Sunday, June 16, 2013

Exodus America: (Unedited): 14 June 2013:

From those states which have the most financial distress. The devout Christians and their businesses will depart first. C.J.MacKechnie
The very first exodus within the USA will be from the Christians. Who will search out those states in which to reside in and to do business with other fellow believers. These devout Christians will just move out with minimal explanation to friends or relatives. "They are just looking for better opportunities" will be their reasoning. When the truth of the matter is GOD is moving them. This event should be happening now and until the first/next upcoming financial collapse?
There will be many different exoduses. The mass of people movements out of California into Nevada, Arizona and into Mexico. The mass of people moving out of the entire North east USA and into those regions which are self defined by each individual as safer.
The exodus of people moving out of Florida and into Alabama and Georgia. I think the sinking of Florida is more than just symbolic. I have seen a tsunami hit Clearwater beach from the view of a helicopter flying in between Clearwater beach and downtown Clearwater, in close proximity to the causeway. That is not the sinking event. Just a news helicopter in a very good position to video the entire incoming wave. Some time after that, Florida sinks very slowly. 
California will be the first state to absolutely collapse. The question is how long will it take for the financial collapse occur when the Chinese complete and open the Panama Canal (2015-2016). California has always been the first state to spread evil and they will be the first state to fall - hard.  
Those who know more than I do on the finances can predict to time better than me.
The top 12 states in the most debt will fall. There may be one surprise. If that state changes right now. I think the state is Texas. But, Maybe not. Texas has to make those legal creations and changes on the state, federal and international levels. Texas cannot forget the International level of their plans. Texas must plan for the demise of the USA and be able to immediately restore the Republic of Texas. They must become the safe haven for the defunct military of the USA. Which ever military asset which makes it into the Texas airspace and waters becomes Texas property.
Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Wyoming may be those other safe havens. If those individual populations plan now and prepare now.
States like Minnesota, South Dakota, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia and Alabama. Must begin planning for these mass exoduses. The fans of chaotic flames will be conducted by the Chinese, Islamic Muslims and other enemies. Within their own states.
Once California falls, The other states will fall. Their populations will create a disaster of migration. All sorts of evil will manifest. This will be the will of GOD ALMIGHTY. The compassionate and loving devout Christian will become greatly saddened to witness. The devout Christian must by their own choice pray, meditate and heed the urging's. If not then you will become like those who watched the flood waters rise.
Like locusts moving across the land and devouring all before them. So, to will this mass of humans devour all while they escape New York, New jersey, Illinois, Florida, Ohio, Oregon, Washington and other states. Many different waves of locusts all moving in their own season.
Added on 08 Nov 2015:
The truly devout Christians shall of their own free will depart from those places which have embraced darkness. These signs of darkness are where sin has been allowed to stand in the full view of the day. These signs are where sin has become a lawful right. These signs are where those things of God has been rejected and outlawed.
Make your plans and depart those places. If you know you should go then go. If you know you should go and do not. Then you shall suffer along with the rest of the evil ones. Though your soul still may be saved. This shall be your judgement by God. If it is to be a judgement.
All prophecies can be planned for and or averted. Those prophecies which cannot be averted can be managed and mitigated. 
Any state which I have omitted is just omitted by me for no reason. Do not conclude anything from my omission. Make your own prophecy and either plan for it and or plan to prevent it. Both sets of plans are necessary. 
To love one another. 
To live in peace.
 To exist in harmony.  
To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Separate Divinity: (Unedited): 14 June 2013:

Anger, Hatred and rage is what keeps you separated and isolated from the Divine. C.J.MacKechnie
So you have been praying and meditating and you got nothing from it. You have been talking to God, Allah or however you name the divine and HE does not talk to you. So you logically conclude that GOD or however you name the divine does not exist. Your pride and ego has falsely caused you to use your inferior logic to wrongly consider an illogical conclusion.
Maybe, you think that God or however you name the divine only speaks to the religious leaders who dress themselves as fancy birds do and perch themselves on a high point to chirp away.
This is another wrong and incorrect way of thinking. What makes those who stand or sit on a high perch more important than you. Standing taller and up high is the thinking of the animal kingdom and not of the spiritual realms.
You already know how to speak respectfully to another person whom you honor. Speak to your God of your understanding the way you would to a respected parent or elder.
Reach out and beyond the scripted words as ordered by those religious birds. God or however you name the divine. Does not want to hear the words from a broken record which only repeats itself.
God or however you name the divine wants to hear your words directly and not the words of a trained parrot.
Speak to the Divine in secret and in your privacy. Tell no one and reveal nothing of your private conversations with the Divine. Spread the word on how you can speak to God directly.

Rethink, your life long belief in those hatred's and racism's. know that they are all based in lies and deceptions. All created to keep you separated and isolated from your human brothers and sisters on this planet and else where. The lies and deceptions of life long taught hatred's and racism's was created by groups of people who only want to accumulate more power, authority, wealth and lands.
Their actions never had anything to do with the Divine or even you. It only had to do with gold watches, super cars, big luxury boats, fast airplanes and castles.
Those who are in power must convince you to kill the enemy and die by the hands of the enemy in which they define for you. This is the only way for those who are in power to accumulate more stuff.
A slave always believes and does what they are told without question.
A slave who believes they are free or more special than the lower birds are just deceived. They are just the same owned birds confined within the same cage owned by the same ruler.
By freeing yourself, freeing your mind and freeing your spirit. You begin to open yourself up to the Divine. 
By releasing your angers, hatreds, rages. Do you begin to have that openness to the Divine for two way communications. 
By discovering the truths and deceptions around your life. Do you begin to free yourself. Question everything with honor and respect to the Divine.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Phantom Concepts: (Unedited): 15 June 2013:

From your most recent memory. Ocular phantoms may fill in those inconceivable concepts encountered. C.J.MacKechnie
 What this means is if and when you visually within your own mind or minds eye. perceive a "thing" in which you cannot fathom. Your most recent visual memory will be used to fill in the unknown. From the absence of information within your own understanding and knowledge base does come a made up image.
So if you perceive a pillar or an obelisk of an extreme unknown nature. It is energetic to an unknown and in conceived energy source. You may see absolute blackness, which is just an absence of information. You cannot even logically conclude whether or not it is  evil, good or neutral.
Your mind is not tricking or deceiving you when it pulls a random shape from your most recent visual memory. Your mind is just trying to fill in the blanks in your awareness. Those blanks are just blanks. They are not good or evil just an absence of information.

A brief explanation.
What is the absence of information that you are not aware of right now. Think about your natural senses for a moment. Is the night sky dark? No it is not. The darkness you see is just the evidence of the limitations of your human eyesight. Now, think about all of the animals who have more enhanced senses than a human does. Dogs and elephants can hear better than you. Which means the sounds you do not hear is the absence of information. The sharks nose and the alligators vibration sensor is more absence of information. The sonar used by bats and dolphins is more information which is absent from you. AND ETC. This is important to understand very important. This is a logical part of discovering the truth of any "thing".
This is about visual hallucinations. From a non illness related psychological stand point.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: