Showing posts with label Intellectual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Intellectual. Show all posts

Monday, June 29, 2015

Empathic Reflections in Time: (Unedited): 29 June 2015:

This is a lesson. 
Time is a waveform. It stretches and contracts. It is both vibratory and multidimensional. Time does act like a quantum wave and intelligently reacts to moments of instantaneous manifestations of particles. These particles can a variety of things known and unknown. In which they are all mostly unknown to me at this time. For this lesson we will focus on the emotional and logical information as put out by human beings. The spiritual aspect of the signal is as of this writing, a nothing, but I know it is present and that is all. 
What is a manifested particle in time. When time, is a wave of intelligent particles which are in an agreement of typical cohesion.
A basic knowledge of Communications electronics is needed to understanding how being a receiving empath works as well as a transmitting empath works. Where as the emotional part of being an empath is related to analog communications. The intellectual empath is related to digital communications. But, also within the dimensionality of things. The stable signal can be seen as the over all human signal. Each human being has it's own very specific signal, frequency or waveform. The power and/or modulation behind this very specific signal can be considered the emotional response. The spiritual aspect to the human signal gives more dimensionality over all to the whole as well as a very specific unreal connectedness outside of our physical scope of knowing and understanding. For me and my level of understanding. I equate it to a kindergartener knowing about Mars. You know the planet and it's orange. Well, I just over expressed the comparison.
This tri-level waveform is dimensional where as the waveforms we view in any graphical representation is only two dimensional. Just like our mathematics of our modern era.
To mathematical present this information. Mathematics perfection.
A variety of formulas will need to be used and attached to one another in some logical fashion. The variables will flow through each aspect of each formula. For instance. You see people in a large sporting stadium. A single group of people stand up and begins the wave. The wave is the ever changing variables while each person is the non moving formula. Now stack thousands or billions of people or formulas on top of one another and then view a variety of waves moving in a variety of ways. This is a very basic understanding on how universal math works. The kindergarten C- version.
Ahead in the time line/waveform. A terrible thing happens to the human population. A sudden burst of powerful emotion erupts within the time waveform. Causing a bulge. This erupted bulge pushes outward in all directions. Losing power as it goes outward. The outward formula should be similar to that of light intensities as you travel further away from a star. This multidimensional emotional wave travels in all directions like an expanding spherical wave. Which may not appear to be perfect as there will be those humans who will react more rationally than others. While other will react with apathy or opportunistically.
This is where things can become interesting. The bursting emotional wave actually travels back in time. Where it can be felt first or last by the most sensitive of empaths. This is important. to understand. First is last and last is first along the time live/waveform. What this means is as the bursting emotional wave travels back in time. It loses it's power the further back in time it goes. Which means this very weak signal can only be felt by the most sensitive of all empaths. Where as the moments before the bursting emotional wave can pretty much be felt by most empaths who are in tune and aware in that moment of time.
So months and years prior to a terrible thing. The most sensitive of all empaths will begin to feel imminent danger and may even hear the echoes of screaming and crying. They may even feel fleeting emotions of hopeless sorrows and panics. The receiving only emotional empath. Will know nothing else. There will be no dates or times and no causes. These receiving only empaths may even feel a close relative suffering and when they call them. That close relative is OK and fine. While they declare just how silly you are.
Knowing yourself and your sensitivities. For many our sensitivities can be cyclical. For me. I can be as sensitive as any other weather rock and other time I can sense things months or even years a ahead of time. To the point that my sense of time perception just sucks. This is where self discipline and self awareness is essential. As well as your growth beyond just being a receiving empath of only emotional content. Which is the easy part or the very first level of being empathic.
When you train and develop your skills into those areas within the logical side of your mind. Your ability to receive signals become more intelligently filled. You may not understand the seemingly random bits. This is where you have to organize as you would any puzzle without the box cover as a guide. To be able to put the puzzle pieces together effectively. It would be a good idea to network with others who are similar to you but not exactly like you. Because, if everyone you associate with is exactly like you. Then you all would point out the exact same puzzle piece to the puzzle that needs assembling. Then you gain no real clear picture of anything ever. Thus, no eventual wisdom learned or over all understanding of the big picture. Since the big picture seems to all look the same. Does that make sense? Yes, I know you have an all girls club or the manly men's club for men who are manly. You gotta have different people with different skill sets and sensitivities. It's like the tool box in your dad's garage. It wasn't filled with 30 pounds of  the exact same screwdrivers? No it wasn't. It had many different tools and some most likely had his dried blood on them. Yes, I know. Gross. But, it's important to understand. Because, some people can make you bleed out of your eye balls (Figure of speech and symbolic, not real). Such as those very sensitive empaths who most likely believe they are Bi-polar. When they are not. But, over time they will become bi-polar because it is what they believe they are.
What now? To many questions? For me yes. Too many unknowns? To many uncertainty's? Just too many?
The Purpose of your gifts.
Is to prevent and or mitigate the awful things which can and will occur from time to time. Thus, saving lives.
By networking with and trusting in others. The collective ability of the group can become more and more exacting as they each grow, develop and maintain their individual balance in life.
Because this day: I heard the echoes of saddening cries from far off. When is it? Don't know. What is it? Don't know. Less than 90 days. I seem to be a 90 day sensitive as in 11 Sept 2001. Even then I didn't know, but some how I did as I look out my big rigs passenger window across the JFK Bridge in NYC to see the WTC lights. That is because I only had my own specific puzzle piece to the big picture which was about to happen.

Old Content:
this document has been copied and pasted from a few discussions on empathy from John MacKechnie...
An empath at their most basic level is like a radio receiver that is always on and receiving every frequency..It is important for the empath to both develop the skills and the tools necessary. To achieve mastery of this very cool gift from GOD. Most people teach skill development. While lacking in the tool development. Which without the tools can lead to severe mental illness and the consideration that the gift is more of a curse. Here is your first lesson in tool development. Know that everytime you brain learns something new. You know it forever. When you attach a positive or negative emotion to that new thing. It is very difficult to change a negative emotion into a positive. Unless, the new thing learned becomes really really cool and fun. So, lesson 1.1 should be considered fun. Because you are going to create and learn new parts of your brain. Isnt this fun already? Nope it aint. But what. Gotta learn brain facts. And thats all im teaching about brains. The rest is related to your own directional path.
lesson 1.1. Your a radio receiver which is born on and receiving all frequencies at all times. Know this. You are similar to radio receivers but not exactly. Similar to but not exacly to. Your legs can take you places. But, so can a train, car, boat and plane. What does this mean? The more you learn about the dials, knobs and switches on a radio, shortwave receiver and even a ham radio. The more you can develop those very same knobs, dials and switches within your own brain. Except they will be automatic and not manual. Cool. The first of the switches are the power switch. The empath power switch is important because. You choose when to turn it on and turn it off. The volume knob as people can be loud. Such as a sporting event or even a shopping mall. You get it? There are many, many other kinds of knobs, dials and switches. You do need to learn definitions of electronics as related to communications. So as to create a solid understanding within your own wonderfull brain.The tuner dial. Allows you to listen in on rosepetals feelins and thoughts at any time. Really Cool. Just like the excitement when you dial in a certain frequency and eves drop on a conversation between two people, truckers, airplanes, businesses and etc. They will never know your listening. Because, radio receivers are absolutely passive. Just like being an empath. I know some of you enjoy a good conversation. Especially when not invited. LOL.
self protection aspect. Now that everyone is tuned into Rosepetals thoughts and emotions. Rosepetal has been secretly been learning about radio transmitters "ham radio transceivers". Now she can simply turn both the receiver and transmitters parts of her brain off and completely disappear. This is a self defence mechanism you can develop within your brain But. Maybe that will be a lesson for next time. Even though ive already pointed to the next step. Which is all learn and develop as you go.
An empath is like a drop of water in an ocean. It is easy to lose your identity of self. It is easy to acquire other traits from other drops of water. Depending on your proximity to them and your own emotional attachement to them. Your neighbor water drops can have an emotional effect upon you. Before, the diagnosis of depression from a professional medical person. Is there a source of trauma? Did bad and sad things happen to you? Need to discover the source or sources of your depresson. Need to discover the beginings of your depression.
An empath who knows not they are an empath will believe that all they feel is theirs and theirs alone. Then as time goes on. The mind will logically become what it feels. Thus the empath becomes unknowingly cursed. The curse and become the wonderfull gift as was originally intended. Would you get into the cockpit of an advanced military fighter jet? Without any training what so ever. Would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane with some sort of bag of fabric strapped to your body? That you have never seen before. Just as your an empath so it is with flying a jet airplane or jumping out of an airplane. It is all going to happen. That is the essence of the gift or curse of being an empath. Which is better a gift or a curse? The primary difference between a gift and a curse. Is knowledge, wisdom and understanding. The development of the needed skills, controls and disciplines. Even if you have only experienced the curse of empathy. You can still turn it all around.
A natural empath who knows not who they are will pick up the strongest emotional signals. Without any self control and self discipline. This person will go through life never knowing why they suddenly feel emotions for unknown reasons not related to expected circumstances. Any of this sounds familiar? Once you have transmitted your own uncontrolled emotional outburst. No matter if it is positive or negative. It is out there in the universe for everyone to receive. Remember my little comparrison about radio transmitters and receivers? Once you transmit any signal. You cant take it back. You must understand that your thoughts and emotions have the power to build or destroy instantly. John
Did you know I was adopted? Apparently this spooky stuff runs in the wrangler jeans. My bio mom is a disabled mentally ill person. I could always feel her and not knowing why. Even today as Im soon to be leaving from buffalo to Taylor, Mi. I can feel my mothers ups and downs as well as her nuetral robotic zombie states. My mother has a certain flavor or taste or frequency or familiar feeling about her. Now that you know your an empath and other peoples feeling effect and affect you. You can now analyze all feelings as if your tuning in an old analog radio. Your mother will have her spot on the dial. Just like everyone else. Then just like a police/fire scanner. You can zoom in with lights and sirens a blaring to rescue the damsel or dude in distress. Or just to express love and compassion. Thats powerful. Just like any new discovered high tech gadget. You get to learn this as u go. When u master it. u will know this empathy as a gift.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Intellectual Theologians: (Unedited): 07 Oct 2014:

Many of the religious intellectuals and gifted theologians are pretenders of their chosen religion. Even they shall not be remembered in the day of the taking. For all of their rewards were of the worldly system before the coming of the great purification. 
 All of those within the chain of command or chain of responsibility within any religion. Is fully responsible for the actions of their chosen religion. They are all responsible for the teachings to the general population at large.

Woe to you who are in the chain of responsibility. This prophecy is for you.

If by religious law you allow your religion to accept sin as a freedom or as a right. Then you shall suffer For each child and each adult you teach a wrong to.

If you because of your own fears, worries, concerns do not teach the cost of sin or even just acknowledge sin within your own little church. Then you shall suffer for all of those who choose not to come to God and for all of those who have fallen into sin.

If you teach and cause for anyone to pursue a life of murder in the name of your God. Then it is you who have become their god. You shall endure the suffering of all of those who have freely given their lives in order to murder others. You shall endure the full weight of your teachings and actions. There will be no escape for you. Not even in spirit.

The stories in the ancient texts were for humanity to learn the lessons of life. They were not permissions for you to go back conflict/war, Chaos, Hate and death.

Even the common man shall suffer. Not only for their own sins but also for the sins of their sons and daughters. All of humanity is brother and sister to one another. So if a man within one religion goes off to murder for their religious leader and another man joins their own military in order to protect the innocent. One shall be responsible for the other, because they are brothers and sisters to eachother. Even though they each consider the other as an enemy they must kill.
This is not only for the Christian religion. It is for all.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Intellectual Apathy: Apathy Begins: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2013:

Intellectual apathy is worse than illiteracy.  
Source for inspiration was Yahoo. Backed up with other reporting sources.
 I was just talking to my son about how apathy causes a person not to become a benefit to anyone else. Then I discovered this news article tonight from yahoo.  It doesn't matter if the destruction is an old T.V., Computer, furniture or 250,000 books. Those people who have authority over those books do not care about anyone else let alone think about being a benefit to any poor library in this country or even the world. We each must choose to be a benefit, be a curse or be nothing to anyone. Which has been chosen? Which have you or I have chosen on a daily basis?
I have watched a family destroy a large T.V. that they could not sell and instead of giving it to Goodwill or the Salvation Army or any other charitable organization. They enjoyed themselves by aggressively destroying it. Just so that no one else would take it and enjoy it. It is still in their front yard - right now. (10 Sept 2013 @ 2120).
Apathy Begins: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2013: 

Apathy begins the destruction of self, Then family, then Country and then world.
Musings of an American Truck Driver

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Logical Empath: (Unedited): 01 March 2013:

The Logical Empath. Can it be possible for an emotional empath to operate on their other side? Yes, If they want to remain sane. Go into your closet a get your detective hat and pipe. This is important especially for the new empaths or for those empaths, psychics who desire to get to that newer level.
Before, You go any further in this message. Please read the empath materials in this group. This is from the Journey group on Facebook. It is invite only or closed or secret or all of the above.
Your an empath. So you say. What does that mean really and is it really a gift, a blessing or a curse? Did you get your detective cap and pipe out yet. Are you ready?
Every single emotion that you feel must have an intellectual thought for each individual emotion. If there is no intellectual thought for an emotion. Then it is not your emotion. So, you have to train yourself like an analytical detective like Joe Friday. "Just the facts Ma'am". Are you feeling angry? well why are you angry? Suzi stepped on your toe three times? That is a very logical reason. So, your emotion to the stepping on your toe is justified.
Very recently you have developed a very real spiritual connection to a kindred spirit named Heidi. On a soon to come Saturday your watching a very funny movie and then become incredibly worried and then begin to smile. You go through your logical detective process and ask yourself some questions. What am I worried about? You logically conclude "nothing". What am I smiling about? "The funny movie"? But, you have a certain unqualified doubt about that. So, you begin by meditating on each family member and friend. Nothing really stands out. But, what about that new person I met named Heidi. So you send her a generic message "Are you OK?" Heidi responds " I accidentally blew up a mean old X-boyfriends hair and he didn't even recognize me. I loved every minute of it-oops, I mean poor guy. He should be out of the hospital in a few weeks.
It's race time. Go get your favorite NASCAR racing shirt. I know some of you have at least one shirt. Your brain is a wicked trickster. The brain just doesn't like to have stray emotions just racing about.
This is a timed event. The time is solely defined by your own brain and it is a very real race. So, you suddenly have a bad and sad emotion. You think to yourself. I'm not logically thinking about any bad and sad thoughts. Then suddenly boom. You are now thinking about a bad and sad event which happened to you. So, is now everything OK in the world of your empathic brain? Nope, it taint. Your logical part of your brain searched your own memory to find a bad and sad event which matches your bad and sad emotion. Pretty cool. Nope, your brain just coped with a stray and unknown emotion. There is someone out in the universe who you have a connection to that is having some bad and sad emotions. But, now your brain just muddled it all up. This is of course bad, but it really isn't because the brain is trying to protect itself. So you must train your brain in being responsible with your gift so that you can be a blessing to others.
The next step in the growth of your gifts is the knowing of intellectual information. The detective work is similar as are the questions. Such as are these my logical thoughts are someone else?
Added on 05 April 2015: 
This is the empathic protection system (EPS). 
Warning! Warning! Warning!
Whose thoughts and emotions are in your head?  1). Are those thoughts and emotions in their from an expressed need by a sender? 2). Are they in their by accident? 3). Are all of those seemingly random thoughts and emotions being created by an undisciplined and untrained mind? 4). or are they in their, to influence your will by some design which greedily benefits someone else? 
 1). When you make connections or connections have been genetically or spiritually made on your behalf. You are tied to those persons until those connections are severed in some way. But, you do not need to be connected to send and receive messages in some fashion. The first message you will typically receive are those from those persons who are in need. Sometimes they will just think you were there with them. Thus, those logical and emotional messages are instantly sent. Faster than the speed of light. Which means Einstein is in error to a degree as his formula is not complete. The signal does not lose strength or intensity over distance and space. Typically the emotional signal can be much stronger than the logical portion of the message. This is because the logical portion is often time internalized where as the emotional portion of the signal is externalized. This is the same thing as when a person is sad and in tears and you do not know why. The person is expressing the emotion and internalizing the logical aspect of the problems. Sometimes this is why a phone call/text/IM or some other instant messaging is necessary. 
There are natural security barriers to this which of course protects you and your sanity. For instance if an untrained and undisciplined empath gets involved with social work. This can cause that empath to lose them self. You know that caring person who loves everyone and who just wants to help all creatures great and small. You have to discipline your mind. The best method to train your brain is through 2 avenues. #1 Effective meditation and #2 the avoidance of any mind altering substance. Both are crucial and yes I also include cigarettes and mind altering medications. For others certain sugars and caffeine's. 
2). Some people send emotional and logical messages by accident. So do you and so do I. We all are at fault in this regard. It's kind of like leaving your house with the lights, T.V., Radio  or computer on. Except with humans we are on all of the time and transmitting are on personal signals. Look for my writings with the comparison with radio theory. Found it. 
