Monday, December 29, 2014

Giving Beyond: (Unedited): 29 Dec 2014:

When those who have done you great harm and after a time become the gift giver. All without admittance or apology. Know that their giving may be beyond their capability.
This does not involve admittance and repentance.
This is about the hardened heart. God alone has the power to make any being do His will without their knowledge or awareness. So when very bad people appear to suddenly do a good thing. This does not mean that they have become good. Be gracious and kind and express your gratitude. Then depart from them and have no more business or association with them.
Go into your private place of quiet prayer. Give all thanks, praise and glory to God. For it is he alone who has done this thing on your behalf.
Great harm does include. Those who have abused, tortured and terrorized you for a long period of time. A singular great gift of value is not and should not be considered an invitation to renew any kind of association. Especially if there has been no believable apology or of any admittance of any wrong doing. If these things have not happened. It is not up to you to encourage your abusers to admit or to apologize. That is now between them and God. Especially, If you are now safe and free from any harm.
Even in the time of Moses. God hardened the heart of the mangod known as Pharaoh. The Pharaoh became unable to repent or even to relent. The Pharaoh had no knowledge and was not even aware of what the God of Moses had done to him. Look it up in the Holy Bible for yourself. It's in there.
Be warned of the free use of gifts. These are gifts of high value in which you are not given or entitled to ownership rights. These can become very dangerous things for you as you may be required to repay in some way or to exalt the owner in other ways. You may even have to admit guilt for your part in your own abuse and torture. That you were solely at fault for all of the problems you caused towards your family. That maybe your were the only bad person in the whole family.
By accepting the free use gifts. You are accepting their power and authority over you.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Complete Absolute: Old Beginning: (Unedited): 29 Dec 2014:

A person must have complete closure before they have a new absolute openness.
The end of the old must precede the beginning of the new.
This is for anyone and everyone. Experiencing closure in your life by your own outward choice. Is very healthy for you to do. Closure of those things in your life must precede those things you desire to begin a new for you. This is how fair opportunities occur in life. It doesn't matter if it is personal or professional. If you do not have clean and open closure in those old things in life. Those new things will not have a good healthy beginning. So while you are in the middle of family problems, legal problems, Business problems. It is never a good time to begin those new things. Those old things even if they are very good things should be seen to each their completions. This isn't all about bad things. It is also about good things.
For those of you who seem to be helpless to close those old things in your life. God will interfere and cause those old things, those old wounds to finally close and heal. When those things happen to you which is beyond your control or even approval. Those old things shall end. When those things do end. It doesn't necessarily mean that those on going things will end as well.
For God will do what God will. It is not for anyone to declare God's will in the moment.
These happenings are your signs from God. It means that those things which will conclude. Must happen before those new things that God wants you to do to begin. If you are already involved within a mission from God. Those things which you see closure in. Does not mean that your missions will end. It may mean that your mission will begin to ramp up to newer awareness in people. God has freed you from bondage. Technically again or for guys like me repeatedly.
If you desire a new beginning of anything. Find closure in all of those old things first. Even if those old family members abused and tortured you in many horrible ways. Forgive and move forward without looking back into the hell you survived and departed from.
 These quotes are not to be used by you to abandon your family, children or the old wife. For you to do so causes harm to those young innocent ones.
The word interfere used is the wrong word. 
This was inspired by Jonathan Kleck. This is unknown to JK and he is most likely unaware of this.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: