Showing posts with label Denial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denial. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2023

Thought Control Rises +9: (Unedited): 14 July 2023:

The sinful lives of the elites cannot be revealed by black listed people. 
This seems to be as evidenced by customer harassment of those who desire to view the documentary like movie called "Sound of Freedom". 
Even though I write this quote does not mean I'm writing from my understanding. This or these quotes seem to be from the elites own mind set as they fight to control their narrative and way of sinful life. 
The lives of the elites seem to desire the shadows and darkness of their unrevealed sins.
Darkness always hides sins. Until the light of God illuminates all and all is revealed. In which everything will be revealed.
Freedom of speech, human rights, liberties, and of thought only applies to the elites.
Why do you think the enemies of your religion and of your godly ways no longer has the right to even show your face in any professional, cultural or social setting. That you are no longer allowed to take part in any aspect of public participation. Why do you think that you're forbidden from participation in political affairs. These are false beliefs in which you remain obedient to as you quietly remain in your home. Hoping and praying no one finds out that your one of them. In which you will lose your job, your home and your life. Remember they are most diffidently coming after your children.  So it is everything that you will lose and you can only hide for so long. Because, A Christian will be easy to find as a Christian must love their fellow human beings and this is how they will eventually be caught and martyred.
Denial of rights, liberties and freedoms can only be successfully be done if those who the denial is being done to are unaware of any rights, freedoms or liberties. 
Thought control must begin during a controlled educational process at every level. Thought control must continue on during every professional, cultural, social and family interaction.
How to think logically and reasonably is no longer being taught in schools. But rather to absolutely believe every single word of your teachers is mandatory even above your parents and religious leaders. This is the essence of thought or mind control. The teacher and educational system is true, right and correct. The parents cannot and do not have the right to oppose the authorities and if a parent speaks up then they are labeled as terrorists as which has been officially revealed by the American government.  
The idea of freedoms, liberties and human rights will only be known to the coming rulers and authorities of a one world government. 
As the young commoners are not taught how to think and reason. They will not even be aware that words like freedom, liberty and any kind of human rights as well as other empowering words will even exist beyond conceptualized form. 
Words such as freedoms, liberties and rights of any kind shall be erased from the minds of the commoner peoples. Then for those commoner peoples who know of such words must be erased and exterminated. 
Though cursive writing is no longer taught in American public schools may seem innocent enough. But, when you realize that the ancient American documents were written in cursive. You can see a single process of how important words begins to disappear. Just as how teaching history began to end in the late 1970's to the degree that the younger generation knows not what the history of their own American government is and all they know is all of the atrocities ever committed. While also being taught that socialist and communist states are amazingly positive. While also at the same time the actual fascists know not they are the fascists while violently and angrily accusing the non fascists of being fascists.  Which is evidence of rampant deception and delusion. 
The individual commoner can stop the elites by refusing to give their hard earned monies to anything as related to each offensive elite person.
Bud light is only the beginning. Go woke or go broke is only a beginning. Because once the commoners see the elites and politicians as evil doing demonic entities. What and how the Russians killed their own rulers in the past will seem amateurish. 
The individual commoner will begin to leave all aspects of worldly society as their monies stop going to any worldly owned thing as governed by offensive elites. 
This does mean everything including software of any kind. 
The power of the politicians is given by the people. While the money powers the elites, which is also given to them by the commoner people. What happens when the people refuse to give their power and money to sinful evildoers like YOU?
The commoner people can stop evil doers who hold power and authority. Just as the elites are beginning to realize that their own woke agendas will bankrupt them if they continue to push. Target, Walt Disney and AB INBEV are just the beginning. The suppression of "Sounds of Freedom" is also being seen and experienced by the commoner peoples in which they see as something which is beyond evil and horrific.
The commoner people are truly awake to your own evil wokeness and they are only beginning to respond with their hard earned monies. But, once you sinful elites and evil politicians begin to mess with their own hard earned wealth. The commoner peoples will rise up as they had in the historical human past and it will be your blood which will flow into the streets along with your children, family and any who are associated with you. So as the great reset continues forth. When the people of the world all realize that your messing with all that they have worked hard for. Even a newly seated king will have his crown crushed.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Humanities Great Adversary: (Unedited): 25 May 2018:

The Roman Empire brought hell to all they were about to conquer. The Romans became the masters of dimensional warfare. The American war fighting style is many generations of evolution more advanced than what the Romans seemingly began. The modern American war fighting style has even influenced distant observers from Russia, China and every other nation who have their own war fighting capability.
The USA modern war fighting style can simultaneously attack one spot on the planet more than 12 different ways/methods and each of these *12 different ways/methods have their own unique dimensionality to them. Which is far beyond the ability of this janitor to comprehend. Yet, those 12 different ways/methods of attack are just one way to conduct an attack. There are psychological, intellectual, political, economic, resource hoarding, industrial, computer and religious forms of attacks which humanity can all conduct upon one another.
So too it is with the great adversary of humanity. His war fighting style is an unconceived number of evolutionary generations greater than the modern American war fighting style.
The great adversary only wants for all of humanity to end. He is willing to do this by causing humanity to freely decide to take those necessary actions which will result in their own extinction. All of humanity's war fighting styles are all under the subliminal control and authority of the great adversary, to the degree that all of humanity is consciously unaware of his leadership, management, plans and his final goal.
Humanity's great adversary uses all of it as well as spiritual and psychic attacks to a greater and deeper effect more than we are even aware of even in concept, even to the point that all of humanity is unaware and if humanity does become aware then they are all unbelieving in an outward expression of absolute denial.
Note: The *12 different methods of attacking one spot simultaneously is just the number that I know is available to the US Military. I'm just a janitor and I'm not in the actual know on anything. I suspect that real number is closer to 40.
Note: I find it interesting how the countries suddenly become enemies to one another and the civilian populations are not even aware of this. What happened to working for peace? Instead governments seem like they are in a digital wargame with one gamer who is controlling everything. Everyone who is capable of building their war machines are doing so for their own self-defined end game. Each nation may have their own picture of how their own end game will play out. It will not be as they see it because the great adversary of humanity is playing them all. His end game is extinction of the human species. It does not matter how you leaders of the world like him, trust him or get what you want from him. You may think you want something and are controlling him. It is he who is causing you to think what you think and to feel what you feel - he is that powerful. You will not even be aware of just how much he can actually see into all of your minds. Did I forget the great adversary has his own military forces. Their numbers are far more than all of humanities military forces combined. Each of them individually is far more advanced evolutionary than simple single generation human beings. There is no near equal comparison to us and them that we can make. They are just that much more and he is that much better than his followers. Yet, you military leaders of the world happily hold onto the secrets they teach you. Thinking that you are the special peoples and the ones who are more good than anyone else. Not know that they are also telling your perspective enemies the very same thing and they believe as deeply as you. All of humanity have been and continue to be deceived by all of them daily.
We do have a safety net. The purple words below is just one part after the initial commitment. The rejection of what the great adversary have taught you and all of humanity. Think about this and it is not to late. If every military person, warrior, soldier and combat fighter in the world. Just stopped doing what they do and just go home to pursue peace. The whole world will be at peace. If there are not anyone to fight. Then peace must result.  This is one of the choices in prophecy. That humanity converts all of their weapons into useful tool for peace. This is prophecy but then again so is extinction of all of humanity. We are all truly brother and sister to one another. We are one family. We are not supposed to be enemies. But outside sources have caused us to be what we are now and we all can choose to be different than the bad persons we are expected to be. We each have worth and value. Sir or madam it's all about the purple words.
Added on 27 May 2018:
In a secular government and a secular people how would they define any entity/angel which is encountered? Especially when all religious terms are deleted from either lack of use or of importance or from a belief of a lack of accuracy.
No matter how or who or even from where. The ones to be feared most are those who can travel from here to there instantly and in any time without any ships or technology. Think about that.
Also think about how in this specific dimension and time line. Those who are in this physical universe will either succumb or exercise their own will in relation to those who are inferior in one or more category. We humans are inferior in a lot of categories to those who require physical ships. Those who require physical ships are incredibly inferior a many categories to those who do not require ships for travel. These beings who do not require any ships or technologies to travel from here to there instantly in any time as defined by you who is way smarter than me. You need to know that these beings also have spiritual structures here on Earth and elsewhere (Whatever that means). I think one is in Dunedin Florida. Think about that spiritual beings who can create spiritual structures and tie it to ... .
Yet, all of you secret people interact with these physical beings who are and have been only using you, manipulating and controlling you without your awareness or permission. In fact they have even followed many of you home. Especially if you were deemed interesting.
Yet, over time you have become separate from the purple words below to the point they are all alien to you or just unimportant as you continue on in your little box of toys. You may think and have become singularly focused on the fact your job is incredibly important to your country and all of humanity or just your country. Guess what it is all a lie and many of those toys given to your nation all contain half truths or an absence of information. Simply because you do not know how to ask. We are like small children wanting to control the burner on the stove. We learn sometimes after we get burned. But, in your secret world. What you do not know can harm all of humanity or a percentage of it. Because, those physical beings only want you and the rest of humanity to become extinct. Think about it. If all of humanity died. There will finally be peace on earth. The extinction of humanity has nothing to do with the purple words below. Your super secret life also has nothing to do with the purple words below. The beings who are still able to travel anywhere to anytime want for all of us to think about the purple words and to live by the purple words. 
So is the Earth expanding? Can you measure down to feet or inches as the diameter increases? Has the gravity increased? Can you measure gravity in the smallest of numerals to the right of the decimal point. You probably should start doing that.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, May 8, 2015

