Showing posts with label Character. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Character. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

Attraction Repulsion: (Unedited): 19 Nov 2018:

The law of attraction also has its reverse the law of repulsion. While attracted to good you will be repulsed by evil. While attracted by evil you will be repulsed by the good. While you believe that which is actually good to be bad you will be repulsed by the actual good and attracted to the actual bad.
Humanity does not get to define what good, bad, evil, right or wrong truly is. Those definitions and many others have already been given to humanity in the ancient holy texts.
As cultural perceptions become reversed and backwards. So to will the effects of the Law of Attraction which shall become the Law of repulsion. When humanity begins to believe that which is good to be bad and that which is bad to be good. Then all aspects of the laws of attractions shall become the laws of repulsion. This is because what is universally good is always good no matter how the human culture defines it. That which is universally bad is always bad no matter how the human culture defines it. So when humanity believes at their core that which is known to be sin is wrong in nature, mind and spirit. then the laws of attraction will become their reality. When humanity believes at their core that their right to sin and to do evil is their right and their free choice then the laws of of attraction will be repulsed from their actual reality.
In order for the laws of attraction to actually work. You must become founded in love. All that you do must be expressed from the love within you. out of your love is a need and want to love one another. Out of your love comes a desire to live in peace with everyone, Out of your love comes a desire to exist in harmony with everyone. Out of your love comes the celebration and the cherishing all life. From all of this comes a desire to be obedient to the Laws of God as written by the ancestors and prophets of old. Because the Laws of Attraction and the Laws of Repulsion is all from God. To continue on will be the need to become closer to God and thus before you can come closer to God. You must become and remain clean, righteous and holy as which is only defined and recognized by God only. All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements. Plus all of the other bad descriptive words associated to one's character and spiritual being. Looks like the Purple words below.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Zuma: (Unedited): 18 Jan 2018:

No matter how much you desire peace on the celestial beaches with the gods. There shall only be your complete deception to be followed by your total extinction in entirety. 
There is only one way in which we all can save ourselves. AND it is the things in which most of you will wholly reject. Probably because your too smart or too educated or just too you or just too all of it. Maybe even some of you know to much or wish you had chosen a business degree to live a regular civilian life. For as many of you know it is below yourselves to acknowledge a janitor as a real person. So as they see you except far worse. They see all of us as below the worms and less than dirt. We are not even worthy of their attention and yet we are. Like an ant under their boot. Because, they messed up and our ancestors messed up. So if they are all gonna pay then they are taking us with them. It is really that simple. You guys can change all of that. There is always a third option or the option which is not presented. This is what you must seek out. Because, just because an option is not presented doesn't mean it doesn't exist. No matter how much you may have a distaste for it. You must always remember that even a gift can contain within it a half truth and a hidden secret. Both of which may not be desirable to you but acceptable to the giver of the gift. Sort of like tobacco and liquor given to the natives on the beaches in the days of sail. Did anyone say that they were addictive back then? Yet, they did know of their addictive capabilities. This is why they were given as gifts.
The entire planet has become like Nineveh, Sodom and Gomorrah, and like the days prior to Noah completing the Ark. Unlike then as it is now. We have everything and ancient humanity had nothing. So we each should strive to become like Job. A man whose character was beyond the accusers ability to comprehend. The accuser who only saw the blessings, the wealth, the respect and did not see the character of this one man(Job). In life these are the truly important things which makes each of us wealthy. They are love, mercy, compassion, honor, integrity, patience, and many many other good words. True wealth is not in land, homes, boats, cars, planes, inventions and rocket ships. Your true wealth is directly tied to each person in your family. Who is in your family? About 7.7 billion human beings.
We should all be like Yeshua, The Messiah who had come and our direct ancestors brutalized, tortured and killed him upon a cross. Yeshua, Came to serve his fellow human beings. Yeshua asked for no payments for He was the perfect sacrifice and payment for each of us. Yeshua would say to those after He healed them. To go and sin no more. This is his message to each of us to seek and walk upon the righteous road in this life. Before any person can walk upon the righteous road. Each person must repent of all of their evil doings. Then live a life of causing no harm to anyone. Read and live the purple words below. For they are just one step.
Noah's Ark can be found in South Eastern Turkey right next to the museum.
The Ark of the Covenant can be found in a small cavern underneath where the Cross of Yeshua stood. Warning. Be sure your invited first before you try to be in it's presence. Righteous and Godly angels don't play.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Wolf Feast: Refreshed Wolf: (Unedited): 29 Aug 2016:

The wolf without respect, mercy or remorse devours the elements/sacraments of Christ as it was a feast to savor. 
The wolf will always be refreshed in the Baptismal pool in anticipation of receiving fried chicken, baked beans and sweet tea.
In many different cultures. A new birth of a child is celebrated. In the south a new life can be celebrated with fried chicken, baked beans and sweet tea. In other cultures it is similar except with their own preferred foods.
So to is the new child which comes up out of the water. The new child of  Christ. The new brother and sister to other believing Christians. This should always be a time of rejoicing, of accepting this new Christian as a new member of the family. The responsibility is for everyone. To teach and to correct the new Christian out of the old sinful nature and into a new clean spiritual nature.
Unfortunately, This is also how the wolves get in. The wolf will lie and deceive. The wolf will act and pretend to be what it is not. After all, All a wolf has to do is keep his /her true identity separate from their Christian character that they portray. Even a wolf needs to feel some acceptance and happiness a few hours a week. While the rest of the wolf's week is spent in the jungles of the world systems. It's a dog eat dog world. Isn't it?
The wolf also knows that if he pays a greater admission also known as tithes to his chosen church. That the church will support him and forgive him as he continues on in his evil worldly ways. It is almost like the wealth a worldly wolf brings into the church is of superior importance than the old woman with two mites.
The character of the wolf is to be as it is. While the newly birthed Christian. Needs to nurse on the Bible stories. Needs to become acquainted with the basics of an active prayer life. Needs to be directed and escorted on the Christian path. Needs to become acquainted with the concept of fasting.  Needs to learn the importance of becoming a righteous and holy person as only can be recognized by God. All without growing the weeds of pride, ego and arrogance.
As with any new baby? Who is responsible for the care of the baby? Who is responsible for the raising of the baby? Who is responsible for the education of the baby? Everyone...
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

5@Demonic Character/Psychology: (Unedited): 25 July 2016:

The character and psychology which identifies every individual fallen angel and spirit. Can be seen growing within every demonically manipulated/controlled soul.
There is a process in which the fallen angels, demons or evil spirits must cause you to go through in order to have control over any/your soul.  They must cause you to transform your whole being to what they are now. They do this with very convincing lies and deceptions at every step you make away from who you are to what they want you to become. In order to over take your entire being. This goal of theirs can from just a moment in time to the rest of your life. The closer you become to what these evil entities are. The easier it is for them to reside within you. Even if it is for just a moment or for an entire lifetime.
Disrespect and disobedience is a common trait within those souls who have become demonically manipulated/controlled.
Fallen angels, spirits and evil entities are respecters of no one. They do not obey anyone or anything. So one of the first things that a demonically controlled/manipulated soul will begin to show is disrespect and disobedience to those whom they have not shown before. When at one time you were respectful and obedience to the various rules which governs humanity. You begin to not care/apathy so much for those rules. For many this change is gradual for a few it is immediate. For whatever reason why, I  have no idea. Apathy is most likely the very fist trait which begins to appear within a human being. This is often times magnified by cigarettes, drinking as well as all forms of selected media. Which alters thinking's and perceptions of what is real.
Out of the neutrality that has become the apathetic soul. Is the newly richness of soul soil which can sprout hate, anger and vengeance.
A soil can be to acidic or the alkalinity can be to high. So a good farmer wants to keep his soil just right in order to grow the fruits or vegetables he wants. There is a process in order to achieve the perfect soil in order to maximize growth potential. This similar thinking process is the same for those fallen angels. They need for the human soul to become like they are now. In other words they need to cause and trick the human being to come down to their level/frequency. Once this is achieved the human being becomes like an open vessel in which anyone can pilot.
A loving and compassionate soul must become apathetic before hatred, anger and vengeance can take root.
The natural and often times unknown human defenses in which we all have. Can become weakened to the point that a demonic entity or demonic forces can gain entry into the host body. If not from within. The host body can be used like a remote controlled (RC) car, plane, boat. In other words the human being becomes a controlled drone of the fallen angels. Doing their bidding without even being aware they are not in control over themselves. Does an RC car or a drone know who the human is which controls them? no of course not. Same thing in comparison.
Many fiery thorns of chaos, confusion, destruction and death can come from the newly manipulated soul whose roots are shallow in the rich soul of hatred, anger and vengeance.
I think many bad people were once good. They at some point decided not to care anymore. Then selfish desires of wanting what they could not have. Caused their apathetic being to cause harm and suffering to others in order to achieve what they wanted. Thus, their own disrespect of them and being disobedient to the laws of the land. Followed suit.
I think the fallen angels purposefully choose those humans who have great depth of passion within them. Because, they know that passionate soul will exceed in horrific deeds where others just will not have the heart for it. But, first the fallen angels must cause the passionate person to become apathetic. Then from this apathetic sate cause this passionate person to hate and become angry. Then with all of this pent up negative emotion. They cause this passionate person to release all of their hate and anger with an act of vengeance. All of this is through ongoing lies and continuous deceptions. Even though lies and deceptions which are believed to be true for many thousands of years.
Added on 31 July 2016:
The scene of a new demonically controlled person.
Like a baby all things are new to them. Can you imagine an adult acting with all manor of amazement to all of the new sensations they experience. Such as gravity and the echoes of noises. For an adult seeing a person like this will cause your spidey sense to spike. As mine does.
Like a woman who is completely amazed that their water bottle is empty. It is what happens when you spill it and drink it. For the new demonically controlled person. It is just completely a genuine feeling and true realization. Just like a toddler discovering a new thing.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Effects of abuse: (Unedited): 19 Feb 2014:

The children and adults who were in the foster care system. Do, have a life of trials ahead of them. It is not so easy to escape the abuses and tortures of their past. Psychologically there can be healing, growth and evolution within each person. Thus, becoming a more profound human being than if they had been raised in a normal family. (Please do not look deeper into that comment). This type of person is rare.

A person who has been so abused and tortured by their own blood family and yet by some kind of focused determination. They become positively more than they themselves ever even thought was possible or plausible for themselves.

The old physical wounds of the past may even begin to show their ugly heads int the future present. Thus, becomes a new fight for their resolve and character. Even if the physical fight may be lost. There will still be much to learn and much to teach.

For myself. I have endured much physical trauma to my brain as a child. I have left trucking because of those lingering effects in which I could no longer manage safely. Especially when driving an 80,000 pound vehicle. So, today, I am no longer a CDL (Commercial Drivers License) holder.

An event occurred the other day in which is having an impact upon my being.


At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Leonard Nimoy Respect LLAP: (Unedited): 20 Nov 2014:

I just awoke from a dream of Leonard Nimoy's passing. Of course all I saw was a physical newspaper article that states. "Spock dies or Spock is dead". The iconic actor will most likely be remembered for his Star Trek Portrayal of his legendary character Spock.
This is meant with respect and honor. Mr. Nimoy is my favorite Star Trek related actor's. 
Lenard Nimoy is sick with COPD
There is a rumor. That Mr. Nimoy has passed away yesterday 19 Nov 2014. There is zero news about that. The name Lenard Nimoy isn't even trending on twitter. Idiots.
There is a rumor of he and his partner have split up. There is only one story from an observation of Mr. Nimoy walking alone on his driveway. Sounds like one of those stupid stories.

On 17 Nov 2014: The Nimoy Foundation Junior Board Gives a grant to a foster family and adoption agency. That's cool. I'm a former foster kid twice from two different states and I was adopted.
LLAP= Live Long And Prosper.
With respect and honor. I hope Mr. Nimoy's passing is/will be peaceful and surrounded by family members.
I do hope that Mr. Nimoy and the rest of his family and close friends say to one another all of those important things which should be spoken before Mr. Nemoy does pass into that greater and better spiritual life in which we know not of.
Living Funeral's
are For Everyone

What I call the living funeral is so much more important than the after death funerals.
A living funeral is your last opportunity for you to have that last moment with your loved ones and close friends. This is where you apologize and forgive in a most gentle of ways. This is where you express your appreciation and deep felt "logic" for the one who is about to pass.
In those moments you can express those happy and funny memories/stories so that the elder one can pass with a smile. Express much gratitude.
The living funeral is also for the one who is about to pass. This is your last opportunity for you to ease the minds of those who shall remain. By your own forgiveness and apologies. After all wouldn't be nice to leave this physical world to those who may feel bad and sad at your attitudes for them? Tell funny stories and express funny memories. Especially those things with deep meaning and wisdom. Express your hopes and dreams for those who shall remain. Give permission to those to follow their own dreams and make it a gentle expectation.  Express all manor of love and peace. To do so would mean you shall have a good passing and that those who experience your passing. They shall not be so sad for long. They shall have joy at knowing you and keep those good memories of you in the forefront. Express much gratitude.
Once the passing process is complete. You shall become more a live then you ever were and it can be wonderful.

For those who are suffering from those age related diseases of the mind. The living funeral takes place before the progression of those diseases robs your loved ones or friends ability to understand anything or to even recognize anyone.  So, this living funeral should take place at the or near the time of diagnosis. With respect and honor. You must be delicate. But, for you to say those important things with deep and profound meaning may very well be crucial to decrease the time of your loved ones suffering.
Some people are so spiritually and mentally stubborn. That virtually no disease or even it's progression can limit their stubbornness. Really, People will actually force themselves to live. Until that long lost loved one has arrived at their bedside for that one last moment. For compassion's sake. Soften your heart and make that visit while your loved one is still coherent enough to make a reasonable agreement of forgiveness or apology or even to express their love to you one last time. You should also express your own forgiveness, apology and love as well.
But, this is not only about yours or theirs misdeed. This is also about celebration of a life lived. So celebrate with memories retelling.
If I'm repeating myself. It is because this is important.
I do hope that all of the media outlets as well as bloggers everywhere. Have and give respect and honor. You have mine.
If you or your group is a fan to Mr. Lenard Nimoy. Then I would highly suggest that you begin to celebrate/award Mr. Nimoy's legacy while he is still living. 
Do you have that important memory of how Mr. Nimoy has done in some unknown way which has changed your life for the better. No matter how goofy or silly you think it is. I invite you to only send your wonderful stories to the official website of Mr. Lenard Nimoy.
Oh yea, Don't go to his house or make any kind of unsolicited personal contact. That's just weird if not a little wacked, psycho, loco, crazy, insane. If you do, I really hope some cop lays those all important knots of logical understanding across your illogical forehead.
Star Trek
I'm A fan and I married a Vulcan. Yea, I'm Klingon. LLAP sir.
Added on 27 Feb 2015: Mr. Nimoy passes away today
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Monday, April 1, 2013

Self Correcting: (Unedited): 01 April 2013:

Self correcting bad behaviors and overcoming poor decisions in judgement, Can be easily seen by others as a growth in your character. C.J.MacKechnie

