Showing posts with label Christians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christians. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Violence Against Chistians Increase +68: (Unedited): 07 Sept 2024:

 Here is some current research. Be sure to pray first before you continue to read. Copy and paste links is for your safety and security.
Check dates: 
===Church Fires=======
====Pastor Greg Locke=====
Note: YouTube seems to be slanted against Christianity when using search terms about "violence Christianity USA". Maybe my search terms are wrong. I get Christian violence where the Christians are the criminals.
Added on 08 Sept 2024: 
Just as worldly worshipers at concerts are all strangers to one another. So to has the denominations and churches have become during their own services/concerts.
Once a person is grafted into the vine of God. They are no longer a stranger but adopted members of the family.
In the body of Christ there can be no strangers. As the Christ body of many parts must know and have a dependency on one another. 
The coming modern day persecution of Christians has already begun in those hateful places which have no eyes or ears. 
It shall not matter if the Christians fights or flees. Physical death shall be their end result. 
Even in a cowardice conversion which wholly rejects Christianity. Death shall still be your end result as the wicked evildoers cannot allow the memory of Christianity to continue onward. 
The rise of the new Christian Crusaders shall go forth and aggressively kill the wicked evildoers where ever they will be found. The new Christian Crusaders shall not exercise any mercy and compassion.
The new Christian Crusaders shall be at war with the entirety of the whole world. Fore even in their own deaths they shall find victory with their heavenly Father. 
There shall be two who shall stand in fight against all wicked evil doers. One shall be those who have become the new Christian Crusaders and the other shall be those who uphold the American flag and the constitution.
There shall be two different kinds of Christian Crusaders. Those who shall protect the children of God through peaceful means and those who shall call down fire and brimstone from on high to purify the world of evil. 
Some of the peaceful Christian Crusaders shall in faith invisibly walk through and among the wicked evil doers who will kill them all and also have them completely surrounded. Completely passing them by completely unaware.
Woe to you wicked evildoers who have sold your souls for a nice home, food and benefits. You are no different than those Nazi guards who killed millions of Jews. Your place in hell is already assured. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. For every atrocity you commit against any innocent soul. Your place in hell is a guarantee while those very human leaders whom you have worshiped, honored, respected and loved have all deceived you. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. Every time you make any innocent soul to suffer through torture and death. You shall endure 10,000 times worse forever. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. For every shy and timid soul that you convert to your wickedness. You may see victory. But, in reality you have only locked in your spot in hell. For the Father loves His children and will make each of you pay dearly. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. From your isolated spot in the hell of forever torment. You shall be with those ancient leaders and you will know each one as they will also know you in their own forever torment. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. You shall be forever tied and bound in hell. You shall not lose your mind to insanity or any other kind of unreasoned thinking. You shall absolutely know the truth and know this is where you belong. 
There shall be much fear in the coming of the Son of God. Even your gods who are fallen angels shall tremble and it will be then that you will know you have freely chosen wrongly. No one will be able to forgive you except the Son who comes like an angry lion. But, it may be too late. 
There may not be any forgiveness for any of you wicked evildoers as God may have already locked down your freedom to change.
Woe to you wicked evildoers. You police officers and soldiers who know that the orders you follow are wrong and yet you continue to enforce those orders even in the brutalization of helpless civilians. Hell is waiting for you. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. Who smile and laugh at these words. I shall not rejoice or celebrate in the hell which is already awaiting you. I can see each one of you and I know each one of you that I can see.
Woe to you wicked evildoers who shall be imprisoned in hell for eternity. You all will be together along with the false gods whom you chosen to follow and heed their deceptions. You knew right from wrong and chose to do wrong. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. Who hide beneath the uniform of respect and badge of honor. For every wrong sinful action you exercise regardless of who gave the order. Your place in hell is assured. 
Added on 09 Sept 2024:
Professing Christians have more in-depth relationships in the worldly systems than they do in Christ, the church and within the body of the church. Then wonder why they do not experience anything profound in their own lives
The shakes and shivers you occasionally feel while worshiping God in church for 30 minutes when the weather is good. Is nothing as compared to when the Holy Spirit actually moves through you and within you.
One has to qualify for the Holy Spirit to move in you, through you and dwell within you. This qualification is predetermined by the Holy Spirit. How? Why? Who? When? How Long?
Once the Holy Spirit makes itself known within you. It will become very difficult for you to return to the worldly systems currently governed by satan. 
Profound effects still remain within those who merely witness the work of the Holy Spirit. Even being a witness of such things can profoundly change lives. 
For those who are allowed to witness the workings of the Holy Spirit and yet continue to refuse to change from their evil ways. This may indicate an unchanging apathetic permanence within the witness. 
The two shall work different paths in life and yet they may fight along side one another and then when the battle concludes they each shall return to their own path. 
