Friday, December 30, 2022

Russian Nuclear Gambit Vision: (Unedited): 30 Dec 2022:

As I write this I cannot really believe the words I'm typing. I may delete. I've already been doing much writing and researching. Sections not written in order. Apparently what I'm writing is not a new concept in regards to Guantanamo Bay Naval Station. I'm leaving copy and paste links for your own security and safety. 
I'm in orbit looking down and I see rocket launches which begin to arc towards the USA 48 states. I see small flashes of light along many coastal regions of Florida like Tampa, NASA Cape area. Jacksonville and Pensacola areas. Then eastern coast of Georgia. Then I see the smoke rising. The origins of the launch seem to be Cuba. All from Cuba and the Guantanamo area. But, I also see launches from other parts of central Cuba. 
 Then I see flashes in North Carolina and many in and surrounding the Washington D.C. area. But, I do not see their origins. My perception seems to be limited and do not see anymore simply because I cannot see other places or regions of the world. I seem to be focused on the Cuban region. Yet, I'm aware of Venezuela, Nicaragua and the Caribbean Sea. Yet, I'm seeing a great ancient city which is no more, not related unsure why. Then I see vague and shady rockets rising from Venezuela and going elsewhere in South America which is out of my perceptions. I do not see any flashes of light. 
I'm zoomed in on Cuba and I see about a dozen identical Russian styled Ballistic Missile Vehicles on the roads, ducking into launch positions and raising their singular rocket tube. I do think I'm only seeing a sample size. This seems out of time to the rest of the vision. OK just stop. End.
I see the US military abandon the Guantanamo Naval Base/Station in Cuba.  Even though the US Naval base is what I would call a major base. ...DELETED... What could cause a change? What would cause a peaceful Russian take over? I do not know at the time of this writing. Maybe I will add more content later at a later date as would be indicated below and which is common for me to do.
The entire leadership of Russia is in a very bad place. So new very bad plans will be enacted to off set the recent embarrassments in their military activity. Once a leadership begins to kill off their leadership staff and suicides their troops. They can no longer play the long game and win. The worst kind of embarrassing loss is inevitable. So this leads to a decision which will or might be made. Russia sees itself in a corner as Ukrainian special forces are already inside of Russia and attacking Russian bases.
A decision will be made in favor of selling nuclear weapons to the enemies of NATO nations as well as the USA. Russia will even use the nuclear materials purchased and NASA technical know how from the USA in order to make and sell those nuclear weapons for their allies. So that when and if those nuclear weapons are ever used against NATO Nations or the USA. The radioactive and technological evidence will immediately point to the USA as the original source(Irony). 
Since all nations which do have a space program have all agreed to the honesty policy of launching. They each will continue to do as which has already been done and not be honest in regards to the purpose and function of any launch. Yea, no nation is or has ever been truly honest in their launches. Which leads to a new weapons program which has been written by me many times before somewhere in my writings. The awareness of this truth is evident especially after the USA sent NASA scientists and engineers to both Russia and China and show them how to go into space. In which both Russia and China lied and began work on an entirely new generation of weapons platforms all based on what was given to them by the USA/NASA. So no longer is it required to employ rockets which must utilize a full burn in order to get to target. Now all any nation has to do is properly inject a nuclear capable weapon into a specific orbit and then quietly ride that orbit to the target site and detonate or just continually ride that orbit for years until the decision is made to detonate or de-orbit. All of that technology and know how is now commonly known by all of the enemies of NATO and the USA. Be sure to say Thank You, to then sitting President Bill Clinton. He is why that each NATO nation must upgrade and modernize their military logistics, strategies, equipment, training ASAP. The very idea of MAD is and has been out the window since around the year 2,000.
This leads to this vision of what Russia and China may do. As they are both in a bad military place in regards to the overall effectiveness of their military's. In the modern military it takes more than two years for a soldier to become effective in the use of advanced technologies. That two years is on top of the necessary basic training and advanced training prior to their perspective military job training. That two years is also on top of necessary education that each perspective soldier must achieve before going into military service. This is why compulsory service of only two years or less does not work very well in the overall effectiveness of any non volunteer military. While it appears that Russia has gone backwards in military professional development but China has gone forward in the development of military professionalism. A professional military development program is the most important effective decision making process that any military can make. This one decision will show very real world dividends in about ten years and will only become more enhanced each year thereafter.
The decisions in which it only now appears to me. That coming Russian decisions will lead to the total destruction of all aspects of what is and was Russia. Russia will become so depleted of men that China will invade all of Russia and there will be nothing to stop the absolute Chinese takeover. China will kill everyone without ever having any guilt or remorse. China will celebrate. But, of course this can only happen when the USA is neutralized. Then once the USA is no longer a problem for China. All aspects of NATO will crumble and become much less than ineffective.  
The destruction of the USA will be easy and will take about one year as the enemies of the USA sit on their hands and patiently wait for the effect to happen.  The USA is also self destructive and will suffer the fate of Israel in the past for the abandonment of their God. 
In about the time that Cuba asks/demands the USA to leave Cuban territories. The Cuban/Russian/Chinese will come in and take over the former American military base. They will begin to build the new rocket silos for the nuclear weapons which use American radio active materials(How Ironic). 
Cuba will not be the only nation who will begin to build their own nuclear arsenals. Other anti-American nations in the region will also do the same thing. At least two other nations.
Another sign in which the time is getting close is when that which was military bases suddenly get an influx of money for modernization and security. Even though a military presence is not yet reestablished. Like Bartow, Florida airport. There will also be other Florida locations as well. Just as when you begin to see more military monies and activity at the other Florida sites. These will be signs and times are close.
Nuclear Communications may or may not happen and will be kept secret from the civilian populations of the world. But the USA and NATO nations will know who has nuclear weapons. I guess nuclear proliferation will be kept secret. Just as every official knows that China does have or will have in a short period of time many thousands of functional nuclear weapons on hand and yet everyone will state that China only has 300. As each nation in Central American and South America will each have a dozen or more nuclear rockets all with American NASA guidance and many other associated technologies. 
Think about this for a moment. While the proliferation of nuclear weapons will be kept secret. They are being made with American nuclear materials and with American NASA technologies. So when and if they are ever used against any NATO nation, Israel, Japan, South Korea or the USA. The blame will be pointed right at the USA. Because, the Americans will be the fundamental source for nuclear weapons proliferation in the world. 
Just as Iran has nukes in the brand new underground missile silos. Where did the technology originate? The USA. 
North Korea has a very advanced rocket program in which they can send nukes into a sustained Low Earth Orbit(LEO) or aimed at a satellite in Mid Earth Orbit. Who is the original source for this technology? The USA. It matters not if North Korea was sold the NASA technology by Russia and China. Who gave it to Russia and China? The USA and NASA on orders from President Bill Clinton. 
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, December 23, 2022

Survival Life Is Hard: (Unedited): 01-23 Dec 2022:

Survival is hard. Survival is not of your choosing. Survival sucks. Survival is not a long term camping trip. Survival will be especially hard if your are not trained in the environment which you are sudden thrust into. It doesn't matter if it is homelessness, prison, the wilderness of any kind, war, societal unrest, economic downturns, extreme weather events or even when the SHTF.
So are the modes of life? I see three modes of life as related to a survival mentality. The survival mentality is the middle of the road. Where as the existence mentality is where you have given up and are just waiting for death. Then there s the preferred mentality and that is a thriving mentality. Most people who live in the western modern world live in the thriving mentality. But, of course there are those who are simply surviving and then are those who simply exist and do not care if they live or die. I've seen this in many other people and in my own self as I once had the simple existence mindset. 
---Existence Mind Set----
The existence mind set is where you just do not care anymore. This does mean they you also do not care to live anymore. But, this is just a step above suicidal. You need to know that a person who is suicidal can also have or had a thriving mindset and a survival mindset. I've seen suicidal people in all of life's categories. This is not about suicide but it can be. Many people think that a simple existence mind set means that a person is huddled in some dark corner just wasting away and that can be very true. But, there are other existence mind sets as well. Like when a person chooses to do things on purpose which can end up killing themselves. Especially, if there is a short term exhilarating thrill behind the action. This can be a sign of an existence mind set. A person who makes no plans, no goals and has no meaningful dreams or any hopes for any kind of accomplishment. A person with a simple existence mind set has no intention of bettering themselves in any way. This is to the absolute confusion of someone who is in the thriving mindset. A person who is also in the existence may be a heroic person who is excessively willing to risk their own life in order to save anyone and everyone at any opportunity. Oh? so, you say, Just wait a minute, They are heroes!?!? and I say, to you, yes, they are. But, even heroes suffer as well. Think about a cop? any cop? Especially, a cop with 5-10 years of experience. The human cops go out into the ugly and awful world every single day, on purpose and all these human cops know throughout there entire work day which can last 12 hours is the worst that humanity has to offer them. It is easy for a human cop to lose faith in humanity and to see that humanity is getting worse and worse. Prophetically and actuality this may be very true. In which that may or may not be the case. But, when all of your professional memories is only of the bad and sad. Think about it how easy it is so simply slide into a simple existing mindset even if your a heroic cop who must hold onto all of those daily accrued awful memories in which you may never forget them. That is until, you start going to the store in uniform and in your cop car to buy beer and then put that beer into the trunk of your cop car. Then when you as a cop have given up on your own family. That is a bad sign. Maybe, you the cop/soldier are protecting them from you and your memories in which you cannot even tell them about. Then when you as a cop wake up in a mental haze of any kind and you go off to work with all manner of apathy but you become a robot who will enforce the law without any mercy or compassion. You know something? This isn't just about the cops or Citizens Of Peace. This is also about soldiers and other heroes. Who have to do bad awful things or witness bad awful things everyday and keep all of those bad and awful memories from all civilians. Heroes do this for you every single day. Then you who are kept safe from the ugliness of evil people do not see it or experience any of it and guess what that is how it is supposed to be. So that you civilian can go on with your life free from the memories of what the genuine heroes hold onto. 
---Survival Mindset---
Having the survival mindset is one where you know that you and those whom you care about can die at any time or during the very next emergency event or even in the very next accident. What ever that may be. You may not be able to prevent the next emergency event but you can do everything possible to mitigate the next emergency events before anyone of them happen. The healthy survival mindset means that you make those necessary preparations during those good times and hope that the bad times do not happen. The healthy survival mindset does mean that you endeavor to achieve a thriving lifestyle and mindset. That you achieve those other functional purposeful and evolving mindsets as which is defined by you and your own natural skill sets. 
There is a draw back to the survival mindset. The survival mindset can become fear driven. The survival mindset can become a weapon of abuse. The survival mindset can be evidence of historical abuse to an individual person. The survival mindset should not be a permanent fixture in your mind and in your relationships. The survival mindset can be a thief to you obtaining real joy, peace, happiness and comfort.
