Showing posts with label Harmony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harmony. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Decisions Brings Forth Prophecies +18: (Unedited): 02 July 2024:

Dry and vague visions of decisions. 
Well this is unfortunate.
Big decisions within the American government has been made. But, may not have been communicated down the chain of command as of yet. The need for secrecy and surprise always slows the communication process at the onset.
These are just questions based on my own deeply flawed understanding of things.  
Will 50+ million foreign nationals instantly become citizens with voting rights? Will it happen on July 4th?
Is this the American Tet Offensive but called by a different unknown name? or will the pangs of actual hot civil war be initiated? Soon to be followed by the enemies of the USA who will seek to take advantage. Will the UN troops be used to support the American government or the coming unknown opposition? 
As the sky opens up above you it can reveal beautiful pastures or a desolate cliff face of death.
The cliff face was seen and the pasture was only words. 
The expectancy of good people who have been made to be delusional are led by leaders whom they truthfully believe in can lead all of them to death and destruction. 
The children, The children are who are being made delusional. But, It is God who is to or already has sent a strong delusion to the world as a sign to His own children. 
Manufactured chaos is as easy to create as harmony. Peace and beauty will always be associated with harmony. Hate, rage and conflict spurs on the unquenchable chaotic thirst for for the never ending pursuit for intoxicating revenge. 
This is all planned.
A chaotic life or a harmonious life must both be manufactured. If you allow negative and sinful things to happen you will create a chaotic life for yourself. If you allow positive righteous things into happen you will create a harmonious life for yourself.
The itch of uncertainty that you must plan more and do more does not have to be an after affect of fear and anxiety. The Lord does not bring negativity, threats or dangers to His children. No anxious fear may mean a message from God to you. 
The feeling of something important but you just cannot fathom it. 
When your feeling led to do a thing but uncertain of knowing what it is. This is the time to just stop everything and be quiet and patiently listen to your Heavenly Father. Then follow through on His words.
People do not understand the prophetic or prophecies. There is a reason why the authorities put to death the prophets of God. The human godlike rulers could not be seen insufficient or mistake ridden or foolish.
Note: Folly in the old definition was the word but could not figure out how to use it. So Foolish was used. 
People do not understand their individual responsibility in prophecy, prophecies or the prophetic. Each person upon hearing any bad and sad prophecy must begin to act in such away as to prevent it from happening or to mitigate the coming loss of life.
When you hear anything prophetic. You're supposed to take note, take action and do what is necessary to mitigate it or prevent it. They are all that important. Yes, that leads to question is a prophet still a prophet if their bad and sad words do not come to pass?
It is the people who is crucially important to preventing or mitigating any bad or sad prophetic event. By changing their own hearts and minds while actually becoming actual children of God and not pretenders. 
There is a reason why the prophet Jonah and Jesus went to the people speaking their messages. It is and always has been the people who have the real power and not the wicked worldly rulers who are full of arrogant pride. 
Wicked evildoers will always desperately do everything they can to hold onto power, control and authority. The suffering and death of many will have no effect on their apathetic minds and hardened hearts. 
The global club's of wicked evildoers who hold positions of power, control and authority. Collectively they will do all that they can to remain even if that means the destruction of everything and the extinction of humanity. 
The global ruling class of wicked evildoers will sacrifice multitudes of their own beloved followers whom they are absolutely apathetic to if it means they will gain more power and support over their manufactured chaotic plight.
NOTE: The word use of beloved and apathetic is related to their public face and to their private hardened heart.
No matter what the wicked evildoer global leaders have to say or the humanistic sinful laws they pass. You must be able to be sinless, righteous and holy in the sight and approval of God only. You as a follower of God cannot tolerate any kind of sin. 
God does not break His promises or covenants. It is the individual person, nations and the whole of this world who breaks the promises and covenants with God. 
It shall come to pass that multitudes of the actual Children of God will suffer and die. Just as had the apostles had suffered and died. Many will suffer and die more harshly than the apostles had. 
Those sinless, righteous and holy souls who held on unto their brutal end shall awaken in the loving presence of their Heavenly Father.
It will become difficult for people to decide whether to get bread or bullets, milk or arrows, paper Bibles or blessings from their evil and wicked worldly government. 
It will become difficult for people to just live their life as the threats to life become more and more certain. Where people will just kill you simply because of this or that and it will not matter if they are wrong or right.
Note: I wrote the title before I even knew what I was writing. Only the number was added prior to publishing.
Note: You should read the 1599 Geneva Bible. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

When will war stop on all parts of this world?: (Unedited): 07 July 2022:

 This is from a question on Quora I answered. It will not post unless accepted. So I posted it here as a preventative measure to save my content from disappearing.