The American two will also be similar to other nations two. For one will be like the Christian Crusaders and the other shall be like the beloved national warrior. Both believers shall walk their individual walk. They shall not be controlled by any human outsider.
The new generation of Christian Crusaders will be led by the Holy Spirit. While the nationalistic warrior may be led by the Holy Spirit from time to time. Especially when directly combined with the Christian Crusader's. 
The new Christian Crusader shall have no freedom, no choice but to only follow the leading's of the Holy Spirit. While the nationalistic warrior shall have every freedom until they become like the Christian Crusader. 
No human organization or agency will be able to control either of the two brothers who are the new Christian Crusaders and the nationalistic warriors. For each of the brothers will efficiently kill those who impede their movement's.
The new Christian crusaders and the Nationalistic warriors are similar but not the same. Both knowing they will physically lose in their own individual ends. Both have trained in the arts of fighting, of weapons and in actual combat skills. 
The new Christian Crusaders and the nationalistic warriors must come to a brutal end and this is when the coming of Christ shall return like an angry lion to avenge them and to avenge all of the innocent souls who were made to suffer.
There shall be no guarantee that the nationalistic warrior will be able to enter into Heaven. While the motivated mind, heart and spirit of the new Christian Crusader is aligned with Christ and with the Holy Spirit. 
Time is now for those devout who have been spiritually led to think about the Christian Crusaders. For each of you. It will be time to train and to seek actual experience. For you down time will be in prayer and in the Bible. For you off time is in extra fighting training.
For the new Christian Crusader. Your only vacation, holiday, rest time, off time shall be when you exhale your last and then reawaken in glory and in the pastures of rest. Fore the Lord shall always lead you and guide you.
Do not be deceived or dismayed into doing nothing. The vile wicked evildoers in the world are fully intending on killing every Christian and to even erase the memory that Christianity ever existed. This is far beyond exterminating all Jews from the world. 
Be joyful in your worthiness of suffering at the hands of the vile wicked evildoers. Be satisfied that your coming suffering is like the apostles when they were tortured and martyred for the faith.
Have courage and be strong in the Christian faith. The time of great distress is about to befall upon you and for many it already has. Be joyful that you are known to be worthy of the whole world being against you. 
Be wise and be not deceived Christian. The coming of great hardships is like a terrible tsunami which can be seen in the distance rising out of the turbulent sea. Your time is short and wise preparation must be done.
Be warned and know that anything and everything which keeps you distracted from prayer and Bible study is of satan and of the evildoers who lead the world systems. 
Be warned and know that all of the vast entertainment sources in the world are all designed to keep you from God, righteousness, holiness and to sway you with every manner of sin as sources of good pleasures.
Christians shall be uprooted from their homes and ancestral lands. Christians shall be hunted, tortured and killed for His name sake. Their rewards shall be in the open arms of Jesus. While the wicked evildoers find their promises of many virgins to be a lie as they are tormented in hell. 
A Christian cannot be a Christian soldier without knowing how to use all of the armor of God. You have to know how the fit and function is of every weapon. 
You vile wicked evildoers and fallen angels who have become god and lord pretenders. You shall not escape and your forever torment and eventual end is more than a certainty. There is no winning and no victory for any of you.
Added on 12 Sept 2024: 
The oblivious war against Christianity is one of erasure.
Christians are oblivious of the war of erasure against them. 
No one is concerned when the flood waters are far away. It is only when the flood waters have surrounded you that you know escape to higher ground is no longer possible. 
No one is concerned when the fires are far away. It is only when the fires are upon you that you realize you should have evacuated long ago. 
No one is concerned when war is in some far off land. No one is concerned when the enemies have gained entry into their land. There shall be no escape when those who hate you and want you dead begin the blood letting.
No one is concerned when the church far away is burned down. It is only when your own church is burned down that you become concerned and yet every other Christian remains apathetic as you once were. 
The world is full of apathetic Christians who only begin to care when something bad happens to them. 
The safe and secure Christians still believe and act like nothing bad is going to happen to them. Even after knowing that the enemies are already inside of the gates. 
You complacent Christians who have failed to love one another. Know that your gruesome deaths comes for all. You shall be hunted in your safe places. You shall only have worry and fear as the enemies are already inside of your gates. 
There is no safe place for you Christians to go to. Your enemies since before the Catholic Crusades are upon you and only want for you to become extinct and erased. 
You complacent and do nothing Christians. Continue to only pray for your own safety and protection as those wicked evildoers are already among you waiting for the their appointed time to begin killing all of you.
You helpless and defenseless Christians who have not their full armor of God and who know not how to use any of them. You each shall horrifically be tortured and killed.
Those Christians who know how to use the full armor of God will not give their back to any enemy. Even the enemy who is already among them.
