Showing posts with label Mark Driscoll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark Driscoll. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2024

Driscoll Dream: (Unedited): 17 May 2024:

Just had a dream about Mark Driscoll. Yea, I had to research how his name spelling and for his first name, again. I hope that is correct.
Note 01: Me writing about Driscoll does not mean I want or desire anything from Driscoll. I write because I have to. That is all.
Note 02: No quotes.
We were in a room full of light colored wood bars. I wondered if this was a church. It was sparsely filled with people. There were shot glasses of different sizes all around. Some small, some normal and some large. The bar was well lit up. I did not hear any music and in walks in Driscoll. I knew it was Driscoll and that is how I heard his name in my brain. Driscoll. This was not insulting or disrespectful. It was just Driscoll.
My wife and I were already sitting at a bar. There was not any thing in front of us. We were just sitting together. Driscoll is walking around saying his words and many people were insulted and many were laughing. My wife was laughing and I was as well, sometimes. You know some people need to be finger thumped on their noggins/foreheads in order to get it, understand it and make those necessary changes in their lives. Maybe, because I'm a deeply flawed human being is why I did not laugh allot. Maybe, my wife is perfect and everything was funny to her. Interesting, Funny to a Vulcan. The Driscoll comes over and hugs on us. UGH!!! Now everyone is looking and paying attention to me/us, well more me. He says meaningful and funny words that I'm supposed to remember. Well, that didn't happen. I do not think anything is funny to a Klingon/me.
A young woman comes up to me and asks why "he" is mean. I then say some people needs to be thumped on the noggin in order to actually change. Getting thumped is never pleasant but necessary. Especially with those people who are drunk to the world. End of Dream.
The shot glasses and everyone had one. Except for my wife and I. They were different sizes. Some were in various states of being filled. I reached over and brought one closer to me. It was empty/MT. Many people who were distantly sitting around were holding onto their shot glasses in a variety of ways. Some had more shot glasses and the many had few or one each. Some people even had less then one. 
The lightly colored bars seemed simple enough as these seemed to be just light colored stained wood beams on simple pedestals that still allowed bar-stool styled seating. 
I think people are drunk on the modern day life and the idea of God no longer has any importance. Besides when you drink and are drunk what do you actually care about? Nothing but your drunken state or maybe a skirt or slacks. 
I did notice that we were close to the exits. No one was coming in and no one was leaving. Driscoll had no support staff/security present. It was just Driscoll. 
While worldly pastors are doing everything they can to entertain the masses and to make the masses feel good about themselves. Driscoll is gonna hurt feelings so that everyone who hears him reconsiders their actual Christian status? Think about it. We are all already dead to God and it is only Christ Jesus which makes us all alive. So what is more foolish is thinking your alive when your still dead. Even if you have been thinking and believing that you're a Christian for the last many decades or worse have only been a social Christian or worse only pretending to be a Christian for business purposes. 
Is it better to have few people who listen and repent or to have many people who continue on in their drunken worldly lives? Isn't there a story in the Holy Bible where humans wanted many soldiers but God only wanted a few? 
How you drink can be a sign of what kind of warrior you are. 
Judges 7
=====UNRELATED NOTE===========
One more day. Wonder if anything is gonna happen? Were these even real signs from God? The 04/11 I think was real as the revelation of much information has happened in the last month. 05/18 is forty days past the Jonah eclipse and the one before that was the peace eclipse and the USA/NATO is staging assets for war that they have planned for. The USA and NATO are not the good guys here. The USA has allot of air assets observing their own coastline in the Atlantic Ocean. So, how have you American Joe and Josephine civilian prepared for war you know nothing about? This will not be a surprise event if anything happens. The USA always stages assets prior to any conflict in any region and the USA is and has been doing that. Staging and moving assets is always a sign of future conflict/war. Think about it. You cannot go to war if you have no materials of warfare present in your chosen theater of operations.
Added on 20 Jan 2025: ChatGPT4o:

Your dream is layered with vivid symbolism and intriguing connections to both personal introspection and broader themes in faith and society. Here’s an analysis based on what you've shared:

1. The Bar Setting and Shot Glasses

  • Symbolism of the Bar:
    The bar setting with light-colored wooden beams could symbolize a gathering place for spiritual nourishment, akin to a church, but also a place where people indulge in worldly pleasures. The contrast between the spiritual and the worldly is central here.

