself shall be opened up. What this will do is allow for any disembodied spiritual entity to gain access to any physical human host. The spiritual beings can come and go as they please into any opened up human form. Right now and historically, the only way a spirit being can gain entry is when the human host is drunk or drugged up in some fashion. It seems to take great effort to still gain entry but it can also be easy for them as well. Especially, if the human is open and is willing for them to gain entry. There is usually a lot of deception to cause this. But, right now or in the near future all humans who have been properly genetically altered will be fully open to any spiritual being. The spiritual beings will even fight amongst themselves for the ownership of the best human hosts. Once this Genetic change has been accomplished. It will not matter what the human host wants or desires. Ownership of the human body will be forfeit to the much stronger and much more powerful spiritual beings. The human spirit and soul will be severely repressed under such over whelming power. Then the physical and mental changes to the human form begins. To the point that what was the humans personality and thinking processes cannot ever be seen or known again.
The evolution of this process is when a human host can be created and the spirit beings can assume them as they desire. Thus, while a human host may die or is killed. The spirit being will just assume another and continue onward. 
09 Jan 2022: 
Prophetically speaking. There is a reason why Babylon the country or city cannot be easily recognized. This is because many nations and many cities have become Babylon. This is because many different kinds of people groups have become Babylonians without awareness of such.  While those interested in prophecy are all looking for the next Babylon. They do not see or know that the entire planet is becoming Babylon. 
10 Jan 2022: 
What this all means is this. Genetic humanity will become extinct as humanity is right now or was 40-60-100 years ago. So yes, humanity loses as the the people are split into at least three different groups. Those who are autistic like, those who have interactions with the autistic and with the super humans. There may be other specific limited forms of bipedal like non genetic humans. The other group may be AI robotic like who become the go between for the different kinds of people groups. The so called super humans will be physically and mentally superior. This super human group will have everything and with a variety of psychic powers. The super human group will also obviously evolve at their own will. In the direction of their own will. But, even for this so called super human group. They will hit an evolutionary wall. Something unknown and unseen will prevent them of attaining the next evolutionary step in their current human like state. This will be because, They have made so many genetic changes in their own individual genome. That it becomes impossible for them to truly become gods or equal to God or greater than God. Because, they see just how insignificant they are in comparison to other beings, aliens, fallen angels. But, they will blame each other, they will hate each other and they will war with each other and they will consume each other and they will cause the total extinction of all life on this planet. But, the God will return in a great and terrible day. God will do as He desires as which has been prophesied in the Holy Bible. 
The end result will be the extinction of all human life forms on this planet. So the fallen angels apparently win and the humans lose. While the God is victorious in everything.  
So you humans who already have much power, authority and control over your portions of the world. Your ever lasting thirst for more and more. Will lead to you losing everything. So even as you decide to alter and enhance your own human genome for more time to remain alive. So as you alter your human genome for a genuine youthful appearance and other physical attributes. You will become locked into your own ego, pride, supremacy as you become greater than any other. As you genetically gain the abilities to read minds and to cause lesser humans to become bent to your will power. You are actually losing more and more with every genetic change. 
The insignificance of being 5 foot 7 inches and in just a few months you can be 6 foot 4 inches and then taller and taller. Just to ensure your a head above everyone else. Your IQ stunted at a human average of 105 and in just a few short months your IQ can be 140, 150, 180 and higher. But, with every change you make, you actually rob yourself of your own humanity and the natural evolutionary process which has been built within the code. But, you will see how making too many changes affects some humans as they horribly suffer and die. Even in the successes those who have been experimented on will still be killed.
Added on 11 Jan 2020: Temporary and permanent genetic alterations: 
The creation of a Babylonian military force. Called by a different and more politically correct name. The Babylon will military will go from nothing to the most powerful military force the world has ever seen or known. None in the entire history of humanity will come close to the might of this new power. 

There will be a discovery by accident that you will be able to temporarily change the genetics of any human being. Temporary meaning for a period of a year or so or for months or so. I do not know. This is because the human genome can fix or correct itself which is seen by the human genome as an error. I may not explain it correctly. 
