Showing posts with label Human. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Human. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Insanity's Threat To Genius +09: (Unedited): 04 July 2024:

There is a definitive line within the logical and reasonable mind in a human that when the line is crossed all reason and logic delves into the insanity of inconceivable beauty and unexplain-ability of the true nature of reality.
Into the human pseudo insanity a well disciplined mind must risk when seeking the evidence of what true reality actually is. Those normal's who are on the outside looking in sees craziness within the actual genius. 
The normal's see the genius as crazy and unworthy of much. While all aspects of a normal's life of modern day comforts is because of someones genius. 
In every generation there is that one human soul who risks everything to just know that thing that most have never even conceptualized. Sometimes that one human souls sees into the unknown only to discover that words have not yet been formulated.
The gift of genius is not just about one human soul in any one generation. Fore, there are many different kinds of genius and within each has it's own chosen human soul. Within each genius chosen soul is the heart of a teacher and a disciplinarian.
A human genius can effort and dedicate themselves so much that they lose touch with their own loved ones as well as the basic needs of their own body. Which is why extreme discipline and self control is mandatory. 
The extreme discipline and self control that a genius must learn and achieve on the surface may seem cruel and unusual to the normal. This is because the normal will always be the one who must pay to play. 
The one sign that a genius is actually a normal is in the hatred and anger they grow inside of them in regards to the required efforts which must be put forth without cessation.
The actual genius has a great hunger for what they must need to know and need to do. Both tied to together like a good drink and a good meal. The feeding of the intellect can be a greater need than actual food to eat. 
In order for an actual genius to accomplish what they must. They must have loving and caring people who will have mercy and understanding on their frailties in the physical world. While encouraging them to proceed in earnest.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Popularity Pastors and The Elites Prophecy +11: (Unedited): 18-19 July 2023:

Woe is coming to you popularity pastors and theologians for your worldly rewards have already been given unto you and the rest shall be judgement. 
Popularity pastors and theologians have sold themselves for the rewards of the world. While only appearing to be godly and selfless servants of God. 
Popularity pastors and theologians pridefully hold themselves in higher regard than that of Biblical pharisees. Yet, they each are not even worthy to be a lowly student of any as they continually thirst for more and more worldly reward. 
There shall be no heavenly reward for the popularity pastors and theologians. For as Jesus came against the pharisees so to shall God come against each one of you. 
Human population control is not for the self defined elites it is for the common human being.
Look to human history and what happens to evil rulers and dictatorial tyrants who allow their populations to become to large, well fed and well watered.
To the elites there is no difference between the commoner, servant or slave. The three are as one to the elites. 
As good people are unable to be nice. Righteous anger and holy violence will result as religious texts shall be used to give them permission to be violent. 
Any writing that I write in regards to violence and wars is not permission to be violent or warlike. 
The elites are above all other human groups and will lawfully demand to do as they desire without judgement or guilt.
The elites shall think and believe themselves as human gods. Because only gods make laws and exert absolute control over all things, people, water, air, earth, plants, fish and animals.
The elites will even have the power to evolve themselves beyond what they consider as base humans. These actions will only embolden their pride, ego, arrogance, and supremacy as they demand and murder for even more entitlements. 
For those so called elites who think and know themselves to be greater and more worthy than any other human being. Once they begin modifications to their physical being. They will thirst for even more. Never realizing that they are becoming less than.
The popularity pastors and theologians shall bring public worship on a global scale to the supreme elites.
All worship goes to God alone. 
One of the coming beloved elites shall become superior to all and under His rule he shall even murder all of the actual protected prophets and true messengers of God. 
In the end. God wins and they all lose.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

War Against Humanity: (Unedited): 04 June 2023:

 When us lowly and insignificant humans think about warfare we think, right now, with fists, knives, bullets and bombs. But, those obviously superior beings who came before and revealed themselves. Their idea of warfare is to war in their time frame against true humanity, femininity, masculinity. Their idea of warfare is to get humanity to destroy themselves in entirety. The simple suicide is not enough for them. To get humanity to cause upon themselves all manner of self destructive actions which will include the self inflicted destruction of their own genetic code.
Their war against the beauty of humanity can be seen in all manner of expressed cruelty by humans to other humans. These are abortions, mutilations and marking oneself which would be offensive to our Creator/Artist.
These superior beings do not even see humanities value to any degree as they have no need or desire to reveal themselves to humanity, To them we are just a created insult upon their existence in the purest form. To them we are just meaningless genetic self replicating clones unworthy of identity or continued existence.
The continued and ongoing actions of their defined war making is not so much an attack against humanity in which it is it is also an attack against the Creator of humanity. For His name is in our DNA. The breath of life we all have speaks His name.
Think about these things as Americans begins to mutilate their own children. Think about this as more and more American children disappear into the slavery of the sex trade. Yet, there is zero reporting except for how the child sex is more profitable than the drug trade as you can sell a child many times. 
When destruction comes upon your once protected great and free nation. These mutilations, abuses, tortures, selling and murders of your most innocent children will be just one reason why the end of you, shall come.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Humanity Splits, Nephilim, gods Vision:+9 (Unedited): 03 June 2022:

Newer content is below and dated. As is with every other blog I write. 
I see base male and females who are are about 5 feet tall, non athletically thin. The intelligence like a person who is disabled (70-ish IQ) and yet can still have a normal life. They are not allowed to live more than 30-40 years old. They will have their own food sources. They will not have access to any meats, poultry or seafood that we all(Americans) know and can consume today if we want to. They will not have access to many vegetables, nuts and fruits. Their education level will only be given to meet the basic requirements of their profession. The bulk of their wisdom, knowledge and understanding will be lies. The only truth they will know is in relation to their jobs. They will be absolutely obedient and not question anything. They will rather die than be disobedient. They also will worship all of the greater humans and other beings as gods.
What is eaten looks and sounds disgusting to me, crickets, meal worms. Look at the psychology in the scene's. What isn't natural is taught to be natural, exciting and fun. So it's OK. Think about the different classes and class structure.
This will be how all common humans end up. In just one short generation. As the older ones die off. The younger ones will become just like those in North Korea and in every other place that lacks food and education. In education the young mind must continually learn and verbally express. If the words are not learned and expressed mental functions will be permanently stunted. Just as physical height will be stunted if good foods are not available. Just as the lack of any good food in the first six months of human life can result in the eyes not properly developing as just one example. This is not counting what happens during each trimester while the living human baby is still within the womb.
I see the gifted human beings and they are nearly 7 feet tall, very athletic in appearance. Their intelligence is also very high (160-200). They will have very long and healthy lives. They will have the freedom to eat the foods that all(Americans) have access to right now. Their educational standards will be much higher than it is today and higher than the nation with the best educational standards. The bulk of their wisdom, knowledge and understanding will in truths, how to lie, how to govern the lesser humans with psychology. These are the in between rulers of the world. They will have their own class structure, much like family tribalism, monarchy and communism combined in an officially accepted amalgam. They will treat the humanoid giants with great respect and will not know them as gods. Even though the giants want to be worshiped. Many of the gifted humans will totally love and completely devote themselves to their giants, fallen angels and aliens. The love and devotion that these gifted humans will have for those above them may not be or will be of any manner of free choice. 
The new human species will evolve and will involve all aspects of the ideas in related to trans-humanism as well as all aspects of genetic  manipulation as which has been learned and will be learned from the fallen angels. The evolution of humanity will be forced. 
Except, the loss of the misunderstood spiritual defenses created by God. That within the genetic code of every human beings is a self defense measure which prevents even the powerful fallen angels access into the human form. The modified human being will enable all manner of every kind of spirit to have easy access to the modified human form "oopsie".
Where as before all that was needed for any spirit or angel access to any human form was alcohol, drugs, medications of any mind altering kind.
The discovery of genetic cascade failure. This will happen if one base chemical which is common throughout the entire genome is altered or destroyed in some first accidental method. Because of this it is weaponized. This goes far deeper than anyone one knows. The science of instantaneous alteration. What you do to one thing all the other identical things instantly change to become like that was changed.  
I see the return of the giants/Nephilim. You know the giants who also can eat humans as indicated in ancient religious texts. These are half human and half alien or fallen angels. They will come from space. They will only deceive with lying tongues. They will be much more intelligent than the gifted humans and will have mind powers. There may even be new ones born to them. They will be very large, as the gifted humans will only be as tall as their hips. But, some will be taller and some will be shorter in a small percentage of difference. As you would see any human today. They have their own height ranges. They will do as they had done in the past and as has been written in the ancient holy texts, both accepted and questioned.
The return of the fallen angels. Many of them in their true form are very alien in appearance as which has been indicated in ancient religious texts. Many are not humanoid. But, the term angels is only used in religions and may become or already has become a dead word. They will be or can be much taller and larger as they desire. They can also appear as anything they desire. They will use this gift of theirs to ascertain what the giants and humans are doing. Their powers of the mind is also beyond any human understanding or even conceptualization of today. If they made themselves known today as in right now. They will be known as gods without question. Not a single military force can stand against one of them. Not even if all of the humans military forces of the world combined could stand against just one of them. Not even if all of humanity came together and gave up all of their racists hatreds for one another and fought against just one of them and had twenty years to build, to train and make even more humans as a singular force. The not good aliens will be seen as helpful to the humans of this planet. But, in truth they are only helpful to themselves and always have been. For even in their own self diluted reasoning they even deceive themselves into thinking they are doing good as it was written in the ancient religious texts. They will once again return as gods and will demand to be treated as such. Any perceived disobedience and second-mindedness by any human will result in the death of entire families, communities and towns. For there is ancient writing about these gods and they are and can be brutal. In every way they are greater than any human or Nephilim. 
The entire human population cannot even put up any kind of fight against just one of them, let alone dozens or even 200 or even thousands or millions or billions or whatever number of them there are.
Humanity will see only two choices. One to stand and fight, Two is to capitulate to their will. Which begins humanities split. Humanities THIRD choice will most likely be ignored, discredited or just forgotten, is to call upon the God of all in which all of them which comes have already lost badly and lost in a very short period of time as in nearly instantly. The God of the Jews of Israel. The God of the Christians. 
Humanities collective suicide. I also see this. I see that the decision has been made for the suicide of all humanity. It has been decided that this plan will remain secret and that the common people should not know. By a variety of different means these actions will occur in the correct time. All aspects of NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) weapons will be used. As well as new weapons categories which is still outside of civilian human consciousness. When used all at once in strategic locations. Humanity will die as well as all life on this planet. This planet will become unusable to any alien species. So they all will leave if this planet cannot feed and supply their selfish desires. 