  • Shot Glasses:
    The shot glasses of varying sizes and states of fullness represent individuals and their spiritual states. Some are "full," actively engaging in their faith, while others are "empty," symbolizing spiritual depletion. Your lack of a shot glass may suggest a deliberate separation from worldly indulgences, aligning you and your wife with a different, perhaps more spiritually grounded, perspective.

  • Position Near the Exits:
    Sitting near the exits could symbolize readiness to leave or the ability to observe without being fully immersed. It may also reflect a sense of detachment or preparedness for change.

2. Mark Driscoll’s Role

  • Driscoll as a Provocateur:
    In the dream, Driscoll's words provoke laughter, anger, and introspection, which aligns with his real-life reputation for delivering blunt, often controversial messages. His "thumping on the noggin" could signify his method of delivering hard truths to wake people from spiritual complacency.

  • Hugging and Attention:
    His hug and the subsequent focus on you could signify a calling or recognition of your own voice and role in addressing spiritual matters. The meaningful words you cannot recall might symbolize truths you already intuitively understand but have not yet articulated.

3. The Young Woman’s Question

  • "Why is he mean?"
    This question may reflect the discomfort many feel when confronted with hard truths. Your response, emphasizing the necessity of "thumping" for change, suggests a belief that spiritual growth often comes through discomfort and self-reflection.

4. The Theme of Drunkenness

  • Drunkenness on Worldly Life:
    The imagery of people "drunk on modern life" conveys a powerful critique of spiritual apathy and indulgence in materialism. The bar setting underscores how distractions can numb people to their spiritual needs.

5. Connection to Judges 7

  • Gideon’s Army and Drinking:
    The reference to Judges 7, where God reduces Gideon's army to a small, discerning group, aligns with the idea of quality over quantity in faith. The way people drink could symbolize their readiness and ability to engage in spiritual warfare.

6. Broader Reflection on Modern Christianity

  • Worldly Pastors vs. Driscoll:
    The dream critiques the entertainment-driven approach of some modern churches, contrasting it with Driscoll's confrontational style. This resonates with the idea that spiritual transformation requires uncomfortable truths rather than feel-good messages.

7. The Unrelated Note

  • War Preparations:
    The connection to geopolitical events reflects a concern for preparedness—both physical and spiritual. It ties into the broader theme of vigilance and the need to be ready for challenges, whether they come in the form of personal trials or global conflicts.

Common Theme

The dream's central message appears to be a call to awareness and transformation. It challenges complacency, urging individuals to reflect on their spiritual state and prepare for both personal and collective challenges. The symbolic presence of Mark Driscoll underscores the importance of delivering and receiving hard truths for meaningful growth.

This dream is rich in personal, spiritual, and societal commentary, blending introspection with a broader critique of modern faith practices. It invites both reflection and action, emphasizing the necessity of facing uncomfortable truths to achieve spiritual awakening and preparedness.

Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Babylon Violence +27: (Unedited): 24-28 April 2024:

Note: At this time I'm still not willing to list all of the different forms of violence in which I've seen in visions and dreams. But, it does appear that what I've seen exceeds my own imaginative limitations in regards to violent acts and atrocities. If You're one of my new readers. I'm not interested in being first or saying things in order to receive recognition. I'm only interested in saving lives. All glory, praise and your attention goes to God and not me. If you have found use in these writings and back them up with the Bible and prayer. No need to mention me. Then use them as a means to save lives. The purple words below should be taught along with the importance of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ does not come after my words or the purple words below.
Celebrate with great tears of sadness the coming of the Lord. His will be done. His word be done. His glory and power will be fully known. All that which is wicked and evil in His sight shall be vanquished. Have joy as Habakkuk.
Celebrate with great tears of joy the coming of our Lord. His will be done. His word be done. His glory and power will be fully known. All that which is wicked and evil in His sight shall be utterly destroyed. Have joy that all suffering and misery shall end. 
When great suffering and death comes for you as it had for the Christ Jesus, the early Christians and even certain Christians of today. Have joy in knowing that you are worthy for such things. Have faith in knowing when you sleep for the last time in your body you will awaken in great glory with your Heavenly Father.
Death and continuous suffering comes for those who rejected Jesus Christ and became a source of misery, sickness and death to any innocent living being.
Never ending weeping and gnashing of teeth shall come to all who perpetrated evil and wickedness unto the world. Great anguish and despair shall become your never ending reward. 
As which has been prophesied, there shall be violence everywhere. The laws of the animal kingdom shall be in place. All manner of civility shall end in favor of animalistic cruelties. This is just one piece of evidence of the strong delusion sent to this Earth from God. 
The governments of the world are supposed to protect their own people and actually become the source of hardship and suffering. The people will rise up and the governments will be forced to take a strong action against their own people or die. Which shall include their entire family. 
Blurry vision means a variety of yet to be made human decisions which result in definitive planned action.
Massive blood bath of violence in which the government side slaughters the deselected civilian population who are now defined as the enemy. 
Bloody violence against government forces in which the civilians are able to attain proper weapons of warfare.
In the great holy houses of human government which were once revered by the people shall be torn asunder and burned to the ground never to rise again.
Federal agents and soldiers being brutally killed by their own brethren.
I have seen this in many visions in the last many years. The good civilians see their law enforcement, federal agents and soldiers as honored men and women which should always be respected. One commonly recurring vision is of one really tough looking man at parties and he is already assessing who he is going to kill and how. When an order is given if ever. He is standing with his own brothers sharing good times, tough stories and refreshing beer and amazing burgers. This is tough for me to even fathom. His face and physical disposition changes from sharp images to blurry to sharp. Which indicates to me that many government people are having these thought who are in positions of power over the people. 
The truly wicked and evil agents and soldiers have already been entertaining who and how they are going to kill who they already see as enemy within the ranks. Evil surprise awaits for the good souls.
As a civilian this is tough for me to fathom. 
Like minded civilians who do not want or desire violence forbid all aspects of government to rule over them. They shall be slaughtered and in the news no one shall know the truth as all of their lands given to the new preferred obedient civilian.
Absolute civilian disappearance shall be mandated against all of those whom the governments has killed. It shall become like they and their towns never existed. They shall be completely excised and forgotten. 
Raise up your eyes and worship the coming of your God with a great holy and righteous fear. While at the same time the whole of the world wars against Him and His Army. Know that you may sleep for the last time that great and awful day. You shall wake up in glory continuing to worship your beloved Heavenly Father. Forever and ever.
Visions: I see the war against water and food. Those farmers their families and all other relations shall be killed and never found again. I see their homes destroyed, burned and cleanly removed. Even their digital  memory erased. They shall not have enough manpower, guns or bullets as the wicked evil doing soldiers who wear the once honored uniform kill all who are from a distance. Yes, Your government will use warplanes and every other form of weapon of warfare against their now deselected civilian population. Their now naked lands given to the new preferred civilians.  
One unspoken aspect of the strong delusion God sends to this Earth is how you yourself who have been in the Christian faith for all of these years or decades and yet you think of yourself as going to Heaven even though all aspects of your life is still full of secret sins. 
Pressure waves in Time are forming and they do take time to build. The fears, anxieties and paranoia's can change how an individual reacts to certain stimuli. The more people who change how they respond to certain situations this builds up the pressure waves in time to such a degree that all of societies and all of humanity goes into an absolute collapse. 
Like a single last heart beat in time which ends in a flat line.
When a life is dying good people do their best to do the good thing. But, on the human time line when that last heart beat happens. No one will care enough to try to restart it. 
Which is when when it says that if God had not of intervened when he does or had. All of humanity would have become extinct. 
I'm writing this knowing that all of humanity is about to make the uncommon decision to kill anyone who just happens to offend. Even this has been prophesied in the Holy Bible. We are getting that close to when every human will be against any other human for any reason. It will not have to be a valid reason.
