Showing posts with label Indigenous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indigenous. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2024

Preferred Citizens Prophecy +27: (Unedited): 17-18 March 2024:

These writings is not something that I believe in. This is prophecy of those things which are being planned right now or have already been implemented. Without any discussion or agreement or vote with the common peoples of the world. This is a growing global happening. Do you really think after all of these farmers protests that the farmers will be allowed to continue on with the equipment that they have? Once the farmers are appeased with lies and deceptions and they go off to return to their own normal lives. This is when they will be attacked individually by government police forces for crimes against their nation. Farmers will become traitors and then the undesirable citizens will be starved to death as the new preferred citizens shall be fed and taken care of. But, none of that will be revealed in the news.  
These series of quotes are just awful. But, does reveal what wicked and evil minded people do and plan for you. You need to think about the absoluteness of selfishness, supremacy, entitlements and arrogance. When it is those who have taken all power and authority for themselves they begin to believe they are gods and it is everyone's duty to serve their every need and want. When anyone starts to believe they own everything and everyone. This is when severe problems happen for the common peoples. In which in the end they lose everything and die. The common people will own nothing and be happy as they eat fun bugs and happy worms. Do you the reader even know world history? OR all of the common peoples rise up especially when their numbers is vastly superior and kill all of the family and followers who rules over them all in graphic brutal fashion. 
The united rulers of the world have exercised their global unified voice once already and began the COVID hysteria over an engineered flu virus that they all most likely had a hand in it's creation inside of Wuhan China.  Yea, all of this seemingly truthful information is now coming out into the light of day and no legal action is taking place. Which means no justice for the common person.
Think about all of the migrations into every other nation. This is all a planned act to create chaos in each nation among the common peoples. This to was a planned decision to do against their own common peoples.
The rulers of each nation must have their own select preferred citizens. There will also be some kind of instituted social hierarchy. The value of any preferred person will be their rank within the yet to be established social hierarchy structure. Once you are ranked that is where you and your family will be forever or until you die or until one family members breaks the rules and then you all die.
The terms Preferred citizen and undesirable persons as written will probably not be their official terms in the near future. When and if these things do manifest in which they already are now. It is just the terms which are lagging behind. 
Please remember the quotes are of importance not my attempt at trying to understand them. The quotes appear to be prophecy and some quotes are already going on. So the little words below each quote are not of importance as your understanding may be more accurate than mine. I do try to do my best. 
Preferred citizens will be seen as excluded from the rule of law or above the law.
In American we see that now and has been a thing for the last thirty years or so. The new preferred citizens are those called migrants in which in reality they are illegal people. Do you remember the cop who got beat up. The illegals arrested and then released with them giving the media the middle fingers as they were flown without ID by the federal government to California for free. Lets see you get on a plane without ID. Lets see you beat up a cop and not be charged with a crime. 
Those subhuman groups which are not preferred citizens shall feel the brute force of every aspect of the rule of law which will be heavily administered beyond the authors intended writing.
There will be algorithms which will predict the value of any human being. The highest of values is when the algorithm predicts you're a preferred citizen.
Vision: I see many different algorithms in use for multiple of purposes as related in the classification of people. In which they will be used to efficiently govern all of the masses. These shall not be questioned or you could be reclassified into something less than you are classified as now.
The difference between an undesired human and a preferred citizen will be displayed on the official algorithm.
Absolute identification of all persons shall be instantly known. 
Preferred citizens will have every afforded medical care, education, freedom, liberty and comfort in accordance to their declared ranking. 
In accordance to your families classification and ranking. You will be given all that is determined to be afforded to your rank. You shall not be raised up but you can be easily demoted to undesired for any offense like questioning. 
Undesired citizens will have no governmental support, no rights, no freedoms, no education and will be seen as a blight unto the nation and world.
Undesired citizens will be seen as a class of dirty subhuman creatures in which all decisions must be made on their behalf. Governments will be seen as compassionate and merciful even as they are secretly culled.
Preferred citizens shall be protected from all hardships even those hardships which originate within their own delusion.
Any person who believes they are someone or something they are not is delusional. It doesn't matter if they have the legal right to believe a lie or not. But, in today's modern age a person can believe themselves to be anything they want and they are considered good, heroic as they become the preferred citizen and you who have what was once thought of to be good reason, ethical, honorable, honest, moral are now the bad people. Even wicked and evil. Now you do not have the right to make anyone feel guilty with your Jewish, Christianity or Islamic values/rules, laws. Your becoming the bad people or have become the bad people. You already know this in regards to the insanity the entire modern world has embraced.
