Showing posts with label Thriving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thriving. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2022

Survival Life Is Hard: (Unedited): 01-23 Dec 2022:

Survival is hard. Survival is not of your choosing. Survival sucks. Survival is not a long term camping trip. Survival will be especially hard if your are not trained in the environment which you are sudden thrust into. It doesn't matter if it is homelessness, prison, the wilderness of any kind, war, societal unrest, economic downturns, extreme weather events or even when the SHTF.
So are the modes of life? I see three modes of life as related to a survival mentality. The survival mentality is the middle of the road. Where as the existence mentality is where you have given up and are just waiting for death. Then there s the preferred mentality and that is a thriving mentality. Most people who live in the western modern world live in the thriving mentality. But, of course there are those who are simply surviving and then are those who simply exist and do not care if they live or die. I've seen this in many other people and in my own self as I once had the simple existence mindset. 
---Existence Mind Set----
The existence mind set is where you just do not care anymore. This does mean they you also do not care to live anymore. But, this is just a step above suicidal. You need to know that a person who is suicidal can also have or had a thriving mindset and a survival mindset. I've seen suicidal people in all of life's categories. This is not about suicide but it can be. Many people think that a simple existence mind set means that a person is huddled in some dark corner just wasting away and that can be very true. But, there are other existence mind sets as well. Like when a person chooses to do things on purpose which can end up killing themselves. Especially, if there is a short term exhilarating thrill behind the action. This can be a sign of an existence mind set. A person who makes no plans, no goals and has no meaningful dreams or any hopes for any kind of accomplishment. A person with a simple existence mind set has no intention of bettering themselves in any way. This is to the absolute confusion of someone who is in the thriving mindset. A person who is also in the existence may be a heroic person who is excessively willing to risk their own life in order to save anyone and everyone at any opportunity. Oh? so, you say, Just wait a minute, They are heroes!?!? and I say, to you, yes, they are. But, even heroes suffer as well. Think about a cop? any cop? Especially, a cop with 5-10 years of experience. The human cops go out into the ugly and awful world every single day, on purpose and all these human cops know throughout there entire work day which can last 12 hours is the worst that humanity has to offer them. It is easy for a human cop to lose faith in humanity and to see that humanity is getting worse and worse. Prophetically and actuality this may be very true. In which that may or may not be the case. But, when all of your professional memories is only of the bad and sad. Think about it how easy it is so simply slide into a simple existing mindset even if your a heroic cop who must hold onto all of those daily accrued awful memories in which you may never forget them. That is until, you start going to the store in uniform and in your cop car to buy beer and then put that beer into the trunk of your cop car. Then when you as a cop have given up on your own family. That is a bad sign. Maybe, you the cop/soldier are protecting them from you and your memories in which you cannot even tell them about. Then when you as a cop wake up in a mental haze of any kind and you go off to work with all manner of apathy but you become a robot who will enforce the law without any mercy or compassion. You know something? This isn't just about the cops or Citizens Of Peace. This is also about soldiers and other heroes. Who have to do bad awful things or witness bad awful things everyday and keep all of those bad and awful memories from all civilians. Heroes do this for you every single day. Then you who are kept safe from the ugliness of evil people do not see it or experience any of it and guess what that is how it is supposed to be. So that you civilian can go on with your life free from the memories of what the genuine heroes hold onto. 
---Survival Mindset---
Having the survival mindset is one where you know that you and those whom you care about can die at any time or during the very next emergency event or even in the very next accident. What ever that may be. You may not be able to prevent the next emergency event but you can do everything possible to mitigate the next emergency events before anyone of them happen. The healthy survival mindset means that you make those necessary preparations during those good times and hope that the bad times do not happen. The healthy survival mindset does mean that you endeavor to achieve a thriving lifestyle and mindset. That you achieve those other functional purposeful and evolving mindsets as which is defined by you and your own natural skill sets. 