Added on 08 June 2022:
How to kill the Nephilim. 
I have been thinking about this since around 03 June 2022. 
More Nephilim will be born to human women. Many of the human women will be killed right after Nephilim child birth in a variety of ways and in a variety of time. The fallen angels will not want any manner of relationship from their own children with the human mothers. This is assuming that the human women actually survive the child birth event. The Nephilim who are to be born will also be as bad as they were in Biblical times. 
Many Nephilim will also return from the stars or the second heaven by the human and Earth perspective. 
They will also be terrible once their plans are set in order. Once they have fully deceived all of humanity. But, there will also be the secrets that those who hold and have power will just easily capitulate to their will. The leaders of the world will give unto them everything.
It will be the civilians of the world who will become responsible for the killing of any Nephilim. To kill the Nephilim has and had already been accomplished before the advent of explosives and before the invention of the gun. So the killing of the Nephilim will be possible. But, the human idea of camouflage must be evolved. For instance. 
A sniper with a large caliber round has a Nephilim in his/her sights. From a very far away distance. There is a lot of mental processes to go through in order not to be discovered. 
1). Think nothing and say nothing. Let that which you are doing be with no thought. So how? 
2). Think and imagining innocent child like things in a child like manner. While you are doing the sniper methods of shooting far distances. 
3). Thinking about and imagining in child like codes. Cute kittens, beautiful bunnies and pretty puppies. Think about and imagining these and other things along with related child like emotional content. The child like joy of playing with fun non violent toys. The joy of playing with friends in a non aggressive manner(parties). During the process of taking aim, setting up the kill shot and making the kill shot with a very large caliber bullet. Your child like thinking process must carry on through your exit. Unless, You are making the sacrifice. Then take out as much as you can. While others make their safe exits. But, this may not take long at all as fire comes down from heaven and consumes everyone instantly. Like killing fleeing ants with your human finger so too will it be easy for them to kill every other fleeing human.
4). You must use very large caliber armor piercing bullets. 
5). The actions of killing a Nephilim will be and should be a permanent process. A variety of tactics and strategies can be devised which is beyond my scope of doing anything militaristic. 
6). In an opposite direction. There can be sacrificial men/women who can be devising a plan to kill the Nephilim as well as those who came with them. These will become the bait. Al they have to do is think, imagine and be emotional about killing a Nephilim and their parent. Then the Nephilim and the other more powerful aliens will come. Then if the humans are caught alive. Terrible things will be done to the humans. Even becoming a human host to a new Nephilim baby(I'm being nice).  The caught humans will be ripped apart with very powerful athletic speed, agility and may even be consumed while still alive, even in partiality. The worse parts are in the Holy Bible. 
7). Please notice that when attacking them everyone involved will be sacrificial.
8). Let's say your team is successful in executing a Nephilim. You and everyone involved cannot even engage in thinking about what had happened. You must force yourself to forget or be made to forget. You cannot even imagine the event. You cannot even celebrate the event. Because if you do any of these things you can be mentally found out and then killed. 
9). Once the Nephilim are killed. They cannot be born again. Once they are physically dead they are dead. You just have to do a very good job at killing them, almost excessively. 
NOTE: I do not ever talk about killing. Not sure why. I do know this is for a specific group of people who have already engaged and have lost much even with a mission success. Even though there may have been one or two or a few more missions already in recent human history. So how do you plan without thinking and without emotion? How do you go through the process of preparations without knowing and yet still knowing what to do?  Because to formally prepare means the Nephilim parent will know. I do not like this at all. Yet, I still write it out. Yet, the third choice as written above is not considered in this current writing. 
Flee from all sin. Reject all sin. Become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God alone. Change from your evil and sinful ways. Become a good human being as which is taught in the Holy Bible. Do not cause any harm. Do not cause any suffering. Do not even cause anyone to have any hurt, sad or bad feelings. Becoming obedient to all of the commandments from God. Not because you have to but rather because you want to and because it is the right thing to do. A good human being should want to do good things and reject all bad things. Rejecting bad, sad and sinful things also include within your own imagination and in games. The more humans who do these by their own free will without any threat, intimidation, fear or for any other selfish and profitable reason. They they who are in the second heaven may not come or will just leave. But, not likely. For as it was in the days of Noah.
Added on: 17 June 2023: 
Yes indeed the Nephilim are a threat to humans but so to are the Chimeras which will also come. 
It shall be the nephilim working with humans as intermediaries of the fallen angels who will bring forth the development of Chimeras. There shall even be millions and billions of human chimeras walking around and not know they are chimeras.
The nephilim will befriend those humans which are of service to them for that specific period of time at which point once that service is complete. The nephilim will destroy and consume all of the humans who have helped them. 
The nephilim will give no indication or warning that they will destroy and consume the humans that they have befriended. In one moment the friendships and trust is continually growing. Then the nephilim acting upon some kind of unknown signal which is even unknown to the smartest of all humans. they all in unison kill and consume their human friends. 
The human chimeras who know not what they have become will experience the worse kind of horror when their bodies and being are violently overtaken by demonic spiritual entities. The human chimeras are helpless and defenseless in totality. 
The human chimeras will become open containers for all manner of evil spiritual fulfillment.
Organized modification of human DNA for medical purposes is one method in how humans become chimeras. 
Human chimeras will easily know one another as they can easily organize with each other as if they have been friends and brothers to one another for many thousands of years. 
The point of the development of human chimeras is so that those humans will become vessels to their demonic spiritual hosts. I matters not want the human vessel wants, needs or desires. It does not even matter if your willing or even give permission. 
Just as a criminal who steals a very nice sports car may end of destroying it for no other reason because they can. The demonic spirits who take chimera human may also do the same once they are done with that human host as they seek out a new chimera human to drive around like some stolen sports car.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Thursday, May 5, 2022