The List Answer: There are a few reasons why war will stop regionally or world wide. But, from human history there and always have been wars every where. #1. Unable to fight anymore because of the lack of manpower or weapons. #2. No will to fight. #3. So called peace agreements which are temporary. #4. All sides have physically destroyed each other. #5. Extinction #6. All of humanity begins to live their lives as the prophets have taught.

Evolving Answer: All of humanity does not need to evolve in anyway to achieve true and real peace. All humanity has to do is freely choose to live in a good way as which has already been taught to humans in ancient religious texts. Humanity needs to stop believing lies as truths and truths as lies. Like the idea of the races of humanity is a falsehood believed as a truth. Even while the scientific truth from 2003 was evident from the Human Genome Project which concluded that all of humanity is more than 99.9% genetically the same. The math which supports this one conclusion is very strong at more than 99.99% certainty. The differences we see in each other is in the remaining less than .1% of our total human DNA.

Peaceful Extinction Answer: True and real peace can only come two different ways. They are by all humans making good choices by their own free will and through the conclusion of the extinction process. There is peace on Mars, Mercury, Earths Moon, Venus and everywhere else in the universe which is devoid of any life. The Earth will also have peace when all life on this planet is erased and this is prophesied in the Holy Bible when all of the waters and air of the first heaven is removed. When the entire planet is purified by fire. I believe these actions will be done by God because while humanity is destroying and killing each other more and more efficiently with each new war. Humanity ends up causing so much harm to the planet that the only way to cleanse the planet is with fire. A force of fire so powerful that all of the water and air is removed from the planet AND IT IS ALL OF HUMANITIES FAULT. All of the life on this planet dies because of humanity. Humanities suicide also kills everything else.

Good Peaceful Answer: The prophets have already came to teach the basics of how to truly live our lives. The ancient religious texts taught us how to live our lives and how to not live our lives. Each of the major religions in the world toady can be summed up into one basic word each. These basic words are Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. It is easy to see how every religion has really messed up the world and this is because of self serving leaders throughout human history. But, never the less the fundamental purpose of each religion teaches these things and are real spiritual truths. Despite how the religions are today. If your religion or sect or denomination practices contrary to the basics then your really the worst kind of human follower.

1). To LOVE one another. Even your enemy. This means that all of humanity should love each other, serve each other, take care of each other, be compassionate and merciful to each other. It is really that simple as all of humanity is a singular family or as the native indigenous tribes of Turtle Island have always said that we are all of one relation. So no matter how any other appears to you. Your all directly related. We are all brothers and sisters to each other.

2). To Live in PEACE with each other. We are all supposed to be peaceful to each other and not seeking out argument, fights or conflicts. It is really that simple. But people have to learn to love peace. This is how peace on Earth will benefit all life on this earth when humans want to be at peace with themselves. This is a free choice.

3). To exist in HARMONY with all things. The entire planet can exist in harmony as humans were meant to be the caretakers of this planet. This once humans grow in sufficiency they will bring all of the good things to other planets in the solar system and in the galaxy. Can you imagine the power of harmony in all aspects of life and what it can do for all of humanity? But, humans need to know, understand and love what harmony is. Without a fundamental love for harmony in each individual human life. This planet will die. This is really that simple.

4). To cherish all LIFE. No matter how small or how large any life form is. Life should be loved. All of humanity should cherish that life as something which is uniquely important. The killing of babies should sadden you. Life is an important quality which enables the opportunity of harmony to happen.

Simple Summery Answer: To achieve peace on Earth each human being must freely choose to love love, love peace, love harmony and love life. These principles are the pathways to a real and genuine living peace which can be experienced while humans are not extinct. How do you want your peace alive or dead? These two choices are what is prophetically coming for all of humanity and for this entire planet very soon. Either way it is your individual human choice.

Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================


Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Coming Human Insanity Prophecy: (Unedited): 31 July 2021:

 Humanity believes lies as truths and truths as lies. Because of this one thing has grown into many things. This isn't about one lie or one truth. It is about how the entire human culture believes things without ever questioning anything. All of humanity seems to not even care if what they think is a lie or a truth when in reality it is actually the opposite. Because, of this all of humanity believes they are the pinnacle of life and that humans are the apex predators on this planet. These are all lies believed as truths for the last many generations. All without questioning.

Yet, there are humans who do question and who do know certain truths. Yet, again the truths and lies known are used to manipulate humanity for certain unknown outcomes. In which they are all planned with a simple image like the old woman fighting a younger woman for toilet paper in some Country on the other side of the world and that image is shown to all of humanity and begins the global hoarding of toilet paper. Over a disease which has a percentage rate of .004% of getting it and another .004% of dying from it. Yet, the world begins to be manipulated by these so called faceless leaders of the entire world. It seems to be really that easy to manipulate humanity all across the planet. 

So here we are in each of our own bodies. These bodies of magnificent creation. In which all of our human genetic code is more than 99.9% the same/identical. While being backed up by math to a tune of more than 99.9% accuracy rates. That is about as close to 100% as humanity can scientifically get to. So the lie of the races of humanity is thousands of years old and this near absolute truth has been publicly known for about 40 years now. How would humanity have become if every child at every level of education was taught that all of humanity was essentially more than 99.9% genetically the same or identical? How would the world have been changed? The so called news media sources would not be able to talk about the races of humanity as it is a lie. What would happen to race riots, racial conflicts, race based genocides and race wars? They would have diminished over time as those children of the 1980's began to assume control of the world knowing this one truth. How would that have been translated in nationalism's and every other believed differences that humanity has which only separates and isolates one another? 

So what happens to the individual human being who has had their belief system's shattered with the confrontation of truths. What happens to all of those lies believed as truths and truths believed as lies? What happens to the individual who is forced to face actual truths in everything? What happens to the individual who is forced to face every lie and every deception? While all of the truths rips through your mind and soul so to all of the lies and deceptions rips through your mind and soul all at the same time. What becomes of the fate of humanity? Does humanity become lost in their angers and new found hatred for those who control the world systems? Does humanity seek revenge and thirst for the blood of anyone who lied to them? Does all of humanity decide to murder all of those who were in authority and all of their family members. Does all of humanity continue to devolve to even much lowers states of human existence? The basic essential truths of humanity is to love one another. To live in peace and to be in peace. To exist in harmony with all things. To cherish all life. 

As it was in the days of Noah so to will it be in those end of days. It will become common knowledge among all humans that we are not alone in this universe as which has already been historically written in almost every ancient religious texts. So it shall become a renewed common knowledge that all of humanity will know of the angels or other beings from many other places as those places will be defined in a variety of ways. All of humanity will be confronted with the truth that not only is humanity not the apex predator or the pinnacle of creation. That all of humanity is much, much, much lower than all of those whom we all will come to know. That humanity is at such a low state of being that being in the simple presence will cause instantaneous insanity which cannot be cured without their aid. Humanity will come to know that each of these beings are individually like gods to all of humanity. That only one of them even one of the lesser beings can cause the extinction of humanity if it so willed it. Humanity will come to know that we are all less than maggots and worms in comparison to each of them. This can and will cause insanity even to those humans who actually have those IQ's north of 200. This can and will cause insanity even to those humans who have been known to be the strongest of any human being by any metric. Even those humans who are the most gifted as psychics may or will lose their own minds for just accidently thinking the names of any one of those beings. Yes, I do write this knowing that I may not be immune to this coming insanity.  

