Showing posts with label Benefit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benefit. Show all posts

Saturday, March 11, 2023

What are the benefits and drawbacks of preppers being more public about their preparations? (Unedited): 11 March 2023:

My answer deleted by Quora.  My answer was restored by Quora: 13 March 2023:

The Weight Answer: The weight of not being public to a degree is far worse than being public to a degree. By being public to a degree you are hopefully inspiring, empowering, teaching and being positive in every possible way that you can. Think about it. What is the essential point assuming your an actual good person who genuinely cares? Since your secretly behind your computer monitor you can be honest with yourself. The point of being public to some degree is to save as many people as you can from suffering and dying? Yes or no. Well, if your personal answer is “no”, then you have that essential truth of the kind of evil person that you are. Because good people want to do good things for other people without payment, gratitude, public acknowledgements or recognition's. So there you have it. Being more public with wisdom and discernment like a biblical fox is necessary to ease suffering and death hopefully before it happens. Think about those words. Easing suffering and death before it has a chance of happening during and after any unfortunate event. Is the purest and goodest essence of prepping. (yes, goodest is on purpose).

This is beyond my capability of understanding. In the deep south. You do have all kinds of people with very specific gifts. I always wonder how and when a family is going through trials and tribulations. All of a sudden pies, cakes, cookies, huge pans of dinners, fried chicken, deviled eggs, sandwiches just suddenly arrive. Do these people just have already made food on hand? Just waiting for a localized emergency event even if it is just some emergency family event. Southern folks do not go to the store to get the food. They make it. How does that happen? Why does that happen? This is another principle to prepping and having a very intimate knowledge of your essential skill sets. The old woman who is known for baking awesomeness does what her gift dictates.

Prepping Defined Answer: Every reasonable person should have some kind of prepping activities as there is no place on this planet which is free of dangers or any kind of threats. So because of this. Everyone should be prepping. Prepping is not a psychological disorder as put forth by the TV show Doomsday Preppers. Prepping is how people survived prior to the industrial age. When there wasn’t any refrigeration, transportation/Logistics, Electricity or gas/oil products. When there wasn’t any grocery stores or big box stores or Amazon or delivery services. When there wasn’t the huge number of restaurants. The act of prepping is a historical occurrence in all of human history and in every culture. In many localities of today prepping isn’t even thought of as prepping. This is because the people in the northern climates have known for generations that to have all of their necessities for many months at a time is how you not die to death in the cold(serious humor).

 Communications Benefit Answer: By communicating the necessity of prepping to any individualist defined degree or capability. The stresses upon the actual full time prepper shall be lessened. The more the prepper communicates with their own family members, friends, church members and community. The less weight of feeling like you have to prep for all of your loved will become evident. This is also evidence of a good person. One who has already prepped for their loved ones, family, friends and church community. Can you imagine the impact on a person when you tell them in confidence/secret that you have already made a safe place or safely stored away food for them. By telling a person this does not remove them from their own responsibilities of prepping. They should also be prepping for themselves and their loved ones as well. So that when everyone within your own personal world is prepping for each other. The idea of food shortages of any kind or duration is not a concern to be feared when it is repeated on the news often. So by communicating to everyone the importance of prepping is beneficial to the whole and to the more serious of all preppers as that is weight of responsibility is lessened or lifted.

Outward Teaching Benefits Answer: The more a person, a family, a church, a community teaches and expects people to do and have preps. The greater chance the whole will survive any unfortunate calamity. The teaching of how too;s and the teaching of skill set development is essential to how the whole will do more than survive any and all calamities. Think about this. I’m not female but live with two. How does a female of child bearing age take care of herself when there are no longer any clean products? How do you make clothes/shoes when your not growing wool plants or raising cotton animals(humor)? How do you make rope and baskets? How do you make anything else from apparent nothing? What is companion planting and why is it important? Especially when fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides are no more. The more people know and have achieved a functional skill set level. The greater chance the whole community shall survive. The more the people are empowered the less weight and stresses will be upon the individual prepper. Who already feels like they have to do everything. The more the people are taught to do for themselves. The less likely they become a helpless drawback or a violent drawback.

