Showing posts with label Gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gift. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discernment Deceptions Delusions: (Unedited): 29 July 2019:

The Holy Spirit gives the gift of discernment to the devoutly and obediently faithful. The negative aspects of deceptions and delusions are seen as signs. These are evidence to those Christians souls which remain clean, holy and righteous. The truth is known to these true humble children of God. 
You Devout Christians will see many walk away from Christianity, holiness, righteousness and cleanliness. These that do walk away will even denounce all aspects of Christianity and proclaim sins and sinners as the true way of life. While you may not understand and question as to why. The onslaught of the power of lies and deceptions is very strong from satan and the fallen angels. This can and will be overpowering to those who do not do the basic things in order to grow faith. Even if it has been many decades of being an accepted social Christian. Those who do not pray, read the Holy Bible will be powerfully struck from the left and from the right. They will be stabbed in the back and punched in the face(symbolic). The power of the fallen angels can only be defeated when the Christian remains clean. When the Christian pursues holiness and righteousness as which is only acknowledged and accepted by God only. Now matter the intellectual impossibility as ascertained by the lowly, limited and deeply flawed human mind.
God in those days is going to send a strong delusion unto the whole world. This is both a curse and a sign for the devout. For the true and real children of God will see those people who succumb to the powerful delusion from God as a sign of those who are not of God. So when you see sinners joyfully celebrate their sinful lifestyle from the holy places in church. The real Children of God will see the deception and delusion with clear and certain clarity. Even though you highly trained, educated, famous, rich Christian cannot see or know. This should be a warning to you. From who have you received your worldly blessings especially when you know how the early Church leaders have died and exactly how again did Jesus die for you?
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second. 

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, July 20, 2018

Gift of Love: (Unedited): 20 July 2018:

It's not a never ending sacrifice when you give much to the point of perpetual weariness. It is the continual gift of Love.
I have witnessed much sacrifice and love to others. I have seen anger as a result of abuse by those who only take advantage of love. I have seen love turn to apathy. I have seen good souls become uncaring souls with a very negative and profound outlook on life.
Self sacrifice: (Unedited): 20 July 2018:
The good sacrifice with an absence of love for one another only makes the one who sacrifices feel better about their own selves. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wishing Wishes: (Unedited): 13 Sept 2017:

I wish not to wish, but to instead make it happen while becoming worthy of the goal achieved.
Wishing wishes without any effort on your part is as nothing as nothingness can be. Even if you do receive a wish, will you even be worthy to honor the gift and be responsible of the gift as if you earned through effort-ed works?
People wish for peace and yet do nothing for peace. Peace is just one of the elements among other logical elements as listed in purple below. If you take one element out, The whole conclusion is altered.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, December 29, 2014

Giving Beyond: (Unedited): 29 Dec 2014:

When those who have done you great harm and after a time become the gift giver. All without admittance or apology. Know that their giving may be beyond their capability.
This does not involve admittance and repentance.
This is about the hardened heart. God alone has the power to make any being do His will without their knowledge or awareness. So when very bad people appear to suddenly do a good thing. This does not mean that they have become good. Be gracious and kind and express your gratitude. Then depart from them and have no more business or association with them.
Go into your private place of quiet prayer. Give all thanks, praise and glory to God. For it is he alone who has done this thing on your behalf.
Great harm does include. Those who have abused, tortured and terrorized you for a long period of time. A singular great gift of value is not and should not be considered an invitation to renew any kind of association. Especially if there has been no believable apology or of any admittance of any wrong doing. If these things have not happened. It is not up to you to encourage your abusers to admit or to apologize. That is now between them and God. Especially, If you are now safe and free from any harm.
Even in the time of Moses. God hardened the heart of the mangod known as Pharaoh. The Pharaoh became unable to repent or even to relent. The Pharaoh had no knowledge and was not even aware of what the God of Moses had done to him. Look it up in the Holy Bible for yourself. It's in there.
Be warned of the free use of gifts. These are gifts of high value in which you are not given or entitled to ownership rights. These can become very dangerous things for you as you may be required to repay in some way or to exalt the owner in other ways. You may even have to admit guilt for your part in your own abuse and torture. That you were solely at fault for all of the problems you caused towards your family. That maybe your were the only bad person in the whole family.
By accepting the free use gifts. You are accepting their power and authority over you.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Spiritual Lamp: Righteous Impact: Darkened Groan: Righteous Arrival: (Unedited): 12 Oct 2014