There is a draw back to the survival mindset. The survival mindset can become fear driven. The survival mindset can become a weapon of abuse. The survival mindset can be evidence of historical abuse to an individual person. The survival mindset should not be a permanent fixture in your mind and in your relationships. The survival mindset can be a thief to you obtaining real joy, peace, happiness and comfort.
---Thriving Mindset---
 The thriving mindset is where each person should reside in. This is where each person, family, church and community are living their own self defined lives with the lives that hopefully they each have right now. The thriving lifestyle is where you have the choices and freedoms to do whatever you want so as long as you do not on purpose or by accident cause anyone any kind of harm or suffering. You living your thriving lifestyle without and unnecessary fears and anxieties. 
Think about this. What are the odds of you becoming a victim every time you leave from the apparent comforts and safety of your home? If it is very minimal then you are existing in a thriving society. Yes, I do know that there are places in any thriving society in which you must have the survival mindset. Those people who live in those unfortunate places may be forced to live with either the survival mindset or the existence mindset. While the threat of being harmed in some way if they even dare to try to obtain any other positive mindset.
---Functional Mindset---
 The functional mindset is actually made up of many different functional categories. Such as agriculture, medicine, mechanics, animal care, carpentry, electricity, welding, plumbing, organization, logistics planning, strategic planning, civil engineering and etc. This list can go on forever. This list includes ancient skill sets as well as skill sets needed for today and into the evolving future of development. 
This functional mindset is where you have obtained one or more skill sets and you have achieved a level of professional skill. The more of these functional skill sets a person has in relation to survival. The greater their chances of survival. The more of these functional skill sets any church or community has in their accepted members. The greater the chances of that church and community of survival. The greater a person, church or community has in modern day functional skill sets the greater they each are likely to thrive in a thriving society.
---Purposeful Mindset---
The purposeful and meaningful mindset is also one which should be thought about. Because, without purpose and meaning in your life. The life you freely choose to have can become empty, unimportant, meaningless, aimless and many other negative words which can lead to a depressive state of being. 
So begin to freely choose to have the mindset of being able to do for others and purposely put yourself into a position of being in the right places where you can actually do for others. All without stoking your pride, ego, sense of supremacy and air self importance. Do for other people in secret. Do for people who are in genuine need all without gratitude, award, rewards, credit, acknowledgements or any other method that defines you as the original source. When you can achieve this level of actual beneficial giving of time and energies. You will be rewarding with a form of joy which cannot be achieved, gotten or had in any other way. The knowing that you have purpose is very crucial in a healthy created environment. The knowing that what you actually do has profound meaning for other people. Is crucially important for the maintenance of the whole community. Then when you quietly and humbly teach the things that you do in secret. You perpetuate a developing sense of purpose and meaning to other people who can go out and do without bringing any attention to themselves. 
---Evolving Mindset--- 
The evolving mindset is one which is always seeking out the better way. The evolving mindset is always trying to positively better themselves, their church and community in a variety of ways and methods. The evolving mindset does not forget about any other mindset and is just a forward thinking mindset. The positive evolution of all aspects of a life worth living. While at the same time positively evolving all aspects in how to prevent and mitigate all unfortunate surprises and emergency events which may or may not happen.
So what other mindsets should a person, church or community have that leads to all of the good and positive words in life? 
Added on 25 Dec 2022: For you genuine Christians. Who controls the world or the systems of the world?
Because, it is he who wants all of humanity to perish. he does not want any of his enemies to prepare for anything. he wants all of humanity to die and become extinct. So, any content which is directly against you preparing and surviving or leads you to decide that you/we do not need to prepare for anything. Is a deception for you. Because, if you do not prepare for any emergency event no matter how awful it may be. Then you will most likely die in any extreme emergency event. If you take personal responsibility for your own safety and well being then the real powerful evil doers of the world cannot use your victimization to further their design and perpetuation of chaos, hatred, violence, conflict, wars and everything else which is negative. 
