Showing posts with label Selfishness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selfishness. Show all posts

Monday, March 2, 2015

Dig Value: (Unedited): ?? Feb 2015:

Any society which values their greatness and comfort more than righteousness, understanding and humility. Will become the next archaeological dig for the next ones, who come after. 
This is really very simple. When an entire species begins to become so prideful that their wants and desires supersede all other life and things. They will slowly over time become extinct. Because, comforts and desires is about the here and now. This selfishness will become like a drug addiction.
 Kind of like how social media is today. No one really interacts person to person anymore or they are becoming self isolated by choice. As the new generation of young people go into adulthood. They will prefer to be plugged into the internet than to go outside and to have a person to person relationship with another human being.
Modern friendships will have no personal responsibility to any other person. So much so, that when someone just disappears from a social network. Some may inquire as to why or what happened to that person. But, then will just go on with their digital lives and fill the space with another digital friend.
Eventually, Dead persons will be discovered when houses or rents need to be paid or when their is a great stink.
 The digital lifestyle will become a contributing factor to all of our extinction.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Corporate Family: (Unedited): 26 July 2014:

The flaws of leadership and of management can be accounted by 4 perceptions. Remember it is the rare person who can be both a leader and a manager. It seems in this modern world no one really wants a leader. Because, a leader can break out of the box he/she was confined to by the rest of the officers or corporate officers. Either way a person who can do both lead and manage can and will profit you most in the long term. A leader/manager who is also personable and a teacher is a gift. Because, this very rare type of person will cause an effect upon everyone to work towards their goals from an outpouring of emotion.


A person, group or organization who become purely reactionary in how they manage and lead. may very be the ultimate in selfishness. Their intentions may very well be to pass the buck. Because, in the medium or long term. The consequences of any of their decisions will fall upon the person or persons who follow them. Pure reactionary decisions will gain you the most monies possible in your promised bonuses but at what long term cost? Loss of life? Loss of equipment and property? The negative things which may happen will fall upon others shoulders and the blame will be not placed upon this person(s). Assuming they ever even cared.

Being temporarily reactionary can be a good thing as the person or persons can effectively engage all unforeseen problems which may and will arise. A management/leadership team who also engages their employees or enlisted personnel for advice, input, insight and ideas. Brings all of the wholeness of gifts and talents to bear into hopefully all unforeseen situations.  This is team work. This is family in which everyone is supposed to have a say. This is the corporate home in which everyone is responsible for doing their part. Caring people is what makes an awesome home even if it is within the corporate structure, military structure or which ever organized structure.

Being forced into a reactionary situation will mean you have to mitigate the problem quickly. Then once the new threat is managed and dispersed.  You go into a proactive stance for a time. proactive is this sense means how to put into place those new policies which will prevent any other occurrences from happening again.


Corporate starvation
This is where all of the corporate officers and investors absolutely starve the corporation to near death. This is done by withholding the vast majority of funds for any kind of improvement and or maintenance.
Renegotiating worker benefit and pay packages to lower over all costs to the corporation while at the same time inform all of the employees just how much better the plans are. The corporate officers may even add new benefits which become better over the duration of employment. Then every few years renegotiate all of the benefits so that everyone must start back at day 1 with the new packages.
All the while the corporate officers base pay, benefits packages and bonus programs are all corporately classified. 
There can also be a cycle of where the stocks crest and then fall. The corporate officers can manipulate the stocks rise and fall so as to profit the most out of it. Sell when the planned stock prices are high and buy when the planned stock prices are at their lowest. Repeat the process over and over again. I've seen it being done in the trucking industry. Even though the process can take a couple of years between troughs. It's all how to see the patterns.
The worker turnover is also planned out. By promoting consistent worker turnover. You never have any long term benefit pay outs or retirement payments. Payroll always stay nearly the same. Pay raises never become so high that wages become a problem. By maintain employees at all levels for 4-6 years. Then push them out as in cause them to leave willingly and rehire that position at a lower starting wage.
The corporate officers who actively this form of corporate starvation has no emotional connection to the corporation and is doing what they are doing in order to make them their desired income potentials and windfalls. While at the same time ruining any opportunities for any worker to have any sort of future.
Usually the corporate officers who starve the corporation are also only managing in a reactionary style. It is all about the corporate officers, the investors and nothing else.
Just as in any war time situation. The captors nearly starve all of their enemies of war who have been captured. This is to prevent those in captivity to not have enough strength to make an escape and to protect their own soldiers from any kind of an attack.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Unreachable Fruit: (Unedited): 14 Aug 2013:

It is unwise to cut down the tree which bears the unreachable fruit. C.J.MacKechnie
My son the Bam Bam says this quote should be named "Anger Management" or "Unbearable fruit".
He is 15 and looks like the cartoon character. Except, way smarter.
I went out exploring the other weekend and found my way into the middle of a small forest/abandoned citrus grove in a rain and lightning storm. Not good for a guy who has issues with lightning and other electrical products. I came across an area where some homeless reside. No one was around. Then I came upon a citrus tree with still ripe oranges. I noticed an ingenious tool up in a branch where the oranges were. They were to high to be reached in any natural human way. There was a dead oak branch which could be easily pulled upon which lowered the branch where the oranges were. I thought very smart and very wise of that homeless person. No harm to the tree and the fruit is still alive on the branches until he/she was ready to eat.
When I got home. The family was upset and had gone out to look for me.

Yesterday afternoon as I was on my way home from work. I noticed the community Banana tree had been broken down and it's fruit taken. I was sad. I felt the greed and selfishness. I felt the anger which was needed to harm this tree. Thus, The writing of this quote today.
It is interesting that the homeless person or persons seemed to have more wisdom than those who lived in actual houses.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Apathy's Traits: (Unedited): 23 June 2013:

Apathy's growth within a advanced modern being will begin to cause that advanced modern being to take on more and more animalistic traits. Until such a time when this apathetic disease De-evolves the advanced modern being back down into a basic human animal with no soul. 
Road rage is a modern example of animalistic Behavior. The slower driver is in MY way. The other driver did a stupid thing and I must act with aggression to let the lesser person know he offended ME. Hoping and wishing that the other person will pull over so that I can take violent actions against his lesser than ME self.
Selfishness in the apathetic person also means that they are first at everything. It matters not if the other people are disabled, ill, young, old or female. They will always be first and may respond angrily.
Greed in the apathetic person also means that they will take what ever they feel is of value and act accordingly without any compassion or consideration for others. They will even sleep well at night and use their days planning how to get more of what ever they want. No matter the harm they cause. Because, the disease of apathy causes the modern person to no longer care about any human life except their own. Which is an animalistic behavior that modern person has already De-evolved down to and they are not even aware of it.
Murderous in the apathetic person is survival of the strongest/fittest. The belief that old people must die. The belief that the disabled must die. The belief that useless people must die. The belief that anyone who disagrees with me must be silenced even if that silence means death/murder. This belief would be internal especially if in the modern civilized society. 
Such as the young man whom I met last week who ran over a cat on purpose and his girlfriend said in another conversation that I will just go back to the clinic. This is apathy at 18 Years of age. The young man was probably entertained by his murderous actions. While the young woman believed that the life which grew within her was of no importance.
To watch and cheer on a helpless person being attacked by many as a form of personal entertainment. The bully who pounces and brutalizes a smaller and weaker person. While being thrilled and happy by his or her animalistic actions.
The other new apathetic driving trait. Can be seen when the turn signal lane turns green. They go slow on purpose so as to block or prevent those behind to get caught in red light. This is not an issue of being safe or unsafe. I have been behind these people where once they are clear they then mash the gas to rush to the next light or ram rod through an old yellow light.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Becoming Misery: (Unedited): 23 April 2013:

Misery and despair shall follow the young one who celebrates becoming of legal age to partake. C.J.MacKechnie
The lifestyle which follows the young person who indulges in intoxicating indulgences. Will see many emotional hardships and difficulties in their lives. These new celebrants may not even understand the consequences of their soon to be celebrated actions. Great fun they think they will have and actually may have in the beginning. But, The fun turns into addiction and morality is of no real concern. Selfishness is the point. Fun for me. More fun for me. Fun for me and you. Short term shallow benefits may seem exciting. The long term seems to always be heartache and emotional damage. The severe cases permanent disability and death from alcohol poisoning. Then there is the accidental drug overdose. Kidney, liver and brain damage over time.
There is a price to pay. The cost may be the loss of your family, spouse, friends. The disrespect and dishonor from your own children. Your children continuing on in your lifestyle and becoming better than you at it. That is until your family name and entire blood line becomes unknown and extinct.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lies Children: (Unedited): 28 Oct 2012:

The children will only do what they do for the sole benefit of themselves (Absolute Selfishness). Just as the father of lies and deceptions will only protect and bless his children. So as long as they are of use. When his children are no longer of use. The other siblings will destroy and devour them. The other siblings will embarrass and humiliate the children which are no longer of use both publicly and privately. 
The children of the father of lies and deceptions. May not even be aware of his claim over them. Fore knowledge by his chosen children doesn't really matter as is those who become children of the one GOD, Grandfather or however you name the ONE DIVINE.
Tied to : Hidden Eloquence, Father's Lies
Think of a persons selfish desires. A selfish person isn't going to love one another unless it profits them more. A selfish person will only befriend those who are in positions of power, wealth and authority, again in the hopes that it will profit them. A selfish person will choose only for themselves.
With this knowledge the father of lies and deceptions will protect and bless the selfish person. With these blessings the father of lies and deceptions, knows that the selfish person will do more harm to the world than any other person. The selfish person is the secret agent to Satan. Satan knows that his identity is offensive to many, even to his own chosen children. Regardless of his children's acceptance of him. So, Satan will keep his true identity, claim and purpose for them a secret. Satan will do and reveal what is in the best interest of him solely. After all, Satan's goal is the extinction of the human race. This plan of extinction has much dimension. More than just coming in on space ships or dropping great rocks out of the heavens. To cause the human race to choose to self destruct is more meaningful for Satan than a simple death or our very easy to kill bodies. Think of the logical challenge of warfare as written by Sun Tzu.
Are you getting any of this?
The act for revenge by beings (Fallen Angels) who are incredibly more powerful than us lowly humans are. Should be really easy. But, for some reason. The information about this on going act of revenge has been forgotten or withheld by us. Except for brief descriptions in the Holy Bible. Angels are very powerful beings. They can alter our natural senses and our minds. These angels can physically turn us off like a simple light switch. They are a threat, these fallen angels and we are absolutely helpless alone against them. A movie about extreme revenge is the comic book movie called "Punisher". It is about a family man whose entire family is simply murdered. The Punisher sets out to murder the man who ordered the murder of his family. It would be simple to just go up and shoot them all. But, What happens is the Punisher causes the evil man to kill his best friend and wife. The family becomes extinct as well as the evil organization. Make this over simplified comparison between those who are the fallen angels, who hate us and the actions of the Punisher.
For only reasons which is only known to these demonic fallen angels. Their plans for humanities demise/extinction is prolonged and maybe even designed to prove a point, to GOD.  Who they are still at odds with. Like I said it would be easy to send some grand super space ship and destroy all of humanity in a single ship attack from orbit or hang out in the OoRT Cloud or along the Asteroid belt. Then just throw rocks at our planet until we all are dead.
All that has been done. All that is being done and all that will be done is to cause us to cause our own extinction. All of the lies and deceptions which is believed to be absolute truth is just those collective individual things which is intelligently designed to cause us or to push us into suicide, insanity and finally into extinction.
The next time you hear any speech, communication. Assume for a moment, you are the polar opposite of your current belief system. If you can agree with the speech/communication either way. Know that the speaker is of the Devil. Know that you are being lied and deceived just as those people who are of the opposite belief system as you.
Once you figure this out, that you are just a part of those being lied to and deceived. What do you do now? Think about the extent of the lies and deceptions. Islam and Christians are at war with one another and they believe in different god's. While the Christians are led to believe they each believe in the same God.  How is this possible? Someone is being lied to and deceived. It is not someone, it is both religions and any other group of people who are polarized in their beliefs and who are being collectively lied to and deceived. Is this a new aspect of evil for you to grasp? Now incorporate a level of hate and anger with the rudimentary thoughts of Sun Tzu, plus the additional knowledge of warfare which Sun Tzu did not know, The fictional character of the Punisher and the extents of revenge in order to prove a point to someone else like the One Divine GOD. Add in incredible intelligence. Add in Great Wisdom. Add in all time is yours. Combine it all together.
Added on 01 Jan 2025: Correction's. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Selfish Impatience (unedited) 30 Sept 2006

The impulsive act of impatience that causes another to suffer is an effect of selfishness which in itself is a symptom of a man on the evil path/wrong path. In the end it will lead to his own long term misery, loneliness and self destruction.
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To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".