---Thriving Mindset---
 The thriving mindset is where each person should reside in. This is where each person, family, church and community are living their own self defined lives with the lives that hopefully they each have right now. The thriving lifestyle is where you have the choices and freedoms to do whatever you want so as long as you do not on purpose or by accident cause anyone any kind of harm or suffering. You living your thriving lifestyle without and unnecessary fears and anxieties. 
Think about this. What are the odds of you becoming a victim every time you leave from the apparent comforts and safety of your home? If it is very minimal then you are existing in a thriving society. Yes, I do know that there are places in any thriving society in which you must have the survival mindset. Those people who live in those unfortunate places may be forced to live with either the survival mindset or the existence mindset. While the threat of being harmed in some way if they even dare to try to obtain any other positive mindset.
---Functional Mindset---
 The functional mindset is actually made up of many different functional categories. Such as agriculture, medicine, mechanics, animal care, carpentry, electricity, welding, plumbing, organization, logistics planning, strategic planning, civil engineering and etc. This list can go on forever. This list includes ancient skill sets as well as skill sets needed for today and into the evolving future of development. 
This functional mindset is where you have obtained one or more skill sets and you have achieved a level of professional skill. The more of these functional skill sets a person has in relation to survival. The greater their chances of survival. The more of these functional skill sets any church or community has in their accepted members. The greater the chances of that church and community of survival. The greater a person, church or community has in modern day functional skill sets the greater they each are likely to thrive in a thriving society.
---Purposeful Mindset---
The purposeful and meaningful mindset is also one which should be thought about. Because, without purpose and meaning in your life. The life you freely choose to have can become empty, unimportant, meaningless, aimless and many other negative words which can lead to a depressive state of being. 
So begin to freely choose to have the mindset of being able to do for others and purposely put yourself into a position of being in the right places where you can actually do for others. All without stoking your pride, ego, sense of supremacy and air self importance. Do for other people in secret. Do for people who are in genuine need all without gratitude, award, rewards, credit, acknowledgements or any other method that defines you as the original source. When you can achieve this level of actual beneficial giving of time and energies. You will be rewarding with a form of joy which cannot be achieved, gotten or had in any other way. The knowing that you have purpose is very crucial in a healthy created environment. The knowing that what you actually do has profound meaning for other people. Is crucially important for the maintenance of the whole community. Then when you quietly and humbly teach the things that you do in secret. You perpetuate a developing sense of purpose and meaning to other people who can go out and do without bringing any attention to themselves. 
---Evolving Mindset--- 
The evolving mindset is one which is always seeking out the better way. The evolving mindset is always trying to positively better themselves, their church and community in a variety of ways and methods. The evolving mindset does not forget about any other mindset and is just a forward thinking mindset. The positive evolution of all aspects of a life worth living. While at the same time positively evolving all aspects in how to prevent and mitigate all unfortunate surprises and emergency events which may or may not happen.
So what other mindsets should a person, church or community have that leads to all of the good and positive words in life? 
Added on 25 Dec 2022: For you genuine Christians. Who controls the world or the systems of the world?
Because, it is he who wants all of humanity to perish. he does not want any of his enemies to prepare for anything. he wants all of humanity to die and become extinct. So, any content which is directly against you preparing and surviving or leads you to decide that you/we do not need to prepare for anything. Is a deception for you. Because, if you do not prepare for any emergency event no matter how awful it may be. Then you will most likely die in any extreme emergency event. If you take personal responsibility for your own safety and well being then the real powerful evil doers of the world cannot use your victimization to further their design and perpetuation of chaos, hatred, violence, conflict, wars and everything else which is negative. 
Cash App: $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Human Remains Vision: (Unedited): 17 Dec 2022:

 Vision 12/17/2022 @ 1700hrs.?: 

I was traveling down a multi divided lane road in a rural like area with no vehicles present. I was traveling at what seemed to be a normal safe speed in a vehicle/car. I so no people, animals or any living being. 

I looked over into a ditch and saw dozens of human bodies and I casually looked away focused on the forward movement of the vehicle. Almost like the scene had become normalized. All of which had been decomposing for some time and had no offensive odors to them. Many of the human bodies were partially buried in the mud. The day appeared to be a very nice and comfortable day.

What I did not see was anything war related. I did not see any official recovery of the human corpses. I was alone. I did not feel hurried, rushed or chased. I was out in the open on a big empty road. The trees and grasses were all lush and green. The sky was blue with some clouds. Seemed like a beautiful Florida day. 
So something happens in which no official governmental entity even tries to recover human remains. What can cause this thing to happen? Who? 
Here is the thing for the entire civilian population of the world. We all have been taught the good wisdom's of the primary religions as written in purple below. When you begin to refuse to participate in any war fighting, battles and conflicts. Peace will happen, globally. When you refuse to go to war for the benefit of your human masters. Who will the defenders fight? When everyone goes home and actually begins to live their lives loving one another, living in peace with everyone, existing in harmony with everything and cherishing all life. Then the end result will be lives worth living where everyone can begin to relax and experience the joys of a good life lived and experienced. 
Added on 19 Dec 2022: 
The remaining humans shall be the ones who are genuinely meek in spirit, heart and in mind. It is these who shall inherit the Earth.
The remaining humans shall be the ones who have stored up blessings for themselves. Much like those who stored up oil and firewood prior to the coming night or winters season. 
The remaining humans who are pridefully worldly and refuse to even acknowledge the truth shall remain and become of the dirt before their own natural time has expired. While their spirit remains locked up in burning and suffering.  
The righteous and holy may lose their lives to martyrdom. It is they who shall remain in the glories of the heavens. 
Cash App: $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Nuclear Weapons Decided Vision: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2022:

 Yesterday 07 Dec 2022 @ about 1400 hours my Florida time. 