The Prophetic Release: (Unedited): 05 May 2022:

 As the gate begins to open. There will be a rush. From this rush, joy of being released will be felt by all of them, even by those humans who know not while stuck in their own prideful arrogant thought of believing they know it all. Yet, it was the most learned of all humans who discover that they were the most stupid of all. It will be the intellectually learned humans who in fact were the unknowing, unwitting, dumb pawns in their game for release. Which will conclude with the end of humanity.
Everything experienced is like down is out and in is up. We each know what we know but in reality we all know nothing at all.
They are free and they will have their joy in that moment of freedom's release. This will turn into anger and hatred. This will turn in the thirst for vengeance. Their joy fades as they all begin to seek out their new chosen joy of causing fear, suffering, pain, destruction and death. 
The most sensitive and gifted of humans will see them in the beginning and celebrate, but they to will come to know that those they have followed, learned from and worshipped. Only want for all humans to be erased by any means they can achieve the extinction of all humans. Even those humans who have dedicated their lives in the worship of them will also perish twice.
For not even they the special, sensitive and gifted ones will be saved. For their human reward will be in the brutality of their own human death. A death which will garner the most fear, the most anxiety, the most torment, the most pain, the most suffering, the most emotions of torture. For these are just a few of the best seasonings of their favorite human meal to be viciously and unceremoniously consumed. This how they will relish in you. 
This is only the beginning of your reward. Because, then you will face your spiritual Judge and you will be judged. But, the purple words below can be the beginning of you becoming a forgiven son or daughter of God. 
 Because, once they are all released. There will be no need for any humans. The idea of humanity will be erased and known as an absolute failure to their enemy. This is their intention as humans were so blindly dumb and could so easily be used by anyone one of them. That the destruction and self suicide of humanity was done by their own human hands.  

Humans all over the world will begin to kill themselves. No one will understand why. The suicide rate will rise and rise and rise. For the reason is and will be unknown to basic humans. The truth to them is far more wild than even they can conceptualize and once they begin to understand it will be far too much for them to even grasp and they to will kill themselves without any assistance from those who have escape. For the fear of realized truth is and will be enough for many humans to kill themselves. 

It will be much worse for the humans who drink any alcohol, take any mind altering substance. It will matter not if it is medical, legal, illegal, culturally acceptable or religiously approved. The simple chemical alteration of the human brain will be enough for the accidentally and purposefully freed ones to over take the natural defenses of those human and do with that human as they will it. Enjoying what ever they define as joy, even if it is the causing of even more pain, suffering, torture and death. 

Thirsting for all manner of pleasure no matter how insane it is. To only end up dead. This will be the fate of the host human body under the control of them. For they will not remain within. They will only remain within until their self defined sense of fun and joy is no longer available within that one human form. Then they will depart and easily merge into another human form. The insanity of what they will do to the humans they inhabit will be beyond comprehension even to me. because, I see what they do and cannot formulate the words to describe the insanity I see. Almost like a video game with no rules, no organization and the absolute freedom to do as they will it without any consequence at all. They can do whatever they want and not even consider that breaking any human laws, morale codes, religious codes or human rights is considered to any degree. (Note: I'm not a gamer but have accidently seen a few crazy games or gamer like movie, initial metaverse news).