Awesomenicity Awesomeness: (Unedited): 06 May 2015:

Awesomenicity is when awesome people continue to work in a state of raw awesomeness. 
Awesomenicity is not a real word, but it can be.  Just right click and then select Add to Dictionary.  See instant new word. Just awesome ain't it.
The awesome mind set. The awesome work ethic. The awesome perfectionist.
There are also, the derogatory insults. Which is used by those people who just don't care. The INFJ  or the person who is not aware they are a INFJ. It can be a tough existence with so much contradictory feelings. The important thing to keep in mind is what is right and what is not. Then carry on with what is right without any regard for the average minded people or even the apathetic. As an INFJ. I've had to learn that it is OK to disregard those peoples feelings who are just wrong. It is OK. It is OK for them to continue to be wrong with their subjective arguments.
For some it is personally important  to work hard, to work smart and to do high quality works. If this is a part of your identity. Then do not be less then your capability for the easement of other peoples possible attacks onto you. By not being who you are in this regard. You are sinning against yourself through denial. This is not right, not good and healthy for you. So have courage and be free to be yourself.
Mind Capitulation: (Unedited): 09 May 2015:
Capitulation is for the weaker mind, weaker argument and weaker life. 
 People who tend to believe in very little will change everything for that which only appears to be more powerful. This is also about believing in yourself. It is not easy being an INFJ. This is probaly the reason why there are so few INFJ's. Because, only the strong in spirit and the strong in mind can be an INFJ. This does not mean you won't become weary from time to time with all of the constant battles of the mind.
It is OK to go and find your quiet tree and let your brain do what it naturally does. It doesn't have to be a tree. It can be the stream, River, lake or ocean. It can be that desert place of apparent desolation. But, go to your place and feel all of that energy there.
Older quote unknown date at this time.
It is easy to be average. You don't have to try very hard.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Slavery Evolution: (Unedited): 07 Aug 2013:

Work in progress.
Need more research.

Slavery has evolved into a more civilized form.
Need to read this article when I have time

From forced denial of education by law to a willing choice to refuse education.
This includes the denial achieve a command of the common language at birth. The slaves of old spoke as uneducated persons. the modern day slaves purposely butcher the common language as an ignorant form of some cultural right. The new slave culture where those people are not even aware they are slaves by another name.

From forced separation of family members to a willingness to separate the self from any family.
Interesting answer as to why separate family members. 

From being owned as high value property to an owner who is responsible for the slaves life. To becoming a part of the working class with no owner. No longer is the owner responsible for the slaves welfare, care and life.

The use of addictive substances to control the slave population.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The truth behind the importance of education.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Re-Emerged Gifts: (Unedited): 24 May 2013:

The re-emergence of your gifts will occur when you cease the rejection, the denial and the deceptive conditioning. C.J.MacKechnie

No matter what religion or anti-religion you are in. You are taught what to believe as wrong and false. What is bad and evil. 