Those righteous souls who face the enemies of God shall be martyred. While those who turn their backs on the enemies of God shall merely be humiliated, tortured and killed. 
Those righteous souls as determined by God are already training and using their full armor of God mentally, physically and spiritually. *This does mean actual real world fighting styles with weapons. 
Every Christian will be forced to become active members of their own churches security teams. While the fake and phony Christians will just quietly walk away from Jesus. 
Christians will begin to know that foreign enemies are inside of the gates. But, the bigger surprise is when their own beloved nation also becomes their enemy.
Even in the land of the free and the home of the brave shall lose everything as they all become the land of the enslaved and the home of the cowardice as everyone else who is worthy is killed. 
It takes much time and manpower for the wicked evildoers to continually orchestrate their crimes in order to maintain power.
Once the criminals have full control. They will begin their purge every threat. They will cleanse all of the intelligent people. The degree of killing will exceed every Communist leader leader who has ever lied and deceived his own people.
All deep flag waving nationalistic pride must end in death. This is why more than half of all true Americans must be killed in the continued communistic takeover of the United States of America. 
*All Christians must be put to death. This is why more than half of all true Americans must be killed in the continued communistic takeover of the United States of America. 
C.J.MacKechnie *Their mindset. 
The communistic wicked evildoers already know if they have to kill every nationalistic and every Christian. They will do it. This is why they desire to protect the economy by importing new tax payers who already have a socialistic mindset.
Added on 17 Sept 2024:
The voices of logic and reason shall be silenced with great hatred and anger.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Babylon Violence +27: (Unedited): 24-28 April 2024:

Note: At this time I'm still not willing to list all of the different forms of violence in which I've seen in visions and dreams. But, it does appear that what I've seen exceeds my own imaginative limitations in regards to violent acts and atrocities. If You're one of my new readers. I'm not interested in being first or saying things in order to receive recognition. I'm only interested in saving lives. All glory, praise and your attention goes to God and not me. If you have found use in these writings and back them up with the Bible and prayer. No need to mention me. Then use them as a means to save lives. The purple words below should be taught along with the importance of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ does not come after my words or the purple words below.
Celebrate with great tears of sadness the coming of the Lord. His will be done. His word be done. His glory and power will be fully known. All that which is wicked and evil in His sight shall be vanquished. Have joy as Habakkuk.
Celebrate with great tears of joy the coming of our Lord. His will be done. His word be done. His glory and power will be fully known. All that which is wicked and evil in His sight shall be utterly destroyed. Have joy that all suffering and misery shall end. 
When great suffering and death comes for you as it had for the Christ Jesus, the early Christians and even certain Christians of today. Have joy in knowing that you are worthy for such things. Have faith in knowing when you sleep for the last time in your body you will awaken in great glory with your Heavenly Father.
Death and continuous suffering comes for those who rejected Jesus Christ and became a source of misery, sickness and death to any innocent living being.
Never ending weeping and gnashing of teeth shall come to all who perpetrated evil and wickedness unto the world. Great anguish and despair shall become your never ending reward. 
As which has been prophesied, there shall be violence everywhere. The laws of the animal kingdom shall be in place. All manner of civility shall end in favor of animalistic cruelties. This is just one piece of evidence of the strong delusion sent to this Earth from God. 
The governments of the world are supposed to protect their own people and actually become the source of hardship and suffering. The people will rise up and the governments will be forced to take a strong action against their own people or die. Which shall include their entire family. 
Blurry vision means a variety of yet to be made human decisions which result in definitive planned action.
Massive blood bath of violence in which the government side slaughters the deselected civilian population who are now defined as the enemy. 
Bloody violence against government forces in which the civilians are able to attain proper weapons of warfare.
In the great holy houses of human government which were once revered by the people shall be torn asunder and burned to the ground never to rise again.
Federal agents and soldiers being brutally killed by their own brethren.
I have seen this in many visions in the last many years. The good civilians see their law enforcement, federal agents and soldiers as honored men and women which should always be respected. One commonly recurring vision is of one really tough looking man at parties and he is already assessing who he is going to kill and how. When an order is given if ever. He is standing with his own brothers sharing good times, tough stories and refreshing beer and amazing burgers. This is tough for me to even fathom. His face and physical disposition changes from sharp images to blurry to sharp. Which indicates to me that many government people are having these thought who are in positions of power over the people. 
The truly wicked and evil agents and soldiers have already been entertaining who and how they are going to kill who they already see as enemy within the ranks. Evil surprise awaits for the good souls.
As a civilian this is tough for me to fathom. 
Like minded civilians who do not want or desire violence forbid all aspects of government to rule over them. They shall be slaughtered and in the news no one shall know the truth as all of their lands given to the new preferred obedient civilian.