Prior to any planned emergency event. The preferred citizens shall be protected and provided for as everyone else will be allowed to suffer and die.
A planned emergency event will be for the elimination of a percentage of the bad undesirable citizens all the while all manner of government effort to save the new preferred citizens will be ordered. The old regular citizens will be made to suffer and die especially if they disagree or are disobedient in any way with the ruling body. 
Even if a planned emergency event happens all blame shall go to an outsider who has already been pointing out all of their lies for decades. 
The ultimate and capable bad guy leader will be blamed. The government controlled mainstream media will have already told you who the bad guy is even on the left leaning Fox News. Then as the war machine is reignited with yet another lie. The actual good men who unknowingly have become the undesirable citizens will be Benghazi-ed in some unknown way. Maybe, send their men off to war without bullets, missiles or air support. Maybe, no food or clean water either. Then as many thousands of your men die in harms way for the ideals of a flag which has been dead and buried for a long time. That will be thousands of strong capable men who will never become a threat to your evil and wicked rule. While your loyal and delusional followers cannot even be permitted to serve in the military. Because of this one thing. Your nation will become full of your own loyal voters.
Even if a planned emergency event kills up to or more than 90% of your civilian population. Preserving your identified ranked preferred citizens shall be a priority. 
Death through organized and planned chaos. Sure some of your own people will die but many more of those who agree with you shall die. The government during a planned emergency event shall only feed their own supporting people first. This has been seen in other nations during their time of need. In which some countries would remove all labeling to the products and put on their own labeling to ensure that their own preferred population was fed by them. While all of the other non preferred peoples were left to suffer and maybe die. This is what humanity has been historically doing to each other. This is nothing new except it is efficiently modernized.  
In any democracy of delusion a free election system must be created where all control, power and authority is in the hands of the already elected. Regardless of laws already written.
In any democracy of delusion where the elected wants perpetuity they must continually cause the untimely death of those who perpetually vote against them. Even if that means 60-90% of the civilian population must die.
One of the best methods of increasing your own personal vote counts is to bring in substantial new voters to keep you in your elected office. Even though they may never actually vote at all. You can have other people vote on their behalf. Another method is to kill off all of those people who would vote against you and against any of your comrades. I guess the big question is this. How can you kill off up to or more than 30-50% of the civilian population who will always disagree with you? That is without offending anyone?
Law enforcement personnel who become preferred citizens at each level will be given the better lives far above and beyond what is available to each of them right now.
Safe regions to live, nice homes, nice cop neighbors, nice cars, nice stuff, nice life out in public, education for their kids, nice equally ranked wives, and etc. 
Added on 19 March 2024: Published on 30 Jan 2023:
Published on 03 June 2023:
Preferred citizens who are law enforcement personnel will be able to brutally beat the undesirable people knowing full well that those injuries sustained may become a death sentence as there will be no option for medical care. 
Vision: I see a street cop come up to an obvious undesirable person and verbally give commands in which disobedience may have been the result or was the response time to slow. No matter the cop breaks bones and causes other internal injuries which would lead to possible death as the undesirable person has no options for any kind of medical care. 
Added on 19 March 2024: UK Praying woman again. Published on 26 Oct 2023:
Published on 30 Jan 2024:
Published 19 April 2024:  
Undesirable people can be brutally beaten to death by law enforcement personnel for just being disobedient to any instruction or command. 
The images for this one is similar to the beatings and brutally that the government showed to their most defenseless people during COVID around the world. Remember when German police brutalized the elderly people for just sitting. Remember when a school resource officer strangled a kid and then dragged him out like some unwanted rag doll. The mother arrested in her home in front of her children for saying something negative about the government. Plus all of the other images of brutality shown to the masses in order to cause psychological obedience among all other peoples.  
Just as it was commonly reported in the USA where the military killed indigenous women, children and men in newspapers so to shall it be reported and accepted when undesirable people are killed. 
The numbers and status of killed undesirable people will be reported in the news as some kind of good riddance reporting. For the betterment of society.
The life of a declared undesirable person will be much harder than an indigenous person and this will be because the undesirable person does not know how to live and survive without the government and society.
The indigenous peoples have or used to have the skill sets necessary to survive without any government intervention or civilized society. The people who are declared to be undesirable will be cast out unless they take the obvious undesirable marks. There will be those who are just killed and then incinerated into fertilizer. 
Those humans who uphold any religious ideal of what is right or wrong or what is righteous and holy shall not become a preferred citizen. 
This is about Christianity and Islam as well as any other religion which does not agree or contradicts with the governments beliefs systems. 
