Showing posts with label Physical Beings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Physical Beings. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Beautifuly Evil Is Physically Here Now: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2022:

Updated on 23 Oct 2022:Twice:
You must guard your thoughts, your emotions and your desires.
If you want to substitute the word aliens for angels or beings. Then you can.
Even the desires which is not psychologically typical for you may not be your own desires. You know your own typical sins. You know what sins of the spirit, the body, the mind, the heart you choose to cater to. But, now there is a new sign. This is a new evidence of being in the presence of a fallen one. The fallen ones are irredeemable and they desire for all of humanity to become extinct. Even to erase the memory that humanity had ever existed. Some of you who read my writings are fully vested in them. To them you are only a tool and there is no love for you. There is no caring, no mercy, no compassion for you at all. All you are to them is something which can be used and managed. That is all. All of the fallen and irredeemable beings just want to continue their lies, half truths, deceptions and to tell you everything that you want to hear just so that you do your part in bringing forth the eventual extinction of humanity.
There are now beautifully handsome physical beings among humanity who can immediately cause you to desire them(sin). So even if you do not desire them by your own common psychology. They can cause you to immediately desire them(sin). This is a key in your own understanding. Especially if you know your not gay or a lesbian. Then you suddenly desire that person who you would never be attracted to. Let alone to need and want to fulfill the intense desire that they have projected into your own mind and heart. Know that you are not the origin of that desire. It is they who are causing you to desire them. It is a simple method on how they control you by their own definition. Which is completely alien to any human being. 
These evil physical beings now walk with humanity and they as of yet are not revealing themselves. But, you need to know that prophetically they will kill 1/3 of humanity. You need to know that humanity is completely defenseless and helpless to any of their spiritual and mental powers. If one Angel of the Lord can kill 185,000 battle hardened troops in one night. Then, can these evil physical beings do something similar? Maybe?, maybe not?. I think they are less than the lower level angels of God or Nephilim. You need to know this. Angels can shut down any human just as easily as you can turn off a light. It might even be easier for them than it is for you to flip a light switch. I do not know.
Good Angels can even mess with your memory. They can add or delete memories. From my experience. The good Angels mess with your memory for your own personal safety and protection. They can even implant thoughts into your brain which can change your current intentions into something else. They usually do this to get you to simply go elsewhere or out of their way with no harm to you. Just the question that you pose to yourself. Why did I go over here as you realize that you were talking to ---- and now they are gone or just completely invisible to your physical perceptions and awareness. No harm no foul. Right? But, they may allow you to just remember just enough to barely realize something or absolutely nothing at all. This seems to be for your protection and your sanity. 
The evil angels do not seem to care for any aspect of your well being. For if they can cause you to sin and to choose to sin. Then they have their victory over you and over God. Jesus clarified the law and actually made it worse for humans. In the law you must atone for your sins through the tradition of animal sacrifice and the covering of your sins with an innocent and perfect lamb or other animals. You must also have an acceptable priest as which God defines it who must perfectly conduct the traditions. This process only covers your sins. But, with Jesus, now all you have to do is think a sin and you have done it. All you have to do is having sinful desires about anything sinful in order to be in sin. You no longer have to actually do the sin. The evil angels or evil beings know this better than you or I. These evil beings do not truly care about you. Even though they have rewarded you many times for your own conduct and through your own natural gifts. Your interactions with them is only damaging you for their own benefit and their own desires. Their desires is the elimination of humanity and to cause God to declare His faults, His flaws, His mistake, His errors, His false Judgements and His failures.
These evil beings do not care if their presence causes you any harm whatsoever. They do not care if your memory of them is fully intact. They do not care if you become one of the knowing. However they will care if you happily walk down the narrow Christian lane or if you can actually find one of the two churches which were not admonished by God. Which are the churches of ancient Philadelphia and Smyrna. You have to know what those traits are and you just cannot go to a church with either of those two names. 
The point of this writing is this. These beings are far more handsomely beautiful than any so called perfect human model. They can make you aware of them or walk among humans without any human knowing of their presence. They can either have physical mass or no mass at all. The new key is in your sin. So if your thinking about business and then you suddenly see one of them and you suddenly desire them. Then that human looking person may not be human at all. 
Added on 23 Oct 2022: Morning:
Think about how these evil beings are thinking. "They cause you to desire them". For some reason they need for you to think of them as desirable for their own selfish purposes. There is psychology to this. Also, these beings are far more superior to any human. So, can their desires for humans be compared to a human desire for apes, dogs, worms? or what is less than a worm? Or are these evil beings far more superior to humanity than humanity is superior to apes or any other animal? How disgusting is that? What they can do to any human is forms of rape. Spiritual rape, mental rape, emotional rape, physical rape.
They want all of humanity to become extinct.
They want the memory of humanity to disappear.
They want to cause the being(God) who is extremely far superior to them to admit failure and who they went to war against and who they lost to rather quickly and easily.
They want select humans to pleasure them or to bring them pleasure as they individually define it. What is a word which is worse than a slave? While at the same time they have no need or want for knowing what you think or feel or care about or desire. For all that you think you are must be under their complete control. Then when they are done with you. You become worse than trash. Think about your own thoughts and emotional connections to trash. I know that sounds stupid. Because why are your thoughts about trash important and how do you even have any kind of emotional connection to trash? Exactly, but in order to fully understand how the evil beings think and care about you is actually worse than how you think and feel about basic trash. AND, No there is no idea of recycling or reusing. This is because you can be easily replaced. For they will take any human they want. Yes, "TAKE".
The return of the nephilim can mean the return of the giants. But, the nephilim does not have to be tall at all. They can appear just like any other human being. Except have some very distinct and striking qualities to them. Actually, they can even be below average in height to other humans as well. I have seen a shorter than me possible nephilim human with zero body fat do world record lifting in a gym and denied assistance from very large and powerful looking humans. He did his world record workouts like they were regular workouts while wearing a superman shirt and not sweating or seemingly not exerting himself too much. Yea, That happened. That was about 5 years ago. 
Added Note: 18 Jan 2025: Yea, in full public view in a public place. 
Added on 23 Oct 2022: Evening: 
I've written this before. How these beings use their psychic gifts or powers is not like how humans use their understanding of psychic gifts or powers. A human must have years of training and conditioning. All of that effort doesn't show anything in the realm of Jedi powers. The things which are typically shown by humans is marginal and unpredictable at best. Now the angels whether they are of God or one of the fallen ones can modify the human capacity to use such psychic gifts or powers. Even then they are not compared to what any of the angels can do by their own intelligent intentions. There will also be a physical and mental price to pay in overall health to the human who has been modified to use psychic gifts or powers.
Here is a comparison. The angles can intentionally and intelligently use their own natural psychic gifts or powers just like how you must focus and concentrate in breathing, seeing, hearing or work any of your organs in your own human body. Think about it. In other words the human does not need to focus and always think about keeping their heart beating and their lungs breathing. This is the comparison. For them and depending on which class of angel they are. They may have these psychic powers in which they can naturally use them just like how we use any of our internal organs within the human body. Some angel classes may have many psychic powers that they each can naturally use in an intelligent and intentional manner. 
It is they who are most like the Jedi and Sith with all of their powers. All of humanity is absolutely helpless and defenseless in compared to them. Which is why they all seem like gods and in a way they are.
Added on 18 Jan 2025: But, they are not gods in any way. It is that we as humans are that far less than they are. Think about how Enoch can have discussions with any of them and knowing that they could have squashed him at any time and they did not. Think about how Job knew that he was less than worms and maggots. In which even though the original humans were made in the image of God. We were less than and then the war began over our creation.
Added on 18 Jan 2025:
These bad aliens or fallen angels or fake gods, can have full control over your mind and body to such a degree that they have become the master over you as you become the completely unaware mindless puppet without any memory or with memory. Which will be of their own choosing. But, the decision they make on your behalf will be one which causes you the most suffering and harm. Because, they want you dead and all of humanity to become extinct by their own insignificant human hands.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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