Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The idea of Christian Micro Economies Importance Realized: (Unedited): 15 Feb 2022:

Note: Sometimes when I do add quotes. They may not belong to that particular blog. You should keep that in mind. I write in puzzles, my timing is off and I do  not write in a particular order. 
Look for additional writings in this space. Which I do often for many of my blogs. Reading once should not be a practice. Especially, when you see no quotes. Quotes, sometimes do come later. Others times not so much. If what I write is of importance. You should consider copy and paste content and put onto actual physical paper. Anything digital will disappear especially if it is contrary to the governments. You should do this for every digital thing you consider important. 
The Canadian Banking system can now freeze/cancel accounts for any reason. Which is deemed against the Canadian state. Is this accurate? I'm unable to find actual sourced data which is not associated with any media group. Will this become a common practice in other nations where freedom and liberty used to be important standards? 
The tyrannical Canadian Government just evoked emergency powers and seized the funds against the freedom protest. This will eventually cause the citizens of Canada and the USA to consider other financial assets to freely use. Will Canadian civilians begin to distrust their own governments leadership as they freely choose to transition away from the Canadian currency as well as traditional banking. Any other nation which does what the new dictator Justin Trudeau has done. May see their own economies and currency fall.
As which has been prophetically spoken and written by other prophets, cultures, religions. Difficult times are a coming. A days wages for a loaf of bread and yet this one prophecy does not address if the wage is that of a homeless person, poor person, middle class person or even someone a little more wealthier. 
The governments of the world seem to have all sided with some form of mixed dictatorships, socialism, capitalism and communism. Canada has become a nation which has brought the world the Christian sign of the underground church. Now Canada has become the nation which reveals the second sign. The sign of money and if you disagree with the state in any degree. The state can now revoke your financial privilege's. Thus, the state can now force you into homelessness, starvation, denial of medical care, energy needs and more all because you disagree with your self emerged ruling regional dictator. If you go out of your home and protest. You will be arrested. If you protest online you will still be arrested. 
So how do you survive these coming dictatorships? You have no time to delay. This is a partial list and not in order for your needs. Seek out all of my previous writings. Using specific terms which are important to you. Use caps for the first letters. 
1). Get out of debt. Begin to establish interconnected micro economies. Begin to learn how to live without established monies and economies. Not even Crypto is safe.
2). Refuse to participate in the emerging one world society/civilization. Stop buying products made in any other country like China. They will be against all religious doctrines. You cannot allow your children to be taught by worldly people, government's and institution's. You will even come to a point where you will not be able to participate with any form of entertainment. 
3). Begin growing all manner of wild edible foods for your growing region. Be sure to only use antique, heirloom seeds. Plant them everywhere and in secret. Burn all hybrids and GMO and anything else which is not natural. Remove and get rid of all ornamental's and plant only edibles. Learn how to effectively retrieve, store, organize, document seeds. Look to the Amish or Mennonite peoples. Use these for trade. To save time. You may be forced to begin cloning practices as to naturally wait for first fruits can take 5-7 years. Then full fruits can take an additional 1-2 years more. 
4). You must begin to learn how to raise farm animals as well as manage the wild animals in your area. Managing wild animals cannot be done by yourself. Your entire community must be involved. Look to the Reindeer herders (Sami).  Use these for trade. 
5). You must begin to learn the necessary skills prior to the development petroleum fuels and electricity. You must have functional skills use. Use these for trade. look and do your research in your local or regional museum's. 
6). Natural Gas propaganda is emerging which declares natural gas is bad for the environment. So how will you live with severe energy restrictions? Will the governments forbid the burning of all wood products? 
7). You must begin to be responsible for your own renewable energy creation for your specific region. 
8). You must begin to educate yourself to begin educating your own children and grandchildren. In secret. 
9). Just as it was in the ancient days. Where it was forbidden to count your people. This practice should also be instituted once again. The government shall not be permitted to know your numbers. 
10). You must realize that if you actually live by the laws and commandments of your religious books. Even if you cause no harm, no suffering and break no human laws of violence, theft or any other moral laws. Then the government will come and kill everyone. The government will also come and take your children, homes and lands. Just as what was done to the indigenous peoples around the world. Prophecies from some religions state the good peoples lose and the evil doers win. It should be noted that when the good peoples are killed. They will be with their God. It should be noted that you will be killed for His name sake. You will also be abused, tortured by every method and then killed. This is the prophetic future.
11). To be prepared to be perpetually mobile or homeless. Like the ancient Sami or the many tribes of North America who followed their herds. Even though there currently is laws in many places which outlaw homelessness and the feeding of the homeless. This means you will have to become invisible. This means you will have to create communications in the edible plants, edible bushes, and edible trees. Which means you will have to be physically and mentally fit. Those who require medical care, like myself will die before the world gets really bad. So you have to prepare and plan for the leaving of the sickly like me behind with love, peace. For I will next see you all or meet you all in Heaven. 
12). Limited technological involvements. Being connected to the world may not be a good thing as instant location will be instantly known as well as all of the various addresses of your machines will be instantly known. This also includes transmitters. Single use will mean instant known location of the transmitters.
Added on 19 Feb 2022: 
Once you know the wolf in sheep's clothing. All you shall ever know thereafter is the wolf.
Once you have learned to worship, love and follow the wolf in stylish sheep's clothing. You shall either become one of the pack or one of the prey left to die. All without any mercy, compassion or love. 
Powerful miracle working wolves who seem to share the power felt within you. Is nothing more than a blood thirsty charlatan who teaches the joyful mysteries of god. As he or she expects all of the sheep to worship the human him.
Beware of the pastors who teach things which are not of The Holy Bible. Beware of churches which are magnificent nestled in the surroundings of injustice, suffering, addictions and the poor. Beware of those churches which does nothing for the community. Beware of those churches which have very minimal people who actually goes forth to love one another and yet has a congregation of  thousands and many, many thousands. Beware of pastors who allow the traditions and actions of worshiping other gods. The power which you may witness from them is of the occult. Especially, where there is an absence of love, mercy and compassion. 
Emptiness and hopelessness surrounds those places which are absent of love. While within they are full of empty people who desire to be happy for an hour. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books