Surviving the after effects of bad behavior and the results of making poor decisions. Can be difficult and overwhelming. Enduring through the trials and tribulations of your own actions and choices is necessary in your learning and self correcting process. What you DO NOW. Will be seen by others as you developing good character or you acting unwisely. What and how others see you is of importance. But, how you see yourself is of greater importance. Do you want to be a good person or do you just want to be good at all of the bad you desire to do? 
There is a phrase in the trucking industry. "If you can't be good, then be good at it." The word can't is your choice. From your choice you will always receive your just rewards or the conviction of curses. 
The rewards may not be easily seen like gold, silver, lands or jewel's. Respect, honor, honesty, righteousness, holiness is all apart of your good reputation. A good reputation can be re-created after you have fought hard to recover from the conviction of your created curses. 
 The curse of trials and tribulations is a direct logical response to the poor choices in your life. Some of these curses can last an entire lifetime in prison. Some curses may last only a decade or two, then you die. Some curses may require you to remain in the perpetual care of a medical team. 
Some self generated curses are generational. The lovers who partake of the drugs and alcohol. Will have babies with diminished capacities. Is that a curse from God? No, It is your own self generated curse. You are solely responsible for your child being born addicted to your drugs and becoming genetically defective. Don't blame God for your choices and actions in life. 

SO, What do you do now? Since you now realize that some curses of your own creation and not the fault of God.
You do more than endure through your curse or curses. You make a life out of your trials and tribulations. You create that positive and life changing message. So, that hopefully other people won't make your same mistakes. It doesn't matter if your confined in a wheel chair, rotting in some prison cell or the parent of a FASD/PCE kid. You can still change your  life life and pursue enlightenment. Despite/In-spite your current disadvantage. Be positive, Live positive, become the positive life message for all. 
 Yep, this is a hint for someone. Not my family.
 The extreme unwise choice or decision. Can be seen in the story of Jacob

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Professional Discipline: (Unedited): 04 Dec 2012:

Professional discipline will never alter or change a persons character. Only GOD can do that or a willingness of the person to respond positively to their own guilt if they have any. C.J.MacKechnie
Professional discipline includes suspension, fines and mandated apologies, They only work and only benefit the organization.  If the individual who has publicly offended people has no guilt or remorse. Then the action will be repeated. You cannot discipline a person into good character. A person must see the difference between right and wrong. Then that person must have an urging to do the right thing because it is good. Any outside influence which involves fear, threats, intimidation only has an affect on the individual in an opposite manor. The person may only do the right thing as defined and mandated by the organization. But, in private they think badly and act wrongly. The fundamental change is only an illusion made for the cameras and viewers.
The disciplined person who has been given a short suspension will consider it a mini vacation. This works for the benefit of both the organization and the person. Especially if the person is an asset which makes the organization a great deal of revenue. Then the governing entity and the organization can publicly claim, that justice has been served. This is all instantly defeated when the person who has been disciplined, publicly claims that he learned nothing of value and enjoyed his needed 2 day rest in Mexico. The lie and deception is revealed by the player. The lie and deception is only a marketing tool used by the governing body and organization to deceive the paying viewer, that something is being done. Which the truth of the matter is nothing has actually been done. Even if the player changes his name to World Peace or love One Another, It doesn't change the essence of the man. Even a name change is a deception for the paying viewer.
It is all about the money. There is no actual discipline or a change of heart.  That's all...
No copies or ink exists.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

No Repeat: (Unedited): 24 June 2008:

The mistakes and sins that your family and friends have made in their own lives. Does not give you permission to repeat those very same mistakes and sins.
C.J. MacKechnie
It is just like when. The parent tells the child to live a life with character, honor and without sin. Then the parent is witnessed by the child getting drunk, smoking, lying, cheating, having many sexual partners and etc. What will the child believe. The truth in words? Or the truth in action?"
By discovering and knowing the mistakes and sins that your family and friends have made. Enables you to logically not make those same mistakes in your own personal life.
Also, By discovering and knowing those things that your family and friends have done right. You have a template to follow.