Benefits Of Layering Answer: The idea of prepping should be layered. Which means the first layer is the individual family is prepping for themselves. The second half of the first layer is the individual family is prepping for their loved ones, friends, surprise guests, church and community. The second layer is the church prepping for all of their member families. The third layer is the community is prepping for their entire community. The forth layer is everyone prepping for surprised guests. When each layer is doing their part for the benefit of the whole the idea of food shortages or hunger is not something to be feared. This is not just about food storage. This is about raising and growing food sources and resources. This is about if one tree is taken to be used and it does not matter the disposition of that tree. That tree must be replaced with ten more resource trees. There is infrastructure involved. There is the need for preindustrial skill sets which must be learned. The more people at every layer who has the most preindustrial skill sets. The greater their chances of survival, just in case the worst happens however that is defined by you.

Churches Benefit Answer: I have studied all of the rapture ideas and have concluded that God is gonna do what God is gonna do and He does not care if I agree, disagree, or understand. I have also studied Noah, Moses and figured out that the people had to live through the ordeal even though they were protected. Lots family was save and protected until sin found Lots wife. Lots wife was saved until she wasn’t. This is also a serious concern for the churches. Churches should be encouraging all of their members to prep. The physical buildings of the churches should have functionally engineered basements. With their own hidden water sources. The churches should be a storehouse for all people. So yes, the churches should have more involvement of their members and it should be expected. The churches should have their own farm land, fruit and nut trees, vegetable plots and natural safe cold storage.

Beneficial Churches Left Behind Answer: No matter the state before or after a rapture, When a rapture happens or if it is just a false teaching. When a church has made all of their preps and their church is an actual physical and spiritual safe building engineered to withstand all local emergencies. The beneficial message left behind will be crucial as those who are left behind will still find safety and sanctuary in a holy place. Then when and if most scholars are wrong and there is no rapture of the living and the people will have to live through the bad and sad prophecies. Their actions will go a long way in helping non believers and evil doers in becoming one of the last believing faithful. Think about it scholars.

Community Beneficial Micro Economies Answer: Those communities and churches which have established their own independent and interconnected micro economies. Will have the better chances of survival any kind of national or global economic down turns. This does mean that the people of the communities and of the churches must freely decide to only by products and services from their exclusive church and community micro economies. The people must stop buying products and services from any outsider where the wealth leaves the community. Such as all of the big box stores which can have a degree of foreign ownership.

The Drawback Answer: The more you focus on going it alone during and in the aftermath of any emergency. The greater your chances of dying alone. Your actions of going it alone is in direct contradiction of the laws within the animal kingdom and of human history. The larger the community of like minded individuals. The greater the chance that they all can survive. Even when being surrounded by predators who only desire to consume you. Desperate people will do desperate things.

Preparing for an unfortunate event is not as important as after the unfortunate. Where as more people suffer and die after the event than during. What is the point of having hours or days of water and food while safely tucked away in your shelter. Only to die of thirst and of hunger after you have exited your safe bunker. How will you survive if the growing season doe not begin for another 6- 9 months? What happens if you experience crop failures? How will you and your loved ones not starve to death?

There will always be people who do nothing and who will never become self empowered. It is they who in their won sense of self desperation who may act out violently. Then in that extreme environment where law, order, justice and civility have been taken away. You will be forced to stand your ground and bring forth a more exactly force of violence much quicker than what has been presented to you.

Your safety and security will be on your ability to hide and keep your safe and secure space hidden from strangers, outsiders and other unknowns. You will have to hide your own water sources as you mitigate all sounds and vibrations from the pumps used.

If you have not planted every kind of wild, natural, heirloom, antique edible plant everywhere you secretly can. Any kind of food shortage or starvation will have an impact upon you, your loved one, your church and your community. When everyone is secretly planting food sources. Everyone shall be benefited. When no one is removing their own ornamental plants and replacing them with every kind of edible plant, bush and tree fro your specific growing region. Then this shall be a drawback.