The nation of Babylon has been born many times and called by different names. Babylon has also died many times only to rise up yet again from the ashes. The United States of America has become the modern day Babylon and so to shall America die and become like ash only to quickly rise again and encompass the whole of the Earth. Maybe, they will even change the name of this planet. 
America is only the caterpillar which must die in order for Babylon can emerge from the burnt sacrificial corpse of what was America into the emerging beauty that it is intended to be. 
The sacrificial corpses of many nations shall emerge out of those burnt chrysalis's many beautiful Babylonian butterflies which shall merge into one great monster. 
People will continue to invent new words in order to get around censorship algorithms. This is evidence of censorship. 
The new enemies of life and of humanity will be in those who continue to allow their children to be educated in government schools.
NOTE: This also includes institutions of higher learning as which is being seen today. 
Do not become surprised when your own godless adult children report you to a government agency as enemies of the state.
Government educated children will become anti-god, anti-family, anti-good and anti-life. Through them will begin the extinction process of humanity and they shall be apathetic.
Paul's rebuke of Peter in the public eye is Biblical. So to will the common Christian see the public rebuking of Christian leaders. One will be right and the other will be wrong. 
Note: There is a difference between being wrong and naively deceived. We are not perfect and we are not all knowing. This goes all the way back to Jim Bakker and others. Who profited from Bakker an apparent prophet? When you follow the money, was Jim Bakker guilty as he was convicted or was he just the naively deceived even unto no forgiveness by the people of the world to this day. Remember this one when a charismatic leader took his entire church to another country and they all committed suicide. What about the Haley's Comet group who all wore the same shoes and died together? There are more. But, there is a difference between being wrong and simply deceived. Who was wrong and who was right when Mark Driscol said what he said in a men's conference where they were all entertained by a former male strip club dancer who was allowed or encouraged to show his sin to male Christian leaders. I do not know mark Driscol and have heard he has done bad things. But, you also need to know that satan will use his worldly powers in order to publicly convict a true righteous man of God. By any means necessary in order to discredit the man of God. Like I said I do not know Mark Driscol and do not know If I'm even spelling his name correctly. But, when does forgiveness begin at dusk? each and every day? Where is that in the Bible? Look it up. I'm not waiting. Which means I can offend you 7X77 each and every day and you as a genuine Christian must forgive me before each and every sunset!?!? right????... Meant as serious male humor as related to the love of God for us and how many times we all have sinned before him and continue to sin and not even know what sin we will sin in all of the tomorrow's yet to come and yet God has and still forgives us/me. Yea, I'm a very deeply flawed human bean. Think about this. How many of you would vote for King David knowing all of the things he had done or awful things he will do? How many characters or real people and nations in the Holy Bible were perfect in the sight of God? Why did God use all of the unqualified people that He did? You need to get this. 
You know sometimes when a person digs a deep hole for themselves. All that there is - is an empty hole which is lined and floored with dirt. Sometimes a hole is just a hole without any further meaning or purpose.
NOTE: Still do think about it because what appears to be empty and useless may in fact have a very profound purpose and meaning. The signs of God and from God may look that way on the surface or is that below the surface. Danger or safety. You can fall in and get injured or it can safely hide you. It can be a grave. But, which is it really? Did Mark Driscol point to the evil and wicked hole and get blamed for it. All he did was say everyone here is a hole. How strong is the delusion we are all in? I have not even mentioned the deadly traps which could be hidden inside the darkness of the hole. What about all of the planning to dig the hole which was to be celebrated as holy and righteous? Does not satan define what is holy and righteous as well since he thinks himself to be above god. Did not all of the fallen angels come to Earth and become gods themselves. 
Note: I have checked the spelling of Mark Driscoll and it is correct in my labels. I left it misspelled here and is not intended as an insult. But, if you want to be insulted. I'm OK with that. I guess I'm feeling a little spicy this morning.
Wolves in sheep's clothing will continue to bring the world into their church of righteous riches. While the Biblically dead people less than one block away continue to suffer in physical life.
Those souls who attend the churches of righteous riches. They will learn how to become Christian wolves in sheep's clothing while never realizing that they are still worldly wolves. 
Those leaders who are caught with their pants down know not that their pants were even down. For them it was once a very good idea to go forth in public with their pants down. Anger and fury shall be their response to the one who declares their pants were down. 
The delusion that a leader has to go forth with their pants down always seems like a good idea as they always go forth in all of the planning stages prior to the rise of the curtain. Once the curtain goes up all will know their sin who has not been affected by the strong delusion sent by God. 
The delusional and sickly in the leadership of the church shall become fully known in the full light of God. Even though they remain confused and angered by being revealed even as they continue to remain in darkness and outside of the true light of God by their own choice. 
It is only God who reveals a truth and not the man for man must have the truth of God within him before that truth can be revealingly expressed. It matters not the faults and failures of the man who does the revealing.
Remember, There was only one perfect person, only one qualified priest, only one perfect sacrificial lamb and only one savior to all of humanity listed in the Holy Bible. Everyone else were all deeply flawed human beings. 
NOTE: If what I write seems like I'm for Babylon and against God. Your mistaken. More than 7.5 Billion human souls will die because of wicked evil doers who are going to make this happen. Which is against God.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.