So within our own minds we do need to learn how to find our own on/off switch within our own mind and then learn how to use it. This can be done with directed meditation and over time. You can turn off or De-tune yourself from random incoming thoughts and emotions. Ask yourself this question. Is an empath bipolar or is a bi-polar an empathic? Just think about that one. What about the use of mind altering medications? Are those mind altering medications helping the bipolar person while harming the empath? These are very tough questions. Especially when the empath has been medicated for so long and their own brains have chemically altered themselves and become addicted. 
3). The untrained and undisciplined mind. I have already covered it and will restate it. Meditation is the best method for brain discipline. With all of the flavors and practices. With focusing on a singular thought or on no thought or opening yourself up to the Divine source. All three will be good or just one for now and then maybe another for later. How ever you think through your meditation plan. It all boils down to time. The smartest and most wise of humanity do 4+hours of meditation per day. No vacations. No days off. That's just the way it is. Am I that 4+  hour a day person. NO. Have I done it? Yes. Was it profound? Absolutely so. The quote writing that I do and the quality of my writing is based on the quality and time spent in prayer and meditation. So, when you see a dry spell. There you go. Did I sneak in the "Prayer" word. Yep. I did. Because Prayer is you talking to the Creator and meditation is you essentially listening. Which is more important? 
4). The most troubling part of being an empath. As an empath it seems that your spiritual receiver and transmitter is always on. Which means those things in which you may know nothing about can hear you think as well as speak to you. Most of the time this is not a good thing. Because, many of those spiritual beings will imitate exactly how you think to yourself and speak to you exactly how you think to yourself. So being a newly realized empath or even an empath with experience under your belt. How do you stop them? You have to define them. Spirits, Angels, Ghosts and a variety of other beings. Maybe, even some of those human beings who have achieved secret skills.  How do you defend/protect yourself  from outside influences? Again, This is through a form of silent the mind meditation. In which any outside or any uncontrolled thought is silenced absolutely. In the beginning of this practice. It may seem like a fight for your own mind. That's because it is. You may have been some other entities human remote controlled person. Now that your aware of their influence over you. They are getting frustrated. They just lost their human toy. This is an obvious childish explanation. Never the less it does seem to be so. Over time some of these entities will just leave you and find another human R/C toy to have their fun. It can be that simple while others are much more dark and evil in their control over your body. To influence you, to re-train your brain, so that you automatically become a self controlled human robot doing the masters will. All of it psychologically conditioned to do. This isn't so fun anymore.  Well, you can use your own imagination. Essentially, Your mind controls the body. The mind can also disconnect from the spirit world. Which is easily seen in the modern world today. The outside influence will want to alter your psychology to become more apathetic. The less you care the greater the outside control. Are you still following me. Do you often think? I don't care in more and more situations than you did a year ago, a decade ago or even several decades ago? Are you inhaling Chemically added tobacco products which are designed to cause you not to care as much. Which is essential in calming people down who tend to care to much. Wow. look above and re-read. Empaths tend to care to much as defined by worldly and anti-spiritual people. Those empaths who are said to care to much are actually those advanced persons that all of us lower humans are supposed to attain to become as well.
This is a Christ gift. Jesus declared to his disciples. That all of the miracles he has done. They can do as well and more. To feel another persons feelings and then being able to uplift their spirit and to help their mind to become comforted.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Occurs New: (Unedited): 12 Aug 2012:

Evolution or devolution occurs with every new generation born. C.J.MacKechnie
When you both make healthy decisions throughout your entire life. Your children will benefit greatly. Evolution of your family will take a single physical step forward.  When you both make those continuous  intellectual efforts in your life. Your children will benefit greatly. Evolution of your family will take a single intellectual step forward. When you both make those continuous spiritual searches in your life. Your children will benefit greatly. Evolution of your family will take a single spiritual step forward. When you both make healthy decisions, intellectual efforts and spiritual searches throughout your life. Your children will benefit greatly. Evolution of your family will take a single step forward times three.
WARNING: When either you or the both of you make unhealthy choices. By using drugs (legal or illegal), alcohol and pursuing other unhealthy addictions. Your children and your children past three generations will devolve and may become extinct. When either you or the both of you refuse to develop and tax your intellect. Your children and your children past three generations will intellectually devolve and may become extinct because of a poor ability to make wise and correct decisions. When either you or the both of you refuse and deny spirituality. Your children and children past three generations. Will succumb to evil tendency's and wrongful actions.  Which will lead to a belief that there is only what is right for self. Then apathy for all and for self. Extinction of name will be followed by extinction of your entire family line. 
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver". 

Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John