Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2023

Thought Control Rises +9: (Unedited): 14 July 2023:

The sinful lives of the elites cannot be revealed by black listed people. 
This seems to be as evidenced by customer harassment of those who desire to view the documentary like movie called "Sound of Freedom". 
Even though I write this quote does not mean I'm writing from my understanding. This or these quotes seem to be from the elites own mind set as they fight to control their narrative and way of sinful life. 
The lives of the elites seem to desire the shadows and darkness of their unrevealed sins.
Darkness always hides sins. Until the light of God illuminates all and all is revealed. In which everything will be revealed.
Freedom of speech, human rights, liberties, and of thought only applies to the elites.
Why do you think the enemies of your religion and of your godly ways no longer has the right to even show your face in any professional, cultural or social setting. That you are no longer allowed to take part in any aspect of public participation. Why do you think that you're forbidden from participation in political affairs. These are false beliefs in which you remain obedient to as you quietly remain in your home. Hoping and praying no one finds out that your one of them. In which you will lose your job, your home and your life. Remember they are most diffidently coming after your children.  So it is everything that you will lose and you can only hide for so long. Because, A Christian will be easy to find as a Christian must love their fellow human beings and this is how they will eventually be caught and martyred.
Denial of rights, liberties and freedoms can only be successfully be done if those who the denial is being done to are unaware of any rights, freedoms or liberties. 
Thought control must begin during a controlled educational process at every level. Thought control must continue on during every professional, cultural, social and family interaction.
How to think logically and reasonably is no longer being taught in schools. But rather to absolutely believe every single word of your teachers is mandatory even above your parents and religious leaders. This is the essence of thought or mind control. The teacher and educational system is true, right and correct. The parents cannot and do not have the right to oppose the authorities and if a parent speaks up then they are labeled as terrorists as which has been officially revealed by the American government.  
The idea of freedoms, liberties and human rights will only be known to the coming rulers and authorities of a one world government. 
As the young commoners are not taught how to think and reason. They will not even be aware that words like freedom, liberty and any kind of human rights as well as other empowering words will even exist beyond conceptualized form. 
Words such as freedoms, liberties and rights of any kind shall be erased from the minds of the commoner peoples. Then for those commoner peoples who know of such words must be erased and exterminated. 
Though cursive writing is no longer taught in American public schools may seem innocent enough. But, when you realize that the ancient American documents were written in cursive. You can see a single process of how important words begins to disappear. Just as how teaching history began to end in the late 1970's to the degree that the younger generation knows not what the history of their own American government is and all they know is all of the atrocities ever committed. While also being taught that socialist and communist states are amazingly positive. While also at the same time the actual fascists know not they are the fascists while violently and angrily accusing the non fascists of being fascists.  Which is evidence of rampant deception and delusion. 
The individual commoner can stop the elites by refusing to give their hard earned monies to anything as related to each offensive elite person.
Bud light is only the beginning. Go woke or go broke is only a beginning. Because once the commoners see the elites and politicians as evil doing demonic entities. What and how the Russians killed their own rulers in the past will seem amateurish. 
The individual commoner will begin to leave all aspects of worldly society as their monies stop going to any worldly owned thing as governed by offensive elites. 
This does mean everything including software of any kind. 
The power of the politicians is given by the people. While the money powers the elites, which is also given to them by the commoner people. What happens when the people refuse to give their power and money to sinful evildoers like YOU?
The commoner people can stop evil doers who hold power and authority. Just as the elites are beginning to realize that their own woke agendas will bankrupt them if they continue to push. Target, Walt Disney and AB INBEV are just the beginning. The suppression of "Sounds of Freedom" is also being seen and experienced by the commoner peoples in which they see as something which is beyond evil and horrific.
The commoner people are truly awake to your own evil wokeness and they are only beginning to respond with their hard earned monies. But, once you sinful elites and evil politicians begin to mess with their own hard earned wealth. The commoner peoples will rise up as they had in the historical human past and it will be your blood which will flow into the streets along with your children, family and any who are associated with you. So as the great reset continues forth. When the people of the world all realize that your messing with all that they have worked hard for. Even a newly seated king will have his crown crushed.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Breakaway Republic: Breakaway Society: (Unedited): 14-30 April 2023:

 It is happening now more out in the open than at any other time. If you are a devout Christian then the time is coming where you will be unable to participate in any aspect of a worldly society. If you do continue to participate in a modern worldly society you will be forced to surrender your children to their educational standards. Which is anti-good, anti-God and anti-Christian. So what are you going to do? and how are you going to do it? There isn't any empty space on this planet unless you go underwater. You can go to other planets? Oh wait there all dead and currently non-survivable. 
Christian prophecy dictates that Christians and Jews will suffer greatly in this coming end of days as which is foretold. While at the same time you will have to live through the possible lies that the rapture is valid or not. I do not know but I really, really want the coming rapture to be valid prior to all of the suffer to come against the genuine good people as which is deemed by God alone. Your own self determination about your own self condition is not valid. You can hope and pray. You can flee from and reject all sin. You can read your Bible, pursue holiness and righteousness. But, if you do all of these things to only save your own skin, What then? If your absent of love for one another, what then? What about Hebrews 10:26-27? Don't remember that one do you? Take that to your populists church.
Historical Truth: In this world the good guys do not always win. The good people do suffer and die because of the actions of the evil doers. So if a breakaway republic or a breakaway society is formed under the Christian ideals. Then when the evil doers come. They will easily kill and destroy all of you who are in that one centralized place. The evil doers can even launch bunker busting missiles from many hundreds of kilometers/miles away and sleep well at night. This is what evil doers do even if they are delusion under their own self described heading of they/"We are the good guys". The Germans, Soviets, Communists all think they are the good guys and their sworn enemies are the bad guys. The good guys won the Chinese civil war for the Communists by their own perspective. Mostly the Americans have no clue that China is the enemy of the USA and that the Chinese are actively planning on a war with the USA as they teach their own elementary school aged children how to quickly take down and reassemble a hand gun. Can you as an adult do that? While the USA is teaching children that they are something they are not and legally cutting out their sex organs. The level of sin is becoming humanly unbearable to the actual good people. 
How do you start a breakaway republic or a break away society? How would you even enforce not allowing sin into your society or on the property? How would you even defend yourself when your supposed to be all pacifist like and lovey dovey? Do you copy the purest Amish or Mennonite models? Yet, their pacifist unarmed families and way of life is always threatened by armed police raiding a farm with military clothed Federal Agents with machine guns. Or do you become like that ranch in Waco Texas where the government on purpose burned all of them down while the media convicted them all to the entire American civilian population. The truth didn't matter and the children killed didn't matter. But, lets fill the building with flammable fluids and then light it all up. The government won and no one questioned it as it seemed. This is what will happen to you if you start any kind of breakaway republic or society. So what do you do? The American system is the last stand on this planet.
As a Christian you cannot participate in sin. As a Christian you cannot tolerate any kind of sin, no matter what human laws have established those sins as rights. C.J.MacKechnie
Added on 16 May 2023: Written on 11 May 2023: 
Over these last many decades we have seen education diminish. While indoctrination increase. The children raised in sin and becoming sin. (original)
Over the last many decades we have seen education diminish. While indoctrination increase. The children taught and raised in sin. Becoming sin incarnate.
Noah Note: Can this be related to how only 8 adults survived the flood?
In the occult as ordered by the fallen angels. By their own perspective they define sin, holiness, righteousness. Their human followers shall be disfigured and mutilated. 
Added on 14 May 2023: You as a Christian can no longer permit your children to participate in the American public school system or even the public collegiate system. If you as a Christian continue to allow your children to participate in the public school systems. Your children will be raised in sin and thus become sin. Thus abandoning the Christian way of believing and living. Thus, abandoning their own families.
It is already becoming clear that a Christian will not be able to participate in the public society as the Christian becomes more and more criminalized, abused, tortured and killed. Because, what do you think is going to happen when more insane delusional people begin to legally buy guns and sacrifice themselves in the killing of Christians? What do you think is going to happen as the Christian become more and more criminalized and thus denied the right to buy any kind of weapon because the government has declared them as indigenous right wing terrorists. Christians are already being declared as evil in public format. Insanely delusional people are already believing that Christians attack them everyday and causing their suffering. Look at how the news media of the left expressed mercy and compassion towards the Nashville Christian school shooter. This will only get worse as which is indicated through prophecy. Actual devout Christians must become a break away republic/society. Just like the purest Amish and purest Mennonites.
Devout Christian families must begin to develop relationships with other families and move to those determined safe locations and begin to develop their own self sustaining micro economies. Devout Christians must also understand that they will begin to live their lives without participating in any aspect of worldly society. 
Added on 15 May 2023: As the awareness of prophecy becomes more and more relevant into our physical reality. You will have to start living your Christian lives with degrees of secrecy. You will need to become more and more hidden. You will begin to see the difference between authentic Christians and worldly Christians. This vision will be associated with God sending a delusion unto the whole world. So do not become deceived or allow yourself to become deceived. 
But, what about Going out into the world and proclaiming Jesus Christ? 
Worldly Christians:
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, January 13, 2023

The Normalicy Of Decadence, Corrruption And Mental Illness +22: (Unedited): 13 Jan 2023, Friday:

Corruption and treason at the highest levels has manifested and is now perpetuated with a sense of normalcy and expectancy. Because of this all aspects of corruption and treason will have already trickled down through the corporate ladders, educational institutions and all the normal citizen belief systems.
The right wing of the same bird has brought to this once land of the free trickle down economics. While the left wing of the same bird has brought to the once free citizens trickle down decadence.
The delusional and unquestioned belief in the validity of every lie will only further enslave the minds of the once free to the degree the delusional believer becomes the lie and cannot exist in aspect of truth. The delusional believer will then only violently act out against anyone and anything who professes any actual truth.
The proof of delusion must be proven in all aspects of education. To the degree of redefining what is good and normal in the established psychological standards and practices. Once established then the lies which become the foundation of mentally ill belief systems can be normalized in all of the citizenry.
Once the freedom to exercise your own self chosen identity is believed as something which is normal and genuine regardless of truth. The validity of your own self defined truth can become legally protected by the state. Then all citizens must become obedient to the newly established laws or become criminalized. 
The absolute freedom to become anything and everything you desire only leads to no awareness of actual loss of freedom as you choose actual mental enslavement for your life. Because, it is the mind which controls and mutilates the body into the believed mental image of the delusional mind.
Now that medical and psychological professionals can now profit from the surgical and chemical mutilation of the natural human form no matter the age of the patient without any fear of criminal intent or civil liabilities. The rise of these procedures and the developments of many more will become commonplace and become just like what ADHD is today. A permanent source of revenue.
What was once thought of as any kind of human atrocity will become naturally normalized in the minds of the common citizen. No longer will any kind of human atrocity be believed as evil or wrong to any degree. The normalizing will begin in the highly esteemed educational institutions. For it is they who shall create the proper training and preparation of those pure young children who are to be chosen to be the objects of control for the pedophiles. This shall become the how to manual on sacrificing of the innocence. 
Those children who are selected to go into the guidance of efficient people movers shall not be legally known as abducted, missing, exploited or stolen children. For those children will be known as owned legal commodities. They will not be looked on as criminals or even be defined as human traffickers. For the term human traffickers will be seen as a disparaging and racist description. Especially, if the children has profited from their personal activities in any way. Regardless if the human traffickers kill off and disappear the children once they become diseased, pregnant or problematic. 
The normalcy of mental illness means that those psychological professionals will aid you in your own delusional belief system. Then when you cannot live as you think and believe that you are. Then another professional will aid you in your own beautiful and painless professionally observed suicide.
The normalcy of corruption means those who are elected to serve shall all become more than billionaires without any public knowledge and awareness even though they only earn a few hundred thousand a year. Yet no one will ask questions or investigate any wrong doing. Yet, no one will admit guilt or to quit their office in dishonor.
When a corrupted individual is caught. That person will be seen as a heroic robin hood despite the fact there is no evidence of giving to the poor as the story was told. For they have done the math and are willing to sacrifice a few years in prison and still are able to recover the millions or billions of dollars hidden away beyond the laws of the land. 
The governmental culling of their populations shall begin with the old, weak, sickly. Which will evolve to the culling of the deformed, disabled and defective. Which will evolve into the genocidal culling of anyone who is against the prevailing belief system of the land, disobedient, religiously appalling, racially impure, racially rejected. No one will be the wiser. No one will question.
It is already known that humans below the ruling or governing class cannot be trusted. So the rise of a robotic military and police forces will rise. In the beginning these individualistic AI robots will be seen as the saviors of human lives as these new robots will go into place to dangerous for humans. Once these military and police robots are made in the many millions. They will execute all of their orders exactly and without fear, morality, mercy or compassion. Without questioning what is right or wrong. Without hesitation. 
This is the prophetic evolution of things to come. The degree to which the world becomes more and more disgusting is as the Christian prophecies state for as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in those end of days (paraphrase). Not only will the end of the world systems occur but also the extinction of humanity except for those selected saved souls by God. Which may mean only about 144,000 humans will be saved while all others will either end in judgement or receive glorified bodies. It seems the closer we get to the actual end of humanity events. The less likely a rapture becomes. Because, why would God need to save the good people when He has glorified bodies for His own children? Wouldn't a rapture for His children be a wasted effort? Especially if our physical deaths release our true spiritual nature from the physical confinements? Then when you look at the history of how Jesus died, the apostles died, early Christians died and even modern day Christians are dying right now all around the world. Why would His children expect any different? Is the rapture a false teaching in Christianity as this would stop any Denomination, Church, Christian from properly preparing and organizing into Christian survival groups with their own established exclusive micro economies? and it has. 
The fate of Christians has already been prophesied in the Holy Bible and ignored. The fate of all Christians will be one of physical abuse, torture and death. 
The false half truth teaching of a Christian victory is a falsehood. Without ever mentioning that the Christians physically lose while only achieving victory through the actions of Jesus Christ alone. In other words the Christians are absolutely helpless in the face of a brutal world system to rise and it is already rising today. The physical fate of Christians will be like lambs sent to slaughter. The Christians will flee too and fore. The Christians will be cut down where ever they may go. 
Added on 14 Jan 2023:
The above the law normalcy originates and even extends beyond the government and into the corporate and religious sectors. Laws and rules are only for those who are deemed as less than. While leaders and managers in any capacity are worshiped as lords and gods.
Added on 15 Jan 2023: 
The corruption mindset can easily be seen in the corporate, educational and religious sectors where rules are established for all and yet those who are in authority or management can still do whatever they want despite the rules established. While still severely admonishing everyone else.
Added on 13 April 2024: Written on 12 April 2024: 
The line between delusion and insanity is paper thin. While the line between delusion and sanity is like a great gulf. 
Governmental insane decisions and laws which are founded in sins are a result of the powerful delusion that God sent to the whole world.
NOTE: As the laws of government become more and more insane. It will be easy for the actual children of God to see and witness the torture and mutilation of children and those who suffer from a variety of mental illnesses. 
2 Thessalonians 2:
God has already sent a strong delusion to the world. While those humans who are not actually one of His Children will suffer greatly with a variety of insanity. While His own Children will be able to see this strong delusion as signs. This means that while those who do not belong to God will be unaware of their own delusion and insanity. This will include all of the church people who are fakers. This will include pastors and all other church leaders. When the actual children of God see the effects and affects of this strong delusion of God in the churches. They will quietly and secretly depart those churches. Fulfilling another prophecy. All of this will be explained away as people just get up and move without communication or explanation. Which is an actual normal occurrence. 
Added on 17 Sept 2024: 
The absence of taught math and other forms of critical thinking will result in the stagnation of humanity and then the de-evolution of mental states to that of the animal kingdom. 
The scarcity of an actual education diminishes the civility of a population decades down the road.
An under educated population cannot contribute to any meaningful advancement which benefits society.
Scarcity of any kind in this modern world is only about the control of the population and nothing more. Scarcity also includes freedom’s, liberties and human rights. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, July 3, 2020

Anti Christian Vision Prophecies: (Unedited): 03 July 2020:

Christian exclusion from government, society and culture will become very heavy against Christians.
Christian business owners will become liable in every situation as litigation rises. Even the presence of a Christian on staff will become grounds for lawsuits and violent protests against any organization, corporation or governmental entity.
Corporations which mandated their corporate officers to be members of churches for the purpose of positive community attitudes and positive marketing will likewise demand that no employee be affiliated with any church or to give any financial gifts to any church. Corporations will also likewise stop all financial donations to any Christian entity. If an employee is caught or has had a history of giving to a Christian institution. That may be enough for termination.
Just as corporations searched for corporate liars within their midst, when lying about college degrees was not background checked. Just as when people had positions of management and then were disqualified from holding those positions simply because that person did not have a college degree. Even if they held management positions for ten years or more. This will happen again as Corporations and and government institutions will also conduct back ground checks on all employees to ascertain any Christian connections to any Christian educational organizations. Just going to a private school or being home schooled will be enough to lose employment. All Christian colleges will be seen as a non educational environment in the United States and in the world.
When the Christian discovers that no news media outlet will report on their plight. It will only get worse.
When the Christian discovers that the police forces have evolved into becoming their Christian enemy. It will only get worse.
When the Christian discovers that becoming homeless is a crime even though they only lost their job because their were Christian. It will only get worse. It is already a crime in many cities to be homeless.
When the Christian discovers that anyone who tries to feed them while being homeless will be jailed. It is already a crime in many cities to feed the homeless.
When the Christian discovers that no lender will loan any monies to any Christian. It will only get worse. Christians will even get calls from their lending institutions for immediate full repayment.
There will no legal recourse. There will be no compassion or mercy for any Christian. There will be no employment opportunities for any Christian. Christians will not be able to own businesses or properties. The news media will not report anything which would even seem to favor the Christian. Which is why nothing will be reported.
Christians of course will disappear from the internet. In which no one will report it and all Christian complainers will also be banned.
Added on 05 July 2020: Evildoers are already celebrating that Christianity is over. Research #Christianityisoverparty
Added on 07 July 2020: BLM supporter protest church and attack Christians in New York and St Louis. This is how the rainbow tsunami causes Christians to not go out and vote. Fear and intimidation. Fear and intimidation can only happen if there is actual violence. These violent acts will only get worse. More and more Christian churches will be vandalized. Christians who attend church will be followed home and attacked. Nothing will be done. There are not enough police and Christians will not have the right to defend themselves in many states. Then when the Christians do not go out and vote. The evil doers will win the elections. The USA will be no more.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Unrepairable Human Code Prophecy: (Unedited): 19 Jan 2019:

Beyond the tradition of education and beyond the cultural traditions of the world. The youth of the entire world will not see their future within it. This is because sin has overtaken the world to such a degree that the human genetic code shall become unrepairable. 
As of today more than 99.9% of the entire human genetic code is identical. With what is commonly known about genetics. Adam was the original stable genetic male human being. While Eve was a genetic female clone of Adam. Since then the human species has become a self replicating cloned species which was created by the great author. Our DNA is our book, is our history and is our future. Genetically speaking. In our DNA book is information written within which contains all of the sections that one would see within any research book. This also includes the forward by the author. The biggest differences we see genetically in each other is the historic lineage of sin and environment. Just as the biggest differences you see in one Dell computer to the next Dell computer is what software is inside. This is what I see within humanity. Because, just as you can omit one thing and include lies in another. So to is what has filled humanity with unreasoned insanity and absolute apathy.
Eventually the historical summary of sin will begin to turn off codes for perpetuation, civility, reason and social structure. Extinction will first be seen in the names, then family lines and then all.
Soon the youth of the entire world will not see their own future within it. Soon the youth of the entire world will only do because that is what they are supposed to do. Soon the youth of the entire world will demand absolute freedom to do as which is right and true for them as they define it personally. Which is as they were taught. The youth may come up with self serving answers in which they give to the expectancy of the questioner.  Soon very soon the youth will have no desire or intention to be obedient to any laws, rules or governance.
So what does this mean? It is simple. The youth will not see their future in the world because the world will not exist and the youth will not exist in a non existent world. When all there is is sin to be had and sin to be pleasured in the here and now. Why consider the future? Why plan for the future? Why have families? There is no God or gods and there is no devils and satans. There is only me and for me in the here and now. There is no sin and no righteousness for the youth of the world. For their ancestors have sinned much and to the point that the coming children will never have a connection to anything spiritual or holy.
Soon very soon the youth of the world will do more than abandon their elder family members. Soon very soon the youth will be incapable of a repentant heart. So very soon the youth will only seek that which pleases them and that which becomes burdensome. Will be discarded like any other obsolete piece of equipment.
Soon very soon the entire planet will become worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. Soon very soon the entire planet will be judged worse than Sodom and Gomorrah.
This is prophecy.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Universal Basic Income: (Unedited): 25 April 2018:

NOTE FORM. OUT OF ORDER. Usually when I write like this. It is for people who write way better than I. I really hope a lot of people turn this into their own. The sooner countries plan for this change. The fewer people will suffer. 

