Showing posts with label Strongest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strongest. Show all posts

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Subtle Balloons Everyday +13: (Unedited): 07-09 Feb 2023:

 Americans remain oblivious to their own delicate state.
Americans foolishly joke and mock the unknown intentions of their enemies.
Americans shall easily forget what could have happened at any time. 
Americans will not even know or be concerned about the balloon their own nation has up spying on them.
While the American government has continually sent their own balloons into every other nation. The American citizen will not even be aware and if they are they will not even question it. 
Their blind arrogance and their delusions of thinking they are safe and secure. Their delusions of thinking they are the strongest and most powerful people in the world. They do not know it all can end in seconds.
The civilians are not even aware of just how much hatred there is in the world for them as it is their own elected government which has fomented it all over the last many decades. For the world has had enough and the time for the end of American will be watched and ignored. The profit takers will rush in an kill anyone who gets in the way. 
The greatest people in the world shall become non peoples of the world in a single day. All with zero human rights, legal protections and national identities. In the years to come they all shall be forgotten as shall be their beliefs. 
It is not commonly known by Americans that their way of life can end in seconds. The Americans do not commonly know that nuclear EMP weapons can be delivered by balloons or any other NBC related device or devices.  
The Americans citizen do not know that if only one nuclear EMP were to strike around Kansas City that up to 90% of all humans in the continental US would be dead within the first year. The biggest reason why up to 90% of all people will be dead in the first year. Is because the typical American just can't believe this will happen or it is a truth. Which means when and if any kind of nuclear event will happen. Parents get to watch their own children die, get to watch the grand parents die and then become forced to bury them all with basic shovels. What basic preparations have you made? How have you become responsible for yourself, your family, your friends, your church and your community if this modern world ends and does not come back for many decades? How can you survive during the very first year when electricity, water, food and medical care are no longer available? What about the second or third years?
The symbols of balloons should be researched. 
Americans of wisdom. Remember it was just a decade ago when you trusted your government, election process, FBI, CDC, Walmart, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Big Corporations, DOD, Police, The medical professionals, The psychological professionals and etc. This is the shaking of your land. This is the shaking of your world. This is because each of you have not lived righteous. This is because each of you have dishonored everything. This is because each of you rejoice in death and destruction even if it is a harmless spy balloon and what games do you even play where you don't love one another? and you wonder why, in confusion as no answers are presented.
This is because you are both the source and conclusion in what you experience in life today and tomorrow. What you have done and what you didn't do has led you to today.
The selfish evil things that you do as you withheld all manner of kindness, civility, mercy and compassion. You wonder why the world is as it is. The world is your fault. 
The young ones who have witnessed and learned your deeds always thirst to become better than you and they will. This is how humanity evolves or devolves. Just as you have learned from your own previous elder generation. You have perpetuated unto today.
The evil in which you mindlessly perpetuate will bring you additional misery and sorrow tomorrow. So all that you experience in your life is all your fault.  
Any man of honor and truth will not associate in any dishonorable or deceptive thing. Just as a genuine heroic person will not associate with any aspect of evil deed.
You are either just a player in the game or the solution as you stop playing the game. Yes, Stop playing the game is a solution. 
The purple words below. 
Yes, I know what this means. Your a big government man and for you to just stop or quit may not be in your DNA, skill set, tool box or psychology. Any person who is associated with evil deeds is not honorable, good or righteous. Even if your a government man you must quit. Even if your a military man with any nation. If you want peace then stop making conflict and war. Walk away, this is prophecy as you beat your swords into plowshares. This prophecy is pointed right at you as the civilians do not make war only warriors make war and your a warrior. So, this one prophecy is for you, the warriors of the world. 
This just popped in. 09 Feb 2023 at 0634 hrs. 
Think about this you evil doing scientists as you create your own little part for that AI robot coming. Do you really think these creations will not be used against you. Especially, once they can self replicate and self evolve in accordance to it's own direction and will.
Why the "Subtle Balloons Everyday" title. This is because they have always been there. It matters not whose balloons as the American balloons routinely fly over other nation states with or without permission. With or without your awareness. So, why is it suddenly that the media wants you to be aware of a harmless spy balloon from China when every nation spies on each other even friendly nations with other friendly nations. So why is this important now? Did you even watch the copy and paste videos I added. How old are some of them?  
Left Leaning:
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Strong Will Survive: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:

As the human extinction process begins. The strong will survive unto the bitter end. While the Good will die young and will be among the first. The strong will eventually see the mercy and compassion in those good souls who died sooner than the strongest soul will die alone at the conclusion of the extinction process.
At any Cost: (Unedited): (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:
Those souls who shall continue to live at any cost will eventually know how this wonderful planet has become a hell to live upon. Then once those strong souls breathe their last breath. They too may awaken to experience a hell worse than what this planet has/will become.
Renege on Evil: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:
It is better to renege on contracts and deals with evil. Then it is to follow through with the evil conclusion. For once those deals and pacts are complete all of humanity loses. No one wins and no one will profit anything. For all of humanity will be lost. Except for those repentant souls who have become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. 
Isolated Hell: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:
The pride of the strong soul is deceived into thinking that when they go to hell they will overthrow and rule over all of hell. The strong soul falsely thinks that hell is the preferred place of satan's and devil's. Hell is a Holy and Righteous God created prison in which you are forced to maintain all manner of consciousness while you are perpetually tortured with all manner of pain and while you are completely isolated from the other lost souls including the fallen angels. Until it is time for even your spirit and soul to be permanently executed. God brings the hell not any satan's or devil's.
Note: I've written this before. I knew some of the most brilliant men in the USA, back in the day. The kind of intelligence which required no calculators. Of course there weren't any calculators until Texas Instruments red display. Even after they did not require machines to do their thinking or calculating for them. Unlike today, Software programs are preferred by common people for everyday thinking like "Ask Siri"(Had to conduct serious spell checks). There will be many evolutions of these Siri types of programs. Anyway one thing I learned from being around these very brilliant men for years is that they were very capable of doing amazing things. While at the same time still be very capable of messing up their own personal lives and the personal lives of everyone else involved with them.
I know there is great human intelligence in USA, Russia, China, Iran and everywhere else in the world. I also know that no matter how pridefully smart you think you are. Your just a dumb human being who shares more than 99.9% of all of your DNA with every other dumb human being on this rock. Which means those decisions you make affects us all. Including your dealings with those fallen angels who you refer to as other names and designations. You may think that what you are doing as beneficial to your own people. You are not. For all they will tell you is half truths. While you make machines in which they never mentioned the inductance effects upon this whole planet Or for one device. They will forget to mention those other effects which doesn't seem to important in that moment of your excitement. You are getting into the place where the absence of perceived information is more important than what the idea will do for you.
I've written this before. Those fallen angels will tell to you your specific half truths while at the same time tell the Russians and Chinese and whoever else they have direct contact with half truths for them as well. While calling themselves a particular name or kind for the Russians, another name or kind for the Chinese and yet another name or kind for the Americans. While proclaiming no contact with any other nation using that one name or kind they use with you. Which is a half truth. Remember the gods of old and their human interactions? Those things which they taught us and which has even survived unto today in the minds of all humans such as the names of all of the stars. Have made the world we all have today and if we all want our or their(currently) world to survive and our species to survive into the next evolution of humanity. We all must reject all off planet(other) interactions until all of humanity becomes as one as our DNA suggests. If you smart and in the know people do not begin this rejection process of them, then they are going to end us all. Oops, except they won't end humanity. We dumb humans will do it for them. Through the hatreds and untrusting eyes of your own brothers whom you call enemy. You ever know someone who had pride, ego, supremacy and arrogance at their knowing of just how much they can manipulate other people they perceive as less than them? You probably do. Well guess what. This is the fallen angels and their dealings with all of humanity. Because to those fallen angels we are all just that stuff which is in their petri dish worthy of the same rights as whatever else you smart human people put into those petri dishes in your own public, private, governmental or classified labs. How much power do you exercise over the contents of your petri dish? How would you react if those contents demanded anything like right to life? as you properly incinerate those contents without a second thought or any emotional connection. But, what if you can manipulate those contents to make their own device of incineration or extinction? After all what follows is just an evolution of the experiment.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lion Heart: (Unedited): 27 Feb 2014:

The strongest people you know may have hearts of a lion or lioness. This does not alter the fragility of their own heart. Which can be as equally damaged or broken as your own. 
My heart breaks every time I discover a new abused child while in the foster care system. My heart breaks every time when I see the leaders of the world not just walking down the road of human extinction but running. My heart breaks when a mother is unable to have children while another mother does more than kill her own child. My heart breaks when I hear of the woman who just wants to talk with her love and he flees like the varmint he is.  My heart breaks and breaks and breaks everyday.
I desire life. I desire life for all. I desire a life full of love, peace and harmony for all of us. That is the essence of discovering what joy really means. You are all my brothers and sisters. Even if you disagree, or hate or desire harm of myself. Because, I am fully aware of just how small I am. Can you say something as I have? Can you take a stand or even take a seat? For the life we all were born to have. That is a truth. We were all born to live a life. A life of freedom.

In my own heart and mind. I have desired to give  up. It is difficult to admit. What else would I think and believe when I have been told terrible things by the adoptive mother whom I only knew as mom. Yet, even from those words and feelings of weakness. I timidly remained like Anakin the two legged kitten coming out of his pet carrier for the first time. Without knowing if I had a heart or even knew what that meant. Without even knowing what love was.

To give up on my human brothers and human sisters may be in my mind at this moment. It is not true. Just my own weakness of doubts. Because, I am a believer in prophecy and it's end results. The truth of prophecy is if it is created by human hands. Then it is not a certainty, it is only a probability. Even prophecy by any natural means becomes only a probability when the level of civilization is increased. This is truth. A truth that each person should know and not live under the cloud of fear.

Even if you give up or all of humanity gives up. I shall not. Even if you want me to.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Nothing Learned:(Unedited): 04 May 2013:

An egotistical and prideful mind. Learns nothing from anyone or anywhere. C.J.MacKechnie
Pride is the hardness which makes steel brittle. A prideful man/person will always appear to be strong, just as any beautifully blade made of the strongest of steels. Both of them relish in their inherent beauty and suffer in there yet to be discovered brittleness.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Monday, December 24, 2012

Apathy's Cure: (Unedited): 23 Dec 2012:

Apathy's cure means, your humanities re-emergence. C.J.MacKechnie
When you begin to care again. You become reacquainted with your humanity. Even if  the strongest emotions is anger and hatred. From there you can evolve into those more healing and calming emotions of love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness.  
When you begin to care about the self. This will also evolve into caring about other peoples needs as well. You will eventually begin to lose the desire to hurt and harm other people. This is assuming you allow yourself to think and believe that love, caring, mercy and compassion is not weak but a strong emotion. Strong enough to prevent extinction. Where as the disease of apathy spreads itself throughout the entire population of a planet and then the extinction process begins. The whole people are unaware and cares not. They just have the thirst for more anger, more hatred and more violence. maybe even welcome death as a preferred event.