Showing posts with label Unknown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unknown. Show all posts

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Erasers: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2018:

A home with worn erasers is a home which fears not mistakes. A home with all unused erasers tries nothing unknown. A home with no erasers does nothing at all.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to find an eraser in my home? Yep, this was a spontaneous quote out of my plight for an actual eraser.
Mistakes Made: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2018:
You only need an eraser, only after mistakes have been made.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Spiritual Hinder: Spiritual Zero:+1: (Unedited): 28 Oct 2017:

Spiritual Zero: (Unedited): 28 Oct 2017:
All that which is perceived to be physical as well as all of the known and unknown laws which governs them all in equality came from that unknown place beyond the zero within the spirit.
Wrong Side of Zero: (Unedited): 28 Oct 2017:
All of that which is within this physical plane of existence. Is on the wrong side of zero to ever know any real absolute power or absolute authority. 
This was written when I answered a question:
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, September 4, 2017

Small Ripples: Message Ripples: Ripple Awareness: (Unedited): 26 Aug 2017:

There is always a reason why the small ripples in life barely grab your attention. While at the same time those very same ripples drown other people. It is they who require your attention and wisdom.
Message Ripples: (Unedited): 04 Sept 2017:
Ripples upon the water are observed as secret messages by the wise and experienced sailor. While the inexperienced and unlearned boater may never become aware of the secret messages within the ripples due to fear of the unknown and uncertainty.
Ripple Awareness:(Unedited): 04 Sept 2017:
Your awareness of ripples upon the water is evidence of what is coming or what has already come. The intensity of the ripples in the water can also be evidence of how close you are to the source. Ripples can be formed from that which came above or from that which comes from below. Knowing the ripples in your life and their true source will aid you in their elimination or their regeneration into life's tsunamis. 
In your world ripples and water can mean anything you define it as. Ripples can be your ability to pay attention to details and water can be that fundamental platform you work within. How you mold your water and learn the ripples within your water is what makes you the wise old salt or the fearful soft belly whiner who always has the excuse for everything which goes wrong and sometimes when they go right but they can only see what is wrong. Which is you and how will you be?
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

October Exodus: (Unedited): 09 July 2016:

Fear of the Immediate unknown and sudden uncertainty will always precede a forced October exodus. Those who have faith in Jehovah shall always be certain in what they know
Those who have faith in Jehovah are obedient to His words by a wanting choice.
The faithful do have a history of fasting, of prayer, of meditation.
The faithful do have a history of having become righteous and holy only as accepted by Jehovah only.
The faithful do have a history of rejecting and fleeing from all sin. Which is accepted, seen and known by Jehovah.
Remember when Moses said to the Pharaoh Let my people go. How many times did Moses say that to the ruling god of the planet? Did the slaves know what that was going to mean and how they would suffer and die in a desert for over forty years. Yet Israel was disobedient often.   Because, of their disobedience. They had to suffer for it. Even Moses was denied entry into the promised land.
The term exodus is very loose. It can even mean a permanent departure from a comfort and safe zone into an uncomfortable and unsafe zones. No safety or security. But, It can also mean leaving an emergency zone and into a so called safe caged area.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Known Strength: (Unedited): 13 Feb 2016:

Unknown and uncertain strength becomes evident and known in the strong woman/person who protects her/their loved ones from the never ending storms of life. 
Thank You for the inspiration Young lady. 
You are an inspiration because you have become an inspiration. 
This is the only way true inspiration works. The wisdom gained from having lived a very trying life. Is and always has been where the most profound wisdom has come from. Lessons to be learned from those who are will to see and hear it. Then alter their own lives so as not to repeat the bad and sad of your life. Kind of like the people in the Holy Bible. You can think of the many people as teaching how not to live your life. While at the same time you are living your own life with honor and respect. In spite of those loved ones who have abused and abandoned you in your past. You have become more than all of you past adversities. 
The weak and helpless soul always is needy for those to perpetually rescue them from any and all adversity. It is these weak and helpless souls who are quickly forgotten. All a person can ever learn from these types of people. Is how not to become like them. Sad, hopeless and alone.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Righteous Human Potential: (Unedited): 08 June 2015:

Righteous Thinking,
Righteous Behavior,
Righteous Living,
Must precede achieving your unknown maximum human potential.
What is our maximum human potential? To achieve that next step of physical human evolution? To evolve into something more spiritual, mental and physical? Or is to just become better at what ever it is that we are doing now? Is there a balance? Will forgetting or refusing to believe in a thing keep us from getting to that next level? What does righteousness have to do with anything? Look at all of those intellectually famous people who refuse to believe or accept anything spiritual or non-physical. Look at those super physical athletes who tend to live their personal live however they desire. No matter who they harm. Look at those beautiful people who seem to have the most screwed up lives and yet they become wealthier and more famous.
There is absolutely no righteousness within these people and yet they seem to be better than everyone else. Why is that?
The balance of your own humanity is the key to achieving your unrealized maximum human potential. This balance can only begin when you unlearn the lies and learn the truths. This is all tied to what you believe in and disbelieve in. Are they actual truths or lies believed as truths? Do you know the difference and how can you know the difference?
For instance there is a law of physics that states that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. In a sense this is true until you get down to the basic subatomic structures. If two objects collide with enough force, they would become one which would be different then the two original objects. So, is the law wrong or am I wrong. I do not study science nor have I been formerly trained/educated and yet I knew this thing as a teenager. (Not bragging). Especially, the Cern type of machines are discovering this thing today. Right now they want to see those broken up particles but also they will see those particles which collide and become something different even if for a very short period of time.
What does this have to do with anything? truth, belief, acceptance and understanding.
But what are all of the qualities of the human being? The mind has two or more parts? yes and no? really? The intellectual and the emotional part of your brain. There is two parts. Are there any more? I'm still in discovery mode in regards to the human brain so it seems is all of humanity. Which includes those studies of things which began as a incorrect thought or even a known wrong thought in order to sell more medications. Such as bi-polar and ADHD. Are those two things truths or just profit mechanisms taught to the mass population to be truths when they are lies? why did I even select Bi-polar and ADHD? Because, it is important. Because, being bi-polar or ADHD may not be a psychological defect if seen in another light? For instance is it bipolar or a gifted empath who knows not of their gift. Is ADHD really attention deficit or is it an accelerated mind which does not need so much time? How you see and what you believe may not be so true especially, if the physical evidence is lacking or non-existent. What does this have to do with righteousness? Truth is righteousness. Separating yourself from all that are lies and deceptions even if they are believed to be truths. All of it, is that important.
The balance of every aspect of who and what you truly are is of much importance. Especially, if you truly want to get to that next level in life. Which means the whole of who you are must equally grow, develop and evolve at an equal rate. This equal rate is assuming that all parts of you are already balanced equally. With equal levels of growth, development and evolution. Equal is equal. Cannot be any more or any less.
Righteousness is or was taught within the established religions and seems to longer be accepted or even taught. Righteousness is living the right way with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Righteousness is tied to love, peace, harmony and life. Anything which is contradictory to love, peace, harmony and life is not of righteousness. Righteousness cannot be achieved if you must pretend to be holy and sinless because of fears, intimidation's and threat's. Righteousness is your self choice by your own free will and is based because you inherently see that righteousness is right, just and true.  To see means without actually seeing. You know it to be so.
To begin to walk the path of righteousness. I would suppose the first place to start is within the old established teachings of the religious texts. The text of the laws. The texts of love. The texts of harmony. The texts of life. The texts of peace. It doesn't really matter if the religion of loves hates more than anyone else. It doesn't matter if the religion of peace only knows war and conflict. It doesn't matter if the religion of harmony only knows chaos. It doesn't matter the religion of life only knows death. Their basic teachings are of truth even though the outward physical human expression of them all is very wrong and corrupt. 
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Common Righteous rejection: (Unedited): 01 June 2015:

When the common people have endured to many lies and deceptions. 
When the common people Have cause for mistrust and a lack of justice.
When the social suppression of any fairness in life has all but muted any hope.
The common people may outright reject the unknown hand of a righteous stranger.
 What is it that a common person is supposed to believe? What is truth? Why is bad-good and good-weak? Any person who twists the true meaning of any word is either a purposeful deceiver or a mindless deceiver. (I myself have the habit of improper word use and am doing my best to change the wrong habit).
we each must strive to seek out the truths and make all of them important again. It will be very difficult as anger and hatred may rise up against those who have continuously deceived you. Knowingly or mindlessly. Do not become angry and do not act out in violence. For the end result shall be our whole extinction on this planet. We as a species are at that point in our development. Either way a Human Righteous Era or Era of Human Righteousness shall begin as prophetically foretold. Actually, I do not believe those words have actually been spoken like that. Let me go and Google it. Nope. No matches. Interesting isn't it. Must be classified.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Profound Unknown: (Unedited): 14 April 2015:

The unknown thought, The unknown purpose, The unknown doing. Can create the restless soul. 
Just quieten your mind, Still your body and ease your soul. Wait patiently, this profound unknown thing shall make itself known to you, in it's own time.
 You just know it is there, somewhere. That thing in which you know you must do. But, it is as elusive as fishing for that prized trophy fish.  You can feel it's presence but cannot see it through the fog of your own minds foggy thinking processes. So, what is it that you must do? What direction should you go in? How do you prepare? How do you learn? How do you know what is the right thing to do?
It is not that simple. For if it were you would not be so confounded.
First is first. If you know your are supposed to do do a thing but do not know what that thing is. Then you must prepare for that thing? But, you ask how do I prepare for an absolute unknown? For an unknown thing outside of you, may be impossible for you to predict or even plan for. But that unknown thing is within you and that is very predictable and something which can be planned. Still not following me?
Let me put it this way. Faith, Its about your faith in yourself and all of this faith does not necessarily mean it's all going to be about you.
Just because things in your life are unknown does not mean you do nothing. No ship will ever be yours if you wait for it. The ship is an unknown thing. You have to go and get it. Well, what do you do when you get this unknown ship? Can you captain it? Do you even know anything about ships?
For you young ones. Do not stress your self over not knowing what to do in your life. Just seek out this best education you have an opportunity for and continue it. Until such a time when you have realized. This is it. 
Added  on 20 April 2015:
Thank You to the Cacofony team for publishing another one of my blog quotes.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Spirit Flow: (Unedited): 02 March 2015:

The Spirit of The Lord intelligently flows through any life(anyone) and anything in total disregard of any physical laws known or unknown. 
 Without harm to self. The Spirit of The Lord is and always has been within all things and all life. This includes the most powerful objects in the known and unknown universe(s). No matter the dimensionality of everything or the time ribbons of every possibility.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Unknown Journey: (Unedited): 10 Oct 2013:

Those who seek achievement and accomplishment will be the first ones who journey into the unknown darkness.  
Those who say it is to early or to late. Shall not find that which they seek.
Those who claim it is to hard and that there is no one to help. Shall not maintain that which they may have begun.
Those who prefer the fun, the parties shall become like those who cheer from the stands.
Those who do and continue doing. Shall find something, even when they themselves are uncertain what it exactly it is they seek. Sometimes the journey begins your questions in which the continuation of that journey obtains answers to other questions that you didn't even have questions for. Confusing? it is to me. There still seems to be truth in it.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Present Destiny: (Unedited): 06 July 2013

Fear not the unknown destiny you pursue with vigor. Because, your destiny will always manifest within every present moment you are aware. 
Your destiny has never been unknown or uncertain. Only your awareness of your destiny is the source of all of your uncertainty.  You are where you should be.You are there in that spot you sit. Your destiny always manifests in your present. Regardless if you are aware or not. All of your past decisions and actions, brought you here to this very moment.
If your current present isn't as you desired it to be. Then change something or change everything. Become self correcting and self governing towards the destiny you envision for yourself. You are the sole empowered being of your own self defined reality. Of course unless God says different.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Phantom Concepts: (Unedited): 15 June 2013:

From your most recent memory. Ocular phantoms may fill in those inconceivable concepts encountered. C.J.MacKechnie
 What this means is if and when you visually within your own mind or minds eye. perceive a "thing" in which you cannot fathom. Your most recent visual memory will be used to fill in the unknown. From the absence of information within your own understanding and knowledge base does come a made up image.
So if you perceive a pillar or an obelisk of an extreme unknown nature. It is energetic to an unknown and in conceived energy source. You may see absolute blackness, which is just an absence of information. You cannot even logically conclude whether or not it is  evil, good or neutral.
Your mind is not tricking or deceiving you when it pulls a random shape from your most recent visual memory. Your mind is just trying to fill in the blanks in your awareness. Those blanks are just blanks. They are not good or evil just an absence of information.

A brief explanation.
What is the absence of information that you are not aware of right now. Think about your natural senses for a moment. Is the night sky dark? No it is not. The darkness you see is just the evidence of the limitations of your human eyesight. Now, think about all of the animals who have more enhanced senses than a human does. Dogs and elephants can hear better than you. Which means the sounds you do not hear is the absence of information. The sharks nose and the alligators vibration sensor is more absence of information. The sonar used by bats and dolphins is more information which is absent from you. AND ETC. This is important to understand very important. This is a logical part of discovering the truth of any "thing".
This is about visual hallucinations. From a non illness related psychological stand point.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Data Trust: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2012:

Absolute trust in the proven data known, doesn't take into account the possible disaster created from the absence of information not known. C.J.MacKechnie
So as long as the keepers of the secrets. Withhold mathematical  theories and insights from the world. Which may be wise since it seems the whole of the world wants and desires extinction.
So as long as the mathematicians still use two dimensional math on flat surfaces. (Flat Math).
Those surprises from the absence of information will raise it's ugly head from time to time and cause much mischief of unknown certainties.
Flat math is how we teach all children to learn math. We exist and live in a multidimensional universe. So how is it we use flat math? I don't get it.
Lonely formulas is when we only use one specific formula to see a solution. The mathematical universe is all inter connected and mutually related to one another in perfect agreement. So how is it we use a singular formula for the grand answers. When theories like the whole of (for instance) Ohm's law tells a more complete electronics story for a moment of time. By using all of the formulas for a specific space in time and for a particular function. You can see the better picture with a decreased probability of unknown certainties occurring.
I know a person whom I call " Mr. Murder". Mr. means respect and honor given. Murder means his line of work. He educated me the other night about the absence of information in regards to his line of work. This write is about trust or how you should not trust. Which implies the objective as well as the subjective. I think there is more Quotes coming about the "Absence of Information".  

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 