The old American style of racism will be instituted to those obedient undesirable persons in which they will be allowed to shop and eat foods so as long as they maintain their visible marks.
Vision: I am seeing multiple time lines in this one. WWII and the Jewish people. Pre Dr. Martin Luther King era and the planned genocide of the indigenous tribes. 
The undesirable person who is visibly marked can walk the streets so as long as they do not become an impediment to the preferred citizen in any way. 
Vision: I see a undesirable person walking slowly, humbly and defeated. I would suppose she had an offensive odor and the preferred person got in her way and began saying offensive things. The police showed up and calmed down the preferred person and then the cops beat the undesirable person and she hobbled off to die alone. She would be later discovered and taken to an incinerator. 
The illusion of democracy is crucially important to be put forth by the worlds governing body to the masses of common peoples in which they want to eliminate about 90%.
The truth can often times be found in the absence of information. Especially, if that information is being withheld from you.
During the initial stages of creating the preferred replacement citizens in secret. Those old undesirable citizens will begin to lose their corporate jobs.
Watch how corporations fire all of their regular natural citizens in favor of illegal peoples. They watch how all of the regular natural citizens continue to spend their hard earned monies on those corporations who have fired non criminal peoples in favor of criminals who illegally crossed the border. This is not solely about the USA.
The new preferred replacement citizens will be given everything to make the best start in life as possible. While the now old undesirable citizens will pay for everything and lose everything.
Did you know it is a crime in many states and many counties to be homeless? Did you know it is also a crime in many counties and cities where you will become a criminal if you help a homeless person out of the love, mercy and compassion of your heart?
If your religious in any way and believe in the ideals of the Christian, Jewish and Islamic religions. Then you will become one of the undesired citizens. When you become that you will be unable to remain employed because you cannot even tolerate anything LGBTQ+. To do so will mean you are in perpetual sin.
The new preferred citizens will live in nice homes and drive relatively new high quality cars all the while making minimum wage.
How else does illegal peoples obtain minimum wage janitorial jobs while driving a BMW? How are illegal people buying homes and substantial property while having minimum wage jobs? I have seen this where illegal peoples live on county or state lines. Have multiple identities. Have illegal or unlicensed businesses. Own multiple homes. Share children with other relatives and then go to government offices and receive food money cards, cash cards, housing, medical care for each county or for multiple states and all for free. I have seen where one family owned a home under one name and then section 8 their home and then lease it to themselves under a different name. Sounds confusing but I know a wife who has three or more food stamp cards and has been using them for as long as I have known them. 
The new preferred citizens will operate all manner of standard illegal businesses while being protected by the government and not paying any taxes that the old undesirable citizens must pay.
How many illegal peoples are just showing up on sides of streets or high trafficked street corners to sell their foods and drinks? All without any training, education, insurance, licenses or certifications.
The new preferred citizens will be able to sell cars under one of their assumed names that the legal old undesirable citizens who are not licensed to sell cannot even gain entry to any vehicle auctions.
Think about this for a moment. There are many millions of illegal peoples inside of the USA and they are able to obtain vehicles and then sell them to regular buyers. What kind of impact against the used car market will that be when many millions of illegal peoples illegally do business selling cars without any licenses, addresses, insurance or pay any taxes? Let alone anybody knowing who they actually are.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Crossing The Line Prophecy+19: (Unedited): 25 Oct 2023:

Out of order. Check the dates. Earlier dates may not be related. It is the quotes which are important and not the comments or notes.
 "We The People" have crossed the line. There will be no recourse for those who are unaware or who are aware and have done nothing.
*Not even for the writer of these quotes or any other professing good religious person. 
For the rewards we all should have sought out in secret are in the Heavens and not here on Earth.
It is and it has been both wings of the same evil bird who has ended all that your life is and was for "We The People". 
Even the indigenous will come to realize that life was better with "We The People" than it is without. For their celebration of the prophetic demise of "We The People" shall be short lived.
The enemies of "We The People" Have all been elected into office and have entered into your lands and are already hiding within your own communities. Smiling and being neighborly.
The enemies of "We The People" are all waiting for their orders to proceed with the "Great American Tet Offensive". "We the people" shall not survive this event.
Note: I've written about this many years ago and what has just occurred in Israel is only but a sample which will include the USA but also many if not all European nations. Those who are to blame is not the enemy who will do and conduct many offensive atrocities against all of you. The blame, plan and implementation is on those whom you trusted. 
Will the timing be evolving or simultaneous?
In the first days of the Great American Tet Offensive. The weapons used against all of the American civilians will be the weapons of their own creation. 