The expressed internal spiritual lamp within the righteous, shines to all and everything equally. 
Righteous Impact: (Unedited): 12 Oct 2014:
 Where ever the righteous one may walk. They shall impact upon the ground in an enlightened righteous manner. 
Whatever the righteous one touches. Shall leave upon it a divine touch of healing.
That which is spoken by the righteous shall bring to the listener a great blessing or profound rebuke. 
Darkened Groan:  (Unedited): 12 Oct 2014:
The darkened places, things and souls shall groan in great displeasure upon the arrival of the illuminated righteous one. 
Righteous Arrival: (Unedited): 12 Oct 2014:
As the divinely illuminated Righteous one who is worthy. His arrival will shake the whole of a darkened world and every soul therein. There shall be no where for dark souls to flee or to hide. 
To the dismay of the unrighteous, to the spiritually neutral human being or even to those evil ones. Coming into close proximity of the spiritually righteous can cause much discomfort. Even if by accident. In which many would argue that there are no accidents and I would agree with it.  The spiritual gift of discernment flows both ways. The feelings of bad and sad will be shared by both sets of persons equally. The righteous one as well as the evil one. Both will have bad feelings about the other. Both, either one and not the other or neither of them may not be aware of the logical content involved with the bad feelings associated with the personal interactions.
The bad and/or evil person, the spiritually neutral person may even become very upset and enraged by your very presence. This is because, your very presence reveals to everyone who and what kind of person they are. Generally people do not like to be revealed, especially their very secret and very private sins. within the darkness of their own mind and soul. In which the righteous person who has the God given gift of discernment reveals everything and everyone fully and completely. 
Even the lands, skies and waters in which much bad, sad and evil things have been done upon it or within it. The righteous person who discerns can feel it all in a very general manor. That is until they make the decision to either know more or not to know more. At which point they will pray, meditate, contemplate or just walk away.
This discernment for lands and people does not always have to be in the negative, the bad, the sad and the evil. The righteous person who has the gift of discernment will also know where all of the Holy/good places are and who are all of the good and righteous people are. The knowing of whom is truthful and trusting. There is much good involved with the gift of discernment.
With the gifts of discernment. It is basically an empty gift without any other message and or miracle present and/or to be given. The gift of discernment can be self preserving. The gift of discernment is also a necessary tool for the gaining of spiritual wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The gift of discernment is also given to each person in degrees. Which can be grown and evolved in accordance to each individual person. The righteous and holy person must remain righteous and holy in the eyes of GOD and not of the world. The righteous and holy person may see more opportunities for sinful activities than any other human. This is because the spiritual attacks will be never ending by those fallen ones and those who are in agreement with them. This statement is not meant to give you fear as if you remain righteous and holy. You will be forever protected. Although, not necessarily physically saved. This is not to bring you any fear either as when you look at the historical evidence of those genuine righteous and holy people. Their physical lives didn't end very well. The physical life is very important but not as important as your spiritual life. So, how well you end your physical life with honor, respect, righteousness and holiness only frees your spirit into incredible love, beauty and acceptance.
The righteous one who is aware of their surroundings, aware of what is going on and aware of the history of the area. Can make some general logical conclusions. The righteous person needs to always remain in a prayerful state. So that logical spiritual information can freely and continually flow into those correct areas of the disciplined physical brain.
Once the righteous person receives feelings of persons or places. They need to have that self discipline to immediately get into their logical side of their brain and to bring in that spiritual information into that logical side. This is where and how the most specific and exacting of information can be gleaned without any physical real world evidence. The spiritual information will even transcend time and space. As in activities of the past and probable activities of the future and even what is happening right now. The degree of logical spiritual information given to the righteous person is based on that person and their areas of expertise, training, education and how far they actually believe.
Even the unrighteous, the neutral human can have the gift of discernment. Their spiritual side can be fed by the fallen angels, those demonic ones and other beings who may not have your best interest at heart. As a matter of fact those associated with the fallen angels and who are in agreement with the fallen. Only want you dead and all of humanity to become extinct. So, you who have the gift of discernment or think you do. You must beware of becoming a tool of those fallen ones. They will lie and deceive you any way they can. They will lead you astray. Especially if your mind is undisciplined. Your uncontrolled free flow of thoughts is also used by the fallen. When they can freely input their own thinking and false beliefs into your own mind in the exact same way as you think to yourself. Thus, confusing you into thinking what are your actual thoughts and what is not. Assuming if you are even aware of this or just not believing in this at all. Either way 2/3 is in the fallen ones advantage.
Once you consider this prospect and you actually know the difference between right and wrong. You can begin to see the demonic effects in the psychology world and how those very powerful mind altering medications work in the fallen angels advantage. Especially when there is no provable medical test for a specific mental illness like Bi-polar.
:The daughter's experience:
   It was strange, sad, scary, terrible and extremely negative. I was under a bridge, there was graffiti on the walls. The water seemed to draw me toward it. The ground hated me. It wanted to get rid of me, to kill me. There has been many negative things there. I was feeling all of it and it was something that a 13-year old girl should never feel or be in the presence of . When we were leaving I figured out what it was. It was creeping me out and it still is now. I never want to go there again.

:From the Dad:
 I was not thinking about the history of this bridge or the creek which always flows under it. Children play and swim in the water all of the time and have even added a swinging rope and wood stairs into the trees. The asphalt on the bridge has a very unmentionable  comment which was painted and then not covered over very well. During the Elfers, Florida flood of 2012.  A body of a man was found. The very same man who was suspected of playing in the flood on local T.V. may have been the one who drowned.

Sometimes in any particular place. There has been much joy and much suffering. Sometimes a gifted person can and will feel everything all at once. This can be very overwhelming. It is you who can choose to discern what singular part of history you want to feel and know. If you are currently predisposition-ed to only know, feel and see the bad and sad. Then that is all you will see, know and feel. When you approach any place or person or thing. This can also be a demonic influenced sign within your life or just the result of our human necessity of survival and is a part of that survival mechanism. This is up to you to discover and change about yourself. Maintain your righteousness, holiness and purity.

The young ones need to be protected from such places, people and things and even many adults need to be also protected. But, the gift of discernment is given when it is given and often times without any fore warning. It is the strong, the wise and the righteous who can enure through the awakening process of the Spiritual gifts realizations. Those who do become troubled should remain in prayer, meditation and contemplation. Actively speak and listen to those wise elders. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Unclean Beauty: Beauty Gift: (Unedited): 17 March 2014:

From a distance a beautiful woman and a handsome man are exactly as they appear to be. That is until they each come closer and you begin to discover the unclean ugliness within. 
Think about this. How many times have you seen that beautiful woman or handsome man and only discover how terrible of a person they are. Such as most of those Hollywood types.
Beauty Gift: 18 March 2014:
A person may have the genetic gift to be physically beautiful. But, poor lifestyle choices, ugly attitudes and bad behaviors will shorten the gift of physical beauty. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Divine Joy: (Unedited): 13 July 2013:

Only from the Divine breath of life can the joyful cries be heard. C.J.MacKechnie
The birth of a new life being born and the cries of joy from the completion of her travails. As the incredible need to see and lay her new baby upon the breast. The most precious gift any enlightened being can witness. Those who do proclaim their right to murder the most helpless is in effect becoming De-evolved and animalistic. The contradiction in their beliefs is evidence of their internal lie. They each would save a kitty, puppy or bunny from certain death or any other creature. Some may even risk their own lives by swerving their own vehicle in order not to kill another helpless animal.
Any life form which has the ability to perpetually propagate itself. Is alive. This means that life actually began at that life forms creation. The lie and deception is life does not begin at birth or at conception. Human life began at the creation of Adam and Eve. This also means that squirrel life began with the first male and female squirrels pairs. The same goes for any other animal or creature. This is logical.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Innocent protection: (Unedited): 06 June 2013

