Yesterday, I felt the passing of my adopted Aunt DBW. She is about 347+ miles away.
My Aunt DBW suffered a long time with a muscular type of disease. She wrote books and was always a gentle spirit of a genuine southern lady. Always wanting to do for others as she was able.
During the time of passing of my adopted father. There were many things in which I was highly sensitive to. Such as the Angels who were purposely trying to hide much of themselves from me in her home. They were there for her. My Aunt DBW was also the first person whom I was able to actually see her spirit fully revealed. I also knew that it was her spirit which was keeping her alive and as active as possible. Her spirit emitted an internalized green color.
As of yesterday afternoon. She was freed of her sick body and is now alive more than ever. No rest in peace for this spirit and I am very certain her spirit is no longer a green color.
I would have very much liked to have spent more time with my adopted aunt and uncle. The wisdom I missed out on because of my own ego and arrogance. But, It seemed it was not to be. In my younger days I was raised to be bad and I was. I was very disrespectful and very selfish. I could have learned much about life from the both of them as they were the only ones who were welcoming.
The faults and failures that we all have made in our lives can be forgiven and lives within the family circle can begin again. You the reader do not have to be outside of the family. You can become re-acquainted and accepted with your family once again. Just go and apologize. Just change your life and free yourself from doing wrong ever again. Especially if the legal sins of the world is what has taken you away from your genetic family. How can you be happy when you are separated from the family whom loved you. Were all human and we all have our own faults and failures. We all have our own sins and sin history. No one was given a book on how to raise "you". The "you" means to raise only "you". Because raising you is not the same as raising any other child. You had your own oddities and natural gifts and those hidden gifts which needed to be discovered and trained up. Yes, I know to many "Ands". I sort of did that on purpose for my Aunt DBW.
Everyone missed out on something in their own lives and in their own childhoods. It is easy to play the blame game and accuse your own parents of being awful in the raising of you. Most parents do the best they could. That is what you should see in your own parents. This is the positive side of thinking and feeling as opposed to the negative side of thinking and feeling. One feels good and the other feels bad. How do you want to feel in your life about your life? You do have the freedom to feel happy or sad.
You who are physically alive and still spiritually asleep. Seek out what I call the living funeral. Go forth to your still living relatives and friends. Seek out forgiveness and offer forgiveness where appropriate.
By easing the minds and spirits of your loved ones or even former loved ones. You ease their woes in their last times of life. You at the same time ease your own guilt's for the remainder of your own days in this life. You also take away from your mind. Those typical statements at any wake where the loved one has already passed. You know, "I should have done more", "I should have been there", I should have said those important words", "I could have" or "I would have if I had known". If you go forth with a living funeral then you would have been in the loop when their passing had begun and you would have had that opportunity.
The living funeral also may hasten the passing of your loved one. Thus, easing their suffering when they know all of the words were said. All of the actions in life had been taken. Going to sleep for that last time is satisfactory. This makes for a beautiful passing when all of the loved ones are present expressing love instead of apathy or hatred or expectant gifts from the will.
Everyday before you depart from your loved ones on any journey. No more the distance or the time away. You should always have a living funeral. So are you thinking how awful that would be? The living funeral evolves into expressions of love, gratitude and expectancy for life to continue, to move forward. Can you see how this works. Then if something happens. There wont be any regrets. The absence of regrets will be peace of mind, peace of heart and peace of spirit.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver
These are the things that are contained within my own mind. That I'm unable to verbally express. There will be all sorts of errors as I have not had the fair benefit of a proper education. If you leave a comment. Please be nice and clean. You are welcomed.
Showing posts with label Living Funeral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Living Funeral. Show all posts
Saturday, March 7, 2015
First Spirit: (Unedited): 07 March 2015:
Gentle Spirit,
Living Funeral,
Sick Body,
Southern Lady,
Port Richey, FL, USA
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Leonard Nimoy Respect LLAP: (Unedited): 20 Nov 2014:
I just awoke from a dream of Leonard Nimoy's passing. Of course all I saw was a physical newspaper article that states. "Spock dies or Spock is dead". The iconic actor will most likely be remembered for his Star Trek Portrayal of his legendary character Spock.
This is meant with respect and honor. Mr. Nimoy is my favorite Star Trek related actor's.
Lenard Nimoy is sick with COPD
There is a rumor. That Mr. Nimoy has passed away yesterday 19 Nov 2014. There is zero news about that. The name Lenard Nimoy isn't even trending on twitter. Idiots.
There is a rumor of he and his partner have split up. There is only one story from an observation of Mr. Nimoy walking alone on his driveway. Sounds like one of those stupid stories.
On 17 Nov 2014: The Nimoy Foundation Junior Board Gives a grant to a foster family and adoption agency. That's cool. I'm a former foster kid twice from two different states and I was adopted.
LLAP= Live Long And Prosper.
With respect and honor. I hope Mr. Nimoy's passing is/will be peaceful and surrounded by family members.
I do hope that Mr. Nimoy and the rest of his family and close friends say to one another all of those important things which should be spoken before Mr. Nemoy does pass into that greater and better spiritual life in which we know not of.
This is meant with respect and honor. Mr. Nimoy is my favorite Star Trek related actor's.
Lenard Nimoy is sick with COPD
There is a rumor. That Mr. Nimoy has passed away yesterday 19 Nov 2014. There is zero news about that. The name Lenard Nimoy isn't even trending on twitter. Idiots.
There is a rumor of he and his partner have split up. There is only one story from an observation of Mr. Nimoy walking alone on his driveway. Sounds like one of those stupid stories.
On 17 Nov 2014: The Nimoy Foundation Junior Board Gives a grant to a foster family and adoption agency. That's cool. I'm a former foster kid twice from two different states and I was adopted.
LLAP= Live Long And Prosper.
With respect and honor. I hope Mr. Nimoy's passing is/will be peaceful and surrounded by family members.
I do hope that Mr. Nimoy and the rest of his family and close friends say to one another all of those important things which should be spoken before Mr. Nemoy does pass into that greater and better spiritual life in which we know not of.
Living Funeral's
are For Everyone
are For Everyone
What I call the living funeral is so much more important than the after death funerals.
A living funeral is your last opportunity for you to have that last moment with your loved ones and close friends. This is where you apologize and forgive in a most gentle of ways. This is where you express your appreciation and deep felt "logic" for the one who is about to pass.
In those moments you can express those happy and funny memories/stories so that the elder one can pass with a smile. Express much gratitude.
The living funeral is also for the one who is about to pass. This is your last opportunity for you to ease the minds of those who shall remain. By your own forgiveness and apologies. After all wouldn't be nice to leave this physical world to those who may feel bad and sad at your attitudes for them? Tell funny stories and express funny memories. Especially those things with deep meaning and wisdom. Express your hopes and dreams for those who shall remain. Give permission to those to follow their own dreams and make it a gentle expectation. Express all manor of love and peace. To do so would mean you shall have a good passing and that those who experience your passing. They shall not be so sad for long. They shall have joy at knowing you and keep those good memories of you in the forefront. Express much gratitude.
Once the passing process is complete. You shall become more a live then you ever were and it can be wonderful.
For those who are suffering from those age related diseases of the mind. The living funeral takes place before the progression of those diseases robs your loved ones or friends ability to understand anything or to even recognize anyone. So, this living funeral should take place at the or near the time of diagnosis. With respect and honor. You must be delicate. But, for you to say those important things with deep and profound meaning may very well be crucial to decrease the time of your loved ones suffering.
Some people are so spiritually and mentally stubborn. That virtually no disease or even it's progression can limit their stubbornness. Really, People will actually force themselves to live. Until that long lost loved one has arrived at their bedside for that one last moment. For compassion's sake. Soften your heart and make that visit while your loved one is still coherent enough to make a reasonable agreement of forgiveness or apology or even to express their love to you one last time. You should also express your own forgiveness, apology and love as well.
But, this is not only about yours or theirs misdeed. This is also about celebration of a life lived. So celebrate with memories retelling.
If I'm repeating myself. It is because this is important.
For those who are suffering from those age related diseases of the mind. The living funeral takes place before the progression of those diseases robs your loved ones or friends ability to understand anything or to even recognize anyone. So, this living funeral should take place at the or near the time of diagnosis. With respect and honor. You must be delicate. But, for you to say those important things with deep and profound meaning may very well be crucial to decrease the time of your loved ones suffering.
Some people are so spiritually and mentally stubborn. That virtually no disease or even it's progression can limit their stubbornness. Really, People will actually force themselves to live. Until that long lost loved one has arrived at their bedside for that one last moment. For compassion's sake. Soften your heart and make that visit while your loved one is still coherent enough to make a reasonable agreement of forgiveness or apology or even to express their love to you one last time. You should also express your own forgiveness, apology and love as well.
But, this is not only about yours or theirs misdeed. This is also about celebration of a life lived. So celebrate with memories retelling.
If I'm repeating myself. It is because this is important.
I do hope that all of the media outlets as well as bloggers everywhere. Have and give respect and honor. You have mine.
If you or your group is a fan to Mr. Lenard Nimoy. Then I would highly suggest that you begin to celebrate/award Mr. Nimoy's legacy while he is still living.