Monday, November 19, 2018

Attraction Repulsion: (Unedited): 19 Nov 2018:

The law of attraction also has its reverse the law of repulsion. While attracted to good you will be repulsed by evil. While attracted by evil you will be repulsed by the good. While you believe that which is actually good to be bad you will be repulsed by the actual good and attracted to the actual bad.
Humanity does not get to define what good, bad, evil, right or wrong truly is. Those definitions and many others have already been given to humanity in the ancient holy texts.
As cultural perceptions become reversed and backwards. So to will the effects of the Law of Attraction which shall become the Law of repulsion. When humanity begins to believe that which is good to be bad and that which is bad to be good. Then all aspects of the laws of attractions shall become the laws of repulsion. This is because what is universally good is always good no matter how the human culture defines it. That which is universally bad is always bad no matter how the human culture defines it. So when humanity believes at their core that which is known to be sin is wrong in nature, mind and spirit. then the laws of attraction will become their reality. When humanity believes at their core that their right to sin and to do evil is their right and their free choice then the laws of of attraction will be repulsed from their actual reality.
In order for the laws of attraction to actually work. You must become founded in love. All that you do must be expressed from the love within you. out of your love is a need and want to love one another. Out of your love comes a desire to live in peace with everyone, Out of your love comes a desire to exist in harmony with everyone. Out of your love comes the celebration and the cherishing all life. From all of this comes a desire to be obedient to the Laws of God as written by the ancestors and prophets of old. Because the Laws of Attraction and the Laws of Repulsion is all from God. To continue on will be the need to become closer to God and thus before you can come closer to God. You must become and remain clean, righteous and holy as which is only defined and recognized by God only. All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements. Plus all of the other bad descriptive words associated to one's character and spiritual being. Looks like the Purple words below.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Prophetic Consequences: (Unedited): 26 Oct 2017:

It is the collective disobedience of humanity which brings forth the collective prophetic consequences that all of humanity will have to endure and suffer through.
As prophecy states it is the end of days, end of the age, end of the world or the end times. No matter how you understand it as. The collective disobedience and collective sins of all of humanity will bring consequences to us all. Even the beginning of the extinction process. We each may have to endure unto our own individual end. However that may happen.
If we are all truly so close that the horses are about to ride in order to pour out the wrath of God upon us all. There is still time to avert all of the bad and sad prophecies from happening. All we each have to do is the purple words below. If you are a soldier. Then just go home to your family and fight no more. The final war of this worldly age is about to cause our end. It is the common person who can stop it all from happening. All the common person has to do is stop building the war machines. Go home to your family and obtain good works for the benefit of all of humanity. Anyone who causes harm and suffer. Cease such evil activities and be at peace. When your at peace, harmony will come and then love will fill you with a renewed and profound purpose in life. Then will you understand the purpose of the laws of God and of life. That is when you will begin to know what righteousness is all about. Righteousness and holiness causes no harm or suffering. Any human clothed in special clothing who orders or encourages others to cause harm and suffering is an anti-God.
Any human who proclaims Christianity and declares that it is OK to sin and tolerate sin in any way no matter the legality is an anti-Christ. Any human teacher, preacher, priest and theologian who omits the teachings of how to become righteous and holy in the eyes of God only. Is an anti-Christ.
You really need to read the Holy Bible. Who is the victor and who loses? God wins and the saints lose in the physical world. satan and his fallen angels lose badly as well. How does Jesus return? Go and read the demeanor of the returning Emanuel. Is the returning Yahshua a happy fuzzy wuzzy hug-able and fun loving kind of dude? Go and read the Holy Bible on His returning demeanor.
The purple words below is the how to stop it all. This is for everyone on this planet.
Personal note: If you are in a religious position of any authority and you have refused to teach sin and righteousness. Then you are an Anti-Christ. If you actively tolerate sin openly and publicly. Then your an Anti-Christ. I'm sorry if my statements make you feel sad. But, I had to write these words. Not to accuse or destroy. But, to wake you up so that you can again begin to teach that which you are supposed to and more. So that we all will be saved, this means you too. So that we all can change the mind of God just as Jonah and the people of Nineveh had. It is possible for all of humanity to either stop and or mitigate any bad and sad prophecy. Or suffer a worse fate than those of Sodom and Gomorrah. That is in the Holy Bible as well. Why, will it be worse for us than it was for the people of Sodom? Because, we have everything and they had very little. Yet we refuse to be obedient not because of the law but because we all refuse to love one another.
It is already known that there is change happening in some church leadership. I'm supposed to say that. If enough people change and begin to see the impossible path of righteousness and holiness. Yet still walk upon that holy path. Then maybe, A true life changing revival will come to the world in the felt movement of the Holy Spirit as it was in Pentecost. Go read about it in the Acts 2:1-5.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

One, One of Two, Two of Two: (Unedited): 02 April 2017:

If ye seek the one of one or the one of two or even the two of two. Know that you will seek in vane. For only the four winds know of who it is ye desires to discover. I tell you it is not those who declare that they are he or the other one. For the either one, who is, may not even know they are and if they even suspected that they could be. They may deny it for fear of ego, pride, arrogance or supremacy to inflict their spirit, mind and heart. Seek not any person whom you shall follow through the change of the world to come. Become your own witness and be your own witness of the positivity which shall exude from your core. Become the light and not wait or seek for another to come. Point the way for others and do not become their focus or worship. Adopt within your whole self/being Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. Become obedient to the Laws which perpetuate and govern those four purple words. In doing so. You will become more important than any one or any two who have been prophesied to come. From the red words above, blood shall flow. 
This is prophecy
What is the point of any prophecy? To become helpless to your coming fate. Or to mitigate and prevent any unfortunate coming event? I tell you the truth. ALL PROPHECIES ever spoken or written can be mitigated or prevented.  It does not matter which religion, culture, tradition or person speaks of any coming bad and sad words. They all can be mitigated in order to save lives or they all can be absolutely prevented from ever occurring. The very first step in the prevention process is for you to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. Not because you have to or in doing so will save your own hide. But, rather to become holy and righteous without ego, arrogance, pride or supremacy is the right thing to do. Isn't the right thing to do better than the wrong thing to do? That's all.
Added on 03 April 2017:
It seems everyone wants a hero. A hero who risks everything in order to save the damsel in distress. I suppose all of the super hero shows and movies do not help any and actually may cause people to become even more helpless than they already are against the very real demonic forces in which surround us.
It is our responsibility as followers of the faith to become holy and righteous as dictated by the ancient holy texts. The Christians are supposed to love one another and they do not. The Muslims are supposed to be in peace and they are not. The Asian religious traditions are supposed to be in harmony and they are not. The indigenous traditions are supposed to be of and for the earth and they are not. It seems that we all are fractured and have forgotten our inherent ways. Because, there is even a prophecy I've heard of where the four wisdom's come together as one. I do not know very much about it. I believe I have stated it correctly.
Within all of the religions there should be an anti war, anti fighting, anti conflict stance and yet. War is more inevitable now than ever before. All nations capable of preparing for war are, right now and have been for the last ten years. The coming great war which causes all of our extinction is at hand. The USA is the most helpless of all nations.
How do you save the world? By refusing to fight for your leaders and nation. By refusing to be a soldier and just go home to your family. I do know how that sounds and the foolish impossibility of my words. The alternative is the extinction process. Extinctions does not have to happen immediately. Extinction can take decades.
How do you prevent it? the purple words above and below. That is it. That is the only way and it is humanities collective choice to follow the purple words. If not then human extinction will be the result of human choices. It will be humanities fault and not the fault of God. For God laid it all out for all of us. God sent us the prophets and His Son. God gave to us the Holy Spirit. God gave to us the Holy Bible so that we all may learn how to live our lives and how not to live our lives. We have everything we need. If we fail as a species then we fail on our own. It is not the fault of God. That is the cold hard truth.
Become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. All without pride, ego, arrogance and supremacy. Let and allow the purple words to exude from the core of your being. Then you shall be the one or the one of two or the two of two.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Christian Non-Acts: Thirst Slave: (Unedited): 29 Nov 2016:

The state of the nation and of the world is directly a reflection of the Non-Acts within the entire Christian bodies failure to know in a heart felt manor - The Acts. 

There are a billion plus professed Christians in the world. What do you think would happen if they all decided to actively love one another? Which means to cause no harm to any other soul.
The same can be said about Islam. What would happen if the billion plus Islamic people all began to live in peace with everyone?
The other religions which worship and teach harmony? What would happen if they all began to live in actual harmony with all of creation?
The other religions which worship and teach the importance of life? What would happen if they all actually began to live and teach the importance of life?

