Showing posts with label Awake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awake. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Supernatural Normalcy: (Unedited): 25 June 2014:

Those who continually dwell within the supernatural on a daily basis, only know the normalcy of their intimate interactions. 
The word intimate is not and has nothing to do with any kind of physical intimacy.
This quote was inspired from listening to Jonathan Kleck show.
25 June 2014
It is physically and mentally overwhelming for any human being to experience anything supernatural. Including all things spiritual as defined by the current understanding of a common spiritualist. To remain awake or to become awakened can be difficult especially when your natural spiritual state is that of spiritual slumber.
Becoming awakened can be exhilarating or frightening. The how your spirit becomes awakened is very important.
So it is important to show much compassion for those who are asleep or who become awakened and fall back asleep. To force a spirit to remain awake may not be very healthy or wise. Not even Jesus in the garden forced his friends, brothers, apostles to remain awake. When the spirit falls back to sleep. It is probably an indication from the spirit to the mind and body. That the physical being is not yet ready for any more of the super natural. The physical being must go through an adaptation to anything which is super natural. It can take time for the person to become accustomed to the one thing which is super natural.
Many people or the majority of people cannot handle the super natural on a daily basis. But, like a new baby who can only eat from the breast. Takes in just enough to ease the pain of an empty stomach and when the new baby eats to much becomes sleepy. So, to is the beginning level of the super natural. The eyes becoming accustomed to unexplainable daily coincidences, which seemed to not be seen before and yet now are daily experiences. Once the awakened person becomes accustomed to these baby coincidences and chooses to fight off the sleep. The next advancement of baby steps shall begin and this will often times be directed by the spirit within and geared directly to the individual experience. All for the individuals development and evolution.
Be warned. Those who are righteous and those who care not for things which are righteous. Will experience two different approaches to the super natural. One path may be slow in growth, which may focus on love, peace, harmony, life, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. While the other path may be quick in the selfish desires for acquiring powers, rites, rituals and authorities.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Separated Remnant: (Unedited): 22 April 2014:

The remnant piece of the corrupted cloth must be separated before the cloth is thrown into the fire.  
 It is tough and very hard to become separated from the family you love or even want to love. If your family is to remain of the world and you have chosen to remain awake. Your new family has become of God, your Heavenly Father and the other followers become your new brothers and sisters.
Even if other family members have had a direct interaction with angels and yet they still refuse angrily. This is no longer your problem even though your love for them is very strong. They have in that moment refused and remained amongst the corrupted. Possibly even a reprobate. To the degree that Exodus 7:3 may even apply.

In order the remnant to be saved. It must be removed from the whole of the corrupted clothe. Pray always for those whom you have been separated from. But, know that they have already chosen.
Look for other mutually related remnants and become a new clothe blessed by God. They shall be your holy and divine family.
If you choose to remain with the corrupted clothe of your worldly family. You shall have to endure as they do. Though by God's will, you shall still be saved after the fact. While the rest of the cloth becomes ash.
There are many remnants which have been saved in the Bible and many more without number. There are usually conditions. There are limits as defined by GOD and not revealed til after a rebuke.
 As inspired from listening to the Jonathan Kleck Show.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, April 11, 2014

Stay Awake: (Unedited): 11 April 2014:

Time is shortening and anxiety rise amongst the worldly. Those who have been awake and yet have fallen back asleep. May prefer the sleep. It takes a lot of energy and effort to remain awake. The enemy has already surrounded you and they shall strike with speed and precision. Stay awake and they shall not attack. For fear of you and your connection with the divine.  Stay awake and witness the miracles which shall unfold. Stay awake and watch how God works.
As you have been taught.
Stay awake and love one another as well as your enemies.
Stay awake and be in peace with everyone and all things.
Stay awake and live in harmony with everyone and all other life.
That which you have been taught cannot manifest into the world if you remain asleep.
Wake up and remain awake.
Love, Peace and Harmony can only exist when your awake and living as you should.
Beware the deceptive Teachers has already infected every religion in every part of this world.
If any teacher is teaching lessons which diminishes or is absent of love. They are evil. Infidels.
If any teacher is teaching lessons which diminishes or is absent of peace. They are evil. Infidels.
If any teacher is teaching lessons which diminishes or is absent of harmony. They are evil. Infidels.
If any teacher is teaching lessons which includes death by any means. They are evil. Infidels.

Do not be the ignorant prey of the Alpha wolf pretending to be holy. They are everywhere. You may even have been blindly following them and know not. It is what the wolf does. The pretender and deceiver of holiness. The wolf only wants to devour you and everyone it can. The wolf has waited patiently and is very hungry for it's meal. Only by your flesh will the evil wolf become satisfied. But, only for a moment. Until, the evil wolf begins to hunt again.

Ongoing writing.
Added on 15 April 2014: The Pope: Interesting the pope speaks of staying awake. Note my published time of 0717am EDT. Florida USA.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Motivate Doom: (Unedited): 31 May 2013:

Your doom approaches when the only way to inspire or motivate your people to do good is through fear, threats, anger, hatred and rage. C.J.MacKechnie
You cannot move people to do good works or to live a good life with negative inspirations and motivations. In the short term. You may very well be successful in steering people to move in the direction of your choosing. In the end, they will hate you. Even if your motivations are true and righteous.

So Glenn Beck and others like him wants to save the USA. Very noble cause. He is trying to keep every one awake and active. He and they must realize that all is lost when threats of  any demise cannot move the population to keep and maintain their Country. A disease worse than cancer has already spread all across the land. It is
From apathy all is lost. You cannot force people to care for one another in an "all for me" culture.
You cannot motivate people based on self motivations or the loss of freedoms. The absence of WE in favor of Me, losses the wholeness of agreed upon unity. If a population cannot see or will not see the benefits of freedom in their lives. Then freedom they will not have. Love will be absent from them. Compassion will flee from them. The DE-evulation back in to the rules and laws of the animal kingdom will become prevalent. The laws of GOD has been pushed out of society. So the protections of GOD have not been removed. They also have been pushed away by the people through their continuous vote of evil people into offices for the last 60+ years.
The Non-Prophecies involving the Absence of the USA  is evident today in show like the Glenn Beck program.
Look at the absence of God within the mega churches within the USA. Yes, You get that feel good feeling. But, when the feeling disappears when you open the front door of your life. That feel good feeling is of the occult. Something which is only a covering to which that is true and real.
While the real and true churches of God suffers as Christ had in near destitution. This is where the righteous amongst you be. 
There is a reason why Glenn Beck is in Texas. Glenn Beck only thinks he knows. Those of you who follow and believe as Glenn Beck does. Make your plans to re-locate now to central Texas. Begin to organize your own economies, education programs, news sources and security. You have until mid 2015. You will then have to exclude all of those who are not of your own belief systems from your lives-Completely. Your part of Texas maybe your ARK.

Even within your micro-economy. You must exclude from doing business with anyone not of your agreements. After all, it is already being done in this USA by other groups. (Historically).
You cannot associate with those evil doers. In any way. 
There is no where else to go. We cannot go to another land or even planet. So, When those who left Europe to worship in peace with the discovery of "New Israel" or "New Jerusalem". They risked it all and sailed in ships to the new land.
What can you do? Better have babies.
Pray always.
Meditate constantly.
Contemplate often.
Worship in tune to your gifts.
Take actions in accordance to your inner guidance. Take Action.

Love must be the source for all motivations and inspirations.