Audio vision with a graphic image.

Audible."It has been decided that we will use nuclear weapons" 

Visual. An image of a darkened mushroom cloud devoid of any light or internal illumination. There was only one. The colors were a variety of grays. The mushroom cloud did not seem to evolve or move. The mushroom cloud seemed stagnant. The entire sky appeared like day time but it too was all darkened and gray's.

End of vision.

My assumptions in red are not to be associated with the audio and visual vision. The audio visual vision should stand separate from my interpretation and your own. Interpretations should always be considered as plausible and possible assumptions

I do not know who the "we" are. My assumption is first Russia, then China and North Korea or Iran.

I do not know which class or which nuclear weapons will be used. I suspect that Russia will use tactical nuclear weapons against hardened military sites inside of Ukraine or even outside of Ukraine which directly involve Ukraine, NATO and the USA.

"Decided" does not mean to actually use a nuclear weapon or many. 

"weapons" Yes, Plural. Not an assumption. 

Who would form a comment in this manner? It suggests after a meeting in which a group of people have agreed with a conclusion of some kind. An official leader of some body.

What would all of the gray colors mean? Psychological and spiritual meanings???.

I do not know how many nuclear weapons will be used. I suspect one. With no apparent retaliation. ===============
Added on 09 Dec 2022: Minor editing above. 
I think there is a big difference in "The showing of force" and the decision of using maximum force. If you keep up with military things. You can see much showing of force. You also know that about many months ago the USA sent nukes to Europe, maybe?, possible? or reasonable?. All aspects of NBC is classified. So how would a civilian janitor know and is now reported as such in the present time? The point is this. The bad kids on the block are bringing all of their marbles with the intention of throwing hands. That decision has been made. While at the same time not telling anyone in their own civilian populations or families. The bad kids only care for themselves and do not care about the coming ramifications to their own families and to their own good neighbors. Guess what, None of them are the good guys. Just like WWI, WWII, and in every other war. All sides believed they were the good guys.
So who will suffer? You!, your loved ones!, your family!, your friends!, your church!, your community!. So take care of those who are important to you. If you cannot, then during this holiday and vacation cycles. Tell them your love, their importance to you, seek forgiveness, admit your own idiocy, where ever you can. Offer forgiveness even if it is in the secret places of your own mind and heart.
Before any war. The government must make sure they have fuel, food, and other typical necessities. When the actual shortages begin. The shelves shall become empty. To avoid warnings. The grocery store shelves will be absent of this and that one week and then that and this another. There will be a rotation in empty shelves. This all to avoid awareness of the civilian populations. 
And by the way. The rich and wealthy already know and have made their own safe places. The political elites have already spent the many generations of tax monies to save themselves and their own supporting people groups. While at the same time dismantling the needed safe places and supplies for the civilian populations (Americans).
A hopeful vision which is private. I saw a kitchen with 3 SS commercial ovens in an unseen home or place of a young woman. Here is the thing. What happens if a nuke is used? what are the probabilities and possibilities of this young woman who may begin to make a cooking business in which she currently has no concept of. AND no can't tell her because it could/would take away from her own self discovery process and could prevent it from happening. It is like freeing a beautiful butterfly out of your love, mercy and compassion. Sometimes you have to stand by and just watch at the wonders which is about to emerge.  It is kind of like telling a child they will be great one day and then that child believing those words and then that same child decides not to work anymore or to learn anything of genuine value or even develop their own heart. The future is altered in unexpected ways. 
Cash App: $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.