The natural born warrior is the physical gift of protection for humanities most innocent. 
No matter who or where the most innocent and helpless are. It is the duty and responsibility of the warrior to protect them. This does not mean to live their lives for them or to make all of the important decisions for them. Just to be present and friendly. It is worthy to note that if a natural born warrior only protects the most innocent or helpless. Then he/she is missing the point. This is not about an order or a directive. It is about love and compassion.
The warriors heart who knows and understands their divine fundamental purpose, discovers a profound meaning by becoming their teddy bear or gentle lion or the dragon who finds it's place within their families.
What is the profound meaning for the Asian dragon who must dwell among a strange people?
What is the profound meaning for the African lion who must roam within the white human Cities?
What is the profound meaning for the Great Bear who must endure touchy desert people?
As the natural born warrior. The profound meaning is for you to discover and they are just for you. So that you can grow, develop and evolve.
If you choose to use your great overwhelming gift as your source to power, authority, wealth and control. Better hope and pray that Karma and Hell aren't real.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Letting Go Empath: (Unedited): 18 March 2013:

Let go of those emotions which has no logical content, before you create them from memory. Let go of those emotions which were never yours to begin with. Let go of the memories of other peoples hurts and torments. Let go of those fears and anxieties which may grow within you and cause you to avoid human contact. Let go of those internal uncontrolled feelings of being cursed by this great empathic blessing. Let go of your own history of faults and failures. Let go of those feelings of being overwhelmed and over powered. Let go of being owned and controlled by your empathic gift. Letting go of the negativity has always been your choice. Just as embracing the positive feelings of others is a very relevant side to being an empath. Letting go of the undesirable will leave an empty space within you, which is to be filled with that which you deem desirable. C.J.MacKechnie

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Logical Empath: (Unedited): 01 March 2013:

The Logical Empath. Can it be possible for an emotional empath to operate on their other side? Yes, If they want to remain sane. Go into your closet a get your detective hat and pipe. This is important especially for the new empaths or for those empaths, psychics who desire to get to that newer level.
Before, You go any further in this message. Please read the empath materials in this group. This is from the Journey group on Facebook. It is invite only or closed or secret or all of the above.
Your an empath. So you say. What does that mean really and is it really a gift, a blessing or a curse? Did you get your detective cap and pipe out yet. Are you ready?
Every single emotion that you feel must have an intellectual thought for each individual emotion. If there is no intellectual thought for an emotion. Then it is not your emotion. So, you have to train yourself like an analytical detective like Joe Friday. "Just the facts Ma'am". Are you feeling angry? well why are you angry? Suzi stepped on your toe three times? That is a very logical reason. So, your emotion to the stepping on your toe is justified.
Very recently you have developed a very real spiritual connection to a kindred spirit named Heidi. On a soon to come Saturday your watching a very funny movie and then become incredibly worried and then begin to smile. You go through your logical detective process and ask yourself some questions. What am I worried about? You logically conclude "nothing". What am I smiling about? "The funny movie"? But, you have a certain unqualified doubt about that. So, you begin by meditating on each family member and friend. Nothing really stands out. But, what about that new person I met named Heidi. So you send her a generic message "Are you OK?" Heidi responds " I accidentally blew up a mean old X-boyfriends hair and he didn't even recognize me. I loved every minute of it-oops, I mean poor guy. He should be out of the hospital in a few weeks.
It's race time. Go get your favorite NASCAR racing shirt. I know some of you have at least one shirt. Your brain is a wicked trickster. The brain just doesn't like to have stray emotions just racing about.
This is a timed event. The time is solely defined by your own brain and it is a very real race. So, you suddenly have a bad and sad emotion. You think to yourself. I'm not logically thinking about any bad and sad thoughts. Then suddenly boom. You are now thinking about a bad and sad event which happened to you. So, is now everything OK in the world of your empathic brain? Nope, it taint. Your logical part of your brain searched your own memory to find a bad and sad event which matches your bad and sad emotion. Pretty cool. Nope, your brain just coped with a stray and unknown emotion. There is someone out in the universe who you have a connection to that is having some bad and sad emotions. But, now your brain just muddled it all up. This is of course bad, but it really isn't because the brain is trying to protect itself. So you must train your brain in being responsible with your gift so that you can be a blessing to others.
The next step in the growth of your gifts is the knowing of intellectual information. The detective work is similar as are the questions. Such as are these my logical thoughts are someone else?
Added on 05 April 2015: 
This is the empathic protection system (EPS). 
Warning! Warning! Warning!
Whose thoughts and emotions are in your head?  1). Are those thoughts and emotions in their from an expressed need by a sender? 2). Are they in their by accident? 3). Are all of those seemingly random thoughts and emotions being created by an undisciplined and untrained mind? 4). or are they in their, to influence your will by some design which greedily benefits someone else? 
 1). When you make connections or connections have been genetically or spiritually made on your behalf. You are tied to those persons until those connections are severed in some way. But, you do not need to be connected to send and receive messages in some fashion. The first message you will typically receive are those from those persons who are in need. Sometimes they will just think you were there with them. Thus, those logical and emotional messages are instantly sent. Faster than the speed of light. Which means Einstein is in error to a degree as his formula is not complete. The signal does not lose strength or intensity over distance and space. Typically the emotional signal can be much stronger than the logical portion of the message. This is because the logical portion is often time internalized where as the emotional portion of the signal is externalized. This is the same thing as when a person is sad and in tears and you do not know why. The person is expressing the emotion and internalizing the logical aspect of the problems. Sometimes this is why a phone call/text/IM or some other instant messaging is necessary. 
There are natural security barriers to this which of course protects you and your sanity. For instance if an untrained and undisciplined empath gets involved with social work. This can cause that empath to lose them self. You know that caring person who loves everyone and who just wants to help all creatures great and small. You have to discipline your mind. The best method to train your brain is through 2 avenues. #1 Effective meditation and #2 the avoidance of any mind altering substance. Both are crucial and yes I also include cigarettes and mind altering medications. For others certain sugars and caffeine's. 
2). Some people send emotional and logical messages by accident. So do you and so do I. We all are at fault in this regard. It's kind of like leaving your house with the lights, T.V., Radio  or computer on. Except with humans we are on all of the time and transmitting are on personal signals. Look for my writings with the comparison with radio theory. Found it. 
So within our own minds we do need to learn how to find our own on/off switch within our own mind and then learn how to use it. This can be done with directed meditation and over time. You can turn off or De-tune yourself from random incoming thoughts and emotions. Ask yourself this question. Is an empath bipolar or is a bi-polar an empathic? Just think about that one. What about the use of mind altering medications? Are those mind altering medications helping the bipolar person while harming the empath? These are very tough questions. Especially when the empath has been medicated for so long and their own brains have chemically altered themselves and become addicted. 
3). The untrained and undisciplined mind. I have already covered it and will restate it. Meditation is the best method for brain discipline. With all of the flavors and practices. With focusing on a singular thought or on no thought or opening yourself up to the Divine source. All three will be good or just one for now and then maybe another for later. How ever you think through your meditation plan. It all boils down to time. The smartest and most wise of humanity do 4+hours of meditation per day. No vacations. No days off. That's just the way it is. Am I that 4+  hour a day person. NO. Have I done it? Yes. Was it profound? Absolutely so. The quote writing that I do and the quality of my writing is based on the quality and time spent in prayer and meditation. So, when you see a dry spell. There you go. Did I sneak in the "Prayer" word. Yep. I did. Because Prayer is you talking to the Creator and meditation is you essentially listening. Which is more important? 
4). The most troubling part of being an empath. As an empath it seems that your spiritual receiver and transmitter is always on. Which means those things in which you may know nothing about can hear you think as well as speak to you. Most of the time this is not a good thing. Because, many of those spiritual beings will imitate exactly how you think to yourself and speak to you exactly how you think to yourself. So being a newly realized empath or even an empath with experience under your belt. How do you stop them? You have to define them. Spirits, Angels, Ghosts and a variety of other beings. Maybe, even some of those human beings who have achieved secret skills.  How do you defend/protect yourself  from outside influences? Again, This is through a form of silent the mind meditation. In which any outside or any uncontrolled thought is silenced absolutely. In the beginning of this practice. It may seem like a fight for your own mind. That's because it is. You may have been some other entities human remote controlled person. Now that your aware of their influence over you. They are getting frustrated. They just lost their human toy. This is an obvious childish explanation. Never the less it does seem to be so. Over time some of these entities will just leave you and find another human R/C toy to have their fun. It can be that simple while others are much more dark and evil in their control over your body. To influence you, to re-train your brain, so that you automatically become a self controlled human robot doing the masters will. All of it psychologically conditioned to do. This isn't so fun anymore.  Well, you can use your own imagination. Essentially, Your mind controls the body. The mind can also disconnect from the spirit world. Which is easily seen in the modern world today. The outside influence will want to alter your psychology to become more apathetic. The less you care the greater the outside control. Are you still following me. Do you often think? I don't care in more and more situations than you did a year ago, a decade ago or even several decades ago? Are you inhaling Chemically added tobacco products which are designed to cause you not to care as much. Which is essential in calming people down who tend to care to much. Wow. look above and re-read. Empaths tend to care to much as defined by worldly and anti-spiritual people. Those empaths who are said to care to much are actually those advanced persons that all of us lower humans are supposed to attain to become as well.
This is a Christ gift. Jesus declared to his disciples. That all of the miracles he has done. They can do as well and more. To feel another persons feelings and then being able to uplift their spirit and to help their mind to become comforted.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Reverted Blessing: (Unedited): 26 Feb 2013:

A blessing received by a selfish heart may become a curse. C.J.MacKechnie
A selfish heart seems to always count their blessings received, while not becoming a blessing for others.
Verbally spoken thankfulness is not good enough. Genuine gratitude from a caring heart is a blocking mechanism from any gift becoming a curse. There are of course many other pathways in which a gift/blessing can become a curse. The first one is the lack of genuine gratitude.

The love and compassion from a giver will always be rewarded by God because their heart and their intention were correct and true, no matter how the gift/blessing was received or it's end result.

For instance, A giver knows of a single woman with children. The giver is a witness to her struggles and plight. So, the giver gifts her a car as a blessing for her and her children. She expresses her thanks and wonderment of the gift. But, in the eyes of God she is only a member of the church in order to get what she can. Yes, she is desperate and she is in great need. For some reason she cannot get past her desperation and a life which seemingly is full of perpetual curses and set backs. The gift of the car will become that which is intended for her. The complete lesson from God, which is a great mystery novel. Will the desperate mother become a genuine Christian or will she remain like she is? We or you can only watch and witness. Maybe she will surprise you. Maybe the gifted car will become a financial burden or curse. Maybe the gifted car will remain that gift which becomes the catalyst for life changing miracles to come for the mother and her children.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Knot Understood: (Unedited): 19 Feb 2013:

A good thing which is knot understood, does not automatically become bad. C.J.MacKechnie
Have you ever looked at a good piece of rope, long power cord, Fishing line and etc, Which some how had magically become all tangled and tied in knots. The tangles and knots does not automatically make it bad.
Once you dedicate time and energy in objectively and logically untangling and loosing the knots. You feel a victory. You fixed and solved the problem. The rope, cord or line is now in it's intended usable condition.
This is the same mentality one should have in learning a new thing or understanding a gift which cannot be physically explained with Earthly reason.
Sometimes the knots in our lives has their own specific reason. A knot can hold down, hold tight and graft. Learning about the knots in the real physical world can go a long way in explaining those things which aren't.
Especially, with questions in regards to the Christ gifts. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gift Inspired: (Unedited): 28 May 2010:

Encouraging and inspiring one another is a joyful gift that we all share with one another repeatedly. C.J.MacKechnie 
 Mentoring one another is the same as a prophet who positively speaks words of a wonderful world to come. If and when each of us can purge from ourselves the apathy which contaminates our sickened hearts. We will discovered a sudden healing and a restoration of our full humanity. The ability to care and love one another no matter their position, the family name or status in life. To lift up your fellow human being without any expectation of any accolade or reward.
 Just think about this.
To positively inspire your brother and sister no matter their parentage. Uplifts and improves all of humanity. To teach why it is important to do the right things in life, without fear or intimidation. Improves all of humanity and not just yourself.
To care for all children, even if those children were unfortunate to be born to bad parents. By taking up the mantle to instruct, raise up and to love these unfortunate children. Not only do you improve one life but you improve all of humanity. To push away and reject one unfortunate child only seems like you are affecting only one person. But, in truth you are affecting every human life with the spread of the apathy within you. Just look at the mentally ill, homeless and crime which seems to surround you and is everywhere. Who do you think is a contributor to all of the evil you witness in some manor? You are and all of the people who think of themselves as being good without doing any actual good works. A good person will do actual good works is truly a good person. While a person who deceptively believes they are good will do nothing except maybe write a minimal check for some cause from time to time. A bad person is not so dis-illusion-ed as the self deceptive good person who does nothing. The bad person knows they are a snake and cares not for whom ever they may choose to inject their venom into. Why do I use the word venom. Because unlike a simple bite which has a beginning and an end. The venom continues to work it's poison long after the bite is gone. Apathy is a poison. 
Will your gift today to your brother and sister be joyful or one of venom? It is always one of those choices which must be made continuously and often.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Timed Emotions: (Unedited): 27 May 2010:

Your feelings will always lag your thinking and your thinking will always lead your emotional state. No matter if the thought is current or a memory. C.J.MacKechnie 
This can be difficult to understand as it involves those who are normal minded, Mentally Ill and gifted. To simply sum this up. That which you are thinking always precedes your emotions, every single time. Those who have been factually proven to be mentally ill via various brain scans which determine brain defects and brain damage. The signals could become mixed up as in no emotional response to any thinking process. A continuous flood of emotions which are unrelated to a particular and specific thought. This also includes other responses in various degrees, orders and timings.
For the gifted person who are the natural em-paths. Without any factual proven diagnostics tests. The natural empath can be declared to be of a various mental disorders such as bipolar. Then these gifted persons are drugged into emotional oblivion and their brains electrocuted until they feel nothing anymore. Most often then not these persons who have been deemed to be bipolar may in fact be naturally empathic and not even be aware of it.
It needs to be known that being empathic is one of the first Christ gifts. The gift of knowing another persons feelings in order to express love, compassion, Kindness and mercy is essential to the teachings of Jesus. When the Christian person or any other person whom GOD chooses is gifted with this gift of being empathic. It is often time accompanied by zero information from GOD and denounced by the church as witchcraft. Which neither is helpful. But, for whichever reason for God's part is something I am not going to question outwardly.
This is where active and continuous prayer and meditation is necessary in order to learn about all of the gifts from GOD by GOD and taught by GOD.
Being empathic is not a disability, defect and it is not proof that something is wrong with you. On the contrary. There is something very right with you and GOD has chosen to give you this gift and others.
The evidence of being an empath is varied.
You strongly feel the emotions of your loved ones and close friends before any normal means of communications has been made.
When traveling through crowded places. You feel a myriad of whispering and fleeting emotions flow through you. While thinking about a specific task.
When going to an away game of your favorite team. You feel like you want to cheer for the other team and may even get caught up in the emotions of a score made over your team.
Getting distance from people is peaceful for you. Such as fishing or hunting. You may not even want to hunt or fish as you may be so sensitive. That you even feel their death.
You may get childishly happy by driving close to a school or any place which has many children playing.
When driving by a hospital, jail or any other place where sadness is prevalent, you feel it all as well.
You feel adventurous when driving by an airport.
When everyone is asleep. You awaken to the peace and quiet. You may even stay awake while everyone sleeps. just to start clearing your own brain. 

These are all normal. and there is more. To learn how to control them. You need to actively and continuously practice prayer and meditation on a regular basis.
Simply put.
Prayer is you talking. To God.
Meditation is you listening. To God.


 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Passions Feel: (Unedited): 15 April 2010:

Intense passion is the reaction from the love you feel. C.J.MacKechnie 
From the love you feel. Causes any good person to give it back. Through outward expressions of compassion and passion. Passion is not just intimacy. It is the passion you have in your own daily work and duties.
To take this a step forward. To unconditionally give your love, your compassion and your passion without any expectation of it's return is the Christ's level of love giving. Just by giving your love away, does indeed open up that person who receives it. No matter their internal intent of how and why they receive your free gift of love. The change to them shall come. In the time of their destined awakening.
Even if you receive rudeness, anger, claims of your foolishness or other accusations in return. just know that by them simply receiving your gift of love. Is like a seed placed within them to grow in it's own time.  Eventually, that one seed of love you have given freely, may spring forth in a lovely outward expression.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Giving Lie: (Unedited): 02 Dec 2012:

Equivalent gift exchange based on gifts received last year. Isn't giving from your heart and thus a personal lie and a false measure of your goodness. C.J.MacKechnie
Think about this. If you give gifts of a specific dollar value in accordance to what you have been given gifts of a specific dollar value. Then you are not giving and thus you should stop playing the exchange game. Because, The gift exchange game during the holidays is to stressful for you. So, just create a generic holiday card explaining to everyone that this year has been rough and tough. How much has been lost and how your still so much blessed with good health and a simple place to live. How this is the best your family can do and are hopeful for a better new year to come. Of course phrase the words much better than I can and in a more generic sociably acceptable manor.
Then do all of your holiday shopping for yourself. After all, why worry about getting the wrong gift for people or for receiving the wrong gifts from people. That way you won't have to wait in the long return lines after the 25th of December. Well, You may still have to. But, you will be returning any defective product before the 25th of December and not after like everyone else.
 This is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The purpose of the season is for this. The celebration of The savior births is to be celebrated daily through the real expression of love, compassion and mercy. Not in the exchange of gifts. The exchange of gifts takes away from the meaning of the life of Jesus Christ.
If you want to give a gift with genuine meaning. Give the gift of empowerment and mentoring.
Depending on your financial strength. Help someone help themselves. Here is one suggestion. From it you can create your own positive intention. Which will Better the World, far beyond the expiration date of any warranty.

1) Buy or pay rent on a trailer or an apartment. Long term would be cheaper than paying rent.
 Find a struggling person like a former foster kid who is doing their best. Make sure they are in school and getting the grades. Hold their feet to the symbolic fires of expectations. See what happens. Even if the person fails themselves. You have done something of true meaning. Even if it was keeping that person from being homeless for a time. 1 in 10 combined overall is the success rate in life for a former foster kid. I bet if you genuinely care for and support these kids. Your numbers will be better. If you advise and mentor these kids. Your numbers will be better. Merry Christmas will have a meaning for you daily like it never has.
These former foster kids or soon to be former foster kids. Often times become homeless on their 18th birthday in certain states with zero money, zero family, zero hope, zero support, zero education, zero job skills. What do you think they will be forced to do?
Why is there only about a 10 % success rate. Because former foster kids become homeless, mentally ill, jailed, Alcoholics, drug addicts, dead or somewhat dead.

No copies or ink. Ink copy is pre first edit.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Creating Advantage: (Unedited):?? Dec 2011: ????

Creating a distinct advantage for yourself. May always be the one thing that could set you above the other people.
 So, if one distinct advantage could do that. What about more distinct advantages? Which is above and beyond a standard or basic education, Beyond a basic or even professional skill or talent. An inherent gift which is grown and evolved by you.
Unless of course a standard and basic education like in the USA is below the current standard of what the world has set. Then your life begins with a distinct dis-advantage and your not even aware of it. Especially in this one world economy.
Even if you are celebrated as an educational hero. If your level of educational is still lower than the rest of the world. Then your educational accolades is a deception.
You need to be aware of the world around you. You need to be aware of all of the competition you have for the best jobs. You must know who you are competing with for those select jobs. You must put into practice the similar efforts by those in countries like India and China. Except in a smart way in accordance to your own specific gifts, learning styles and traits. While in China and India has superior numbers of people being highly educated. Your secret ace in the hole is locked away in your own natural gifts, talents and skills. This is where you will find your own self defined success when education is equal. Continually evolve your gifts, talents, skills and traits.
If you makes these efforts by your own desire and will. You will be better off than those children and young people who have only been forced to learn from their own family and Country. Choose freely to evolve your education, your gifts, your talents and your skills. Know them all. Then find the common balance in their collective development.   
Title and date uncertain. Just deleted the content name from Facebook. The Facebook copy did not indicate that there was not a copy. So, I'm hoping there is ink and copies else where.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Empath Radio: (Unedited): Feb Estimate No year.

  • Empath John MacKechnie

    A Invite only Facebook group.
    this document has been copied and pasted from a few discussions on empathy from John MacKechnie...
    An empath at their most basic level is like a radio receiver that is always on and receiving every frequency..It is important for the empath to both develop the skills and the tools necessary. To achieve mastery of this very cool gift from GOD. Most people teach skill development. While lacking in the tool development. Which without the tools can lead to severe mental illness and the consideration that the gift is more of a curse. Here is your first lesson in tool development. Know that every time you brain learns something new. You know it forever. When you attach a positive or negative emotion to that new thing. It is very difficult to change a negative emotion into a positive. Unless, the new thing learned becomes really really cool and fun. So, lesson 1.1 should be considered fun. Because you are going to create and learn new parts of your brain. Isn't this fun already? Nope it ain't. But what. Gotta learn brain facts. And that's all I'm teaching about brains. The rest is related to your own directional path.
    lesson 1.1. Your a radio receiver which is born on and receiving all frequencies at all times. Know this. You are similar to radio receivers but not exactly. Similar to but not exactly to. Your legs can take you places. But, so can a train, car, boat and plane. What does this mean? The more you learn about the dials, knobs and switches on a radio, shortwave receiver and even a ham radio. The more you can develop those very same knobs, dials and switches within your own brain. Except they will be automatic and not manual. Cool. The first of the switches are the power switch. The empath power switch is important because. You choose when to turn it on and turn it off. The volume knob as people can be loud. Such as a sporting event or even a shopping mall. You get it? There are many, many other kinds of knobs, dials and switches. You do need to learn definitions of electronics as related to communications. So as to create a solid understanding within your own wonderful brain.The tuner dial. Allows you to listen in on rosepetals feelings and thoughts at any time. Really Cool. Just like the excitement when you dial in a certain frequency and eves drop on a conversation between two people, truckers, airplanes, businesses and etc. They will never know your listening. Because, radio receivers are absolutely passive. Just like being an empath. I know some of you enjoy a good conversation. Especially when not invited. LOL.
    self protection aspect. Now that everyone is tuned into Rosepetals thoughts and emotions. Rosepetal has been secretly been learning about radio transmitters "ham radio transceivers". Now she can simply turn both the receiver and transmitters parts of her brain off and completely disappear. This is a self defense mechanism you can develop within your brain But. Maybe that will be a lesson for next time. Even though i've already pointed to the next step. Which is all learn and develop as you go.
    An empath is like a drop of water in an ocean. It is easy to lose your identity of self. It is easy to acquire other traits from other drops of water. Depending on your proximity to them and your own emotional attachment to them. Your neighbor water drops can have an emotional effect upon you. Before, the diagnosis of depression from a professional medical person. Is there a source of trauma? Did bad and sad things happen to you? Need to discover the source or sources of your depression. Need to discover the beginnings of your depression.
    An empath who knows not they are an empath will believe that all they feel is theirs and theirs alone. Then as time goes on. The mind will logically become what it feels. Thus the empath becomes unknowingly cursed. The curse and become the wonderful gift as was originally intended. Would you get into the cockpit of an advanced military fighter jet? Without any training what so ever. Would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane with some sort of bag of fabric strapped to your body? That you have never seen before. Just as your an empath so it is with flying a jet airplane or jumping out of an airplane. It is all going to happen. That is the essence of the gift or curse of being an empath. Which is better a gift or a curse? The primary difference between a gift and a curse. Is knowledge, wisdom and understanding. The development of the needed skills, controls and disciplines. Even if you have only experienced the curse of empathy. You can still turn it all around.
    A natural empath who knows not who they are will pick up the strongest emotional signals. Without any self control and self discipline. This person will go through life never knowing why they suddenly feel emotions for unknown reasons not related to expected circumstances. Any of this sounds familiar? Once you have transmitted your own uncontrolled emotional outburst. No matter if it is positive or negative. It is out there in the universe for everyone to receive. Remember my little caparison about radio transmitters and receivers? Once you transmit any signal. You cant take it back. You must understand that your thoughts and emotions have the power to build or destroy instantly. John
    Did you know I was adopted? Apparently this spooky stuff runs in the wrangler jeans. My bio mom,  I could always feel her and not knowing why. Even today as I'm soon to be leaving from buffalo to Taylor, Mi. I can feel my mothers ups and downs as well as her neutral robotic zombie states. My mother has a certain flavor or taste or frequency or familiar feeling about her. Now that you know your an empath and other peoples feeling effect and affect you. You can now logically analyze all feelings as if your tuning in an old analog radio. Your mother will have her spot on the dial. Just like everyone else. Then just like a police/fire scanner. You can zoom in with lights and sirens a blaring to rescue the damsel or dude in distress. Or just to express love and compassion. That's powerful. Just like any new discovered high tech gadget. You get to learn this as u go. When u master it. U will know this empathy as a gift.
    I will add to this as I think necessary.
    No ink copies