For it will be their exclusive party in which the humans will be joyfully sacrificed at their own pleasure. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Demonically Possessed Humans: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2019:

Demon possession will become more common place. One type of demon possession is when a demon takes a human host body and becomes a professed Christian. These kinds will be difficult to see and to ascertain. Because, the demon possessed human will not show vulgar or obscene behavior. Except that when these demonically possessed people act in very strange ways and many non possessed humans will become fearful by their own outbursts. Fear is a key marker as well as odd behavior. This also includes mocking like words after each spoken comment when a person is speaking Biblical understanding. Such as "Yes", "Right" and other such seemingly harmless words. One must always look for the fruit of each person and not just their words. Think about this. Even satan himself used the Word against Jesus. Jesus is the actual living and breathing Word. What is the fruit of satan?
Some demons desperately desire and want forgiveness. What happens is this. The continuous demonic outbursts shifts attention away from being focused on God/Jesus/Holy Spirit to the person who is having the never ending string of outbursts. Except the demonically controlled humans are unable to change from the evil that they have become into a good spirit they may have once been. Many of the demons see a loop hole for forgiveness. The demons see near unlimited forgiveness for the lowly humans. So the demons see that if they take a human host which is not Christian and then manipulate the human host into becoming a Christian. Forgiveness is thought to be possible for that demon possessed human. Once they become Christian and go through that human Christian making process. What happens is this. The demon possessed human becomes more and more mentally ill over the entire time that the demon is within the human host body. That human person becomes more erratic and more volatile. But, because the human possessed person is who they are. There will be many other signs. Such as the absence of genuine love for another. Work sharing with work mates and friends. Taking care of or looking after another human being in a loving manner. The demon possessed person does not like to be told what to do by any lesser human being and all human beings is lesser than "it" is. The demon possessed person may acknowledge that they will be obedient to a human leader or manager. But, the end result is they cannot be obedient to any human being. After all, They took the human body from another soul which was already present by force. The demons will not be obedient to any human instruction. This is also another key to identification. Demons are unchanging and have been locked into this state of being by God. Are demons dangerous? Yes, very dangerous. There is a reason why in the Holy Bible even God identifies humanity as being like lambs and sheep. While a few prophets relate humanity as being less than maggots and worms. Besides, why would any angel want to be obedient to any human being if we are truly like sheep and lambs. If we are truly less than maggots and worms. When was the last time you were obedient to a lamb or a worm? A war was started over the creation of humanity.
Added on 09 Sept 2020: This is Prophecy: Last night word vision.
Demonic Possession will become a planned process or is already a planned process. Imagine on the battle field, rioters lines, protesters lines. Then all of the enemy, rioters or protesters all take, eat or drink a slurry cocktail of some kind. They each will not be told the truth of what they are taking. They will be lied to as they think they are taking this drink or food that will make them each super human. Then within minutes all of them are fully opened up spiritually to receive however many demons that want to take a human body for their purposes. Once the possession takes hold the human host now has the strength, power and speed of many men. With absolute insane violent hatred. Then these demonically controlled men and women go forth with no fear and only the brutal intention of ripping apart every human being they come in contact with. No need for any military training, martial arts training, any kind of self control or mental discipline. The human hosts will not abide by any rules of war as they truly become zombie like except without any makeup.
Then once this new zombie like human host is incapacitated or killed. The demons live the now useless human host and begin to seek out another human host to waste and to use as they see fit. It will not matter which side you are on. If your captured by the enemy side and they give force you to partake of the slurry cocktail. Then you will become one and you will have no authority or control over your own body. Then when you become incapacitated or die. This is when your body will be free.
Do not allow yourself to get caught up in how a demon becomes locked into a single human body. This is a lie. Once the function or purpose of the body ceases. They will  leave to find another. Which is why I think is why sometimes a person who commits one terrible crime may have been temporarily possessed for a short time and then when the human host is in jail. The fun for the demon is over and the demon leaves to find a new human host to torment for their own defined pleasures and uses.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Fourth Human Lie:+3: (Unedited): 22 June 2019:

First lie is, is humanity alone in the Universe?
From almost all ancient religious texts and from most ancient cultures. We know that humanity is not alone. We also know that there are good beings and very bad beings. We know that some beings are very powerful and some not so powerful and yet all of them seem to be capable of becoming gods to us lowly human beings.
Second lie is, there are many races of humanity.
From the process known as Human fingerprinting to the Human Genome Project. We know that within all of humanity everywhere. That we all share more than 99.9% identical DNA. Because of this percentage. We are all the same as in one singular family. Maybe, even self replicating clones. Which proves Adam and Eve being made from a rib of Adam.  All of the differences we see in each other is all tied within the remaining less than .1% of the total DNA strand.
Third lie is, that humanity is on top of the food chain.
It may seem like humanity is on top of the food chain. That is until we each come in direct contact with any very upset animal with teeth and claws. Even a little 8 pound upset house cat can be no match for an adult human being. Or how about those creatures from Monster's inside me show?
In the universal comparison. Humanity only has a few senses and absent many more senses that other animals and critters have. Even our normal senses are not as good as other animals as their common senses seem to be much superior to humanities.
Those beings who are far more advanced than human beings seem to be able to exercise all of the spiritual gifts or psychic abilities as easily as we humans try to see, hear or smell. How many different psychic abilities are there? 30+ different types of psychic abilities. What if those psychic abilities are natural senses to those angelic or alien beings who have been known as gods, or fallen angels or Angels of God. That those beings can use some of or all of those psychic abilities like us humans can breathe, see or hear.
Fourth Lie is that when a human dies we will go to heaven.
I guess this depends on which heaven. In the Holy Bible there are references of three Heavens. The first heaven is the Earth's atmosphere. The second heaven is all of the known and unknown universe. The third heaven is the timeless place of God. There is no mention of a forth heaven that I'm aware of. So all of humanity is already within a heaven of the heavens. The new question would be is how the third heaven fits into or with the other two. Unless, there are an indefinitely more heavens. However they may be named or ascribed.
Do we actually hang upside down from our feet and think we are right side up? Think about scuba diving. Which is right in actuality. Then think about space? Which is right in actuality?
Added on 28 June 2019:
By our human perspective there would only be three Heavens. By the perspective of God. There would only be one heaven and then every other place which would be less than. So there are other peoples and beings in the entire universe and if they are somewhat close to this humanity in understanding. Then they each would know of the three heavens by their own perspectives. By our own perspective and knowing that there are other peoples and beings who also have their own perspectives of heavens. The number of heavens would be equal to the number of planets which has an atmosphere and intelligent life upon them. So there would be trillions upon trillions of heavens in the universe. Then would they all have their own Holy Bible or Word of God? Since the word is everything spoken by God and thus was made into all that there is.
Added on 23 June 2019:
Is there a fifth human lie? What is it? On Earth as it is in Heaven. How is it done in the Heavens? Which heaven? or all of the heavens?
Could it be that humans are not supposed to be the supreme domineering authority on this planet. We are not the rulers or commanders of this planet. We are not supposed to have nation states, borders and fences for everything or anything. We are not to mold the planet into what we think the planet should be. We should not use every resource like we are greedy little children who throws all of their trash into land pits, rivers and in the oceans.
We/Humanity is supposed to be the caretakers of this planet and then this solar system and then maybe the entire galaxy if we do not cause our own extinction process first. In which at this time in human history, the human extinction process is very probable or more than probable. Holy Bible prophecy predicts our human extinction if it were not for the interactions of God saving His chosen remnant.
Added on 28 June 2019:
Is this the sixth human lie. Once saved always saved by modern day Christian teaching.
The #HolyBible verse which should #scare every #Christian #denomination and #church. #Hebrews 10:18, 26
Hebrews 10:18, 26 King James Version (KJV)
26 For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
Added on 09 July 2019:
This content in another blog. Fourth Human Lie: Forced Sins Begin:
If you do not believe, tolerate, accept the lies the world has been telling all of humanity. Then you will become one of the accused and excluded from society. Or in this video kicked out of class for speaking the truth.
Note: The student was kicked out of school for being 17 and compulsory education in Scotland ends at 16 years old. He was also kicked out of school for filming the teacher. There is always more than one way around for the liars to hide themselves in the face of people speaking the truth.
The student will not be allowed to return to school to complete his education. It is very clear that a lie is superior to the truth and if you speak the truth, you will excommunicated or excluded even from an education. The cost of being a truthful free thinker. If your opinion is different than the states/governments the next step is your criminalization. Especially, when exclusion doesn't work.
Notes when censorship begins.
Scotland, Mearns Academy in Aberdeenshire, Murray (student name),
Added on 10 July 2019: YouTube channel of interest. I just found this and have not done any due diligence.
To not I have been thinking about Marvel and how the good guys seem to be actually the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys. I was about to begin my own research when I found these people.
Added on 23 July 2019:

Miss Michigan stripped of title over 'offensive' social media posts.

This is not the beginning. This is ongoing. When that which is evil holds power and decides who can participate in society and who can't. This is just one way in how that which is evil can go around Freedom of speech laws. As the Freedom of speech laws only applies to the state and federal government.
Added on 26 April 2020: The seventh human lie is what day is the Sabbath? Sunday?
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second. 