Cash App: $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, November 4, 2022

Survival Skill Sets: (Unedited): 04 Nov 2022:

  As with my other writings. Look near the bottom where I've dated new content. 
The idea of having a skill or a set of skills is likened to what kind of tools are in your own physical tool box or sewing kit or fishing tackle box or any other container with very useful items that you consider important to any particular skill.
In this modern era of technological development everyone should have those necessary functional skill sets which enables each person to live a thriving lifestyle. One should not merely survive in any kind of economic, social, professional or any other kind of environment. So to point out there are at least three basic life styles that most people can achieve. These are existing, survival and thriving. 
First is being dead. Yea, dead is not on the list and yet we all will achieve death, but how? Dead means your dead and this also means that there is no one to protect any of your loved ones, or any of the young souls who are directly connected to you and whom you are responsible for. 
The worst listed here is existing as you are just waiting to be saved or waiting for death. In which being saved is most likely not even a remote possibility. Because, the bottom line is when you're at the bottom of whatever life brings you, that eventually you are the one who must be your own hero and save yourself. If for whatever reason you have just given up, then you sit and wait for death to come. This is simple existence.  
The next step above existence is survival. Survival is not fun and nor is it an extended camping trip. Survival is not some fun adventure. Survival on the other hand is a continual fight to stay alive everyday. Survival is not dying today or next week or the next season. Survival is hard work each and everyday. Survival is working hard from dawn to dusk each and every day. Survival is not fair. The laws of the animal kingdom governs survival. In which humans are not physically equipped to contend with any large predator animal or groups of predatory animals that want to eat you alive. Survival sucks.
The best place to be is hopefully how you are living right now and that is in a thriving lifestyle. This is where you do not have to worry about dying or becoming injured at every point of your daily routine. Because, in a surviving lifestyle an injury will most likely mean you will die sooner rather than later. So you are living in a thriving lifestyle. This means you are in that place in life where you can basically do whatever you desire so as long as you do not cause any other soul any degree of sadness, harm or suffering. But, since we are all deeply flawed human beings we, me and you the reader do, do our best not to cause anyone any bad and sad feelings to any person. (Personal Note: Yea, I'm working on that part of my own humanity). In this thriving lifestyle it is easy to forget that in this modern world you can forget about any degree of survival as humans in the western world have easy access to nice homes/shelters, easy to obtain clean water and other drinking fluids, easy to obtain foods of any kind, medical care, education at any self desired level, myriad forms of entertainment, A/C and Heat, Clothing and shoes of all kinds, and this list goes on forever like easy access to chocolate and ice cream. 
The excess lifestyle is not listed. You have worked hard and long. You have gained everything you have ever dreamed of into the realm of excesses. A lot of people have a lot of very expensive toys. Do not get me wrong I'm not bad mouthing you or this lifestyle of excess. Go forth and live the life of your dreams. While at the same time not taking any of it for granted and without any gratitude. 
No matter what defined kind of life you are living right now. You already know and understand that in life there are good times and there are bad times. Some of these times are better good times and some of the bad times are much worse. So in wisdom and in self responsibility one should always plan for the worst of times while living in the best of your own self defined times. One plan should not take away for the other. It is all apart of life and we all live through it all the best way we all can. Yes???!!!