Note: The American civilians will not have enough bullets, water, food, physical fitness, martial arts training, and collective military styled training. There will be an order to stay in your homes and when the enemy combatants come by it will be for them like a turkey shoot. In which they will torture and kill as they have already historically done to the Jews and other Christians in the Middle East.  
The enemies of "We The People" have been escorted into your homeland, been given financing, homes, jobs, food, medical care, arms and training. All by your own government. Similarly like what they have done for the enemies of Israel but not in scope. 
Note: Think about this. Hundreds of thousands of terrorists attacks inside of the USA alone. How many in one day? or is that just one day? or the first day? 
The providing of financing, materials and training for the enemies of Israel by "We The People" is only a test of proof of concept.
NOTE: "WE The People" have provided these things and was publicly documented prior to 2010. 
Any nations or peoples which curses Israel so to will those curses come back similarly unto you magnified. 
Note: Paraphrase. This biblical as it also says that those who bless Israel so to shall you also be blessed.
Current vision. I see sand bags inside of homes. I see defensive positions inside of homes. I see no people inside of those homes where defensive positions were created. I do not see damage inside of those fortified homes. Some form of deception used to get the people to come outside. I see other homes burned down. I see other homes destroyed. 
In the days after the Great American Tet Offensive. It will be the government who comes after those Americans whom they deem as their enemies. They will disappear and be killed. Who are the threats to Socialism, Marxism, Communism? Who are anti God? Who are anti-sin? 
The greatest of threats shall be those who have decided to go it alone and it is they who shall die alone. As they fortify their own homes a missile will fly 200 miles and kill all who are inside. This will be done more than ten thousand times and no one will know. 
The more than ten thousand American civilian homes which will be destroyed by American missiles will be added to the success rate of the Great American Tet Offensive. This will be a good time for the evil doers to eliminate all of those who are in favor of the American Constitution, Bill of Rights and every other freedom loving American ideal. 
The enemies of "We The People" will be victorious.
09 Oct 2023: 
The time has come where a certain group of people will have absolute freedom as the laws of God and of man no longer apply.
The commoners will live their lives under the full weight of all laws. While all judgements applied regardless of truth will be administered to each commoner as an example to everyone who witnesses. 
The lives lived by the royals, specials, elites, powerful, rich, famous, political, shall not be known by any commoner. If any commoner were to discover, witness or hear a rumor of any crime or sin committed by any special people. Then all of those commoners or base humans will disappear. 
Those who are above the law shall evolve into those people who are excluded from the laws of man and of God. 
The Time has come in this modern world. Where any offending people group as recognized by the special elites can be erased without any evidence. 
The erasure and alteration of human history was and is a crucial governance tool by the special elites of old, of this new generation and of the next generation to come.
Note: To the degree that all of human history which is taught shall be entirely fabrications.
10 Oct 2023:
Woes comes for "We The People" as what has made the free people great is liquidated, minimized and neutralized. 
26 Oct 2023: 
The USA has crossed the line to the degree that in order to effect change a military action is always used. Even that which may come to the USA will also require a military action by American military forces which is illegal. The elected officials will pass laws which will enable the government to use military force on it's own citizens. While believing that they can lie and lie and lie. The media will also support their lies and tell those lies over and over and over again. 
Who are the enemies of the state? Christians, Christian conservatives, non religious conservatives, non religious helpless good citizens, all former military personnel, and all lone lonely loners. It is each of you who will suddenly become the hated criminals and guess what? You have already been gently told that by several government agencies through the news media sources. 
The Federal government of the USA has been allowing many millions of single war fighting aged men into this country and then transporting them to all locations inside of the USA. They are being financially funded, given places to live, given medical/dental care, food. Think about it how can someone who is working a minimum wage job be able to buy a relatively new car. I've even seen non English speaking people drive a BMW to work. I have known non English speaking people purposely move to cities close to county lines so that they can double dip the benefits. I have known of Latinos with multiple food stamp cards in their wallets, own homes and own businesses. Yet, they still get all that they can from the American government without question. But, if you the traditional American tries to go and receive any kind of aid. Your treated like a lying criminal trying to get something that your undeserving of. 