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Latino Exodus Prophecy: (Unedited): 19 Sept 2012:

Before and During the demise of the USA. The Latino population within the United States of American will migrate back to their Country of origin. This will be a great blessing and a great boon for those countries when their families return home. But, The short sighted leaders of those Countries will not see it as such. They will see the exodus of their own peoples as a people flood which brings a disaster. In the short term this may be true. But, The disaster of the people flood is and may become a disaster if the leaders do not mitigate and manage their returning people with welcoming acceptance. If the leaders of the Latino Countries do not do  as suggested and have plans already made. Then this is what will happen. The Rio Grande will flow greatly with blood and suffering. There will be mass chaos. There will be murder, rape and thefts. GOD Almighty will watch you leaders of Mexico and all of those nations southward. Woes will befall you all. The returning of your families is a gift and a blessing from GOD who is and has protected HIS faithful. While they resided in the USA.
The material belongings in which the Latino American brings with them during their exodus is not the gift of wealth. The gift of wealth they bring back home is in their education, Skill and professionalism. While the American money which crosses your border will dry up. Preventing your people from returning will not continue the flow of money. It is going to stop. As is the secret corrupted monies you make from the drug trade. It will all stop. Your greatest assets will return home. So celebrate their return and plan for your new future. A renewed Country.
Latino Countries which have large sums of American Cash. Should use it now to buy metals and other resources. Build infrastructure.
Ba Ha California Peninsula shall not be a safe place to reside, migrate or invest in.
Those Latinos who still live in the USA must send their material assets to their home Country. Before the USA Final demise begins. It may also be a good idea to pre purchase open ended airplane tickets for you and your families. With no expiration dates. Whether this works or not who knows. Make arrangements with your Countries Consulates of your future plans. So as to guarantee and ease the transition.
As I write this. I still see a great disaster unfolding all along the Mexican American Borders. As with any man created prophecy it all can be prevented, mitigated and managed. Just as was with the Pharaoh and Joseph.
I have written about this before on ink and paper. Just not able to find it. So, I will assume there is no ink and no copies.
19 Nov 2012: Found it. Original Date of vision: 17 Jan 2006:
From the North a mass exodus. millions upon millions return to their original home.
Mexico, Central America will experience a boom. Not from the short term wealth but from the knowledge and experienced that they learned from the United States.
 When they try to migrate back home they will have to defend themselves. Those who have not prepared will die, will lose their things, will be raped. Most will survive despite their plight back home.
The Government of Mexico will pay for it's part in allowing invading forces across it's northern border. Mexico City. End of original content.
19 Nov 2012: Found other Latino content. Dated 17 Jan 2006:
Hispanic forces invade the United States:
Into California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.
Most of Florida falls to Hispanic Cuban Forces and is held.
Texas defeats them completely. There is little mercy. Deep into mexico the Texas Forces go.
Hundreds of Islamic Terrorists attacks daily.
China forces invade the west.
Russia Invades Alaska.
France, unknown, They play a real part.
European allies forget.
United Nations Hands Tied.
No Hope for the United States. The United States has no  GOD.
The entire Christian/Catholic Church falls or sinks.
End of content.
19 Nov 2012: Found Canada Content: 17 Jan 2006:
The United States falls to terrorism, economic failure and a military onslaught from numerous enemies.
Russia Takes Alaska and threatens the Yukon and British Columbia. The oil and minerals.
China takes part/most of California, Oregon, Washington.
China Threatens British Columbia.
Canada will attempt to protect and possess strategic assets with in the United states. Intense battles. Dakotas, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Colorado.
A United States exodus into Canada. from the Northern states. Canada will feel a security need to protect numerous states. The border states.
Canada will be overwhelmed and may just give up and surrender. Canada as a whole has become cowards and selfish. their unknown Canadian Heroes may save them all.
France deceives Canada. Canada lets themselves to be deceived. End of Content.
Today, I see changes in what I've written in 2006.
Canada closes their borders to the USA population.
Canada accepts only military assets and probably not the personnel. To much bad media. especially, if they are Christian.
The Canadian Military actions is for the safe removal of their own citizens.
Canada will experience their own Tet offensive by their own Islamic citizens. It will be greatly successful. Thousands of unarmed Canadian civilians will be murdered. Men, Women and children.
The Yukon and British Columbia may not be defended. Those citizens will be left to their own survival skills.
Prophecy is and can be an evolutionary movement. when a real and true revelation is known or assumed. Change in the original prophecy can and does occur. Especially if it is undesirable. Especially, if a personal prophecy is wonderful and full of positive potential. Then the young person can develop a logical plan and pursue it.
From 2006 til now. I see some changes in the words I've written.
Hundreds of Islamic terrorist attacks daily is probably in the high thousands.
China forces may only secure their newly gained assets of California, Oregon and Washington State. A standing military force of 1 million men in each of the states. I see China assuming control of Mexico controlled Ba-ha California.
France is a nothing in my mind right now.
Only a remnant of the Christian/Catholic church will survive and this will be by the protective hand of GOD.
United Nations is secretly involved while appearing they are helpless. They hope to control all of the former USA military might. All of it. The soon to be former American politicians will put into place those officers who will follow their plan to surrender their asset to the United nations.
Texas. Not sure how this will work. From incredible chaos of everyone being shot at into a unified military force under a Texas flag. They will go through to Mexico City and burn it. Texas will have their Sherman. No prisoners. The whole of the Mexican military and Government will be purified of all corruption. All Latino civilians need to appear with zero weapons or warfare upon their faces. The rise from the ashes is a new Mexico government friend to Texas.