This also, includes the gifts from God. This also includes the partial truth of prayer. 
Because, If you were to be taught the wholeness of the truth the rule of authority that those religious rulers have over the vast majority of humanity would become like vapor. 

The supernatural gifts of GOD originates from GOD. Your intention is of your origin. 

The wholeness of prayer is 
Pray is you talking to God. Meditate is you listening to GOD. Contemplating is you trying to understand what GOD has told to only you. Worshiping GOD is you - worshiping GOD. 
This is the wholeness of prayer as I understand it. 
Think about a respectful conversation you have with another person. You talk and listen. You think about what has been said. Then talk and listen some more. This is respectful.

In the Christian religion. We are taught to only talk. There is no listen, no dialogue, the unaware absence of respect for God. The Christian follower is almost forced to believe that the chain of command within churches is all in constant communication with GOD. Never realizing GOD does not.

In another religion. You must only exactly recite the prayer as told to you. Then when you are done, you are done. There is nothing else. The followers discover that the GOD of their understanding does not talk to them and there is a great feeling of absence. So, the followers see the authority and power of the men who stand above them. The followers conclude that GOD talks to them. Never realizing that GOD does not. 

Since Jesus, The chain of command between you and GOD is all there is. You to GOD and GOD to you. No one else between. 

Awakened Gifts: (Unedited): 24 May 2013:

The dormant (Sleeping) gifts which have always been within you only needs your intentional attention to awaken. C.J.MacKechnie
We all have our own super natural or extra ordinary gifts. These are also the same gifts given to each one of us by the GOD of our knowing. How we each use those gifts is solely up to each one of us. Even the absolute denial that any of the gifts are good and holy. We each can reject the the existence of such fanciful gifts as scientifically unprovable.

Even the Christian has rejected the gifts and this is because of the lessons learned from the churches over the last two thousand years. Never even realizing that the devil can only copy or mimic the one true GOD. Which means all of that which the devil does or tries to do super naturally has it's origin with GOD. Even though the intention in how the devil uses the super natural is all of his own creation.
If you are a true follower of Jesus. Then the pursuit and exploration into the discovery of your gifts is a very real possibility for you. If GOD is your Heavenly Father and Jesus is your Heavenly Brother. Why wouldn't GOD grant you the use of those gifts in which Jesus had already said you can use now. But, of course it is your choice. If you do not feel a need to walk the Path of Jesus. Then it is OK. It really is OK. Do not ever feel as if your missing out or lacking or feel the guilt of should have known or could have done.
Do not feel angry with any church or pastor for teaching what they have taught. They each only knew that what they have taught was true. Even though it is not. You each are the sons and daughters of GOD Almighty. God your Heavenly Father speaks directly to you. If you would just take the time to listen, speak and contemplate. To listen to your Heavenly Father is to Meditate upon him. To talk to your Heavenly Father is to pray to Him. To ascertain and comprehend the message, you need to contemplate.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Free Society: Bloodless Revolution: (unedited): 17-19 May 2013:

Those who have a difference of opinion or a different mind set as defined by the ruling authority. Will see a denial of services and exclusion within the new free society.
Lies and deceptions in any transformed society will be based in lies and deceptions. Such as those  who change any government from victorious wars actions. Will they themselves rule with a thirst of achieved power and authority. From this quenched thirst begins a satisfied pride. From the wealth and comfort of wars achievement begets a violent cruelty over those who questions in any way their new won rule. The outcome is the same despite the difference in rulers who seem to always promise a better life. The better life never comes for the common people as the limited wealth pie/spoils of war is divided up amongst the victorious war participants and their families. Leaving nothing left for the innocent common people.The suffering and distressed common people who seem to be perpetually the poorest and helpless of all. Know the truth of action over the words of those who claimed to be for them. Wealth, opportunity and true freedom is only for the new rulers and their relations/family/friends. While enslavement, a quiet tongue, hopelessness and a helpless state of being seems to be forever perpetuated amongst the common people. 
The change and transformation of any truly free society must be based in lies and deceptions. Because why would any free reasonably thinking person within any current free society be Willing to allow the newly elected rulers take away all of their GOD given freedoms?
Very easy to answer.
1). Wealth.          (It is always about the money)
2). Resources.     (It is always about the money)
3). Power.           (It is always about how to get more money)
4). Hate.              (It is always about how to take away the money
                            from those superficially different from you).
5). Godlessness   (It is about becoming a god. Making it a Right
                             for you to do whatever you will and then taxing
                             the people like the religions do. Which means even
                              more money for you)