Absolute civilian disappearance shall be mandated against all of those whom the governments has killed. It shall become like they and their towns never existed. They shall be completely excised and forgotten. 
Raise up your eyes and worship the coming of your God with a great holy and righteous fear. While at the same time the whole of the world wars against Him and His Army. Know that you may sleep for the last time that great and awful day. You shall wake up in glory continuing to worship your beloved Heavenly Father. Forever and ever.
Visions: I see the war against water and food. Those farmers their families and all other relations shall be killed and never found again. I see their homes destroyed, burned and cleanly removed. Even their digital  memory erased. They shall not have enough manpower, guns or bullets as the wicked evil doing soldiers who wear the once honored uniform kill all who are from a distance. Yes, Your government will use warplanes and every other form of weapon of warfare against their now deselected civilian population. Their now naked lands given to the new preferred civilians.  
One unspoken aspect of the strong delusion God sends to this Earth is how you yourself who have been in the Christian faith for all of these years or decades and yet you think of yourself as going to Heaven even though all aspects of your life is still full of secret sins. 
Pressure waves in Time are forming and they do take time to build. The fears, anxieties and paranoia's can change how an individual reacts to certain stimuli. The more people who change how they respond to certain situations this builds up the pressure waves in time to such a degree that all of societies and all of humanity goes into an absolute collapse. 
Like a single last heart beat in time which ends in a flat line.
When a life is dying good people do their best to do the good thing. But, on the human time line when that last heart beat happens. No one will care enough to try to restart it. 
Which is when when it says that if God had not of intervened when he does or had. All of humanity would have become extinct. 
I'm writing this knowing that all of humanity is about to make the uncommon decision to kill anyone who just happens to offend. Even this has been prophesied in the Holy Bible. We are getting that close to when every human will be against any other human for any reason. It will not have to be a valid reason.
The nation of Babylon has been born many times and called by different names. Babylon has also died many times only to rise up yet again from the ashes. The United States of America has become the modern day Babylon and so to shall America die and become like ash only to quickly rise again and encompass the whole of the Earth. Maybe, they will even change the name of this planet. 
America is only the caterpillar which must die in order for Babylon can emerge from the burnt sacrificial corpse of what was America into the emerging beauty that it is intended to be. 
The sacrificial corpses of many nations shall emerge out of those burnt chrysalis's many beautiful Babylonian butterflies which shall merge into one great monster. 
People will continue to invent new words in order to get around censorship algorithms. This is evidence of censorship. 
The new enemies of life and of humanity will be in those who continue to allow their children to be educated in government schools.
NOTE: This also includes institutions of higher learning as which is being seen today. 
Do not become surprised when your own godless adult children report you to a government agency as enemies of the state.
Government educated children will become anti-god, anti-family, anti-good and anti-life. Through them will begin the extinction process of humanity and they shall be apathetic.
Paul's rebuke of Peter in the public eye is Biblical. So to will the common Christian see the public rebuking of Christian leaders. One will be right and the other will be wrong. 
Note: There is a difference between being wrong and naively deceived. We are not perfect and we are not all knowing. This goes all the way back to Jim Bakker and others. Who profited from Bakker an apparent prophet? When you follow the money, was Jim Bakker guilty as he was convicted or was he just the naively deceived even unto no forgiveness by the people of the world to this day. Remember this one when a charismatic leader took his entire church to another country and they all committed suicide. What about the Haley's Comet group who all wore the same shoes and died together? There are more. But, there is a difference between being wrong and simply deceived. Who was wrong and who was right when Mark Driscol said what he said in a men's conference where they were all entertained by a former male strip club dancer who was allowed or encouraged to show his sin to male Christian leaders. I do not know mark Driscol and have heard he has done bad things. But, you also need to know that satan will use his worldly powers in order to publicly convict a true righteous man of God. By any means necessary in order to discredit the man of God. Like I said I do not know Mark Driscol and do not know If I'm even spelling his name correctly. But, when does forgiveness begin at dusk? each and every day? Where is that in the Bible? Look it up. I'm not waiting. Which means I can offend you 7X77 each and every day and you as a genuine Christian must forgive me before each and every sunset!?!? right????... Meant as serious male humor as related to the love of God for us and how many times we all have sinned before him and continue to sin and not even know what sin we will sin in all of the tomorrow's yet to come and yet God has and still forgives us/me. Yea, I'm a very deeply flawed human bean. Think about this. How many of you would vote for King David knowing all of the things he had done or awful things he will do? How many characters or real people and nations in the Holy Bible were perfect in the sight of God? Why did God use all of the unqualified people that He did? You need to get this. 
You know sometimes when a person digs a deep hole for themselves. All that there is - is an empty hole which is lined and floored with dirt. Sometimes a hole is just a hole without any further meaning or purpose.