FROM: Triplicate Exodus: 27 Nov 2011: Note from Facebook and deleted:
Over the last 5yrs or so. Ive had visions of a panicked Latino exodus back south into Mexico. Horrific outcome. All sorts of evil along the border crosser. I still do not know the reason. There will also be an economic exodus from California, Oregon, and Washington states down into the western coast of Mexico. This will entail Latinos with management history in logistics. Time frame 5-15 yrs. Then there will also b another exodus of Christians. This 1 will only be known by each individual christian. They will be the remnant who is 2b saved. So, if you r a Christian who obeys the 10 commandments out of love. Then you may b1 of the chosen. Just b prepared 2 leave with nothing. Then u must go when it is time. Any delay any looking back and u will perish. That is from my walk today. Define remnant? The word remnant has always been strong when associated with Christianity in my visions. The word Christian can be substituted with a holy person. Which is not the same as a religious person. C.J.MacKechnie.
Added content on 14 May 2016:
It has been many years since I have written this. But, conversations with my devout Christian Puerto Rican friend has brought new insights. Puerto Rico is in itself gonna suffer and is now. This may be the place or one of the places of the great return of the giants. The Nephilim and Rephaim shall return and populate the Earth as they had once done. They do have a taste for all meat including human flesh.
This is not why I write today. The power base of Mexico and all other countries south. Shall see a change in the dynamics of power. To a such a degree that when the US dollar becomes worth less than toilet paper. Those with all of the drug wealth shall instantly lose all of their power. To the degree that there will not be a market for their drugs. In that time their very well paid armies and men. Shall not have money to be paid. As is with any mercenary types of people. They go where the money is. In that very short period of time. When the realization of no more money is coming. The war within shall begin. The hate of them and the love of their money shall end in bloodshed.
There shall also be blood shed against those evil corporate American food sellers who come with their own armed men. For they to shall die when they return.
The evil which has divided and has caused Mexico to become a non nation. Mexico is a place divided up among the drug lords. A very short time period will come when you Mexican leaders from the local towns all the way up to the highest of levels. Will need to act decisively and with great swiftness in order to make your country whole again. Can you imagine a wholly maintained Mexico? I can. But, all of the leaders of Mexico must repent of their sins and guarantee the safety of their brothers and sisters who shall return home one day. You must enable and guarantee safe transit of those people who will go further south. For in these people are the future of a great Mexico which has never been seen before. They will have skill sets which will be desperately needed for a renewed Mexico, A whole Mexico. But, all of you will pay in blood. This is the cost for your life of bribery with drug money. Can you leaders of Mexico see for the genuine needs of your people. To have a life without threats or fears from drug organizations which suck the life out of every one. Allow the honor of Being Mexican be your last order to save your country from drug lord enslavement. Even in your own death you may be remembered because of your last good thing. Even though your entire life has been one of complete corruption.
The power of the American dollar shall end in some manor and on a single day. If it is on a Friday. Know that by Monday only brave Mexicans will stand. Every Mexican who sees any person with a weapon against them. Must cause that evil anti-Mexican persons blood to be cleansed by the ground they walk upon. All Mexicans must prepare the way for the safe return of their northern families. You should honor the return of your families. You should honor and respect those things in which they send to you. You should be responsible. For these things that they send home. It is a gift from God and his mercy for you in the tough times to come. For the things are only the beginning of blessings. The real important blessings is when your family becomes whole again. Pray always. Repent Now.
In the mean time. All Latino and Hispanic persons in the USA need to also prepare their own way to return home. By sending tools, equipment, vehicles and supplies to their family members in Mexico and southward. For the return back home shall be very difficult and many sufferings shall be felt. You will leave the USA as it will not be a safe place. More than a hundred million Americans shall perish. I tell you the truth it shall be more bearable for you to walk through Sodom and Gomorrah as it is being destroyed than it will be for you to return home as America is being destroyed. Pray always. Repent now.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 