Friday, April 11, 2014

Stay Awake: (Unedited): 11 April 2014:

Time is shortening and anxiety rise amongst the worldly. Those who have been awake and yet have fallen back asleep. May prefer the sleep. It takes a lot of energy and effort to remain awake. The enemy has already surrounded you and they shall strike with speed and precision. Stay awake and they shall not attack. For fear of you and your connection with the divine.  Stay awake and witness the miracles which shall unfold. Stay awake and watch how God works.
As you have been taught.
Stay awake and love one another as well as your enemies.
Stay awake and be in peace with everyone and all things.
Stay awake and live in harmony with everyone and all other life.
That which you have been taught cannot manifest into the world if you remain asleep.
Wake up and remain awake.
Love, Peace and Harmony can only exist when your awake and living as you should.
Beware the deceptive Teachers has already infected every religion in every part of this world.
If any teacher is teaching lessons which diminishes or is absent of love. They are evil. Infidels.
If any teacher is teaching lessons which diminishes or is absent of peace. They are evil. Infidels.
If any teacher is teaching lessons which diminishes or is absent of harmony. They are evil. Infidels.
If any teacher is teaching lessons which includes death by any means. They are evil. Infidels.

Do not be the ignorant prey of the Alpha wolf pretending to be holy. They are everywhere. You may even have been blindly following them and know not. It is what the wolf does. The pretender and deceiver of holiness. The wolf only wants to devour you and everyone it can. The wolf has waited patiently and is very hungry for it's meal. Only by your flesh will the evil wolf become satisfied. But, only for a moment. Until, the evil wolf begins to hunt again.

Ongoing writing.
Added on 15 April 2014: The Pope: Interesting the pope speaks of staying awake. Note my published time of 0717am EDT. Florida USA.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 