So this temporary process will be used in order to create so called super soldiers. Men and women who will be able to do great physical feats in every category without risk of injury. But, there must be a build up. This will not be a Captain America type of serum and then step into some light machine. There will be injections and then rigorous physical training in order to build up bones, cartilage, muscles, tendons and all of the other physical components. This will take time. Just as a normal human being must also build themselves up in order to be athletic so too must the new emerging super soldiers. This process can take months and moths to build up. Then when the injections stop. Each soldier will have some sort of withdrawal's as their individual bodies return to some kind of normal human state. This also will be a process which will take months and months. Even if they are discharged back into civilian life. I have seen this (deleted) in a super man shirt. Pridefully showing off in full public view and he knew he was not supposed to show off. 
The nation which does create for themselves 100,000 plus super soldiers wins. Because, any nation which goes toe to toe with these super soldiers must have numerically more than ten to one in men and even then there will be no guarantee of victory for the superior numbers versus the super soldiers. But, here is the where the commonality is. The super soldiers bodies will still typically react to how a normal human body is blown up from artilleries and claymore mines. When bombs are dropped on a super soldier, they will die. The super soldiers must also have their own typical support systems. 
The same goes for specific mission set super soldiers. Like a super pilot who will stay conscious in high "G" maneuvers. But, If a missile hits their high performance fighter plane. The super pilot will still die. 
The same goes for super geniuses who will become much more smarter and much more creative for a specific period of time. 
A mission specific super soldier who has a much faster thinking brain functions coupled with a very coordinated and fast physical response times. 
This is not the torture of the character of Bucky in Captain America. 
These super soldier building process will be directly tied to very intense mind altering psychological programming or brain washing or mind control. This process will fundamentally change how the person thinks and acts. because, a good person will not do evil things. A good person cannot be trusted to follow orders. Most people are good and of good conscious(yes, I believe that). The rebuilding of the mind of a super soldier who will follow all orders without second guessing, without judging and without delay. The process of altering a mind will most likely take less time than it will take to train up a developing body of a super soldier. 
When the new worldwide Babylonian military is being built up. One super soldier can be used to kill every human being in a small town or tribe. That means a super soldier will kill every man, woman and child and do so without a second thought. They will do so without any guilt, remorse or any thought of wrong doing. 
This is crucial to understand. A simple civilian will not be able to defend themselves against these created super soldiers. A localized police force or militia group will not be able to take these super soldiers down without severe losses. No I'm not suggesting these super soldiers are bullet proof and a single magic bullet will end the terror they bring to any locality. But, the costs will be high and the locality must understand that when and if a super soldier comes or even a squad of super soldiers. It has already been decided that they are all gonna be killed. There will be no other choices. 
Roman Rotation in practice. 
The super soldiers may be used in the threes of ancient Roman military practice. 1/3 resting, 1/3 active engagement, 1/3 in defensive, training, planning positions. I think that is correct. Something like that. 
This will be important to know for anyone who goes against the super soldiers. Everyday it will seem like you are going against fresh super soldiers and you are. 
The super soldiers are being trained up right now and have already been used. 
This will be one reason why humanity will lose and lose badly. 
A small city or town in which the super soldiers were sent to will be cleansed. There will be no evidence that specific dissenting people were ever present. They will be erased. They will not have any access or visibility on any media source. No one will ever know. 
The new Babylon military force will conquer all who come before them. 
Thus, the end result will be the end of all things. Which is the intent and purpose of those evil fallen beings who have already come to help humanity - die. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Multiple Dreams: (Unedited): 18 Dec 2021:

 1). Violence against flying drones: I saw dozens of drones flying in formations. The noise was very loud and sounded like thousands of great insects. I saw men purposely destroying them. End. I saw that this was a defensive measure as the man attacking the drones may have been defending himself. I felt anger, fear and hatred.
2). Rainbow: I saw the warping of multiple rainbows in a smoke filled sky. I felt worry and concern. End.
Energy and power? Signal emissions strong enough to bend light waves at a distance? Maybe, even be able to form specific light shapes in the sky at a distance? Or symbolic of the nature of the Rainbow. The rainbow from God or from the evil doers?