NOTE: Still do think about it because what appears to be empty and useless may in fact have a very profound purpose and meaning. The signs of God and from God may look that way on the surface or is that below the surface. Danger or safety. You can fall in and get injured or it can safely hide you. It can be a grave. But, which is it really? Did Mark Driscol point to the evil and wicked hole and get blamed for it. All he did was say everyone here is a hole. How strong is the delusion we are all in? I have not even mentioned the deadly traps which could be hidden inside the darkness of the hole. What about all of the planning to dig the hole which was to be celebrated as holy and righteous? Does not satan define what is holy and righteous as well since he thinks himself to be above god. Did not all of the fallen angels come to Earth and become gods themselves. 
Note: I have checked the spelling of Mark Driscoll and it is correct in my labels. I left it misspelled here and is not intended as an insult. But, if you want to be insulted. I'm OK with that. I guess I'm feeling a little spicy this morning.
Wolves in sheep's clothing will continue to bring the world into their church of righteous riches. While the Biblically dead people less than one block away continue to suffer in physical life.
Those souls who attend the churches of righteous riches. They will learn how to become Christian wolves in sheep's clothing while never realizing that they are still worldly wolves. 
Those leaders who are caught with their pants down know not that their pants were even down. For them it was once a very good idea to go forth in public with their pants down. Anger and fury shall be their response to the one who declares their pants were down. 
The delusion that a leader has to go forth with their pants down always seems like a good idea as they always go forth in all of the planning stages prior to the rise of the curtain. Once the curtain goes up all will know their sin who has not been affected by the strong delusion sent by God. 
The delusional and sickly in the leadership of the church shall become fully known in the full light of God. Even though they remain confused and angered by being revealed even as they continue to remain in darkness and outside of the true light of God by their own choice. 
It is only God who reveals a truth and not the man for man must have the truth of God within him before that truth can be revealingly expressed. It matters not the faults and failures of the man who does the revealing.
Remember, There was only one perfect person, only one qualified priest, only one perfect sacrificial lamb and only one savior to all of humanity listed in the Holy Bible. Everyone else were all deeply flawed human beings. 
NOTE: If what I write seems like I'm for Babylon and against God. Your mistaken. More than 7.5 Billion human souls will die because of wicked evil doers who are going to make this happen. Which is against God.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Classified Christian Prophecy+13: (Unedited): 28 Jan 2024:

Key Christian prophecies which can be or is under human control shall be classified. These crucial events on the Christian prophetic timeline shall not be known by average Christians who are not under demonic control. 
So which Christian prophetic events are directly under human control or seemingly under human control? Which human related events or persons can be hidden and kept secret?
There shall even be those professing Christian leaders who are under demonic control who also do not know what is happening or what is going on. These are just the useful demonically controlled idiots who are fully vested in their own selfish apathy of worldly accumulation.
Every Christian group, organization, denomination and person shall be known by their fruits and by their absence of any fruit. Fore even unwise Christians will find comfort under a barren tree which still offers cool shade. 
Remember the barren fig tree that Jesus walked by and what happened to it. That fig tree was most likely pleasant to look at and comfortable to sit under. Go and look up that whole story in the Holy Bible. Not just that one Bible Verse.
Christian groups, organizations, denominations and people shall joyfully boast of their groups, organizations, denominations and leaders who have accumulated much worldly accomplishments while not even being aware of the absence of genuine Biblical fruits.
Remember only two churches were not admonished by God and they were the church of Smyrna and Philadelphia. Are you, your group, your organization, your denomination, your church, your people most like the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia? If not? then what do you have to do to be one of the non admonished by God? 
The evil wicked beings who have power over this Earth. Know the Christian prophetic time line better than the Christians know. Which is why they make great effort to keep the key prophecies under their control secret. 
Those who profess being Christians and who are in positions of authority and control already know who the human evil one is and they do effort to continue to steer the actual Christians in directions away from actual occurring biblical prophecies.
Professing Christians who are not and who are in positions of Christian power and control. Shall all be sacrificed by the human evil one all without their awareness, permission or desire. 
I've written about this before. 
Except they will plead their case. They will beg for mercy. They we declare that they were promised great rewards and not even realized that those things have already been given. Each of their deaths shall be public and horrific in order to display the absolute weakness of the Christian and Jewish God. 
Added On 10 April 2024: Written on 06 April 2024:
The peaceful feelings which can be felt by people in many religions may be more about emptiness than actual peace.
This does include many Christian denominations and independent churches. The quiet peace which you feel may in fact be a nothingness or a no presence of God. 
Just because a religious center has much shiny and flashy things does not mean that place is full of God or a god. 
A religious center can be fully of shiny and flashy human constructs and yet feel empty or falsely identified as peaceful. 
The shiny, flashy and beautiful things in many religions are all of human constructs and do have a profound psychological importance to each person.