The American government has crossed the line. This is most likely more spiritual than physically actual. But, one of the last signs before a nation falls is the absence of justice. Once the idea of justice is no longer evident by God. That nation will end as it has done in the past with other nations. In the case of this nation which is the blessed nation(USA) of God it will go the same way as which God has done to His own Blessed people Israel. They brutally end with only a few surviving being scattered into the winds. In the case of "We The People" all decisions made by the representing few are decisions made by the whole in agreement. So when the end comes for the blessed people it will come for them all. Even for the Christians who are seen as righteous and holy by their Heavenly Father. For even in their own individual deaths they will be in glory. No matter how much torture they know prior to their death for to follow the Messiah to the cross can mean much torture received just as the Messiah had received prior to Him being nailed upon the cross and then pierced in the side. So the suffering of Christians may be substantial to "We The People" in equality to those Christians who are and have suffered much in the Middle East and in many parts of the world. When death comes for the actual Christian so to does glory. Be warned there are many professing Christians and their percentage may be far greater than anyone knows in which they will hear those words from God their Judge, ...I Never Knew You... . 
You should not fear your own countrymen as they come to torture you, imprison you and kill you. Your only concern should only be becoming and being a good son or daughter in the eyes of your Heavenly Father alone. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Coming Woes Already Evident Prophecy +26: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2023:

The good people of the world are now so deceived that they no longer will believe a massacred has happened, is happening or even will happen. Despite what many and any of the eye witness is saying or have said.
The evildoers of the world are becoming as one mind and as one intention. Before they can rule over the masses they know they must depopulate the world. 
Human history has shown to those who mean to absolutely rule as if they are gods that uprisings occur when the numbers of the servant and slave class is far greater than the ruling class. 
The new emerging ruling class of the world now own the technology to cleanly massacre any population that they desire at any time. All without any of them becoming contaminated or offended with the foul stenches as associated with the dead and dying. 
The new emerging ruling class will own nations and carve up nations as one would a wonderful sweet cake to be fully consumed and then treated like that which comes out of the body about a day or two later.
Those human souls who hold onto their old time religion, national and family beliefs will be fully excised from existence. 
No one will ever realize that the population of humanity is declining even when there is space available in big crowded cities or when those big cities begin to be demolished one old building at a time.
The common people will be thought of and cared for as much as after you put your trash onto the curb or into the fire. This is how much the emerging ruling class will consider the common peoples. 
The surviving indigenous peoples of the world you will be in a worse condition than other common people groups who shall be under the the grasp of the emerging ruling class. Your special status will be dissolved and forgotten.
The common people groups who follow along on the plan from the emerging ruling class shall be allowed to exist so as long as they are not considered useful idiots. 
Once a tool is no longer of any use it is discarded or thrown into the fire no longer thought of. So to shall be useful idiots when their purpose and function is no longer required. They will be killed.
Once the population has declined and the ruling class is fully in control along with their own worshipers. Those who were paid to be useful idiots and who conducted all manner of violence and crimes shall be exterminated as their vision of a utopia begins to be realized. 
With smirking secret smiles the emerging ruling class will joyfully proclaim their intentions of causing harm, suffering and death of those human souls who are less than any of them. 
Like happy children who have learned grand secrets. The emerging class will pridefully and joyfully know themselves to be specially entitled to everything there is as they openly in secret orchestrate the killing of millions of souls. While also providing the solution which kills many millions more souls. 
The apparent sporadic killing and deaths will all seem accidental when discovered outside of family ties. There only ties shall be strange unheard of diseases and ash.
Ultimate power will be pridefully realized when the emerging ruling class has more than one kind of their ultimate weapons to be used against any nation and any people. 
The absence of information and of evidence shall become covered in the ash of those killed.
The total number of human souls who shall be killed by the emerging ruling class shall be greater than the ash spewed out by volcanoes. Which shall be taken by the winds and blown away.
Cremations shall become the only method to dispose of any human corpse as the emerging ruling class shall not want bodies buried in their lands. 
Just as kings and gods in ancient human history all owned all of the air, water and land. So to shall the new emerging rulers of this modern world. Who will also become as gods and kings.
The remaining corpses in every grave on this planet shall be dug up and cremated. Every grave stone shall be destroyed as the existence of any grave site will become an offense to the emerging ruling class. 
Just as kings and gods in human history have had their own memorials in death to be forcibly remembered, respected and worshiped by all lesser peoples. So to shall the emerging ruling class make for themselves. 
Military personnel will believe themselves to be fighting and following orders for their flag and their people. But, the unknown truth is the military people will be blindly and unknowingly fighting and dying for the emerging rulers of the world.
A good believing person who becomes a soldier shall become disillusioned as they realize that there is no honor, no meaning and no purpose for their deadly and destructive actions except for making the emerging rulers more rich and powerful.
There will be paid for limited freedom's for dedicated services rendered by worshiping people in the coming new era where emerging ruling humans shall declare themselves as gods.
