Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Righteous Rejection: Obediently Righteous: (Unedited): 29 April 2015

Repeat prophecy:
The whole of the world shall reject all of those who are righteous even the religions and those people who are passionately religious. 
The religious persons who are not righteous in the eyes of God. Shall be forgotten as if they have never been known. The religions of the world cannot and will not tolerate a righteous person who is not associated with the church, synagogue, temple or mosque leadership. So it was with Jesus and so it shall be in the end of days. Because, the righteous cannot be controlled by any religious authority. Just as the prophets of old had a direct line to God. Well mostly. They could not be controlled by the established religions of the day. Yet, today many established churches and religions have fallen from grace and have embraced sin as a fundamental right/freedom. It no longer matters what God has proclaimed in the Holy Bibles in which they teach from. What is it called when you bring sin into the Holy Places? I know the answer, do you?
Do you remember the story of the king's son who had a party and removed the holy glasses from the holy place in order to disrespect/sin with them. Then by the end of that night. All was lost in the kingdom. Yes, I am being vague. Find it. Read it.
I find it interesting how Islam is at war with Christianity and one of their tenants is OBEDIENCE. Obedience is something in which the typical Christian is not. Yet, Christianity absolutely ignores Islam and do not understand the Islamic message. If the multitude of Christians began to be obedient to God and become righteous in the eyes of God. Then all of the bad and sad prophecies ever spoken and written down by all of the accepted and non-accepted prophets. Will become null and void. I do believe that Islam is under the direction of God. To what degree or purpose? Unknown. I do know the two key words. Peace and Obedience. The Islamic fighters are absent of any peace while the Christian seem to be absent any obedience. Thus begins the dimensionality of the will of God. To understand more than I ever could. You need to pray and meditate on these things and maybe God will reveal them to you. Be patient. Be Obedient. Be Righteous. Be Holy. As defined by God and seen by God. Not necessarily seen or recognized by any human Being or human institution.
:Digital rejections shall be the beginning:
The righteous and those who bring the light of truth shall be rejected from participating in any communication in public. Everyone has become a digitized voice and it is very easy to deny the digitized voice. Just hit the ban button or deny to comment button. 
It is interesting as I write this. I discover almost on a monthly basis. That those who are religious have banned me from commenting on their websites. I'm not sure why, as they do not respond to me. I should not be surprised as many of the main stream media has also banned my comments. Especially in regards to racism. No one wants to know the truth and they all want to perpetuate the lies. Read for yourself and do the actual research from source materials and historical documents. So I would suppose. eventually, this will the only place that I can be heard. That is until all of my blog/quotes are deemed hate speech by everyone. Then I will be banned from the internet. With no recourse, no defense and only automatic guilt. Yes, It's coming. When? Maybe, in less than 20 years. If the 2015 event does not occur sometime around September 2015. If the 2015 event does not destroy the USA from within then look to 2022. Unless God has delayed it by a year. God is God and will do His will in the time of His choosing. He don't need my permission or my flawed and limited  understanding. To base any of His decisions or actions. Yea, I tend to dig my own holes pretty deep.
I'm very thankful. My readership is growing and I'm now being republished in two places. I'm very thankful for that as well.    
Obediently Righteous: (Unedited): 29 April 2015: 
 It is only the free minded person who can become obediently righteous to the urging's of their Divine Holy Father and find their joy therein.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Distracted Gifts: (Unedited): 26 April 2015:

The gifted and talented person can see their gifts and talents stolen away through social media and other gaming content distractions.
There is a time and place for everything. You've heard that before right?
This is to the gifted and talented person. You are required by the nature of your own gift and talent to spend many hours daily in the development of your gifts and talent. You are required to focus on the pursuit of perfect as well as learning all there is to know about your gift and talent. This is mandatory. Even to the point where you risk losing or even developing a love for your gift or talent. Hopefully just hopefully you do not become a slave to your gift or talent and just become a willing servant to it. Curses often times begin with angers and hatreds.  Jealousies can also grow the curse of your gift and talent. because the common everyday average and normal person gets to play and spend hours of their daily lives playing digital games and socializing with people whom they may never meet.
So the question is why do you want to be normal and average? If your an INFJ like me. Your or we were born this way. No amount of cultural or social training will change or alter us. Unlike other lifestyle choices and abuses which go untold can lead a person into certain lifestyle choices. In which over time will become an integral part of their natural identity. Even though it wasn't back then but is now. Even altering their own DNA.
You are who you are. Your gifts and talents have been identified and your parents are enabling you to pursue your gifts and talents. Some parents even push you so hard that the love of your gifts become squashed like thousands of bugs on the summer windscreen (Windshield) of a never stopping big rig truck. The training for your gifts seems to go on forever, never ending, never stopping and always racing forward to that possible if not probable end result. That certainty which could be known but not yet seen. because, you have to work, work, work and never ending work. Is the fun gone yet? Has the fun been murdered?
There is that fine line and it is a part of your focus, your determination, your self will. Your own set goals can become your own driving force. Knowing that 99% of your race, your events, your real world games, you concerts, your tests or what ever it is you must prepare for is in the perfect practice. That's right about 99% of your time must be spent in practice and you must pursue a mindset of perfection during those practices. That is and can be pretty harsh and unfair especially when compared to all of those average and normal people who are completely satisfied with not trying very hard just to pass a thing. Your not normal and your not average. So stop trying to be something you are not.
I know a talented young person who was just told that she must spend for hours a day on the perfecting of her gift. She will have to choose very soon. whether or not. This is a choice which will have a very profound impact on her future. This decision is a very time sensitive decision. A decision which cannot be unmade. She will not be able to turn back time. She will not be able to begin at a later date. The opportunities for a probable future in her gift will become most unlikely if she decides not to practice for hours and hours on a daily basis. Her fear is that it will take away from her life but it is her gifts which are an integral part of her life. A gift is like a leg or an arm. If you stop using your leg or an arm. That body part or gift doesn't go away it just becomes weaker and weaker.
I know of another young man. who is also gifted. Except because of his own internal pride and arrogance. The probably of him using his physical gifts has become unlikely. Despite the wisdom's and understandings taught to him by his parents. The free college potential is gone to him forever. Thousands of dollars of free education lost to this low income kid forever. All of this over losing a life of playing digital games and other hobbies which will most likely not benefit him as would a possibly free college education would.
The social media trap in this digital world is such a restraining chain around anyone who is gifted and talented in anything. To such a degree that gifts and talents may never be realized. Societies who embrace without any wisdom the digital age may become a society without any greatness or truly great people. The distractions of the digital age shall become a huge stumbling block to any real personal, spiritual and professional development. That's a quote isn't it?
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 