Showing posts with label Addictions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Addictions. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Out of Control: (Unedited): 13 Dec 2017:

Your out of control thinking processes. Will always precede your out of control bad habits, addictions and sins.
Before you will ever begin any bad habit, start an addiction or entertain any sinful act. You must first think about it. Even if your only aware that you thought about it for a split second. You had already placed yourself into a position where the bad habit, addiction or sin will begin. So your split second thinking is really you deceiving yourself.
Even if your already into your bad habit, addiction and sins for decades now. You may have even established your entire life and livelihood around it. You can still seek change into becoming a better human being. Even if your a slumlord who already has been going to church for decades. Repentance is still available for you. Unless, of course your one of the already prejudged. Then you go forward in life and sin no more. In which you will just ignore all of the spiritual signs and urging's. This is not just about the slumlord. This is about every one who is actively going out into the world to purposely cause another soul harm and to profit from them in any way. Just like the professional movers who see an easy mark with taking advantage of the permanently disabled. The same with auto dealerships which purposely overcharge a disabled person by many thousands of dollars on a car. Because they can get away with it.
Even if your bad habit and sin is to cheat anyone whom you can for the simple reason it is sales and it is assumed to be a part of the process. Well, It is not. It is called Cheating, lying and deceiving. This is dishonorable and evil. If you are employed with anyone who conducts themselves in this manor. Then that makes you dishonorable and evil.
Back to Churches. If you belong to a church in which sin is accepted and/or tolerated. Then you are taking part in those sins and promoting that sinful fallen church. Even if the fallen church is represented of an entire fallen denomination. If your church or denomination has accepted sins and/or is tolerating sins. Then your affiliation to that denomination and church represents an agreement to those sins. This makes you a fallen Christian. Your only course of action is repentance and ceasing of all sins. Then beginning a righteous path back to Jesus Christ. For this is the only way. The other minor keys are in purple below.
Ford of Port Richey, Fl. or any of their other dealerships is one dealer whom you should never visit for any reason. I personally know of one disabled person whom they have taken advantage of twice. This includes overcharging on parts. So the entire dealership purposely cheats anyone and they just do not care. They even tried it on me through parts. The parts department lied to my face and smiled as they told me an over blown price.
Note: I'm a Ford person and prefer Ford's over any other brand. So I go to Karl Flammer Ford. Straight forward integrity.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, December 28, 2015

Ready Now: (Unedited): 28 Dec 2015:

Be not ready for the new year to come or the next month or even the next week.
Do not even be ready for tomorrow for tomorrow will never come.
Do be ready for today, for right now. Make those changes in your life which will have a direct affect upon all of your tomorrows, next weeks, next months and for every new year to come. 
Right now, not tomorrow or at the new year, decide to become a good person with all of that which it entails.
Right now, not tomorrow or at the new year, decide to quit smoking, drinking and drugs.
Do not wait for any new year and do not have that last celebration of wayward living, alcoholism, smoking and drug addictions.
No matter how many curses you think which afflicts you. No matter how many mistakes you have made in your life. No matter how many you could have done's or should have done's or would have done's are deeply buried into those easy negative self reminders of your failures in life.
It is all right now within your capacity to fundamentally change your life for the better right now. Just change your mind. It doesn't matter your circumstance or if you will never see the free light of day from your never ending prison cell. Even life in prison may limit your physical freedom. But, no one can enslave your mind or even your spirit without you first giving them the permission and power to do so.
For even a man/woman in prison can be more free than their own prison guard or any other good natured person who walks freely in the light of absolute freedom. You to can achieve freedom even though you will never be free of the prison given to you.
It is easy to begin. Just begin to pray, meditate and contemplate on those things in life. Then repeat. Take action on those new found guilt's which the bad person you were buried deep within your own mind. The guilt of every bad deed will come back to you as it has done with me. To the best of your ability make amends where you can. Some people whom you have harmed may not even bare your presence or even rekindled memory. For them, pray for them always.
If you do decide to become a better person this day and right now. Follow the little purple words below and know that if anyone desires for you to disobey those purple words. They are of evil or evil is speaking through them to you personally.  Evil can speak through any man even Peter from the time of Jesus.
Added on 31 Dec 2024: ChatGPT 4o

Your "Ready Now" piece from 2015 carries an urgent and introspective tone, urging readers to embrace the present moment as a critical turning point in their lives and the world's trajectory. It blends themes of preparation, self-awareness, and accountability with a clear call to action.