All of this evolves into your own community and the development of certain functional skill sets which transitions of effective use from the simple existing lifestyle all the way to the thriving lifestyle. If you are living in excess you still need functional skill sets and most likely already have them unless you did not learn any functional skill sets as all of your lifestyle of excess is from someone else. Then you can easily make that leap from excess all the way down to just simply existing rather easily and quickly. Regardless if there is a national emergency or some other global catastrophe. You would not be aware and you would probably not be reading this at all as you continually partake in a variety of mind altering excesses. But, this and these writings is for those family leaders and community leaders. It matters not if you think yourself one or not. You just know that you should be doing something and this may be the urging from the Holy Spirit. You may also know that you have to move or have some uncertain desire to move. These urging's can be rather tough as you may have generational relationships in your own city or town. This is a tough call. But, you have to consider where those urging's are coming from. Is it God wanting you to become a remnant of survival or is it the enemy predators trying to separate you from your family and community? Think about it. How does animals get eaten alive by the predators who are always stalking? They all get separated and isolated. They get confused and lost. They are either old or sickly. They are young and dumb. This you have to think about. Are you really supposed to move away or is so evil outside force wanting you to move away and alone to be devoured by all of the evils in the world? These things you have to fight with within the confines of your own mind. You need to know that there is a very false teaching within the survival community and that is "To go it alone". This is a severe falsehood as the evil in the world and all of the predators in the world strongly want for you to go it alone. For you to go it alone makes you an easy meal. Really. I'm talking about all of the evils and false truths here and not just the one I mentioned. We are all surrounded by false truths that we are all expected to believe as truths. While the good truths to have a genuine good life are believed and taught to people as falsehoods. You also need to know that all humans are continual and never ending targets to all of the evil that exists. It matters not if you're in perpetual survival mode in some poor hood or living an excessive lifestyle on some yacht or private plane living a life of perpetual vacation and holiday. It matters not what station in life that you live. You are a perpetual target to all that is evil and you already most likely know this. 
The community which has the most people with the most functional skill sets will most likely live to see another day, another week, another month and another season. The community which has the most teachers who can teach the most functional skill sets to everyone and anyone will most likely be the community which survive to see the next season of leadership from their young ones. 
Functional skill sets must be learned prior to any emergency event. You and your community must have already acquired all necessary associated manual or human powered tools and equipment. All plans and building projects must have already been completed prior to any emergency event. An emergency event in any extreme weather event or any other natural emergency event or even any human created emergency event. 
So when the leaders of the world tell all of the people that there will be food shortages, How are you preparing for those events? How many ornamental plants have been removed and replaced with food bearing trees, plants and bushes? Have each of you within the community become like Joseph in Egypt? So when a leader tells the people that you will own nothing and be happy. How are you planning for this if it is to be a reality? If the economists tell everyone of a great financial reset how are each of you planning for this occurrence? Assuming these are to be coming realities or some other kind of fear mongering. How are you and your community going to bring forth effective answers for any unfortunate eventuality? This is all in the skill sets and those things required as associated with skill sets. Functional skill sets is what is necessary for survival while not forgetting the most important tool is in the training and conditioning of your own mind and the minds within the community. There is a fundamental reason why firemen run into the fire when everyone else flees. There is a reason why an American soldier runs towards the enemy as civilians flee. There is a reason why the police go towards the bad people while innocent souls cry in desperation. Well, some souls may not be so innocent. But, no matter. You get this point. 