This is way above my pay grade. An economic drawback is where there is no established micro economies. Your family, your friends, your church and your community will economically suffer greatly when there is any kind of national or global economic down fall or financial collapse. You will be victims just as you each are currently watching your own retirement accounts become smaller and smaller right now. Churches and communities which have not become their own economic cells would be a drawback. The idea of cells is related to cell phones as all cell phone towers stand on their own but also are interconnected with other cell phone towers.

The mentioning of any corporate businesses or entities is not a promotion of any of those entities mentioned. The mentioning of bars and pubs is also not promotion or acceptance of drinking any kind of alcoholic beverage of any kind. Establishing your own micro-economies should use the same laws as which is used by exclusive golf courses, COSTCO, Sams Clubs, Eagles Clubs and any other exclusive club in existence. How do the purest Amish and Mennonites do what they do?

Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Prophecy Benefit Detriment: (Unedited): 10 Nov 2018:

Whether or not any prophecy will benefit you or be a detriment. One level of the determining factor will be your outpouring of love, peace, harmony and the cherishing of all life. The most important consideration will be on how you are or are not holy, righteous and clean which is known by God alone. In these you will have no say and no debate. It will not matter what you believe or think you know. For all which is, has been and will come by our feebly flawed and diminutive perceptions. All is the victory of God only. 
Clean or cleanliness means of clean mind, body, heart and spirit. All of which is defined by God only. It does not matter what you think, believe, know as a legal right or is good enough. You are in error.
Every ancient culture and religion which has survived until now. All have stories and teaching about integrity, honor, respect, righteousness, holiness and cleanliness. Plus many other good words about the good character of every human being.
In any culture and from any peoples where ancient prophecies are told. It is crucially important not to allow corrupt and immoral persons to force the prophecies to manifest outside of their intended times. This can happen and yes it is possible. Evil persons can force a known prophecy into reality by their collective extreme decisions. In which only brings forth the consequences which will be shared by all. Even if the few who will be chosen to be saved will still suffer as well. For it is they who will endure the memories and it is they will will begin anew.
The essential meaning of every prophecy. Is for all of humanity to either change from their evil ways or to maintain the righteous and holy path. Prophecies can be mitigated and prevented. I have only written of these two things and have hinted at the third option in usual reference to how Christians believe in prophecies. The third option is to cause the prophecy to occur before its intended time. By causing God to bring forth His prophecies ahead of time. The evil ones gets to have a greater probability to cause more hate, war/conflict, chaos and death.
The fourth option is to cause God to hold back or delay. This is learned in the story of Jonah and Nineveh.
The evil ones always wants a two fold conclusion to their every action. Cause all that which is known to be good to be to blame for any and all atrocities, ugliness, unfairness. So if your good group/organization are doing a good thing for a good purpose and you allow the involvement of unrighteous, unholy, sinful, immoral, lawless and apathetic persons to join in. You will not see your desired expected result. The holy spirit no matter how you identify with it. Will only allow a righteous heart, mind and spirit to be its conduit. Any person who is contrary to the Holy spirit. Will only be an impediment to the expected goals.
Right now there has been a confluence of prophecies from many different cultures and religions. This has even been written about using different words. But, the meaning is still the same. Do you remember Standing Rock at the confluence of waters? This was a sign. Do you remember the Arizona tourist site at the confluence of waters at the Grand Canyon? This was a sign of the confluence of prophecies. With Standing Rock North Dakota what is everyone going to remember? The last pictures and the last false narratives. "Nothing Says Standing Rock Environmentalism Like Tons of Garbage". "Irony: ‘Water protectors’ at Standing Rock left tons of trash that will…pollute the water -- Left-wing activism means never having to clean up after yourself."
Irony: ‘Water protectors’ at Standing Rock left tons of trash that will…pollute the water -- Left-wing activism means never having to clean up after yourself.
Nothing Says Standing Rock Environmentalism Like Tons of Garbage
Added on 11 Nov 2018:
To those who reside on Turtle Island. Be wary of who you befriend and make deals with. By wary of who you even share meals with. Look to your ancient stories of wisdom. Remember the turtle and the scorpion story. Remember the little boy/girl and the old snake story. What does it basically mean? It means that a snake will do what a snake will do. A scorpion will sting you because it is what it does. Be wise of whom you give your trust to and make deals with. Be wary of whom you help across the the water and up onto Turtle Island. Think about it for a second. If you remove the oceans from the Earth. Turtle Island turns into a great turtle mountain.
Return to Righteousness: (Unedited): 11 Nov 2018:
You cannot return to the days of once was when you are not willing to live righteously like the ancestors lived before their fall.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Prophetic Consequences: (Unedited): 26 Oct 2017:

It is the collective disobedience of humanity which brings forth the collective prophetic consequences that all of humanity will have to endure and suffer through.
As prophecy states it is the end of days, end of the age, end of the world or the end times. No matter how you understand it as. The collective disobedience and collective sins of all of humanity will bring consequences to us all. Even the beginning of the extinction process. We each may have to endure unto our own individual end. However that may happen.
If we are all truly so close that the horses are about to ride in order to pour out the wrath of God upon us all. There is still time to avert all of the bad and sad prophecies from happening. All we each have to do is the purple words below. If you are a soldier. Then just go home to your family and fight no more. The final war of this worldly age is about to cause our end. It is the common person who can stop it all from happening. All the common person has to do is stop building the war machines. Go home to your family and obtain good works for the benefit of all of humanity. Anyone who causes harm and suffer. Cease such evil activities and be at peace. When your at peace, harmony will come and then love will fill you with a renewed and profound purpose in life. Then will you understand the purpose of the laws of God and of life. That is when you will begin to know what righteousness is all about. Righteousness and holiness causes no harm or suffering. Any human clothed in special clothing who orders or encourages others to cause harm and suffering is an anti-God.
Any human who proclaims Christianity and declares that it is OK to sin and tolerate sin in any way no matter the legality is an anti-Christ. Any human teacher, preacher, priest and theologian who omits the teachings of how to become righteous and holy in the eyes of God only. Is an anti-Christ.
You really need to read the Holy Bible. Who is the victor and who loses? God wins and the saints lose in the physical world. satan and his fallen angels lose badly as well. How does Jesus return? Go and read the demeanor of the returning Emanuel. Is the returning Yahshua a happy fuzzy wuzzy hug-able and fun loving kind of dude? Go and read the Holy Bible on His returning demeanor.
The purple words below is the how to stop it all. This is for everyone on this planet.
Personal note: If you are in a religious position of any authority and you have refused to teach sin and righteousness. Then you are an Anti-Christ. If you actively tolerate sin openly and publicly. Then your an Anti-Christ. I'm sorry if my statements make you feel sad. But, I had to write these words. Not to accuse or destroy. But, to wake you up so that you can again begin to teach that which you are supposed to and more. So that we all will be saved, this means you too. So that we all can change the mind of God just as Jonah and the people of Nineveh had. It is possible for all of humanity to either stop and or mitigate any bad and sad prophecy. Or suffer a worse fate than those of Sodom and Gomorrah. That is in the Holy Bible as well. Why, will it be worse for us than it was for the people of Sodom? Because, we have everything and they had very little. Yet we refuse to be obedient not because of the law but because we all refuse to love one another.
It is already known that there is change happening in some church leadership. I'm supposed to say that. If enough people change and begin to see the impossible path of righteousness and holiness. Yet still walk upon that holy path. Then maybe, A true life changing revival will come to the world in the felt movement of the Holy Spirit as it was in Pentecost. Go read about it in the Acts 2:1-5.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Empowerment Absorbed: (Unedited): 13 Sept 2017:

Beware of those who desire to inspire and empower people. Especially those who have had much power and now has lost it. For it is they who will absorb all of your inspirations and empowerment. 
The opposite people who always speak what the masses want to hear and yet they always proclaim what they have done as the opposite of what they have done. Even thought the perception is they had done something for the peoples benefit. But the people have never been benefited. It is only the opposite people who have only gained much while given nothing.
People who thirst for power and authority are not the ones the common people should support or to believe in. The common people should only support those who live a life of peace and express it. Anyone who expresses conflict and war are the enemies of humanity. No matter what flag they wave. The common people should only support those who actually love one another and continually expresses it. Anyone who expresses hate is an enemy of humanity. Can you yet see where I'm going with this. It is related to the purple words below.
Those who lives are absent of the purple words below and yet they may speak of the purple words below. Proves to the world that they are opposite people. In other words their words are the deceptions of half truths while their actions negate any aspect of the purple words below.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Blind Obedience: Martyrdom Joy: Greater Quality: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2016:

Blind obedience gains a person virtually no wisdom or understanding. Except for the saving or profiting for the benefit of the self.
While a person who freely decides to do good has done so based on their wisdom and understanding. Even though they may lose their own life and/or lose their wealth.
A robot blindly obeys all of it's instructions or programming code. A robot does not know good or evil. It just obeys. Their is no wisdom or understanding neither is there a need to want wisdom or understanding.
Human beings and even of animals. Learn and Know wisdom and understanding. I understand if I place my hand on a hot stove. Serious pain will result.
To force a person to obey or to die. Causes that person to learn nothing except how to save their own life. A person who is forced to obey becomes an instant mindless slave or robot. Absolutely dependent on those who tell it what and when to do it.
With the exercise of free will and free choice. That person learns much knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Even if it will cost that person their wealth or life.
All of the quality, meaning and purpose in life a slave will ever have is what comes from those who rule over the slave.
Martyrdom Joy: (Unedited): 16 Sept 2016:
By creating great enduring misery in life for the slave. The slave will learn to yearn for the day that they will be selected to know the joy of martyrdom. 
Martyrdom Joy #2: (Unedited): 16 Sept 2016:
The joy of martyrdom is freedom from a life of misery, sadness and pain.
The great misery you endure in life comes from those who rule over you. Do you not think that if they wanted for you to have any sort of life with any kind of satisfaction or joy. Then could give it to you or allow you to experience. Instead those who rule over you pass the blame to them and those in that far away land. Those who are less than us and who are less than dogs. They are the barbarians who have caused all of your misery. While at the same time those who rule over you only offer one way for any kind of joy, satisfaction and happiness. That is through the joy of holy Martyrdom. Have you not seen in the eyes of those who were selected for the great honor of Martyrdom, joy and satisfaction of being selected? While hoping that they will be self worthy enough to go through with the holy mission of righteous martyrdom. This is the only way for an Islamic person to ever know peace. For all of their joy, satisfaction shall end when their blood flows into the streets. While what meaning and purpose they had in that brief period of time has been transferred to those who rule and profit over all of your deaths.
The misery, sadness and pain you desire to free yourself from. Can come through escape from the enslavement of your spirit, mind and body. You have worth and importance in this life. Purpose and meaning does not have to come through hatred, anger, violence, destruction and death. These are anti God. God wants for all of us to express life with love, peace, harmony. God wants for all of us to cherish life as something of great value.
Greater Quality: (Unedited): 16 Sept 2016:
Greater is the quality of life, meaning of life and purpose of life for the person who can freely and willfully choose to do good things.  
1). What is good? Only God. We can only learn good from God.
We all can emulate good to the best of our own unique abilities.
2). What is good? Love, Peace, Harmony and life. The laws of God assists us into seeing and maintaining good through our own abilities for self control and self discipline.
Yes, the laws of God are absolute. But, they reflect the gift of our free will. This is why when we each fracture any of the laws of God we are not instantly dead. This is why I do not believe that God wants slaves. Slaves do not learn on their own. Slaves do not grow up to become responsible and dependable human beings. Slaves do not become self sufficient to a degree as defined by only God. Only those who have a free spirit, free mind and a free body can become the most it can be as only God can define it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Accusing Devil: (Unedited): 20 July 2016:

Be warned of those within your organization who always accuse others. For their attitude only pretends to be a caring employee when in fact they are just a devil spirit who finds power and thrills in others torments. 
It is interesting how only one can make it into an organization. Gain the trust of the leadership and/or managing team. Then become the eyes and ears of them. The vast majority of these are very beneficial. It is the few whom I'm talking about. It is those who only accuse others of wrong while offering zero benefit to the company by any other means. These devil spirits spend so much time spying and accusing others that their productivity is very low. But, everyone in management/leadership likes him/her. The management and leadership teams have all been blinded by this one person. This one person is or can be the sole cause of a demoralized workforce.
It would be better off to fire this person outright and even pay for their unemployment benefits. In doing so. Your entire corporate structure will breathe and feel the pleasant atmosphere you once had. All aspects of your business will improve. Virtually over night. there will be a positive shock that your employees will feel and this may cause sluggishness in your recovery. But, once your workforce gets your train steaming and heading with a decisively forward momentum. They will smile and wont be stopped. Until you the leadership and management team screws up again.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Intellectual Apathy: Apathy Begins: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2013:

Intellectual apathy is worse than illiteracy.  
Source for inspiration was Yahoo. Backed up with other reporting sources.
 I was just talking to my son about how apathy causes a person not to become a benefit to anyone else. Then I discovered this news article tonight from yahoo.  It doesn't matter if the destruction is an old T.V., Computer, furniture or 250,000 books. Those people who have authority over those books do not care about anyone else let alone think about being a benefit to any poor library in this country or even the world. We each must choose to be a benefit, be a curse or be nothing to anyone. Which has been chosen? Which have you or I have chosen on a daily basis?
I have watched a family destroy a large T.V. that they could not sell and instead of giving it to Goodwill or the Salvation Army or any other charitable organization. They enjoyed themselves by aggressively destroying it. Just so that no one else would take it and enjoy it. It is still in their front yard - right now. (10 Sept 2013 @ 2120).
Apathy Begins: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2013: 

Apathy begins the destruction of self, Then family, then Country and then world.
Musings of an American Truck Driver

Friday, July 5, 2013

Angers Stoppage: (Unedited): 05 July 2013:

The anger and frustrations you feel while being stopped or waiting in line. Isn't about the stoppage or the line. Its about the poor decisions you have made in your life. C.J.MacKechnie
Change the downward spiral in your life by just taking the time to ask yourself a few good questions. Separate yourself from your culture and go old skool ways of thinking. Right is and always have been right. While wrong has always been evil.
1) Is this right or wrong?
2) Will this decision cause harm?
3) Will this decision benefit my family for the short term, medium term and long term?

Find your enduring patience within yourself. Begin this day and escape from the cultures which desire for you to De-evolve into something less than a civilized human being. Flee from the cultures which demotes a free and equal human woman into that which is less important than a female dog. 
Many cultures are created and organized to keep you from evolving beyond those who proclaim leadership and authority. This is the essence of slavery without ever speaking a word of it.
Slavery is always absent of education, responsibility of self  and self empowerment. Ask yourself these questions.
Have you achieved an education which guarantees you a quality life and employment? Do you have to depend on fancy clothed persons to give you the answers to the questions that they pose? Is all of the blame told to you by those fancy clothed persons, into the direction of yet another group of individuals who they declare as the enemy? and you should hate them and war with them to? Your enemy is and always has been those fancy clothed persons who seek to lead you and cause you to be perpetually angry and hateful to your brother of another color and of a different land.
How can you hate?    when you have become a follower of the religion of love?
How can you war?     when you have become a follower of the religion of peace?
How can you chaos?  when you have become a follower of the religion of harmony?
How can you death?   When you have become a follower of the religion of all life?

When your actions are contrary to your belief or to what has been taught to you. Then you will always be separate from the Divine as you want to know it. The actions of your hands must match the thought s and emotions of your mind. Then will the door of divine truth be accessed by your own spirit connection with that which is Divine. It can be no other way.
Skool is purposely spelt wrong. 
I do have a lack of education. So my sentence structure is bad in this one. So, read slowly and seek out the content. The content is important. 
Race is a De-humanizing thought made into a truthful action with it's origins based in lies and deceptions. The act of racism is a truthful action from a person or a group of persons who believe that the separation and division of the races is a truth. There is not many races which is separated by skin tone or ethnic origins. There is one human family.
Any leader who leads or wants to lead a thing and proclaims the falsely believed truth of the multiple races is either deceived and cannot think for them-self or is a liar. Either way. They cannot and should not be a leader of any thing. C.J.MacKechnie
:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Evolution Level: (Unedited) 16 Jan 2013:

To grow and evolve in your desired field of interest. You must first have a level of comfort, control and coordination at the level you are currently.
 God controls your gifts. God turns on and off any or all of your gifts. The how, why and when is solely up to God. The level of control, command and coordination in relation to your gifts is defined by God. So if God prefers you to be at a certain level of stress then that is when God may turn on a new gift. Thus, increasing a newer stress and increasing more stress within you. Thus, All of the gifts given to you is and never has been for you. It is for the benefit of those whom are lost or unmoving, the sick and diseased, the lonely and abandoned, The tired and oppressed, the ones in perpetual darkness and misery. That is who your gifts are for. It has never been about you and neither are your gifts yours.
To continually grow and evolve in your specific area of interest. You must continue to always move forward. You must continue to learn new things and acquire new skills. You must always keep up with new advancements in technologies. You must always diversify with directly related and mutually beneficial  knowledge, skills, training and education.
For Instance: Apply this relationship with your specific area of interest.

The area of growing robotics technologies is directly related to what? Well robotics. But, what else do you need to know? What skills do you need to grow? If you think any particular skill is beneath you or above you. Then those are your chosen set limits. The limits of pride and the lack of self confidence.
In robotics, you need to have a basic understanding of computer science, electronics and mechanics. With only a basic understanding of these three items will gain you an entry level position in robotics.
If you obtain a 4 year degree in computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Then those three together would make you a more desirable robotics person then someone who only has a simple robotics degree.
To obtain future promotions of wealth and responsibility. You will have had to prove your basic skills in welding, pneumatic's, hydraulics, soldering. Plus, the gaining of masters levels degrees in Computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering.
To gain a specific range of desired employment one may need to obtain and grow degrees in aerospace engineering, civil engineering, industrial engineering, nautical engineering and etc.
My example may be excessive to you. Hopefully you get the point. Often times I see to far in the future. The evolution has begun in 2008 or in actually in the early 1980's.  It is my desire to express what I see, what the possible future has in store for humanity in regards to being and remaining employable. Since 2008, I've seen and witnessed good people lose their positions simply because they did not have a college degree. Now, their positions require a college degree and now they are unemployed. I have seen people with a number of years of continuous employment and thus pushed out. In order to minimize the expense of benefits, profit share and retirement. These corporate activities will become or is now common place. No corporation will want any employee to remain with the COMPANY long enough to gain any real use of any benefit package offered. The exception is with the corporate officers. Who will seem to negotiate a benefits package which can be post dated back to a specific year and for the current hiring date. Doesn't seem fair. But, life sucks and then when you realize that, you can endeavor to make it not suck for you or throw your hands up in surrender. Be a Dido.
It is up to you, only to make the necessary guarantees for your own future, your own growth and your own development. You from the year 2000 are no longer apart of humanity who only needed a 4 year college degree to guarantee your employment. Just like those in the medical fields who must have continual education so to must everyone else. No matter their status or placement in society. From now on the importance of a 4 year college degree is the new high school requirement of the 1940- 1960's. Thus the educational evolution begins.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Professional Discipline: (Unedited): 04 Dec 2012:

Professional discipline will never alter or change a persons character. Only GOD can do that or a willingness of the person to respond positively to their own guilt if they have any. C.J.MacKechnie
Professional discipline includes suspension, fines and mandated apologies, They only work and only benefit the organization.  If the individual who has publicly offended people has no guilt or remorse. Then the action will be repeated. You cannot discipline a person into good character. A person must see the difference between right and wrong. Then that person must have an urging to do the right thing because it is good. Any outside influence which involves fear, threats, intimidation only has an affect on the individual in an opposite manor. The person may only do the right thing as defined and mandated by the organization. But, in private they think badly and act wrongly. The fundamental change is only an illusion made for the cameras and viewers.
The disciplined person who has been given a short suspension will consider it a mini vacation. This works for the benefit of both the organization and the person. Especially if the person is an asset which makes the organization a great deal of revenue. Then the governing entity and the organization can publicly claim, that justice has been served. This is all instantly defeated when the person who has been disciplined, publicly claims that he learned nothing of value and enjoyed his needed 2 day rest in Mexico. The lie and deception is revealed by the player. The lie and deception is only a marketing tool used by the governing body and organization to deceive the paying viewer, that something is being done. Which the truth of the matter is nothing has actually been done. Even if the player changes his name to World Peace or love One Another, It doesn't change the essence of the man. Even a name change is a deception for the paying viewer.
It is all about the money. There is no actual discipline or a change of heart.  That's all...
No copies or ink exists.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Opportunistic Situation: (Unedited): 16 Nov 2012: 2 Quotes:

During any desperate need. The opportunistic bad person will take advantage of the undesirable situation for their own personal glory and gratification. Especially, when the good people refuse to take the necessary action for the benefit of the whole.  C.J.MacKechnie
:Villain Hero:
The good people who wait for a hero to save them all. Will discover the charismatic villain who appears to be the hero for them all.  C.J.MacKechnie
This is a take on the wolf in sheep's clothing. What is the wolf interested in when amongst the sheep of his sole control? His thirst for blood and his need to feed himself. The wolf or villain is not interested in the rights or freedoms of sheeple. To lie and deceive the sheeple to do his bidding. Is the thirst for power. 
Such as Adolf Hitler was to pre-WW2 Germany. The wiki people below is a list a partial list of the world's foremost evil villains of all time. Be wary of those who consider these men and others like them as heroes. Because, They are murderers at heart even if they had not killed any people.
History is not my strong suit. But, Here is a question. Is it known if any of these men actually killed anyone by their own physical hands? or did they influence their blind followers to murder the numbers of innocence which has been recorded or estimated?
Although, the modern political leader is mainly interested in the accumulation of personal wealth which can be hidden after being laundered.  Such as Hugo Chavez whose net worth is estimated to be greater than 1 Billion dollars. This is the new way of thinking in the Communist world. What Hugo Chavez has done and is doing is the reason why he is the hero in the communist world. The few who accumulates a vast wealth off shores of their home country while causing their blind followers to pursue a lifestyle of total dedication and a lifestyle absent of any real wealth. Such is the dog who desperately finds the scraps which falls off of the masters table.
The world as we know it. Is due to good people with leadership qualities refusing to take action for the benefit of all.
No ink or copies exist.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Not Fundamental & Outside Not (unedited). 06 June 2012

Not Fundamental
A positive marketing/advertising campaign is not an indication of any fundamental corporate change. 
Outside Not
A positive Marketing/advertising campaign is not an indication of any fundamental corporate change. Which may benefit anything or anyone outside of the corporate structure. 
 I've seen in the history of corporate blunders. The immediate advertisement of a better change for you the customer. Often times this is only a lie and deception. The bad corporations know the people are typically trusting and have a innate desire to believe that which is being told to them is the truth. These corporations use this common psychology for their own best interests. Thus perpetuating their own evil desires for the gathering of their own monetary gods.
Any marketing or advertisement campaign which voices their fundamental change is often times a lie and deception. Fundamental change comes from the top down. Which means the entire leadership must be fired and replaced. If not, then there is not. A greedy and selfish person only feels guilt when there sin is revealed. This outward guilt is merely the correct response that is given and may not be the internal change from within. This is a form of psychological warfare.  The change which is not seen is only in the form of the question internally posed by the evil person or leadership. How can I/we still do as I/we do and not get caught again?
You must see that there is a difference between that which is correct and that which is right. That which is correct is merely the correct response made or proclaimed. This is because the evil person wants to respond correctly to those who expect it. Giving the correct answer which is expected is often times not the right answer. The right answer is the true answer. 
In school it is important for the student to give the teacher, instructor or professor the correct answer that they expect from the student. What is right or true does not matter in the educational system. Especially, when dealing with political, cultural or psychological thinking processes.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.