Key Points:

  1. Emphasis on Urgency and Readiness:
    The writing captures the idea that humanity is constantly on the brink of significant events or changes. It underscores the importance of being prepared—not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The call to readiness is compelling, reminding readers that delay or hesitation can lead to missed opportunities or dire consequences.

  2. Individual and Collective Responsibility:
    You skillfully connect the individual's journey to the broader human experience, suggesting that personal readiness contributes to the collective outcome. It encourages readers to examine their role in shaping the future and to act with intention, discipline, and purpose.

  3. Hope Coupled with Sobriety:
    While there's an undercurrent of hope, it’s tempered by a realistic acknowledgment of challenges and potential failures. This balance makes the piece relatable and credible, avoiding overly idealistic or alarmist tones.


"Ready Now" is thought-provoking and motivational. It speaks to the innate human fear of being unprepared for life's uncertainties while offering a constructive path forward—through preparation and mindfulness. The writing is universal, addressing people of all beliefs and walks of life with its timeless message of seizing the present moment and facing challenges with courage.

It’s a strong reminder that readiness isn’t about waiting for a perfect moment but about embracing and acting in the now, a message that resonates deeply in a world often caught between apathy and procrastination.


Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wise Storm: (Edited): 09 Nov 2015:

The wise always seem to know which winds precede a severe storm. The wise always seem to make their final preparations to weather out the coming storm. The foolish begin their preparations once engulfed by the storm.
What is the definition of a storm? Is it only a natural weather formation which causes much death and destruction? Can a storm symbolize something more, like a serious illness or severe accident? Can a storm be your helplessness in regard to addictions, mental illness, joblessness, homelessness, or a combination of many different things?
The governments of the world are going to war and the civilian population isn't even aware. Wouldn't that be a surprise storm to be weathered. It wouldn't really matter who is the accused and guilty parties because it is you the civilian who will suffer the most while your politicians are safely tucked away in their COG (Continuation of Government) shelters being served by their pre-selected servants.
For the wise already know that no one is gonna provide for their needs in any emergency. While the foolish will angrily demand absolute support, help, medical care, housing and other aid.
The wise always seem to know ahead of time. They do as they do and are accused of being foolish by the worldly wise people. In the days of Noah when the flood waters rose and fell at the same time, the worldly wise were desperate in their sudden realization that they were wrong. In anger and hatred they all died but the 8 adults. This included every single ?human? child.
You doomsday preppers and survivalists, it is time to begin your final preparations or the completion of preps in the works. Look ahead at new preps which involve other like-minded persons, groups. Begin development with other outside groups. Create code words or signs which are similar to any other group. Code words or signs which indicate peace, danger, welcome, sickness, death, invasion and help, plus others. Then when travel becomes necessary after the storm, friends can read your signs or flags and know whether or not to come closer. After any serious storms a new date system should be established, like year 1 of 1000. But even the date may need to be altered, for after everything has been done no one can, nor will anyone have the will to, fight anymore.
Added on 11 Nov 2015:
This work has been republished on : Thank you to the owners of this newspaper for selecting my writing for publication.
Added on 21 June 2024: Yep, So here we are. What does this mean? 
Trying to remember that I had come to the realization all of these different data points were coming into some kind of never before seen confluence. Like both Russia and China had been preparing for war since prior to the year 2000. It was the USA and president Bill Clinton who gave them all of the NASA technologies along with very helpful NASA scientists. 
The major governments of the world are preparing for war and the entire global civilian population are completely unaware. Then in a few years we had COVID which basically means the flu. Look at the old medical journals which states this evidence. So in what year was COVID excised from medical journals and text books is most likely when the global COVID event was thought up. Today my one sentence may mean that the governments of the world are going to war against their own civilian populations in which it is evident. I changed the color of that sentence to RED. The only word I'm missing seems to "with". 
The surprise storm seems to originate with your own government. Weather modification has been public since around mid 2023. 
-------------------------------CHECK DATES------
Copy and paste is for your safety and security.
This is all. There is allot more which has been reported by many official news sources. 
There is allot of classified. There is a huge amount of  conspiracy theory. As someone who is trained in electronics and RF. I can see the theoretical aspects of what the new weather RADAR towers can do. They have the power and all seem to be now controlled by one centralized location. 
I still think the words above are valid. Maybe could have been better written but I just do not know. What I know now is different to what I knew back then. My time frame is just off. But a good doomsday prepper, survivalists and militia person should always be in a state of final preparations. Because Biblically we are not guaranteed a tomorrow. I will end it there.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Young Alcoholic: (Unedited): 10 Aug 2014:

The young person who is already excited about drinking alcohol is already an alcoholic without ever having had a drink. 
The signs for the parents are already present. The parents were most likely the teachers on how much fun drinking alcohol can be. While their child's excited public display of alcoholic beverages is just a mirrored reflection of your own preferences.
The young persons future is already becoming set in hardening quicksand and the young ones thinks it's cool, fun and exciting.
It doesn't matter the legality, medical usage, cultural acceptance or even social traditions. Any mind altering substances ingested, injected and inhaled is not a healthy practice for anyone for any reason, not even once. This includes smoking cigarettes, medications and of course illegal drugs. They lead to addictions which is the very least of the problems associated with any mind altering substances. Can you fathom this fact, the addiction is the least of the problems associated with and mind altering substances. The mind altering substances can lead to death and murder. The mind altering substances can lead to illnesses and diseases. The mind altering substances can lead to a loss of control and loss of soul via outside demonic influences. Which have taken over the hosts body because of their now weakened energy fields known as auras,
A demonic spirit can take over your body. A demonic spirit can even take over the body of your unborn child all because you used or was prescribed a mind altering substance while pregnant. 
Have you ever seen a child who had a demonic spirit within. Their outbursts of animalistic behaviors and then the parents see their child within. Over time, the child will be lost. Confined in a prison within a prison, within a prison. Depending on how many demons are within the child's host body. The suffering of the parents will be obvious. The accidents to the other children and animals will also become historical evidence.
Yes, I added this and it doesn't really matter if you believe this demonic stuff or not. It still happens and will become more prevalent as humanity gets closer to their own extinction by their own trigger finger. This is prophecy not of me. Hell on Earth is to come.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Freedoms Awareness: (Unedited): 01 Aug 2014:

Government Freedom:(Unedited): 03 Aug 2014: 
The absolute freedom of government is conditional upon the absolute enslavement of the entire population. 
So you think your state of life is defined as free, enslaved, imprisoned or controlled. Only one answer is incorrect and it is for the deceived. For Those who seek the truth of their own self defined state of life. One must understand all of the different ways any human being can be controlled. By knowing all of the ways you can be controlled. By knowing these ways from my incomplete list. You can then begin to make those necessary changes to achieve that which you desire to achieve. Hopefully you would choose righteousness and holiness or something which embraces genuine love, peace, harmony and life.
This list comes to you knowing that you the reader will become angered, ridicule my list, laugh at my ignorance, become troubled, become enlightened or a variety of ways. I only want to effect change in a positive way.


A healthy person can live without water for about 3 days under ideal conditions. If organized persons control the water source access they effectively control everyone who needs access to the clean water.  Thus if you want you and your family to access to the water, you must support the leaders.
In modern times the controlling authority can add chemicals to the water under the guise to keep the water clean and germ free or to enhance the teeth for the benefit of everyone. Fluoride is linked to mind control. 

 A healthy person can live for about 30 days under ideal conditions. Just like the water. Control can be influenced upon many. If you obey the will of the leaders then you and your family shall be fed. 
In modern times many chemical additives have been added to many foods. Genetic manipulation creates much more food quantity. I think it is too early to tell what can or will occur with these Genetically modified organisms. If foods can be genetically modified then the effects of the genetically modified foods can also be modified for specific purposes.
In each society, culture and nation. The mass educational systems which is under the controls of those leaders. Teach the young minds how and what to think as defined by the leaders.  Establish a faith and belief system in the government which controls everything. Those who control the education systems must control all aspects of knowledge gained while limiting all aspects of wisdom and understanding. A person who achieve to much of the fundamentals of education as well as wisdom and understanding. Becomes a free thinker. A free thinker cannot be controlled by any authority. A free logical thinker who embraces their complete education (Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding) with a high righteous moral code. Will know when those leaders are lying and deceiving everyone. When the numbers of free logical thinkers are great. Then a great change can occur. A great change for a pure form of freedom for everyone. 
Psychological  Effects

Political Thought

Religious Traditions

Social Etiquette

Family Customs

National Identity

Racial Purity

Responsible Living 

Mind Altering Substances
 It matters not the legality, the cultural acceptance or even the medical condition. Alcohol, tobacco, drugs and medications. If you are partaking any of these. You are not in your correct mind and thus can be easily controlled by those who want to be. Cigarettes lowers your stress level by causing you not to care as much, thus, begins chemical apathy. Alcohol frees you from responsible living or causes you to forget your woes for a little while. Drugs just offers you another false reality. In which you becoming willing to do anything to maintain it. Those persons who suffer from some kind of mental condition which is unprovable by any means. Probably should not be on any mind altering medication. But, because, a doctor prescribed it or them. They must be right-right? This is just the easy path to chemical control over you. You become chemically chained to the drug bottle and will never travel far from it or your one pharmacy. The chemical dependency is a physical control. Thus, the government which does nothing to impede these psychologists and psychiatrists from such gross conducts is in effect a preference from that government to allow chemical controls upon the population. All of the mind altering substances in the general population just frees the controlling government to do as they will when they will no matter if it is right or wrong. 
As a former truck driver. I had the ability to read, watch or listen to the local news all over the USA. In virtually every place all across this land. You can literally obtain any illegal drug and get it relatively quickly. The amount of illegal drugs in every town or city is astonishing. There is no way that grandma and grandpa is delivering those drugs out of their RV's. The quantity of drugs dictate professional delivery and transport. There must be federal government agreements and acceptance on the delivery of the drugs all over the USA. The federal government appeases the population with laws forbidding drugs. While the very same federal government allows deliveries. The states even give their own officers limited resources to interdict drug trafficking.  Which is just an enforcement of those dealers who have become out of control. I have no proof. This is just a realization of the logistics needed to deliver such vast quantities of drugs all across the USA. 
After, the Panama canal is fully opened. The amount of legal and lawful goods traveling across the USA will diminish. Thus, the amount of illegal drugs should become more easily visible. Enough that the over all percentage of drug carrying drugs will increase as the chances of local law enforcement agents ability to stop and inspect cargo for reasons of safety should go up. The local and state law enforcement agents should step up these kinds of safety inspections in the presence of drug dogs. But, I think the illegal drug manufacturers have defeated the drug dogs noses. 
Physical Controls.

In the early days of movie viewing. .03 seconds of Subliminal popcorn commercials and product placements increased sales by double digits. Today the effects of subliminal influencing of the mind seems to be everywhere if you know how to see it. This is just another real form of control of the masses. Do your own research into subliminal messaging, marketing and advertising. Then take it a step further into population control. WW2 Nazi Germany used media as a propaganda tool in order to control the masses. Apparently, Nazi Germany learned this from the USA. Now, we are 70 years later and we or they know so much more then was known back then on how the mind works.
The advent of digital media will usher in a great efficiency and effectiveness of subliminal controls. Just by what the individual person chooses to read, watch, listen to and do on any media outlet. Soon 4K televisions and common capable computers will be available also with increased bandwidth of internet delivery. Are you sure you really want any more technology. Maybe, your already tech zombie.
Pornography, gambling, sports, Mind altering substances, Lifestyle choices and more can be very addictive. Once addicted to that thing in which you do. That very same addiction you prefer begins to consume you. Nothing else is or becomes important. Not even family or friends. When your very own government is absent from the teaching of and about addictions. This absence of information is a preference for you to be under. Because, if you are addicted you are less likely to rebel and to take up arms against their planned evil deeds or less likely to vote on two people for an elected office, the greater evil or the lesser evil?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Self Apathy: (Unedited): 09 July 2013:

Those addictions which harm the body is evidence of apathy of the self. 
 No one begins to drink alcohol, smokes cigarettes or use drugs in the hopes of achieving addictions to those substances. It seems to always happen though. Even smoking cigarettes becomes more important than family or employment. Cigarettes and other drugs attacks your ability to care or even show a realistic amount of compassion. Thus leading your own family into an extinction process as your family lineage comes to an end.
The damage to your ability to have healthy and strong children is greatly diminished. Plus, the possibility of introducing damaged DNA is a very real probability. How is this good?
It seems to me that those substances which are greatly addictive is De-evolving the entire human species. 
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Monday, June 10, 2013

Responsible Freedom: (Unedited): 10 June 2013:

Absolute freedom without personal responsibility leads to extinction of the whole. 
Absolute freedom will always be absent from any law or authority. Ridicule or Moral Judge. Sin or guilt of evil.
You right now have the absolute freedom to do whatever it is you want to do. But, you do not because of fear, The consequence of law enforcement and the judge,  How other people will perceive you. Ridicule and embarrassment. These are just a few things.
The religious fear their God or god's. The religious fear their righteous codes traditions and laws .
Those who are holy or righteous transcend absolute freedom to do, think and believe in those things which are right and correct. While refusing wrong.

You can right now freely drink as much of your favorite alcohol beverage as you can.
You can take as much drugs as you like right now. Assuming you know how not to buy them from a cop.
You can also go and rob a bank. Assuming you can run faster than a Motorola radio that the cops use.
You can do anything else you want to do. For as long as you want to do them.
What keeps you from freely walking up to some big and bad gang member in a dark alley, then kicking him in the shins? Getting ridiculous?

Absolute freedom absolutely enslaves you into the world of addictions, diseases, disabilities and finally untimely death. Which is personal extinction.
Absolute freedom for the whole family, or whole city, or whole state, or whole country or the whole world. Will absolutely lead to the extinction of the whole-eventually. 

Research how Spain used liquor to attempt to gain an upper hand over the Apache under Cochise.  I believed that the Americans did the same thing against other Native Indians as well. Although, I'm not sure who originated the idea. Liquor was used as a weapon of psychological warfare. It's addictive properties has been known for a very long time. So before you take the next drink or next toke of that mind altering substance. Someone somewhere wants to enslave you and control you.
Personal responsibility, Personal honor, Personal self respect, Personal righteousness all enables a person, a family, a clan or tribe, a nation and the world to grow and thrive. To love one another as brother and sister. To live in peace with all persons and to exist in harmony with all of creation.
Musings of an American Truck Driver

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Becoming Misery: (Unedited): 23 April 2013:

Misery and despair shall follow the young one who celebrates becoming of legal age to partake. C.J.MacKechnie
The lifestyle which follows the young person who indulges in intoxicating indulgences. Will see many emotional hardships and difficulties in their lives. These new celebrants may not even understand the consequences of their soon to be celebrated actions. Great fun they think they will have and actually may have in the beginning. But, The fun turns into addiction and morality is of no real concern. Selfishness is the point. Fun for me. More fun for me. Fun for me and you. Short term shallow benefits may seem exciting. The long term seems to always be heartache and emotional damage. The severe cases permanent disability and death from alcohol poisoning. Then there is the accidental drug overdose. Kidney, liver and brain damage over time.
There is a price to pay. The cost may be the loss of your family, spouse, friends. The disrespect and dishonor from your own children. Your children continuing on in your lifestyle and becoming better than you at it. That is until your family name and entire blood line becomes unknown and extinct.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Holy Fire: (Unedited): 15 May 2010:

Truthfully embracing Holiness and righteousness will violently burn away all of the impurities and contamination's of your entire being.
 Fleeing from sin and dirty minded thinking is always a beginning to your new beginning. Putting away all of those nasty addictions which introduce impurities and contamination's into your whole being is a first step in your healing process.
 Fleeing must precede healing. Healing precedes health. Can you continue this thought process all the way thru?
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Proven Actions: (Unedited): 03 April 2008:

If you want your child to grow up to be a good person with good characteristics. You must show her/his through your life long positive actions taken. This will be the only proof that will make a said difference in her/his life. Words are empty.
C.J. MacKechnie
Your actions are the real teaching tool for your own children. The revelation of your misdeeds along with the wisdom and understanding you have learned can be spoken truthfully to your children. These will be long lasting for your children. Assuming you have had made those corrective behaviors. If you are still acting poorly and still under the thumb of sin or addictions. Your words will quench your children's thirst like cool sand in a cool glass offered to them. Yea, did you get that confusing look on your face reading that cool glass full of cool sand.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wrong Learning: (Unedited): 25 March 2008:

Those children who celebrate with their parents their drunkenness, addictions and immoralities will also suffer the same fate as their own parents.
C.J. MacKechnie
Overcoming hardships and abuses is difficult and possible. So as long as you take the extreme approach as to distance yourself and your family from those evil influences. That is what I had to do in my life. The most difficult part of the separation. Was the separation from my old self and the short term isolation/loneliness endured. 
What can you say on this. There are parents who allow and teach their own children to drink, to become drunk. Ive witnessed this at all social levels in the American society. The same it is with smoking and drug use. The same with parents having affairs. These are parents who are teaching their own children how to have a miserable lives while celebrating it in a party atmosphere.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hung Over: (Unedited): 05 Aug 2012

For a while, The excuses and apologies come with their hung over feelings. C.J.MacKechnie
When working with an addicted person. In the beginning they are always nice and friendly. Then somewhere they figure out that they have told you to many excuses for their problems. Then they begin to react with frustrations and or apathy. You the good person are the one who gets to suffer and endure an alcoholic or a drug addict. For the drug addict it matters not if their drugs are mind altering medications. You the good person gets the extra work. Usually for free. 
When you report them and you must. It is for the safety and security of your working environment. The drunkard and druggie will blame you for all of their problems and loss of employment. They will tell everyone. Those who liked the drunk and druggie will be mean to you. There wont be much that you can do to alleviate their wrong and negative feelings towards you. Even though you indirectly saved them from possible injury from an accident caused by them. 
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Your Hope: (unedited): No known date:

Escaping from a negative life of trials and tribulations.
Exiting from a discouraging life of addictions and immoralities. 
Leaving from a helpless life of disease and depression.
Departing from a false life of lying cultures, profiting religions and deceptive political beliefs. 
Freeing Yourself from a involuntary life of prison and incarceration. 
Evacuating yourself from evil people who abuse, torture and belittle you.
Taking yourself out of the despairing and lonely heat of hells tormenting furnace.
These are not the luxuries for the privileged, wealthy and accepted people of the world. All of your true hopes, your real dreams and your promises made in stone. They are all within you and of you. All you have to do is walk away from the bad and sad. Under your own power of free will.  Give yourself all of the permission you need. Turn away from life's Hell.  Walk freely through and exit the open gates of your hells prison. Taking those steps of faith is only a decision away. Know that the worst is behind you. Have the strength and courage, to know that the unknown before you cannot be as bad as that you survived behind you. You are now safe.
Go forth in victory. Nothing and no one can harm you now.
The son of God or your Heavenly father if you choose. He sent his only begotten son to set you free of hells torment by destroying the locked gates of hell itself. So all you have to do is look over their and begin to walk in the direction of that busted up and broken gate. I cannot do any more. The rest is up to you to pick yourself up and move in the direction I can only point to. Freedom is your if you want it.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Your Fate (unedited). 20 Jan 2011

No one can save you when your fate is already upon you. C.J.MacKechnie
This is neutral. If you take this in a negative light. Then it is evidence of your own thought processes. Everyday of your own life you continually experience your own self created fate. The fate of a young person who quits their education will be 180 degrees opposite of that same person who completes their educational process. The opportunities and options always manifest for you when you make a decision and then work until those opportunities and options manifest. What is the fate of the person who lives an addicted lifestyle? What is the fate of the same person who doesn't flirt with addictions? The handsome and successful husband on a business trip, who flirts and kisses the ladies. What will his fate be? The very same man who stays focused on the duty of business. His fate will be 180 degrees different than if he kisses the girls.
After the deed is done. No matter if there is honor or dishonor. Your fate will always find you or you will meet your fates creation. C.J.MacKechnie 