Do you have that important memory of how Mr. Nimoy has done in some unknown way which has changed your life for the better. No matter how goofy or silly you think it is. I invite you to only send your wonderful stories to the official website of Mr. Lenard Nimoy.
Oh yea, Don't go to his house or make any kind of unsolicited personal contact. That's just weird if not a little wacked, psycho, loco, crazy, insane. If you do, I really hope some cop lays those all important knots of logical understanding across your illogical forehead.
If you or your group is a fan to Mr. Lenard Nimoy. Then I would highly suggest that you begin to celebrate/award Mr. Nimoy's legacy while he is still living.
Do you have that important memory of how Mr. Nimoy has done in some unknown way which has changed your life for the better. No matter how goofy or silly you think it is. I invite you to only send your wonderful stories to the official website of Mr. Lenard Nimoy.
Oh yea, Don't go to his house or make any kind of unsolicited personal contact. That's just weird if not a little wacked, psycho, loco, crazy, insane. If you do, I really hope some cop lays those all important knots of logical understanding across your illogical forehead.
Star Trek
I'm A fan and I married a Vulcan. Yea, I'm Klingon. LLAP sir.
Added on 27 Feb 2015: Mr. Nimoy passes away today
Added on 27 Feb 2015: Mr. Nimoy passes away today
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
“Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
“Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Foster care,
Lenard Nimoy,
Living Funeral,
Nimoy Foundation,
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Tolerated Funerals: (Edited): 23 Sept 2012:
The family who only tolerates one another during family funerals will all be together forever in the afterlife.
The family who can't stand to have any sort of daily relationship with one another will run to the side of a deceased loved one. This confuses me to no end. How is it suddenly important to say goodbye, or to apologize for all of your misdeeds now? Those things were of absolute importance when they were still living. It is important to have daily living funerals with all of your loved ones so that way if a tragedy happens everyone will be at peace. Go and apologize right now to all of your family members whom you have offended and make active and continuing amends. Forgive your family member in your own privacy and re-establish communication with them. Your family is supposed to be the ones on your team. If your lifestyle is in error, repent and flee from your wicked ways. If you're under the thumb of addictions, tell everyone and seek help.
If your sins have already destroyed your family, do not seek and do not have any other lovers until you have unsolicited permission from your adult children and only if there is no hope of returning to your "X". If one child or the "X" says "no" forever, you will then know the degree of pain and suffering you have caused them. C.J.MacKechnie
A loved one is about to physically die and transition into the afterlife. This is the final time to celebrate their life. So declare the joyful and somber toasts. This is the time for the telling of remembered stories of old. This is the time to laugh and cry. The time to proclaim your love. The time to ask for forgiveness and to say you're sorry for ALL of your misdeeds, even if they were many decades ago. Offer your loved one your blanket forgiveness.
Let them know it is alright to go and to freely go without any reservations.
It will be the duty of the responsible and wise family member to get all of the relatives to practice the living funeral. Each one offers an outward verbal prayer, all holding hands together. All hugging and all crying. All together as a whole and united family.
There may be fears. This is very understandable. This may be difficult to understand. Even though you are living in the here and now, and you may even still live for a few more decades more, it is possible for you to be with your loved one in the afterlife at the exact moment they pass from this time. Remember this? I'm paraphrasing. Everything which has been created, has already begun and has already ended and is already continuing on. This is a simplified version of how time works in the third Heaven. In other words, we each are being born and are living and have died, right now. In this very basic understanding of the perception of time, you can be with your loved one as they pass and yet still be alive in this here and now. Prior to their passing let them know you may appear to be older than you are now, so do not be confused. Then offer your hand to them and walk into heaven together.
When the time gets very close, your loved one may begin to see and hear things. It is OK. It is either real or not or both. Ease their mind. Tell them it's OK to confide in you with what they are seeing or hearing, so as to logically ascertain the reality of his/her body's ending. Tell them they will be OK. Reassure them always even when it is tough for you. Your loved one may not be able to speak of what they hear or see. This is because of the drugs or it is not for you to know. This too is OK and is not intended to offend you. The "not for you to know" is for your overall protection. That is OK as well. What is important is to be loving, comforting and present in this sacred gift of life's transition and continuation.
When the body becomes quiet, the heat of the hands gone, each of you verbally say your farewell, your love, instructions for them to continue into heaven through the light. They can see and hear you. They will not be sickly, weak or tired. Their aches and pains will be gone. They will be with you. In case they have some confusion, your verbal instructions will hopefully set them straight on course to their continuation of life.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.==============
Living Funeral,
Loved One,
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
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