The political and selfish pursuit to fill up the financial coffers only quenches their greedy thirst just enough to figure out how to get and take more. Even if it requires them to force the once wealthy common people to exist with only the minimalist amount of sustenance, housing, education and medical care. This even includes forced labor. Which those words will not be used. Different words will be used by the ruling authority and defined by them as their truth. Thus, When a person defines their own truth. They never lie. No matter their intentions. The word Enslavement changed for the betterment of us all. Government Managed jobs and duties to end the stranglehold of evil corporate business.
This can only work if the new ruling authority can hide their accumulated wealth and lifestyle from any questioning common person.
:Bloodless Revolution: 18 May 2013:
A bloodless revolution is one where the common people surrender their Freedoms, Responsibilities and Will without any blood shed. Becoming instant slaves and taxable property to ruling authority.
Asking good questions in any situation is based on a persons level of intelligence, education and work history. The greater of any of those three. Better the content and the formed question. If you can prevent or diminish any or all of the three. Then the population as a whole can be easily controlled  with the simple sound of the rulers voice.

To Prevent any enslavement to any people. No matter how the ruling authority names it and defines it. The common people must achieve a higher level of education and logical critical thinking skills then those who seek to Rule. That is it.

Once enslavement has become entrenched. What, how and to a ruler defined level of education, directly related to your job set has become normalized. Any person born like Nat Turner will be killed. Before, they can lead any rebellion. People like Nat Turner will be discovered through their excessive questions in their training years. The medical persons will deem those kids as mentally ill or defective. Then sent away to be medically dumbed down or killed. Study genetics. Study Breeding practices.  By stopping any genius kids from growing to maturity. You prevent rebellions for generations or for ever. It will be scientifically worse than you think. 
Did you know that ADHD doesn't exist? Go and factually prove it for yourself. I could find no real physical evidence. No real concrete provable test. ADHD is only proven through simple observation from a teacher (Which is illegal) or voiced from parent (Which is still illegal) to Doctor. Teachers and parents are not doctors and cannot by law practice medicine. Just follow the money. 
In mechanical machines we call a lack of fuel flow and the gaining of horsepower and torque as great improvements. In the human biological machine. We call the lack of blood flow into certain parts of the brain as problematic. While at the same time the brain works nearly twice as fast or faster, more than 20% more intelligent. We call that a defect. You need some critical thinking skills here.
My words are meant to prevent any enslavement within any group of people, culture, society, government or religion. This content is not a How to Enslave!!!
Added on 20 Jan 2016:
A word has come to me today "Exclusion".  I think 2015 is the beginning of the Christian exclusion within the USA. Yes there has been a build up over time. But, now discrimination against Christians has become actionable. As in with the Christian Cake bakers in Oregon. This is just the beginning. A time will come very soon when horrible and terrible things will happen to Christians and no one will know or even care. The crosses are coming down and the word "church" is changing to "center". Soon even that will not be enough.
American Christians have figured out how to live in the world and become a part of the world while professing their Christianity. I think this is done through privacy and minimal interactions with anyone else in church. The people who go to church do not seem interested in making relationships with any other. They seem to only want to feel good for their one hour of church service. While pretending to be good people only on Sunday. Of course this is not everyone. But, I think it is the majority. While the minority are those who go out into the world and peacefully protest evil. Will this minority become the chosen remnant as spoken of in prophecy within the Holy Bible? Will there be so few of the remnant in the USA. That if they all disappeared. Not to many people will notice. If they do notice. American pastors and religious leaders will ease all fears of any rumor that the rapture has occurred. By denying it and proclaiming that people just move around and leave. Or whatever other reasonable excuse which eases the minds of people.
Sample stories:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 