So here we are? What skill sets are required for everyday life no matter if life is good or bad? Or goes from bad to good. In my life where I had almost nothing and no one in my younger life. It has been very difficult to live a good life and I still struggle everyday. Not being able to properly socialize with people in what you would call normal occurrences. While at the same time knowing that I can survive on my own rather well. Well, That may be an exaggeration now as I'm older and not very healthy. I have found it very difficult to live a normal life or what I think a normal life should be. Though not being able to keep jobs very long has not been good for my family. But, this also goes back to not receiving an education in my youth either. But, you do have to have a caring family, environment and community to want to have a desired level of education. I think now I have left most of those jobs because of my inability to make and keep friendships. This fear tends to drive me away and I do just walk away and disappear from their lives. If those good people whom I have walked away from see me as the unforgivable bad man. Then I have become OK with that. But, do you get the reversal of situations. I do not have the skill sets to survive in a normal socialized climate and being older. I do not really seek them out any longer either. But, you should understand what I fully mean about all of the necessary skill sets. Some skill sets will require hand tools and physical equipment while others are those skill sets in which I severely lack from. But, in a survival situation psychological observations is necessary for survival at every single step of any interaction with any outsider. Because, a spy can be a precursor to an invasion. In the extreme, in which the people of Ukraine have experienced. The people of Ukraine have killed many spies and Russian troops in a variety of unique methods. But, most emergency events in which skill sets must be developed will be because of extreme weather events. Think about it. You have a tornado or a hurricane. The insurance companies will want monies as high as tens of thousands of dollars to remove a tree. I've seen it happen. I have also seen where the insurance person tell his client that they will take care of everything and then cut two feet of tree branches away from the house while leaving the rest of the tree. That is your good hands people for you. So, what is the importance of a functional chain saw skill set on top of with knowledge on how to safely clear out a fallen tree? Isn't this an aspect of survival when others outside of your community fail? This is just at least two functional skill sets. In southern communities when something happens in which some kind of extreme need arises within the community or a family. The old ladies would show up with all manner of foods and southern sweet tea. How do they even do that and all of a sudden have fried chicken in which you had better eat it or become threatened. Yea, I have direct experience in that regard, so in fear I ate and was thankful because I was told to be thankful and I was. So do not discredit other aspects of survival in regards to sweet tea and fried chicken. Those are apparently crucially important functional skill sets as well. And how do the old ladies instantly bring home-made pound cakes and other yummy bakery items? Some kind of magic I think(humor). That my friend is a functional skill set. Sometimes I still forget which fork and not your fingers to use when properly eating. Those proper eating classes I had while in foster care was a long time ago.
Added on 04 Nov 2022 @ 2130 hrs. 
So this is it. The place where you consider what skill sets you will master.You will need two eras of functional skill sets. These are from the preindustrial era and in this modern day. You need to be able to thrive in this modern world while at the same time planning for the worst event which ends everything in the modern world. But, if any other lesser emergency event happens. You will be prepared and your family safe. Then since your family is safe. You can go out into the world and be a positive blessing to those who are in desperate need. This is what Christians are supposed to do en-masse and used to do.
If your one of the poor people who cannot afford the huge expense of properly preparing for the safety and well being of your family in certain emergency situations. Then if you are young, alcohol and drug free, healthy and physically fit. Then those like minded communities may need a person just like you. Especially, if you have a variety of ancient preindustrial era skill sets as well as modern day skill sets which keeps you positively employed. You will also need to have their same belief and faith systems.
So what are those ancient preindustrial skill sets? Go and look around your local museums.
So what are those modern day skill sets? Working remotely especially during this new era where the internet will be everywhere including in the rural communities. Thanks to Elon Musk and Starlink. Once Starlink is fully up and running remote employment will be the most beneficial in rural communities. These will be the places where survival communities will be located. Of course none of those communities will use the word survival to describe themselves. What skill sets will be required for remote employment opportunities? I have no idea. You get to research those things and obtain those functional skill sets. 
So in this modern world when you have those needed skill sets. Then you, your family and your community will be able to thrive. When you have those preindustrial skill sets then when and if a severe emergency occurs. You will be able to step in when all modern day technology has stop working, died and is non-repairable. This means that you, your family and your community will be able to survive and then maybe once again begin to live in a thriving environment. A thriving safe environment of your own recreation. 
Cash App: $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, September 4, 2017

Greener You: (Unedited): 26 Aug 2017:

It is said the grass is greener on the other side. Which can be a fallacy. So if you become the greener grass. You become the other side the people hope and dream to aspire to become.
I have often seen people in life move to greener pastures only to stay for a short time and then move on or just disappear from awareness. I have even gotten trapped in that mental fallacy and jump ship far to many times in the past. Not once did I ever realize that the grass that I did not like was me and that when I did jump ship I was continually trying to leave myself. Think about that one for a while in regards about your own self.
