Showing posts with label Purposeful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purposeful. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2022

Survival Life Is Hard: (Unedited): 01-23 Dec 2022:

Survival is hard. Survival is not of your choosing. Survival sucks. Survival is not a long term camping trip. Survival will be especially hard if your are not trained in the environment which you are sudden thrust into. It doesn't matter if it is homelessness, prison, the wilderness of any kind, war, societal unrest, economic downturns, extreme weather events or even when the SHTF.
So are the modes of life? I see three modes of life as related to a survival mentality. The survival mentality is the middle of the road. Where as the existence mentality is where you have given up and are just waiting for death. Then there s the preferred mentality and that is a thriving mentality. Most people who live in the western modern world live in the thriving mentality. But, of course there are those who are simply surviving and then are those who simply exist and do not care if they live or die. I've seen this in many other people and in my own self as I once had the simple existence mindset. 
---Existence Mind Set----
The existence mind set is where you just do not care anymore. This does mean they you also do not care to live anymore. But, this is just a step above suicidal. You need to know that a person who is suicidal can also have or had a thriving mindset and a survival mindset. I've seen suicidal people in all of life's categories. This is not about suicide but it can be. Many people think that a simple existence mind set means that a person is huddled in some dark corner just wasting away and that can be very true. But, there are other existence mind sets as well. Like when a person chooses to do things on purpose which can end up killing themselves. Especially, if there is a short term exhilarating thrill behind the action. This can be a sign of an existence mind set. A person who makes no plans, no goals and has no meaningful dreams or any hopes for any kind of accomplishment. A person with a simple existence mind set has no intention of bettering themselves in any way. This is to the absolute confusion of someone who is in the thriving mindset. A person who is also in the existence may be a heroic person who is excessively willing to risk their own life in order to save anyone and everyone at any opportunity. Oh? so, you say, Just wait a minute, They are heroes!?!? and I say, to you, yes, they are. But, even heroes suffer as well. Think about a cop? any cop? Especially, a cop with 5-10 years of experience. The human cops go out into the ugly and awful world every single day, on purpose and all these human cops know throughout there entire work day which can last 12 hours is the worst that humanity has to offer them. It is easy for a human cop to lose faith in humanity and to see that humanity is getting worse and worse. Prophetically and actuality this may be very true. In which that may or may not be the case. But, when all of your professional memories is only of the bad and sad. Think about it how easy it is so simply slide into a simple existing mindset even if your a heroic cop who must hold onto all of those daily accrued awful memories in which you may never forget them. That is until, you start going to the store in uniform and in your cop car to buy beer and then put that beer into the trunk of your cop car. Then when you as a cop have given up on your own family. That is a bad sign. Maybe, you the cop/soldier are protecting them from you and your memories in which you cannot even tell them about. Then when you as a cop wake up in a mental haze of any kind and you go off to work with all manner of apathy but you become a robot who will enforce the law without any mercy or compassion. You know something? This isn't just about the cops or Citizens Of Peace. This is also about soldiers and other heroes. Who have to do bad awful things or witness bad awful things everyday and keep all of those bad and awful memories from all civilians. Heroes do this for you every single day. Then you who are kept safe from the ugliness of evil people do not see it or experience any of it and guess what that is how it is supposed to be. So that you civilian can go on with your life free from the memories of what the genuine heroes hold onto. 
---Survival Mindset---
Having the survival mindset is one where you know that you and those whom you care about can die at any time or during the very next emergency event or even in the very next accident. What ever that may be. You may not be able to prevent the next emergency event but you can do everything possible to mitigate the next emergency events before anyone of them happen. The healthy survival mindset means that you make those necessary preparations during those good times and hope that the bad times do not happen. The healthy survival mindset does mean that you endeavor to achieve a thriving lifestyle and mindset. That you achieve those other functional purposeful and evolving mindsets as which is defined by you and your own natural skill sets. 
There is a draw back to the survival mindset. The survival mindset can become fear driven. The survival mindset can become a weapon of abuse. The survival mindset can be evidence of historical abuse to an individual person. The survival mindset should not be a permanent fixture in your mind and in your relationships. The survival mindset can be a thief to you obtaining real joy, peace, happiness and comfort.
---Thriving Mindset---
 The thriving mindset is where each person should reside in. This is where each person, family, church and community are living their own self defined lives with the lives that hopefully they each have right now. The thriving lifestyle is where you have the choices and freedoms to do whatever you want so as long as you do not on purpose or by accident cause anyone any kind of harm or suffering. You living your thriving lifestyle without and unnecessary fears and anxieties. 
Think about this. What are the odds of you becoming a victim every time you leave from the apparent comforts and safety of your home? If it is very minimal then you are existing in a thriving society. Yes, I do know that there are places in any thriving society in which you must have the survival mindset. Those people who live in those unfortunate places may be forced to live with either the survival mindset or the existence mindset. While the threat of being harmed in some way if they even dare to try to obtain any other positive mindset.
---Functional Mindset---
 The functional mindset is actually made up of many different functional categories. Such as agriculture, medicine, mechanics, animal care, carpentry, electricity, welding, plumbing, organization, logistics planning, strategic planning, civil engineering and etc. This list can go on forever. This list includes ancient skill sets as well as skill sets needed for today and into the evolving future of development. 
This functional mindset is where you have obtained one or more skill sets and you have achieved a level of professional skill. The more of these functional skill sets a person has in relation to survival. The greater their chances of survival. The more of these functional skill sets any church or community has in their accepted members. The greater the chances of that church and community of survival. The greater a person, church or community has in modern day functional skill sets the greater they each are likely to thrive in a thriving society.
---Purposeful Mindset---
The purposeful and meaningful mindset is also one which should be thought about. Because, without purpose and meaning in your life. The life you freely choose to have can become empty, unimportant, meaningless, aimless and many other negative words which can lead to a depressive state of being. 
So begin to freely choose to have the mindset of being able to do for others and purposely put yourself into a position of being in the right places where you can actually do for others. All without stoking your pride, ego, sense of supremacy and air self importance. Do for other people in secret. Do for people who are in genuine need all without gratitude, award, rewards, credit, acknowledgements or any other method that defines you as the original source. When you can achieve this level of actual beneficial giving of time and energies. You will be rewarding with a form of joy which cannot be achieved, gotten or had in any other way. The knowing that you have purpose is very crucial in a healthy created environment. The knowing that what you actually do has profound meaning for other people. Is crucially important for the maintenance of the whole community. Then when you quietly and humbly teach the things that you do in secret. You perpetuate a developing sense of purpose and meaning to other people who can go out and do without bringing any attention to themselves. 
---Evolving Mindset--- 
The evolving mindset is one which is always seeking out the better way. The evolving mindset is always trying to positively better themselves, their church and community in a variety of ways and methods. The evolving mindset does not forget about any other mindset and is just a forward thinking mindset. The positive evolution of all aspects of a life worth living. While at the same time positively evolving all aspects in how to prevent and mitigate all unfortunate surprises and emergency events which may or may not happen.
So what other mindsets should a person, church or community have that leads to all of the good and positive words in life? 
Added on 25 Dec 2022: For you genuine Christians. Who controls the world or the systems of the world?
Because, it is he who wants all of humanity to perish. he does not want any of his enemies to prepare for anything. he wants all of humanity to die and become extinct. So, any content which is directly against you preparing and surviving or leads you to decide that you/we do not need to prepare for anything. Is a deception for you. Because, if you do not prepare for any emergency event no matter how awful it may be. Then you will most likely die in any extreme emergency event. If you take personal responsibility for your own safety and well being then the real powerful evil doers of the world cannot use your victimization to further their design and perpetuation of chaos, hatred, violence, conflict, wars and everything else which is negative. 
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Dusk In The Great Land: +4: (Unedited): 15 Dec 2018:

Dusk in the Great Land: (Unedited): 15 Dec 2018:
The dusk shall come to extinguish the light from your great torch. The excessive innocent blood and purposeful sins of the of the people must be judged. The whole of the land shall be judged and all who are within. The sufferings and martyrdoms of MY saints is not a judgement. For through their sufferings and murders the evil shall be revealed in the light for all to witness.
Possessions Prophecy: (Unedited): 15 Dec 2018:
Just as the church has had their exorcisms so to shall come mystical enchantments for spiritual/demonic possessions. Just as the power of the Holy Spirit can cause the masses to repent in an audience. Once the Holy Spirit ceases to protect the people and the land. Then shall mass reverse exorcisms/possessions occur in the audience of worldly concerts, parades, protests and other places of mass gatherings. Turning those events into spontaneous melees, mass suicides, all manner of public sins and worse.
Demonic Doorways: (Unedited): 15 Dec 2018:
Alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use are gateways to stronger drugs but they are also open doorways to demonic possessions.

Added on 02 Oct 2023:
Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana are not as much gateway drugs as they are fully open doorways allowing demons and beings of any kind unfettered access to the physical body.  

Yes, this does include all mind altering legal medications prescribed by any professional medical person. Also be warned that those who are in a hospice care managed environment. They too shall become possessed and instantly healed by that which possesses the person. These will be deemed as miracles. In which they are miracles but not by those which is from the Righteous God of all.
For those who are not actual Christians but profess to be especially pastors, preachers, theologians, ministers, clergy and anyone else in church leadership. Once the Holy Spirit departs from its responsibility. Each of you will also endure possessions and from those demonic possessions you will do awful sinful things in which you will always remember. When and if the demon or demons jump into other available human bodies. But, once your in Jail and their demonic fun concludes. The demons will jump and jump and jump into as many host humans as possible. Almost always ending in some form of tragedy.
This is when you will know the true reality of Jesus Christ, God and of the angels. You will believe then. But, in this coming time. The door may very well be locked for any renewed repentance. But, God will do as God will do. God does not need your/my approval, acceptance or permission to do or not to do anything. Pray for mercy upon your soul. A last ditch effort to save your own skin/hide or you can become a willing do gooder unto your end. However that may be.
Night almost sleep vision. I saw a typical American protest. Suddenly the mass of people become possessed by a dark wave as perceived by me in the dream and not noticed by anyone else. The police already had their police line established. Ambulance workers were ready and standing by. The dark wave overtook everyone. Some were not affected or evening knowing. Many became possessed and few were not of the protestors. A few of the police were possessed and many were not. Insanity and immediate violence began. The possessed of the protestors knew who were not and attacked them who were with them. The police who have become possessed began shooting those who were not. Complete chaos ensued. The point of these new possession is to cause as much pain, suffering and death as possible. Then when the demonic possession cannot do its own will. The demon or demons will jump to a new open or damaged human host by their own will.
Added on 16 Dec 2018: The celebration of possession. In the great sports games where demonic shows are done during half time. The mass of people who attend and maybe even those who watch digitally will become possessed. Not all but a great many. There will be a hierarchy in all possessions. From those who are the most important in life to the least important in life.  In these the newly possessed will enjoy the show and the sporting event and then return to their home and begin all manner of spiritual, physical and psychological terrorism.
The worship of Possession. In Mega churches all over the world. Those churches which are absent any pure fundamental teachings of sin, cleanliness, righteousness and holiness. Members of those churches will be worshiping the god of this earth and thus will receive false miracles for their worship. They will receive false powers from their possession(s). They will think themselves to be blessed and favored. They will know that they are powerful. They will make false miraculous actions as they see it and will it. They will bring attention to themselves and profess that god has given them the false power and phony authority. In their words you will hear an absence to the God of the Holy Bible. They will not offer lessons or wisdom. You will see them and their power. You will begin to believe in them and forget about God. The more you are in their presence. The less you will pray and the less you will hunger and thirst for the Holy Bible. They will demand your attention. These are keys.
Added on 17 Dec 2018:
Secret Sins Possesses You: (Unedited): 17 Dec 2018:
Your secret sins shall be all of the evidence the demonic spirits need to possess you. Your cries and prayers will be unheard as the protection of the Holy Spirit is turned away.
Earth Reborn: (Unedited): 24 Dec 2018:
There are many ways a new Earth can be reborn. One way is when all of humanity upon the Earth begin to live as they were becoming holy and righteous.
Prophecy tells us the Heavens will roll away like a scroll and the Earth purified by fire. We know one of the Heavens is the sky or atmosphere. With an absences of atmosphere to any high percentage. The oceans will boil away. Being able to breathe will be very very difficult if not impossible. The earth may in fact be completely reverted back to a liquid molten ball of fire. Thus, erasing all evidence that any form of life had ever existed on Earth. The extreme bad and sad prophecies are to teach us this is what will happen if we or all of humanity does not cease in our collective sins. We will become extinct. Except those save by God through His own decision and not by any understanding by any man. It does not matter what you or I believe. If you have not nor have you ever changed from your evil ways. Then you are not one of His. If you continue to sin and still plan to sin and look forward to some real sinning fun or await for the next opportunity of some privacy to conduct some secret sin. Then you are not one of His. It does not matter how many decades you have been in the church. It does not matter how many big checks you cut for the Church. If your a person of sin. Then you will die the second death. It doesn't matter if you have led an entire denomination or have led many churches. It does not matter if your the Pope. This is especially if your the Pope. For even the Pope will be harshly judged and suffer hell fire for his deeds, his actions, his inactions, his apathy, his failed leadership, his deception and delusion of following the wrong god/gods. For the Pope may/will even become a sacrifice upon his own altar along with the entire catholic Church leadership. Their blood will flow in Vatican City.
All of the Biblical prophecies can be avoided and prevented. All we all have to collectively do is to become a Christian. Flee and reject all sins. Pursue and become holy and righteous as which can only be seen by God only. Then the purple words below.

Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Selfish Curse: (Unedited): 13 Feb 2018:

The curse of selfish pride is what leads each individual to plan for their own enjoyment, leisure and comfort. While never devoting any mental energy on the concepts of pursuing that which is purposeful and meaningful in life. Thus, when the grays of age grow upon them. They each will wonder where their youth went to. They each will also begin to realize their entire life so far has been without any real meaning or purpose. Some may even realize that the entire world and all of humanity has become more worse because of their apathetic inaction's and careless actions throughout their entire life.
This is to all of you who enjoy power, authority, wealth, fame and entitlements. All over the world.
Do not get me wrong. Enjoying entertainment, having leisure time and living a comfortable life does not have to be a bad thing. But, when your entire focus in life is all about your retirement, vacations and the next new thing which will add to all of your stuff. You will soon discover that all of that stuff has done nothing for the emptiness which is still within you. Especially, when your home has been professionally decorated with those pretty things which have no real meaning to you. After all you paid someone to bring in things that the interior decorator thinks would look good for you.
What have you done in your life? How many people have you taken advantage of? How many have you manipulated to your will? How many people have you legally or illegally stole from?
You person of  power, authority and wealth. How much of the world have you contaminated? How many people have you corrupted? You must ask yourself. Is the world and all of humanity better off or worse because of your actions? Do not even think that if you had not, then someone else would have. This is about you and your selfish greed. You had opportunities to improve the world and the lives of people. Yet, you chose to take, take and take. You chose to cause harm. You chose to cause suffering. You chose your evil actions. All by your own free will.
Now because of your actions and the actions of those before you. The entire world will continue it's steady down fall. Until, maybe human extinction. Or maybe just a very hard economic collapse. One in which no one recovers from for hundreds of years. By that time, all of your technology will be dust and rust. Then when everyone has forgotten about what once was. Someone will re-invent a wheel. Life's struggles will continue and if humanity continues to live for themselves instead for the benefit of the planet and the whole population. Then humanity will repeat their self destructive behaviors. Until, such a time when humanity causes sterility within themselves or of the planet. Then it won't matter how deep and safe your bunker is underground. It will become your coffin. This is prophecy.
You may be the one who defines who the enemies are to your own people. That all people no matter where they are or how they even appear are all your people. But, know this one truth. Every human being everywhere is either your brother or sister. Your position in this world means that you have the responsibility to care for them all in Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. All in accordance with the laws of God. That all people should freely choose to abide in. Without any fear, Threat, abuse, torture or intimidation. Besides God doesn't need your help to be mean or rude. God does want us all to take care of this planet and to love one another.
We all know just how small this planet is. We all know just how small we all are in comparison to the whole of the seen universe and what we have seen may just be a fraction. If we as a collective human species of people can show brotherly love to one another and to care for this one tiny blue dot. Then maybe, we all will become responsible for the welfare of this galaxy and then the whole of everything. Becoming true caretakers of the entire universe. Is waiting for us all. Assuming we can all refuse those Cain traits within each of us.
The entire leadership of China is failing humanity as their emerging leadership of all of humanity begins to develop. China only has two choices. To make lateral choices which will only benefit their selfish opportunistic tendencies or to look up and begin to go into space for the benefit of all of humanity. But, the entire leadership of China thirsts for conquest and wars as they prepare for their leapfrog. Which has already come. China will get what it desires and all of humanity will expire for it. Except for the elect. Whomever they will be.
For what is the point of victory if we all perish. Including all Chinese.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, September 21, 2015

