Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Great Prophet: (unedited): 01 Aug 2012

Great is the saint, messenger or prophet of God. Who can not only deliver the messages but can also express wisdom, knowledge and understanding of those messages. 
As just regular men. We cannot judge or compare the prophets. GOD choose the prophets, messengers or saints for HIS own reasons. These chosen men who have willingly obeyed GOD. Who went forth to deliver the messages to all of the people. Not just to a particular religion, nation, culture or Race (see note).
Just like Jonah who disobeyed GOD, still delivered the messages to Nineveh. Yet, The message still lives on. Just like every other message delivered to any specific place and specific time. The lessons learned by these still living messages from GOD is a testament to their importance over the messenger, prophet or saint.
The prophet, messenger or saint is only important when the message is still within, when other messages are still within the man (Male/Female) or when GOD still has a continued purpose or mission for the man.
Race is a lie and a deception. This is now proven by the completion of the Human Genome Project 11 years ago. Which factually proves that all of mankind has 99.9% identical DNA. Which logically can be stated that all of us on this planet are of one human race or of one human family. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Unique Scheme: (Unedited): 21 Nov 2006

Within the grand scheme of things resides a billion billion elements. One fault or error can cause the big picture to be terribly flawed or become beautifully unique. C.J.MacKechnie
NOTE: The decision is yours to make, terrible? or beautiful?. Your mindful and prepared efforts creates the final outcome in any endeavor. If you are not mindful or prepared the end results of anything will be less than desirable. 

Discipline Cometh: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2007

God's Messengers, Prophets and saints have already delivered the messages of love, peace, harmony and life. That message has been rejected. All of humanity will suffer.
NOTE: Prophetic. All of the prophets have spoken and written the words of GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER. What is next? Is completely up to all of humanity. We can heed the warnings of the Prophets and turn away from our collective evil ways. (Lesson of Nineveh).  Thus, avert all of the bad and sad prophecies ever spoken or written (Lesson of Joseph and the Pharaoh). It matters not if a particular prophet is accepted by your specific religion or not. When the prophecies match and are similar. The commonality has a greater dimensional meaning and importance. Which cannot be ignored, Unless you desire extinction. That is where we as a human species is at.


Time Compressions Waves: (unedited): 29 March 2007

Although we as humans would like to believe that time is uniformly constant. It is not. There are periods when time seems to pass slowly and other periods when time passes rather quickly. When a planet, solar system, galaxy passes through a period when time seems to go by slowly. There will be a tendency for calm and relaxation. When a planet, solar system, galaxy passes through a period when time passes by very fast. The life on that planet will become stressed. When life, animals or people become stressed, they act irrationally. The passing of time can be artificially manipulated on purpose or by accident. 
 NOTE: The word "period" is a non descriptive word about natural or artificial events which can alter or change the speed of time. Since we as humans are in time. The change in time speed is not seen by humans. Although the emotional human response may be a human warning device. Much like a warning light in your car.