Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Time Compressions Waves: (unedited): 29 March 2007

Although we as humans would like to believe that time is uniformly constant. It is not. There are periods when time seems to pass slowly and other periods when time passes rather quickly. When a planet, solar system, galaxy passes through a period when time seems to go by slowly. There will be a tendency for calm and relaxation. When a planet, solar system, galaxy passes through a period when time passes by very fast. The life on that planet will become stressed. When life, animals or people become stressed, they act irrationally. The passing of time can be artificially manipulated on purpose or by accident. 
 NOTE: The word "period" is a non descriptive word about natural or artificial events which can alter or change the speed of time. Since we as humans are in time. The change in time speed is not seen by humans. Although the emotional human response may be a human warning device. Much like a warning light in your car.

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