 Just as you today see lowly humans serving dictators, communist and socialist officials. So to shall the emerging rulers have their own military forces which shall fly the flags of other nations that they own.
 For they shall discover the code for real time genetic manipulation which will cause them to be god like. While the commoners shall all be afflicted with a variety of autism like genetic stunting techniques.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Cusp Of Christianity: (Unedited): 24 March 2023:

The cusp of Christianity is emerging from the fog of times progression. Soon Christians will have to decide to be of the world while living in the world. If the Christians cannot then they will not. But, the Christians who do, may not have ever been. 
Devout Christians will in the reality of the world will be pushed out of all aspects of modern day society. Which will include the denial of utilities and services. Which will include medical care and every kind of EMS. But, this short list is not the entirety. 
The world will have their accepted Christians. The worlds accepted Christians will embrace all manner of sin and decadence. Even to the degree that the expansion of what has already been seen where persons of deep and profound sin will stand in the holy places and become easily seen and applauded by the body. 
Devout Christians must become out of sight and out of mind. This is because the true Christians have refused to take part in the leadership of their nation at every level. This is because they have allowed the offensive social engineering of their own children through the public educational process. Devout Christians will see their own children walk away, absolutely reject Christianity and walk away. 
The disappearance of the actual devout Christians will mean the celebrated death of all that is actually good in the world. Leaving a voided absence to be fully occupied by all that is evil, wrong, bad, abusive and murderous. 
Christians must begin to live their lives free from all debt. Christians must live their lives within like minded communities. Christians cannot allow sin to be in their presence, in their homes, in their church and in their communities. Christian survival will be one of out of sight and out of the mind of the worldly ways. 
There will be no justice for the devout Christian who is abused, tortured and murdered. The worldly police and worldly military's of the world will kill you* all and it will be done in secret. There will not even be any evidence that you ever existed. 
You* Means all that which is good, pure, just, reasonable and innocent.
This is the intent of all that which is evil in the world. 
That which is pure, innocent and beautiful must be wholly ravaged, destroyed and burned.
That which is holy and righteous must be wholly ravaged, destroyed and burned. Which includes the entirety of their historical existence and memory***.
This is the final goal of the evil doers of the world. Regardless if they are in agreement or are aware. This also includes the absolute destruction of every Christian, Catholic, Islamic and Jewish holy place and document. Anything and everything which teaches anything good must be destroyed and burned. This is the intention of that which are the evil doers. 
Note** This also includes the indigenous tribes. 
Memory*** Any tool of the evil doers who hold onto the memory of their evil deeds against that which is good. They to shall also be killed, their family, their friends and they all shall be erased.
It is not enough to simply reject all that is good. It is not enough to simply choose good over evil. It s not enough to believe good is evil and evil is good. All that which is good in it's entirety must be absolutely murdered, destroyed and burned. This is the intent of all evil doers. Even if the evil doers are not fully committed or unaware in this point in time.
The full corruption of the FBI already seems very apparent. The corruption of the IRS and the ATF is coming into full swing. The corruption of the entire justice department is becoming more and more evident. These and many other agencies will be used against all devout Christians. These federal agencies will be able to manufacture all manner of evidence to be used against you in courts of law. AI will be able to manufacture your exact likeness and your exact words to the point that what is real and what is fake is indiscernible. 
You federal agents who still knows the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. Once your ordered to go after actual good people and that you physically know that they are not criminals or bad. If you continue on doing evil and bad things against them. You are in fact an evil doer after your own good thinking processes. You have made evil and bad choices in the name of career advancement and retirement. Which means you are willing to evil deeds for money. Even you federal agents will begin to see that fewer and fewer good agents exist. You may even try to hide yourself from the awareness of others. But, in the end and in-spite of being a good and honorable person. You will have to decide that you will just need to go find other work and a different life absent of the Federal Government.
.Vision time, I think. I see..deleted. Federal agents. Not bad or violent against agents.
You need to understand this. One of the very last things to happen to Israel every time they were destroyed was the loss of justice. Once justice ends so to the nation of God. The cusps of change is already apparent. What is one of the spiritual meanings of the black bird or Crow? Change? 
Christians have refused to be the leaders of their nation. Christians have refused to only vote for their fellow Christians. Christians have refused to be responsible for their nation. So Christians will become refused by their own nation. Christians will become criminalized by their own nation. Christians will be declared as insane by law and no longer having the legal rights of person hood or self decision. Christians will become rejected from all aspects of a modern day society. Christians will no longer enjoy any manner of freedom or liberty. Christians will lose. Those who are of the world will win. They will glorify in their power, authority and strength over all that is actually good in the world while never understanding that it is they who have become the most evil of all tools.  