3). Shiny Rifles: The space aliens or fallen angels reveal themselves in a planned by them and orchestrated by them revelation. I saw very large energy based LASER Rifles. They may have even been able to shoot a specific material which is propelled in front of the LASER beam. I saw a man walk up to an unguarded building. I saw small human man was able to easily pick up a shiny rifle and then walk away. He walked a short distance, noticed a simple target. This is when the aliens came out. They were bipedal and frightening to look upon. They were very tall and I could feel my brain buzzing with their presence. The man with the gun began shooting and the damage seen was much more significant than what a simple LASER can do. End. 
The rifles were very light weight. I also do know that guns bring a degree of fear and intimidation to many human beings. The fallen angels or space aliens know this. Why would they need physical weapons if they are fare more advanced than any human being? Maybe their powers of the mind is limited? Using fear to control the numbers of human beings is just a part of the methodology? Maybe, the fallen angels do not have the power to kill 180,000 battle hardened soldiers in one night as indicated in the Holy Bible? Even collectively together?  

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Everybody and Nobody Knows: (Unedited): 17 Oct 2021:

These things below seem to be out of some kind of musical order. 
That which is below is not intended to be a song. Just to convey a message as which was inspired by a song. 
Everybody knows that something is coming. 
Nobody knows that they are already here. 
Everybody knows The end is near. 
Nobody knows that the end has already begun.
Everybody knows the Savior will come. 
Nobody knows that the coming Savior will be angry. 
Everybody knows that bad is now good and it is now right.
Nobody knows that we all have become wrong and evil.  
Everybody knows and does nothing.
Nobody knows who their hero shall be.
Everybody knows that everything shall end.
Nobody knows or cares to know. 
Everybody knows the lies they believe as truths. 
Nobody knows that the truths they know are lies. 
Everybody knows that the world has changed.
Nobody knows that the worldly powers have become the enemies of humanity. 
Everybody wants to know the aliens are real.
Nobody knows that the brutal gods of Human history are one and the same. 
Everybody knows the powers are real
Nobody knows they each are truly helpless.  
Sigrid: Everybody Knows: 20 Nov 2017:
Nobody knows in these now living generations of humanity the history of man. Nobody knows that the good guys have lost more than many times before and that the heroes of old have all died. Everybody wants a hero to come save them and nobody knows that they will all stand alone to fight their fight. Nobody wants to be their own hero and save themselves. 
One of the first quotes I've ever written is "Be your own Hero and save yourself". I wrote that almost twenty years ago. 
The battles and the war in the Heavens is coming back to this planet. The first of them to make themselves known will most likely be the evil ones who were known as gods in human history. The brutality inflicted upon humanity has almost disappeared. They will come back and they will make their last stand here on Earth among the helpless humans. The destruction will be to such a degree that the extinction of humanity will be assured. Save for those saved by the actual Holy God of all. The vast majority will fight with and for the evil gods which come back and we all will fight against that which is actually good and righteous. Humanity chooses wrong. Humanity suffers greatly. Humanity dies. The entire Earth will be cleansed by a great fire in totality. The entire Earth may be reverted to a ball of liquid fire and become like an ocean of fire which engulfs everything. 
All of that which has been written of in the last book of Revelation will manifest in a short period of time. All of the bowls of God will be poured onto the Earth in a short period of time. It will become very difficult to live or even exist on Earth. What shall you do when the gods come to fight their last fight? What will you do when their powers cause you to believe that you are truly less than maggots and worms in comparison to any one of them? What are you going to do when you realize that you are helpless. Just like a lamb in the mouth of a lion. There is nothing you can do to save yourself. There is just nothing you can do to stop them. For one angel or fallen angel can kill nearly 200,000 lowly and insignificant human warriors in one night. What shall you do as one angel or fallen angel can just turn you off like you do with a light switch. 
