The 20/20 flip flop was defeated because there were just too many who voted for the winning candidate.
The 20/20 dual reversal could not over come the total number of voters who voted for the victor from both sides of the ideology aisle.
The pride and arrogance of the wicked evildoers simply became blinded with their own self delusion of self intelligence.
Many people may believe in the losers belief system. But, they believe more in their own money, wealth, retirement and ownership. Once you mess with those things the people will get angry and vote accordingly.
Self survival will always kick in when your own team player threatens your money. This is when your own team will vote for the enemy.
When your own leaders begin to threaten those things which guarantee your own freedoms, liberties and human rights. This is when you freely vote to change out your leaders in favor of the accused enemy.
People do not like to be lied to or deceived. When it becomes more than obvious that your own beloved leaders lie and deceive their own followers openly. This is when the freedom to vote for the apparent enemy takes places.
The victor who has been defined as worse than any other famous wicked evildoer will have an opportunity to prove even more lies and deceptions once sworn into office.
The victor who has been defined as worse than all wicked evildoers shall be seen as such if continuation continues.
The new apparent wicked evildoer of a leader has been elected. If a sudden revelation of that were lies and deceptions were to come to the forefront of the citizens of the country. Then those accusations will become known lies.
The demise of one party shall be at hand as many thousands of former leaders become incarcerated, leave the country or commit suicide.
A warning of too much truthful revelation is when those old friends becomes so upset that they disavow the once great nation and may even plan their own attack strategies.
Cheaters, Cowards and undisciplined losers always seems like they will retaliate with any loss even to the degree of destroying their own nation. Watch the wicked evildoers money leave and you will know the time is close at hand.
Cheaters, cowards and undisciplined losers will even viciously attack the victor thus guaranteeing their own dishonor and disgrace.
Your own beloved leaders who are wicked evildoers will destroy everything which includes harming or killing their own followers if they lose even after cheating.
Truthful revelation without prosecution for any revealed crimes committed is a wasted effort and proves that the new leadership are wicked evildoers replacing the old wicked evildoers.
Hidden and kept secret truthful revelations without any real revelation and exchanged for promises of any kind. Shall be proof that the new leaders are wicked evildoers especially in the absence of information to the citizenry.
Once the swearing in ceremonies have concluded if the citizens have not genuinely repented then it will most likely mean the continuation of vile and wicked activities.
If the citizens of the world have not repented of their sins. Then the book of revelation shall be physically experienced by all. Many sufferings shall rain on the just and unjust.
Even if the new leaders are good and just as determined by God and if the citizens of the world do not repent in a timely manner as which is only known by God. Then all that you know shall end and never ending suffering, destruction and death begins.
There comes a time when God shall close the door and then no one will be able to get in or out. Which do you prefer to be the ones who are in or the ones who are out?
Visions: The numbers 20 and 20 have been in my mind for the last week or so. I think it is related to the voting and how up to 20,000,000 votes have been switched. I do not know if 20 million is a total or if 20 million votes were switched to benefit the loser. While an actual 20 million voters voted for the victor instead of their own preferred party affiliation. So is that an actual total of 40 million switched voters?
I did learn something. That I can check to see how I have voted in past elections. I had always thought they were anonymous. If this is true. Then everyone should evaluate their own voting history.
If you know how many actual voters are at your own address. Then you should be able to ascertain how many people voted from your address at any election cycle. How do I know that my votes were not flipped or flopped out of the system? This should be public information.
Those people who are in a position of authority and who are apart of the weaponization of federal agencies as well as orchestrating law-fare practices must all pay the consequences.
If there is no definitive justice as determined by God alone and in His time frame. Then shall begin the never ending suffering shall come to you all, until you are no more.
Even if the good men and women who are to hold positions of power and authority able to clean house and to fully execute blind justice, if the people still do not repent. Then all shall still end and be lost to them as they are added to the sands of time.
Victory is assured and yet no one has been sworn in. When the corruption and crimes are as deep as the ocean. Even good men and women can drown or become like a fat and happy manatee.
Victory is guaranteed and yet the office you do not have. When the wicked evildoers go into full panic is when they will be capable of burning everything down.
Your victories are a certainty. But while crimes are being committed in full view of the citizenry. You need to realize the extent and degree that the treasonous criminals will go through just to avoid prison or execution.
If the wicked evildoers cannot plan and execute all of the good peoples assassinations then they will invite a self destructive war in which they each delusionally think they can remake a country in their own heroic image.
The panicked wicked evildoers may even execute a multi-pronged plan in which each of the plans will create a complete destruction event. Their many plans put into play will succeed as they hope that only one would be successful.
Watch the wicked evildoers. Watch when they all hide their wealth and simply disappear. Watch when the store shelves simply become empty and there is no valid reason why. They are in their secret bunkers as they begin the end of the world.
As I'm writing these last few. I wonder how insane someone has to be to kill and destroy an entire nation. I see plans being formulated and then the plans being given to many different leaders who are all supposed to execute each of those plans. Then they each depart the meeting and go their own way to do their evil deed. It seems like the kind of plan that once implemented they cannot be stopped. I see vaguely a few of the plans in which they each can end the USA and they each are put into action and they each had become successful. Then after many months and invasion begins by many different nations in order to claim their share of the former American pie. It becomes a free for all as they battle one another and former American civilians are shot on site. I'm going by memory of what I've written previously.
It is stuck in my head that their own followers will suffer and die. Just as their professed other political color shall. They do not care. They will only protect themselves and their most favorite servants. But, there will be those who are of the opposite political color and they to shall do their part against the country they all lead. All of them are the worse kind of traitors.
Just in case your wicked evildoers read this. I also saw how when you're discovered by invading forces in your secret bunkers. They will not honor any of the deals you have made. They will kill all of you on sight once your secret bunker is secured for them. Those who are thought to have intelligence will be interrogated first before they are killed. Hence the purple words below is for everyone. When you scoff and mock this is a probable sign that you have already been judged and thrown into the hot place. To God this time and space is not of importance to His presence. So when I say you're already judged and in hell. You actually are already. Even though your still in this select present time and space.
Do remember the fundamental purpose of prophecy is to either mitigate or prevent. My free form style of writing is not as important as the quotes. You probably should not read any of my free form writings.
For now the election is over and yet leaders are still counting publicly proclaimed illegal ballots in full public viewing and will count them official. This is desperation. With no fear of any consequences for their treasonous criminal actions.
Added on 02 Feb 2025:
Be warned you Americans do not worship your political saviors for they cannot save you from anything. It is only Jesus who can save anyone and no other being of declared greatness.
Many Americans will shake their fists at God for the suffering they shall experience. While never acknowledging that all of their suffering is directly related to all of their own collective sins.
It shall be you the self professing social Christians who by mouth only shall suffer the most. Your faith is as empty as your words and deeds. Your heart is hard and cold like an ice cube.
There is no salvation in any human man except for Jesus. Be warned on who you support for their end result may not be Godly, Holy or Righteous in the eyes of God. While in the moment of expressed charisma everything sounds really good.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman==============
Go and sin no more.
================To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.============