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Unrepairable Human Code Prophecy: (Unedited): 19 Jan 2019:

Beyond the tradition of education and beyond the cultural traditions of the world. The youth of the entire world will not see their future within it. This is because sin has overtaken the world to such a degree that the human genetic code shall become unrepairable. 
As of today more than 99.9% of the entire human genetic code is identical. With what is commonly known about genetics. Adam was the original stable genetic male human being. While Eve was a genetic female clone of Adam. Since then the human species has become a self replicating cloned species which was created by the great author. Our DNA is our book, is our history and is our future. Genetically speaking. In our DNA book is information written within which contains all of the sections that one would see within any research book. This also includes the forward by the author. The biggest differences we see genetically in each other is the historic lineage of sin and environment. Just as the biggest differences you see in one Dell computer to the next Dell computer is what software is inside. This is what I see within humanity. Because, just as you can omit one thing and include lies in another. So to is what has filled humanity with unreasoned insanity and absolute apathy.
Eventually the historical summary of sin will begin to turn off codes for perpetuation, civility, reason and social structure. Extinction will first be seen in the names, then family lines and then all.
Soon the youth of the entire world will not see their own future within it. Soon the youth of the entire world will only do because that is what they are supposed to do. Soon the youth of the entire world will demand absolute freedom to do as which is right and true for them as they define it personally. Which is as they were taught. The youth may come up with self serving answers in which they give to the expectancy of the questioner.  Soon very soon the youth will have no desire or intention to be obedient to any laws, rules or governance.
So what does this mean? It is simple. The youth will not see their future in the world because the world will not exist and the youth will not exist in a non existent world. When all there is is sin to be had and sin to be pleasured in the here and now. Why consider the future? Why plan for the future? Why have families? There is no God or gods and there is no devils and satans. There is only me and for me in the here and now. There is no sin and no righteousness for the youth of the world. For their ancestors have sinned much and to the point that the coming children will never have a connection to anything spiritual or holy.
Soon very soon the youth of the world will do more than abandon their elder family members. Soon very soon the youth will be incapable of a repentant heart. So very soon the youth will only seek that which pleases them and that which becomes burdensome. Will be discarded like any other obsolete piece of equipment.
Soon very soon the entire planet will become worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. Soon very soon the entire planet will be judged worse than Sodom and Gomorrah.
This is prophecy.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Spirit is prophecy: +1: (Unedited): 22 Dec 2018:

The spirit is stronger than your own human will and might. 
The spirit is more powerful than your human mind.
The spirit is more important than your human body.
The spirit is more valuable than your humanity.
The spirit is your true self.
Yet your spirit can and will suffer judgement by the intentions, thoughts, desires of your human form.
No matter the state of your human form. Young or old. Strong or weak. Healthy or sickly. Free or slave. It is your everlasting spirit which is your true self. Your human form can only exist naturally for about 120 years and many will die much sooner than that. In the short human time span in which we deceive one another about living a long life. The time of human life cannot compare to time of life for the spirit. Our spirit merely resides or is incassed within this human shell for only a very short while. For a purpose and a reason that no human may fully understand. I think it is a very simple reason all wrapped around single words of importance like love, life, peace, harmony. While the inverse of those words are also enabled for all of us to freely choose like hate, death, conflict and chaos. This goes for all of the positive words and the antonyms for each.
Your lies, your hates, your unfairness, your cruelties, your desire for ***battles glories, your selfish thirst for more at the expense of the innocent and the entertainment of flowing blood unto death. Each of these and more will all lead to a single common destination. The extinction of all of humanity. In which God is coming and the door of opportunity will soon close. In which the process of purification will be eminent. There shall be no escape this time for any human or otherwise. Except for those who are specifically chosen by God only and not the god of the world system. For even the greatest of the fallen angels who have pretended to be gods shall suffer an unnegotiated judgement and final execution.
The three Heavens in association with this planet who the current inhabitants presently call the Earth. First Heaven by our human perspective is the atmosphere. The second Heaven is all of the universe in which the Earth resides within. The third Heaven is that actual place of God as we can perceive it. But all places everywhere and nowhere and at all times and in no times is the presence of God. For once God removes His presence from any being or place no matter who, what, when or where. That being or place no matter how great or small will simply cease in a singular moment of time. This is not a Thanos movie with a snap of a finger.
The Prophets anxiety: (Unedited): 22 Dec 2018:
The real and true prophets of God. Those who have remained cleaned with Christs blood. Those who have fled and rejected all sins. Those who have strived to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements. Those who have continually expressed love to one another without gratitude, accolades, gifts or rewards. Those who have remained in the Holy Bible, in prayer, in meditation and in fasting. Those who have a genuine love of the Holy Spirit, Yeshua and their Heavenly Father. ****
"Your anxieties will become greater and greater as the end of * prophecies approaches. So seek and find your only comfort in **Me. Then endure unto *****your end or unto the taking."
* Deleted: "all" prophecies.
** "Me" Is God and not me as in the writer. Just as you should never worship any perceived greater being than yourself which includes any angels including the fallen angels which have pretended to be gods. You are to only worship God Jehovah The God of Abraham only. You should not and shall not seek me or any human being. You should not even acknowledge this writer as anything for what I am. Which is a deeply flawed human being who sins daily. I'm truly less than a maggot and a worm.
*** "battles glories" This means any kind of fighting. Any kind of war. Any kind of aggression. Any kind of conflict. Any kind of violence. Any kind of angry protest. Even digital games.
**** I'm not a prophet. I have failed in the prerequisites and continue to fail.
***** "your end" Can mean by any means which can be by accident or like Steven or by illness.
You are required to do your own due diligence in everything. Fact check everything with the Holy Bible, In prayer, In meditation and in fasting if you deem it necessary. If you have an audience. There is no need to mention me in any way. All comments go to God only. Once I write the words. I'm no longer of importance. Only Yeshua is important. Only God your Heavenly Father is important. Only the Holy Spirit is important. The Trinity in Only One.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Strong Will Survive: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:

As the human extinction process begins. The strong will survive unto the bitter end. While the Good will die young and will be among the first. The strong will eventually see the mercy and compassion in those good souls who died sooner than the strongest soul will die alone at the conclusion of the extinction process.
At any Cost: (Unedited): (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:
Those souls who shall continue to live at any cost will eventually know how this wonderful planet has become a hell to live upon. Then once those strong souls breathe their last breath. They too may awaken to experience a hell worse than what this planet has/will become.
Renege on Evil: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:
It is better to renege on contracts and deals with evil. Then it is to follow through with the evil conclusion. For once those deals and pacts are complete all of humanity loses. No one wins and no one will profit anything. For all of humanity will be lost. Except for those repentant souls who have become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. 
Isolated Hell: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:
The pride of the strong soul is deceived into thinking that when they go to hell they will overthrow and rule over all of hell. The strong soul falsely thinks that hell is the preferred place of satan's and devil's. Hell is a Holy and Righteous God created prison in which you are forced to maintain all manner of consciousness while you are perpetually tortured with all manner of pain and while you are completely isolated from the other lost souls including the fallen angels. Until it is time for even your spirit and soul to be permanently executed. God brings the hell not any satan's or devil's.
Note: I've written this before. I knew some of the most brilliant men in the USA, back in the day. The kind of intelligence which required no calculators. Of course there weren't any calculators until Texas Instruments red display. Even after they did not require machines to do their thinking or calculating for them. Unlike today, Software programs are preferred by common people for everyday thinking like "Ask Siri"(Had to conduct serious spell checks). There will be many evolutions of these Siri types of programs. Anyway one thing I learned from being around these very brilliant men for years is that they were very capable of doing amazing things. While at the same time still be very capable of messing up their own personal lives and the personal lives of everyone else involved with them.
I know there is great human intelligence in USA, Russia, China, Iran and everywhere else in the world. I also know that no matter how pridefully smart you think you are. Your just a dumb human being who shares more than 99.9% of all of your DNA with every other dumb human being on this rock. Which means those decisions you make affects us all. Including your dealings with those fallen angels who you refer to as other names and designations. You may think that what you are doing as beneficial to your own people. You are not. For all they will tell you is half truths. While you make machines in which they never mentioned the inductance effects upon this whole planet Or for one device. They will forget to mention those other effects which doesn't seem to important in that moment of your excitement. You are getting into the place where the absence of perceived information is more important than what the idea will do for you.
I've written this before. Those fallen angels will tell to you your specific half truths while at the same time tell the Russians and Chinese and whoever else they have direct contact with half truths for them as well. While calling themselves a particular name or kind for the Russians, another name or kind for the Chinese and yet another name or kind for the Americans. While proclaiming no contact with any other nation using that one name or kind they use with you. Which is a half truth. Remember the gods of old and their human interactions? Those things which they taught us and which has even survived unto today in the minds of all humans such as the names of all of the stars. Have made the world we all have today and if we all want our or their(currently) world to survive and our species to survive into the next evolution of humanity. We all must reject all off planet(other) interactions until all of humanity becomes as one as our DNA suggests. If you smart and in the know people do not begin this rejection process of them, then they are going to end us all. Oops, except they won't end humanity. We dumb humans will do it for them. Through the hatreds and untrusting eyes of your own brothers whom you call enemy. You ever know someone who had pride, ego, supremacy and arrogance at their knowing of just how much they can manipulate other people they perceive as less than them? You probably do. Well guess what. This is the fallen angels and their dealings with all of humanity. Because to those fallen angels we are all just that stuff which is in their petri dish worthy of the same rights as whatever else you smart human people put into those petri dishes in your own public, private, governmental or classified labs. How much power do you exercise over the contents of your petri dish? How would you react if those contents demanded anything like right to life? as you properly incinerate those contents without a second thought or any emotional connection. But, what if you can manipulate those contents to make their own device of incineration or extinction? After all what follows is just an evolution of the experiment.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books