Friday, June 3, 2022

Humanity Splits, Nephilim, gods Vision:+9 (Unedited): 03 June 2022:

Newer content is below and dated. As is with every other blog I write. 
I see base male and females who are are about 5 feet tall, non athletically thin. The intelligence like a person who is disabled (70-ish IQ) and yet can still have a normal life. They are not allowed to live more than 30-40 years old. They will have their own food sources. They will not have access to any meats, poultry or seafood that we all(Americans) know and can consume today if we want to. They will not have access to many vegetables, nuts and fruits. Their education level will only be given to meet the basic requirements of their profession. The bulk of their wisdom, knowledge and understanding will be lies. The only truth they will know is in relation to their jobs. They will be absolutely obedient and not question anything. They will rather die than be disobedient. They also will worship all of the greater humans and other beings as gods.
What is eaten looks and sounds disgusting to me, crickets, meal worms. Look at the psychology in the scene's. What isn't natural is taught to be natural, exciting and fun. So it's OK. Think about the different classes and class structure.
This will be how all common humans end up. In just one short generation. As the older ones die off. The younger ones will become just like those in North Korea and in every other place that lacks food and education. In education the young mind must continually learn and verbally express. If the words are not learned and expressed mental functions will be permanently stunted. Just as physical height will be stunted if good foods are not available. Just as the lack of any good food in the first six months of human life can result in the eyes not properly developing as just one example. This is not counting what happens during each trimester while the living human baby is still within the womb.
I see the gifted human beings and they are nearly 7 feet tall, very athletic in appearance. Their intelligence is also very high (160-200). They will have very long and healthy lives. They will have the freedom to eat the foods that all(Americans) have access to right now. Their educational standards will be much higher than it is today and higher than the nation with the best educational standards. The bulk of their wisdom, knowledge and understanding will in truths, how to lie, how to govern the lesser humans with psychology. These are the in between rulers of the world. They will have their own class structure, much like family tribalism, monarchy and communism combined in an officially accepted amalgam. They will treat the humanoid giants with great respect and will not know them as gods. Even though the giants want to be worshiped. Many of the gifted humans will totally love and completely devote themselves to their giants, fallen angels and aliens. The love and devotion that these gifted humans will have for those above them may not be or will be of any manner of free choice. 
The new human species will evolve and will involve all aspects of the ideas in related to trans-humanism as well as all aspects of genetic  manipulation as which has been learned and will be learned from the fallen angels. The evolution of humanity will be forced. 
Except, the loss of the misunderstood spiritual defenses created by God. That within the genetic code of every human beings is a self defense measure which prevents even the powerful fallen angels access into the human form. The modified human being will enable all manner of every kind of spirit to have easy access to the modified human form "oopsie".
Where as before all that was needed for any spirit or angel access to any human form was alcohol, drugs, medications of any mind altering kind.
The discovery of genetic cascade failure. This will happen if one base chemical which is common throughout the entire genome is altered or destroyed in some first accidental method. Because of this it is weaponized. This goes far deeper than anyone one knows. The science of instantaneous alteration. What you do to one thing all the other identical things instantly change to become like that was changed.  
I see the return of the giants/Nephilim. You know the giants who also can eat humans as indicated in ancient religious texts. These are half human and half alien or fallen angels. They will come from space. They will only deceive with lying tongues. They will be much more intelligent than the gifted humans and will have mind powers. There may even be new ones born to them. They will be very large, as the gifted humans will only be as tall as their hips. But, some will be taller and some will be shorter in a small percentage of difference. As you would see any human today. They have their own height ranges. They will do as they had done in the past and as has been written in the ancient holy texts, both accepted and questioned.
The return of the fallen angels. Many of them in their true form are very alien in appearance as which has been indicated in ancient religious texts. Many are not humanoid. But, the term angels is only used in religions and may become or already has become a dead word. They will be or can be much taller and larger as they desire. They can also appear as anything they desire. They will use this gift of theirs to ascertain what the giants and humans are doing. Their powers of the mind is also beyond any human understanding or even conceptualization of today. If they made themselves known today as in right now. They will be known as gods without question. Not a single military force can stand against one of them. Not even if all of the humans military forces of the world combined could stand against just one of them. Not even if all of humanity came together and gave up all of their racists hatreds for one another and fought against just one of them and had twenty years to build, to train and make even more humans as a singular force. The not good aliens will be seen as helpful to the humans of this planet. But, in truth they are only helpful to themselves and always have been. For even in their own self diluted reasoning they even deceive themselves into thinking they are doing good as it was written in the ancient religious texts. They will once again return as gods and will demand to be treated as such. Any perceived disobedience and second-mindedness by any human will result in the death of entire families, communities and towns. For there is ancient writing about these gods and they are and can be brutal. In every way they are greater than any human or Nephilim. 
The entire human population cannot even put up any kind of fight against just one of them, let alone dozens or even 200 or even thousands or millions or billions or whatever number of them there are.
Humanity will see only two choices. One to stand and fight, Two is to capitulate to their will. Which begins humanities split. Humanities THIRD choice will most likely be ignored, discredited or just forgotten, is to call upon the God of all in which all of them which comes have already lost badly and lost in a very short period of time as in nearly instantly. The God of the Jews of Israel. The God of the Christians. 
Humanities collective suicide. I also see this. I see that the decision has been made for the suicide of all humanity. It has been decided that this plan will remain secret and that the common people should not know. By a variety of different means these actions will occur in the correct time. All aspects of NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) weapons will be used. As well as new weapons categories which is still outside of civilian human consciousness. When used all at once in strategic locations. Humanity will die as well as all life on this planet. This planet will become unusable to any alien species. So they all will leave if this planet cannot feed and supply their selfish desires. 
Added on 08 June 2022:
How to kill the Nephilim. 