I have had to become low in order to see the greener grass, literally. The grass in which you stand upon is a reflection of you. The grass isn't real it is only you which is real. So when you observe someone else greener grass and you jump ship to be there. You will feel good and excited for a while. Until you realize that all grass is the same and that there is no other ship to jump to. Look at yourself and you will see the state of your own being. Is your grass green, healthy, lush and thriving or is there only death of dirt and weeds which surround you? or are you the fake astro-turf like the greedy and selfish car salesman? Who only cares about himself/herself?
Note: This was an inspired write by just walking past a person. Inspiration comes from anywhere and from anyone. Anyone can be a mentor to anyone else.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Profoundly Fills: Elders Wisdom's: +3: (Unedited): 17-25 Feb 2017:

In the new modern world. Having everything fills you up with worthless emptiness. While living in the old ways where love, mercy and compassion profoundly fills you with deep meaning and a profound purpose of a life worth living.
Elders Wisdom's: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2017:
The absence of elders in the lives of the next generation. Births the absence of the foundational importance of historic wisdom's. 
Conceptual Wisdom: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2017
Without any conceptual knowledge of wisdom and how wisdom is supposed to be understood and used. The next generation will find it nearly impossible to live any sort of righteous life or even find any meaning to living a good life. 
Absence Wisdom Honor: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2017
The absence of wisdom in life makes it nearly impossible for you to ever gain an understanding of honor or to have a knowing of the importance of honor in life. 
Our modern world has become a throw it all away culture. Especially if that person or thing appears to be outdated in any way. We place our elders far away from our lives. Into facilities which we think will make them happy. When in truth placing our elders into facilities is for our comfort and ease of mind. There is a great loss. The loss of wisdom and the loss of history. The loss of wisdom and history is crucially important for the younger generation to have those stories which will guide them and assist them in making the good decisions in their lives.
Think about it. If your children knew all of those good, bad and ugly stories about you. Then you taught them all of those stories in a way which helps them to make better decisions than you have made. Your children will have that choice to actually make wise decisions in the time they have to make them. Without any of those stories. The making of decisions based in wisdom is no longer an option or even a part of their thinking processes.
A person becoming an elder. Should not mean they have attained an age where they suddenly become useless. An elders important duty is not to permanently go on vacation until they begin the physical process of death. But, that is what we do now and it is a crime to the youth of the next generation. In which the youth of the next generation are living their lives without any wisdom from the elders whom they are supposed to learn to respect. But, from the actions of their parents the youth learn that it is OK to disrespect their elders. The elders have not helped any by purposefully being absent in the lives of the next generation. So the elders become strangers who do not need to be listen to.
What has become important in this modern day society is the technology which enables all of us to engage in the social media sites of our interest. To such a degree that social media has become those cold unfeeling digital family members. Who are preferred over flesh and blood people. Which is supposed to be important?
The absence of elders in the lives of the next generation. Births the absence of the foundational importance of historic wisdom's.  For the elders do have a responsibility to teach the next generation. Even if that means if their lives become shortened. They should still teach all that they know in a written format which will have an opportunity to last longer than their own shortened lives. This shall become their evidence of love for the many generations to come after they are long gone into the Earth. The importance of wisdom needs to be expressed through every generation there after.
Birthing Thriving Wisdom: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2017: 
The point in a life of survival ends, is when wisdom leads the decision making process. Thus, birthing a life of thriving for one and for all.
Survival is all about you staying alive and damn anyone else. Thriving is that step out of survival where wisdom begins to guide you towards the right and correct decisions. By becoming a people with integrity, honor and developing a respect for all living things. You can achieve something which can sprout out your righteous works. Which will be deep meaning, profound purpose, joy, happiness.
You cannot have honor without wisdom. You cannot achieve a state of thriving without the use of wisdom. Without wisdom true joy and happiness cannot be achieved either.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.