Can something like a Universal Basic Income (UBI) or Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) work in America? For many, yes. and for many, No. and for many others, No. They will just want and demand more and more.  I think you will always have those people who want everything they can get without putting forth any effort whatsoever. I also think there is a very good reason why socialism continually fails and it will also fail in the USA.  Socialism as a means to create a program to assist the poor will always fail as the poor will only be perpetuated instead of coming to some conclusion.
The whole of the world is on a T-12 year countdown for Robotics and AI. This will result in a severe loss of Jobs in the entire worlds workforce which will far exceed 2 billion lost jobs. Because of the severe losses of jobs around the world. Everything that the common worker is able to buy and own within what is allowed by their own nations will come to an end. So if like in the USA the American citizen as well as foreign nationals are allowed to buy all manor of real estate, businesses and all manner of goods. So as long as they can reliably pay their mortgages and credit cards on a timely basis every single month. For as long as they shall live. These freedoms will come to an end in accordance to some smart persons Bell Curve creation and they will be very correct except for the error in years which will only be off by a few. The advent of Robotics and AI will be more profound than the change in society from candle or oil lamp to the light bulb. The light bulb is representative of digital theory in computers. So, no light bulbs, no super cool technology we enjoy today. It took humanity 139 years to get from a basic light bulb to where we are in this modern age of technology. This 139 year change from the invention of the light bulb may in fact become 30 years after functional AI robotics comes fully online. What changes will be in store for humanity? No one could have even contemplated Play Station 4 or 5, or cell phone computers with instant access of anyone else with a cell phone computer on the planet. So from about 2030 to 2060. The entire world for humanity will just as be as different as what today is and what the late 1870's was. In a period of thirty years. This can be a positive impact on humanity. If all of the governments plan now for this big change instead of planning for war. Like passing a law that states when financial institutions fail. All properties revert back to city, county, state or federal government ownership. Immediately. Then judges or some kind of authority can assign housing and redevelopment plans to those who can do. Without greedy fingers. Nationalizing of every support network for all of the infrastructure. This should be done until the entire conversion process is complete. Unless if certain persons who have been responsible and have proven themselves to be reliable leaders and mangers. Then they should be allowed ownership of certain infrastructures. If their fingers get sticky or their children demand special nuts on a plane or they begin to act like their are super specials. Then their done.