Added on 11 April 2024: Written on 10 April 2024:
When you belong to a religion which is profoundly against the system's of the world. Do not expect any gracious worldly rewards. 
When you belong to a religion which is aligned to the systems of the world. You can expect all of the rewards, acceptance and tolerance the world has to offer. 
The early followers of Jesus Christ had no worldly rewards except for imprisonment, torture and death.
Sometimes the things that we do have - Have no real value in the worldly systems. They are only valued by God in which there may not be any worldly financial reward.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

A Falling United States: (Unedited)+20: 18-20 Dec 2023:

New Reader Note: My quotes are more important than any words that I think I know. The foundational purpose of any and every bad and sad prophecy is to either mitigate or prevent. So, if you cannot prevent any of them from happening. Then you must mitigate the loss of life and the destruction of property. You mitigate first for the benefit of your own family, friends, church, community and other like minded peoples. 
Beware, prophecy is not about being first or being right. I do know what I'm saying and how it sounds. The point of prophecy is to save lives. The point of prophecy is to communicate the need to change ones life/repentance so that everyone may begin to pursue holiness and righteousness. The purple words below. 
Just how life is in Mexico, Central America and South America, so to shall it be in the former United States of America. 
Just as those regions in those nations do not have any governmental authority. So to will many nations inside of the soon to be former USA. Regional corruption will become rule of law just as judges for their own profit will also administer judgements with no justice. Kidnappings of all kinds will skyrocket. Missing persons will become uncountable. Home Invasions with murders will become common place.
Both the friends and enemies of the United States of America shall continue to do those self serving things even if it means causing the end, suffering and death to the American people.
The United States military will run out of resources, manpower, bombs and bullets fighting foreign military forces inside of their own land.
The United States American civilian will also run out of water, food, medical care, manpower and bullets.
The US Military with actual Americans will be forced to conduct warfare against US military forces who are foreign nationals.
The former United States civilian's will be killed and maybe buried on their own farms.
All of the enemies of the USA in the world have already sent and continue to send their own military forces into the USA. Each enemy will carve out their own region of interest and then conduct warfare forms of expansion into every other American place. The former American population will be treated like any other worthless indigenous tribe. The indigenous tribes of North America will also suffer genocide yet again. 
Note: The term worthless is my understanding of how the so called civilized modern day peoples think of the tribal peoples no matter where they hail from. Why value the lives whom you consider worthless. Genocide works this way. 
Every enemy of the United States is flooding into the USA. Each enemy group is going to silently mass together and await their "Go Orders" in which they each will establish a beachhead and take over those hundreds of places of their interest. 
Each city, county, region or state will have to deal with enemy forces who have been militarily trained. The local police officers will not be able to contain this coming threat. The police forces will be brutally killed. Entire cities and sates will be taken over and will become new nations with Asian, African, Hispanic and Islamic names. The United Nations may even accept this new nations as new people groups. While mass slavery of former Americans will become non peoples with no legal human rights. 
Many foreign national civilians who are capable are rushing into the USA for their own self interests and who also have no desire to become American citizens. They each will happily take for themselves and then become angry and violent when the taking and the giving to them ends. 
The enemies within are victorious and know they are victorious this is because the do nothing Americans and Christians continue to do nothing.
Do nothing Americans and Christians know they are being invaded and yet they still do nothing.
Do nothing Americans still remain fat and happy in their own individualistic lives free from proving their American identity. Soon even that identity shall be taken away through brutal force and there will not be any emergency services to come and save each and every American. 
In the same manner that the American government has allowed the drug trade to flourish so to will the unrestricted import of all manner of foreign military weapons into the hands of military foreign nationals. The end of the USA shall be manifest.
Can you and will you still worship God as you live and die in your own blessed nation which has become a blight into the world?
The blessed nation is to be a great light of freedom and hope into the world. But, has become its own self chosen blight into the world spreading disease, death and all manner of darkness. 
The blessed nation of the world has turned its back on God. The over pressure of darkness shall cease and the result of the cessation of darkness emanated will result in all of that dark energy rushing back into the void with magnified power and energy.
rewrite poorly written. 
All of you do nothing Americans think and believe all you need to do is fly your beloved flag and sing your national anthem. You will suffer and die as your identity is taken away all because you allowed sin to enter within. 
sin within is every place from your personal to your professional, from your community to your nation, From your places of profit to your places of religion and every where else. You cannot allow sin to into Israel and Israel is everywhere. 
Added on 24 Dec 2023: 
The silence and invisibility of your favorite super important people will be a last sign that you should have done something and should be doing something now. 
If there is a sudden and unexplained silence of your favorite super important people. Coupled with other fearful evidence may be a sign that your opportunity to save your family and yourself is coming to a close. Which means you may not even have a chance to get to your safe places. 
