Friday, May 25, 2018

Humanities Great Adversary: (Unedited): 25 May 2018:

The Roman Empire brought hell to all they were about to conquer. The Romans became the masters of dimensional warfare. The American war fighting style is many generations of evolution more advanced than what the Romans seemingly began. The modern American war fighting style has even influenced distant observers from Russia, China and every other nation who have their own war fighting capability.
The USA modern war fighting style can simultaneously attack one spot on the planet more than 12 different ways/methods and each of these *12 different ways/methods have their own unique dimensionality to them. Which is far beyond the ability of this janitor to comprehend. Yet, those 12 different ways/methods of attack are just one way to conduct an attack. There are psychological, intellectual, political, economic, resource hoarding, industrial, computer and religious forms of attacks which humanity can all conduct upon one another.
So too it is with the great adversary of humanity. His war fighting style is an unconceived number of evolutionary generations greater than the modern American war fighting style.
The great adversary only wants for all of humanity to end. He is willing to do this by causing humanity to freely decide to take those necessary actions which will result in their own extinction. All of humanity's war fighting styles are all under the subliminal control and authority of the great adversary, to the degree that all of humanity is consciously unaware of his leadership, management, plans and his final goal.
Humanity's great adversary uses all of it as well as spiritual and psychic attacks to a greater and deeper effect more than we are even aware of even in concept, even to the point that all of humanity is unaware and if humanity does become aware then they are all unbelieving in an outward expression of absolute denial.
Note: The *12 different methods of attacking one spot simultaneously is just the number that I know is available to the US Military. I'm just a janitor and I'm not in the actual know on anything. I suspect that real number is closer to 40.
Note: I find it interesting how the countries suddenly become enemies to one another and the civilian populations are not even aware of this. What happened to working for peace? Instead governments seem like they are in a digital wargame with one gamer who is controlling everything. Everyone who is capable of building their war machines are doing so for their own self-defined end game. Each nation may have their own picture of how their own end game will play out. It will not be as they see it because the great adversary of humanity is playing them all. His end game is extinction of the human species. It does not matter how you leaders of the world like him, trust him or get what you want from him. You may think you want something and are controlling him. It is he who is causing you to think what you think and to feel what you feel - he is that powerful. You will not even be aware of just how much he can actually see into all of your minds. Did I forget the great adversary has his own military forces. Their numbers are far more than all of humanities military forces combined. Each of them individually is far more advanced evolutionary than simple single generation human beings. There is no near equal comparison to us and them that we can make. They are just that much more and he is that much better than his followers. Yet, you military leaders of the world happily hold onto the secrets they teach you. Thinking that you are the special peoples and the ones who are more good than anyone else. Not know that they are also telling your perspective enemies the very same thing and they believe as deeply as you. All of humanity have been and continue to be deceived by all of them daily.
We do have a safety net. The purple words below is just one part after the initial commitment. The rejection of what the great adversary have taught you and all of humanity. Think about this and it is not to late. If every military person, warrior, soldier and combat fighter in the world. Just stopped doing what they do and just go home to pursue peace. The whole world will be at peace. If there are not anyone to fight. Then peace must result.  This is one of the choices in prophecy. That humanity converts all of their weapons into useful tool for peace. This is prophecy but then again so is extinction of all of humanity. We are all truly brother and sister to one another. We are one family. We are not supposed to be enemies. But outside sources have caused us to be what we are now and we all can choose to be different than the bad persons we are expected to be. We each have worth and value. Sir or madam it's all about the purple words.
Added on 27 May 2018:
In a secular government and a secular people how would they define any entity/angel which is encountered? Especially when all religious terms are deleted from either lack of use or of importance or from a belief of a lack of accuracy.
No matter how or who or even from where. The ones to be feared most are those who can travel from here to there instantly and in any time without any ships or technology. Think about that.
Also think about how in this specific dimension and time line. Those who are in this physical universe will either succumb or exercise their own will in relation to those who are inferior in one or more category. We humans are inferior in a lot of categories to those who require physical ships. Those who require physical ships are incredibly inferior a many categories to those who do not require ships for travel. These beings who do not require any ships or technologies to travel from here to there instantly in any time as defined by you who is way smarter than me. You need to know that these beings also have spiritual structures here on Earth and elsewhere (Whatever that means). I think one is in Dunedin Florida. Think about that spiritual beings who can create spiritual structures and tie it to ... .
Yet, all of you secret people interact with these physical beings who are and have been only using you, manipulating and controlling you without your awareness or permission. In fact they have even followed many of you home. Especially if you were deemed interesting.
Yet, over time you have become separate from the purple words below to the point they are all alien to you or just unimportant as you continue on in your little box of toys. You may think and have become singularly focused on the fact your job is incredibly important to your country and all of humanity or just your country. Guess what it is all a lie and many of those toys given to your nation all contain half truths or an absence of information. Simply because you do not know how to ask. We are like small children wanting to control the burner on the stove. We learn sometimes after we get burned. But, in your secret world. What you do not know can harm all of humanity or a percentage of it. Because, those physical beings only want you and the rest of humanity to become extinct. Think about it. If all of humanity died. There will finally be peace on earth. The extinction of humanity has nothing to do with the purple words below. Your super secret life also has nothing to do with the purple words below. The beings who are still able to travel anywhere to anytime want for all of us to think about the purple words and to live by the purple words. 
So is the Earth expanding? Can you measure down to feet or inches as the diameter increases? Has the gravity increased? Can you measure gravity in the smallest of numerals to the right of the decimal point. You probably should start doing that.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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