Showing posts with label Wicked Evildoers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wicked Evildoers. Show all posts

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Ruling Wicked Evildoer Prophecy +13: (Unedited): 27 July 2023:

 I do not like violence and do not condone violence. This is not permission for anyone to be violent in any way. Human history is full of when the wicked evildoing ruler and his family gets murdered by his own civilian population. This is what is coming. It is essential to know that when the civilian population is disarmed and helpless. They cannot defend themselves. When the civilian population is starved they cannot fight or flee very well. Just like in North Korea.
Before any class of wicked evil doers can take absolute control over their civilian populations. They must disarm that population which does not include just guns but also any aspect of martial arts. 
The few wicked evildoers who govern the many will be torn apart by the good people who have had enough. 
Woe, to those who serve and are obedient to the ruling wicked evildoers for their fates shall be equal to that which befalls the wicked evildoer. 
As the ruling wicked evildoers fall dead within their own pools of blood so to shall all of their family members and most faithful servants. 
It is the ruling wicked evildoers who have taken away law, justice and civility and it will be those who support the new evil ways proclaimed as good who shall die when the truly good people have had enough. 
The ruling wicked evildoers find comfort in their layers of safety, security and protection. But, once those who serve and protect you begin to feel guilt over the loss of their humanity, honor, integrity. Your layers of safety will become your prison before your brutally killed by your own beloved servants.
As you pridefully glory in your wicked evildoing supremacy and how you can manipulate the stupid people of the world. This will not end well for you or your loved ones as your tortured and lifeless corpse is publicly dragged in the streets. 
When the divided people of the world becomes as one. There shall be no place that you can run and feel safe. Even your own personal security forces you shall suspect. 
To mindlessly follow orders will result in the loss of your humanity, honor, sanity and any sense of goodness you once were.
The empty shell of a human you have become can once again be refilled with good after repentance, forgiveness and refusal to do any more harm. 
Note: But, this does not take away the memories. 
Becoming a force of good does not mean causing harm to any innocent souls while ending the source which brings forth evil into the world. 
To believe yourself as good simply because your good at it. Is a powerful delusion sent to you/world by God and a deception sent to you by the demons. Turn away from your mindless evil doing and open your heart once again to love, mercy and compassion. 
Do actual good things one to another and do not simply believe yourself to be good because your good at it. For the demonically evil in the world will celebrate and glorify the violence your good at to continue to spur you on to create even more violent actions. 
Any person can use reason, logic and repetition to become good at their job. This does not mean your good to any degree of what good actually is. Over time as your heart becomes more black and empty you will lose reason and logic. You will begin to find false joy in the death and destruction you cause with every mission. You will begin to enjoy the harsh male banter humor. In the end you will lose your humanity and self as the memories of the innocent souls comes back to haunt you in your dreams. 
All of the evil doing you have ever done will come back for you to steal your sleep just as you stole away those lives. This will be your never ending torment. Then when you die your torment will not end then either. 
I have studied prophecy for the last 40 ish years. I've studied prophecy from many religions and many cultures. I've studied from unapproved prophets and psychics. I've learned much. Yet, here are the quotes I've just written. All the while knowing the good people of the world, suffer die and lose. While God alone returns and is victorious for all of those Good people whom He recognizes. In other words while we all lose this coming worldly war we all win in the end through the coming of God. 
This is the essence of prophecy. Anytime someone has any kind of bad and sad dream or vision. This is an indication that the event can either be mitigated or prevented. Many times the prevention is repentance and a change of heart. While other times it does require some kind of continuous preventative action. I believe this is for all prophecy's written and spoken by all humans at any time. 
Note:The continuous action is purposeful and we get some of that lesson in the Holy Bible with the story of Jonah. While the city of Nineveh(Under Mosul Iraq) was saved. It was only save for 50-100 years and then it was destroyed. So a preventative action was given it was also not permanent.
It is like today how the demonically led evil doers in the world seem to have the power to walk, harm, steal and destroy anything they can. All because the good people refuse to show up in mass and stand their ground. All because the good people refuse to show up in their government buildings in mass to demand no permission of this kind of filth and sin to walk upon their streets. All because the good people refuse to show up at school board meetings and police stations to demand the arrest of school board members and teachers for the distribution of porn to school age children. The vile filth that you see out in the open is all your fault you so called good people who do nothing, who take no good action, who won't even defend the good nature and good character of your own small towns and cities. Guess what even you church going people who go to church by the millions every Sunday. It is your fault as well. It is your duty to prevent any kind of sin from standing in the holy places as well as gaining entry into your own small town. 
If there is to be any kind of filth parade legally going down your street. Every church and every church person is to demonstrate against it and to prevent it from physically happening. My words is not about violence it is more about marching forward in prayer and absolute silence.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.