Actually, this may be a key sign to actively look for. Super important people are those persons who will most likely know that something terrible is about to happen and then quietly disappear. While on the other hand all of the political people will suddenly and at once declare trips and messages of non important things. Just as how all of the corrupt news media sources all put out the same script about "false news". No one knew it until someone discovered the same script read with different emotional inflections. Then how long was it that you found out that odd thing coupled together in one.
Suggestion without delusional worshiping of those famous people. Keep an eye on them and what they are doing. Then when you know their common patterns or speech and travel. When you see something odd. This can also be a sign that something traumatic is happening to them. This is above and beyond psychological care or detox.  
Added on 03 Feb 2024: 
Once you begin to realize that the leaders of your own country wants the bulk of their own populations to die. All of humanity is in dire straits. Once you realize that there is no more justice in your nation all of the common peoples can be enslaved, incarcerated/forced labor or just killed at any time. Once you begin to see that certain groups of people have more rights than other groups of people. Know that your suffering, misery, torture and death is near. Also know this that when sin is publicly accepted as a human right and freedom. Know that your belief in holiness and righteousness shall be criminalized. Just as it shall become a right to the new privileged(Ancient Rome term) or preferred citizen shall be able to accuse you for making them feel guilty/remorseful and to have any other sad feelings as this shall be hate speech. Your existence as a godly and righteous person shall be an offense which must be exterminated. 
This does include corporate leaders as well. But, with the corporate leaders who have become vile, wicked and evil. You can just stop buying any of their products and services. 
Here is the kicker though and it is the God thing. Once God sees that justice has ended in His selected nations and peoples as which is only judged by God alone. It matters not what we lowly humans think or believe God will do or not do if and when in His own selected time. But, we can go by history. Justice is usually one of the last things to depart or to be taken away by the evil wicked rulers of the land. All manner of hardships will befall the land and the people as which has been written before. All of it will seem natural and may even prove global climate change or whatever they are calling it now. But, that is a lie as it is now evident the rulers of the world wants to depopulate this planet as indicated by their own term use of a post human world. So by stating that global climate change is the reason it will be used to mask all of the evil and wicked things the rulers of this world are doing. God responds to evil wickedness with weather events, asteroid events, global flood and God will purify this Earth in fire. So the purple words below is of importance. 
In the USA, A new preferred citizen group will be established by the new American government. In which new and different terms may be used. If the coming elections are deemed unwinnable a new emergency event may emerge which will not be from God. It will be a planned disastrous event. This begins the end of the United States experiment and the rise of a new nation with a new constitution, rights, freedoms and liberties which all must be earned. Just like in ancient Rome where citizens were expected to participate in order to keep their citizenship.
The super elites or whatever they call themselves now or in the future. They and their families will be excluded from all laws which will restrain the common peoples. This is not about being above the law and more about how the laws of this world do not apply to any of them so as long as they follow their own rules and keep their mouths shut. 
In order to quell any future uprising as which is being seen all over the modern world. Freedom of speech must end. Freedom from being overly *educated will stop. Freedom to bare arms must end. Freedom to learn any kind of martial art must be eliminated. This is only for the common people.  
*NOTE: In the USA education is now seen as a racist action. This is how you enslave a population. When your population cannot communicate(reading, writing, speaking), logically think(math and science) then they all will begin to revert to their base animalistic human natures. Then when you remove meats and other what was once wholesome foods the physical size of the common people will be more like the North Koreans. Then when you administer more and more vaccines the life span of the common people will be in their thirties or early forties. The common peoples will not be able to give birth to healthy children. These will not be curses from God and God will be blamed. No one will even consider it is all Scooby Doo. Go forth and watch the old Scooby Doo shows and wait for the end when the source of the fear and suffering is revealed. It is always a revealed human who always wants more for themselves. No matter what it costs for the innocent ones. So to are the worlds leaders who only want more and more for themselves and to rule over a world as self created gods.  
Added on 04 Feb 2024:
 In human history there always seems to be commonalities to how any significant nation falls. When the people and leadership no longer repents of their sins and no longer live their lives in truth, righteousness and holiness. Then all of the blessings they have known will be taken away. As the people and the leadership begins to live their lives in lies, sin and all manner of immorality. They will heap upon themselves all manner of stench and curses. God will then curse the modern day nations as He had the ancient nations. It will not matter how much technology and advancements the once blessed or beloved nation has. All efforts made shall be erased and met with calamity. 
As the numbers of vile wicked evildoers grow in numbers the ignored voice of the holy and righteous ones will become less. So as it seems that there is no one to tell these fallen people to repent from their evil ways. The truth of the matter is that they have always known and God knows the contents of each individual heart and each mind. So, those curse which come for everyone in that fallen nation will be perfect and pure justice. Where as tens of thousands of souls will receive their judgement with weeping and the gnashing of teeth. The few innocent and righteous souls who perish at the hand of the wicked evil doers. Shall find their reward in Glory. 