Wrath Judgement 1and2: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2015:

Those who do everything within their power to force God into showing himself. May just get exactly what they want. Plus wrath and judgement.
Those who force Gods hand through purposeful wickedness. Shall receive their just rewards in full abundance of wrath and judgement.
All of humanity is supposed to be the caretakers of this planet. And yet in the midst of our apparent failure. Everyone who is in a position of  religious leadership. Wants God to return. This is HIS vineyard in which we were supposed to honor and respect. He sent His son and only heir to us and we all murdered Him. Yet, in this modern age. We all seem to want Him to Come back. He came as a lamb and shall return as a lion. Really, Have you met a lion? ever. Up close live and personal? How is this a good idea? Especially, when we all have failed and are about to begin our own extinction through absolute war? You know LOVE and PEACE, everyone. Love and peace.
I do not want the return of the Messiah. Not when we are all collectively failing. Now, if the worlds leaders can get off of their own self created "Crazy Train" and bring the whole world together as one singular family as we all are. While putting out the information that the races of humanity is a complete lie. Erasing all lies.
Then when all of humanity has begun to live in accordance to this partial logical formula. LIFE=LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY,LAW.
Then we can welcome the coming of the Messiah as a celebration and victory. That is my hope. This is my unlikely prophecy for the whole world. So that we all can have a life worth living. No matter where you are or who you were born to. Even if your orphaned, adopted and/or fostered.
Just so you know. Just because, I have a song listed any where. Doesn't mean I like it or love it. The artist known as Ozzy Osborne I find offensive and is likely a demonic person. This is his Crazy Train lyrics. Something so profound and from a demonic source. Even from the demonic we all can learn the message. I have also used this in another blog. I have no idea where it is now. I believe it is an inspired use of this song. This song used here is not for your enjoyment or entertainment.
I do believe all of the worlds leaders. Which include political, religious, social and cultural leaders have already or is getting aboard the "Crazy Train".  It is yours, ours and my choice to not to get on that "Crazy Train". There is only one final stop for this crazy train and it will be at full speed ahead. Into all of our extinction. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lift Above (unedited) 20 Feb 2011

It is your duty, the strong and purposeful, to lift up the hopeless and down trodden. So, that they can be above you. C.J.MacKechnie
Selfless act. Then by your own teaching in action. Those who were once weak and down trodden may decide to lift up others who are like they once were.  This will become the perpetual uplifting of all of humanity.

Edited versions will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver"
Musings of an American Truck Driver