Saturday, August 1, 2020

Expanse Amos Burton: (Unedited): 01 Aug 2020:

Amos Burton Quote: "I am that Man".
The world is a very bad place and the world is a bad place simply because of the life decisions of humanity. The Earth is a good place, still a good place but was a much better place. If humanity wants to continue to live on Earth then all of the people need to decide on how to properly live their lives in accordance to the purity of these words: love, peace, harmony and life, which is what the science fiction series Expanse basically communicates.
In the Expanse, humanity has populated the solar system. Social, political, financial and cultural  class structures still exist in the solar system. In every case there are those who define the worth of life, and the life which is personally defined as less than or simply unworthy, those souls die.
In the expanse every manner of sin is expressed as a right and directly associated with freedom. People can have many spouses. Even the lead character genetically has many people as his parents. Aspects of Christianity are severely mocked, which is easy to do as Christianity does not go out and kill people anymore. Even the Mormons are abused as the Belter faction forces out the Mormons, steals their space church, puts guns on it and then call it a warship.
The rampant nature of sin is prevalent in the Expanse. All manner of adult themed content is expressed as permissible in some or every way as well as the belief that adult themed content being paid for is OK. (Clean enough?). The crimes associated with all manner of sin is still in existence. Police forces are incorporated as forms of businesses, just like how for profit prisons have been incorporated today in our real world. Incorporated police forces are basically hired thugs or military mercenaries in the Expanse. Remember the recent North Dakota stand off from the oil companies and the indigenous tribes from around the world? Where the government paid for military weapons like an air defense weapon that was aimed at people who had no weapons? Basically when you have no actual police forces, there is no justice for anyone except for those who hold all of the power and authority. Think about that. Crimes run rampant and the corporate police just maintain public stability for the benefit of the corporation and the alliances of many corporations. People in the Expanse seem to have no representation and on Earth no real hope as the population reaches tens of billions of souls with nothing to do but exist. Existence is not surviving and not thriving. The worlds leaders all seem to have amazing properties, wealth and freedoms to do as they want and please. Just like the leaders of the world today who want to have clean adult encounters with fresh young bodies. So enters the character Amos Burton in the Expanse.

Amos Burton the nonredeemable character. Amos Burton will do what is necessary to get the job done. Amos Burton is for killing anyone who needs to be killed. He is a man who has already died and who has no family, no support and no friends except for Naomi Nagata. Amos Burton becomes unable to feel at the age of five. Amos Burton becomes robotic like and does not even seem to care to live or die. Can you understand that living or dying means nothing? So far in the Expanse the history of Amos Burton is mostly unknown except for the hint of being a broken child and of severe abuse.
There are a lot of psychological issues that I see with Amos Burton that I have seen in my own self. Even at 54 years old about 33% of my life has been under abuse and/or torture. Think about it. Read the about me section for more basic info: I would suppose that is why I like the character as excellently portrayed by the actor Wes Chatham. The biggest problem I have is the familiarity with the character, which has brought on some minor PTSD moments(more than one). Even the actor Wes Chatham has had a troubled life to some degree as he was kicked out of a high school, and I was kicked out of many or most of them from elementary school onward. For a while I was the youngest to be in a (JDC)juvenile detention center and my only crime was surviving bad parents. So he and I may have some actual life commonalities. I find it interesting.
I guess those are the reasons why I identify with the character of Amos Burton. I can personally relate to his psychology as having already been there and done that except for the killing.
The numbers of abused children around the world who have grown into adulthood have gone on to live as best as they can, while many abused are still homeless, mentally ill and/or in prison. Because of the Amos Burton character, I think many who have been abused and tortured in their own childhood will favor the Amos Burton character and watch to see if Amos can be redeemed. Then maybe, if Amos can be redeemed, the abused in the world can be inspired to regain their own humanity. Maybe through Amos abused people can be inspired to find their own healing. Maybe through Amos abused people can be inspired to discover how to become whole for the first time in their lives. But, we will see what happens with the writers of the show and how they expand and further define the Amos character. I hope the Amos character doesn't get killed off. I do think the enduring nature of Amos should be continued. No matter how many times Amos is shot he always continues on. As I write that my mind fills with all of the times I should have died. I need more fingers to count all of the times I should have died. Like Amos, abused and tortured souls always get back up and always go forward. It is their enduring nature.
I was just thinking about my job site the other day and how a threat presented itself. The boss man had to reign me in. I'm not in charge of anything and at 54 years old still only make $10. per hour. But, when I begin to care about those who have become important to me I do become like a yard dog. Willing to sacrifice everything in the extreme for those whom I care about. The threat backed down. The boss man and the rest of the team know that I have their backs. Something that they do not even have to ask to have as is with the character Amos as defined by the actor Wes Chatham. I do anticipate the next season.
The expanse is science fiction and not something which even relates to actual prophecy. Prophecy does not indicate that humanity even leaves the Earth. Prophecy does say that humanity does become extinct except those chosen and saved by God. God uses these words to define His choices: holiness, righteousness and cleanliness (more than physical) all founded in love, peace, harmony and an importance sense of life. But maybe humanity does get to walk on Mars as we had walked on the moon. But, when God calls the end of sin then all of those who refuse and reject the holy ways in life will end.
The videos below depict severe violence and bad language.
Generation Films: This is the one you should watch more than any other below.
Here Be Dragon: 2+ hours. UGH. It was a live show. I wasn't listening.
Adaigo !:
Amazon Prime: Better produced. Bad Language warning.
Alexandros Mandravillis: I am that guy and Gratitude. My descriptions.
Deterrence: How about right now.
Obscure Reviewer: Best Character
Added on 02 Aug 2020:
Survival of the abused is an everlasting and enduring effort that can never end. Life becomes easier when you surround yourself with people who are trying to be good in-spite of their own flaws and inadequacies. Once you realize that the abuses you had endured was never about you. You were just the body present. It was always about the abuser and if you weren't present it would have been another person who was to be abused in your place.
When I woke up and still in the dark after a panic filled abusive event. The closet was calm and quiet. The outside was calm and quiet. I looked under the door to see the light. Everything that was touching me was just clothing on hangers and what was now on the floor. This is when I realized that I was safe and not being abused, harmed and hurt. One of the few times I was not knocked out.