The face of the entire world would be suddenly altered. The people is losing the world to corporations and to political thought. Or is it already have lost it all. Think about it. China is destroying the air. The USA is destroying the water and Japan is destroying the ocean or is that already have. It seems every nation is planning for wars on multiple war fronts against a variety of foes, friend-enemies.
Just as how God destroyed the rebellious fallen angels in a very short period of time. So to those very same rebellious fallen angels are working their plans in similar actions against all of humanity but not the same. Because, they do not have the ability to do the same plan as God alone had done against them all - alone. Think about that smarty pants when your archaeological discoveries of your new advanced toys which were not of any importance to the victor (God).  Some of those new toys will alter you and change you. You may think you know you will control them. But, it will be you who surrenders all self control without any awareness of such a thing ever happening to you.
Thirst Slave: (Unedited): 13 Dec 2016:
You shall become an unaware and unknowing slave to the thirst of your desires. 
The sweet and exciting quenching of your thirst will only feed your need for more. 
The difference between that which quenches your thirst  and which causes you to engorge yourself with more. Is as stated. The good waters of life, peace, harmony and love. Only requires but one taste to satiate your thirst. While the evil waters will need for you to drink and drink deeply with great desperation. Even to become permanently attached to the evil waters until you lose all self.
It seems most of humanity has forgotten self meaning and self purpose. The will of self, Self identity and self thought are the last vestiges of that which was once you but even the memory of what you once were. Shall to be gone as if it or you never was or were.
Note:  13 Dec 2016:
This turned into a tangent. That is what I get for writing this more than two weeks late.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Fear of Prophets: Doom of Death: +2: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:

Fear of any Prophet from God is a sign of your disconnectedness from God and from righteousness.
Any person who is righteous as accepted by God only. Needs not fear any prophet. It won't matter if that prophet is from God or not.
Those unbelievers who do not believe in a God or the God of all. Should fear greatly and turn away from their evil lives. The unbelievers if not having already been pre-judged. Should repent and begin a life of righteousness. A life of righteousness begins through the Bible, through prayer, through meditation and through fasting.
Any Christian or religious person who fears a prophet no matter their status is a sign to you of their own disconnectedness from God and righteousness.
Every religious group, organization, denomination who has accepted sin into their holy places. Shall fear the prophets of God. For it is they who shall bring those fiery words of coming doom to them all who reject repentance. Assuming they actually have the opportunity of repentance and have not been pre-judged by God.
Doom of Death: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:
From their doom of death they shall be reborn into fiery hell's torment.
"Their" defined: Anyone who lives in sin. Anyone who has accepted sin as a right. Anyone who is in a position of religious leadership and continues to sin. Anyone who has placed sin within a holy place. Anyone who has fleeced the sheep of God for their own profit and reward.
Is this a continuation of the sign of Hurricane Matthew?
Have not discovered news or the lessons needed to learn about McClellanville, S.C.
Maybe not for me to know or to discover.

Matthew 10:9-10New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Do not acquire gold, or silver, or copper for your money belts, 10 or a [a]bag for your journey, or even two [b]coats, or sandals, or a staff; for the worker is worthy of his [c]support.
Free Choice Righteousness: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:
A life of righteousness is a free choice decision. 
Without any fear. Without any Threat. Without any intimidation. One chooses to live their life in righteousness as only defined by God.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To obey the Laws of God.
Not because you have to. But, because you want to. These are the foundations of pure genuine honor.
Rightly Righteous: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:
One who lives a righteous life. Does so because living rightly and wisely is the right thing to do.
By living rightly and wisely allows those who are in your presence and who are in your knowing or unknowing to live a life which is better for them. Thus, is the foundation of leadership. It is that simple. No complication at all.
When all peoples begin to serve one another. Not because they have to, ridiculed into doing, or are forced to, but because they want to. All of this must come from the internalized love from within each person. This is the source of mercy, compassion and good will to all peoples. ALL PEOPLES.
Added on 28 Oct 2019:
A true prophet from God already knows that he or she will most likely die a most brutal death like the greatest prophet who has ever lived. John The Baptist. Mathew 11:11. Luke 7:28.
We know that the Prophets of God as read in the Holy Bible are mostly still deeply flawed individuals and continue to make mistakes. Even errors in judgments. Even absolute disobedience.
So when a prophet is more interested in their profits. Think about Judas and Balam.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Protestors End: Loudest Warrior: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2016:

Hatred, anger and violence in the hearts and minds of the protestors. Shall end with more injustice, more social inequality and more suffering.
No matter the environment you are in. When all of the common persons and their family members refuse to participate in any Government. That Government will instantly lose all power and authority instantly.
When the protestors go out into the public with hatred, anger and violence being expressed. All persons even indirectly related to the subject matter of the protest. Will all experience more social injustice, mores social inequality and more suffering.
Any evil Government which cause chaos, inequalities and injustices. They all want the protestors to act out in vengeance and violence. For they will win by wanting and needing more men and more weapons and more laws to prevent any organized groupings. The evil continues to win and becomes more hunger for more power. Thus, they must create more and more hardship, suffering, misery. While at the same time blaming another group.
=How Protests should be done=
With love, peace, harmony and all life respected and cherished. Those who express any hatred, anger, chaos or any expression of destruction or death. Should be convinced otherwise. If they cannot then they must be excused. With love and peace escorted out.
The group shall come together and express only a welcoming openness. The group shall care for the men and women whose only purpose is to separate and divide. Even if there primary purpose is to protect those who are being protested against.
The leaders of the group shall invite the leaders of the police as well as those being protested against for all meetings, meals, dancing, singing, prayers and meditations. The leaders of the police will want to sit in on your meetings as it will be important tool for the gathering of intelligence in their plans against your activities. Or will it? If there is nothing to plan against. Then what?
Loudest Warrior: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2016:
As chaotic thinking and emotional turmoil erupts. The warriors which quietly sit makes the loudest impact. 
About only 10% of the entire human population are genuine warriors. It matters not what tribe, people or nation (Ethnos). The genuine warriors are truly more related to one another then they are to any other groups of people. They are often very well known within their own communities. The warrior who has been blessed with great wisdom and then sits quietly while fanning flames of chaos is stirring. Is a genuine sign for the people to imitate.
Great Common Wind: (Unedited): 17 Sept 2016:
When all of the common peoples refuse to participate in the world systems designed for and favors the chosen few. All of the world systems shall cease. The rulers, emperors, presidents, kings and dictators will all become powerless and their words becomes like hot tea vapors in a great common wind. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Pool Digging: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2016:

Excitement in your mind, anticipation in your heart as you dig your own wonderful swimming pool in this rich world. Only to come to know that the rich world, which gives to all who puts forth a profitable effort. Has convinced you to dig your own lonely grave in the cold dark soil.
The importance of gold, silver and money is all very important in the world systems we all have to live in. Even your worldly education which must be tied to approved accomplishments is now very crucial to any worldly wealth generation.
-----First Peoples Lessons----
Yet, at the same time. We have all forgotten what the true wealth of the world is. Such as true family, real friends, genuine wisdom and spiritual development. We all have forgotten what is truly important in this world. In which those brothers and sisters which have maintained tribal or native wisdom's. May in fact be one of the keys to our survival as a species of human beings.
Love, Peace, Harmony, Life and the Laws of God is how we exist. The essential wisdom's of Harmony is still with the Tribal or Native peoples. Yet, all we can do as modern thinking people is laugh at how they live and automatically discount what they know as inferior and with little value.
It is crucially important for the Native, Tribal and first peoples to openly go forth and begin teaching their most secret wisdom's in regards, to life, love, peace, harmony and the laws. To continue to keep these specific wisdom's secret only hastens the extinction of all of the peoples of a singular humanity.
The prophecy of the first peoples, native and tribal peoples is this. They all will be continued to be threatened into either extinction or to become a part of the modern world. In which the modern world will lead all human beings into extinction. This is because the modern world has abandoned righteousness, wisdom and spirituality. One of the keys to human survival is in the wisdom's of these ancient peoples. Harmony is a part of the logical formula to life. In which the absence of harmony does end with extinction of the whole. If you do not have harmony then you will have chaos. There is no nothingness to be in between them.
Life = Love + Harmony + Peace + Laws

 This is an all inclusive formula. In truth you cannot have one without any of the other purple elements. Sure there are more positive words assigned to this formula to form a multi dimensional formula. But, it isn't for me to write or to even know. I'm meant to focus on these five word elements. Even how I write these five purple words is most likely in error. The fact that there are these five purple words is what needs to be focused upon.
Just like there is an inverse to the five purple word formula which is:
All of those five words as well as their associated negative word elements all leads to varying degrees of death and extinction. As in individually, family, city, state, nation, ethos, everyone. one of these shall always lead up to the other. Or is it like lighting an explosives fuse in the middle with bombs on either side and all around. Have you ever seen a fire works explosion? or a fireworks factory explosion. One just does not explode. They all go off eventually in an apparent random set of explosions. In which the first to blow causes all other to eventual blow or to become destroyed in some manor. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Wrong Fate: (Unedited): 14 July 2016:

The degree of wrong thinking, wrong intentions and wrong doing/actions matters not when the fate of the world is at stake. Extinction affects all life. No matter their UN-involvement. 
To Love one another always.
To live in peace with everyone
To exist in harmony with all things.
To cherish all life.
To obey the commandments of God because it is the right and wise thing to do and not because you have to or are forced to.
If all of humanity freely begins to think these purple words, Make these purple words apart of their every day intentions and to go forth expressing in every day action these purple words. Then the vast majority of all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken shall be as nothing. 
===Prophets Warning=====
 Watch out for the self professed prophets of God or of the other gods whom they will not name. For they may desire to be first and to be right before anyone else. So they can be celebrated as the best prophet. 
Watch out for prophets who profess bad and sad things will come without also expressing or revealing how to avoid the coming bad and sad event(s). 
I'm not a prophet. I'm just a deeply flawed human being who is just trying to figure this stuff out. I'm also a hypocrite, who is trying to maintain being good and I fail at being good often.  If you want answers look to your sword and to the rest of your armor of God. If you personally tend to the care and the condition of your full armor of God. Then you shall not be deceived. Pray, Meditate, Contemplate and fast in all things. Create a history of these actions in private and humility. Without (Minimally) revealing to anyone. Those closest to you should assist you in your fasting. Even if it is a gentle and loving smack upside the head.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Spiritual Status: (Unedited): 29 June 2016:

The status of your spirit,
The state of your mind,
and the condition of your heart
is superior to the health of your body.
It is the spirit which is superior over any aspect of your physical being. The mind, heart and body becoming so intuitively focused upon the spirit. The body becomes weaker as the importance of the spirit becomes dominant. Weaker does not mean sick or with disease. Weaker is just weaker.
The purity of your spiritual focus will be evident in your own light. If you focus upon Love, Peace, Harmony and life. Without the natural acceptance of the laws of God. Then your connection to the divine source shall be empty. Willful Holiness is crucial to any connection to God. Any sin will prevent you access or connection. Your pursuit of holiness and righteousness is crucial.
If your belief systems has been corrupted by politics, culture or religious leadership. Then your connection to God may be impossible to make or to maintain.
You must also keep your pride and ego under your feet. In the hopes that God will see you as righteous and holy in His own eyes. A true righteous holy person may not be the ones who wear suits or other clothing which separates the many from the religious few in church leadership like the Catholic Church. I tell you the truth a sinless homeless person shall be seen as holy and righteous more than the clean appearing Pope himself.
Through the willful acts of yourself to care for those in need in accordance to your ability. You shall find more satisfaction in this life then by simply tithing to a Catholic Pope who only wants to keep you away from Yahshua or Jesus Christ. If you want to see Jesus, clothe the needy, feed the hungry, care for the sick, visit the imprisoned. These are just a few suggestions. In this modern age. There are many more things which can be done for those who are perpetually less fortunate than you. Even if they mock and curse you or even if they go without gratitude. Let them all that you assist go in peace and love. For one day, that little bit of love and peace shall crack their hardened shell around their heart and mind.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, April 29, 2016

Beautiful Love: (Unedited): 29 April 2016:

When you fill yourself with Love. It's reward is the recognition of beauty which has always surrounded you. Just go and look with expectancy. Enjoy the sweet reward of joy in which you will receive. 
Only those who have a love, peace and harmony within them can see far more beauty then they have ever known. To the degree of recognition beauty in everything and everywhere. The more apathy, hate and anger you have within you. The less beauty you will ever see and know. 
The reward of knowing beauty fills you with the sweetness of joy. Thus, causing you to want to love more. Even unto the point of regaining your innocence back. That you may have lost because of the ugly realities of worldly life.
Just go and listen to those who always hate and anger. Ask them Where beauty is? They will be confused and they will think of you as foolish or of wanting to partake of whatever drug they think you are on. 
Thank You Miss HDG for inspiring this writing.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 