Showing posts with label Protect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Protect. Show all posts

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Wicked Evildoers Fearful Intent +16: (Unedited): 26 Oct 2024:

When the wicked evildoers who are in authority begins to pass laws and instantly cause you to become criminals. There will no longer be any need to be obedient to any other established law except those established by God. 
When the wicked evildoers who are in authority passes laws which go against God and your own basic human rights. Then there will be no other need for the good person to be obedient to any other law written by mortal man. 
Any official person who is obedient to the tyrannical laws of man and not the laws of God. You can do what is necessary to protect and save any innocent, defenseless and helpless soul.
No matter who the wicked evildoer is. They will always reveal themselves as what they are as they seem to always attack the most innocent, helpless and defenseless first. This is how you will know them.
Wicked evildoers no matter their status or position can be stopped from abusing, tormenting and arresting any innocent, defenseless and helpless soul. 
As a child of God. Once your own self governance has been taken away from you by law or decree. As a child of God you can reject all tyrannical human created laws which abuse, torment or kills those who live and exist by the word of God. 
As a warrior of God. It is your duty to fully put on all of the armor of God both spiritually, mentally and physically. It is your duty to protect the innocent, defenseless and helpless souls from all tyrannical authorities. 
The wicked evildoers are testing the intention, protections and will of God as they continue to use their classified weapons against His own Children.
The wicked evildoers already know they are not killing enough people fast enough. It is the fear of God which holds them at bay. Even though the blessings, protections and grace from God has already been removed. 
Just as all of humanity is in the time of the open door from God. This open door can also be used like the open flood gates by the wicked evildoers as they storm forward killing all that they can. 
You children of God may suddenly become Gods crusaders. So prepare now for that eventuality that may or may not come. In the mean time love one another and train. 
You soon to be warriors of God. Love one another and train yourself up in case the day comes when you the unwilling trained warrior becomes the willing crusader of God. 
You humble and peaceful Christians become an unwilling trained warrior of God so that in the day the prideful and merciless tyrants reveal themselves you can also reveal yourself as a righteous and holy Crusader of God. 
The unwilling warrior who knowingly and willingly become a crusader of God decidedly goes all in, in those times when tyrannical wicked evildoers reveal themselves as they begin killing the innocent, helpless and defenseless. 
It is the quiet and unassuming soul of the humble hero who sacrificially trains themselves up for those possible unfortunate days when they become known as heroic good men.
It is the quiet and unassuming soul who must beat the pride, ego, arrogance and entitlements out of their being for many years or decades in order to walk in faith as a functional and efficient crusader of God. 
The continuous never ending training of becoming an unwilling warrior of God or becoming a crusader of God is a selfless and sacrificial act of love for those unknown souls whom may require saving in some unknown future time.
WORD NOTE: personal note:  The word use of "Unwilling" means unwilling to go make war just to make war. I think this also means someone who may not be a professional soldier/warrior/special forces under the authority of any non believer or wicked evildoer. I don't think truly good people want to fight or thirst for a fight. I have not been a good person and may not be a good person even as I uncontrollably and unknowingly write all of these quotes. Good people do not want to fight or go to war. But, a good person who is trained and capable to fight will get involved in order to protect the innocent, helpless and defenseless. They will not be war mongers or bullies. I have met many martial artists and the majority can kill a person within seconds and yet you would never know as they also tend to be the most quiet, calm and peaceful of people. They seem to be unassuming as well. That is until such a time as when something happens and then without a thought they neutralize the unwanted violent action while expressing much mercy to the individual who is acting badly. I think that a martial artist, warrior, soldier and crusader should all be unwilling to be what they have to become. Which means their unwillingness also means they have become what they have become as a suffering action of love and self sacrifice so as to give their lives if it comes to it in order to save an innocent, helpless and defenseless soul. Which is evidence of my own bad nature as the realization from a few decades ago that I was never heroic as I wanted to become or to be. This is just the cold hard truth of a bad man who only wanted to be good but never was. Only through Christ can I...
Relationship Note: This also includes those medical persons, fire fighters, police, detectives and agents who are doing what they do for the good of all and not just for the money and benefits. This also includes any other do gooder who self sacrifices themselves each and everyday for the benefit of some poor lost soul. While also maintaining their intentional focus on God.
Psalm 82:4
====Signs of WWIII as dated below===
Added on 17 Nov 2024: 
President Biden has just approved the use American made long distance missile systems in Ukraine. President Putin of Russia just gave a warning which states their right to use nuclear missiles in the event of attack on their land. WWIII is close now. 
Added on 19 Nov 2024:
Ukraine has used American made long range missiles against Russia.  
Second sub sea cable cut in the Baltic Sea.
Asia is now a proxy war for Asian powers. 
President Putin warns the USA and lowers nuclear threshold.
Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland warn their populations to prepare for war.
Russia restricts Uranium deliveries to the USA. 
Russia has started mass producing nuclear resistant KUB-M mobile bomb shelters. 
Added on 24 Nov 2024:
Russia mobile nuclear ICBM launchers have been deployed. Awaiting orders for launch. 
Germany plans for a 800,000 troop force. 
NATO plans for an emergency meeting.
Denmark seen moving equipment. Do not know the time, date or reason.
Nordic countries ramping up civil defenses. 
Added on 27 Nov 2024:
NATO tells corporations to prepare for war.
NATO expresses that it may be necessary to conduct preemptive strikes on Russia with an image of a nuclear detonation. Admiral Rob Bauer from Netherlands.
Added on 28 Nov 2024: Corrections and updates made to the signs of WWIII
US Navy to arm Cruise missile Submarines with Nuclear weapons. 
Russia's Sarmat Satan 2 ICBM with MIRV Nukes is deployed.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Demonic Miracles: (Unedited): 21 July 2015:

The coming deceiving demonic miracles, signs and wonders shall be those which causes our own natural senses to lie to our own minds. 
How can we protect ourselves from these things to come which can so easily deceive our natural senses to lie to our own brains? On the reasonable and intellectual level it is impossible. After all, These demons, Fallen angels or space aliens were a part of the reprogramming of humanities language centers during the time of the building of the tower of babel.
On the emotional level it to may be impossible as the emotional state is directly tied to our intellectual state of being. The key is within that mysterious spiritual connection to the divine. By keeping our focus upon the divine. We may able to see the true nature of the coming demonic signs and wonders. These lying signs and wonders can only be seen for what they are through your spirit connectedness with the divine. Through righteousness and holiness as accepted and seen by God. These false miracles may not have an affect on those who are righteous and holy.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Worthless Nothing: Emotional Murder: (Unedited): 04 Feb 2015:

The nothingness that YOU think you do. Is that all important lie that YOU have applied to that thing. Maintaining that worthless decision of YOURS. Will eventually cause you to believe that YOU to are a worthless nothing. Always, seek the meaningful truth in all that YOU do. 
I have witnessed many people belittle themselves and anything that they choose to do in life. Forgetting that we have evolved into beings which do need meaning and purpose. For some being a janitor, a trash collector or a lowly construction helper is a fundamental source of their own inner self esteem and self confidence. While I have seen others who have that college degree or two and find little which is of any importance. But, I can say the same for many janitors, Trash collectors or even the lowly construction helper. Who fail to see that they are of any importance or that their duties is of any necessity.
I have also seen those incredibly intelligent people. Typically those who are not to be embarrassed with a MENSA card in their wallet. In other words. They do not belong to Mensa and consider that beneath them. Yea, a lot of pride for them. Who have dedicated their lives in those unspoken subjects and details. You know those things which everyone thinks they want to know which is so incredibly important to all of humanity. Fall victim to near absolute uselessness. Really. They lose their families and drown themselves within the drink of forgetfulness.
So how can all of these different kinds of people with many different kinds of backgrounds. Find themselves in a nothing job. While others thrive in a job of importance. There can be a variety of causes and events in any persons life.
I think what it boils down to is this. YOU have decided that your job is worthless and means nothing. It's your decision based in your own emotional negativity. Which has brought you to the state you are in now.
It is that simple and it doesn't really matter how or why you got to this point in your life. Maybe, You were to Kool for School. Maybe, you just failed at everything. Maybe, the party life was to important. Maybe, your parents beat you and told you bad and sad things. All of that Bravo Sierra doesn't matter in this here and now. What matters is your current state of negativity. The dark depths of your darkened depression of darkness. Yea yuck.

