In the dream I saw much darkness. When I say darkness I mean no lights and it was night. I was about forty or so feet in the air looking down on a parking lot which was mostly empty. I saw very few vehicles moving. I came down to see an older woman(yes, I know her name,"D") alone in a parking lot. It looked like a retail type of parking lot. The parking lot seemed like it was all asphalt with no trees or bushes. There seemed like a rush "TO GO". A group of persons were in a large civilian vehicle SUV ?4X4? that was running (and lights) and they were looking for the older woman. They were in the same parking lot as her so I would assume they found her completely distraught and full of worry.
End of Dream.
The rest that follows is my assumptions. A lot of times my assumptions are wrong. It is very easy to start thinking of end of the world or other extreme understandings.
Because of her Name I know she visits places like Arizona, California and I., I think.
Age related issues with driving around town and becoming lost as the timers on some parking lots turn off. These issues can be mitigated with family involvement.
Proper compassion and proper planning can prevent or mitigate issues associated with aging. This does not have to be with the person I know of or even be about her. This is not a negative accusation of the "D" family.
An older person wants to remain independent and be able to do for themselves. An older person who has a daily relationship with their children can also have trusting relationships. So when the children express concern plans must be put into place in order to mitigate such occurrences if they should happen. This is before the silver alerts are called for local police and civilian intervention.,to%20aid%20in%20locating%20them.
My Rant: It is easy for me to rant as I was raised with no real family and my entire childhood was very negative. So I get to see things in a different light. Family is very important. The history of family is also important. Because, what great grandparents, grandparents and parents have done can be very inspiring to the youth of the new generations. The old stories of family history can also be warnings of wisdom expressed. Bad decisions made by the elders become instant youthful wisdom.
The younger ones should have a better daily relationship with their parents than they do now. This is what I have seen in my neck of the woods in Florida. Which is not associated with the "D" family. Children abandon their parents so that they can have their own selfish independent lives away from their parents. I've seen thousands of elderly adults abandoned by their own families. I know of the abuses associated with facilities that the elderly live in. Alone and with no or minimal family visitations. Yet, their own adult children can live just miles away or many states away. Yet, these adult children do nothing to ease the end of days of their own parents. But, they do fight over stuff and property. Even to the point of going to court. They do give away important family heirlooms which represent important histories. Just like they do not even care to know who their own parents were or family histories. Can you imagine your father or grandfather surviving the horrors of warfare and those awards and uniforms he received is for sale in a thrift store for a few dollars. Yet, these things are found everyday. Or they discover the value of old family heirlooms and then sell them for the cash. It is as if the cash is more valuable than their own families history and those related stories.
Added on 11 June 2020: Emergency Situation. Bug Out without the psychology of bugs.
A family which does have near daily relationships will see the way the world is today and begin to make their own self defined cooperative security plans Family members can be scattered all over a county or a very large city. Time is very crucial and being able to make the first check point is very critical as getting out of the city or county in a timely manner is very necessary. Thus, the care of the very young and the wise elders will cause necessary speed to slow down to a crawl. Just as you can't leave babies behind. You also cannot leave the elders behind either. Elders are just as important as babies. The elders is where humanity gets their wisdom and the babies are always the way we see the next generation to come. Without the elder's and without the children families disappear much sooner.
Families should have up to three check points all of which is timed. The first check point will be for those who can make it the quickest and these should be the moms, children and elders. The first check point should be each persons home and then meet up in a secluded parking lot which has good access to a road which leads away from threats, dangers and other emergencies.
Each check point or gathering point must be timed and remain fluid. The original start time must be the beginning of the emergency event and not when communications is established. This time must be approximately known as technology may not work. So communications may not be possible.
You can have many gathering points along the way. But, if you have all members then the last gathering points can be ignored unless rest is necessary. If you have all members then just go to your place of safety.
Practice is necessary. But, practice does not mean scaring everyone into becoming a nervous wreck. The psychological buildup is necessary. So, the first few practice events make them fun weekends. The young and responsible young men should lead the charge and take on all of the seriousness. There has to be fun like picnics, fun restaurants especially with kids, camp outs. The kids and elders must be able to not become so stressed that they stay and remain firm and choose to die in place. Which would be their saving option of not slowing anyone down. The elders are very important to the survival of the whole family.
Camping trips is most like an emergency situation. So plan fun camping trips with all of the fun things that go along with them. Teaching boy scout lessons is also crucially fun and learning together with mom and dad is also preferred by most children. Of course, in today's modern age the boy scout organization is in severe question in regards to Christian morals. So get the Boy scout books and not join the organization. Then teach both your boys and girls. Rewards is always fun when pizza and ice cream is involved. While you as the adult know the stresses and seriousness. The children do not need to know, why, Until age appropriate.