I have been thinking about this since around 03 June 2022. 
More Nephilim will be born to human women. Many of the human women will be killed right after Nephilim child birth in a variety of ways and in a variety of time. The fallen angels will not want any manner of relationship from their own children with the human mothers. This is assuming that the human women actually survive the child birth event. The Nephilim who are to be born will also be as bad as they were in Biblical times. 
Many Nephilim will also return from the stars or the second heaven by the human and Earth perspective. 
They will also be terrible once their plans are set in order. Once they have fully deceived all of humanity. But, there will also be the secrets that those who hold and have power will just easily capitulate to their will. The leaders of the world will give unto them everything.
It will be the civilians of the world who will become responsible for the killing of any Nephilim. To kill the Nephilim has and had already been accomplished before the advent of explosives and before the invention of the gun. So the killing of the Nephilim will be possible. But, the human idea of camouflage must be evolved. For instance. 
A sniper with a large caliber round has a Nephilim in his/her sights. From a very far away distance. There is a lot of mental processes to go through in order not to be discovered. 
1). Think nothing and say nothing. Let that which you are doing be with no thought. So how? 
2). Think and imagining innocent child like things in a child like manner. While you are doing the sniper methods of shooting far distances. 
3). Thinking about and imagining in child like codes. Cute kittens, beautiful bunnies and pretty puppies. Think about and imagining these and other things along with related child like emotional content. The child like joy of playing with fun non violent toys. The joy of playing with friends in a non aggressive manner(parties). During the process of taking aim, setting up the kill shot and making the kill shot with a very large caliber bullet. Your child like thinking process must carry on through your exit. Unless, You are making the sacrifice. Then take out as much as you can. While others make their safe exits. But, this may not take long at all as fire comes down from heaven and consumes everyone instantly. Like killing fleeing ants with your human finger so too will it be easy for them to kill every other fleeing human.
4). You must use very large caliber armor piercing bullets. 
5). The actions of killing a Nephilim will be and should be a permanent process. A variety of tactics and strategies can be devised which is beyond my scope of doing anything militaristic. 
6). In an opposite direction. There can be sacrificial men/women who can be devising a plan to kill the Nephilim as well as those who came with them. These will become the bait. Al they have to do is think, imagine and be emotional about killing a Nephilim and their parent. Then the Nephilim and the other more powerful aliens will come. Then if the humans are caught alive. Terrible things will be done to the humans. Even becoming a human host to a new Nephilim baby(I'm being nice).  The caught humans will be ripped apart with very powerful athletic speed, agility and may even be consumed while still alive, even in partiality. The worse parts are in the Holy Bible. 
7). Please notice that when attacking them everyone involved will be sacrificial.
8). Let's say your team is successful in executing a Nephilim. You and everyone involved cannot even engage in thinking about what had happened. You must force yourself to forget or be made to forget. You cannot even imagine the event. You cannot even celebrate the event. Because if you do any of these things you can be mentally found out and then killed. 
9). Once the Nephilim are killed. They cannot be born again. Once they are physically dead they are dead. You just have to do a very good job at killing them, almost excessively. 
NOTE: I do not ever talk about killing. Not sure why. I do know this is for a specific group of people who have already engaged and have lost much even with a mission success. Even though there may have been one or two or a few more missions already in recent human history. So how do you plan without thinking and without emotion? How do you go through the process of preparations without knowing and yet still knowing what to do?  Because to formally prepare means the Nephilim parent will know. I do not like this at all. Yet, I still write it out. Yet, the third choice as written above is not considered in this current writing. 
Flee from all sin. Reject all sin. Become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God alone. Change from your evil and sinful ways. Become a good human being as which is taught in the Holy Bible. Do not cause any harm. Do not cause any suffering. Do not even cause anyone to have any hurt, sad or bad feelings. Becoming obedient to all of the commandments from God. Not because you have to but rather because you want to and because it is the right thing to do. A good human being should want to do good things and reject all bad things. Rejecting bad, sad and sinful things also include within your own imagination and in games. The more humans who do these by their own free will without any threat, intimidation, fear or for any other selfish and profitable reason. They they who are in the second heaven may not come or will just leave. But, not likely. For as it was in the days of Noah.
Added on: 17 June 2023: 
Yes indeed the Nephilim are a threat to humans but so to are the Chimeras which will also come. 
It shall be the nephilim working with humans as intermediaries of the fallen angels who will bring forth the development of Chimeras. There shall even be millions and billions of human chimeras walking around and not know they are chimeras.
The nephilim will befriend those humans which are of service to them for that specific period of time at which point once that service is complete. The nephilim will destroy and consume all of the humans who have helped them. 
The nephilim will give no indication or warning that they will destroy and consume the humans that they have befriended. In one moment the friendships and trust is continually growing. Then the nephilim acting upon some kind of unknown signal which is even unknown to the smartest of all humans. they all in unison kill and consume their human friends. 
The human chimeras who know not what they have become will experience the worse kind of horror when their bodies and being are violently overtaken by demonic spiritual entities. The human chimeras are helpless and defenseless in totality. 
The human chimeras will become open containers for all manner of evil spiritual fulfillment.
Organized modification of human DNA for medical purposes is one method in how humans become chimeras. 
Human chimeras will easily know one another as they can easily organize with each other as if they have been friends and brothers to one another for many thousands of years. 
The point of the development of human chimeras is so that those humans will become vessels to their demonic spiritual hosts. I matters not want the human vessel wants, needs or desires. It does not even matter if your willing or even give permission. 
Just as a criminal who steals a very nice sports car may end of destroying it for no other reason because they can. The demonic spirits who take chimera human may also do the same once they are done with that human host as they seek out a new chimera human to drive around like some stolen sports car.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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========== May 2022: ========================