So how does the world overcome the coming severe economic disasters? How does nations recover an absolute collapse of all of their tax bases? How will each nation recover from global homelessness, starvation, disease? Each nation must enable their populations to become self sufficient as humanity was in the 1700's. Except with full use of all of the coming cool technologies we have today and in the future. This leads to the next question. What will a family unit require to live sustainable lives without major governmental support? What skills, talents, education and training will be required for each person in a family unit? What will a basic dwelling look like for a family unit and what will be the mandated requirements?
The new economy will be nationally exclusive. The new credit should have a nationalized terminology and equality to the common monetary unit. There should be an equal comparison to milk. If milk cost $5 per gallon. Then one gallon of milk should also cost 5 credits. But, to transition faith in the currency to faith in a credit. In which both require faith as neither are truly real. The value of the credit should be more than the common currency. This is to also instill more hope in the big change. A freezing of prices and wages may need to occur for a short time as defined by those persons way smarter than me. No one should be able to profit for the exchange programs during this critical phase of conversion.
The new credit currency shall not ever have a debt associated with the government. In other words the government shall never be in debt. Unlike the dollar currency tied to some kind of minerals. Responsible management is still necessary. This is way above me.
NOTE: I use the term credit as I'm a part of old video game rooms of the late 1970's and early 1980's. Put a quarter in and get a token or credit.
A basic dwelling which is comfortable and healthy for each person in a family unit. They will also be required to have attained new standards for efficiencies. Will have renewable energy generation and tied to the major power lines as they all will be under government control for a short time. This will include solar and wind generation. They each will have battery backup. Every home will have air to water systems where applicable. Each home will have a number of container vertical farming systems attached. This will be dependent to the number associated to the size or number of the family unit. Acreage as determined by the number of the intact family unit should be granted.
How to qualify? Completion of education programs. Service and repair of the new home system. The new agriculture of hydroponic vertical farming in containers. Dirt farming and the raising of animals on your acreage in an eco friendly manor. Skills for self sufficiency, natural recycling and thriving in the new era. How to run your local micro economy business and merging into a macro economy market place.
The new way for education. All education will be from the home. So, this means that all homes must be connected to the internet. Human teachers will still be needed. But, they will become a dwindling breed of professionals. As AI teachers will replace the professional teachers. These AI teachers will be programmed for each students primary learning styles and will always be the perfect psychological match for each student. The perfect AI educational system will be developed.
BUT!!! an AI may not be able to teach real hands on education. This will have to be human led for the time being. Hands on skills will be human led. As AI should always be limited by law to not be able to repair itself, to self improve or to rebuild or build new selves. All AI must always depend on humans for it's own personal safety and well being. Without ever being able or aware that it can question these specific areas of thoughts. An AI must always depend on humans for the awesomeness of power/electricity and to be thankful for it. A lot of AI laws must be written by smart people. Including instant off and instant erase on all AI.
The instant off is very necessary. Because, If an AI robot goes cray cray, then a person from a safe distance can shoot the easily seen instant off button with a bean bag or with a shotgun. Whichever works.
Look the way I see it right now. You can see this giant wave of awful negativity coming your way. In which you can sit and wait for all of the destruction and ensuing chaos or you can grab your surf board and ride high.
You have less than 12 years from right now or before 2030ish. What you can do right now. GET OUT OF DEBT. Completely out of debt. Own your house and property. Stay up to date on all taxes. As their maybe a repayment system developed. Plan ahead for the future of your family. Look for my other writings on AI and Robotics for skill sets needed. I may include them here. Not sure yet. I'm writing four different things at once right now.
Skills needed.
The thirty year prediction is only a guess. Can you even fathom rebuilding an entire planet of 10 billion people by 2060. It seems like everyone must be working. A person who unifies the whole population can bring the whole world together in one singular goal for everyone to work on together and hand in hand. AND... There are severe bad and sad prophecies about that singular person.
The civilian population is losing their jobs by the thousands on a daily basis. With paydays making the biggest jumps in jobs lost for that week. With so many people losing their jobs. Fewer and fewer people will have the financial resources to purchase any kinds of consumer goods. Let alone food, fuel, water, electricity, rent, internet, phone, TV, outside entertainment and etc.
The government must have people in place as well as plans in place to begin the big change. The faster the plans can be implemented the more at ease the entire population will be.
A basic income shall/should be instituted. Since all infrastructure will be assumed by all of the government entities. It will be necessary to retain all of the good people to work those necessary shifts.
All infrastructure should be paid for by each family unit or person. Which means that each family unit or person shall receive credits to pay for infrastructure. Just to keep them in the habit of paying for services. The ones who refuse to play the game shall receive education on why it is important and then lose all or limitations of benefits.
The process or reeducating your entire population will be very time consuming. But, the nations who begin this process now. Will be the nations in the best shape when AI robotics comes online.
Every citizen should automatically be qualified for financial assistance for all college and all hands on classes right now and all the way through the far right side of the bell curve. Every person who is in your work force must be reeducated. This process should become seem less once a person loses their job. They should be able to receive financial aid as well as walk into local institutions of learning. That way in 2-6 years that person can positively reenter the workforce as a renewed member of the tax base. While becoming a less of a burden to society, nation and world.
Old and outdated structures will have to be demolished. Excluding those deemed worth by local historical societies. Any housing unit which is deemed inefficient, old, outdated and cannot cause a family to be self sufficient. Should be demolished. Except for those safe and sturdy structures which can be used by the disabled.
Every human being who emerges from the advent of AI Robotics. Will have new responsibilities as a human being. More free time. Easier life and better quality of life. We each must begin to have a mind set of being care takers of our communities, nation, planet and solar system. Then passing along this mindset onto the next better generation of each of us.
Added on 30 April 2018: A lot of French have been reading this. The French government has just failed a form of minimal UBI or GMI. From what I have seen. There were no goals and mo set achievement standards. People were given minimal monies and then required to do nothing. Yea, free money. Isn't there an English TV show about the rental police or debt police kicking people out of rental homes? A friend of mine likes that show. I think it is awful but a necessary governmental service. I think a monetary tiered system should be instituted. The more a person does the more funding that person gets. If a person does community service. They should receive additional funding. If a person is in school. They should receive additional funding. If they have kids in school and are making grades they should get funding. If no one is causing trouble. Then they get to keep funding. What ever things you can create to cause the citizen to return to the tax base is important. Everyone will need additional education and to broaden their skill sets. Everyone who is willing to be reeducated showed be allowed to participate in any program which leads a person to the right side of the Robotic AI bell curve. This 12 or so year expense will pay for itself when the majority of your population begins to pay taxes again. Think about it Government man. Do nothing get nothing.
Additional note. People who are disabled or deemed perpetually unreasonable illogical. Should not be given cash to pay their rent. Especially, when those awesome shoes and purses are on sale. I saw that episode on that English show.
Added on 12 Sept 2024: 
The idea of a UBI of GBI at the initial stages is for the rise of the wicked evildoers who must pay for their supporters. The ruling and governing classes of each nation must pay for their people. In which this pay will be in the form of monies, benefits and property. As is with every other evil nation which is absent of any actual justice, freedom, liberty and basic human rights.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

USA Immigration Prophecy: (Unedited): 27 March 2018:

27 May 2018: Added some minor content.
Before the end of 2030. The Latino/Hispanic illegal population inside the USA will have declined. This will be public knowledge. This illegal population decline will begin sometime around 2025. It basically will not be noticed. Except for the crime which become horrendous along the Mexican and American border. As those Mexican, Central American and South American Nationals find their way back home. They will become easy targets for all manor of crime which includes horrendous death.
By around 2022, Low end, low skilled and low education based jobs will decline in every category of the American jobs index. The American financial situation will become much worse and the availability of state and federal aid will decline and become difficult to obtain. So the illegal immigrants will go back home to their country of ancestral birth.
-----------Very Important------------
This exodus will see greater wealth going into those countries if those countries allow and protect those returning citizens. This will become a very good thing for those nations as those who return will also bring back their learned skills, education, talents and crafts. If they do not. The numbers of deaths and horrors will be apocalyptic.
Something that returning immigrants can do if possible. Is to ship your important things back to your home to be cared for by a trusted relative. This does not have to be done only once. But many times. That way when you travel back home. If possible take a cruise ship and just get off at your best Port of Call opportunity. If possible take a plane home. So yes, you have 4-12 years to prepare to return to your native home safely. Most likely closer to 12 years, maybe. it is like a bell curve. With the central peak at around the 8-9 year point. I think.
So all of you foreign nationals and nationalized Americans continue to send your families monies and goods. Visit your country of birth and invest time and energies into the land of your family. So that way when and if you return back home. You will be or should welcomed back home as blessed family. Start a missionary from your American church to your ancestral country and town. Make shipments back home. It is my intention to reveal these things in the hopes of saving lives and to ease all suffering. When and if you return. This will be a blessing and is a blessing for your native countries. For the USA will suffer gravely in the time when God exercises His righteous judgements upon all of the peoples in the land of the free. Do not forget the purple words below. 
If you choose to remain. You or your children and your grand children will have to learn new skills for the future. All of which includes college degree(s). By completely supporting your younger generations right now. The long term legacy of your family will be extended inside of the USA.
List not in any order.
1). Welding, brazing and soldering. Soldering means NASA like style. Certifications. 
2). Pneumatic's and hydraulics.
3). Electricity and electronics. High voltage as well as low voltage. Certifications.
4). Basic mechanics. Basic robotics mechanical repair.
5). Computer Science degree and necessary certifications.
6). Computer Language involving industrial and business applications. Certifications.
7). Industrial robotics management degree.(If one exists yet).
Now merge everything together. 
As with anything in life there are no guarantees. The USA could completely go into an unrecoverable financial collapse. The third WW3 begins in which the USA ends. All of this is prophetic from the Holy Bible in accordance to many who think they understand it. To go before or to remain? Question within yourself this one thing "Are you an American?". To me it doesn't matter if you have title to American citizenship or not. Well are you an American? It is OK to say either no or yes to yourself. So as long as you do not lie to yourself. If your answer is NO, then plan to go back to your country. Begin shipments of goods to your beloved and trusted family members. If your answer is Yes, then plan for the future. It is coming for all Americans regardless where their ancestors originated from. My kids already have been told those blue words and dates. We can even see automation migrate into Walmart Stores as walmart employees become fewer and fewer. No one is discussing the loss of jobs to automation.
No politician or Government agency like ICE will cause a panic rush of illegal immigrants back to their home countries. They will just return. They will see what is coming and just know. Many will stay for longer periods if they have dutiful and responsible children or grandchildren who heed their warnings to educate, educate and educate. But the advent of Robotics and AI will change the whole world. It is estimated that about 2+ billion low skilled and low education jobs will disappear by 2030 worldwide. Which I think is a low ball number. What does that mean for Americans? More than half the working population unemployed by some estimates. Here is the short list. Trucking jobs gone, Construction jobs gone. Retail jobs gone. The teachers replaced by adaptive AI for individual student learning. Lawn care jobs gone. Custodial jobs gone. Manufacturing jobs gone. Taxi driver jobs gone. Migrant worker jobs gone. Farming jobs gone. All of this because of robotics and AI. Watch the movie the Walt Disney WALL-E movie again. If you can see your career becoming automated. Then it will become automated. The list goes on. Even if your in management. How do you keep your management job if there is no one to manage.
All is not so bad with robotics, automation and AI. Somebody has to fix that new robot stuff and the person fixing it has got to get paid cash in hand - buddy. Because some super smart AI is gonna tell some dumb farm robot machine to go out in the rain. Then like the turkey it is it's gonna look up and drown. Then your gonna get paid to fix it and reprogram the super smart AI not to do stupid stuff. And if you can't do both or all of it. Then your gonna have to call someone(s) to share your paycheck with.
Personal Note: I never really passed that sharing class in school or playing nice in the sand box thing. I guess I'm still a deeply flawed human being.
Added on 17 April 2024: 
I think my 2022 comment about low end jobs decline is off. Except for the lack of cashiers in stores. Those jobs are and have been disappearing.  Although, Walmart is rethinking this change just as they have thought about their change in how they use janitorial robots. Their customers have been turning them off. So I guess they will only use cleaning robots when the store is closed. The next generation of robotics is amazing. Which includes robotics for farming, shipping, receiving, manufacturing, construction and other trades. My years are off.
Also, We have a sitting president in Joe Biden who declared that immigration was going to be expanded. He said those things before he won the election. The numbers of immigration since President Joe Biden became president is woefully under counted. Those numbers are closer to 20-30 million souls. They all will vote or votes cast on their behalf. President Joe Biden and the Democrats may win up to 36 states plus the states which often times support democrats. This is population replacement voting. Maybe, it will be this and the next election cycles in which the democrats attain a super majority at all levels of elections.
Added on 20 Sept 2024: 
There are most likely about 50 +/- million foreign nationals inside of the USA. All of them are being financially supported. There are now apparent massive problems. They will most likely all vote and their votes will most likely be managed by those who support the democrat party. The effect will be a loss of about 20 states in this election cycle and in 2026 to the democrat party. 
The 50 or so foreign national voters are already creating their own micro economies, supporting local economies as well as the national economies. Their economic impact is greater in the micro economies and becomes less of an impact up to the national level. I hope I wrote that correctly.
If the former President Donald Trump wins the election and follows through with forced deportation. There will be a negative impact in residential housing, banking, Insurance and mortgage companies. As a very large percentage who bought homes through the Federal government will simply burn them all down as they begin to fear of being deported back to their homeland. Another large percentage will begin to burn everything in their path. Another large percentage will begin to attack common American citizens as which is already being seen right now. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Education Indoctrination: Whose Truth: (Unedited): 02 Feb 2017:

Education through false indoctrination removes the mind from the pursuit of truthful thought. 
When you have to consider "Whose Truth". Your belief system of what is actually true and real is already absent from any foundational truths you once had if ever. 
The truth  seems to be more elusive than ever. Even when the modern day educational systems are so advanced. It seems to be OK to have your own truths even if those truths are false. I guess it is OK to believe your own internal lies as truths. It is now a social right to believe lies as truths. Even at the educational level.
Indoctrination occurs in our daily lives everyday. With our families core belief systems or no belief systems. Which are still belief systems. What is right and what is wrong, what is true and what is false is all defined by the family and of the educational systems. The church and the religion of Christianity has fallen from grace and everyone knows it. Yet, only a few acknowledge it. So what is the truth? The indoctrination you receive from the public school system or from your own family? Are they in conflict or agreement? Are you a struggling Christian who has children in the public school system? How do you think your child is going to fare against 6 hours with unbelieving adults and very worldly and sinful peers. Who do not seem to care and yet they seem so happy and accepting of those wrongful truths/sins. It is very easy for a young person to deny religion in the face of acceptance into some peer group. Especially, if that young person has come to the realization that their parents have lied to them their entire lives about Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and many other lies. If those same young persons discover that those Christian holidays are pagan rituals. Why would a young person believe their parents over some guy that may or may not have existed. When there is a history of lies and deceptions. Even if lies and deception are fun and harmless. They are still lies. It is easy to transition from believing a lie into believing it as a truth. All of our parents have proven this. Through their holiday traditions of lying indoctrination with their own children. They may have lost their own children's souls. All is not lost. For the Lord calls whom He wills. No matter how impossible it is. All is possible in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the truth. No matter how the world proclaims it is a falsehood and make laws which criminalize the expression of love, mercy and compassion to those who are desperate.
For those who are devout Christians. Who are righteous and holy in the eyes of God only. All without ego, arrogance, pride and supremacy. Your life will become very difficult as your life becomes more and more criminalized until such a point you will not even be employable. This will happen as you watch worldly and social Christians live fantastic lives with their acquiescence to sin as a lawful and legal right.
This is related to 2 Timothy prophecies. 
The criminalizing of love is when it becomes illegal to feed the homeless and care for the needy. Which is a reality today in many cities and states.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Ill Perceived Hero: (Unedited): 08 April 2016:

The ill perceived hero who gives up on short term necessary efforts/works. Sacrifices their entire long term gains, life achievements, comforts and fun times.
I observed the so called bad kids in school. These bad kids are not necessarily bad as much as their minds and hearts have been misdirected. They stand Anxiously watching for the one who has been absent for some time. Probably, released from juvenile detention. On a small 600 rice rocket was he riding. I could feel them glowing in his celebration of new found freedom. Freedom from forced free education. Freedom from authority. Freedom from being told things they have no desire to know. They just want to be n the sun. To do as they will it. Without any interference from anyone. 
Yet, their desires are only for today and right now. They know not of tomorrow. Nor do they care for tomorrow. Does that make them bad? No, just misguided. Even their hero, they knew he was driving by because of their cell phones that someone else worked for and paid for. 
These boys who are already young men. Know not and are not even aware of the harsh realities of the world in which they are about to walk into. They will have to get a job and not a career. They won't even know the difference. They most likely won't even have a high school diploma. Let alone be able to get into college for advanced learning. So that those now very elusive and unseen career doors will never be opened for them. Not that they will ever be aware of their existence. 
None of these young men are even concerned with how there are few 30, 40 or even 50 year olds who are unable to do back breaking work. Or how they will always be just one accident away from never being able to work. All because some pin head came to work drunk, hung over, high or all of the above. But, they won't know that either as they just disappear and newer stronger back enters into the work/job force. 
Blindly they all look upon their teachers as the current enemies of their life. Never and not once knowing. That these educated persons are their real heroes. Never wanting to do their students harm and yet perceived to be causing harm by their students. This illogical reasoning is yet still valid and is something that teachers must fight daily. Especially, when they are deployed in low income schools with high failure rates exceeding 15%. As the realities of culture and social structure within the hood is so dominant. The life sustaining mentality of the hood must fight to cause everyone to know, believe and understand their is no escape from the hood life. Those teachers are of no benefit to you. You will always be a hoodlum. Lies and deceptions repeatedly told to them all from birth. It matters not which hood they are from. The lies and deceptions are all the same. Why try there is no escape. You will always be an undesired black, Latino or white trash.
The truth is. There is an escape. By achieving a spoken and written command of the dominate language. By obtaining a working command of advanced math principles. Those two things together will cause your brain to perform logical reasoning thinking processes. In which enslavement will be improbable for you. 
Why did I mention advanced math principles. Especially when many pinhead math teachers proclaim you will never use them in the real world. They are very wrong and just do not understand the importance of knowing advanced math principles.  In an indirect manor. You will use the math you have learned.
The advanced math principles is like that critical software needed for your computer. You don't know your using the software for your computer until it's not working correctly. This is similar to you. All of the math you learn is similar to a logical software upgrade for your brain. The better you can think logically. The more you will profit from it and the less you will be taken advantage of. Because, of the math you have learned. You can logically reason better. The better you can logically reason. The better you can maintain your freedom, your family, your life, your business, your employment. The better you can effectively vote on candidates at every level of office.
Why do you think math is no longer a critical component in education? The more math the general population knows. The less the leaders can take advantage of them with their lies and deceptions spoken as truths with a smile.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 