Sunday, June 6, 2021

More Than One Deadline Approaches:

 This is primarily for the American Christians. I was just reminded about the logic and reason as associated with mathematical statistics. So, I'm struggling and not really wanting to write these things below. While knowing that humanity or America may actually be in the negative and undesirable of certainty as defined my own deeply flawed brain. So here it is from obedience. 
I also, know and understand if the Christians won't even read their Bibles, pray or actually live Christians lives more than 1 day a week. Then how are Christians going to do anything else? The Christians will continue to be pushed out of society, culture, out of the work place, out of the mindset. The Christians will lose everything which will also include their own freedom, liberties and rights. Christians will even lose their right to personhood. Christians will go to jail for simply being Christians. Christians will be hunted and killed and no law enforcement agency will desire to investigate those killings which will not make any news source. But, every crime done by any Christian/pastor will be televised for weeks at a time. This is what is coming for Christians In America. 
Yes, The underground church in Canada is a birthing sign. It will only get worse from here. 
The evil doers have won, but. I'm writing this. They think themselves as the good guys and you as the enemy evil doer who must be eliminated. There will be an evolution of their thinking processes.
Denominations and independent churches must come together locally. Put forth one single candidate that will represent Christianity. Then come together in one unified voice. 
How to verify vote counts per voting area? Then having one hundred percent Christian turnout before and after the election. Quietly and peacefully force all electorates, officials to see and know the truth. What happens before must also have every voter making continuous digital communication to each elected official personally. These activities must happen and must happen today, not sooner and not later. All Christians must begin all manner of digital communications with every elected official on a daily, weekly, monthly and even for each specific mentioning news event. These things must happen right now. 
Christians must come to terms that this world has left them behind and do not want any Christian communication, acknowledgement, participation or involvement. 
All Christian mass gatherings must be silent and everyone cleans up after themselves and each other. All must be polite. 
The organization of any mass gatherings can be for a single day with one group of people and then replaced with a new group of people. 
Deadline dates can change without your knowledge.
Added on 07 June 2021: 
The days of plenty are waxing thin. 
This one little statement, you know to be true and yet you speak of it to no one. Yet, each church is not prepared to even care for a handful of people, let alone the many thousands who will come to each church begging for help and assistance. What have you done to become an empty building devoid of any love, mercy and compassion? Maybe, this/you are a reason why the Lord returns like an angry lion. Maybe this/you are a reason why the coming of the Lord is a great and terrible day. For the many of you have hidden away inside of your empty buildings siphoning away the wealth for your own selfish purposes. Then sending those desperate church members and needy strangers to other entities for help and assistance. Then feeling good that you have done your godly part. 
You cannot feed the hungry if you have not food. You cannot store up food if you have not grown it. You can not replenish or expand the process if you have done nothing. For the wise prepares and are prepared. The foolish depends on the wise virgins. Get it. 
Where is your new seed? Where is your stored up foods? Where are your crops? Where is your new wine skins? Where is your extra oil?  The days of plenty are waxing thin. How do you love one another? Is it really loving one another when you send a needy person to another church, food bank or government entity? Go and sin no more. 
The great and terrible/dreadful day of the the Lord comes ...
Yet, you do not even describe the words terrible or dreadful. Why? Why does the Lord coming be a dreadful or terrible day? Why can't the coming of the Lord be a great and wonderful day? 