Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Black Bird Satelite Image +6: (Unedited): 21 March 2023:

On March 18, 2023 @ 1247 hrs. : 
Something or nothing. 
I saw a cold blob expand and take the shape of a great black bird spreading its wings over North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota. Like a bird spreading its wings in some kind of protecting manner. 
End of satellite video image. Tried to save it but failed.
The blackness of the bird was or may have been one of an absence of information.
The blackness is also an indication of coldness.  
Where did I see this black bird? From the NASA 
From time to time. Images can be seen in atmospheric images. Even in satellite images which can be strung together to form a video. 
If this is something then it is most likely the local native tribes to make that determination. I'm in the thought that it is nothing bad really interesting as the image was really clear. To the degree that you would say that is a crow like black bird.
For the indigenous and those who are spiritual. There is a spiritual meaning to the black bird or crow. This would be a single bird.
Added on 03 May 2023: This may or may not be a sign. Crows are very intelligent and can be trained to do things which seem to be impossible. So I have doubts but I also understand that this could be a sign. Because, I do not keep up with the news. I do not really know what is happening inside of Israel or where ever that flag was.
Added on 15 Sept 2024:
The tribes of humanity will always be divided when they each continually identify themselves as naturally belonging to this land or that land instead of this whole planet. 
A divided humanity which continually perpetuates their own divisions will in fact become extinct together. 
A divided humanity is a humanity which will always experience war, chaos, suffering and finally extinction.
In the possible future of humanity assuming humanity makes it through this current self inflicted suicidal stage of extinction. Hopefully, humanity evolves the thinking and believing stage that this group of people is from this place or that place. Because, in the future in which humanity still exists. There will be those who continue the separation and isolation beliefs with we are from here and not there. Hold onto the false beliefs that they are not like us. No matter how many planets, solar systems or even galaxies that humanity lives on or in. All of humanity will still always be a singular species of people or a singular family with the entire universe.
The current tribes of humanity are still very exclusionary. To the degree that if you do not have a provable relationship or known direct genetic ties to a specific known family. You shall not be accepted. Yet, many tribes have ancient prophecies that brethren will begin to return. How can tribal leaders and elders continually reject the peoples returning back to them while respecting their own ancient shaman elders who prophesied?  Sometimes the heart of people can be more important than any direct genetic tie. Then there is the old stores of a few or just two beginning human life on this planet. Which means all of humanity is all of one singular tribe. Then the new science which is now more than 40 years old. With math so strong that the results cannot be argued. In shortened summary it basically states that all of humanity is more than 99.9% the same/identical. Which scientifically means there are no races of humanity. Which also means all of humanity is of a singular tribe or clan. It does not matter if you are half this or half that or a quarter this and a quarter that. It is the same with being a tenth of this and nine other parts of all of those places. You are not some half breed or worse less than a half breed as you will always be fully human. For anyone who causes you to believe that you are less than, will automatically mean they are wrong. The math of the truth is too strong. 
Humanity must collectively decide whether or not they shall live or die. 
If humanity unites under the banner of hate. Then all of humanity will become extinct. 
If humanity unites under the banner of love. Then all of humanity will become expressed throughout the solar system until the next extinction level test's manifests.
The journey in life seems to always be in good decisions. While the path to death and extinction always seems to be in those bad decisions falsely believed to be good decisions. 
Good decisions in life does mean righteous decisions made. Bad decisions and sins in life does lead to self harm, suffering, death and extinction. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.