These are just some of the things which may lead up to Armageddon.  I tell you the truth Armageddon has already begun with the ongoing rejection, death and destruction of good ideas and good belief systems. With the confusion of good is bad and bad is good. Think about it. War is not just physical, it is mental/emotional, it is intellectual and spiritual. What does the Holy Bible say about principalities and powers? 
Think about it as more and more humans believe their own self created delusions as truths. As humans believe more and more truths as lies and more and more lies as truths. This is also evidence of Armageddon at play prior to the prophetic ending. The end game of evil is the extinction of all humanity. In which all of humanity is the enemy of the evil ones. Which means even though you as a human work for, has committed to the evil ones. You to, human, once your usefulness has concluded shall be killed, murdered by that which you have sworn your allegiance. For you are human and you must end. This is the intention of the evil ones. Your just a useful mindless and stupid tool for them to use against your own human family. 
Even the humans at the highest and most secret levels of governmental existence. You are all just a useful tool for their plans against all of humanity. Which does include all of you. Even though you may even be fully committed and fully trusting of the actual evil ones who are pretending to be the good ones who only have the best interest of humanity at heart. Know this that when you are no longer needed. You will be killed very quickly. Fore your very human existence is offensive, undeserving and vile to them all. 
This might be a very basic assumption. In order for the evil ones to be happy. All of humanity must become extinct. It is also very important for the the evil ones to know that it is they who is orchestrating the extinction of humanity by using humans against each other dimensionally. This is how they wage war. Unlike human warfare which has began and evolved because of them.  
You the reader needs to know. I'm not the first to say the words I do. I'm just saying the time for you to make the most profound decisions of your life is imminent.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Black Bird Satelite Image: (Unedited): 21 March 2023:

On March 18, 2023 @ 1247 hrs. : 
Something or nothing. 
I saw a cold blob expand and take the shape of a great black bird spreading its wings over North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota. Like a bird spreading its wings in some kind of protecting manner. 
End of satellite video image. Tried to save it but failed.
The blackness of the bird was or may have been one of an absence of information.
The blackness is also an indication of coldness.  
Where did I see this black bird? From the NASA
From time to time. Images can be seen in atmospheric images. Even in satellite images which can be strung together to form a video. 
If this is something then it is most likely the local native tribes to make that determination. I'm in the thought that it is nothing bad really interesting as the image was really clear. To the degree that you would say that is a crow like black bird.
For the indigenous and those who are spiritual. There is a spiritual meaning to the black bird or crow. This would be a single bird.
Added on 03 May 2023: This may or may not be a sign. Crows are very intelligent and can be trained to do things which seem to be impossible. So I have doubts but I also understand that this could be a sign. Because, I do not keep up with the news. I do not really know what is happening inside of Israel or where ever that flag was.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Clothing Of The New Teachers: (Unedited): 04 July 2022:

Every nation which has had a history with the indigenous tribes will turn to them to learn how to live. In humility and full knowing that historically their people group promoted genocide and forced assimilation. The tribally clothed indigenous were forced to remain on reservations or specific locations as they are rejected by the nationalized people groups. It will be the Tribally clothed indigenous peoples who become one of the most important teachers. 
Certain Mennonites and Amish groups will be seen as teachers and their clothing will reveal them as teachers to a surviving world. 
It will be through these new teachers that humanity can be reestablished for a short time. 
The beloved people who have become once again one family. The establishment process is only of a finite time. Then begins something else. 
When the numbers of you become sufficient. It is then a new establishment begins elsewhere. This should be celebrated with love.
Just because one people expands into two and two into many. They are still one and the same.  Just as humanity of today is one people, one family or of one relation. Except all of humanity is separated by lies and deceptions. Such is the lie of the races of humanity believed as an unquestioned truth. 
It is the mission of everyone right now to go forth and plant wild fruit bearing plants, bushes and trees everywhere. This is also the crucial mission of the homeless persons as they go to and fro in those hidden and secluded places. You must plant wild, natural, heirloom food bearing plants, bushes and trees every safe place you encounter.  
The #mission of the #homeless: It is you who must go forth and #plant every manner of #wild, #heirloom, #plant, #bush, #tree and #seed everywhere you can as often as possible. #Grow #food everywhere. #Homeless #homelessness #homeless
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Feet Of Clay Prophecy To Be Commonly Known: (Unedited): 12 Feb 2022:

 That nation of the great and powerful Eagle which is known by all nations and all peoples to be wealthy, mighty and strong. Shall be seen in a single moment of time as one of the poorest and weakest nations on the planet.