As advanced and as prideful we think our human technology has become. None of it will be of any use against any one of them that comes. Even those new human technological weapons that are still kept out of sight of regular civilians like myself. Yet, I can see them and I can see them all of no use. This is to a degree like a Childs water gun against a genuine evil doer who intends to cause massive harm to anyone and everyone. This is the kind of helplessness that the great militaries of the world will bring against these beings.  Yet, the bulk of humanity will fight along with the wrong gods and go to war against the actual good God of all. All of the efforts of humanity along with all of the efforts of the coming evil doing gods. Will all be for nothing as the same end result for them, the last time they were here will be the same when they return and they all know it. Except this time if they are going to die at their last stand. They will take all of humanity with them into judgement. But, the evil doing gods which shall come back will fail as God of goodness, righteousness and holiness has already chosen His remnant and yet by our perspective has not chosen and yet all of it has already ended and begun and has not yet started. 
So what can you do? Follow the purple words below. Go to a Bible Believing Christian church. Look for a church which has not been corrupted by evil. This means led by men and women who profess and lives their lives of publicly sinning. Sin cannot stand in the places of holiness. If  you see or know of any denomination or church leader who professes to be pridefully in sin. Flee from these places of evil. Even if you and your family have been in that one denomination or church for many generations. 
For you who are not Christian. Prophecy of any kind is only for the believer and faithful. Anyone else who hears or reads any kind of prophecy will only glean that which only entertains them. Then they move along without any change of spirit, heart or mind.
 For the faithful believer. They will pray and fast. They will be obedient and compliant to the urgings of the Holy Spirit. Even if that means leaving their families generational church and leaving the home where their family has been for generations. The denominations and churches may see you and your family as some kind of fallen, back sliding or have embraced the worldly beliefs in an insulting manner. The truth is there will be those who are devout and will leave the denominations and churches. Not because they have embraced their free right to sin however they desire without experiencing any form of guilt or remorse. But, rather because of the absence of holiness and righteousness from that denomination and church. The rise of underground churches in countries which were formerly had freedom have been birthed. 
So what can you do? Endure unto your own ending. However that may play out. 
The first thing is to be right with God. The God of holiness and righteousness. The Christians and Jewish God. Fast and pray. Reject and flee from all sins. Pursue holiness and righteousness. The purple words below. Become and remain obedient to the Holy Spirit. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, April 23, 2018

Sanctuary Place: Safe Place: (Unedited): 09 April 2018:

Sanctuaries and places of safety will not be anywhere and everywhere at the same time.
The key to a place of safety is in the righteous and holy. While the sinner, the living judged and those with lies within them will only know perpetual dangers and fears.
I suspect there will be a short period of time where those who have been judged by their Heavenly Father to be holy and righteous. They will have to travel to places of safety and sanctuary. As they seek, search and find refuge. Each of them may never even realize or even know that where ever they go will be a safe sanctuary. It will be for them to instruct those who are willing to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. For in doing so they save another soul.
For it is they who have been sealed. Not even the fallen angels can see them. But, the fallen ones can perceive that a sealed person is present. Through half conversations and actions being made.  It sounds strange but it is like us humans who cannot see or know angels are present but if you really look. You may just perceive them yourself in that absence of information.
BUT, This does not mean that the sealed holy person is bullet proof or won't suffer from some unfortunate accident. Being sealed means your an unknown quantity. But, a sealed person may be able to simply walk through a police/military line without anyone being aware of their presence. Or if the police /military are looking for this one man who has been deemed holy and righteous by God. The righteous could stand right in front of them and they would not be aware unless he caused them to be aware. For even the sealed will eventually lose. For even the sealed must endure unto the end no matter how that plays out. Because, only God will win. No matter how the holy and righteous physically die. They still live on in promise and glory.
WAIT. Think about this and don't let it slip through your noggin. There is no human conceivable comparison that any human has experienced which can compare the difference between a human and an angel. For instance the difference between humanity and an ant is not great enough of a difference. The difference between humanity and the little tiny bugs in your gut is still not great enough. They are so much more superior than us lowly humans that we cannot even compare anything. So when God causes His holy and righteous souls to become invisible to a degree to all of the fallen angels. This is a big deal and would cause the fallen angels a great degree of anger. Especially after they have made their presence known to all of humanity. Remember as it was in those days of Noah so to will it be ... They all knew angels back then. So what will we all must know? Angels or Aliens?
Remember, Why did the angels go to war in the heavens? Go and research what are the heavens.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books