Once a wicked evildoer has committed an unforgivable sin their heart and mind becomes locked and unchangeable as determined by God alone. When the immediacy of judgement is administered the final judgement from God on each soul shall be perfect and righteous.
Added on 05 Feb 2024: 
When the governments of the world no longer serve their own people. Then the people no longer have to pay taxes or honor any unrighteous, anti-freedom, anti-liberty and anti-constitutional laws. 
The criminalizing of the good civilian who begins to defend themselves when crimes are committed against them is a sign of an emerging Sodom and Gomorrah. 
Anti martial arts and anti gun training in the land of the free and home of the brave are only preludes to eliminating the constitution and bill of rights. 
Added on 13 Feb 2024:
In the United States there are now preferred citizens and non preferred citizens. Your status can change on any whim which is profitable to the political leaders. 
In the United States there are now those people who are excluded from law and justice while there are those who are under the brutal thumb of the law. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Evolution Of Violent Language+16: (Unedited): 15-16 Dec 2023:

The evolution of violent language will see the erasure of inspirational historical quotes from the early formation of the United States of America. 
In the near future great American quotes such as "Give me liberty or give me death" will be seen as violent language and become erased from history.
Any quote or any ancient writing which inspires or teaches the concepts of freedom, liberty and any aspect of human rights shall be erased from existence. 
Stagnancy of the human population shall be mandated. To the degree that all any human will know is exactly what has been planned for them to know from the supreme authority. There shall be nothing new to be known or taught. 
The physical size of basic humans shall be diminished through mandated diets. Life expectancy and intelligence levels shall also be diminished. While the preferred special humans shall become on average much taller, physically athletic, more intelligent(on average 150+IQ) and their functional life expectancy shall be greatly increased.
Basic education shall be mandated for all civilian populations of this planet. Basic math and basic word knowledge shall not be exceeded. To exceed what you are taught can mean death to you, your family, your friends and those who know of your existence. 
Basic humans only need to know enough to be obedient to both machines and preferred special humans. Basic humans will not need to know the written language or mathematics beyond addition and subtraction. Basic human may not even be able to memorize a string of alpha numeric like the alphabet or numerals. Since the alphabet is 26 characters, A basic human may not be able to memorize this sequential string. 
The concepts of words like freedom, liberty, human rights and hope shall be erased. Those who try to invent or have knowledge of these and other concepts in any likeness shall be eliminated.
The erasure of the idea of the United States of America shall be mandated. This will coincide with actual end of the USA in all aspects. 
Basic humans shall forget the USA ever was just as the conceptual ideas of freedom, liberty and human rights shall not be taught. Those three words and the many other words associated with them shall be erased. Any basic human who feel a need to invent those basic concepts shall be killed as well as those associated with them. 
The supreme authorities will use their concepts for basic human knowledge with an eye towards balance. As humanity begins to forgets concepts of any violence, tactics, strategy, war, fighting, argument, debate. A more controlled human population will result. 
For decades the do nothing Americans and do nothing Christians have resulted in the loss of their blessed nation to wicked evil doers. Who will sell everything and then begin a population replacement.
The great and terrible day of the Lord is coming. His children will praise His return while those who are not shall know much suffering and gnashing of teeth.
The great and terrible day of the Lord shall inflict much fear and trembling in those souls who have rejected Him. While His own children shall praise and worship Him as they have always done. 
The whole of the world will see the Lord coming. A few will cheer, praise and worship His coming glory. While the majority of the rest of humanity have only planned for war against the Lord. In which they will all lose completely and quickly. 
Worldly humans will war against the Lord as the special humans will be safely locked away in their secret places inside of the Earth. The Earth itself will spit them out like an offensive taste. They all will die, be judged and only know wailing and gnashing of teeth. 
The word of God. The Holy word of the Lord. The righteous Holy Son of God has become violent language unto the blessed nation. In the presence of their new gods and idols. They all shall witness the true reality of God. Their delusions taken away be the Holy Truth of the Word of God. 
Just as all of the fallen angels and demons know the truth of God so to shall all of humanity. 
Great harm shall befall humanity as the very reality of God and all that pertains to Him becomes evident in their being. The children of Cain and of the devil shall suffer greatly. There shall be great wailing and gnashing of teeth. While the true children of God shall be protected/covered from His divine and holy anger.
Only the children of God shall have hope in the Lord. For this is all humanity has as not even the fallen ones or the demonic have hope in any aspect of the altering of their righteous judgement and final fate. 
Yet there are still many humans who still have some time to repent and to become His children. Do not miss this offer for even this offer has a time limit. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.