The peoples of the world will show no mercy or compassion. The peoples of the world will declare that it serves them right, Karma, Justice. The peoples of the world will turn a blind apathetic eye to the suffering of all people in what was known to have been America. 
I have seen vision and dream visions and images of future military disasters. I have seen American Aircraft Carriers along with other surface ships in the battle groups captured and then repurposed. I have seen military warplanes quietly fall out of the sky. I have seen missiles by the hundreds go off course and miss their preprogrammed targets. I have seen blurred images of a variety of means which destroys America. I have seen dozens of simulated bright stars in the sky at various times. A few you could even feel the over pressure. I have seen natural disasters which may not have been natural at all. I have seen human bodies in a variety of states of  decomposition out in the open. I have seen fires by the millions from Low Earth Orbit. I have seen battles with the Chinese and Russian special forces on American soil and all local police forces lose badly. In which the Chinese and Russian forces did not take any prisoners, captives or allow citizens to live. I have seen Alaska returned to Russia with a complicit and traitorous Canadian government. I have seen how the Russian slaughtered everyone and it did not matter if they were American, socialist Americans, pro Russian, anti-American or indigenous. I have seen the American Tet Offensive as led by Islamic, Chinese and Russian forces. To the tune of a hundred thousand terrorists attacks in one day. I have seen the American government secretly murder entire American families for no more reasons than they just stood up and voiced a counter opinion. As well as much worse things. They were all successful against America. Once it was realized that America poor, weak, defenseless and helpless. I'm starting to think the global reset is going to be absent of any Americans or the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island. 
Note: You know it doesn't matter what belief system you have or not have. It will not matter if your a Christian, anti-Christian, satanist, atheist, hindu, yoga instructor, bowler, or any other religion or non religion identification. It will not matter if your blood burns American red or if your a devout anti-American. Those enemy combatants whom will come to kill official looking Americans in uniform will be celebrated by you. Then when you encounter those enemy combatants. They will not hesitate to kill you even though you have cheered them on. The idea which is America must die and you have that memory of freedom, human rights and liberties within you. So you must die in order for the world to forget that America ever existed. 
Added on 13 Feb 2022: 
This is not one of my prophecies. This is just about revelation or the revealing of Biblical prophecy. 
Added on 18 Feb 2022: 
I have known of this. people will actually go into a dojo or a martial arts studio and challenge the sensei/teacher. Can you imagine someone coming into your business and trying to assault you on purpose. Most of the times these things fail and the mentally ill person leaves embarrassed. This is the clay in the feet. But the mentally ill person may have been in street fights and watched many UFC fights on TV. This is their mixed strength in the clay. 
The delusional strength mixed into the pride of their own clay cannot stand when any manner of threat, trial or tribulations comes their way. They will fall, every time.
When the delusional and mentally ill person challenges the teacher. They often times become completely aware of their sudden helplessness and their dependency on the mercy of the teacher who they have dishonored and disrespected. 
So to shall the prideful Americans come to know of just how defenseless and helpless they have become all without knowing or understanding the realities of their current state of being. The sudden revelation to the American people will open their eyes into knowing that all of the politicians, the powerful, the elites and the wealthy all knew and all planned for their own worldly salvation. While leaving the American civilian to suffer and die within the totality of this so called coming reset. What do you think will happen when you on purpose and by plan take away all of a working persons or nations property rights, retirements, built up wealth and all other aspects of wealth? Then what do you think will happen when they(??UN??) force every civilian to make repayment of all debts via forms of indentured servitude or slavery. Which will be titled by a different naming convention?  
Think about it. Foreign ownership of American property exceeds 6 Trillion dollars and rising. Those foreign entities will demand repayment, security for their assets and they will get it. Just as Russia goes into Alaska and kills every civilian in secret. 
Added on 19 Feb 2022:
The scent of new and old death shall permeate the air everywhere.
Added on 03 July 2023: The Christian mixed feet prophecy. The USA is both the most powerful nation in the world and yet defenseless. The USA is seen as the wealthiest nation in the world and yet the most indebted. The USA is known as a Christian country and yet the evil of abortion, gay rights and all other sins are it's greatest exports. The end of the USA shall come if "We The People" do not repent. For when the curses and disciplines come for the blessed people. Know that God's beloved people were destroyed many times for their sins. Many people in Israel thought themselves as good and worthy still suffered and perished. So to shall it be with "We The People".
Follow the purple words below. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books