So what happens if the janitors of the world stopped cleaning? What happens if the trash collectors stopped picking up everyone's trash? What happens if all of the greasy mechanics stopped fixing your broken things? It is only then you see the importance.
But, you say I have sheep skin with my name on it on my wall. That is your accomplishment and now you feel like a trapped cat in some hopeless corner of the business world. You have to ask yourself. Really? While the majority of people like what they do and who they work for. YOU on the other hand think it all sucks. Can't you see it's all about you. You are the problem. But, But. Suzy says she hates it to. Is Suzy one of those friends with everyone kind of people who agrees with everything? Probably. People will agree to agree so that you don't feel so isolated and alone or to make you feel better. That is just basic nice people human nature. To console and to relate and to offer hope.

What do you do. Take time to think about yourself and your actions of recent times. Have you been on the wrong side of the donkey in the room with nice people? Do you even care? Which is the big question. Because, if you just don't care then nothing you do in life will ever cause you any kind of happiness or peace. You have to care. Not caring about a thing or anything is not self preservation of your emotional state. Not caring is the murder of your emotional state in order to protect your emotional state. Read it again.
Emotional Murder: (Unedited): 05 Feb 2015:
Not caring (Apathy) is the murder of your emotional state in order to protect your emotional state.
If you don't care about your job. You will never be satisfied with your job. You may not realize this. But, everyone is empathic to a degree. So when you walk around with apathy. Everyone will know it and become emotionally harmed by your apathy. Do you care about others or even want to care about others? Even while most good people will care about you.
Yes, You may have been filled with apathy for a very long time. It is possible for you to regain your own full humanity. Although, it does mean you will have to go out of your way for others. In the beginning you will be annoyed and bothered. But, after seeing smiles and gratitude. You will slowly get your humanity back. If you smoke. Be sure to quit smoking as tobacco takes away your ability to care.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Even Know: (Unedited): 17 March 2013:

Do you even know who you are?
Do you even know that God would give up a soul or two.
Do you even know that God would do all that he wills, just to protect you, Even if it's ugly for those who come against you.
Anticipate the news this day. Be saddened and humbled. Witness How God is to those who chooses unwisely and how your Heavenly Father shows his love and grace to thee. C.J.MacKechnie
As the good sons and daughters of your Heavenly father. The Sons and daughters who obey the words of your Heavenly father and live your lives which reflect and honor Him. Expect very real actions for your protection in your everyday life. Even if they are ugly ones against those who are against you. Because, you are with God, you live as God want, You do as God wants. All of those who come against you goes against God. Do you even know who you are? Do you even know how rare you are? Do you even know how important you are?
Know that all that you are willing and can do for your own children. Know that God is infinite and will do the infinite for his most loved and precious children. Don't you know yet? Don't you realize? That you are the sons and daughters of a very real Heavenly Father (God). That you are the brothers and sisters of a very real and alive Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lies Children: (Unedited): 28 Oct 2012:

The children will only do what they do for the sole benefit of themselves (Absolute Selfishness). Just as the father of lies and deceptions will only protect and bless his children. So as long as they are of use. When his children are no longer of use. The other siblings will destroy and devour them. The other siblings will embarrass and humiliate the children which are no longer of use both publicly and privately. 
The children of the father of lies and deceptions. May not even be aware of his claim over them. Fore knowledge by his chosen children doesn't really matter as is those who become children of the one GOD, Grandfather or however you name the ONE DIVINE.
Tied to : Hidden Eloquence, Father's Lies
Think of a persons selfish desires. A selfish person isn't going to love one another unless it profits them more. A selfish person will only befriend those who are in positions of power, wealth and authority, again in the hopes that it will profit them. A selfish person will choose only for themselves.
With this knowledge the father of lies and deceptions will protect and bless the selfish person. With these blessings the father of lies and deceptions, knows that the selfish person will do more harm to the world than any other person. The selfish person is the secret agent to Satan. Satan knows that his identity is offensive to many, even to his own chosen children. Regardless of his children's acceptance of him. So, Satan will keep his true identity, claim and purpose for them a secret. Satan will do and reveal what is in the best interest of him solely. After all, Satan's goal is the extinction of the human race. This plan of extinction has much dimension. More than just coming in on space ships or dropping great rocks out of the heavens. To cause the human race to choose to self destruct is more meaningful for Satan than a simple death or our very easy to kill bodies. Think of the logical challenge of warfare as written by Sun Tzu.
Are you getting any of this?
The act for revenge by beings (Fallen Angels) who are incredibly more powerful than us lowly humans are. Should be really easy. But, for some reason. The information about this on going act of revenge has been forgotten or withheld by us. Except for brief descriptions in the Holy Bible. Angels are very powerful beings. They can alter our natural senses and our minds. These angels can physically turn us off like a simple light switch. They are a threat, these fallen angels and we are absolutely helpless alone against them. A movie about extreme revenge is the comic book movie called "Punisher". It is about a family man whose entire family is simply murdered. The Punisher sets out to murder the man who ordered the murder of his family. It would be simple to just go up and shoot them all. But, What happens is the Punisher causes the evil man to kill his best friend and wife. The family becomes extinct as well as the evil organization. Make this over simplified comparison between those who are the fallen angels, who hate us and the actions of the Punisher.
For only reasons which is only known to these demonic fallen angels. Their plans for humanities demise/extinction is prolonged and maybe even designed to prove a point, to GOD.  Who they are still at odds with. Like I said it would be easy to send some grand super space ship and destroy all of humanity in a single ship attack from orbit or hang out in the OoRT Cloud or along the Asteroid belt. Then just throw rocks at our planet until we all are dead.
All that has been done. All that is being done and all that will be done is to cause us to cause our own extinction. All of the lies and deceptions which is believed to be absolute truth is just those collective individual things which is intelligently designed to cause us or to push us into suicide, insanity and finally into extinction.
The next time you hear any speech, communication. Assume for a moment, you are the polar opposite of your current belief system. If you can agree with the speech/communication either way. Know that the speaker is of the Devil. Know that you are being lied and deceived just as those people who are of the opposite belief system as you.
Once you figure this out, that you are just a part of those being lied to and deceived. What do you do now? Think about the extent of the lies and deceptions. Islam and Christians are at war with one another and they believe in different god's. While the Christians are led to believe they each believe in the same God.  How is this possible? Someone is being lied to and deceived. It is not someone, it is both religions and any other group of people who are polarized in their beliefs and who are being collectively lied to and deceived. Is this a new aspect of evil for you to grasp? Now incorporate a level of hate and anger with the rudimentary thoughts of Sun Tzu, plus the additional knowledge of warfare which Sun Tzu did not know, The fictional character of the Punisher and the extents of revenge in order to prove a point to someone else like the One Divine GOD. Add in incredible intelligence. Add in Great Wisdom. Add in all time is yours. Combine it all together.
Added on 01 Jan 2025: Correction's. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Masters Fears: (Unedited): 02 Dec 2011:

Those who protect and safeguard the masters of lies and deceptions. May very well become the fierce doom that the masters have always secretly feared. When all of their lies and deceptions become revealed. C.J.MacKechnie
 What happens to a person when all that they know they know is discovered to be a lie and a deception? What happens if those persons who are in positions of responsibility begin to realize that they have dedicated and given their entire lives for lies and deceptions? Some have even spilled their own blood and have become forever maimed. Who shall pay for thousands of years of lies and deceptions? 
Do not give in to hateful revenge. Do not relent into angers aggression. 
All of the power and authority of the world has always belonged to the common person. The common person/people has just given it all away and can take it back.  Taking it all back does not mean with force. It means to ignore those who have lied and deceived the common people. It means to no longer give anything to those who have only gained for themselves. There is no violence, no killing and no destruction it taking back. There is only the turning of your back.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
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To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John